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  • The program of individual psychologist classes for children 4 years old. The program of corrective developmental classes for children with a low level of educational motivation

    The program of individual psychologist classes for children 4 years old. The program of corrective developmental classes for children with a low level of educational motivation


    Director MBOU "Secondary School No. 30"

    Pugina E. P

    "___" ___________ 2012

    work of a teacher-psychologist with students of the CCM

    Teacher-psychologist: Zotova N. V

    academic year.

    Correctional Development Program

    work of a psychologist

    TARGET:  Promoting the mental and personal development of children with disabilities, their psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation, taking into account the main features, the correction of students' deficiencies.


    1. To diagnose and carry out the correction of cognitive processes and interpersonal relationships of students with limited intellectual characteristics, to determine the level of immediate development of the child.

    2. To carry out work to remove aggression from students and foster a sense of tolerance in them.

    3. To conduct game, training, correctional and developmental classes.

    4. To keep in touch with the parents of the students, to establish joint work on the psychological and pedagogical problems that arise during the educational process.

    5. Organize individual remedial classes with students.


    The current situation in the area special education  associated with a number of problems, one of which is the problem of finding the most effective conditions for organizing the education of children with problems in intellectual development. This will not be about the curriculum, but about those principles, methods and teaching methods that are effective enough for the development of children with disabilities.

    Basis correctional system  training laid the idea of \u200b\u200bits greatest effectiveness for overall development  schoolchildren. Psychological support is aimed at creating socio-psychological conditions for the psychological development of children with disabilities in situations of school interaction.

    The psychological support of the child in school is mainly carried out by the following means: systematic monitoring of the psychological and pedagogical status of the child and the dynamics of his mental development in the process schooling, the creation of socio-psychological conditions for the development of the personality of children and their successful training, the creation of special socio-psychological conditions for assisting children with problems in psychological development, learning.

    Program participants  - students, parents, teachers, etc.

    Work principles

    1. A personality-oriented approach to children, to parents.

    2. Humane-personal - comprehensive respect and love for the child, for each member of the family, faith in them, the formation of a positive "I-concept" for each child, his self-image (it is necessary that you hear the words of approval and support, you live a success situation) .

    A survey of adaptation in the school environment.

    Relationship Color Test

    A. M Etkind. School and educational motivation test. Anxiety Test

    December - January

    The study of the emotional-volitional sphere

    1. Diagnostics of the level of socio-pedagogical neglect (R. V Ovcharova).

    2. Anxiety test.

    3.SAN (Well-being-Activity-Mood)

    4. Test "Subjective time" is a classic psychophysiological test;

    5. Application for emotional attitude  to school subjects.

    Fourth Grade Survey elementary school

    Progressive Ravenna matrices;

    Schulte Tables;

    Storing numbers (Short-term memory capacity);

    Philips school anxiety test;

    Diagnosis of personality abnormalities

    Methods of diagnosing indicators and forms of aggression (Bass A);

    Diagnosis of Conflict Behavioral Disorders (Thomas)

    Identify the level of development of cognitive processes.

    A set of diagnostic techniques: memory, attention, thinking)

    Expected Result:

    Obtaining test results. Identification of maladaptive children. Identification of aggressive, anxious students. Identification of negative attitudes towards academic subjects. Determining the level of formation of the cognitive sphere. Determining the psychological microclimate in the classroom. Monitoring the results.

    2. Psychological correction and development.



    Once a week

    In tech. of the year

    Correction and Development cognitive activity  with students

    The program of classes on the correction and development of cognitive processes.

    The program of classes for the correction and development of student attention

    primary school age.

    Once a week

    Creating the conditions for the successful adaptation of first graders.

    Adaptation of the child at school: diagnosis, correction, pedagogical support. Training classes.

    The program "Mood like a salute"

    Upon request

    Formation of the emotional-volitional sphere

    The program "Correction of fears and anxieties"

    Training program for correcting aggressive behavior of children

    elementary school age "Drive the Wrath"

    February March

    Development of tolerance

    Training "Peace without conflicts"

    Parent meeting "The impact of family education on adolescent tolerance"

    Cl. hour. “Tolerance is always and in everything”

    Expected Result:

    The formation and development of mental processes. Timely adaptation of first graders. Stabilization of the emotional-volitional sphere. Formation of an adequate and friendly interaction among students.

    3. Psychological education and prevention



    Ensuring an increase in the level of cohesion of children's groups, the full inclusion of each.

    At the request of the teacher

    Individual counseling of teachers on the problems of adaptation and psychological problems of children of the “risk group”

    Speech at the parent meeting on the topic: " Psychological characteristics  children with mental retardation »Lecture

    Work with children: "How to avoid conflict?" Prevention of suicide.

    How to create favorable conditions for successful adaptation

    Speech at the parent meeting on the topic: “Adaptation”

    "Learning techniques for effective memorization"

    "How to protect yourself from bad habits Prevention of substance abuse


    “Individual consultations with parents of students on personal requests”

    Receptions of effective memorization during the period of completion and preparation in the State Automobile Inspection and the Unified State Examination.

    Methods of getting rid of stress during the period of delivery and preparation in the State Automobile Inspection, Unified State Examination.

    At the request of the teacher

    Receptions, therapeutic and preventive exercises for the development of sensorimotorism and attentiveness and arbitrary behavior.

    Expected Result:

      Improving psychological competence. Mastering the methods of medical and recreational and preventive exercises that contribute to the development of sensorimotor, arbitrariness and attentiveness.

    4. Psychological counseling

    Psychological counseling is carried out both in group and in individual form upon receipt, according to the results of psychodiagnostics and observation.



    Form and methods

    During school year  (at the request of the participants educational process)

    Assistance in problem situations.

    Counseling parents, teachers, students on request.

    Individual consultant.

    Prevention of school maladaptation and school neurosis.

    Informing about the level of readiness for learning at school, making recommendations on the individual development of the child

    Consultations of teachers, parents on school adaptation

    Parent-teacher meeting

    Teacher council

    Teacher advice

    Individual a consultant

    Consultation on ensuring the comfort of the psychological climate in the classroom, providing assistance in

    establishing interpersonal relationships for “unaccepted” students.

    Consultations at the request of teachers, parents and students

    Classroom hour.

    Consultation on professional self-determination.

    Student Counseling

    Classroom hour

    Upon request

    Individual consultant.

    Expected Result

    Correction of emerging problems.

    Preservation of mental health of students, the formation of school educational motivation.

    Referral of parents with students to specialists of various profiles. Creating a positive emotional foundation.

    Ensuring the individual development of each student. Resolution of a problem situation.

    The development of social skills in students. Formation of cool teams.

    Assisting in professional self-determination.

    Overcoming a crisis situation, suicide prevention.

    5. Organizational and methodological work

    Work with students

    Work with teachers

    Work with parents


    Work with individual development cards of students from CCM classes,

    study of the dynamics of the development of cognitive processes.

    Exchange of experience, raising prof. competencies.

    Psychological support of the psychological and pedagogical examination of the educational environment (throughout the year)

    Collection of methodological information. Themed folders design.

    (During the school year)

    Filling protocols for school PMPK

    Participation in the school PMPK

    Making a wall newspaper. Expansion of the file cabinets of correctional and developmental programs.

    Design poster information for educators

    Preparation for presentations at parent meetings

    Registration of protocols of psychodiagnostic research (During the year)

    Participation in the school prevention council

    The study of the dynamics of cognitive processes

    Selection of diagnostic tools, diagnostics, analysis of results. Preparation of protocols for diagnostics. (during the year)

    School psychologist planning work for the school year

    Expected Result

    Coordination of the activities of the teacher - psychologist.

    Assistance in filling out examination forms, processing of examination results.

    The system of didactic material.

    The system of didactic material. The study of the dynamics of the development of cognitive processes.

    Attending seminars in schools of the district according to the plan of the regional psychologists.

    Analysis of methodological literature, collection of demonstration material.

    The formation of a motivational sphere in a child plays a crucial role for his success in learning activities. The child’s motive to perform well all the requirements of the school, to show himself from the best side makes him be active in selecting and remembering the necessary information. The humanization of education requires the formation of a child as a subject of activity, and a harmoniously developed system of motives is the main factor influencing this process.

    With a low level of educational motivation, there is a decrease in school performance, which is the basis for conducting corrective and developmental activities with such students to develop motives for educational activity.

    The program of correctional development work on the development of educational motivation and educational-cognitive motives in children has two directions:

    • guidelines for teachers primary school. In compiling the methodological recommendations, materials were used by A.K. Markova, M.V. Matyukhina, R.V. Ovcharova, N.F. Talyzina;
    • program of corrective developmental classes. In compiling the program of correctional and developing classes, the materials and recommendations of E.P. Ilyin, R.S. Nemov, R.V. Ovcharova, and E.I. Rogova were used.

    Formation of educational-cognitive motives primary school studentsshould be one of the main areas of work of primary school teachers. For more effective work in this direction, the teacher must consider the following recommendations:

    1) giving a personal meaning to the actions of the student, which previously did not have internal significance for him (through positive assessment, praise, etc.);

    2) to teach the student to see, be aware of certain aspects of the educational work, to connect them with the child’s cognitive need.

    3) teach the child to set independent goals in academic work  or hold on to those set by the teacher;

    4) to involve a younger student in the process of analysis, discussion of conditions and ways to achieve goals;

    5) pay attention to the increasing role of the search activities of students, deepening the essence of the phenomena studied, establishing causal relationships.

    Correctional development program

    The purpose of the program:development of educational motivation and educational and cognitive motives in elementary school students.

    The objectives of the program:

    • the formation of students of a certain level of concepts, rules, knowledge;
    • expansion of knowledge, allowing you to see the general and the particular in objects, phenomena, actions;
    • acquaintance of students with knowledge about forecasting, about the correspondence of cause and effect, about possible solutions to the same problem;
    • the formation of knowledge about various sign systems;
    • the formation of the ability to set a goal or to keep proposed by the teacher;
    • the formation of the ability to predict the result of activities.

    Correction destination:students of grades 1-4 with a low level of educational motivation.

    The subject of correction: intellectual, emotional, volitional components of the educational activities of students.

    Means of correction:

    • verbal-communicative;
    • gun-manipulative;
    • graphic-graphic;
    • expressive-mimic.

    Correction form:  group.

    Conditions for organizing classes: the program consists of 10 classes, classes are held once a week, the duration of one lesson is 30 minutes.

    Class structure:

    • organizational part. Greeting;
    • main part. Game block;
    • final part. Reflection.

    Lesson number 1
    Subject. Signs and Symbols

    1. Organizational part:


    The game "Mood in color." Children are encouraged to choose a geometric shape of any color that reflects their emotional state at the time the class begins.

    2. The main part:

    The game "Game of artists." On an individual sheet of paper, drawn into 20 cells, the child draws in each cell (icon or symbol) an object called a psychologist. The spacing between words is 3-5 seconds. Next, an individual verification of the drawn is carried out: the child names the objects drawn in a row, explaining his drawing.

    Purpose: to teach children to designate objects with symbols and icons (the basics of modeling), to develop communication skills, memory.

    The game "Four Elements". The psychologist says the words: “earth” - children lower their hands down; "water" - children stretch their arms forward; "air" - raise your hands up; "fire" - rotate hands at the elbows.

    Purpose: the development of attention related to the coordination of the auditory apparatus and motor analyzer.

    3. Reflection:

    The game "Mood in color." Children are encouraged to choose a geometric shape of any color that reflects their emotional state at the time the lesson ends.

    Lesson number 2
    Subject. Encrypted information

    1. Organizational part:


    The game "Mood in color" (at the beginning of the lesson);

    The game "Find the differences." Children are offered pictures with 5 - 10 differences that need to be found in a certain amount of time, the game is aimed at concentration of attention.

    2. The main part:

    The game "Reference signals." The psychologist calls indirect signs of objects and phenomena by which the child must guess the object. Next, children are invited to play this game with each other.

    Purpose: to show students the methods of encryption and decryption of information, the development of attention, vocabulary, horizons.

    The game "Scouts". The room is randomly arranged with chairs. One child (scout) goes through the room, going around the chairs from different sides, and the other child (detachment commander) remembering the road, must lead the detachment in the same way.

    Purpose: development of motor-auditory memory, volume and concentration of attention, removal of motor disinhibition, negativity.

    3. Reflection:

    Exercise "Growth Scale". Testing skills of an adequate assessment of oneself and one's achievements. Children are offered three degrees of assessment: high - “asterisk”, medium - “flag”, low - “fungus”, the child chooses the subject for which he evaluates himself and puts in his "pocket" of classes, while explaining his choice.

    Lesson number 3
    Subject. Opposites

    1. Organizational part:


    The game "Mood" with the help of an icon (an image expressing a particular emotional state).

    2. The main part:

    The game "Drawing on a given topic." Children are invited to draw opposite concepts (good and evil, beautiful and ugly, funny and sad, etc.).

    Purpose: the formation of the ability to compare opposing concepts and convey their emotional state.

    Conversation - a discussion of children's drawings.

    Exercise Fourth Extra. The psychologist calls a number of subjects, one of which is "superfluous" in its features. Then the children play with each other.

    Purpose: the development of the ability to generalize objects by essential features, the development of the ability to differentiate features into essential and non-essential, the development of communication skills.

    3. Reflection:

    The game "Mood" with the help of the icon (at the time of the end of the lesson).

    Lesson number 4
    Subject. Associations

    1. Organizational part:


    Game "Mood" with the help of the icon.

    2. The main part:

    Game "Associations". Children using facial expressions and gestures, show various animals, characters from fairy tales, books, cartoons. The rest are trying to guess who the child is showing.

    Purpose: the formation of observation, imagination; enrichment of vocabulary; deepening knowledge about objects, phenomena, conditions.

    Game "Draw the subject." Children are offered drawn geometric shapes that need to be supplemented with something to make a finished object, phenomenon.

    Purpose: the development of creative thinking, observation, attention.

    3. Reflection:

    Exercise "Growth Scale".

    Lesson number 5
    Subject. Read. We think. We speak

    1. Organizational part:


    The game "Mood in color" (at the beginning of the lesson).

    2. The main part:

    Exercise "The story in the picture." Children are invited for a certain time to make a story from the proposed picture. Children are invited to evaluate their story and the stories of other children, choose the best.

    Purpose: development of coding and transcoding skills of information, development of public speaking skills, development of the ability to evaluate oneself and others.

    Game "The most - the most." Children are encouraged to tell about the best deed in their life.

    Purpose: the development of a child’s confidence in their uniqueness, originality, and adequate self-esteem.

    3. Reflection:

    The game "Mood in color" (at the end of the lesson);

    Exercise "Growth Scale".

    Lesson number 6
    Subject. Smart offer

    1. Organizational part:


    The game "Mood in color."

    2. The main part:

    Exercise "Make a proposal." Children are offered sets of words from which children make sentences. We jointly select: the most beautiful proposal, the fastest - the drawn up proposal, the most correct proposal.

    Purpose: to expand knowledge of the correspondence of cause and effect; see the general and the particular; developing the skill of evaluating yourself and others.

    The game "Unfinished sentence". Children are encouraged to complete sentences on the topic "My school."

    Purpose: the development of thinking in children, the development of analysis and synthesis skills.

    3. Reflection:

    The game "Mood in color";

    Discussion on "What was easy and what was difficult?";

    Exercise "Growth Scale".

    Lesson number 7
    Subject. Math lesson

    1. Organizational part:


    The game "Mood in color."

    2. The main part:

    Exercises "Problems on the motion", "Fill in the gaps in the equalities," based on the material of lessons in mathematics.

    Goal: development of spatial thinking; development of skills of correlation of general and private.

    Drawing on the topic "Who is afraid of what."

    Purpose: removal of negative experiences that impede the normal well-being of children.

    3. Reflection:

    The game "Mood in color";

    Exercise "Growth Scale".

    Lesson number 8
    Subject. What surrounds me

    1. Organizational part:


    Game "Mood" with the help of an icon;

    2. The main part:

    Exercise "What surrounds me", based on the materials of lessons from the world. Children are invited to make a story about their pet, about any season, about the phenomena of wildlife.

    Purpose: expanding knowledge about objects, wildlife.

    Game "Find the general." Children are offered cards depicting the seasons, the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, animals, birds, fish, etc.

    Purpose: the development of the ability to find common ground in objects and phenomena, the ability to express one’s opinion, the expansion of the vocabulary.

    3. Reflection:

    Game "Mood" with the help of an icon;

    Exercise "Growth Scale".

    Lesson number 9
    Subject. World of professions

    1. Organizational part:


    The game "Mood in color."

    2. The main part:

    The game "World of professions." Children are offered cards with the image of work tools (children choose what they like), with which they talk about professions.

    Purpose: to expand knowledge about professions, to replenish the vocabulary of students.

    The game "What I want to be." Children are invited to beat the most attractive profession in their opinion (you can use accessories that define this profession).

    Purpose: to identify students with existing professional knowledge and determine their inclinations.

    3. Reflection:

    The game "Mood in color";

    Exercise "Growth Scale".

    Lesson number 10
    Subject. Generalization. Summarizing

    1. Organizational part:


    Game "Mood" with the help of an icon;

    2. The main part:

    The game "What I can, what I can not, what I want to learn." Children are invited to make three lists: “What I can do,” “What I don’t know,” “What I want to learn,” and discuss together what the children wrote.

    Purpose: to analyze your skills.

    Drawing on the theme: "Our friendly class."

    3. Reflection:

    Game "Mood" using the icon ";

    Exercise "Growth Scale";

    General discussion of the questions “What did you like in the classes and what didn’t?”, “What was useful?”, “What was the most difficult in the class?”.


    1. Bozovic L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. - M .: Education, 1968 - 464 p.

    2. Ilyin EP Motivation and motives. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006 - 512s.

    3. Markova A.K., Matis T.A., Orlov A.B. The formation of learning motivation. - M.: Education, 1990 - 192s.

    4. Markova A.K., MatisT.A., Fridman L.M. The motivation of learning and its education in schoolchildren. - M .: Pedagogy, 1983 - 63s.

    5. Markova A.K. Formation of motivation for educational activities at school age. A manual for teachers - M .: Pedagogy, 1983 - 187s.

    6. Matyukhina M.V., Mikhalchik T.S., Patrina K.P. Psychology of the younger schoolboy - M .: Education, 1976. - 208s.

    7. Matyukhina M.V. Motivation for teaching primary school students. - M .: Pedagogy, 1984. - 144p.

    8. Ovcharova R.V. Practical psychology in elementary school. - M.: SC "Sphere", 1996. - 240s.

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    KU RS (k) OSH viii species  Correction and developmental programs in the work of the teacher-psychologist on the correctional clock Prepared by: Venza TV, teacher-psychologist

    The program of correctional developmental classes with students of the 7th grade “One step higher” Explanatory note: This correctional developmental program is intended for children of adolescence 13-14 years old with cognitive impairment. The relevance of the program is that the number of children with abnormalities in mental development is growing steadily. These children constitute the main risk group for not mastering the school curriculum. The constant organization of corrective and developmental impact is the main factor determining more favorable conditions for the development of the child’s personality both in the personal and cognitive spheres, characteristic for this category of students. Violations of higher nervous activity, underdevelopment of mental processes are the cause of a number of specific personality traits of such children. Psychologists (A.D. Vinogradova, N.L. Kolomensky, Zh. I. Namazbaeva and others) indicate that, unlike peers with normal intelligence, these children are characterized by limited ideas about the world, and the underdevelopment of cognitive interests, which is expressed in that they are smaller than normally developing peers; they feel the need for knowledge, the primitiveness of interests, needs and motives. The activity of all activities is reduced. These personality traits make it difficult to form the right relationships with peers and adults. In children with cognitive impairment, at all stages of the cognitive process, there are elements of underdevelopment, and in some cases atypical development of mental functions. As a result, these children receive incomplete, and sometimes distorted, ideas about the environment, their experience is extremely poor and the first stage of cognition, perception, is already defective.

    The main drawback is a violation of the generalization of perception, its slowed pace is noted compared with normal children, such children require significantly more time to perceive the material they are offering (picture, text, etc.). The slowdown in perception is further aggravated by the fact that due to mental underdevelopment, children can hardly distinguish the main thing, do not understand the internal connections between parts, characters, etc. Therefore, their perception is also less differentiated. The narrowness of the volume of perception is also noted. Specific features of thinking are clearly manifested. A distinctive feature of thinking is uncriticality, the inability to independently evaluate their work. They often do not notice their mistakes. All marked features mental activity  are persistent in nature, since they are the result of organic lesions at different stages of development (genetic, intrauterine, during childbirth, postnatal). V.I. Lubovsky, M.S. Pevzner and others note the positive dynamics in the development of such children with properly organized psychological and pedagogical impact in special (correctional) institutions. Therefore, the goal of our program is to provide special (corrective) assistance to adolescents with impaired cognitive development. Tasks: Correction of certain aspects of mental activity (development of memory, attention, perception) Development of basic mental functions (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification) Development of various types of thinking (visual-figurative and verbal-logical elements) Development of communication skills Methods and techniques used in the classroom: Conversation, m-lectures, relaxation methods, corrective development exercises, observation, d and diagnostic techniques

    Program content: The cycle of classes is designed for 9 months: from September to May. Duration of one lesson: 40 minutes. Classes are held twice a week. Lesson structure: Greeting (ritual of entering the lesson); topic announcement, main content: exercises focused on the development of the cognitive sphere, communication skills (individual and group tasks), farewell, relaxation, exit ritual. Thematic planning: Month September October November December January February March April May Work Conversations, observations Diagnosis of the cognitive sphere Classes for the correction and development of mental processes Repeated diagnosis of the cognitive sphere Number of classes 8 8 6 10 4 8 8 8 8

    The program of correctional and developmental classes with training elements: “What are we” for students of the 8th grade Explanatory note: Relevance: This correctional and developmental program is intended for teenagers of 12-15 years old with disorders in the emotional-volitional and communicative spheres. Currently, in correctional psychology, there is a significant increase in children with developmental disabilities (V.I. Lubovsky, M.S. Pevzner, B.P. Puzanov, K.S. Lebedinskaya, T.A. Vlasova, N.M. Nazarova , N.N. Malofeev, G.F. Kumarina, U.V. Ulyenkova), including those with deviations in the emotional-volitional and personal spheres. At the same time, the structure changes significantly psychological features this category of children (V.I. Lubovsky, V.G. Petrova, U.V. Ulyenkova, O.N.Usanova, M.I. Kargin). And, adolescence, this is the period in a person’s life when intimate-personal communication comes to the fore, which is characterized by the emotional experiences of a teenager, and requires the teenager’s personality to interact (communicate) with other people. During the period of psychological adolescence, there is an expansion in the volume of activity, a qualitative change in character, and therefore, children of adolescence may experience feelings of anxiety, aggressiveness, increased excitability, reduced self-esteem, variability of moods, emotional instability, unexpected transitions from fun to despondency and pessimism, etc. d. Therefore, the problem of developing the communicative competencies of a teenager is very relevant and requires timely correction of behavior, training in relaxation and self-relaxation skills. The aim of the correctional development program is to update and ensure personal growth and the development of communicative competencies of a teenager.

    Tasks: Knowing yourself and others. Teaching the ability to be at peace with yourself. Forming a positive attitude towards your “I”. Developing communicative competences of adolescents. Developing skills of social behavior, empathy. Forming a positive attitude towards peers. Reducing aggressiveness, anxiety. Learning constructive ways to resolve conflict situations. Learning methods of self-relaxation, removal of psycho-muscular tension Form of work: classes with training elements in microgroups (in a group of 2-3 people). Methods and techniques used in the classroom: Dialogue methods: conversation, heuristic conversation, discussion, mini-lectures, relaxation methods, reflective methods, role-playing mini-games, developmental exercises and educational games, observation, diagnostic techniques. Program content: Features of the program: correction and development of the communicative competencies of the adolescent by means of influencing the personal sphere through knowing oneself, knowing others and acquiring skills to work on oneself is supposed. This correctional development program includes three blocks: 1 block: “I and I”. The purpose of this block is to recognize as a teenager himself, his own personality, develop attention to himself, his feelings, increase self-esteem. Block 2: "Me and my emotions." The purpose of the second block is the awareness of one’s own emotional manifestations, the reduction of anxiety, aggressiveness, the understanding of the emotional states of another person, the training in self-regulation and self-relaxation skills.

    3 block: "I and others." The purpose of the third block: understanding another person, developing communication skills, accepting another person. Duration of one lesson: 30 minutes. Classes are held twice a week. The cycle of classes is designed for 9 months: from September to May. Each block includes 4 classes. One lesson consists of 4-5 tasks. The structure of each lesson: by its structure, the lesson is divided into an introductory, main and final part. After each exercise - reflection. Thematic planning: Month September October November December January February March April May Work Conversations, observations Diagnostics of emotional-volitional and personal sphere 1 block “I and I” Correction and developmental exercises 2 block “I and my emotions” Correctional and developmental exercises 3 block “ Me and others »Correctional and developmental classes Re-diagnosis of emotional-volitional and personal sphere Number of classes 8 8 16 12 16 8

    The program of correctional and developmental classes with students of grades 9-11 "Understand Yourself" Explanatory note: Relevance: This correctional and developmental program is designed for teenagers of 15-17 years old. Teenage years  - This is a very difficult time for the children themselves and their parents. Searches for oneself, communication with peers, relatives and teachers, first love and first enmity, etc. On the way of growing up, everyone needs support and understanding. Moreover, most adolescents do not discuss their problems with parents and school teachers, preferring to seek a way out of difficult situations on their own. From here - stresses, unresolved conflicts and complexes, which further darken the life of an adult. Features pubertyas well as the difficult conditions in which the growing up of modern youth occurs: the instability of the family institution, the blur of moral values, which are no longer a solid support for building one’s self, dictate the need for special measures to develop and strengthen the “I” of a teenager, the formation of a viable personality with sufficient resources for successful adaptation in society. Therefore, corrective developmental classes will help to solve problems associated with understanding yourself and others. The purpose of this program is to create the conditions for personal growth and self-determination of adolescents. Training objectives: To create conditions for the formation of the desire for self-knowledge, immersion in your inner world and orientation in it. Expanding the knowledge of participants about feelings and emotions, creating the conditions for developing the ability to evaluate them without evaluation, developing the ability to manage the expression of their feelings and emotional reactions.

    3. Promote the formation of communication skills, listening skills, express their point of view, come to a compromise solution and understanding of other people. 4. To promote awareness of their life prospects, life goals, ways and means of achieving them. Form of work: classes with training elements in groups (in a group of 6-10 people). Methods and techniques used in the classroom: Dialogue methods: conversation, heuristic conversation, discussion, mini-lectures, relaxation methods, reflective methods, role-playing mini-games, developmental exercises and educational games, observation, diagnostic techniques Program content: The cycle of classes is designed for 9 months: from September to May. Duration of one lesson: 30 minutes. Classes are held twice a week. This program includes 5 blocks: 1 block “What I Am” (self-knowledge, personal growth) 2 block “I am in the world of professions” (self-determination) 3 block “What I feel” (development of the emotional-volitional sphere) 4 block “What are we ”(Development of communication skills) 5 block“ Let's talk about ... ”(conversations at the request of children, on neoplasms and characteristics of adolescents) Class structure: Greeting (ritual of entering the lesson); topic announcement, main content: exercises focused on the development of the cognitive sphere, communication skills (individual and group tasks), farewell, relaxation, exit ritual., reflection.

    Thematic planning Month September October November December January February March April May Work Conversations, observations Diagnostics of emotional-volitional, personal sphere, career guidance 1 block “What I am” Corrective developmental exercises 2 block “I am in the world of professions” Correctional developmental classes 3 block “ What I feel ”Correctional developmental exercises block 4“ What are we ”Correctional developmental exercises 5 block“ Let's talk about ”Correctional developmental exercises Re-diagnosis of emotional-volitional, personal sphere, career guidance Number of hours 8 8 6 10 4 8 8 8 Expected result: self-knowledge of others and the formation of constructive communication skills and positive behavior; acceptance of responsibility for their actions; confident behavior; managing your own feelings and emotions about the consciousness of your life perspective