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    Psychological characteristics of a child with aids. Psychological - pedagogical characteristics of children with medical aids

    Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of preschool children with intellectual disabilities

    When mental development is impaired, poor curiosity and slow learning of the child, i.e. his poor susceptibility to everything new LS Vygotsky.

    The development of a child with impaired intelligence from the first days of life is different from the norm. There is no desire to know the world, reduced response to external stimuli. Such children do not have a need for emotional communication with adults, as a rule, there is no animation complex.

    Children with impaired intellect seize upright walking at different times: for a small part of children it develops in time within the normal range, in the other half there is a significant lag, which is compensated, as a rule, within an early age. At the same time, for all, uncertainty, unsteadiness of gait, and instability remain for a long time. The development of objective actions in children with intellectual disabilities at an early age is only just beginning, mainly in the form of manipulations. Some children have some standard subject actions (only in self-service) or a desire to master them. Subject activity at an early age does not occur. The development of speech and communication is also delayed. Most children do not have active speech. Passive speech develops better. It has some effect on the activity and behavior of the child in a well-known situation.

    Some violations - the lag in mastering objective actions, the development of speech and cognitive processes - are largely secondary. With proper organization of life, possibly earlier start of special training, many developmental defects can be corrected and even warned.

    At preschool age, the child normally undergoes major changes in all mental development. Its cognitive activity is greatly enhanced - perception, visual thinking, the emergence of the beginnings of logical thinking develops.

    In the writings of A.V. Zaporozhtsa notes that preschoolers have the opportunity to perform actions on verbal instructions, learning from explanations, but only when they rely on clear visual representations.

    New activities are emerging: the game is the first and main type of joint activity of preschoolers; graphic, constructive - the first types of productive activity of the child; elements of work.

    By the end preschool age  There is a readiness for schooling.

    For children with intellectual disabilities, the preschool age is only the beginning of the development of perceptual action. The fifth year of life becomes a turning point in the development of the perception of a child with intellectual disabilities. Children can already make a choice on a sample (in color, a form, size). Individual children also have progress in the development of holistic perception. By the end of pre-school age, not many children reach the level of perception development from which children normally begin pre-school age. In children of oligophrenics, the development of perception occurs unevenly, the learned standards often turn out to be unstable, vague, there is no transfer of the learned method of action from one situation to another.

    Thus, children with developmental abnormalities are characterized by a large lag in the terms of perception development, a slower pace of development. They have a late and often incomplete connection of perception with the word, and this delays the formation of ideas about the world.

    Children with intellectual disabilities coming in special kindergartenare significantly different from their normally developing peers. They have normal vision, but cannot see, have normal hearing, but cannot hear. That is why they are poorly aware of surrounding objects, do not distinguish between the properties of objects, are not well oriented in space. By the end of preschool age, children with intellectual disabilities who have not undergone correctional training in terms of perceptual development are a very heterogeneous contingent.

    The first form of thinking that arises in a child is normal - visual-effective thinking. It is the original form, on the basis of which there is first a visual-figurative, and then verbal-logical thinking.

    The development of visual-figurative thinking is closely connected with speech, which fixes the images of representation. "However, in fact, at this stage, the child also uses images, not words, in his mental actions. Speech plays a very important role."

    Speech in children with developmental abnormalities is very poorly developed. As a result, to school age, untrained children come with a significant speech underdevelopment.

    Thus, the mental development of a child with intellectual disabilities without correctional education proceeds with large deviations. There is a lack of activity in the entire sphere of the life of the child. This affects both the attitude of the child’s subject-matter activity, the phenomena of the surrounding world, and social phenomena - a passive attitude towards his peers, surrounding adults, and even in relation to himself.

    By the end of preschool age in children with intellectual disabilities, objective activity, play, figurative, is not formed; cognitive processes: perception, memory, thinking; poorly developed speech; marked significant underdevelopment of motility. Most deviations are secondary. This is one of the reasons for the heterogeneity of developmental indicators in different children.

    Alexey is studying in MBOU "SOSH No." from the 5th grade. Belongs to the category of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. During the period of study showed satisfactory knowledge in all subjects. Partially learns program material. The family where Aleksey lives is incomplete. Mom ... pays enough attention to the education and upbringing of her son. Constantly attends school, is interested in the educational activities of the child.

    Psychological situation in the family contributes to the development of the child.

    The boy is interested in music, goes to classes in music school.

    Learning difficulties:

    Alexey is not able to get involved in the training work, start the assignment on his own, there is a lack of readiness to perform the task without step-by-step instructions and help, inability to use the knowledge gained in skills while solving standard training and practical tasks. A teenager cannot understand and explain the reason for his mistake, correct it, apply knowledge in a non-standard situation.

    He can not solve the training problem using the "other" technique (method), compare solutions according to the degree of rationality.

    Alexey does not show due interest to learning activities. The performance of the lessons is reduced, the tasks are performed in a slower pace. With difficulty, it switches from one type of activity to another. Slowly learns everything new, only after repeated repetitions. He does not know how to exercise self-control, evaluate work, correlate the final result with the task.

    Does not violate the norms of behavior at school, the reaction to the comments is adequate, can obey the requirements of adults. Relationship with classmates are flat. He contacts with all students, but, as Aleksey himself says, he feels himself not very well among his peers.

    Emotional reactions are adequate. There is a passivity in the process of communicating with people, shyness. May flare up, offended. Shows a lively emotional reaction to events. He is worried about failures in educational work.

    In Russian  makes many spelling and punctuation errors when writing text from dictation, distorts words, can not always select verification words, does not apply the studied spelling patterns in practice.

    It has a low vocabulary, therefore it has difficulty in formulating the main idea of ​​a statement, its speech design.

    There are difficulties in parsing the word in composition. Does not distinguish between single-root words and forms of the same word.

    It is difficult to determine the grammatical features of various parts of speech.

    It has difficulty in establishing the syntactic relationship of words in a sentence, in defining the main and dependent words.

    On literature  reads slowly, without expression, often reveals a lack of reading comprehension. When reading, she makes the following errors: replacing letters, omissions, transposing letters, distorting words, incorrectly stresses. Not able to give examples from the text, proving the statement.

    Answers questions in monosyllables, does not provide detailed answers. Retells with the help of additional (suggestive) questions from the teacher.

    Alexey performs his homework with the help of adults, often he cannot explain the practical significance of the work.

    During the course of study, he showed poor knowledge of basic subjects, a low level of academic motivation in mastering program material.


    Experiencing difficulties in mastering the 8th grade program, requires psychological and pedagogical correction, an individual approach to learning.

    Has problems in factual knowledge of the Russian language. Does not fulfill the reading norm; it makes mistakes when reading. Can not express their point of view. Low vocabulary.

    Tired, reduced performance. He is not able to exercise self-control, is not able to notice and correct mistakes, evaluate work, relate the final result to the goal.

    Formation of learning motivation.

    Correction of individual gaps in knowledge:

    russian language:

    * expand vocabulary, coherent oral and written speech;

    * develop the ability to distinguish between sounds and letters; characterize sounds;

    * develop the ability to distinguish between changeable and unchangeable words, related (single-root) words and forms of the word;

    * teach find in words the ending, root, prefix, suffix;

    * teach to identify words whose meaning requires clarification; determine the meaning of the word in the text or clarify using the explanatory dictionary;

    * teach spelling rules, check your own and proposed text, find and correct spelling and punctuation errors.

    * a detailed pronunciation of the teacher together with a student spelling check algorithm.

    * use different types of reading: introductory, learning, viewing, selective - in accordance with the purpose of reading;

    * to be guided in the text, to understand its meaning (when reading aloud and silently, while listening);

    * determine the main idea of ​​the work; determine the main events and establish their sequence; to title the text, to find in the text the required information (specific information, facts, descriptions), specified in an explicit form; ask questions about the content of the work and answer them, confirming the answer with examples from the text; explain the meaning of the word based on context, using dictionaries and other reference materials;

    * make a choice of a book in the library for a given topic or on their own;

    * keep a list of books read in order to use it in educational and extracurricular activities, including planning your own reading circle.

    - Organization of educational interaction with classmates: work in tandem with a student who successfully learns this subject material, while performing exercises aimed at eliminating this difficulty; differentiated and individual work to eliminate gaps.

    Correction and development classes in the Russian language and literature.

    To download stuff or!

    Last name, first name. Date of Birth. Diagnosis. I attended kindergarten. The year of entering the school. In what classes and how many years he studied.

    1. The history of development.

    The state of health of the parents. Features of pregnancy and childbirth. Early child development. Diseases and injuries in preschool age.

    1. Family of the child.

    The composition of the family. Classes parents. The material conditions of life of the family. Conditions of raising a child in the family. Daily regime. The relationship between family members. The ratio of family members to the child.

    1. Physical status.

    Physical development, age appropriate. Deviations in physical development (height, fatness, etc.)

    State of motility. Movement disorders (stiffness, disinhibition, paralysis, paresis, stereotyped and obsessive movements). Coordination of movements.

    Condition of analyzers (sight, hearing, etc.)

    The presence of chronic disease. Fatigue

    1. Features of cognitive activity.
    1. Attention.   Volume Sustainability. Switchability Features of voluntary and involuntary attention.
    2. Perception.   Speed, volume, completeness, accuracy, meaningfulness.

    Features of visual, auditory, tactile perceptions.

    The perception of form, size, color, spatial arrangement of objects. Features of time perception.

    1. Memory.   Speed, completeness, durability of memorization. Features of memorization of digital, actual and verbal material. Features and scope of intentional and unintentional memorization.

    Meaningfulness, accuracy, completeness of reproduction. Using memorization and recall techniques.

    The presence and features of logical (semantic) memory.

    Predominant type of memory (visual, auditory, mixed)

    Individual features of memory.

    1. Features of speech.  The level of speech development. The pace and rhythm of speech. Defects of pronunciation. Features voice. Emotional coloring of speech.

    Vocabulary. Features active and passive dictionary.

    The grammatical structure of speech.

    The state of dialogical and narrative-descriptive speech.

    Features writing.

    1. Thinking.   Features analysis and synthesis. Comparisons: correctness and completeness. Availability of multi-stage analysis and comparison. Features of the comparison of visually perceived objects and verbal material. Features of generalization and specification.

    The level of development of thinking (visual-figurative, visual-effective, verbal-logical).

    The level of assimilation of general and abstract concepts.

    The ability to establish cause-effect relationships.

    Understanding of the main thing in the text, the plot.

    Ability to make independent conclusions.

    1. Emotional-volitional sphere.

    Depth, stability of feelings. Predominant mood. The degree of emotional excitability. The presence of affective outbreaks.

    Features will. Obedience Suggestibility. Manifestations of negativism.

    The presence of friendly and kindred feelings.

    The presence of pathological inclinations.

    1. General educational skills.

    The ability to listen, perform verbal assignments, work with visual aids and didactic material, textbook, notebook.

    Ability to plan their activities, work according to plan. Self-control skills.

    Features and difficulties of learning new knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities, the application of acquired knowledge and skills.

    Independence in the assimilation and application of knowledge. The ability to select their own examples to the studied rules, to explain their actions.

    The presence and features of the transfer of knowledge and skills to a new situation.

    1. Features of the assimilation of individual subjects.

    Attitude towards academic subjects.

    Motives of educational activity. Diligence.

    Cognitive interests. Attitude towards evaluation, mark, praise and blame.

    Features of mastering labor skills and skills. Attitude to the lessons of labor and labor activity. Independence.

    1. Personality features.

    The focus of the individual. The nature of interest. The level of aspirations and self-esteem. A responsibility.

    Compliance with the rules of behavior in society, school, at home. Behavior in educational, labor, gaming activities. Independence behavior.

    Relationship with the children's team and adults. Place and role in the team. The presence of conformism.

    Socialization of the individual.

    • . Pedagogical conclusions and recommendations.


    Tanya B., 7 years old, student of class I. (constitutional genesis)

    In the family of 5 children, all girls.Tanya is the fourth child from the sixth pregnancy. All three older sisters have mental retardation.

    Tanya’s physical development lags behind her passport age. The girl is spontaneous, the emotions appear bright, the mood is elevated.

    It is difficult to observe discipline in the lessons of Tanya, it is not easy for her to refrain from making statements; moreover, her behavior strongly depends on her mood, which can change very dramatically. Activity, noted during after-hours, is dramatically reduced in the classroom. The girl copes with the program material, skills and skills are developed slowly, poorly fixed. Tanya likes to engage in various types of written work, but she often reacts negatively to comments about the incorrect spelling of letters or numbers, but does not realize mistakes. Counting operations are performed with difficulty, often not realized. The greatest difficulties arise for Tanya when reading because of the weak development of phonemic perception and the lack of interest of the girl in this kind of occupation. With pleasure, Tanya is working on the lessons of work, art. Knows and distinguishes colors, correctly strokes a pattern, well cuts out.

    The girl does not show independence in mastering knowledge and overcoming difficulties. The possibilities of Tanya with negative emotions are noticeably reduced. In such situations, Tanya practically does not perceive the material. You can take it out of such a state by praise, by positive assessments regardless of the results of its activities. The teacher takes into account these features, uses the method of promotion, but does not abuse them.

    It is very difficult for a girl to concentrate on work, she is distracted by any extraneous irritant, her attention is unstable, quickly dissipates when working with more than two objects. Even for two objects (for example, when comparing letters) it is difficult for a girl to distribute attention. Switching attention depends on the interest in work. The volume of attention - 2 objects, in a state of fatigue - no more than one, when working with a large number of objects, attention is scattered and then hardly attracted. Prevailing is involuntary attention.

    The processes of perception in Tanya proceed in most cases slowly. There is a surface and insufficient generalization of perception. The girl correctly perceives objects in their usual position, with changing conditions of perception this often does not occur. Measures time knows within the program. The perception of space requires further development, the position in space is often incorrectly defined, it confuses the “left - right”, non-observant. Tanya knows the basic forms, values ​​within the “big - small”, “more - less”. Representations are deprived of generalization, completeness, their fragmentariness is noted even at the household level.

    The most effective means used for the development of the generalization of ideas in the pupils of speech development lessons is visualization in combination with the living word of the teacher.

    Material Tanya remembers slowly, in small amounts. This happens as a result of mostly involuntary memorization after a large number of repetitions. Meaningfulness is often lost. The preservation of information also suffers; therefore, Tanya reproduces mostly individual fragments, the brightest. In this case, the meaningfulness of the reproducible is often absent, as well as the distortion and violation of the sequence of events.

    The solution of mental problems causes considerable difficulties for Tanya. The reasoning is extremely inconsistent, the causal relationship between phenomena and events are established only with the help of a teacher. In most cases, the feature of Thani’s thinking is passivity. The ability to control and correct their actions, following the objectives of the task, is practically not formed, that is, noncritical thinking is noted. Thoughtful operations are underdeveloped: there are unsystematic and inconsistent analysis when performing new tasks; when comparing a girl, it is difficult to exclude nonessential attributes; in some cases, generalization and classification operations also rely on insignificant signs. The analogy between the subjects Tanya can only hold under the guidance of a teacher, she can not independently draw conclusions. The girl's conclusions are primitive, illogical. Predominantly developed is a visual-effective type of mental activity, to a lesser extent - visual-figurative, abstract.

    The girl suffers from a general underdevelopment of speech. The dictionary is poor, the passive dictionary is much wider active. Predicates and definitions in speech are few. The grammatical system suffers, the most frequent violations of agreement, omission or incorrect use of prepositions. In the classroom, the rate of speech is slow. There is a misunderstanding and, therefore, inaccurate use of words. Monologue speech is incoherent (slipping from one topic to another is noted), lacking consistency and completeness. Tanya does not know how to keep up the conversation, questions can be asked only in cases of interest in the subject, it is often difficult to repeat even the answer formulated by another student. The cheating is carried out by letter, when writing dictation requires a large number of repetitions and control by the teacher. There are multiple defects in the pronunciation of words, which have a negative effect when composing words, reading syllables, the pace of speech is slow.

    Tanya's ability to work in a team requires improved organization of behavior, constant monitoring by the teacher. She treats the teacher with respect, recognizes his authority. The requirements of classmates does not obey, puts forward their own and waiting for their execution. He likes to communicate with students of higher grades. It often reacts inadequately to surrounding events. Contact, it is intrusive, often creates conflict situations.

    Lyuba Yu., Student of grade II. (somatogenic origin)

    The girl was born from the first pregnancy. The birth was heavy, the girl was in the hospital for a month.

    In childhood, she had colds, now Luba has kidney disease. The physical development of the child is age appropriate; sight, hearing - without visible disturbances.

    The girl is disciplined; she takes her subjects seriously, diligently. Learning material assimilates, with the tasks of the teacher cope on their own.

    Attention is steady. Switching attention is difficult. The girl does not immediately move from one type of exercise to another, she needs time. The amount of attention is sufficient - 2 - 3 objects. At the girl involuntary attention prevails.

    Luba perceives some of the phenomena of the surrounding reality incompletely, but knows the measure of time, calls the sequence of events. Feels the shape and size of objects. The location of objects in space determines correctly. When observing objects and phenomena, he sees and names major changes.

    The representation of the girl is incomplete, fragmentary. Well and quickly remembers poems, worse stories, fairy tales. Recognizes the famous in the new material. Accurately reproduces entertaining, interesting material, but often does not follow the sequence.

    The girl has a predominantly visual memory, with mechanical memory prevailing. The mental activity of the student is rather active, but the judgments are made with difficulty, the cause-and-effect relationship is established weakly. There are no difficulties in making a comparison. More difficult is the analysis, synthesis. Abstract concepts and phenomena are not always available. Conclusions made with the help of a teacher. Developed visual-effective thinking.

    Lyuba understands the speech addressed to her. While her speech rate is normal, the vocabulary is underdeveloped. Monologue speech is coherent, expressive. The girl is able to support the topic of conversation, answers questions, it is more difficult for her to ask a question. He speaks poorly in writing; he cannot always express his thoughts, although he constructs sentences correctly. There are no gross defects in speech.

    Girl organized. Easily complies with classmates. He is attentive, friendly to students of the class and tries to help. Authority does not use much, can not influence others. To work applies in good faith. He makes contact easily, sociable.

    Yura B., 8 years old, student of II class(psychogenic genesis)

    In the family, the boy is the third child. The financial situation of the family is very difficult, the mother and father are unemployed, the father abuses alcohol, the main education is provided by the mother. There is no unity of requirements in upbringing, there are often scandals in the family, children are mostly self-inclined.

    On the physical development of the Jura corresponds to the norm.

    The boy is passive, interest in learning is reduced, comes in contact with caution, shows anxiety.

    From the second half of the year, he has been studying in boarding school, he has gaps in the assimilation of the program.

    Regarding educational activities, the teacher speaks positively about the boy. Practical skills are developed in accordance with the requirements of the program. Distinguishes between words denoting objects, words denoting actions; writes off from the printed text; analyzes words by sound composition. Able without the help of the teacher to correctly and fully answer the question; knows many poems by heart; reads texts in full words, difficult words by syllables, but cannot compile large sentences.

    In mathematics, he can perform actions with numbers within 20 without going through a discharge, solve simple and complex tasks, recognize corners, draw segments, name and designate units of measurement, etc. For drawing and manual labor, the program learns gross violations in fine motor skills not. Yura is studying under the program of correctional and developmental education jointly with other students, but often the teacher gives him additional tasks. The learning process has a pronounced correctional orientation. For example, a lesson in mathematics: on an oral account, a teacher conducts a game on the development of attention, memory, selects tasks that contribute to the development of logical thinking, uses techniques for the development of coherent oral speech and other cognitive processes.

    In the classroom to attract the attention of the child can be easily, if the material is entertaining. In this case, his attention is not dissipated. If you ask a boy at the moment when he is distracted, he gives a complete and correct answer, his voluntary attention prevails. It is stable, it easily switches from one type of activity to another. Yura easily perceives a holistic subject, rarely finds it difficult to recognize its individual parts. The boy is oriented in terms of time.

    The new educational material Jura remembers almost in full, correctly applies it in practice. He likes to memorize poems that are read in the lessons, and at the end of the lesson he reproduces without mistakes, he builds complex sentences without the help of a teacher. The student has a visual-auditory type of memory, but mechanical and verbal-logical memory is also observed. The boy dominates visual-figurative thinking. He is always active in class, raises his hand and tries to answer the teacher’s questions.

    Yura easily copes with tasks that require comparison in the image or by analogy. Conclusions and generalizations can be done independently, but sometimes it is based on a plan. Speech expressive with "swallowing" individual syllables, sound pronunciation is broken. The boy is engaged with a speech therapist. He understands the speech easily and executes the corresponding instructions. Monologue speech is poorly developed; in dialogue it is able to keep up the conversation, asks questions, gives full answers. Defects of oral speech do not affect writing.

    From the first days of training, the child easily mastered the team. At the boarding school, he didn’t miss home because his brother and sister study at the same boarding school.

    Nastya V., 7 years old, student of class I. (cerebral organic genesis)

    The girl was born from the sixth pregnancy, childbirth - the third, weight - 4450 grams, moderate asphyxia, impaired cerebral circulation.

    The first words appeared at 1 year, the phrase - at 2 years 2 months; walk start in 1.5 years.

    Physical development corresponds to the passport age; in neurological status - light diffuse microsymptomatics. At the lessons the girl is restless, naughty, referring to fatigue in her hand, even at the very beginning of the lesson. The teacher constantly assists Nastya. In physical education, rhythm and music lessons, the girl is active and well engaged. The discipline of the girl depends on how the lesson is worth, In the first two lessons the girl is calm, focused on the performance of tasks. By the end of the school day, Nastya becomes inattentive, distracted, screams in class, yawns loudly. During reading lessons, she poorly watches reading pupils and is distracted by various auditory and visual stimuli.

    Attention in the lesson is drawn with difficulty; it is unstable; switching is reduced. The girl is constantly distracted, absent-minded.

    The right and left side does not distinguish. The picture was cut into 4 parts by trial and error without help. With more complex tasks can not cope. The perception of paintings and texts is fragmentary.

    Slowly remembers even a small amount of material; badly stores and reproduces with errors information; short-term memory, mostly mechanical, visual memory is very poor, but auditory memory is developed.

    He can not single out the main, essential. Assistance from the teacher does not always accept. Assignments for comparison, the classification of items is impossible. It is difficult to perform mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison). Conclusions and conclusions makes bad.

    The pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds is violated; the grammatical system suffers; poor vocabulary, underdeveloped speech; phonemic processes and processes of language analysis and synthesis are violated. Speech rate is very fast; the speech is sometimes very expressive. The girl is able to maintain the topic of conversation, ask questions.

    Nastya reads poorly, reading syllable. The girl writes very slowly, doing this with a very loud pronouncing, which interferes with the work of the other students in the class. The letter from the dictation of the girl is given with great difficulty: she confuses the letters on the similarity in writing and pronunciation. When writing inaccurately, it can trace a letter several times, often distorts words. The letters are written in different sizes, above or below the line.

    He makes contact with adults and children very easily, is friendly, makes friends with classmates, helps them. Classmates love Nastya, they are bored when girls are not in school (often for health reasons). Sometimes she has conflicts, most often associated with educational activities. The girl becomes capricious and refuses to do the job. This is due to the fact that she can not show a long-term volitional effort. However, very quickly the girl is involved in the further work of the class.


    student 2 "B" class "KOU NVSHOOVZ 2"

    Dimir Minibayev,

    17.10.2006 year of birth,

    residing at: st. Lenin, d. 7/2, kv.65.

    Ruslan entered the 2 "B" class KOU NVSHOOVZ 2 on September 1, 2015, according to the conclusion of TPPMK No. 1013 dated 05.19.2015

    Health groupIII, preparatory, falls into the category of "disabled child". It is on the "D" account of a neurologist.

    The boy is brought up in a complete family. Parents are sympathetic to the individual problems and characteristics of the child, paying special attention to the training and education of their son. The material and housing conditions of the family are good.

    The active dictionary is limited to everyday items. There is a violation of articulatory movements of the tongue, lips, polymorphic violation of sound pronunciation. Insufficient level of automation, skills of phonemic word analysis.Agrammatisms, manifested in the violation of complex forms of inflection and word formation, are noted. Connected speech is not formed enough.

    Superficial semantic processing of the material when memorizing, is concentrated only in the absence of external stimuli. The memory is visual, short-term. The activity is purposeful, the working capacity is sufficient, the pace of activity is average. Purposeful activity, sufficient performance, the pace of activity is high, seeks to complete work quickly. Sensory standards of color, shape, size and position in space are formed. She comes to school with pleasure, is interested in learning activities. In training activities, there is a lack of sound analysis and synthesis, a violation of the pronunciation side of speech, a poor vocabulary, and a lack of grammatical structure. Works at a fast pace. Switches quickly from one activity to another.

    Skipping lessons without good reason does not allow.

    Reading:   reads syllables with the transition to reading in whole words. Allows a number of errors on repetitions, distortions, end replacement. Technique reading 42 words per minute. Observes syntactic pauses, answers questions on the content of the read, finds it difficult to retell the text, admits inaccuracies. It is difficult to memorize small texts. The insufficient level of development of the processes of mental analysis, the underdevelopment of phonetic-phonemic perception.

    Russian language:   Writes off the printed and handwritten texts read and analyzed words and sentences. He knows how to write words and sentences by ear. Allows errors: omission of letters, connections, replacement of letters. Formed the ability to make sentences, write words with unverifiable spellings in the root, names objects and distinguishes them by questions, is able to coordinate words denoting actions, words denoting names of objects, performs written exercises in accordance with the teacher’s task, has skills in dividing words into syllables puts stress in words. In the process of learning the Russian language, it is difficult to record words and sentences from dictation, there is a gradual weakening of self-control. He can work independently, knows how to apply his knowledge in educational activities. Highlights the beginning and end of the sentence, analyzes the words by sound composition.

    Maths: considers in the direct and reverse order on the unit and equal to numerical groups within 20, based on clarity. Correlates the number of items with a number. Solves examples of addition and subtraction within 20 based on a number series. row, teachers. Owns the concepts of values, is able to perform actions with "named numbers",names the components and the results of addition and subtraction; understands the mathematical meaning of the expressions "as much", "more by", "less by", but often have difficulty in consistently stating their thoughts.Solves simple and complex arithmetic problems and can jot downwith the help of a teacher.  Understands the difference between a straight line, a beam, a segment, distinguishes types of angles. Names elements of quadrangles - a rectangle, a square, their properties.

    The world of nature and man. Correctly names the studied objects and their phenomena. Distinguishes 3-4 houseplants and their parts, distinguishes the most common vegetables and fruits, explains where they grow and how they are used by humans. Distinguishes between wild and domestic animals, fish, describes their habits, lifestyle.

    From manual labor . Uses spatial characteristics when working with paper. Analyzes the sample and manufactures, based on the operational plan. Able to give an account of the sequence of manufacturing products. Independently owns scissors, glue, paper, performs work neatly, reproduces on a sample and from memory. Paints with pleasure, selects colors independently, without going beyond the line. In the drawings conveys the basic form of objects. Draws freehand geometric shapes.

    Behavior at recess organized. With interest enters into relations with the teacher and students. High gaming activity, willingly participates in mobile and collective games. The rules and rules of behavior in the school knows, but their implementation requires constant monitoring by the teacher.

    Adapted Grade 2 General Education Programfor students with mild mental retardation learned at a sufficient level. At the end of the school year and the decision of the pedagogical council transferred to the 3rd grade.

    30. 05.2015

    Classroom teacher

    N.V. Paholyuk

      Elena Redkina
      Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a child with disabilities

    Psychological and pedagogical characteristics

    / surname, name child / / date of birth /

    Visits MBDOU number ___ since 2012. During this period, he showed himself to be a child active, mobile, showing interest in the tasks of the game. of character. Independently shows activity in the study of new objects.

    Interested in contact with an adult. Speech instructions understand, acts purposefully in the presence of interest in the task. In group classes restless, there are significant fluctuations in concentration. Uneven performance. ___ can ask the teacher for help himself. The help of the teacher as required accepts. In each case, it is either explanatory, directing or stimulating. Help uses productively. Have child  control and regulation of activity is somewhat weakened. ___ poorly complies with the requirements of the discipline, he has some difficulties in communicating with peers. ___ has difficulty building gaming relationships with the children of the group; may show aggression towards other children due to unwillingness to share game material. Shows initiative and interest in communication with teachers and specialists.

    There is a lag in speech development. Turned speech understands almost in full. Communicates using simple words, the pronunciation of which distorts, natural gestures and some sound combinations. The stock of knowledge and ideas about the world limitednot appropriate for age. ___ attract desktop-printed didactic games, small game material, puzzles. Graphic skills are not sufficiently formed. Shows interest in productive activities - drawing, modeling, designing. Able to perform tasks on the model. Fine motor skills are underdeveloped, the leading hand is the right.

    Self-service skills are formed. Situations of success cause a child positive emotions. The response to approval is adequate. Responds to comments impulsively. In general, easily excitable. Selective in food. Superficial sleep.

    Parents accept active participation  in education and training childThey are interested in the dynamics of its development, consult with the teaching staff, follow the recommendations of specialists.

    Current level mental  development does not meet the age norm.

    date: «___» ___ 201 ___ g.

    Signatures of teachers and institutions / defectologist, speech therapist, psychologist, educator / stamped.