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  • What is the phobia to gain weight. Get rid of fear to type extra weight. We offer a completely new look at this problem.

    What is the phobia to gain weight. Get rid of fear to type extra weight. We offer a completely new look at this problem.
    Article author: Maria Barnikova (psychiatrist)

    Contact: overcome the fear of fat


    Maria Bornishova

    The requirements of modern reality are the harshs and numerous, and one of them: Ideally look, have a slender, tightened, sports figure. The fact of external attractiveness and holeliness is a peculiar indicator of the status of a person and "guarantees" the promotion of the social staircase. A significant contribution to the formation of an image of a successful person has made media that have formed and recognized the standard of beauty as an anorexic girl of an indefinite age. IN […]

    The requirements of modern reality are the harshs and numerous, and one of them: Ideally look, have a slender, tightened, sports figure. The fact of external attractiveness and holeliness is a peculiar indicator of the status of a person and "guarantees" the promotion of the social staircase. A significant contribution to the formation of an image of a successful person has made media that have formed and recognized the standard of beauty as an anorexic girl of an indefinite age. In society, it is assumed that the indicator of the presence of the will of the will in humans - the ability to resist the culinary temptations, to resist the organism that arises the natural needs (for example: often the desire to eat sweet is a decrease in glucose level).

    Such queries and standards of modernity led to the fact that the necrobia - unreasonable fear fatted became frequent and widespread. The question of the diagnosis and therapy of this phobia today has been studied and is not consecrated, but the consequences of the disease (nervous bulimia, anorexia with fatal outcome) are presented largely on visiting the public. The paradox of the ailment is that the deafobia "hunt" is not only for the truly fat people of Balzakovsky age, but pursues very young, slim and grand girls.

    Contact: Causes of occurrence

    The causes of the appearance of the disorder are diverse, however, the main factor is the created and fixed model of the "ideal" volumes. Worshiping a contrived standard of beauty, seeing examples of "happy" thinners, especially does not accept itself as it is. A person is in constant reflection on the future to gain overweight and tries to resolve non-existent tasks: calculating the caloric content of each dish, tirelessly measures its volumes, before and after eating it becomes for scales.

    Among other factors provoking the neatophobia are worth it:

    Inferiority complex. Insecurity in their own attractiveness and abilities, understated self-assessment, excessive criticalness and demanding to themselves, the pessimistic perception of reality is the ideal soil for the development of pathology.

    An unfavorable atmosphere in the family. Incorrect education in childhood, staying a child in a setting, which is cherished and stands in the first place in importance to the external, and not internal beauty leads to the fact that the descendant takes off the parents such a peculiar hierarchy of values.

    Fear of aging or fear of pregnancy. When the person on the subconscious level is afraid to grow up, that is, to acquire appropriate age and the situation, it begins to search for already supposedly existing flaws in their own figure. A person begins to consider his body flawed and begins to turn around various complexes and fears. The subconscious is pushing to the decision that the problem is in weight - the fear of effort is formed.

    Contact: symptoms of disorder

    With a light form of the disease, a person manages to hide from those who surround his oppressive alarm, creating an image of an unbelief supporter of a healthy lifestyle. However, leaving the neutophobia without treatment, the disorder begins to progress and manifests itself with a variety of somatic and psychological symptoms. Among leading signs of illness:

    • Dizziness;
    • Grace, compressing headache;
    • Heart palpitations;
    • Reinforced sweating;
    • Tremor limbs;
    • Inner trembling;
    • Student urination;
    • Disorders of the digestive system: constipation, diarrhea.
    • Reducing the concentration of attention;
    • Nervousness, irritability;
    • The inability to take an adequate solution ("empty head");
    • Intermittent sleep, insomnia, nightmarish dreams;
    • The feeling that the world around is unrealized is ghorn.

    Contact: Treatment

    Treatment of monitoring is a comprehensive holding of various trainings, explanatory conversations, psychotherapy sessions. With this disease, it is recommended to visit the gastroenterologist and get a consultation of the nutritionist. Pharmacological agents are used in a severe form of a phobia to relieve acute manifestations of anxiety disorder and when attaching depressive or other psychopathological conditions.

    If you analyze clinically recorded cases, it can be argued that it is not necessary to assume the help of a psychotherapist to fully relieve the ability of the psychotherapist - a rather reasonable, consistent approach from a person. It is necessary to fully engage the volitional and intellectual sphere, perform simple, but effective steps - gradually fear of effort will weaken.

    Step 1. Recognize the presence of a psychological problem, understand the origins of its occurrence. After identifying provoking factors - thank and let go of the past.

    Step 2. Submit the worst version of the development of events and take yourself in a mentally drawn image. To think about the question: Will there really be colossal changes in habitual life or whether this "expected nightmare" is drawn by the subconscious illusion.

    Step 3. Give yourself an honest answer: what a goal is pursued with painful maintenance of slender forms. If the problem lies in the complex of inferiority, the absence of respect for his own personality is to fulfill the relevant activities to form adequate self-esteem.

    Step 4. Learn to love yourself as you are. As the personality belongs to themselves, it will take her surrounding.

    Step 5. It is necessary to recognize and accept the fact that the world is imperfect, and only on a person depends on how comfortable he will feel in reality.

    Step 6. Change idols. A sufficient number of famous people have pretty magnificent forms, and their outstanding volumes do not prevent them from being idols for fans.

    Step 7.Develop a system of proper nutrition. Divide products for useful and harmful. Consulted with a nutritionist, comply with a rational diet. The main rule: Do not eat directly before bedtime.

    Step 8. Moving an active lifestyle, perform regular exercise. Take the maximum to be in the fresh air, staying in motion.

    Step 9. To try to smile or at least imitate a smile, because it is impossible to be afraid and smile.

    Step 10.Always remember: fears concentrate a person on the negative, and negative emotions bring tremendous harm to health, mirroring on an external appeal.

    Other phobias associated with states:

    • - Fear of failure;
    • - Fear of loneliness;
    • - fear / dislike for older people;
    • - fear of pollution;
    • - Fear to redden.

    Varieties of social insurance:

    • fear of social action -;
    • blush in public -;
    • carry out professional activities -;
    • before loneliness -;
    • before the big cluster of people -.

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    People suffering from the nervous anorexia - this mental disorder, are panically afraid to gain weight. Trying to get rid of it not justified fear, a person focuses all his attention on a diet and control body mass.

    Symptoms of nervous anorexia

    The most characteristic symptom of nervous anorexia is a big weight loss. The body weight deficit can reach 15% of the norm for this age and growth.

    For nervous anorexia, a number of emotional and behavioral disorders arise:

    • panic fear to gain weight;
    • confidence in its own completeness, even with a body mass deficiency;
    • mood swings;
    • hiding a hungry diet;
    • ritualization of food intake (for example, its cutting with tiny pieces);
    • preference of hanging, baggy clothes;
    • obsessive physical exertion;
    • calling vomiting or reception of laxatives.

    Girls and women have a menstrual cycle (menstruation may stop at all). Libido disappears in men. Other symptoms include:

    • constipation and abdominal pain;
    • the appearance of small hair on the body and face;
    • uginess due to the deterioration of blood circulation;
    • dryness and pallor skin;
    • swelling of the face and ankle areas;
    • attacks of faint and fainting;
    • anxiety, hyperactivity.

    Nervous anorexia is easier to reveal than bulimia, although the latter meets more often. They suffer from anorexia mostly girls and young women, although she meets in men and even in children.

    With nervous anorexia, food and drink consumption is limited not due to the lack of hunger and thirst, but because of the unwillingness to sink them. A person has mixed feelings: eating habits become a way to solve emotional problems.

    Causes are different. Genetic factors and type of personality predispose to anorexia. People with low self-esteem, inclined to depression, can strive for the "ideal" figure for removing stress and improving the mood. Nervous anorexia provoke psychological injuries: the death of a loved one, sexual violence, divorce. In the world, approximately 1% of girls and women suffer in the world's nervous anorexia.

    Help others with nervous anorexia

    In such a situation, medical care is needed, but usually the patient himself believes that it is not required. And without desire to be treated (as in the case of alcoholism), all other measures are ineffective. Close to be tried to preserve confidence relationship with the patient, not forcing him to change behavior. Chatting, focus on restoring an emotional state, and not a menu correction or weight. The main thing is to eliminate the cause of the problem, and not its manifestation.

    Contact a nutritionist, psychotherapist or psychologist (the latter can appoint cognitive behavioral therapy). Often helps chalk therapy (music), dance gerapets, dramotherapy or art therapy.

    Aromatherapy, massage and reflexotherapy are promoted by a more adequate attitude of the patient to his body. With extremely low weight, hospitalization is required.

    Remote consequences and recovery

    Long failure of full nutrition threatens the deficit of essential nutrients, which ultimately can lead to death. Women have disorders of menstruation, infertility, osteoporosis. Many problems caused by anorexia disappear during nutritional normalization. It is harder to overcome the psychological barrier - to help the patient to understand the reason for its voluntary starvation and find other ways to relieve stress and normalization of the emotional state.

    "Weight loss, fear of gaining overweight and other symptoms of nervous anorexia" and other articles from the section

    The dream came true, you looked at 5-20 kg, but along with the welcome weight comes obsessive fear to make up. This fear pursues many women outwardly slender and successful.

    Fear to straw can appear for various reasons

    • Woman lost weight with great difficulty, and now does not want to go through all the tests again.
    • Looking, on the campaign mothers and grandmothers, many girls do not want to become like in their future.
    • Reluctance to grow up and acquire the form laid in a woman.
    • The ideal of the female beauty of modernity is a thin figure, unattainable for many girls because of their constitution, hence the complexes and fear.
    • Fear of pregnancy, which will lead to weight gain.

    Fear to make upit sometimes leads to psychological disorders, which in turn threatens with a heart stop.

    Roots of fear are in absence

    Fear to make upand the fear of food is almost the same thing.

    If you analyze the themes of forums, it turns out that fear of grows up to many girls.

    "Anna, Moscow.

    Hello, I am 19 years old height 169 cm, I weigh 57 kg. I know that this is a normal weight, but I am very afraid to grumble, I constantly think only about it when I sing my feeling of guilt. I do not know what to do????"

    Fear to make up Otherwise, called contact.

    How to cope with the neatophobia

    1. Important recognize the availability of a problem, gradually fear will begin to weaken.
    2. Imagine the worst event option and accept him, as a rule, he never comes. Once you have already dropped the weight, it means that you can again.
    3. Sometimes the fear is a protective mechanism mechanism, do not bring your body . If you are in good shape, keep it.
    4. Fit right. Develop a system of rational nutrition.
    5. Do not eat before bedtime.
    6. Sports, ENLITY ACTIVE LIFE.
    7. Divide food to dangerous and safewhich is useful.
    8. Change idols. It is enough to remember Anfisu Chekhov, she likes a large number of men is a fact.

    Often to get rid of fear of one will of the will is not enough, the help of a psychologist needs.

    With age, in most cases, a woman adds weight - these are laws of nature. You can not think that if at 15 years old you weighed 50 kg, then this weight will accompany you through life. Try to accept the imperfection of the world.

    Fear concentrates you on the negative. If you live in constant fear, you need to stop, Your appeal depends on your well-being.

    Fear in front of the arrow of the scales, counting calories, a bitch with a strong taste of feelings of guilt, depression ... Many of those who are obsessed with two-three unnecessary kg, continuously monitor the contents of their plates ... and in the end it's getting worse and wrong!

    Nowadays, most of women (and men hurry to join them!) They consider themselves - reasonably either no - thick, but they cannot achieve a stable reduction of weight. This phenomenon that psychologists denote the term "cognitive self-restraint" is an unconscious installation that makes it restrict either try to limit oneself in food. Thus, our behavior is no longer regulated by our sensations (feeling of hunger, taste inconsistencies), but is subordinated by intelligence. Our installations - eat balanced, drink plenty of water, do not miss food meals - are determined by a variety of dogma and ideas. Speaking simplifier, people who limit themselves in food share foods into two categories: those from which they are fulfilled, and those that lose weight.

    What is the main problem here? Ignoring hunger and satiety, your own preferences and dislike to one or another food, such people cease to perceive these natural signals! And then the food becomes a problem: after all, to think about how there is less or differently, it is still necessary, no matter how paradoxically, think about food! This occupation of our consciousness thoughts about food causes desperate resistance to temptation. But the stronger the resistance, the more powerful there is an obstacle on food ... But the resources of our will are not infinite, and sooner or later we lose self-control, we succumb to the temptation! Continuously "fighting" with food, we cease to understand what we have: "Does there be products that delights from which they do not fully?", "If I start it, can it be possible?" In such a situation, there is no place for spontaneous, free behavior.

    What psychological consequences does it lead to? At first it seems that everything goes fine. There is a feeling that we can control our own desires. Despite the restrictions, we even experience some euphoria from the fact that we will return the "perfect body" by all the might. Become a master of your body - this means to gain self-confidence, that you do not swim by the flow that you are a volitional person. But gradually euphoria leaves, replacing irritability and hypersensitivity, which are difficult for loved ones. "Voluntary starving" are distinguished by increased anxiety, susceptible to stress and depression. If you are strictly limiting yourself, it leads to attention disorders, interferes with studies, work. Finally, when a person breaks down, his feeling of shame and guilt is pursuing him, it is pushing his self-esteem.

    Are these breakdowns are inevitable? Some manages to hold a very long time - year, ten years and even more! They build their lives around this struggle and produce strategies to avoid forbidden products: refuse invitations to visit, convince themselves that they hate fat and sweet ... they are convinced that they do not lose anything in this struggle, but actually it costs them much Expensive: They only make that they are protected from their desire to eat!

    For what reason are they losing self-control? Because of frustration, fear of breaking, it fat to get fat from fear - these emotions pushed us to food. Nutrition is a natural source of consolation. When, under the influence of anxiety or stress, a person eats chocolate, he feels guilty and also more needs consolation: he greedily absorbs the desired product so that the next day to ban it again.

    Is it possible to break the vicious circle? Some people manage to free themselves: Faced with uselessness and torment, they decide less controlled themselves. Other restrictions in food are accompanied by psychological problems, and then it is better to undergo a course of cognitive therapy. Tracking your behavior, we learn to distinguish true hunger from the desire to chew, learn when we eat more than the body, but not only that. Thanks to therapy, we can return to our diet forbidden products, raise the taste, recognize that some products are comfortable and calmed. Working with emotions can free us from endless struggle with kg.

    But how will we lose weight if you stop controlling yourself? Nutritionists calculated that the excess of human energy needs for 25 calories per day (this is one piece of sugar!) After 10 years will turn into 9 kg of weight! But we all know people who do not recover every ten years on nine kilograms. What is their secret? They are guided by their food feelings. Listening to them, you can also re-feel your normal weight. Maybe this is not the weight that doctors require you, and it is most likely not to coincide with the ideal of glossy magazines. However, it will be your normal, physiologically and genetically predetermined weight, and it is worth accepting it.

    You woke up in the morning, looked carefully in the mirror. Maybe to smile to yourself and wish a good day, and maybe if your body has changed for this night, does not have a couple of extra millimeters or centimeters on the waist. Front, rear, in profile. Visual inspection is not enough - you are heading for the weights. Fuff, the figure is still the same, since last morning nothing has changed. The feeling of little relief and the idea that such a breakfast is for breakfast so as not to recover, or maybe it is better not at all ...

    The scientific name of the fear to grumble - artist. The causes of the occurrence of the neatophobia may be different, as well as the degree of its severity. Here are some of the reasons for the development of fear to grieve:

    The desire to comply with the standards of beauty, the failure of their own appearance or distorted perception of your figure.

    The family has complete people, there is a predisposition to completeness. You lost weight and are afraid to return to the past state.

    The problem is not in excess weight - the permanent calculation of calories, experiences because of the eaten helps you to distract from a more serious problem.

    Any fears reduce the quality of our life, and this is no exception. In addition, scientists came to the conclusion that the constant fear of grogging and fear of food can provoke a weight set. Elevated appetite is the reaction of our body to generate cortisol, stress hormone. Captivity can lead to such consequences as anorexia and bulimia.

    So what should we do if we encountered such a state?

    Try to relax and deal with the causes of your fears. What scares you most? Psychologists recommend to see their fear in the face. This will help reduce its importance for you.

    Did you meet your fear? The second thing you need to do is to imagine the worst version of the development of events. Imagine what happened to what you were afraid most. Imagine the consequences of this. Mysterious experience of the problem helps to get along with her, after which it does not seem so terrible, and it will also be easier to find ways to solve the problem.

    Active lifestyle and sport will help you to distract from obsessive thoughts. At a minimum, you will have less time to myself. In addition, sports facilities contribute to the development of joy hormones, and obviously, you will be easier to keep yourself in shape. And this will give you more confidence in yourself and their strength.

    Eat food consciously. It's great if you have the ability to consult a nutritionist and create your own nutrition system. Try to exclude harmful foods from your diet, replace them with useful.

    Finally, we will concentrate not on the task "be thin," and on the task "be healthy". Being healthy - the task with the "+" sign, positive, in this case you will not have to limit yourself, but on the contrary, you will need to add a lot of new and useful (sports, useful food, interesting books, etc.). Thus, all unnecessary goes by itself from your life.

    Komila Tashmuhamedov