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  • Gdz German workbook 3

    Gdz German workbook 3

    German language grade 3


    Bim, Ryzhova, Fomicheva


    The German language in our time is quite widespread, so knowledge of it will not be superfluous. If we consider that it is relatively simple compared to others, then its study is much less problematic. However, it will not be possible to completely avoid them. Like any foreign dialect, it has its own characteristics that must be taken into account. Therefore, even one incorrectly placed letter can completely deprive a sentence of meaning. Reshebnik to the textbook "German language. Workbook grade 3" Bim, Ryzhova, Fomicheva will help you avoid these mistakes.

    Main content of the tutorial

    Each of the two parts of this collection is designed for one of the academic semesters. In total, they are about one hundred and seventy pages long. All tasks are divided into thematic sections. V GDZ in German, grade 3 Bim provides detailed answers for all numbers, so that checking the f / s will not present any particular difficulties for parents who are not familiar with this subject.

    Will it help in studies

    By and large, the presentation of the material is in a playful way, which should help schoolchildren to perceive it more easily. The same characters they met last year help children learn. Therefore, this academic year, adaptation to new knowledge should be much easier. But this does not mean that all third graders will be equally good at absorbing information. There are guys who are generally not receptive to foreign languages ​​- they will have a very difficult time. Of course, you can hire a tutor who will hammer the necessary knowledge into your child. But again, this method is only effective with constant use. Therefore, it is better for students to master this discipline on their own, and to help them, you can provide a solution to the textbook "German language. Workbook grade 3" Bim."Education", 2016

    GDZ German language grade 3 Workbook

    Only to an amateur, far from pedagogy, it may seem that in elementary school the study of foreign subjects precedes the real mastery of German, English or French. Yes, taking into account the age of the students, game elements are actively used. The solution of tasks is carried out quite freely, because attention, memorization are still only being formed. It is still difficult to separate teaching from upbringing. And for children, study is a new occupation, the process of adaptation to it is not completed. It adds conventions to the development of the discipline and the fact that it is not easy to organize a conversational environment, while other types of communication (reading) are still being mastered in Russian. Nevertheless, even a superficial acquaintance with the program workbook German language Bima I.L. for class 3 FGOS, convinces: schoolchildren must already master a number of issues, without which no person who has begun to study Deutsch no matter how old he is.

    For example, at the end of the third year, students will be able to navigate in 4 topics (acquaintance, home and life, food and drinks, walks).

    A variety of skills on the example of the first:

    Recite simple rhymes or songs by heart.

    Understand the meaning of the teacher's messages, short stories from classmates, poems and mini-stories.

    Conduct a short monologue based on illustrations.

    To distinguish and clearly speak the main phonemes, correlate them with graphic symbols, feel the rhythm of speech and emotions of the speaker, and put stress precisely.

    It is correct to conjugate the linking verb sein, possessive pronouns in various numbers, use interrogative words and the indication of das.

    This is a significant body of knowledge that requires regular repetition to master. Here comes to the rescue GDZ workbook in German language grade 3 Bim, Ryzhova, from the publishing house "Education". It fully complies with federal standards and can be useful as an attachment not only to your own textbook. And in order to make such work more effective, it will not be superfluous to periodically provide the child with access to online reshebnik... He contains correct answers for all exercises, clearly sorted by number. Such support makes training faster and more organized - after all, you do not need to wait for a lesson to find out if the crossword puzzle has been correctly solved or a mini-dialogue has been drawn up. These guides are very handy when preparing for tests - they increase confidence in yourself and your results.

    German. Grade 3. (First steps) Workbook in 2 hours. Bim I.L., Ryzhova L.I.

    9th ed. - M .: 20 12. - Part 1 - 96s., Part 2 - 79s.

    The workbook is an integral part of the educational and methodological set “German language. Grade 3 "by IL Beam et al. The workbook consists of two parts and fully corresponds to the structure of the textbook. The manual is intended for students of educational institutions and is focused on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. The workbook contains tasks to activate writing skills, as well as tasks for working on grammar, to consolidate lexical and spelling skills. Various tasks of the workbook are organically included in the educational process, planned for the work of students at home and in the classroom.

    Part A.

    Format: pdf

    The size: 11 Mb

    Watch, download: November

    Part B.

    Format: pdf

    The size: 10.6 MB

    Watch, download: November .2019, links removed at the request of the "Education" publishing house (see note)

    Part A.
    Hallo, 3. (dritte) Klasse! Wiedersehen mit Freunden. (Meeting with friends.) Kleiner Wiederholungskurs s
    1 He, Freunde! Wir sind wieder da 3
    2 Der Sommer. Das ist die schonste Zeit. Oder? 6
    3 Unsere Sommerfotos. Wie sind sie? eleven
    4 Was macht Svens Familie im Sommer gem? 15
    5-6 Wir spielen und singen 18
    I Sabine gent gern in die Schule. Und ihr? 23
    1 Unsere Freunde kommen wieder in die Schule 23
    2 Schulanfang. (The beginning of the school year.) Woruber sprechen die Kinder im Schulhof? 26
    3 Marias erster Schultag 32
    4 Welcher Wochentag ist heute? (What day of the week is it today?) 35
    5 Was machen wir am Samstag und am Sonntag? 40
    6 Und was macht unser tapferes Schneiderlein? 43
    7 Wir spielen und singen 45
    II Es ist Herbst. Wie ist jetzt das Wetter? (Autumn. What is the weather now?) 50
    1 Ein Ausflug (Walk) in den Park. Wie ist es dort im Herbst? 50
    2 Und was machen jetzt Sabine und Sven? 52
    3 Es ist toll im Herbst bei der Oma im Dorf! 54
    4 Im Herbst ist alles reif (ripe) 59
    5 Und was fressen die Waldtiere? g2
    6 Sven und Sabine sprechen iiber ihre Lieblingstiere (o favorite animals). Und wir? 65
    7 Wir spielen und singen 67
    III Und was bringt uns der Winter? (What does winter bring us?) 69
    1 Wie ist das Wetter im Winter (in winter)? 69
    2 Wer kann Tierratsel raten? (Who knows how to guess riddles about animals?) 74
    3 Was sieht das tapfere Schneiderlein in einem Park? 77
    4 Warum freuen sich die Kinder iiber den Winter? 80
    5 Weihnachten ist das schonste Fest 83
    6 Wir spielen und singen und bereiten uns aufs Neujahrsfest vor 89

    Part B.
    IV In der Schule haben wir viel zu tun 3
    1 Was machen Sabine und Sven in der Schule besonders gern? 3
    2 Unsere deutschen Freunde haben gestern viel gemalt. (Our German friends drew a lot yesterday.) Nicht? 6
    3 Was machen unsere deutschen Freunde heute? nine
    4 Was konnen die Schuler in der Spielecke machen? 13
    5 Ein Maskenball in der Schule. Da mtissen sich die Kinder gut vorbereiten. Oder? 16
    6 In der Deutschstunde haben wir auch viel zu tun 19
    7 Wir spielen und singen 23
    V Der Fruhling ist da. Und auch tolle Feiertrge, nicht? 29
    1 Es ist Fruhling. Wie ist jetzt das Wetter? 29
    2 „Fruhling, Fruhling, nab" dich lieb ... "32
    3 Wir gratulieren unseren Muttern zum Frauentag 36
    4 Wem gratulieren wir noch zum Frauentag? 39
    5 Die Familie Mtiller feiert Ostern (Easter) 41
    6 Bald kommen die Fruhlingsferien 44
    7 Wir spielen und singen 46
    VI Geburtstag! (Birthday!) 1st das nicht auch ein schoner Tag? 49
    1 Woruber sprechen Sabine und ihre Mutter? 49
    2 Sabine schreibt Einladungen zum Geburts¬tag 53
    3 Was wtinscht sich Sabine zum Geburtstag? 58
    4 Vorbereitungen zum Geburtstag 60
    5 Und welche Vorbereitungen gibt es bei Sa¬bine zu Hause? 64
    6 Sabine feiert Geburtstag 68
    7 Wir spielen und singen 72