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  • Urochnye forms of training in physical education and sports

     Urochnye forms of training in physical education and sports

    Specific physical education lessons are conducted with different population congruentists for different programs designed for different areas and tasks of work. At the same time, we have to deal with large differences in the level of preparedness and condition of the students, with the heterogeneity of their interests and opportunities, and with various external conditions. Therefore, in the practice of physical education, species, varieties, and more particular constructions of lesson occupations are manifold in content, structure, and typical methodological features.

    The selection and planning of the most appropriate classes will be helped by the knowledge of the general classification of physical education lessons (Fig. 15.1.) The basis of this classification is the law of ascent from the general to the particular, which is subject to the order of signs and the variety of lessons.

    1. On the target orientation of physical education:

    1. Lessons in General Physical Education (General Physical Training) servedaims to create the foundation of physical development, education and upbringing for various motor activities in life. They are divided into two types:

    Lessons from a broad general physical education,which are aimed at comprehensive general preparation for any motor activity and, therefore, are distinguished by a wealth of content, variety of construction and complexity of methodical development. They are characteristic of the physical education of children.

    Lessons regarding limited overall fitnessapplied in specialized physical education in order to narrow the general physical preparation for limited activities. Their content is closely associated with the specific content of a particular type of specialization (sports, professional, etc.).

    2. Lessons of specialized physical education serve the purpose of preparing for specific motor activity. They include three types:

    Sports training lessonsthey are the main form of training with athletes of all categories and serve to prepare them for competitions. The subject content, and partly the construction of sports and training lessons, in various fields and types of sports specialization is characterized by specific features.

    Applied Physical Education Lessonsdissected into the lessons of professional-applied and the lessons of military-applied physical training. Their content is specific types of motor activity depending

    from the features of the profession.

    Lesson type with a therapeutic orientation,used to help restore health. Their content, structural features and methods are due to the nature of the disease and the peculiarities of using other medical procedures.

    //. On the main subject and program content of classes:

    1. Narrow subject (species)characterized by uniformity of educational material. At this level, the lessons of gymnastics, athletics, swimming, fencing, games, etc. - kinds. Within each subject, there are lessons in sports (or other) gymnastics, basketball, rapier fencing, ski jumping, running training in athletics, etc. - varieties.

    2. Comprehensive lessons differ in a variety of educational material, for example, gymnastic, athletic and game. Such classes are more common in general physical fitness. The lessons of this classification level also differ in the structure and methodology.

    Iii. Depending on which of the main aspects of the process of Physical Education is emphasized or fully constitutes the content of the lesson:

    1. Lessons of educational orientation. Their main content is the formation and improvement of specific knowledge, motor and intellectual skills, as well as training in their application in changing conditions. At the same time, educational and hygienic tasks are solved only along the way (conjugately) and only to the extent allowed by the main content and circumstances of the academic work.

    2. Lessons with special educational orientation serve primarily targeted improvement — intellectual, volitional, and emotional qualities, interests, and needs. The tasks of training and physical development in them are given a limited, subordinate place.

    3. Lessons with hygienic orientation designed to meet the challenges of physical development and health promotion. They are partially connected with the passing decision of some educational and educational tasks. Hygienic lessons are characteristic of general physical education. They are used in work with children, with people of mature and elderly, play a supporting role in sports training.

    4. Combined lessons the content of which is aimed at solving the tasks of two or more of the listed sides of physical education.

    Within each type of the previous classification series there is a detailed division of them. Depending on the didactic (educational) tasks that are emphasized at various stages of learning, lessons with an educational focus,are divided into:


    Lessons from the study of new material;

    Lessons learned to improve and use in new conditions of motor activity;

    Lessons control (accounting, credit);

    Mixed, in which the learning tasks characteristic of the types (types) of lessons listed are combined in various proportions.

    Each of these types of educational lessons has its own characteristics not only in the arrangement of educational material, but also in the construction of learning situations. This raises the problem of choosing the application of


    more effective teaching methods. Depending on the choice of methodological directions prevailing in practice, emphasizing the teacher’s transfer of knowledge and skills in a ready-made form, or an independent, creative search for solutions to everyone involved, or a combination of these approaches, there is a need for further classifying differentiation of lessons according to methodological features.

    Fig. 15.1. Classification of physical education lessons190

    Lecture 15 Forms of building exercise classes

    Lessons with special educational orientationthere are three main types:

    With selective educational influences;

    With multilateral (several independent) effects;


    The first are most common in sports training, the second - more in general physical education and applied physical training. In all-around sports training, multilateral lessons are needed with a special educational orientation, and in general physical education and applied physical training with both multilateral and selective educational influence.

    Supervisory lessons take place in all areas of physical education, since they are associated with testing the preparedness of the students.

    Lessons are mostly hygienic have two main types. The first includes general developmental lessons aimed at harmonious overall morphofunctional development of the body, improving the physique, the formation and maintenance of good posture. The second type is compensatory and recovery lessons. They are recreational in nature and serve to compensate for the lack of physical activity in everyday activities and everyday life, or for the purposes of active recreation and restoration of working capacity.

    In the practice of physical education schools, at the faculties of advanced training, courses and gatherings for teachers of physical education, coaches and instructors in sports are held so-called, methodological lessons. They serve the purpose of forming the methodological skills of future teachers, as well as raising the qualifications of those already working.

    A distinctive feature of the methodological lessons is the focus on professional and pedagogical training. They are conducted both with a group of trainees and as a demonstration of classes with groups of students in schools, universities, sections of groups of physical culture, etc. In the first case, the lessons are of a model character, since students actually cannot and should not transform into any real team involved. In the second case, when classes are conducted with a real team with its specific characteristics, methodological lessons are the most effective.

    Model methodological lessons, as a rule, are accompanied by introductory, passing and final explanations and instructions. The lessons on a specific team involved complete a detailed methodological analysis, and it also includes observers of the demonstration. In the latter case, the motivated generalizing conclusion of the teacher who conducted the lesson or the methodologist is especially important.

    Each lesson is one of the elements of the educational process and has all the characteristics of this complex phenomenon. In this regard, the content of the lesson of physical education is complex and multi-valued. It is represented by the following feature parties.

    1. Tasks and composition of physical exercises (educational material). The content is determined by tasks that reflect the subject and orientation of the classes, the nature of the activity of the teacher and the students, as well as the projected (expected) changes in the state of the body, in knowledge, skills, and skills.

    Theory and methods of physical culture

    posture; temper the body.

    To cultivate moral, intellectual, strong-willed and aesthetic qualities.

    The duration of the main part is 80-85% of the time devoted to the lesson.

    For the solution of tasks in view any physical exercises can be applied, first of all provided by the corresponding programs.

    The final part of the lesson has the following functions:

    The organization of the completion of the educational process in order to bring the body to the optimum condition for the upcoming classes and save the overall working installation.

    Concentration of attention of the participants on the achievements and their orientation in further work.

    Typical tasks of the third part of the lesson are:

    Bring the body and psyche involved in an optimal functional state; fix the correct posture.

    Take stock of learning activities.

    Familiarize students with the general content of the next lesson for the independent performance of certain exercises, etc.

    Its duration is 3-5% of the time allotted for the lesson.

    In the final part, it is advisable to apply various variants of "soothing" walking, exercises and attention games, dance exercises to music, movement with a song, relaxation exercises, etc. It is advisable to carry out hygienic procedures after the final part of the lesson: washing, shower, massage, etc.

    The content and duration of each part of the lesson are very variable, since they depend on the type and duration of the lesson, on the characteristics and condition of the students, on the working conditions and other factors. It is important to avoid following this pattern. So, it is not necessary, and even harmful, to plan the solution of all tasks typical for each part of the lesson. For example, it may turn out that by the beginning of the lesson the students are already attentive and are in a state of full readiness for the work to be done. In this case, there is no need to implement the relevant tasks and use special tools to solve them. If during the main part the state of attention and physical readiness decreases, it is necessary to urgently apply the means typical for the introductory part.

    The most appropriate and economical is the conjugate solution of several tasks, depending on the selection of appropriate exercises. For example, some variants of running, a game, a dance combination, can equally successfully serve both organizations of attention, and activation of body functions, and elevation of emotions.

    The three-part division of a lesson does not exhaust its construction, but only the largest and most peculiar stages — its general structure (macrostructure) —are determined.

    In order to ensure the correct approach to building a lesson, the teacher must have a good understanding not only of the main aspects and components of its content, but also of the mechanisms of their interrelation. It is important to clearly identify the main structural unit, the primary "cell" of the lesson of physical education. This will facilitate understanding of the following levels of its construction.

    The elementary structural unit of the lesson should be considered physical exercise.

    Lecture 15 Forms of building exercise classes

    ni When performing each physical exercise, a certain educational situation,the necessary elements of which are:

    A private task that determines what should be obtained in the process of working in this situation;

    The set of sequential actions of the teacher and involved, ensuring the achievement of the intended result.

    In terms of their functions, educational situations can be:

    Relatively simple (for which actions are aimed at solving one particular task).

    Relatively complex (in them the performance of a single physical exercise is provided by the associated solution of several particular tasks).

    Depending on the conditions, various combinations of simple and complex teaching and educational situations are presented in the lessons of physical education. Properly constructed lesson is characterized by the fact that these combinations are presented in a coherent system that ensures the integrity of the lesson.

    Second level of building a lesson (its mesostructure is typical) requires the definition of the sequence of physical exercises, as specific teaching and educational situations, in each part of the lesson. At the same time, it is necessary to bear in mind the inevitable interaction of physical exercises, since the effect of each of them is to some extent predetermined by functional traces from previous ones (their “after-effect”). Such a structural ordering of each part of the lesson becomes very significant, since the interaction of exercises can be positive, contributing to the effectiveness of the next exercise, and negative - reducing, even neutralizing its effectiveness.

    Determining the sequence of physical exercises requires creativity, since the content of specific lessons is very diverse and is due to various factors: program requirements, features involved, the stages of the learning process, logistical and climatic conditions. For example, it is recommended to learn difficult coordination exercises at the beginning of the main part of the lesson - “with a fresh mind”. At the same stage of improvement, in order to develop the ability to manage their movements in conditions of increased psychophysical stress and accumulated fatigue, it is advisable to use them at the end of the main part of the lesson.

    The third level of lesson building (its microstructure is concrete) is reduced to the organization of each educational situation through the optimal combination of its elements. The main is the streamlining and coordination of actions of the teacher and involved, which provides the most effective solution of the particular problems of each exercise.

    For this, it is important to think out well the methodological measurements, methods and techniques of the teacher and the students. Even with a very successful and correct determination of the sequence of physical exercises, and therefore learning situations, it is possible not to achieve the desired results if the situation itself is incorrectly constructed. So, it is not at all indifferent, whether the teacher will first show the movement being studied, then he will offer to perform, and after that he will explain it to the students. Or, he will begin by describing the physical exercise, clarifying its purpose and formulating the task, after which, having given it to perform and, relying on the result of the independent actions of the students, he will resort to some verbal clarifications, and at the end will show how to perform perfectly .

    In the first case, the teacher will provide an imprint to those involved in the finished

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    of the studied motor action, moreover, as a rule, only from its external side. Execution will be imitative in nature and will touch the essence of the technique a little. In the case of successful, in the opinion of those involved, the reproduction of the shown, the subsequent explanation of the teacher will be heard superficially, and most importantly - will be overlaid by the already superimposed, backed up personal experience of previous attempts.

    In the second case learning activities  will be more meaningful, and its results are more significant, since from the very beginning insufficiently meaningful, narrowly subjective actions were excluded. In order to imagine the desired movement by the word, the students will have to specifically focus on this, embrace mentally different aspects and elements of its technology, independently create a complete image of movement with the power of imagination. Observing then the exemplary demonstration, comparing their performance with the one shown, they will extract more of the necessary information, and, having interpreted it, they are better used to improve the subject. Especially valuable in this case will be the educational effect: consciousness and intellectual activity of those engaged in educational work, the development of thinking and imagination, initiative and independence.

    This does not mean that only the second approach to constructing an educational situation is expedient. In some cases, it may be appropriate and the first. The teacher, as the creator of educational situations, should always be in creative search and reasonably create their options. So, using well-studied gymnastic exercises about the purpose of physical development, one can only call them, regulate the tempo of movements by counting and partly perform with the participants.

    A qualitative criterion for the teacher’s approach to building a situation is expediency, based on this, often in the process of conducting a lesson, the planned situations must be restructured, taking into account previously unforeseen factors.

    The construction of physical exercises is in a certain dependence on external factors. It develops differently when practicing in the gym, on the sports ground, stadium, in the swimming pool, on the ground, on the ground, depending on the ambient temperature, the condition of the equipment, the amount of equipment, etc. Each of these conditions has a special effect on the psyche and physical condition of the students, on their performance and behavior. It is not equally necessary to organize those involved, to vary the distribution of frontal, group and individual work, to dose and compact loads, to introduce auxiliary exercises.

    By forms of physical exercise, we understand the ways of organizing the educational process, each of which is characterized by a certain type of relationship (interaction) between a teacher (coach, judge) and students, as well as corresponding conditions of classes. According to the characteristics of the organization involved in and methods of leadership of their classes in physical education are divided into two groups - lesson and lesson.

    Urochnye forms - this is a class conducted by a teacher (trainer) with a permanent composition involved.

      These include:

    1. Physical education lessons taught by teachers in government programs in educational institutions where physical education is a compulsory subject (school, vocational education college, university, etc.).

    2. Sports training sessions conducted by coaches with a focus on improving practicing in their chosen sport.

    Incomplete forms are activities conducted by both specialists (organized) and those engaged themselves (independently) in order to actively rest, strengthen or restore health, preserve or enhance performance, develop and improve physical qualities, and improve motor skills.

      These include:

    1. Small forms of training (morning gymnastics, introductory gymnastics, physical training, physical gym, micro-pause), used for operational (current) control of physical condition. By virtue of their short-termness, these forms, as a rule, do not solve problems of a developing, coaching nature.

    2. Large forms of employment, i.e. classes are relatively long, single and multidisciplinary (aerobic, shaping, callanetics, athletic gymnastics, etc.). These forms of training are aimed at solving tasks of a training, recreational, rehabilitation or recreational nature.

    3. Competitive forms of employment, i.e. forms of physical culture and sports activities, where the winner, place, physical or technical preparedness, etc. are determined in the competitive struggle.

    For the lesson forms of occupation it is characteristic that the activity of the students is managed by physical culture  and sport, which, for a strictly fixed period of time, in a specially designated place, manages the process of physical education in a relatively permanent composition of the group of students (class, section, team) in accordance with the requirements of the pedagogical regularities of training and education. At the same time, the frequency of classes, their duration and interrelation are strictly observed. In addition, educational forms are characterized by the construction of classes within the framework of a generally accepted structure, which is commonly understood as dividing a lesson into three parts: preparatory, main and final.

    Preparatory partnecessary for the initial organization of the involved, mental and functional preparation of the body, as well as the musculoskeletal system for the upcoming main work.

    Main partprovides a solution to the problems of learning the technique of motor actions, education of physical and personal qualities.

    Final partdesigned to gradually reduce the load on the body and the organized end of classes.

    On the basis of the main focus, there are classes of general physical training, lessons of professional-applied physical training, sports and training lessons, methodical and practical classes.

    OFP lessonsused for almost all age groups. Their main focus is comprehensive physical training. For the lessons are characterized by a variety of means and methods, complexity, medium and moderate loads on the body.

    The lessons of vocational and applied physical trainingheld mainly in secondary and higher education institutions. Their main focus is the formation of motor skills and on-skills leading for specific professions, as well as the development of physical qualities.

    Sports training lessonsthey are the main form of training with athletes of all categories and serve to prepare them for competitions.

    Methodical and practical classesheld mainly in specialized secondary and higher educational institutions. Their main focus is operational mastery of methods and methods of physical culture and sports activities to achieve educational, professional, life goals of the individual.

    On the basis of the tasks to be solved, the following types of lessons are distinguished:

    1. Lessons learned new material.They are characterized by widespread use of verbal methods, low "motor" density.

    2. Lessons from the consolidation and improvement of educational material ..

    3. Control lessonsdesigned to determine the level of preparedness involved, checking the mastery of their knowledge and skills.

    4. Mixed (comprehensive) lessonsthey are aimed at the joint solution of the tasks of learning the technique of movements, the education of physical qualities, control over the level of physical fitness of the students, etc. They have their own specific content, structural structure, etc.

    1. Typical signs of a lesson in physical culture:

    Lesson  - the main form of employment, having an educational orientation, the content, time and place of which is predetermined by the program, plan and schedule.

    The activity of the students is managed by a physical education teacher who organizes a lesson, trains, educates those involved, directs their activities.

    The frequency of classes, their duration and interrelation are strictly observed.

    The behavior and relationships of the participants of the lesson, as well as the external conditions of its conduct (furnishings, equipment and equipment) are regulated in the way it is necessary to solve its main tasks.

    The contingent involved, as a rule, is constant and relatively homogeneous.

    Classes characterized by such signs can be called self-study. In the system of physical education, they are most widely represented in the programs of educational institutions, especially in school ones.

    Similar signs have sports training sessions organized by coaches in sports schools, sports clubs, teams, etc. However, they are characterized by the following features: 1) focus on improving in the chosen sport; 2) a wide variety of sports activities.

    The effectiveness of any lesson is associated primarily with a clear, correct formulation of the problems solved in its main part.

    On the basis of the tasks to be solved, the following types of lessons are distinguished:

    Lessons learned new material. They are characterized by widespread use of verbal and visual methods, low "motor" density. In school physical education, in the fourth plan, they are denoted by the letter “P” - learning.

    Lessons to consolidate and improve educational material.  In the fourth plan are designated by letters "Z" and "C".

    Control lessons  designed to determine the level of preparedness involved, checking their knowledge of knowledge and skills (denoted by the letter "Y" - accounting).

    For lesson forms, the construction of classes within the framework of a generally accepted structure, which consists of three parts: preparatory, main and final, is characteristic.

    2. The preparatory part of the lesson

    The main components of the preparatory part: the water-organizing part, general and special warm-up.

    Water-organizing part  (3 - 5 minutes), begins with the construction of a class (group), mark of attendance, a brief and clear statement of tasks for a lesson. Then begins a warm-up, which is divided into general and special.

    General warm-up  - is a relatively warm-up section that is relatively non-specific with respect to the main part of the lesson. The general warm-up contributes to the revitalization of various functional systems, the musculoskeletal system and to improve the overall health of the body involved. As a general warm-up, the previously well studied, relatively simple, dosed exercises of local and general impact are most suitable. Most often, this is walking, running, combined with swing, rotational, jumping, and other movements, as well as gymnastic exercises without objects and with objects, allowing to selectively affect different muscle groups. Various types of exercises and methods for performing them (including playing, dancing, exercises with a partner, etc.) can be included in the general warm-up, if they correspond to the purpose of this warm-up.

    Special warm-up  - it is necessary to ensure a specific optimal integration of body systems in a direction adequate to the features of the activity following it in the main part of the lesson. Therefore, the choice of special warm-ups is more limited than for general warm-ups: in each case, it directly depends on the characteristics of the main part of the lesson.

    The most common forms of general organization of behavior involved in the preparatory part are frontal  and group differentiation forms  (as in other parts of the lesson).

    Using frontal shape conducting a warm-up, the teacher shows and explains each exercise and then engaged in synchronous (most often at the expense of) perform this exercise. The frontal form of the organization of the students allows the teacher to control the behavior of the students, eliminate unjustified pauses, and helps to develop skills for collective behavior. However, this form of organization involved complicates an individual approach.

    With differential group form  organizations involved are divided into departments according to level of preparedness or gender. Each department receives and performs its tasks. The teacher supervises the work in the departments together with assistants.

    The duration of the preparatory part  the value is not standard, it should be changed depending on the peculiarities of the state of the students and the nature of the activity coming up in the main part of the lesson. Practically, for example, in an hour-long lesson, the preparatory part is given from 7 to 10 to 15 minutes (10 to 15% of the total lesson time).

    3. The main part of the lesson

    The main part solves the main tasks of the lesson. The main part of the lesson, aimed at solving one main task, is built in the order of successive actions that contribute to the implementation of this task. Such a lesson in physical education is called unidirectional or selective orientation. It is built most often according to the laws of in-depth learning of complex motor actions, or according to the laws of ensuring a sufficiently significant training effect necessary for selective influence on certain physical abilities.

    In the complex lesson in its main part there are two or three parts in which inhomogeneous problems are solved. In order to rationally build an integrated lesson, it is necessary to anticipate the nature of the interaction between the various aspects of its content in order to ensure positive interactions and minimize negative ones.

    Duration of the main part of the lesson  in various situations does not remain constant, although with standard time lessons in physical culture in general education schools it is less variable. The main part is on average 2/3 of the time of the entire lesson (~ 70 - 75%).

    4. The final part of the lesson

    The purpose of the final part of the lesson is a gradual decrease in the functional activity of the organism involved and bringing it into a relatively quiet state. An adequate factor in recovery here is active rest in the form of exercises, which differ from exercises that caused fatigue in the main part (the so-called “contrasting exercises”).

    To reduce the physiological arousal and excessive tension of individual muscle groups are used: slow running, quiet walking, breathing exercises, stretching and muscle relaxation. To regulate the functional state - soothing outdoor games, game tasks, attention exercises.

    Summing up the lesson with the teacher's assessment of the results of the activities involved, homework for self-executing physical exercises, for pulling up weak points are reported.

    The duration of the final part of the lesson  8 - 10 minutes (~ 10 - 15% of the total lesson time).