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  • How to do walking on the street. How effective is brisk walking for weight loss. Right brisk walking

    How to do walking on the street. How effective is brisk walking for weight loss. Right brisk walking

    Fast walk  slimming is very effective. It is brisk walking that is more productive for losing weight than moving at a different pace. And often with the help of walking for weight loss, you can achieve results no worse and even better than running.

    Let's figure it out:

    • how weight loss occurs while walking;
    • with Nordic walking for weight loss;
    • which is more effective: running or walking for weight loss;
    • what you need to remember.

    Walking for weight loss: what happens with being overweight

    A person weighing 60 kg per hour consumes:

    Variable courses. Choose a dish to start. Then plan excursions with different heights and topography. “It’s good to change muscle motions, and this avoids monotony,” says koar Arya Jalkanen-Meyer. Do not eat anymore. “That's what sports people do,” said Stephanie Cross. Be careful, this is a trap: if you want to lose weight, you must adhere to the same diet as before the workout. Also, do not forget to moisturize yourself before and after the session and regularly drink sips of water.

    Warm up. Five minutes is enough. “It is important that blood comes everywhere, so activate your whole body,” recalls Arya Jalkanen-Meyer. Do not miss the recovery. “Stretch for at least 5 minutes,” insists Arya Jalkanen-Meyer. This speeds up the elimination, which is important, especially if you want to lose weight.

    • during sleep - 50 calories;
    • sitting at the table and writing a document - 100 kcal;
    • walking calmly - 190 kcal;
    • with fast walking - 300 kcal;
    • when jogging - 360 kcal.

    These figures do not mean that, having walked for an hour, we will "burn" fat at 200 kcal. Fat reserves are not immediately consumed.

    The body draws energy from glucose that enters the bloodstream as a result of the digestion of food.

    Those who did not play sports for a long time and did not feel that they were going straight to run. Those who do not like to run. It is practiced regularly and dynamically, it tones the muscles of the lower body, especially the hips and buttocks. At the end of the session, you feel good, but not exhausted, as after a run.

    At least twice 45-60 minutes a week, three times, if possible. “Music,” says Stephanie Cross. Namely, a pair of sticks costs from 35 to 85 euros. It is advisable to wear shoes for shoes. Where do we do it? Rather, in nature, but also in the city, in parks. You can put the tip on the tip of your stick to practice on bitumen, but it is better to choose the field in which the tip drops.

    After its consumption comes the turn of glycogen stored in the liver and muscles. And only after he “burns out” fat comes into play, which, in order to be consumed, turns into glucose.

    That is, in order to "get" to fat, you first need to burn all the sugar reserves.

    If the intensity of movements is such that all sugar is not consumed, then there can be no talk of any weight loss.

    Great activity when you want to lose weight, because you work in endurance. Is it possible to find out? We can do without going through a professional, especially for many. For whom? Those who want to spend and reconnect to the good feelings that the sport provides.

    We eliminate stress and we spend maximum energy, while muscular buttocks, legs, and abs, especially on thin oblique waist. At least two sessions of 30 to 45 minutes a week, another for the most motivated. The goal is to reach 45 minutes 60 minutes. Performing stamina, that is, with a heart rate that causes the body to consume fat, is the most interesting thing when you want to lose weight. You should be able to speak during the effort. If it is difficult because you are too out of breath, it is because you are working in resistance.

    Hence the main condition for walking for weight loss:   the intensity and duration of the session should provide the most complete consumption of available glucose with subsequent involvement of fat reserves in the metabolism.

    Now it is clear, that fast long walking for weight loss is much more effective than an easy and short walking step , because it allows you to consume glucose in large volumes, and then fat.

    At this speed, the body consumes the energy necessary for sugars. First of all, we cannot work long because it is much tiring. We use free help or free help. A remark that would be, first of all, for women.

    Intensity is the key to success

    In other words, in practice and at equal frequency, according to the researchers, indeed the intensity of physical activity allows you to control your weight. Provided, of course, that this follows and that the practice is regular. Intensive effort is the key to efficiency as it burns more fat. He gives an example of a separation method in work practice: We alternate intense efforts over a short period of time with periods of recovery, and we spend more energy. The body begins to paint with sugars, and as soon as they are exhausted, it burns fat.

    It is believed that to "get" to fat, you need to train at least 30 minutes. It takes so much time to spend the stored sugars in the body.

    The more intense the training, the more the metabolism accelerates. At the same time, an accelerated metabolism does not end with the end of the session. Fat will continue to be consumed even after it, restoring the level of glucose in the blood.

    Athletic trainer Romain Moreau explains that by repeating the same practice over and over, the body gets used to it, which makes work less effective: Strong effort requires more muscle and supports muscle mass. The more it is produced, the more calories are burned in the medium and long term. run.

    According to the study, researchers at the London School of Economics see excellent arguments for a public health campaign and curb the plague of obesity in England. It also allows people who have gained a lot of weight so as not to weaken their joints.

    Nordic walking for weight loss

    During normal movement, a lot of muscles are involved in their two. At the same time, the upper half of the body still remains somewhat “deprived” of the load.

    One study showed that, exercising with sticks an hour three times a week, athletes lost an average of 2.5 kg in 3 months . At the same time, not the slightest changes were made either to the nutrition system or to the lifestyle.

    The idea that goes beyond the tonic rhythm in everyday movements is to practice it like running in regular sessions for about an hour, but you can also speed up the pace with each movement on foot to optimize every movement! The ideal thing is that you can start your own pace and increase your speed during sessions! It can be practiced at any age at any time of the year without any specific material, even if it is often practiced with the help of hockey players and everywhere: this is the easiest way!

    Weaker movements than running can improve joint health with repeated, but non-violent movements. No wonder we say "I'm going out a little rusty" after you sit in his office for 3 hours without moving. Indeed, the heart will diligently bring oxygen to the muscles in large quantities. Thus, it strengthens the heart muscle and its ability to contract and, thus, beats more efficiently.

    What is more effective: running or walking for weight loss

    Given that 360 kcal is more than 300 kcal, the conclusion is that jogging is more effective (about running for weight loss).

    However, mathematical calculations are not always justified. A lot depends on the physical capabilities of a person and his preparedness.

    If you are able to run 30 minutes non-stop - run, if you are close to such a duration of classes - alternate jogging with fast walking (interval running), if it is too early to dream about jogging - go as fast as possible for you.

    In addition, the phenomenon of sweat acts as a detoxification of the body, which eliminates toxins. Think about the drink! Line of benefits: weight loss and tone. The euphoric effect and effort act as a suppressor of hunger and reduce impulses immediately afterwards, and this exercise promotes digestion. In addition, of course, one strengthens the body, affecting all muscle groups, but mainly the muscles of the legs and buttocks!

    This is one of the only sports that can lose weight, even when you start. This will not only allow you to lose weight, but also improve stamina and sculpt legs and buttocks. Do at least two sessions a week and you will see the first results in three to four weeks: the hips are more firm, less cellulite and probably one or two pounds of weight!

    At the same time, having too much weight, it is better to wait while running, because the shock load on the joints of the legs and spine is too high.

    People with a lot of weight are tempo walking  become non-alternative because during walking there is no flight phase, which means that the shock load on the joints and spine is much less than when running.

    If you do not have enough energy before or after the session, eat lit natural yogurt or fresh fruit to forget about your hunger. Be careful, energy bars, sweets and other cakes should be avoided: they can increase your pace. Do not forget to hydrate yourself an hour before training, and after an hour - with mineral water.

    You will lose not only in the buttocks and legs, but also in the stomach. This gentle and anti-stress activity is a real asset to lose weight, without even realizing it, now you have to choose one of. Walking in the open air is an activity that restores 360 degrees. Breathing and moving the whole body with brisk walking is essential for the health and well-being of the body and mind. For this reason, it is recommended to maintain routes from traffic and pollution in order to “saturate” the body and mind with oxygen.

    It turns out that walking at any speed gently affects the body. And this is one of its advantages (about the benefits of walking).

    Classes in Nordic walking bring fat consumption to a level comparable to jogging.


    1) If you are trained, do not have contraindications and big problems with obesity - to control weight and improve physical form  run or go Nordic walking with sticks.

    Stress is felt every time you encounter a problem, at work or in everyday life. Always using a break for a walk is an opportunity to separate the brain from the worries of everyday life. Walking at a fast pace, the body produces an amount of endorphins 5 times higher than at rest. Endorphins, called "hormones of happiness", are a source of well-being for the body and mind, which allows you to develop positive thoughts and prevent stressful depression. This gives rise to a sense of calm and tranquility, which is perceived during and after physical activity.

    2) If the initial body weight is too high, regardless of physical condition, just go walking or Nordic walking with sticks with clear tracking of the load and progress in sports.

    How much to walk for weight loss and health

    The daily motor minimum is 10 thousand steps (5 - 7 km). Usually, if we take 3 thousand steps, it’s already good. I.e to maintain and increase health, at least 10 thousand steps must be taken per day .

    We all know factors that increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Thanks to regular walking practice, cardiac muscle training is the best way to protect us from cardiovascular problems. Being moderate in physical activity and endurance, fast walking promotes blood circulation. In addition, being a physical activity free from impact on the ground, such as running, brisk walking, associated with diet, it is recommended to lose weight in those who are overweight.

    The heart is a true tool for measuring shape and intensity of effort. During the walk, you can always have a conversation and breathe deeply and regularly. If your heart rate is too high, you will miss your breath and you will feel tired. Combining the right breath in the right dose of effort, you will enjoy all the benefits that brisk walking should have offered your health.

    For to start the process of losing weight, you need to go continuously quickly for at least 30 minutes . Even better, an entire hour.

    Walking quickly over the course of an hour, we kill two birds with one stone: we make the necessary minimum of movements that ensure health, and we launch a fat-burning factory.

    10 thousand steps you need to go every day.

    Burning movement should be practiced from three to five times a week, depending on the physical condition and parallel fitness classes.

    To find out your maximum heart rate, you must undergo stress testing at a sports medical center. Otherwise, it can be calculated empirically in this way: 220 is the number of years. It is recommended that you use a heart rate monitor to monitor your heart rate during exercise.

    After training, your heart rate will decrease at rest, while you will notice a less rapid and less rapid increase in heart rate during exercise. Continuing practice in practice, one can thus support increasingly intense efforts, because the heart will always be stronger.

    1) Clothing and shoes.

    Requirements for equipment are the most democratic. It should be comfortable, sit well, not restrict movements and be seasonally friendly.

    2) The route of movement.

    Walking for weight loss involves a minimum of interference along the route, fresh air and positive feelings. Therefore, it is best to engage in parks, squares, on the banks of ponds, on quiet, not polluted streets.

    Strengthening the cardiorespiratory system and performing daily on the street is a combination of stress. Yes, because for an easy and impeccable tightening of the hips and buttocks, it is ideal for combating cellulite. The silhouette is reconstructed one step at a time, and not only the body benefits, but also the mind, because walking in the open air is a panacea for the body and spirit. We see in this article a quick walk through cellulite.

    What we commonly call cellulite or orange peel is edema-fibro-sclerotic pannicolopathy or an imperfection that causes a change in subcutaneous tissue, with the manifestation of hypertrophy of fat cells. There are also many aggravating factors, such as: losing weight too quickly, being overweight, stress, malnutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle.

    3) When is it better to do.

    The best effect is morning walking for weight loss. An empty stomach after a night's rest suggests low level  glucose in the blood, which is used up very quickly, which means it will make it possible to quickly affect the fat.

    You can do it at other times of the day, but not earlier than 2 hours after an unlimited meal.

    Walking for cellulite: why does it help fight this defect?

    A quick gait against cellulite gives really satisfactory results if performed sequentially. There are several benefits that arise from brisk walking, among which there is an increase in blood circulation and an increase in metabolism. And, as we all know, if circulation and metabolism do not work well, cellulite increases. The movements that are performed while walking then strengthen the muscles and reduce the accumulation of fluids and subcutaneous fat.

    4) Warm up.

    As a warm-up, you can make a simple complex from a school course of physical education. Then, going out onto the track, to go slowly at first, gradually accelerating the pace and bringing it to the desired speed.

    5) Speed \u200b\u200bof movement.

    You should go so that you can, without panting, breathe through your nose and be able to talk. It should be remembered that when we choke on a lack of oxygen, fat consumption slows down. In this case it’s true that you’ll go quietly, you’ll continue.

    6) Control.

    It can be conditionally divided: by time, by distance, by the number of steps, by pulse.

    With time. To reduce excess weight, you need to move intensively for at least 30 minutes. Better longer. It should be regularly practiced, with an increase in fitness, gradually increase the training time, bringing it up to an hour a day.

    Similarly with control on the traveled distance.  It is necessary to increase it from time to time by 100 - 400 meters and bring it to 5-7 km.

    By the number of steps.  In this case, you can not do without a pedometer, which shows how much you walked, and will help to clearly control the load. This is especially important in light of the minimum 10 thousand steps required per day. That is, you can not part with your faithful pedometer neither in training, nor at home, nor at work. By measuring the amount passed and weight loss, you can draw certain conclusions and make adjustments.

    On the pulse.  This control method can be found in detail in the article. You may notice that with an increase in fitness for a more frequent pulse, an increasing load will be necessary. Therefore, do not be surprised if in a month your heart rate monitor will show the pulse during the run as it was 3 months ago with a turtle step.

    7) Regularity.

    Training only then will provide a persistent weight loss if you exercise regularly. This is an undeniable axiom of any movement towards a goal, including for playing sports.

    8) Food after exercise.

    To prolong the effect of fat burning, try for an hour or two to eat after exercise.


    I appeal to people who want to be slim and healthy, but cannot go in for physical education and sports due to a complete lack of sports skills, excessive obesity, illness, or active rejection physical activities. That is, to those who want but cannot.

    It was not for nothing that walking was called the queen of exercise. This is the most physiological form of movement. When walking, about two hundred muscles are involved, and the load on them corresponds to the natural needs of the body. This is a universal type of fitness: simple, affordable, not requiring special equipment, clothes and financial expenses. And the effectiveness of fast walking for health is enormous.

    The benefits of walking fast

    Brisk walking strengthens the cardiovascular system. During walking, blood supply to organs and tissues, primarily the heart muscle, improves, the walls of blood vessels strengthen, which serves as a prevention of heart attacks and strokes.

    Great influence has brisk walking on the musculoskeletal system. The human spine, originally not intended for vertical movement, responds positively to walking, which strengthens the muscles that hold the spine in an upright position. Walking strengthens the joints, in the first very, of the legs, improves their blood supply, prevents premature destruction.

    Walking perfectly develops the lungs, their volume increases, and the body receives oxygen energy in full. Walking speeds up all metabolic processes: pulse increases, gas exchange in the lungs increases, blood circulation and blood supply to organs increase. Energy metabolism improves, and decay products, waste products and toxins are eliminated through sweat. All this leads to better health. In addition, during fast walking, massage of the active points on the foot, which are projections of the internal organs, takes place.

    Positive brisk walking affects digestion, intestinal motility and gall bladder function improves. Fans of fast walking almost never suffer from constipation.

    Walking positively affects the internal state, helps to fight insomnia, gives a sense of peace. And, like any kind of physical activity, it helps the production of endorphins - the hormone of joy.

    How to determine walking speed

    Walking at any speed is good for health, in any case, more useful than lying on the couch. Walking fast in the absence of contraindications is preferable to slow movement on a horizontal plane.

    Sports doctors determined that walking at a speed of 6-7 km / h is optimal for health - walking on the verge of jogging. However, this indicator does not take into account individual anthropometric features: each person has a different step width due to different growths. A man who is 185 cm tall with less stress will be able to walk at a specified speed than, for example, a woman who is 160 cm tall. Therefore, it is more reasonable to measure walking speed not in the distance covered for a certain period of time, but in the number of steps.

    Walking at speeds of up to 90 steps per minute is considered slow. A speed of 90-120 steps per minute can already be considered average, and fast - walking at a speed of 120-140 steps per minute. A speed above this is considered very fast. In practice, it is extremely difficult to maintain a speed above 140 steps per minute, as the body spontaneously switches to running.

    Counting steps while walking is extremely inconvenient, pedometers are suitable for counting. But pedometers of low cost, as a rule, sin with inaccuracy, and more accurate ones can breach the budget.

    The second option to calculate the optimal walking speed is to measure your heart rate. The pulse while walking should be approximately 100 beats per minute. Less - and the body will not receive that load in order to get the maximum effect from walking, large loads can become a serious test for the cardiovascular system. But this figure is approximate, not taking into account the age, gender and health status of the walker.

    How much do you need to walk

    There is an opinion of the British Department of Health, which is now adhered to by WHO, that for normal life activities per day it is necessary to go through 10 thousand steps. By the way, the Japanese adhere to the same figures, and among them there are the most long-livers, and life expectancy is not higher than that of Russians - 82 years against 68.

    How to do brisk walking

    You should accustom yourself to fast walking gradually. Start with a half-hour walk per day, constantly increasing both in pace and duration. An hour of walking at a fast pace in intensity is equal to 15 minutes of running.

    The intensity should be such that a slight perspiration appears, but not severe shortness of breath. The loads should be enjoyable. You can measure the pulse. If breathing did not recover 3-4 minutes after the cessation of walking, then the pace was taken too high. If, in addition to shortness of breath, there is a feeling that the heart is ready to literally pop out of the chest, and the throat is wheezing, then you should stop walking and consult a doctor.

    Ideally, walking should be in forest park areas, in squares and on boulevards where there is no gas pollution from transport. In any case, brisk walking near the highway will not bring benefits due to poisoning of the body by exhaust gases.

    Clothing and especially shoes should be comfortable, not to restrict movements. Shoes should fix the foot to avoid injuries.

    Slimming Walking

    Walking fast will help you lose weight if you exercise it regularly. A woman weighing 60 kg in one hour spends:

    • 50 kilocalories when sleeping;
    • 100 kilocalories when working on a computer, sitting at a table;
    • 190 kilocalories when walking in walking steps;
    • 300 kilocalories with brisk walking;
    • 370 kilocalories when jogging.

    But not so simple. Fat stored in fat depots is not wasted immediately. The body receives energy from glucose, which enters the bloodstream with carbohydrates. When this energy is spent, the body begins to scoop it into glycogen, which accumulates in the liver and muscles. And only after spending this supply, he begins to break down fat from stocks, turns it into glucose.

    That is, before you start to break down your own fats, you have to work very hard to use up what has just been ingested. With insufficient intensity of the load, sugar will not be wasted, respectively, the process of splitting fats will not start.

    The main principle of walking for weight loss: intensity and duration should ensure a constant consumption of available glucose and glycogen. It is estimated that the minimum duration of walking at a fast pace for weight loss is half an hour, only after 30 minutes of walking the body begins to spend energy reserves from fat. The higher the walking speed, the more energy is required, which means that more fat will turn into pure energy.

    Walking for weight loss has some pitfalls to be aware of. You should not wait for a quick result. Usually, after a week of regular training, they expect the scales to show a plumb line, and when this does not happen, they are disappointed and give up walking. But in vain: the result will be visible later, provided regular (at least three times a week) workouts lasting 45-60 minutes at a fast pace.

    The menu should be adjusted in favor of slow carbohydrates (in the morning) and low-fat protein products in the second. Going for a quick walk should not be earlier than one and a half to two hours after eating.

    Watch your breath. It should not go astray, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. If you are walking in a company, you should abandon conversations during brisk walking, this will slow your breath and slow down the pace, which means that the effectiveness of brisk walking.

    Contraindications for fast walking

    Myocardial infarction and stroke, some heart defects can be contraindications for fast walking. Be sure to consult your doctor.

    If there is a violation of the heart rhythm when walking, then walking should be stopped and seek medical advice.

    Hypertension with resistance to pressure-reducing drugs is a contraindication.

    Complex eye diseases, such as glaucoma or the threat of retinal detachment, and other eye diseases in which stress is contraindicated.

    Any disease accompanied by fever, deterioration in well-being.

    If you have any doubts about the expediency of a quick walk, you need to consult a specialist.

    Berestova Svetlana