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    Course work: Features of the cognitive activity of children with mental retardation. Report

    REF Master  - A unique program for self-writing essays, term papers, tests and dissertations. With the help of the REF Master you can easily and quickly make an original essay, control or coursework based on the finished work - Psychological features  delayed children mental development  preschool age.
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    term paper on the discipline Psychology on the topic: Psychological features of children with mental retardation of preschool age; concept and types, classification and structure, 2015-2016, 2017.


    Correctional and pedagogical faculty

    Course work

    Topic: Psychological features of children with mental retardation of preschool age.


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    The study of patterns of developmental abnormalities of the psyche is a necessary task not only of pathopsychology, but also defectology and child psychiatry, it is the search for these patterns, the study of the causes and mechanisms of the formation of a mental development defect in a timely manner to diagnose disorders and look for ways to correct them.

    The spectrum of mental impairment in children is quite wide, but much more often among them is a delay in mental development.

    In the domestic correctional pedagogy, the concept of “mental retardation” is psychological and pedagogical; it refers to the “borderline” form of dionogenesis and is expressed in a slow rate of maturation of various mental functions.

    AT infancy  delay in mental development is manifested in the slow pace of development of sensorimotor functions, in lethargy, or, conversely, in the increased anxiety of the child. AT preschool age  parents and teachers often pay attention to the underdevelopment of speech in children, the later formation of the skills of neatness, independence. At the same time, mental retardation is usually diagnosed by specialists in children by the end of preschool age or only upon entering school. Most clearly, it manifests itself in children in a decrease in the general stock of knowledge, in a limited understanding of the environment, in pronounced disorders of attention and memory. Children do not do well at school, teachers complain about their behavior and weak intellectual productivity. And if, by adolescence, mental retardation is not eliminated, it is reflected in personal immaturity, increased affectivity and often deviant behavior.

    Psycho-pedagogical study of the possibilities of mental development of children with mental retardation, according to VI. Lubovsky, “his most important goal should be not only to establish the fact of developmental lag, but also to reveal the uniqueness of the manifestations of this lag” (8).

    Currently, great strides have been made in the clinical and psychological-pedagogical study of children with mental retardation. But despite this, the problem of mental retardation and the difficulties of teaching these children is one of the most pressing psychological and pedagogical problems.

    Based on the above, we define the goal, objectives, subject, method and structure of the study of this problem.

    Objective: to theoretically study and analyze the psychological characteristics of children with mental retardation.

    The object of this work is mental retardation

    Subject: psychological characteristics of children with mental retardation.

    Tasks: disclosure of the essence of the basic concepts;

    identifying the state of the issue of mental retardation in the literature;

    formulation of the conclusion, based on a theoretical analysis of the literature.

    Method: analysis of general and special psychological, pedagogical and methodical literature on the topic.

    Structure: coursework consists of: introduction, chapters I, II, conclusion and list of references.

    Chapter I. general characteristics  children with mental retardation

    Mental retardation (CRA) is a violation of normal development in which a child who has reached school age continues to be in the circle of preschool, playful interests. The concept of “delay” emphasizes the temporal (inconsistency of the level of development with age) and, at the same time, the temporary nature of the lag, which with age is overcome more successfully, the earlier the adequate conditions for learning and development of children of this category are created.

    In the psychological-pedagogical as well as medical literature, other approaches are used to the category of students in question: “children with reduced learning ability”, “lagging in learning”, “nervous children”. At the same time, the criteria on the basis of which the named groups are distinguished do not contradict the understanding of the nature of mental retardation. In accordance with one socio-pedagogical approach, such children are called “children at risk” (GF Kumarin).

    History of study.

    The problem of mild deviations in mental development arose and acquired special importance, both in foreign and domestic science, only in the middle of the 20th century, when, due to the rapid development of various fields of science and technology and the complication of programs of general education schools, a large number of children experienced learning. Teachers and psychologists attached great importance to the analysis of the reasons for this failure. Quite often, it was explained by mental retardation, which was accompanied by the referral of such children to auxiliary schools that appeared in Russia in 1908-1910.

    At the same time, during the clinical examination, many of the children who did not master the program more often secondary schoolIt was not possible to detect the specific features inherent in mental retardation. In the 50 - 60-ies. This problem has acquired particular significance, as a result, under the direction of MS Pevzner, a student of LS Vygotsky, a specialist in the field of mental retardation clinics, a versatile study of the causes of academic failure was initiated. The sharp increase in academic failure against the backdrop of the complexity of training programs led her to suggest the existence of some form of mental disability, which manifests itself in conditions of increased training requirements. A comprehensive clinical, psychological and pedagogical examination of persistently poor students from schools in various regions of the country and the analysis of a vast array of data formed the basis of the formulated ideas about children with mental retardation (CRA).

    This is how a new category of abnormal children appeared, which are not subject to sending to an auxiliary school and constitute a significant part (about 50%) of poorly performing pupils of the general education system. The work of M.S. Pevzner “Children with Developmental Disabilities: Separating Oligophrenia from Similar States” (1966) and the book “Teacher on Children with Developmental Disabilities”, written jointly with TA Vlasova (1967), are the first in a series psychological and pedagogical publications devoted to the study and correction of CRA.

    Thus, a complex of studies of this developmental anomaly, started at the Scientific-Research Institute of defectology of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences in the 1960s. under the guidance of TA Vlassova and M.S. Pevzner, was dictated by the vital needs of life: on the one hand, the need to establish the causes of failure in public schools and search for ways to combat it, on the other - the need for further differentiation of mental retardation and other clinical disorders cognitive activity.

    Comprehensive psychological and pedagogical studies of children diagnosed with CRA over the next 15 years have allowed to accumulate a large amount of data characterizing the peculiarity of the mental development of children in this category. According to all studied indicators of psychosocial development, children of this category are qualitatively different from other dystontogenetic disorders, on the one hand, and from “normal” development, on the other, occupying an intermediate position in terms of mental development between mentally retarded and normally developing peers. Thus, according to the level of intellectual development diagnosed using the Wechsler test, children with CRA often find themselves in the zone of so-called borderline mental retardation (IQ from 70 to 90 conventional units).

    According to the International Classification, CRA is defined as “a general disorder of psychological development.”

    In foreign literature, children with CRA are considered either from a purely pedagogical position and are usually described as children with learning difficulties, or are defined as unsuitable, mainly due to unfavorable living conditions, pedagogically started, subjected to social and cultural deprivation. This group of children also include children with behavioral disorders. Other authors, according to the idea that the developmental delay, manifested in learning difficulties, is associated with residual (residual) organic brain damage, children in this category are called children with minimal brain damage or children with minimal (mild) brain dysfunction. The term “children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” - ADHD syndrome is widely used to describe children with specific partial learning difficulties.

    Despite the rather large heterogeneity related to this type of disontogenetic disorders, they can be given the following definition.

    Children with mental retardation include children who do not have pronounced developmental abnormalities (mental retardation, severe speech underdevelopment, pronounced primary deficiencies in the functioning of individual analyzer systems - hearing, vision, and motor system). Children in this category have difficulties in adapting, including school, due to various biosocial causes (residual lung damage to the central nervous system or its functional immaturity, somatic weakness, cerebral states, immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere by type of psychophysical infantilism, as well as pedagogical neglect result of adverse socio-pedagogical conditions in the early stages of child ontogenesis). Difficulties experienced by children with mental retardation may be caused by deficiencies both in the regulatory component of mental activity (lack of attention, immaturity of the motivational sphere, general cognitive passivity and reduced self-control), and in its operational component (reduced level of development of individual mental processes, motor disorders , disability). The above characteristics do not prevent children from mastering. overall educational programs  development, but necessitate a certain adaptation to the psychophysical characteristics of the child.

    With the timely provision of a system of correctional-pedagogical and, in some cases, medical care, it is possible to partially and completely overcome this developmental disability.

    For the mental sphere of a child with CRA, a combination of deficient functions with safe is typical. Partial (partial) deficiency of higher mental functions may be accompanied by infantile personality traits and behavior of the child. In some cases, the child suffers from working capacity, in other cases - arbitrariness in the organization of activities, in the third - the motivation for various types of cognitive activity, etc.

    Mental retardation in children is a complex polymorphic disorder in which different children suffer from different components of their mental, psychological and physical activity.

    In order to understand what is the primary violation in the structure of this deviation, it is necessary to recall the structural-functional model of the brain (according to A. R. Luria). In accordance with this model, there are three blocks - energy, the block for receiving, processing and storing information and the block of programming, regulation and control. The coordinated work of these three blocks ensures the integrative activity of the brain and the constant mutual enrichment of all its functional systems.

    It is known that in childhood functional systems with a short time period of development are more likely to show a tendency to damage. This is characteristic, in particular, for the systems of the medulla oblongata and the midbrain. Signs of functional immaturity manifest systems with a longer postnatal period of development — the tertiary fields of the analyzers and the formation of the frontal region. Since the functional systems of the brain mature heterochronically, the pathogenic factor that affects the different stages of the prenatal or early postnatal period of a child’s development can cause a complex combination of symptoms, such as non-coarse damage and functional immaturity of various parts of the cerebral cortex.

    Subcortical systems provide optimal energy tone of the cerebral cortex and regulate its activity. When non-functional or organic inferiority in children, neurodynamic disorders arise - lability (instability) and exhaustion of mental tone, impaired concentration, balance and mobility of the processes of stimulation and inhibition, the phenomena of vegetative-vascular dystonia, metabolic and trophic disorders, affective disorders. (ten)

    The tertiary fields of the analyzers refer to the block for receiving, processing and storing information coming from the external and internal environment. The morpho-functional distress of these areas leads to the deficiency of modal-specific functions, which include praxis, gnosis, speech, visual and auditory memory.

    Formations of the frontal area are related to the programming, regulation and control unit. Together with the tertiary zones of the analyzers, they carry out complex integrative activities of the brain - they organize the joint participation of various functional subsystems of the brain to build and implement the most complex mental operations, cognitive activity and conscious behavior. The immaturity of these functions leads to the emergence in children of mental infantilism, unformed arbitrary forms of mental activity, to violations of interanalyzer corticocortical and cortical-subcortical connections.

    Structural and functional analysis shows that when the CRA can be primarily violated as a separate of the above structures, and their main functions in various combinations. The depth of damage and (or) the degree of immaturity may be different. This is what determines the variety of mental manifestations that occurs in children with CRA. A variety of secondary stratifications further enhance the intragroup dispersion within this category.

    Causes of mental retardation.

    The causes of mental retardation are diverse. Risk factors for child CRA  can be divided into the main groups: biological and social.

    Among biological factors, two groups are distinguished: biomedical and hereditary.

    Medical and biological causes include early organic lesions of the central nervous system. Most children have a history of an aggravated perinatal period, associated primarily with the unfavorable course of pregnancy and childbirth.

    According to neuroscientists, active growth and maturation of the human brain is formed in the second half of pregnancy and the first 20 weeks after birth. The same period is critical, since the structures of the central nervous system become most sensitive to pathogenic influences, retarding growth and preventing active brain development.

    The risk factors for prenatal pathology include:

    Elderly or very young age of the mother,

    Burden of the mother of chronic somatic or obstetric pathology before or during pregnancy.

    All this can manifest itself in a low birth weight of a child, in syndromes of increased neuro-reflex excitability, in sleep and wakefulness disorders, in increased muscle tone in the first weeks of life.

    Often, ZDR can be caused by infectious diseases in infancy, traumatic brain injury, severe somatic diseases.

    A number of authors single out the hereditary factors of CRA, which include the congenital and including the hereditary inferiority of the central nervous system of a child. Often it is observed in children with a delayed cerebral-organic genesis, with minimal brain dysfunction. For example, according to clinicians, 37% of patients with a diagnosis of MMD have brothers and sisters, cousins, and parents with signs of MMD. In addition, 30% of children with locomotor defects and 70% of children with speech defects have relatives with similar disorders in the female or male lines.

    The literature emphasizes the predominance of boys among patients with CRA, which can be explained by several reasons:

    The higher vulnerability of the male fetus to the pathological effects during periods of pregnancy and childbirth;

    A relatively smaller degree of functional interhemispheric asymmetry in girls as compared with boys, which leads to a greater reserve of compensatory abilities in the defeat of brain systems that provide higher mental activity.

    Most often in the literature there are indications of the following adverse psychosocial conditions that aggravate mental retardation in children. It:

    Unwanted pregnancy;

    Single mother or single-parenting;

    Frequent conflicts and inconsistency approaches to education;

    The presence of a criminal environment;

    Low level of education of parents;

    Living in conditions of insufficient material security and unfavorable life;

    Factors of a big city: noise, long road to work and home, adverse environmental factors.

    Features and types of family education;

    Early mental and social deprivation of the child;

    Prolonged stressful situations in which the child is located, etc.

    At the same time, a combination of biological and social factors plays an important role in the development of CRA. For example, an unfavorable social environment (intra- and intra-family) provokes and exacerbates the influence of residual-organic and hereditary factors on the intellectual and emotional development of a child.

    Indicators of the frequency of mental retardation in children are heterogeneous. For example, according to the data of the Ministry of Education of Russia (1997), among first-graders over 60% belong to the risk category of school, somatic and psychophysical disadaptation. Of these, about 35% are those who are already in younger groups  Kindergarten were discovered obvious disorders of the neuropsychic sphere.

    The number of primary school students who cannot cope with the requirements of the standard school curriculum has increased 2-2.5 times over the past 20 years, reaching 30% or more. According to medical statistics, the deterioration of students' health over 10 years of study (in 1994 only 15% of children of school age were recognized as healthy) is one of the reasons for their difficulty in adapting to school loads. The intensive mode of school life leads to a sharp deterioration in the somatic and neuropsychiatric health of a weakened child.

    The prevalence of mental retardation, according to clinicians, ranges from 2 to 20% in the population, according to some data, it reaches 47%.

    This variation is due primarily to the lack of uniform methodological approaches to the formulation of the diagnosis of CRA. With the introduction of a comprehensive medical-psychological system for diagnosing ZPR, its prevalence rates are limited to 3-5% among the child population. (5; 6)

    Clinical and psychological characteristics of children with mental retardation.

    Clinical characteristics of mental retardation.

    In the clinical and psychological-pedagogical literature presents several classifications of CRA.

    The outstanding children's psychiatrist G. E. Sukharev, studying children suffering from persistent school failure, stressed that the violations diagnosed in them must be distinguished from mild forms of mental retardation. In addition, as noted by the author, mental retardation should not be identified with mental retardation. Mental retardation is a more persistent intellectual deficiency, while mental retardation is a reversible state. Based on the etiological criterion, that is, the reasons for the appearance of CRA, G. E. Sukhareva singled out the following forms:

    intellectual insufficiency due to adverse environmental conditions, upbringing or behavioral pathology;

    intellectual disorders in long-term asthenic conditions caused by somatic diseases;

    intellectual disorders in various forms of infantilism;

    secondary intellectual failure due to hearing, vision, speech, reading and writing impairments;

    5) functional-dynamic intellectual disorders in children in the residual stage and in the long-term period of infections and injuries of the central nervous system. (25)

    Researches by M.S. Pevzner and T.A.Vlassova made it possible to distinguish two main forms of mental retardation

    mental retardation caused by mental and psychophysical infantilism (uncomplicated and complicated by the underdevelopment of cognitive activity and speech, where the main place is occupied by the underdevelopment of the emotional-volitional sphere)

    mental retardation due to prolonged asthenic and cerebrastenic states. (18)

    VV Kovalev identifies four main forms of CRA. (five)

    dysontogenetic form of ZDR, in which the failure is due to the mechanisms of the delayed or distorted mental development of the child;

    the encephalopathic form of DSS, which is based on organic damage to the brain mechanisms in the early stages of ontogenesis;

    CRA due to the underdevelopment of analyzers (blindness, deafness, underdevelopment of speech, etc.), due to the action of the mechanism of sensory deprivation;

    CRA, caused by defects in upbringing and informational deficiency from early childhood (pedagogical neglect).

    Table. Classification of forms of borderline forms of intellectual failure according to V.V. Kovalev


    Dysontogenetic forms

    Intellectual failure in conditions of mental infantilism

    Intellectual insufficiency in the lag in the development of individual components of mental activity

    Distorted mental development with intellectual impairment

    The consequence of a violation of the maturation of the youngest structures of the brain, mainly the system of the frontal cortex, and their connections.

    Etiological factors:

    Constitutional genetic; intrauterine intoxication; a mild form of generic pathology; toxic and infectious effects in the first years of life


    Cerebroasthenic syndromes with delayed school skills. Psychoorganic syndrome with intellectual failure and violation of higher cortical functions

    Organic intellectual deficiency in infantile cerebral paralysis. Psychoorganic syndrome with intellectual deficiency and impairment of higher cortical functions.

    Intellectual failure with general speech underdevelopment (alalia syndrome

    Intellectual failure associated with defects in analyzers and sense organs

    Intellectual insufficiency in congenital or early acquired deafness or hearing loss

    Intellectual failure for blindness in early childhood

    Sensory deprivation

    Slow and distorted development of cognitive processes due to lack of analyzers (vision and hearing), which owns a leading role in the knowledge of the surrounding world

    Intellectual failure due to defects in upbringing and lack of information from early childhood (pedagogical neglect)

    Mental immaturity of parents. Mental illness with parents. Inadequate styles of family education

    Classification V.V. Kovalev is of great importance in the diagnosis of children and adolescents with CRA. It should be borne in mind that the author considers the problem of mental retardation not as an independent nosological group, but as a syndrome in various forms of diontogenesis (cerebral palsy, speech disorder, etc.).

    The most informative for psychologists and teachers is the classification of K.S. Lebedinskaya. On the basis of a comprehensive clinical, psychological and pedagogical study of the underdeveloped junior high school students  The author has developed a clinical systematics of mental retardation.

    As well as the classification of V.V. Kovaleva, classification C.S. Lebedinskaya is based on the etiological principle and includes four main options for mental retardation: (6)

    Delayed mental development of constitutional origin;

    Delayed mental development of somatogenic origin;

    Delayed mental development of psychogenic origin;

    Delayed mental development of cerebral-organic genesis.

    Each of these types of CRA has its own clinical and psychological structure, its own characteristics of emotional immaturity and cognitive impairment, and is often complicated by a number of painful symptoms - somatic, encephalopathic, neurological. In many cases, these painful signs can not be regarded only as complicating, since they play a significant pathogenetic role in the formation of the CRA itself.

    The presented clinical types of the most resistant forms of CRA mainly differ from each other by the particular structure and nature of the ratio of the two main components of this developmental anomaly: the structure of infantilism and the peculiarities of the development of mental functions.

    Clinical and psychological characteristics of children with mental retardation

    Delayed mental development of constitutional origin

    The delay of mental development of constitutional origin is diagnosed in children with manifestations of mental and psychophysical infantilism. In psychological literature, it refers to the backwardness of development, manifested by the preservation in adulthood of the physical structure or character traits inherent in childhood.

    The prevalence of mental infantilism, according to some authors, is 1.6% among the pediatric population.

    Its causes are most often relatively light brain lesions: infectious, toxic and others, including injuries and fetal asphyxia.

    In clinical practice, there are two forms of mental infantilism: simple and complicated. In further studies, four of its main variants were identified: harmonic (simple), disharmonic, organic, and psychogenic infantilism.

    Harmonic (simple) infantilism is manifested in a uniform delay in the pace of physical and mental development of the personality, expressed in the immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere, affecting the behavior of the child and his social adaptation. The name “harmonious infantilism” was suggested by G.Ye. Sukhareva. (25; 26)

    His clinical picture is characterized by features of immaturity, "childishness" in somatic and mental appearance. In terms of growth and physical development, children lag behind their peers by 1.5–2 years, they are characterized by lively facial expressions, expressive gestures, and quick, impulsive movements. Indefatigability in the game and quick fatigue when performing practical tasks comes to the fore. Especially quickly they get bored with monotonous tasks that require holding focused attention for quite a long time (drawing, counting, reading, writing). With full-fledged intellect, there are not enough expressed interests in writing, reading, counting.

    Children are characterized by weak mental capacity, increased imitation, suggestibility. At the same time, by the age of 6-7, the child already understands and regulates his behavior quite well, depending on the need to perform this or that work.

    Children with infantile behavioral traits are independent and uncritical to their behavior. At the lessons they “turn off” and do not carry out the tasks. They may cry over trifles, but quickly calm down when they switch their attention to a game or something that gives them pleasure. They like to fantasize, replacing and displacing unpleasant life situations for them with their own fictions.

    Disharmonic infantilism may be associated with endocrine diseases. So, with insufficient production of the hormone of the adrenal glands and hormones of the sex glands at the age of 12-13 years, there may be a delay in puberty in both boys and girls. At the same time, peculiar features of the psyche of a teenager are formed, which are characteristic of the so-called hypogenital infantilism. More often features of immaturity appear in boys. Teenagers are slow, tired quickly, performance is very uneven - higher in the morning. A memory loss is detected. Attention quickly dissipates, so the student makes many mistakes. The interests of adolescents with a hypogenital form of infantilism are peculiar: for example, boys are more interested in quiet activities. Motor skills and skills are not developed enough, they are clumsy, slow and cumbersome. These children with good intelligence are distinguished by great erudition, but they cannot always use their knowledge in the classroom, as they are very absent-minded and inattentive. Prone to fruitless reasoning on any topic. Very touchy, painfully experiencing their failures in their studies and difficulties in communicating with their peers. I feel better in a society of adults, where they are known as scholars. Signs of hypogenital infantilism in the appearance of a teenager are not tall, full, “moon-shaped” face, squeaky voice.

    To the endocrine forms of infantilism also includes pituitary nanism (dwarfism). In such children, there is a combination of signs of an immature childish psyche with features of old-fashionedness, pedantry, a penchant for reasoning and instructing. School failure is often the result of weak volitional effort, slowness, attention disorder and logical memory. The child can not concentrate for a long time, distracted, which often leads to errors in the tasks. Slowly learns new materialbut, having mastered it, it operates well with the rules, the multiplication table, reads at a sufficient pace, has a good mechanical memory. Children suffering from pituitary nanism, show some lack of independence, require care of their elders. Sometimes these children have undesirable reactions: persistent lowering of mood, sleep disturbance, restriction of communication with peers, decline in academic performance, refusal to attend school. If this condition does not pass through a short period of time, it is necessary to contact a neuropsychiatrist.

    The neuropathic variant of complicated infantilism is characterized by the presence of weak mental features. Typically, these children are very timid, fearful, dependent, overly attached to the mother, difficult to adapt in children's educational institutions. Such children from birth fall asleep with great difficulty, having a restless sleep. Timid, shy in nature, they are difficult to get used to the children's team. In the classroom are very passive, do not answer questions with outsiders. In their intellectual abilities  sometimes they are ahead of their peers, but they are not able to show their knowledge - there is uncertainty in the answers, which worsens the teacher’s perception of their true knowledge. These children often have a fear of an oral response. Their performance is rapidly depleted. Infantilism also manifests itself in complete practical unsuitability. Motility is marked by angularity and slowness.

    Against the background of these mental features, so-called school neuroses may arise. A child with great reluctance to attend school. Any physical illness is welcomed with joy, as it is possible to stay at home. This is not laziness, but the fear of separation from the familiar environment of the mother. The difficulty of adapting to school leads to a decrease in the digestibility of educational material, and attention also deteriorates. The child becomes lethargic and scattered.

    Psychogenic infantilism, as a special variant of infantilism, is insufficiently studied in domestic psychiatry and psychology. This option is considered as an expression of anomalous personality formation in the conditions of incorrect education. (5) It usually happens in families where one child is being cared for by several adults. This often prevents a child from developing autonomy, will, ability, and then the desire to overcome the slightest difficulties.

    In normal intellectual development  such a child learns unevenly, since he is not accustomed to work, does not want to independently carry out and verify tasks.

    Adaptation in the collective of this category of children is difficult because of such character traits as egoism, opposition to the class itself, which leads not only to conflict situations, but also to the development of a neurotic state in a child.

    Special mention should be made of children with so-called micro-social neglect. These children have an insufficient level of development of skills, abilities and knowledge against the background of a full-fledged nervous system due to a long stay in conditions of lack of information not only intellectual, but also very often emotional. Unfavorable conditions of upbringing (in case of chronic alcoholism of parents, in conditions of neglect, etc.) cause the slow formation of the communicative-cognitive activity of children at an early age. L.S. Vygotsky repeatedly stressed that the process of the formation of the child’s psyche is determined social situation  development, which refers to the relationship between the child and the surrounding social reality. (2; 3) In dysfunctional families, the child has a lack of communication. This problem arises with all sharpness at school age due to school adaptation. With intact intelligence, these children cannot independently organize their activities: they have difficulty in planning and isolating its stages, and an adequate assessment of the results is not available to them. There is a marked impairment of attention, impulsiveness, lack of interest in improving their performance. Of particular difficulty are tasks when it is necessary to carry them out according to verbal instructions. On the one hand, they experience increased fatigue, and on the other, they are very irritable, prone to affective outbursts and conflicts.

    With appropriate training, children with infantilism are able to receive secondary or incomplete secondary education, they have access to vocational education, secondary special and even higher education. At the same time, if there are unfavorable environmental factors, negative dynamics is possible, especially with complicated infantilism, which can manifest itself in mental and social maladjustment of children and adolescents.

    So, if we evaluate the dynamics of the mental development of children with infantilism in general, then it is mainly favorable. As experience shows, the manifestation of pronounced personal emotional-volitional immaturity tends to decrease with age.

    Delayed mental development of somatogenic origin

    The causes of this type of mental retardation are various chronic diseases, infections, childhood neuroses, congenital and acquired malformations of the somatic system. In this form of CRA in children, persistent asthenic manifestation may be present, which reduces not only the physical status, but also the psychological balance of the child. Children have fearfulness, shyness, lack of self-confidence. Children in this category of CW do not communicate much with their peers because of the guardianship of parents who are trying to protect their children from unnecessary, in their opinion, communication, therefore, the threshold of interpersonal connections is lowered. With this type of CRA, children need treatment in special sanatoriums. Further development and training of these children depends on their state of health.

    Delayed mental development of psychogenic origin

    Its appearance is due to adverse conditions of upbringing and education, which prevent the correct formation of the child's personality. We are talking about the so-called social genesis, when unfavorable conditions of the social environment arise very early, have a long-lasting effect, traumatizing the psyche of the child, accompanied by psychosomatic disorders, vegetative disorders. KS Lebedinskaya emphasizes that this type of mental retardation should be distinguished from pedagogical neglect, which is largely due to the shortcomings of the child’s learning process kindergarten  or school. (6)

    The development of the personality of a child with a delay in mental development of psychogenic origin proceeds according to three main options.

    The first option is mental instability, which arises as a consequence of the hypo. The child is brought up in conditions of neglect. The disadvantages of upbringing manifest themselves in the absence of a sense of duty, responsibility, adequate forms of social behavior, when, for example, in difficult situations he fails to cope with an affect. The family as a whole does not stimulate the child’s mental development and does not support his cognitive interests. Against the background of insufficient knowledge and understanding of the surrounding reality, which hinders the absorption of school knowledge, these children manifest the features of the pathological immaturity of the emotional and volitional spheres: affective lability, impulsivity, and increased suggestibility.

    The second option - in which hyper-care is expressed - is a pampering education, when the child does not inculcate the features of independence, initiative, responsibility, and good faith. Often this happens with late born children. Against the background of psychogenic infantilism, in addition to the inability to volitional effort, egocentrism, a reluctance to systematically work, a setting for constant help, a desire to always be ward, become characteristic of a child.

    The third option is an unsustainable parenting style with elements of emotional and physical violence in the family. Its occurrence is provoked by the parents themselves, who are abusive and cruel to the child. One or both parents can be despotic, aggressive towards their own son or daughter. Against the background of such intra-family relations, pathological personality traits of a child with mental retardation are gradually forming: timidity, fearfulness, anxiety, indecision, lack of autonomy, lack of initiative, deceitfulness, resourcefulness and, often, insensitivity to another's grief, which leads to significant problems of socialization.

    Delayed mental development of cerebral organic genesis. The last type of mental retardation among those considered is at the core of this deviation. It occurs most often in children and it also causes the most pronounced disorders in children in their emotional-volitional and cognitive activity in general.

    In this type, signs of immaturity of the child’s nervous system and signs of partial damage to a number of mental functions are combined. She distinguishes two main clinical and psychological variants of mental retardation of cerebral-organic genesis.

    In the first variant, the immaturity of the emotional sphere of organic infantilism predominates. If encephalopathic symptoms are noted, it is represented by non-coarse cerebrastenic and neurosis-like disorders. At the same time, the higher mental functions are not sufficiently formed, exhaustible, and deficient in the control of arbitrary activity.

    In the second variant, damage symptoms dominate: “persistent encephalopathic disorders, partial disturbances of cortical functions, and severe neurodynamic disorders (inertness, propensity for perseveration) are present. The regulation of the child's mental activity is violated not only in the sphere of control, but also in the field of programming of cognitive activity. This leads to a low level of mastery of all types of arbitrary activities. The child is delayed the formation of subject-manipulative, speech, play, productive and educational activities.

    The prediction of mental retardation of cerebral-organic genesis largely depends on the state of higher cortical functions and the type of age dynamics of its development. According to I.F. Markovskaya, with the prevalence of general neurodynamic disorders, the prognosis is quite favorable. (11) When combined with the marked deficiency of individual cortical functions, a massive psychological and pedagogical correction is needed, carried out in a specialized kindergarten. Primary persistent and extensive disorders of programming, control, and the initiation of arbitrary types of mental activity require their separation from mental retardation and other serious mental disorders.

    Differential diagnosis of mental retardation and similar conditions

    The problems of differential diagnosis of mental retardation and conditions similar to it were studied by many domestic scientists (M.S. Pevzner, G.E. Sukhareva, I.A. Yurkova, V.I. Lubovsky, S.D. Zabramnaya, E.M. Mastyukova, G. B. Shaumarov, O. Monkyavichene, K. Novakova and others).

    In the early stages of child development, the difficulty is the distinction between cases of coarse speech underdevelopment, motor alalia, oligophrenia, mutism and delay speech development.

    It is especially important to distinguish between mental retardation and mental retardation of cerebral-organic genesis, since in either case, children have deficiencies in cognitive activity in general and a pronounced lack of character of modal-specific functions.

    Let us dwell on the main distinctive signs that are significant for distinguishing between mental retardation and mental retardation.

    1. For violations of cognitive activity in the case of mental retardation, partiality and mosaic development of all components of the child’s mental activity are characteristic. With mental retardation, totality and hierarchy of violations of the child’s mental activity are noted. A number of authors use the definition of “diffuse, diffuse damage” of the cerebral cortex to characterize mental retardation.

    2. In comparison with mentally retarded children, children with PZR have a much higher potential for developing their cognitive activity, and especially higher forms of thinking - generalization, comparison, analysis, synthesis, distraction, abstraction. It should be remembered that some children with CRA, like their mentally retarded peers, find it difficult to establish cause-effect relationships and have imperfect functions of generalization.

    3. For the development of all forms of mental activity of children with CRA, the abruptness of its dynamics is characteristic. While mentally retarded children, this phenomenon was not experimentally identified.

    In contrast to mental retardation, in which the actual mental functions suffer — generalization, comparison, analysis, synthesis — when mental retardation occurs, the prerequisites of intellectual activity suffer. These include such mental processes as attention, perception, the scope of image-representations, visual-motor coordination, phonemic hearing and others.

    When examining children with CRA in conditions that are comfortable for them and in the process of purposeful upbringing and education, children are capable of fruitful cooperation with an adult. They take well the help of an adult and even the help of a more advanced peer. This support is even more effective if it turns out to be in the form of game tasks and is focused on the child's involuntary interest in the activities carried out.

    Playing the presentation of tasks increases the productivity of the activities of children with CRA, while for mentally retarded preschoolers it can serve as a reason for the child's involuntary slipping off of the assignment. Especially often this happens if the proposed task is at the limit of the capabilities of the mentally retarded child.

    Children with CRA have an interest in subject-manipulative and play activities. The play activity of children with CRA, unlike that of mentally retarded preschoolers, is more emotional. Motives are determined by the goals of the activity, the ways to achieve the goal are chosen correctly, but the content of the game is not expanded. It lacks its own design, imagination, ability to present the situation in mental terms. Unlike normally developing preschoolers, children with CRA do not move without special education  to level role-playing game, and "stuck" at story game. However, their mentally retarded peers remain at the level of subject-game action.

    For children with CRA, a high brightness of emotions is characteristic, which allows them to concentrate for a longer time on the performance of tasks that cause their immediate interest. At the same time, the more the child is interested in the task, the higher the results of its activities. This phenomenon is not observed in mentally retarded children. The emotional sphere of mentally retarded preschoolers is not developed, and overly playful presentation of tasks (including during diagnostic examinations), as already mentioned, often distracts the child from solving the task itself and makes it difficult to achieve the goal.

    Most children with pre-school age children in a pre-school age, to varying degrees, have visual activity. In mentally retarded preschoolers, without visual training, visual activity does not arise. Such a child stops at the level of prerequisites of subject images, i.e. at the level of drafting. At best, individual children have graphic stamps — schematic images of houses, “cephalopods” of a person, letters, numbers randomly scattered around the plane of a sheet of paper.

    In the somatic appearance of children with CRA, there is generally no dysplasticity. While mentally retarded preschoolers, it is observed quite often.

    In the neurological status of children with CRA, gross organic manifestations are usually not observed, which is typical of mentally retarded preschoolers. At the same time, neurological microsymptomatics can also be seen in delayed children: venous mesh expressed at the temples and nose bridge, slight asymmetry of the facial innervation, hypotrophy of certain parts of the tongue with its deviation to the right or left, revitalization of tendon and periosteal reflexes.

    Pathological hereditary burden is more typical for the history of mentally retarded children and is practically not observed in children with mental retardation.

    Of course, these are not all the distinctive signs taken into account when distinguishing between mental retardation and mental retardation. Not all of them are equal in their significance. At the same time, the knowledge of these aforementioned features makes it possible to sufficiently clearly differentiate both the considered states.

    Sometimes it is necessary to differentiate mental retardation and a slight degree of organic dementia. When the CRA there is no such disordered activities, personal decay, gross uncriticality and complete loss of functions, which are observed in children with organic dementia, which is a differential symptom.

    Particular difficulties are the distinction between mental retardation and severe speech disorders of cortical genesis (motor and sensory alalia, early childhood aphasia). These difficulties are due to the fact that in both states there are similar external signs and the primary defect should be identified - whether it is a speech disorder or intellectual impairment. This is difficult, as speech and intelligence belong to the cognitive sphere of human activity. In addition, they are inextricably linked in their development. Even in the works of L. S. Vygotsky, referring to the age of 2.5-3 years, it is said that during this period "the speech becomes meaningful, and the thinking - speech." (2; 3)

    Therefore, if the pathogenic factor acts within these terms, it always affects both of the above-mentioned areas of the child's cognitive activity. But in the early stages of a child’s development, a primary lesion can delay or disrupt the development of cognitive activity in general.

    For differential diagnosis, it is important to know that a child with a motor alalia, unlike a child with CRA, has extremely low speech activity. When he tries to make contact with him, he often shows negativity. In addition, it must be remembered that with motor alalia, sound pronunciation and phrasal speech suffer most of all, and the possibilities of assimilating the norms of the native language are firmly violated. Communicative difficulties in a child are growing more and more as speech activity requires more and more automation of the speech process with age. (13)

    Difficulties for the diagnosis is the distinction between CRA and autism. A child with early childhood autism (RDA), as a rule, has violated all forms of preverbal, non-verbal and verbal communication. Such a child differs from a child with CRA in a non-expressive mimicry, lack of eye contact (“eye-to-eye”) with the interlocutor, excessive timidity and fear of novelty. In addition, in the actions of children with RDA, there is a pathological stuck on stereotyped movements, refusal to act with toys, unwillingness to cooperate with adults and children.

    Conclusion. Mental retardation (MAD) is one of the most common forms of mental disorders. This is a violation of the normal pace of mental development. The term “delay” emphasizes the temporary nature of the violation, that is, the level of psychophysical development as a whole may not correspond to the passport age of the child. (1)

    Chapter II Psychological features of children with mental retardation of preschool age

    An important feature of preschool children with mental retardation is that the earlier we consider, the less formed are mental processes, the less differentiated is mental activity, as a result of which many similar manifestations of developmental delays are found with such close causes of deficiencies as mental retardation development, mild mental retardation, general speech underdevelopment, and sometimes profound pedagogical neglect (social and cultural deprivation tion). With the first three deficiencies, the cause is often poorly pronounced damage and dysfunction of the brain. Unlike mental retardation, the damage is partial and much less pronounced.

    With the socio-cultural deprivation, which is most pronounced in orphans who have spent their entire childhood in the orphanage and the preschool orphanage, the developmental delay, even in the absence of organic brain damage, is due to extremely insufficient external stimulation of the maturing brain. Development retardation due to such circumstances is usually defined as pedagogical neglect.

    The quantitative and qualitative severity of this disadvantage can be different, and, consequently, the developmental delay can be either mild or manifested in the form of mental retardation (that is, quite persistent, although temporary, lag in the formation of all the most important mental functions) .

    Weak severity of residual organic or functional insufficiency (in comparison with mental retardation) is a fertile ground for correction, especially when creating conditions that maximally stimulate development. And the sooner such conditions are created, the more successfully the developmental deficiencies are corrected, the lag is overcome.

    To isolate mental developmental delays at preschool age is a rather difficult task due to the developmental manifestations of different functions that are similar to those observed in mental retardation and the unevenness of the pace of mental development of different functions.

    You can give a generalized characteristic of mental retardation:

    The behavior of these children corresponds to a younger age (less active, lacking initiative, their cognitive interests are poorly expressed, manifested in the endless questions of normally developing preschoolers);

    They are significantly lagging behind in the development of regulation and self-regulation of behavior, as a result of which they cannot concentrate for at least a relatively long time on any one lesson;

    Their leading activity (play) is not yet sufficiently formed;

    The underdevelopment of the emotional-volitional sphere, which is manifested in the primitiveness of emotions and their instability, is noted: children easily move from laughter to tears and vice versa;

    The lag of children in speech development is manifested in the limitations of the vocabulary, the insufficient formation of the grammatical structure, the presence of many of them with deficiencies in pronunciation and acoustic discrimination, as well as in low speech activity.


    A number of authors note in children with mental retardation difficulties in identifying a figure from the background, difficulties in distinguishing figures that are close in shape and, if necessary, isolate details of the object in question, deficiencies in the perception of the depth of space, which makes it difficult for children to determine the distance of objects, and in general, visual-spatial deficiencies orientation. Particular difficulties are found in the perception of the location of individual elements in complex images. There are difficulties in identifying visually perceived real objects and images associated with these shortcomings. Later, when learning to read begins, perceptual deficiencies manifest themselves in the mixing of letters and their elements that are close in outline.

    The described perceptual deficiencies are not associated with primary sensory defects, but appear at the level of complex sensory-perceptual functions, i.e. are the consequence of the lack of formation of analytical-synthetic activity in the visual system, and especially in those cases when other analyzers are involved in visual perception, first of all motor analyzers. That is why the most significant lag is observed in preschoolers with mental retardation in spatial perception, which is based on the integration of visual and motor sensations.

    An even greater lag is observed in the formation of visual-auditory integration, which is of paramount importance in teaching literacy. There are no difficulties in the perception of simple auditory influences. There are some difficulties in the differentiation of speech sounds (which indicates the disadvantages phonemic hearing), most clearly speaking in difficult conditions: with the rapid pronunciation of words, in polysyllabic and related words. Children have difficulty distinguishing sounds in a word. These difficulties, reflecting the inadequacy of analytic-synthetic activity in the sound analyzer, are found in teaching children to read and write.

    The lag in the development of tactile perception is much more pronounced. The observed difficulties are associated not only with the inadequacy of intersensory connections, i.e. with the complex nature of tactile perception, but also with the underdevelopment of tactile and motor sensitivity separately. The lag in the development of motor sensations is manifested in inaccuracies and disproportion of movements, leaving the impression of the motor discomfort of children, as well as in the difficulties of reproduction, for example, their hand poses set by adults. During age development  lack of perception is overcome, with all this, the faster, the more conscious they become. The lag in the development of visual perception and auditory is overcome more quickly. Tactile perception develops more slowly.

    Causes of perception disorders:

    The low speed of receiving and processing information (the limitation of this speed in varying degrees, with all the shortcomings of development and is general pattern  abnormal development).

    Unformed perceptual actions, i.e. those transformations of sensory information (the union of its individual elements, their comparison, etc.), which lead to the creation of a holistic image of the object.

    The lack of formation in preschool children with a delay in the mental development of orientational activity (they do not know how to look at what their gaze is directed at and listen to what sounds at the moment, whether it is speech or some other sounds).

    Disadvantages of motor development in preschool children of the described category are found at different levels of the nervous and neuropsychic organization. The result of functional inadequacy, the manifestation of a weakly pronounced residual organic matter are the motor awkwardness of all children and lack of coordination, which manifests itself even in such automated movements as walking and running. In addition to poor coordination of movements, many children have hyperkinesis - excessive motor activity in the form of inadequate, excessive strength or amplitude of movements. Some children have choreiform movements (muscle twitching). In some cases, but much less often, on the contrary, the motor activity is significantly reduced relative to the normal level.

    To the greatest extent, the lag in the development of the motor sphere manifests itself in the field of psychomotor activity — arbitrary conscious movements aimed at achieving a specific goal. Defects in the coordination of movements in which muscle groups of both halves of the body are involved, can be largely associated with a lag in the lateralization of functions, i.e. in highlighting the leading hemisphere of the brain. It was shown that the incompleteness of lateralization is noted in many younger students with mental retardation.

    Disadvantages of motor skills adversely affect the development of the graphic activity of children, showing up in the difficulties of drawing simple lines, making fine details of the drawing, and later in the difficulties of mastering the letter. All this speaks of the need for special classes for the development of motor skills of these children in preschool age.

    Disadvantages of attention as the focus of the activity of the subject on any object are noted by all researchers as a characteristic sign of mental retardation. In one way or another, they are present in children belonging to different clinical forms of mental retardation. Manifestations of lack of attention in preschoolers with mental retardation are already detected when observing the peculiarities of their perception of surrounding objects and phenomena. Children focus poorly on a single object, their attention is unstable. This instability manifests itself in any other activity that children do.

    Lack of attention of children with mental retardation is largely associated with low performance, increased exhaustion, which are especially characteristic of children with organic insufficiency of the central nervous system.

    Deviations in the development of memory are characteristic of the delay of mental development as a specific type of diontogenesis. A distinctive feature of memory deficiencies in ESR is that only certain of its species can suffer while others are safe.

    With purposeful correctional work, in particular, on the formation of special methods of memorization, the development of cognitive activity and self-regulation, a significant improvement in mnestic activity in the case of mental retardation is possible.


    One of the psychological characteristics of children with CRA is that they have a lag in the development of all forms of thinking. This lag is found to the greatest extent during the solution of problems involving the use of verbal-logical thinking. The least vividly behind them is the development of visual-effective thinking. Children with mental retardation enrolled in special schoolsah or special classes, to the fourth class they begin to solve tasks of a visual-effective nature at the level of their normally developing peers. As for the tasks related to the use of verbal-logical thinking, they are solved by the children of the group in question at a much lower level. Such a significant lag in the development of thinking processes strongly suggests the need to conduct special pedagogical work  with the aim of forming children's intellectual operations, developing mental skills and stimulating intellectual activity.

    Speech development

    For children with CRA is characterized by the late appearance of the first words and first phrases. Then there is a slow expansion of the dictionary and mastery of the grammatical structure, resulting in the formation of empirical language generalizations. Often there are drawbacks to the pronunciation and distinction of individual sounds. It should be noted the lack of clarity, "blurring" of the speech of the majority of these preschoolers. Bearing in mind their extremely low speech activity, it can be assumed that this confusion of speech is associated with the low mobility of the articulation apparatus due to insufficient speech practice.

    For these children, there is a very pronounced discrepancy between the volume of the active and passive vocabulary, especially with regard to adjectives, the absence in their speech of many words denoting the properties of objects and phenomena of the world, inaccurate use of words, often with an expanded meaning, extreme limitation of words denoting common concepts , the difficulty of revitalizing vocabulary. By the older preschool age, the everyday speech of these children hardly differs from that of normally developing peers. The lag in the formation of contextual speech, as a whole lag in speech development, is in children of the category under consideration a secondary defect, a consequence of insufficient analytic-synthetic activity, a low level of cognitive and proper speech activity, lack of formation of mental operations. It manifests itself not only in the shortcomings of expressive speech, but also in the difficulties of children understanding some grammatical structures. Children experience great difficulties in understanding the relations transmitted by the forms of the instrumental case, attributive constructions of the genitive case, structures with an unusual word order, and comparative constructions. They have considerable difficulty in understanding certain forms of expression of spatial relationships.

    Another feature is the lack of a cognitive attitude to speech, which is characteristic of normally developing older preschoolers. Speech flow acts as a whole, they do not know how to divide it into words, the more they are not able to isolate individual sounds in the word.

    There are children whose lag in speech development is not significant, but there are also those who have it expressed especially strongly, and their speech approaches that of the mentally retarded, for whom such tasks as narrating on the subject picture or on a given topic are inaccessible. In these cases, we can assume the presence of a complex defect - a combination of mental retardation and primary speech development disorders.

    The game is the leading activity of a child of preschool age. As in the leading activity of any period of mental development, the most significant manifestations of mental activity for this period are concentrated in it. That is why the features of the game of children with mental retardation provide important material for the characteristics of this condition.

    If you describe the game of children with mental retardation in the most general terms, then it is characterized by monotony, lack of creativity, poverty of imagination, lack of emotionality, low compared with the normal activity of children. The game is distinguished by the absence of a detailed plot, the lack of coordination of the actions of the participants, unclear division of roles and equally unclear observance of the game rules. These features in normally developing children are observed in the younger preschool age. Children of this category do not start such games on their own.

    The play actions of children are poor and inexpressive, which is a consequence of the schematic, inadequate ideas of children about reality and the actions of adults. Lack of ideas, naturally, limits and delays the development of the imagination, which is important in the formation of the plot-role-playing game.

    The poverty of play actions is combined with low emotionality of play behavior and lack of formation of substitution actions. In rare cases, the use of some object as a substitute (for example, a stick as a thermometer when playing "in the hospital") he acquired a stagnantly fixed value and was not used in other situations in a different capacity. It should be said that in general the game of children with mental retardation is stereotypical, non-creative.

    The lack of emotionality of preschool children of the described category is also manifested in their attitude to toys. Unlike normally developing children, they usually do not have favorite toys. (24)

    In preschool children with mental retardation, there is a lag in the development of emotions, the most pronounced manifestations of which are emotional instability, lability, ease of changing moods and contrasting manifestations of emotions. They are easily and, from the point of view of the observer, often unmotivatedly go from laughing to crying and vice versa.

    Intolerance to frustrating situations is noted. A minor reason can cause emotional arousal and even a sharp affective reaction, inadequate situation. Such a child then shows goodwill towards others, then suddenly becomes angry and aggressive. At the same time, aggression is directed not at the action of the individual, but at the personality itself.

    Often, preschoolers with mental retardation have a state of anxiety, anxiety.

    Unlike normally developing children, preschoolers with mental retardation do not actually need to interact with their peers.

    They prefer to play alone. They have no marked attachments to someone, emotional preferences of someone of their peers, i.e. no friends stand out, interpersonal relationships are unstable.

    The interaction is situational. Children prefer to communicate with adults or with children older than themselves, but in these cases they do not show significant activity.

    The difficulties that children face in carrying out tasks often cause sharp emotional reactions and affective outbursts. Such reactions arise not only in response to real difficulties, but also as a result of waiting for difficulties, fear of failure. This fear significantly reduces the productivity of children in solving intellectual problems and leads to the formation of their low self-esteem. The underdevelopment of the emotional sphere manifests itself in a worse understanding of the emotions of others and of others, as compared to normally developing children. Only specific emotions are successfully identified. Own simple emotional states are identified worse than the emotions depicted in the pictures of the characters. At the same time, it should be noted that children with mental retardation rather successfully isolate in the pictures the causes of the emotional states of the characters, which is inaccessible to mentally retarded preschool children.


    Personal characteristics are clearly manifested in preschool children with mental retardation during play activities: some quickly become lethargic, passive, quiet, look out of the window aimlessly, tend to solitude, while others show constant interest in playing with other children, which is accompanied by excessive emotional and behavioral reactions. These children, as a rule, are very touchy and quick-tempered, often without sufficient reason they can be rude, offended, and brutal. Observing these children in everyday conditions made it possible to draw conclusions about the tendency of their “vicious” style of communication in the family, with their peers, contributing to the consolidation of negative character traits. From preschool age they begin to take shape individualism, bias, aggressiveness or, conversely, excessive submission and adaptability.

    The presence of problems in communication with close adults in preschoolers with mental retardation provokes the emergence of pathological character traits that are expressed in their anxiety, uncertainty, lack of initiative, lack of curiosity.

    M. S. Pevzner, in her clinical and psychological research, concluded that with various types of mental retardation in children, infantile mental features remained pronounced, causing the existing variety of emotional and behavioral reactions of the child. In training situations, he is able to perform only what is connected with his personal interests. The persisting "childlike spontaneity" is due to the delayed maturation of the frontal and frontal-diencephalic structures of the brain. (18)

    In special psychology, the study of the features of communication between children with mental retardation is associated with issues of socialization. The problems of their mutual understanding and interaction with people around them can be viewed in the context of ideas about the communication of persons with intellectual disabilities. By the beginning of school age they have a lack of knowledge and skills in the field of interpersonal relations, the necessary ideas about individual features  peers and adults, suffers linguistic statements, arbitrary regulation of emotional and behavioral manifestations.

    Thus, it can be concluded that a feature of children with mental retardation is the unevenness (mosaicism) of impairments of various mental functions. Preschool children with mental retardation are characterized by insufficient development of perception, inability to concentrate on the essential (main) signs of objects. Logical thinking in these children may be more secure than memory. There is a lag in speech development. Children have no pathological inertness of mental processes. Such children are able not only to receive and use help, but also to transfer acquired mental skills to other similar situations. With the help of an adult, children with mental retardation can perform their intellectual tasks at a level close to normal, albeit at a slower pace. The characteristic for them impulsiveness of actions, insufficient expressiveness of an orienting stage, purposefulness, low productivity of activity are noted.


    Mental retardation (MAD) is one of the most common forms of mental disorders. This is a violation of the normal pace of mental development. The term “delay” emphasizes the temporary nature of the violation, that is, the level of psychophysical development as a whole may not correspond to the passport age of the child. (1)

    Specific manifestations of PD in a child depend on the causes and time of its occurrence, the degree of deformation of the affected function, its value in the general system of mental development.

    Thus, it is possible to identify the following most important groups of reasons that may lead to the CRA:

    Causes of a biological nature that impede the normal and timely maturation of the brain;

    The general lack of communication with others, causing a delay in the assimilation of the child's social experience;

    The absence of a full-fledged, age-appropriate activity, which gives the child the opportunity to “appropriate” public experience, the timely formation of internal mental actions;

    Social deprivation impeding timely mental development.

    All abnormalities in such children from the nervous system are varied and diffuse and are temporary. In contrast to mental retardation, the reversibility of an intellectual defect takes place in the case of mental retardation.

    AT given definition both biological and social factors of the emergence and deployment of such a state are reflected, in which the full development of the organism is hindered, the development of a personally developed individual is delayed and the formation of a socially mature person is ambiguous.

    A feature of children with mental retardation is the unevenness (mosaicism) of impairments of various mental functions. Preschool children with mental retardation are characterized by insufficient development of perception, inability to concentrate on the essential (main) signs of objects. Logical thinking in these children may be more secure than memory. There is a lag in speech development. Children have no pathological inertness of mental processes. Such children are able not only to receive and use help, but also to transfer acquired mental skills to other similar situations. With the help of an adult, children with mental retardation can perform their intellectual tasks at a level close to normal, albeit at a slower pace. The characteristic for them impulsiveness of actions, insufficient expressiveness of an orienting stage, purposefulness, low productivity of activity are noted.

    The play actions of children are poor and inexpressive, which is a consequence of the schematic, inadequate ideas of children about reality and the actions of adults. Lack of ideas, naturally, limits and delays the development of the imagination, which is important in the formation of the plot-role-playing game. Children with mental retardation differ, as a rule, by emotional instability, they hardly adapt to the children's team, they are characterized by sharp mood swings. In the forefront in the development of such children is the slowness of the formation of emotional and personal characteristics.


    1. Antipin A.N. From the experience of working with children with mental retardation // Elementary School. - 1993.

    2. Vygotsky L.S. Selected psychological studies. M., 1956.

    3. Vygotsky L.S. Lectures on psychology. - SPb., 1999.

    4. Diagnosis and correction of mental retardation in children / Ed. S.G. Shevchenko. - M .: Arkti, 2001. - 224 p.

    5. Kovalev V.V. Semiotics and diagnosis of mental illness in children and adolescents. M., 1985.

    6. Lebedinskaya K.S. The main issues of the clinic and the system of mental retardation // Actual problems mental retardation. M., 1982.

    7. Lubovsky V.I. Higher nervous activity and mental features  children with mental retardation // Defectology. - 1972. - № 4.

    8. Lubovsky V.I. Delayed mental development // Special psychology / Ed. IN AND. Lubovsky. - M., 2003.

    9. Lubovsky, V.I., Peresleni, L.I. Children with mental retardation. - M., 1983.

    10. Markovskaya I.F. Mental development delay (clinical and neuropsychological diagnostics) - M., 1995.

    11. Markovskaya I.F. Clinical-follow-up analysis of the delay in the development of somatogenic origin // Defectology. - 1993. - № 1.

    12. Markovskaya I.F. Clinical and neuropsychological foundations of diagnosis and correction of CID in children // Clinical, genetic, psychological and pedagogical study and correction of mental developmental abnormalities in children. - M., 1991.

    13. Mastyukova EM. Therapeutic pedagogy. - M., 1997.

    14. Nikishin V.B. Practical psychology in working with children with mental retardation: A manual for psychologists and teachers. - M .: Vlados, 2003.

    15. Nikishina V.B. Practical psychology in working with children with CRA. - M., 2003.

    16. Nikishina V.B. Causation of CID in children. - Yaroslavl, 2000.

    17. Education of children with mental retardation / Ed. IN AND. Lubovsky. - Smolensk, 1994.

    18. Pevzner, MS Clinical characteristics of children with mental retardation // Defectology. - 1980. -№ 3.

    19. Peresleni, L.I., Mastyukova, E.M. Delayed mental development - issues of differential diagnosis / / Questions of psychology. - 1989. - №1.

    20. Podyacheva I.P. Krrektsionno-developing training of children of the senior preschool age with ZPR. - M., 2001.

    21. Rakhmakova G.N. Some features writing  younger students with CRA / / Defectology. - 1991. - № 2.

    22. Slepovich E.S. Game activity of children with mental retardation .- M .: Pedagogy, 1990.

    23. Slepovich E.S. Formation of speech in preschool children with CRA. - Minsk, 1989.

    24. Slepovich E.S., Kharin S.S. The formation of a role-playing game like joint activities  preschoolers with mental retardation // Defectology. - 1988. - № 6.

    25. Sukhareva G.E. Clinical lectures on children's psychiatry. T.1, 1955; T. 2.1959; T. 3 M., 1965.

    26. Sukharev G.E. Lectures on children's psychiatry. M., 1974.

    27. Strekalova T.A. Features of logical thinking of preschool children with CRA // Defectology. - 1982. - № 4.

    28. Ul'enkova, U.V. To the problem of early compensation ZPR // Defectology. - 1980.

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    Psychological studies on the problem of mental retardation in the preschool years contain information that makes it possible to reveal the peculiarities of the cognitive activity of preschool children with mental retardation and to characterize some other aspects of their development.

    The attention of these children is characterized by instability, its periodic fluctuations, uneven performance are noted. It is difficult to gather, concentrate the attention of children and keep for the duration of a particular activity. Obvious lack of focus activities, children act impulsively, often distracted. There may be signs of inertia. In this case, the child hardly switches from one task to another. In the older preschool age, the ability to arbitrarily regulate behavior turns out to be underdeveloped, which makes it difficult to complete assignments of an educational type.

    It has been established that many of the children experience difficulties in the process perceptions  (visual, auditory, tactile). Reduced speed of perceptual operations. Orientational research activity in general has a lower level of development compared to the norm: children do not know how to examine a subject, do not show pronounced orienting activity, for a long time they resort to practical ways of orientation in the properties of objects.

    Unlike mentally retarded children, preschoolers with mental retardation have no difficulty in distinguishing the properties of objects in practice, but their sensory experience is not fixed for a long time and is not generalized in the word. Therefore, the child can correctly execute the instruction containing the verbal designation of the sign “give a red pencil”, but it is difficult for him to name the color of the shown pencil.

    Children experience particular difficulties in mastering the concepts of magnitude; they do not single out or designate individual parameters of a magnitude (length, width, height, thickness). The process of analyzing perception is difficult: children do not know how to identify the main structural elements of the object, their spatial correlation, small details. You can talk about the slow pace of the formation of a holistic image of objects, which is reflected in the problems associated with isodeactivity.

    On the part of the auditory perception there is no gross frustration. Children may experience some difficulty in orienting in non-spoken sounds, but phonemic processes are mainly affected.

    The above-mentioned shortcomings of the orienting-research activity also concern tactile-motor perception, which enriches the child’s sensual experience and allows him to get information about such properties of objects as temperature, texture of the material, some surface properties, shape, size. The process of recognizing objects by touch is difficult.

    In children with mental retardation slowed down process formation of interanalyzer connections,  which are the basis of complex activities. There are deficiencies of the visual-motor, auditory-visual-motor coordination. In the future, these shortcomings impede the mastery of reading, writing. The lack of intersensory interaction is manifested in the lack of a sense of rhythm, difficulties in the formation of spatial orientations.

    Memory  children with mental retardation also has a qualitative identity, and the severity of the defect depends on the genesis of mental retardation. First of all, children have limited memory and reduced memorization strength. Inaccuracy of reproduction and rapid loss of information is characteristic. Verbal memory suffers the most. With the right approach to learning, children are capable of learning some mnemotechnical techniques, mastering the logical ways of memorization.

    Significant uniqueness is noted already at the level of visual forms of thinking, difficulties arise in the formation of the sphere of image-representations. Researchers emphasize the difficulty of creating a whole from parts and separating parts from a whole, and difficulties in spatial manipulation with images.

    The reproductive nature of the activities of children with mental retardation, reducing the ability to creatively create new images is noted. Slowed down the process of formation of mental operations. By the older preschool age, children with mental retardation do not form the level of verbal-logical thinking that corresponds to age-related capabilities: children do not single out the essential signs when generalizing, they generalize either by situational or functional characteristics. For example, answering the question “how to call in one word: a sofa, a wardrobe, a bed, a chair?”, A child can answer: “we have it at home”, “It’s all in the room”, “It’s all necessary for a man”.

    They find it difficult to compare items, making comparisons based on random signs, and they are especially difficult to identify signs of difference. For example, when answering the question “How do people and animals resemble?”, The child says: “People have slippers, but animals do not have slippers”.

    However, unlike mentally retarded children, preschoolers with mental retardation after receiving help perform the proposed tasks at a higher level that is close to normal.

    Particular attention should be paid to the features speech development  children with mental retardation.

    Speech disorders during mental retardation are predominantly systemic in nature and are included in the structure of the defect.

    Deficiencies in sound pronunciation and phonemic development are inherent in many children. Among the pupils of the specialized groups there are many children with speech disorders such as dysarthria.

    At the level of impressive speech, there are difficulties in understanding complex, multi-step instructions, logical and grammatical constructions such as “Kohl is older than Misha”, “Birch grows on the edge of the field”, children do not understand the content of the story with hidden meaning, the process of decoding texts is difficult. difficult process of perception and understanding of the content of stories, tales, texts for retelling. Children of the group in question have a limited vocabulary. In their speech are rare adjectives, adverbs, narrowed use of verbs. Word-formation processes are complicated, later than normal, a period of children's word-making arises and lasts up to 7-8 years.

    The grammatical structure of speech is also distinguished by a number of features. Children practically do not use a number of grammatical categories in speech, however, if we compare the number of errors in the use of grammatical forms of a word and in the use of grammatical constructions, then errors of the second type clearly prevail. It is difficult for a child to translate a thought into a detailed speech message, although he understands the semantic content of the situation depicted in the picture or the story he has read, and he answers the questions of the teacher correctly.

    The immaturity of intra-verbal mechanisms leads not only to difficulties in the grammatical formulation of sentences. The main problems relate to the formation of coherent speech. Children can not retell a small text, make a story on a series of plot pictures, describe a visual situation, creative narration is unavailable to them.

    It should be noted that the character speech disorders in children with mental retardation can be very different, as well as the ratio of violations of the individual components of the language system.

    The presence of a defect in the structure during mental retardation speech underdevelopment  necessitates special speech therapy. Therefore, along with a teacher-defectologist, a speech therapist should work with each group of children.

    In terms of organizing correctional work with children, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the formation of speech functions, especially its planning, regulatory functions. When mental retardation is observed weakness of the verbal regulation of action. Therefore, the methodical approach involves the development of all forms of mediation: the use of real objects and objects of deputies, visual models, as well as the development of verbal regulation. In various activities it is important to teach children to accompany their actions with speech, to summarize the work done, and at later stages to draw up instructions for themselves and for others, i.e. teach planning activities.

    Considering the psychological structure of mental retardation at preschool age, one can identify its main links: insufficient formation of the motivational-target basis of activity, the sphere of images-representations, underdevelopment of sign-symbolic activity.

    All these features are most pronounced at the level of play activity of children with mental retardation. They have reduced interest in the game and in the toy, the design of the game hardly arises, the plots of the games to stereotypes, mainly affect the everyday theme.

    Role behavior differs by impulsiveness, for example, a child is going to play in the “hospital”, enthusiastically puts on a white robe, takes a suitcase with “tools” and goes ... to the store, as he was attracted by the colorful attributes in the game corner and the actions of other children. The game is also not formed as a joint activity: children communicate little with each other in the game, game associations are unstable, conflicts often arise, the collective game does not add up.

    Unlike mentally retarded preschoolers, who have no special training role-playing game  not formed, children with mental retardation are at a higher level, they move to the stage of role-playing game. However, in comparison with the norm, the level of its development is quite low and requires correction.

    The immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere of children with mental retardation determines the peculiar formation of their behavior and personal characteristics. The sphere of communication suffers. In terms of communicative activities, children are at a lower stage of development than their peers. So, research E.E. Dmitrieva showed that older preschoolers with mental retardation are not ready for extra-personal communication with adults, unlike their normally developing peers, they only reach the level of situational-business communication. These facts must be considered when building a system of pedagogical correction.

    Problems are noted in the formation of the moral and ethical sphere: the sphere of social emotions suffers, children are not ready for “emotionally warm” relations with peers, emotional contacts with close adults can be broken, children are poorly oriented in moral ethical standards of behavior.

    It should be noted some features of the formation of the motor sphere of children with mental retardation. They do not have severe movement disorders, however, on closer examination, a lag in physical development, lack of technology in the main types of movements, lack of such motor qualities as accuracy, endurance, flexibility, agility, strength, and coordination are found. Particularly noticeable is the imperfection of the fine motor skills of the hands, hand-eye coordination, which hinders the formation of grafomotor skills in children.

    So, when developing a model of remedial developmental education and upbringing, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the mental development of pupils of diagnostic and correctional groups; only then can the main directions and content of remedial work be determined.

    We are happy to help you and your children!

    Overcoming the lag of children with mental retardation in the development of communicative activity and bringing them to the level of optimal age possibilities is very important. Features of preschool age as the most valuable and favorable in the development of the communicative function, the development of moral and aesthetic values ​​solve the problem.


    The child, barely born into the world, already comes into contact with the people around them, and these relationships become more and more complex with time and transformed. In the period of preschool childhood (from 3 to 7 years), he receives the main lessons of interaction with other people, as a result of which his ideas about himself and his own capabilities are formed. The inability of the child to communicate can provoke personal and behavioral disorders, contribute to the emergence of isolation or feelings of rejection. And here the ability of parents and teachers to organize the right relationship between children during the preschool childhood is of great importance.

    The current situation in preschool education is not easy. The number of combined developmental disabilities is steadily increasing. Along with complex anomalies of organic origin, there is a noticeable increase in psychogenic disorders, manifested in autism, aggressiveness, behavioral and activity disorders, anxiety-phobic disorders, and distorted socialization processes. In fact, help is needed not only by children attending special educational institutions, but also by a significant number of children who are in pre-school educational institutions of general educational type.

    Interpersonal relationships provide the main food for feelings, experiences; allow to show an emotional response, to develop self-regulation mechanisms (self-control). The slowdown and qualitative originality of emotional and personal development, lack of formation of age-related forms of communication, and underdevelopment of its structural components explain the difficulty in communicating with people around them in older preschoolers with mental retardation.

    The problem of overcoming the lag of children with CRA in the development of communicative activity and bringing them to the level of optimally realized age-related opportunities is very relevant. And the features of preschool age as the most valuable and favorable in the development of the communicative function, the development of moral and aesthetic values ​​contribute to the solution of this problem.

    The concept and structure of communication

    Communication and joint activities are important components of a preschooler's life. Thanks to them, the child learns the world, learns to build relationships with other people, develops personally. The ability to communicate positively affects not only the relationship with others, but also the child’s self-esteem, its internal characteristics: the adequacy of ideas about themselves and their capabilities, self-reliance, emotional comfort.

    Communication - the interaction of two (or more) people, aimed at harmonizing and combining their efforts in order to build relationships and achieve a common result.

    The necessary conditions confirming the presence of this communication are: the ability to empathize, the ability to identify oneself with another person, the willingness to accept a different point of view.

    Researchers identify three interrelated components in communication:

    • communicative side of communication (consists in the exchange of information between people);
    • interactive side of communication (consists in the organization of interaction between people);
    • perceptual side of communication (the process of educating each other partners in communication).

    Structural components of communication

    The subject of communication is another person, a joint partner as a subject. One of the significant components of communicative activity is the need for communication, which consists in the desire of a person to show and evaluate other people, and through them, and with their help, to self-knowledge and self-esteem. Many difficulties in communication arise not only from ignorance of adequate ways of communication, but also from low needs for it.

    Under the motive of activity according to the concept of A.N. Leontyev is understood for the sake of what activities are undertaken. This means that the motive of communication is a partner in communication. The motives that motivate a child to communicate are associated with his three main needs:

    • need for impressions;
    • the need for vigorous activity;
    • the need for recognition and support.

    When the need for new experiences encourages children to come into contact with adults - cognitive motives of communication appear. Business motives of communication appear in children in the course of meeting the need for vigorous activity, as a result of necessity, where help and participation of adults is needed.

    The need of children for recognition and support is manifested from an early age, for example, in the form of the need for maternal care and love, caress. A characteristic feature of such communication is its focus on the individual - the child himself, who is looking for support; an adult acting as a carrier of moral behavior; other people, knowledge of which contributes to the whole knowledge of the children of the social world and themselves. In this case, you can talk about personal motives of communication, satisfied in the process of communication.

    Cognitive, business and personal motives appear in the period of formation of communicative activity almost simultaneously. But in each period of childhood one of the motives of communication becomes the leader (MI Lisina, LN Galiguzova 1979). So, in the first six months of life, the personal motive is the leading one in communication; at a young age - business, in the first half of preschool childhood - cognitive, and in the second half of his half again personal. The change of the leading motive is determined by the change in the leading activity of the child and the position of communication in the system of the general life activity of children.

    Communication takes place in the form of actions that make up the unit of the whole process (communicative activity), addressed to another person. The desire to arouse the interest of another, to attract his attention - the most characteristic moment of communication. The action of communication includes the means of communication (ie, operations with the help of which the action of communication is carried out.) Among them are three main categories:

    • expressive-mimic means of communication (smile, glance, mimicry, expressive movements of the hands and body, expressive vocalizations);
    • subject-effective means of communication (locomotor and subject movements, as well as postures used for communication purposes; this category of means of communication includes approaching, removing, handing out objects, pulling various things to an adult, attracting and pushing away an adult; postures expressing protest, desire to avoid contact, or vice versa);
    • speech means of communication (statements, questions, answers, remarks).

    Communication features:

    • organization of joint activities of people (coordination and joining efforts to achieve a common result);
    • the formation and development of interpersonal relationships;
    • people's knowledge of each other.

    The ability to communicate includes: the desire to come into contact with others (“I want”); the ability to organize communication (“I can”), characterized, in turn, by the ability to listen to the interlocutor, to emotionally empathize, to resolve conflict situations; knowledge of the norms and rules that must be followed when communicating with others (“I know”). All these conditions and criteria manifest themselves at all age levels of child development. However, in each age, communication has its own specifics.

    Stages of development of communication of the child with an adult.

    At preschool age, there are two areas of communication - with adults and with peers, both of which are necessary for the normal development of the child's personality.

    Famous Russian psychologist M.I. Lisina identifies several stages in the development of communication, including: needs, motives, means of communication. The combination of these components is a form of communication. During childhood, four different forms of communication develop and develop.

    The first, arising in ontogenesis (2-3 months), is a situational-personal form of communication, based on the child’s need for the benevolent attention of adults. During this period, the baby does not yet possess any adaptive behaviors and borrows social experience through emotional communication with adults who ensure the survival of the child and the satisfaction of all his primary organic needs.

    The second appears a situational-business form of communication (from 6 months to 3 years.), Where the main need is cooperation, in the framework of the leading activity of the early childhood period - subject-manipulative activity. At this stage, communication is included in the practical activity of the baby and the business becomes its main motive.

    The child wants the elders with him to join in the lesson with objects, he requires them to participate in their affairs; however, the promotion of an adult is leading.

    The transition to preschool childhood is also marked by the transition to a new form of communication — extra-operative-cognitive, which exists in the younger and middle pre-school age (from 3 to 5 years), and it is based on the need for respectful adulthood.

    The manifestation of this form of communication is connected with the fact that the level of development of thinking, attention, speech,

    preschooler allows him to break away from the specific situation of the situation and simple manipulation with objects and expand the boundaries of his outlook, to penetrate into the relationship of phenomena. However, the child’s abilities are still limited, and the only source of knowledge that allows you to get an answer to the questions of concern is and remains an adult.

    By the end of preschool age (from 5 to 7 years), children have the highest form of communication for this period of childhood - extra-situational-personal, arising on the basis of the need for mutual understanding and empathy. This form of communication is closely related to the developmental levels of the game for the preschool age, the child now pays more attention to interpersonal contacts, to the relationships that exist in his family, at parents' work and in the circle of their friends and acquaintances.

    Extra-personal communication is based on personal motives that encourage children to communicate, and proceeds against the background of a variety of activities - play, work, cognitive. But now it has an independent meaning for the child and is not an aspect of his cooperation with an adult; now it rather allows him to satisfy the need for knowledge of himself, other people and the relationship between them.

    By 6-7 years old, a preschooler is moving to a new type of activity - a learning activity. Extra-personal communication helps the child to prepare for school. Psychological readiness of the child to study at school is the sum of all the achievements for the previous periods of mental maturation.

    There are several basic parameters of a child’s readiness for school:

    • a certain level of development of mental processes;
    • emotional and motivational readiness;
    • the presence of arbitrariness of behavior;
    • the formation of communication.

    The formation of communication skills is a very important indicator of the child’s development and one of the factors contributing to his successful adaptation to schooling.

    Features of communication preschoolers with peers

    In preschool childhood, for the first time, there is an activity that is free from the influence of adults — communication with peers. How does it differ from a child’s communication with an adult? The main difference is in the diversity of communicative actions and their wide range. In communication with peers, one can observe many actions and appeals that are practically not encountered in contacts with adults. Communicating with peers, the child can become a truly equal partner in communication. A peer is an object of comparison with himself, this is the measure that allows you to evaluate yourself at the level of real possibilities, to see them embodied in another.

    Communication with peers is more multifaceted. The game manifests such qualities and personal characteristics that are not always revealed in communication with adults, moreover, bright emotional richness is inherent in all types of joint activities of children.

    All forms of addressing peers are much less normative and regulated. The child has more opportunities to take the initiative. If in communicating with an adult, children adhere to generally accepted forms of behavior, then when interacting with their peers, preschoolers use the most unexpected actions.

    These actions are characterized by a special looseness, spontaneity: children jump, make faces, come up with teasers, make up fables, etc. over time, children's contacts are increasingly subject to generally accepted rules of behavior. However, the immediacy and lack of communication, the use of non-standard means remain the hallmark of children's communication.

    Another peculiarity of peer communication is the predominance of initiative actions over retaliatory ones. For the child, his own action or statement is much more important, and in most cases he does not support the initiative of his peers. Such inconsistency of communicative actions can be a cause for conflict, resentment and misunderstanding.

    The preschoolers' communication covers a whole range of functions: this includes managing the partner’s actions, controlling his actions, and imposing his own patterns (making him do that), playing together, constantly comparing opportunities (can I, can you?). The older the child becomes, the more important for him is communication with peers. The pace of development of the child, his self-perception and self-esteem, and attitude towards other people depends on how successfully this communication develops.

    A child who does not have a diverse experience of communication with peers falls out of the established children's cultural environment with its unwritten laws and rules. He does not know how to “speak” with his peers in their language and, naturally, he rejects them. With age, this causes additional disorders in behavior and character. The child shows his dissatisfaction in communication, getting annoyed, becoming aggressive, or may “withdraw into himself”, withdraw.

    Preschoolers can not do without peers, however, his communication with them without the help of adults is almost always ineffective. A child should be taught to express their emotions and desires, to sympathize with and help another person, to adequately get out of a conflict situation, to put up, to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. And it is great when such training is supported by a real example of an adult - in the family and in kindergarten.

    Conditions for the successful development of communicative abilities in preschoolers

    T.V. Antonova, E.P. Arnautova, A.G. Arushanova et al. Distinguish the following conditions: the identity of the teacher, the content of the activity in which he involves the child. The socializing role of the teacher is:

    a) in the transfer to the child of specific communication skills and typical behaviors in various situations;

    b) in creating conditions conducive to the positive emotional state of the child in the group;

    c) in presenting certain requirements to the child and monitoring their fulfillment;

    d) in the ability to penetrate the mood, to sympathize with the distressed, to provide emotional support;

    e) in the ability to see what place the child occupies in the sociometric structure of the group, which of the children needs help in establishing contacts with peers;

    e) mastering the culture of verbal communication; g) ability to control oneself even in difficult situations.

    Difficulties affecting the nature of communication in preschoolers with mental retardation.

    The task of developing and developing communication skills is relevant not only for raising children with normal mental development, but to a greater extent for children with special educational needs (LM Shipitsina, DI Boykov, EE Dmitrieva, T. O. Zhuravleva, E.Slekovich, RD Trigger, E.A. Chernysheva)

    Studies have noted a lag in the development of the communicative activity of children with CRA from the age norm (D. I. Boykov, E. E. Dmitrieva, L. V. Kuznetsova, E. S. Slekovich). the authors note that children have a reduced need for communication, there are difficulties in the development of speech means of communication. Communication with adults is mostly practical, businesslike, and personal communication is much less common. The common characteristic of the communicative development of children is the immaturity of the motivational need

    They are constantly experiencing difficulties adapting to the environment, which upsets their emotional comfort and mental balance. Often, children do not know how to express their feelings, listen to the other person, ask for help and know they do not know how to refuse others. They do not understand that sympathy and empathy are possible for their comrade, not only in the situation of his distress, but also when he feels joy, that is, does not understand what it means to be “glad for another”.

    The unformed emotional behavior of children is a consequence of a violation of their overall mental development. One of the specific features of the relationship of children with mental retardation is the lack of stable skills and friendship habits with other children. In their free time, they are usually agitated, annoy those who are weaker, they interfere with each other in doing something, they cannot even build up calmly, without quarrels. Normalization of their relationship needs special pedagogical influence.

    The study of the communicative activities of six-year-olds with children with mental retardation, the development of communication with adults (EE Dmitriev) showed a significant lag behind their age norms. In more than 80% of children with CRA, the situational-business form of communication, which is typical for children of earlier age during normal development, has prevailed. E.S. Slepovich emphasizes that older preschoolers with CRA reduced the need for communication with others. L.V. Kuznetsova notes that these children turn to adults only to get approval for their actions and behavior. Corrective work to overcome the negative features of the communicative activities of children with CRA should help to increase their level of social development.

    In preschool age, the leading activity is the game, through which various needs are met (including communication). However, in the opinion of many researchers (OS Nikolskaya, U. V. Ul'enkova, L. I. Plaksina), the play activity of children with CRA does not become the leading activity, since deviations in mental and speech development, imperfection of the subject activity, difficulties in communicating with adults hinder the emergence of the necessary prerequisites for its natural occurrence and deployment.

    If in a normally developing preschool children the storyline game is an important means of accumulating ideas about the world around them, then it does not play such a role in children with CRA. That is why there is a need for special work on the formation of gaming activities, in acquiring skills of communication with peers and adults, enriching the child with knowledge, rules of behavior, stimulating the formation of needs in interaction with people around them.

    The correction program developed by E.V. Dmitrieva, is aimed at overcoming the lag of children with CRA in the development of communicative activity and bringing them to the level of optimally realized age-related opportunities. It relies on the general program of correction of negative features of this category of children, which is implemented in correctional groups of the kindergarten and provides for the expansion of children's knowledge about the world, the development of thinking, speech, formation general ability  to teaching.

    The formation of communication skills occurs throughout the child’s stay in a pre-school educational institution, permeates all types of preschool activities: play, constructive, educational, etc. This task is solved in the classroom for familiarization with the outside world and the development of speech, in individual and group classes. A further solution to this problem occurs in the free activity of children and under the guidance of the educator outside the classroom, and depends largely on the personality of the teacher, his qualities, non-indifference, conscientiousness, competence.

    At the same time, the results of published psycho-pedagogical studies indicate that independently, without purposeful training, the communicative activity of this category of children develops with a significant lag behind the communicative skills and abilities of normally developing peers.

      Osnach Tatyana Vasilyevna
      Features of the behavior of children with CRA and its role in the formation of personality

    What behavior?

    Ephraim Behavior:

    1. The set of actions and actions towards others.

    2. The ability to behave in accordance with the established rules of the schedule.

    3. The reaction of the body to one or another effect, irritation.

    Ozhegov's behavior:

    Lifestyle and Action

    Behavior  in encyclopedic the dictionary:

    Behavior  - inherent in living creatures interaction with the environment, including their physical activity and orientation in relation to this environment. Behavior  animals and humans are studied by ethology, psychology, sociology. In a broad sense, they talk about behavior  objects of the very heterogeneity (for example, an electron in a magnetic field, etc., from the mid-20th century. The term is conventionally used to apply sophisticated automatic systems of modern technology.

    Behavior  on Psychological dictionary:

    Behavior  - goal-oriented activity of the animal organism, which serves to make contact with the outside world. At the base behavior  there are the needs of a living organism, on which executive actions are added that serve their satisfaction. Genesis forms of behavior  due to the complication of environmental conditions, in particular the transition from a homogeneous to the subject, and then the social environment.

    Mechanisms behavior

    Behavior  a person resembles a musical score in which facial expressions, posture, gesture and all channels of communication simultaneously sound. However, at each subsequent step behavior  quite predictable and depends on the driving mechanism behavior. Allot:

    Direct manifestation behaviorwhich is carried out when there are no obstacles to achieving the goal.

    Gain behaviors - intensity of behavior  increases in the presence of an obstacle, corresponds to an increase in the aggressive radical.

    Weakening behavior and vacuum activity. Obstacles lead to the depletion of the energy of action and "Paralysis"  activity (vacuum activity). In pathology corresponds to stupor.

    Call forwarding behavior. If you can not send behavior  to a specific goal as a result of an obstacle, it switches to another goal. Any can be forwarded behaviorsuch as sexual, food or aggressive. In pathology, the mechanism is noticeable with pathological affect, paraphilia.

    Bias behavior. If it is impossible to achieve the goal, it switches to another behavior. For example, when it is impossible to realize sexual behavior arises aggression. When pathology is found in the clinic delusions, obsessive-compulsive disorders, neurosis.

    - Social behavior"Relief"  - increased activity or imitation behavior  when observing similar behavior of others. When pathology is noticeable in dependent disorders personalities, drug addiction and hebephrenia.

    Ritualization. Ordinary behavior  goal achievement is glossed over personal  or social rituals and markers. TO behavior  this kind of normal is courting as a stage of sexual behavior. In pathology, ritualization is noticeable in dissociative disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

    Ambivalence. The simultaneous existence of two opposing motives and ways  achieve goals or opposite goals. Most often increases with catatonia and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

    Altruistic behavior. Refusal to achieve the goal in order to allow others to achieve it. One of the versions is fixation on this behavior in some forms  anorexia and suicidal activity.

    Normally all mechanisms are present. behavior, but in pathology there is a fixation on one of them.

    Children with mental retardation have obvious difficulties with behavior. This can manifest itself in a wide variety of forms. Limited abilities  self service and social skills. Painful perception of criticism limited self controlstrange or inappropriate behavior, as well as aggression or even self-mutilation. Mental retardation, including disorders behaviormay be associated with a number of genetic diseases. In general, the stronger the degree of developmental delay, the more difficult the problems with behavior.

    Features of behavior in children with CRA

    1. Adaptive behavior - the daily activities of the child, providing interaction with other children, children  CRA adaptation is reduced.

    2. Aggressive behavior - child's actionsaimed at causing physical or mental harm (damage)  another person or yourself. The child may also show aggressiveness against animals or material objects. Aggressiveness children  can manifest itself in striking his fists to parents and strangers, and also in the fact that a child tortures animals, smashes dishes, spoils furniture, tears notebooks, books of brothers and sisters, bites, throws peers with stones. Often aggressiveness children  headed for the most myself: they tear their clothes, inflict wounds on themselves, smash their heads against the door, etc.

    3. Hyperactive behavior - statein which the activity and excitability of a person exceeds the norm. In case of such behavior  is a problem for others, hyperactivity is treated as behavioral disorder. Hyperactivity is more common in children and teenagersthan in adults, because it is caused by emotions. Hyperactivity is a sign of a weak nervous system, with rapid fatigue. Treats the easily proceeding syndromes which are not demanding any medical intervention. The child is in constant motion, cannot control himself, speaks quickly and much, interrupts, does not listen to the rest. It is impossible to put him to bed, the child does not respond to prohibitions and restrictions.

    Adaptive Correction behavior in children ZPR

    1. Work with parents (joint classes, regime moments);

    2. Musical and motor igroterapiya;

    3. Game-drama (playing tales, stories);

    4. Training Games (imitation imitations, pantomimic exercises).

    Correction aggressive behavior in children ZPR

    1. The love of parents.

    2. Control  own aggressive impulses.

    3. Express your feelings.

    4. Hugs.

    5. Respect the child.

    6. Inefficiency of aggressive behavior.

    7. Social rules behavior.

    8. Praise.

    9. Talk about the act.

    10. Fairy tale therapy.

    11."Angry pillow".

    Correction hyperactive behavior in children ZPR

    1. “Calm, only calm”. Create him certain conditions of life. This includes a calm psychological situation in the family, a clear daily regimen (with obligatory walks in the fresh air, where there is an opportunity to frolic in glory).

    2. A clear daily routine. And parents will have to work hard. If you yourself are very emotional and unbalanced, always late everywhere, in a hurry, then it's time to start working on yourself. We no longer rush headlong into the garden, constantly hurrying the child, we try to be less nervous and less likely to change plans "along the way". Tell me to myself: "A clear daily routine" and try to become more organized yourself.

    3. The kid is not guilty that he is such a "zinger", therefore it is useless to scold him, punish him, make humiliating silent boycotts. By doing this you will achieve only one thing - a decrease in self-esteem from him, a feeling of guilt that he is “wrong” and cannot please dad and mom.

    4. In education, it is necessary to avoid two extremes - the manifestation of excessive softness and the presentation of heightened demands. Should not be allowed permissiveness: children should be clearly explained the rules behavior in different situations. However, the number of prohibitions and restrictions should be reduced to a reasonable minimum.

    5. It is necessary to protect children from overworkassociated with excessive impressions (TV, computer, avoid places with high concentrations of people (shops, markets).

    6. “Movement is life,” lack of physical activity can cause increased excitability. You can not hold back the natural need of the child to play romps, frolic, run, jump.

    7. Proper nutrition. Considering the diet of the child, give preference to proper nutrition, which will not be a lack of vitamins and trace elements. Hyperactive baby more than other kids need to stick to the golden mean in nutrition: smaller fried, spicy, salted, smoked, more boiled, stewed and fresh vegetables and fruits. One more the rule: if the child does not want to eat - do not force it!

    8. Passive games.

    Teach your kid to passive games. We read, and also draw, sculpt. Even if your child is difficult to sit still, he is often distracted, follow him ("You are interested in this, let's see ...", but after satisfying the interest, try to return with the child to the previous lesson and bring it to the end.

    9. Relaxation. Teach your baby to relax. Perhaps your “recipe” of finding inner harmony with him is yoga. For someone else more suitable relaxation methods. A good psychologist will tell you that it can be: art therapy, fairy tale therapy.

    Used internet resources:

    1. http: //ru.psyznaika.het);




    5. http: // psyznai;

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    The mental development of a child is a complex, genetically determined process of consistent maturation of higher mental functions, which is realized under the influence of various environmental factors. The main mental functions include: gnosis (recognition, perception), praxis (purposeful actions), speech, memory, reading, writing, counting, attention, thinking (analytic-synthetic activity, ability to compare and classify, generalize), emotions, will, behavior, self-esteem, etc.

    The delay of mental development belongs to the category of mild deviations in mental development and occupies an intermediate place between the norm and pathology. Children with mental retardation do not have such severe developmental disabilities as mental retardation, primary underdevelopment of speech, hearing, vision, the motor system. The main difficulties that they experience are primarily related to social (including school) adaptation and training.

    The explanation for this is the slowdown in the maturation of the psyche. It should also be noted that in each individual child mental retardation may manifest itself differently and differ in time and degree of manifestation. But despite this, we can try to identify a number of developmental features characteristic of most children with mental retardation.

    Causes and main forms of mental retardation

    The concept of "mental retardation" is used in relation to children with mildly expressed insufficiency of the central nervous system - organic or functional. These children do not have specific hearing impairment, vision, musculoskeletal system, severe speech disorders, they are not mentally retarded. At the same time, most of them have polymorphic clinical symptoms: the immaturity of complex behaviors, the disadvantages of purposeful activity against the background of increased exhaustion, impaired performance, encephalopathic disorders (disorders caused by organic changes in the brain). Mental retardation is a concept that speaks not about a stable and essentially irreversible mental underdevelopment, but about slowing down its pace, which is more often found when a child enters school.

    The causes of mental retardation can be divided into two large groups: the causes of a biological nature and the causes of a socio-psychological nature.

    For reasons of a biological nature include:

    1) various options for the pathology of pregnancy (severe intoxication, rhesus conflict, etc.);

    2) prematurity of the child;

    3) birth trauma;

    4) various somatic diseases (severe flu, rickets,

    chronic diseases - defects internal organs, tuberculosis, syndrome

    impaired gastrointestinal absorption, etc.)

    5) mild brain injury.

    Among the causes of socio-psychological nature are the following:

    1) early separation of the child from the mother and upbringing in complete isolation in

    conditions of social deprivation (a consequence of a breakdown in contacts with society);

    2) lack of full-fledged, age-appropriate activities:

    subject, game, communication with adults, etc.

    3) distorted conditions for the upbringing of a child in a family (a hypopec, a hyper-trust, an authoritarian type of upbringing).

    When systematics delay mental development Vlasov TA and Pevzner MS There are two main forms:

    1. Infantilism - violation of the rate of maturation of the most emerging brain systems. Infantilism can be harmonic (associated with a violation of the functional nature, immaturity of the frontal structures) and disharmonious (due to the phenomena of organic brain);

    2. Asthenia - a sharp weakening of the somatic and neurological nature, due to functional and dynamic disorders of the central nervous system. Asthenia can be somatic and cerebro-asthenic (increased exhaustion of the nervous system).

    Classification of the main types of CRA according to K.S. Lebedinskaya relies on the Vlasov-Pevzner classification, but it seems to be more advanced. It is based on the etiological principle. So stand out:

    1) the constitutional nature of the decision

    2) somatogenic DGS

    3) CRA of psychogenic origin

    4) CRA cerebral asthenic genesis.

    In the clinical and psychological structure of each of the listed options for mental retardation there is a specific combination of immaturity of the emotional and intellectual sphere.

    When mental development of constitutional origin is delayed (harmonic, mental and psychophysical infantilism according to the Vlasova-Pevzner classification), the reason for its occurrence is not the maturation of the frontal brain.

    Infantilism - (from the Latin. Infantilis-children) - the preservation in the body and human psyche of the characteristics inherent in an earlier age. There are:

    physical infantilism is expressed in stunted height, weight, which is subsequently, as a rule, compensated. It may be caused by infectious diseases, intoxication, malnutrition, etc.

    mental infantilism is a lag in personal development, mainly due to deficiencies in upbringing, therefore, an adequate pedagogical influence plays a crucial role in overcoming it. The emotional sphere of such children is, as it were, at an earlier stage of development and corresponds to the mental makeup of the younger child (brightness and liveliness of emotions, predominance of emotional reactions in behavior, playful interests, suggestibility and insufficient independence). Such children are tireless in a game in which they show a lot of creativity and fiction, but at the same time they are quickly fed up with intellectual activities. Therefore, in the elementary school they sometimes have difficulties associated with both a small focus on long-term intellectual activity (they prefer to play in the classroom) and the inability to obey the rules of discipline.

    At the same time, at an early age, the immaturity of the psyche corresponds to the infantilism of the physique with children's plasticity of mimicry and motility. This correspondence of mental and physical appearance can be disturbed in school-aged adults, because the immaturity of the emotional sphere makes the process of social adaptation difficult.

    The delay of mental development of somatogenic origin is due to long-term somatic insufficiency: chronic infections and allergic conditions, congenital and acquired somatic sphere developmental defects, primarily heart diseases. Chronic physical and mental asthenia inhibit the development of active forms of activity, contribute to the formation of such personality traits as timidity, fearfulness, and uncertainty. The same properties are determined by the creation of restrictions and prohibitions for a sick or physically weakened child regime. Thus, artificial (secondary) infantilization, caused by hyper-protective conditions, is added to the disease, and emotional-personality immaturity traits are formed, which, along with decreased performance and increased fatigue, does not allow the child to achieve the optimal level of age development.

    The delay of mental development of psychogenic origin is associated with unfavorable conditions of education. With the early occurrence and long-term effects of psycho-traumatic factors, persistent changes in the neuropsychic sphere of the child may occur, which leads to neurotic and neurosis-like disorders, pathological personality development. So in the conditions of neglect (hypo-ops), the pathological development of an individual with mental retardation according to the type of mental instability can form: inability to slow down one’s emotions and desires, impulsivity, lack of a sense of duty and responsibility.

    Also in some children distortion of the conditions of upbringing can cause aggressiveness, hysterical manifestations, in others - timidity, fearfulness, fears. In conditions of over-care, the delay in emotional development is manifested in the formation of egocentric attitudes, inability to volitional effort, toil. In the psycho-traumatic conditions of authoritarian education, mental retardation is often manifested in the absence of initiative, timidity, fearfulness.

    Delayed mental development of cerebral organic genesis. The causes of CRA cerebral-organic genesis (pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, infection, intoxication, trauma of the National Assembly in the first years of life) are somewhat similar to oligophrenia. This similarity is determined primarily by organic lesion of the central nervous system in the early stages of ontogenesis. Dependence on oligophrenia or mental retardation will depend on the massiveness of the lesion. It is also important time defeat. ZPR is often associated with later damage, when the major brain systems are largely formed and there is no danger of their gross underdevelopment.

    This option combines the features of immaturity and varying degrees of damage to a number of mental functions. Depending on their ratio, there are two categories of children.

    Group a) - in the structure of the defect the features of immaturity of the emotional sphere by the type of organic infantilism, i.e. the psychological structure combines the lack of formation of the emotional-volitional sphere (these phenomena predominate) and cognitive activity; non-coarse neurological symptoms are revealed. In contrast to the psyche of a child of an earlier age or manifestations of constitutional infantilism, with organic infantilism, emotions are characterized by a lack of vitality and brightness, a certain primitiveness. With a clear predominance of gaming interests over training in the game, monotony, lack of creativity and weakness of imagination come out.

    Group b) - symptoms of damage dominate: persistent encephalopathic disorders, impaired cortical functions are detected, intellectual disturbances predominate in the structure of the defect. Such a delay in mental development often leads to a slowdown in the change of the age phases of development: the delay in the formation of the static functions of walking, speech, tidiness, and stages of play activity.

    CRA cerebroorganic genesis, characterized by a primary disorder of cognitive activity, is the most persistent and represents the most severe form of mental retardation. This category of children in the first place needs a comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical correction in conditions special classes  and preschool institutions. At its core, this form often expresses a state bordering on mental retardation, which requires a qualified, integrated approach to examining children.

    The most important factor determining the dynamics of age development is timely, i.e. in early and preschool age, organized correctional and pedagogical assistance. Children with the aforementioned CID options can be sent to special kindergartens or pre-school groups during mass kindergartens.

    Psychological and pedagogical features of children with mental retardation. Directions of correctional work

    Violation of the pace of neuropsychic development can be detected already at an early age. Indicators may be a weak expression of orienting reactions, a delay in visual and auditory concentration, insufficient emotional activity in communication with adults, a later appearance of gnawing, babbling, and a delay in the development of motility. At the age of 1–3 years, an important diagnostic indicator is the communicative activity of the child. Nevertheless, the diagnosis of CRA at an early age is difficult. At preschool age, children with PZD experience lagging in the development of general and fine motor skills, self-service skills, technical skills of visual activity, sculpting are poorly formed, many children do not know how to hold a pencil, brush, do not adjust the pressure, difficult to use scissors, etc. d. There are no gross motor disorders in children with mental retardation, but the level of physical and motor development is lower than that of normally developing peers. The activity is not sufficiently focused, children often act impulsively, are easily distracted, quickly tired, and depleted. Attention is characterized by instability, constantly fluctuating. Attention is difficult to collect, concentrate on a particular activity. There is a lack of focus activities, children act impulsively. Often distracted.

    The memory of children with mental retardation also has a qualitative originality, which is expressed in the limitation of the amount of memory and reduced durability of memorization. Inaccuracies in reproduction and rapid loss of information are characteristic. Verbal memory suffers the most.

    Sensory development is also qualitatively different from normal. In children with mental retardation, vision and hearing are physiologically safe, but the process of perception itself is somewhat difficult: its pace is reduced, the volume is narrowed, the perception accuracy is insufficient (visual, auditory, tactile-motor). A greater number of practical tests are required when solving visual-practical tasks (the Segen board, a box of forms, etc.), the child, naming the primary colors, is hampered in naming intermediate ones. Preschoolers with mental retardation do not experience difficulties in the practical distinction of the properties of objects, but their sensory experience is not fixed for a long time and is not generalized in the word. Therefore, the child can correctly execute the instruction containing the verbal designation of the sign (“give a blue pencil”), but it is difficult for him to name the color of the shown pencil. Also, children with mental retardation experience certain difficulties in mastering the concept of magnitude; they do not single out and do not designate certain parameters of the magnitude (length, width, height, thickness).

    In children with mental retardation, the process of formation of interanalyzer connections, which underlie complex activities, is slow. The disadvantages of visual-motor, auditory-visual-motor coordination, spatial and temporal representations are noted. In the future, these shortcomings also impede the mastery of reading, writing. The lack of intersensory interaction is manifested in the lack of a sense of rhythm.

    The lag in the development of the mental activity of these children is already noted at the level of visual forms of thinking, difficulties arise in the formation of the sphere of images-representations. In particular, the difficulty of creating a whole from parts and separating parts from a whole, difficulties in the spatial operation of images. The reproductive nature of the activity, the decline in the ability to creatively create new images is noted. For example, answering the question: “How to call in one word a sofa, a wardrobe, a bed, a chair?” - the child can answer: “This is our home,” “This is all in the room,” “This is all the person needs.”

    The speech development of children with mental retardation is often characterized by defects in sound pronunciation, shortcomings of phonemic development. Children of the group in question have a limited vocabulary. In their speech are rare adjectives, adverbs, verbs. In general, speech developmental defects manifest themselves at all language levels.

    The main goal of pre-school correctional education is to create conditions for the development of a child’s emotional, social and intellectual potential, the formation of its positive personality traits, the compensation of primary disorders and the correction of secondary developmental disabilities. In a specialized preschool institution the following blocks of tasks are solved:

    diagnostic (organization of a comprehensive medical-psychological-pedagogical study of the child to clarify the diagnosis and develop an individually-oriented development program);

    educational (aimed at solving the problem of socialization of children with CRA, the formation of moral guidelines, the formation of positive personal qualities);

    corrective (development of compensatory mechanisms for the formation of the psyche and the child’s activity, prevention of secondary deviations);

    health-improving (protection, preservation and strengthening of the pupil’s health);

    educational (preparation for school education, the development of cognitive activity, the formation of all types of children's activities).

    From here and the main directions of correctional work with children with CRA in preschool institutions: physical education  and health promotion, the development of leading children's activities, cognitive development  (including speech), artistic and aesthetic development of socio-moral and personal development.

    By and large correctional work  with children with CRA in school is conducted in the same areas. The goal of educational and pedagogical work with children who are lagging behind in development in the conditions of a school institution is to create conditions for the full development of the personality of each child.

    As a result of a ten-year experiment conducted by T.A.Vlasova and V.I. Lubovsky from 1970 to 1980, it was decided to approve a new type of special schools - for children with CRA. However, the new type of schools did not receive widespread use for several reasons. Since 1988, equalization classes have been created for children with CRA in mass schools, then compensatory education classes appeared for children with asthenic conditions, somatically impaired children, as well as for children with behavioral disorders. The focus is on issues of pedagogical assistance to children with learning difficulties. This category includes children who, due to various biological and social causes, endure difficulties in mastering educational programs in the absence of pronounced intellectual disabilities, deviations in the development of hearing, vision, speech, and the motor sphere. Thus, children can be included in this category: with mental retardation, with asthenic conditions, with behavioral disorders, with pedagogical neglect.

    CRO classes open predominantly in initial link, at the same time various options of acquisition are possible:

    Option 1 - as part of grades 2,3,4 - for children who have failed in general classes.

    Option 2 - in the preparatory, 1, 2, 3, 4 grades for children who have not previously studied at school.

    According to the results of training in primary school  the question of the further education of children is solved: either they are transferred to mass classes, or continue to be taught in correctional classes. If necessary, KRO classes can be opened in the middle link, starting from the 5th grade. The capacity of KRO classes is 12 people.

    In the KRO system, children receive a qualification education. The basic curriculum is based on the Federal curriculum. This takes into account the specific difficulties of children with mental retardation.

    Currently, the issue of continuity in the work of schools and vocational technical education institutions remains relevant. First of all, it is necessary to consider the issues of professional training of graduates of KRO classes.


    mental retardation correctional

    The delay of mental development is manifested in the slow pace of maturation of the emotional-volitional sphere, in intellectual failure. The latter is manifested in the fact that the child’s intellectual capabilities are not age-appropriate. Considerable lag and originality is found in mental activity. All children with mental retardation have memory deficiencies, problems with such components of mental activity as analysis, synthesis, synthesis and abstraction. These children need a special approach.

    The problem is complex and is caused not only by the lack of pre-school correctional institutions, deficit in the regions of children's psychiatrists and neurologists, but also the lack of federal standards in the nursery; adolescent psychiatry.

    The problem of mental retardation is relevant in educational processbecause very closely related to the level of school failure.


    1. Boryakova N.Yu. Pedagogical systems of training and education of children with developmental disabilities - Moscow: Astrel, 2008.

    2. Boryakova N.Yu., Kasitsyna MA Correctional and pedagogical work in kindergarten for children with mental retardation. (Organizational aspect) - Moscow: V. Sekachev, IOI, 2004.

    3. Vlasova T.A. and Pevzner MS About children with developmental disabilities. - M .: Enlightenment, 1985.

    4. Children with CRA / ed. Vlasova T.A. - M .: Enlightenment, 1983.

    5. Delayed mental development in children. // Causes of developmental abnormalities in children. - M .: Publishing house of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, 1984.

    6. Lebedinsky V.V. Mental development disorders in children. - M .: "Academy", 1984.

    7. Pevzner MS et al. Mental development of children with impaired mental performance - Moscow: Enlightenment, 1985.

    8. N. Poddubnaya The peculiarity of the processes of involuntary memory in

    first-graders with CRA // Defectology, №4, 1980.

    9. Strekalova T.A. Features of logical thinking in preschoolers with

    CRA // Defectology, №4, 1982.

    10. Strekalova T.A. Features of visual thinking in preschoolers with

    CRA // Defectology, №1, 1987.

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