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  • What a walk. How to do brisk walking. How much to walk for weight loss and health

    What a walk. How to do brisk walking. How much to walk for weight loss and health

    Walking for a person is a habitual motor act and at the same time it is considered an effective means for losing weight, promoting rejuvenation and improving mood. This type of physical. activity leads the body to normal proportions, and, most importantly, improves health. As a result of scientific research, it was proved that brisk hour walking adds two years to the total life expectancy.

    In people with some cardiovascular risk factor that is adaptable or active, the specialist adds, it reduces the relative risk of premature death compared to sedentary people without risk factors. It also aims to initiate a moderate to strong intensity physical activity program, such as walking at a good pace, reducing all causes of death by 23%, regardless of changes in body composition. Therefore, “the lowest mortality rates are for those with a higher level of physical form, regardless of their body weight, ”he says.

    Walking for weight loss does not have any age restrictions - many older people do this type of exercise and, in most cases, leave positive feedback on the benefits of such physical activity, which is especially felt in combination with morning exercises. The main thing is to remember that in order to achieve a noticeable result, regularity and constancy are important in the first place: several classes do not yet guarantee getting rid of extra pounds and a noticeable improvement in health.

    Exercise Getting Started Tips

    According to the World Health Organization, a sedentary lifestyle is the fourth risk factor for cardiovascular disease, accounting for 6% of all deaths in the world. This is how this organization promotes campaigns aimed at promoting the habit of walking, cycling or practicing various sports.

    Therefore, the key recommendation is “to accumulate at least half an hour of physical activity, at least moderate intensity, every possible day,” says Colado. Planning is also important. In the initial or fitness phase, it is convenient to learn the correct walking technique. According to this researcher, you should start with low intensity and short duration. This phase can last up to two months. Later, the pace can be increased, thus accessing the improvement phase. An increase of 5-10 minutes per session every week is usually well tolerated. Once the duration is expected, the intensity should be increased by 5% -10% every six workouts or every two weeks, but never increase the frequency, intensity and duration together in the same week, he explains.

    How to achieve better results during training

    Get your route as far away from the roads as possible (for example, in a park) to use only air without harmful impurities for breathing. Choose clothes light, free, made of "breathing" fabrics. Remember that training has a better effect on the process of losing weight in the morning - on an empty stomach (you can do it only after an interval of two hours from eating). Evening training is recommended between 16-19 hours: later may cause insomnia.

    Depends on the limits and conditions of our body, sports practice can have a beneficial effect on the heart or, conversely, suggest a risk of cardiovascular disease, especially for those people who are not prepared or accustomed to physical exercises. In addition, the “Spanish Heart Foundation recommends a medical examination before intense physical exertion,” he says.

    Exercise should always be performed taking into account the physical conditions, age and characteristics of each person. But without a doubt, the most important thing, Colado concludes, is that walking should be a pleasant act that promotes reunion with oneself, with the environment, and even with other people.

    To choose the most suitable way to lose weight, it is worth paying attention to several points:

    • walking at a fast pace promotes weight loss - calories are burned the more, the higher the pace of movement;
    • benefit fast walk   it is palpable for health when exercises bring joy, and do not deprive oneself due to excessive load;
    • maximum performance is observed at 10,000 steps in one session - this figure should be achieved gradually, taking into account your own well-being.

    Time to lose weight depends on factors such as initial weight, health status and nutrition, but, in general, is one to two months. There are people who quit classes after three weeks due to lack of noticeable results   - This is not worth doing. Preliminarily, warming-up stretching exercises (lunges, swings with arms and legs, turns, as well as inclinations) will not interfere - and then proceed to classes. It will not be superfluous to stretch at the end of the workout.

    Exercise to lose weight should be done correctly, because otherwise it will mean that the process of burning fat takes longer than expected. Here is an analysis of a few simple training procedures that are ideal for achieving weight loss and other useful methods for fast weight loss.

    Jogging, aerobic exercise to lose weight

    Aerobic training has become popular among people who want to lose weight. And it is clear that they are very effective if, in one session, fat is burned in significant quantities. But not everyone is happy if a person already has problems due to overweight, the aerobics class can be very strong to achieve the burning of favorable fat and even more when additional efforts are made, trying to keep up with others. Practitioners with better physical condition looking for weight loss.

    You should not perform this type of physical activity with health problems such as high fever, heart attack and stroke, malfunctioning heart rhythms, glaucoma, and high blood pressure. To exclude any negative consequences, it is recommended that you go to a medical consultation before training to find out what the effects of brisk walking are on your health: cardio loads, stress on the spine, joints, brisk walking from pressure, etc.

    At the same time, breathing becomes quite difficult, as a result, carbohydrates become an outstanding fuel, which reduces the amount of fat that burns up to 30%. In these cases, the most recommended, as well as reasonable, is that any normal or physical work schedule programmed for weight loss begins with quiet walks. After a week, the exercise can change the intensity, and you can walk a little faster, in order to achieve a better physical condition, so that aerobic exercises that develop later, are more effective.

    How useful brisk walking

    Only regular workouts conducted 3 times a week are useful (the best option is five-day classes). At first, the exercise “brisk walking” can take about half an hour and be performed at any (but not walking) pace convenient for you. Despite the small load, training is carried out before the appearance of perspiration. To effectively get rid of body fat, all these recommendations must be followed by you.

    Lower your belly every day

    Exercise consists of walking, according to those who know, one of the most effective to lose weight quickly. That's all, because the level of fat that can burn is quite high, however, the degree of intensity that the passage has will be determined by its real effectiveness. This exercise burns a large amount of fat that is stored in the body, although it also manages to burn a large amount of calories, especially when it is performed at a hasty pace and for a considerable time. This balance, which must exist between fats and total calories, is the main goal that all programs or plans of exercises designed for weight loss or weight loss are outlined.

    Proper brisk walking normalizes arterial pressure, reduces the possibility of osteoporosis (due to the strengthening of bone tissue) and stabilizes the nervous system. In addition, the secretion of insulin required by patients with diabetes improves, muscle mass is increased, and a general preventive effect on human health is also provided.

    Lose weight, run a mile in just 7 minutes

    To achieve this, walking is the best start for anyone who wants to achieve significant weight loss and, thus, improve their physical condition. When you run a mile in 7 minutes, on average, when you manage to burn more calories per minute, the vast majority of people who travel this distance think that it turns out. When you see them, these runners look slim and thin, however, it is not a good idea to run in such a way as to lose weight.

    Using walking as a means for losing weight, it is important to adequately assess your own strengths and not overload the body beyond measure. This is especially true for the first training. But since it takes fast movements to start the process of fat loss, the corresponding loads are needed. Driving speed should be at least 6 km / h. When maintaining the pace, the costs that brisk walking will require are one hour or 40 minutes. At this pace, you will be able to walk 5-7 kilometers. Next, we consider the basic rules of classes for this type of physical. loads.

    With this exercise, the maximum that can be achieved is that 80% of the fats and carbohydrates that are stored are burned. The problem with burning large amounts of carbohydrates is that this leads to an increase in appetite when it needs to be controlled. Now this does not happen, for example, with trained athletes, in this the muscles have already reached the adaptation process to the level of intensity and physical exercises that are achieved over the years of practice, processes that are correctly supplemented by better breathing, a situation that accelerates the ability to burn fat, even with more high physical needs.

    Quick walk rules

    To brisk walking brought only benefit, you must follow certain rules:

    • In one lesson you need to do about 10,000 steps. You can purchase a pedometer to count movements.
    • The pace increases gradually to avoid a sudden overload of the heart and blood vessels.
    • Each workout begins with a light workout. Perform a set of morning exercises.
    • For this type of exercise, such as brisk walking, how many calories burns one workout, depends on the time of its exercise. Most calories are burned in the morning before breakfast.
    • As a shoe, the best option is sneakers with a hard back and flexible sole. The rest of the clothes should be worn according to weather conditions and not restrict movements.
    • If walking with a brisk pace outside the stadium is more suitable for you, consider a route that will allow you to maintain a steady pace of training.

    Researchers from the USA and European countries answered the question of which is better - brisk walking or running. They are recommend brisk walking   as the best remedy for weight loss and maintaining human health. According to the results of their work, they came to the conclusion that among all varieties of physical activity (including running, swimming, exercising on simulators, etc.), it is walking that is most effective for weight loss. Those subjects who walked five times a week for only half an hour, in the end, the clothes were one size smaller than the rest of the participants. At the same time, the waist and abdomen after walking women were 4.3 cm thinner than after running and other workouts.

    Reduces the risk of disease.

    Fast movement is one of the simplest and easiest exercises, and is also suitable for all ages. Take a look at the following information and find out why you should walk every day. Walking regularly reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. In addition to heart disease, the benefits of walking include reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, asthma, and certain cancers. Those who walk actively are 20 percent less likely to develop cancer of the colon, uterus, and uterus than less active ones.

    If you are trying to lose weight, you will need to burn about 600 calories a day more than you eat. Walking is one of the easiest ways to do this. This activity also increases muscle mass and tone, and the more muscle you have, the more your metabolism burns calories, even at rest.

    How many calories are burned when walking fast

    For one kilogram for 60 minutes. have to next calories burned: 4 km / h on the road - 3.2 kcal. At a speed of 6 km - 4.5, at 8 - 10. Driving uphill at 2 km / h will require 6.4 kcal. Movement in nature - also 6.4. Exercising on an asphalt road will save you fewer calories than walking in the forest. If you walk together or take a dog, then the calorie expenditure will be even higher.

    Physical activity has a protective effect on brain function, and regular exercise reduces the risk of dementia by 40 percent. Older people who walk six miles or more a week avoid brain shrinkage and thus retain memory for many years.

    Another advantage of walking is that it stimulates and strengthens bones, increasing density; something very important, especially for women. It also helps maintain joint health by avoiding diseases such as. A good walk can help strengthen and shape your legs, while also working with your calves, quadriceps and buttocks, especially if you add hills, mountains or steps to the activity. In addition, if you pay attention to your posture while walking, you can also push your abs and gradually reduce your waistline.

    To control calorie burning is not superfluous count stepsspent on one workout. You can use the following approximate data:

    • a speed of 3 km / h requires 50 steps / min;
    • 4.5 km / h - 75;
    • 6 km / h - 100.

    Given all this, you can quickly figure out which speed will be most optimal for achieving the best results - 10,000 steps per workout (a speed of 3 km / h is an ordinary walk; 5 km / h is an average pace).

    Walking increases your circulation and oxygen supply to every cell in your body, helping you feel more alert and alive. It arouses joint stiffness and relieves muscle tension, making you feel less lethargic. When you have low energy, go for a walk and you will notice the difference.

    Studies have shown that regular moderate-intensity exercises can be as effective as antidepressants in mild to moderate cases. Walk active endorphins in the bloodstream, which reduces stress and anxiety. In addition, do not forget that this is a social activity in which you can join a group to walk, talk and get to know each other, which is a great way to get rid of feelings of isolation and loneliness.

    For weight loss, it is also important to eat right. During elementary classes   you already feel that walking gives you fast, and be sure to lose a few pounds. However, to continue training, you should adhere to simple recommendations. Exclude from the diet   baking, sweets, sausages, smoked meat, carbonated drinks. Do not eat boiled cereals, meat, fish. On the table you must definitely have vegetable and fruit dishes, as well as dairy products with low fat content.

    This is one of the most beneficial activities for health due to its many properties. Even recently, it has become an excellent substitute for training in the gym or even running, where the damage done to athletes is much greater. It is also available to everyone, regardless of age or economic situation. Among other things, this allows us to improve the cardiovascular system and respiration, but also serves to burn calories.

    The idea of \u200b\u200blosing weight requires a certain sacrifice, so we will have to take this very seriously. This does not mean that you should be obsessed with physical work. Look at it as another task, where you go through the stages of labeling, and you can check the evolution on a scale. There is no need to trust all monotonous diets and exhaustive exercises in the gym. Key moment   is the balance provided by a varied diet and sporting activity that entertains us, and it’s nice.

    A full-fledged life and a toned figure are in fashion today, like never before. A large number of people are trying to achieve the right proportions of their own body with the help of ineffective methods of losing weight or while attending grueling workouts. According to experts, training should be stress-free, which this type of fitness, such as brisk walking, will definitely help. For best results, a positive attitude and a healthy, balanced diet are desirable.

    Walking can be a very interesting proposition, whether accompanying or lonely. Walking is a very simple option and is suitable for everyone. There are many people who confuse a walk with an intensive walk. The first option does not have as many health benefits as the second. It is important to find the rhythm and speed in which we feel comfortable and allow us to walk with the proper technique. In an adult, the correct rate of weight loss can be an average of 5 to 6, 5 kilometers per hour.

    Consistency is important when it comes to achieving results. It will be of little use if we devote ourselves only to walks on weekends, and the rest of the days we stay at home to rest. It would be advisable to at least half an hour of exercise per day, until 150 weeks are received. Sessions can be distributed according to the needs of each of them, trying to adapt them to the schedule.

    Video. 10 rules for walking for weight loss

    A modern person, practically devoid of connection with nature and normal physical activity, is not distinguished by good health and endurance. You can regret it and lament, discussing this problem with friends and colleagues at work over a cup of coffee with a butter roll, or you can find an acceptable way to keep yourself in good shape and not gain weight - in addition to those kilograms that are already available. Not everyone succeeds in visiting gyms, fitness clubs and even a swimming pool, but we all know how to walk from childhood - this is where you can start. Walking is not forbidden to anyone - this type of load can be called universal, and even a daily half-hour walk at a fast pace can help significantly improve well-being and.

    The benefits of walking for weight loss

    How useful is ordinary brisk walking? In addition to the fact that this simplest type of load allows you to actively spend extra calories, which we now get more than enough, walking has many more useful and healing actions. It normalizes blood cholesterol and insulin levels, blood pressure, prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis, reduces the effect of stress and overload on the body, strengthens muscle tissue, increases muscle volume, etc.

    Weight Loss Walking Technique

    It differs from the “simple” walk not only in pace, but also in technique.

    First you need to walk at a normal pace for several minutes to warm up your muscles. Gradually, the pace accelerates: you need to straighten your shoulders, tighten your stomach, and walk fast - at a speed of about 6 km / h. How to determine your speed? The simplest way: doing 120 steps per minute (or 2 every second) is easy to calculate.

    Another way to find out the “correctness” of the tempo: while walking, you should be able to talk, but not to sing - if you can sing, you must add a step.

    The whole foot should work: you need to put the heel first, then roll on the toe and push harder - work the two the same way. Ideally, imagine your foot as a round ball that needs to be rolled on the ground - from heel to toe: this way you can use up more calories and keep your spine healthy.

    Posture should be even: the back is straight, the shoulders are turned and freely lowered, the head should be kept so that you look forward, not under the legs; belly tightened, buttocks too.

    The pace of walking is accelerated not by increasing steps: just rearrange your legs faster, helping yourself, bent at an angle of 90 ° C - no need to press them to the body.

    You need to slow down at the end of the walk gradually so that the muscles do not hurt: slow down and walk slowly until the pulse returns to normal. While walking, try to breathe through your nose.

    Before you go for a walk, you need to drink a glass of water and take a small bottle with you: you can periodically take a few sips to prevent dehydration.

    How to make walking for weight loss more effective?

    The effect of fast walking will increase if you follow a few simple rules: first you have to control yourself, but then you get used to it, and everything will turn out correctly "on the machine."

    Equipment is very important, namely shoes. Now many stylish and fashionable sneakers are on sale, but their appearance is not the main thing, but the sole should be moderately elastic and easy to bend; if necessary, put soft insoles in sneakers. Clothing can be anything - just to be comfortable, but it’s better not to wrap yourself up: even in cool weather, try to put on less - of course, everything is within reasonable limits.

    You need to go every day, or 5 times a week, at a convenient time: in the morning it is preferable - experts say that fat is burned faster, but it’s better to “go for a walk” even late in the evening than not to go at all; however, no later than an hour before bedtime. It is enough to walk at a fast pace for 3-4 days for half an hour, 2 days for 45 minutes, and one day for an hour: this is a weekly minimum, but if you can do more, do it.

    For walking, it is better to choose quiet places: it is good if there is an open stadium or park nearby, rugged terrain with hills, or at least a street where traffic is limited. Ideally, you need to go on soft ground, but in cities this is problematic, so once again we recall: shoes should be as comfortable and sporty as possible.

    Heart rate tracking: why is it needed?

    It is not necessary to monitor the pulse every day, but it is necessary to do it periodically in order to know and regulate its frequency. The fact is that with too frequent a rhythm of heart contractions, the body will begin to expend carbohydrates, not fats, and, instead of losing weight, you will feel weakness and loss of strength. From the number 220, you need to subtract your age, and multiply the resulting number by 0.65: for example, in 30 years, the acceptable frequency is 125 beats per minute, in 40 - 117 beats, etc.

    Walking for weight loss: the more the better

    How much do you need to go a day to improve your well-being and lose weight? 2-3 thousand steps will be enough to improve your well-being, and a pedometer will help here: now there are various variations on sale - even with the calculation of calories burned. Without a pedometer, you have to “count” kilometers, and here the norms depend on physical parameters: for example, a woman of short stature will have to take about 1,500 or even 2,000 steps to walk 1 km, and for tall ladies and men everything will be completely different.