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  • Materials for preparing for the exam. Punctuation block. Nowadays, the business world recognizes the importance of solving the problem of protecting computer data. Loud processes associated with the penetration of intruders into the Writer are always exclusively with gratitude

    Materials for preparing for the exam. Punctuation block.  Nowadays, the business world recognizes the importance of solving the problem of protecting computer data.  Loud processes associated with the penetration of intruders into the Writer are always exclusively with gratitude

    Test 1.

    Answers to tasks 1-24 are a word, phrase or sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to ANSWER FORM № 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

    Read the text and complete assignments 1-3.

    Read the text.

    Currently in business world the importance of solving the problem of protecting computer data is recognized. High-profile processes associated with the penetration of intruders into corporate computer systems have attracted close attention not only to specialists in the field of computer data processing, but also to company directors. (…) Company executives realized that with the commissioning of each new computer system with access to the global computer network, the Internet, they risk opening a window for various attackers through which they can freely enter the company's classified materials and cause significant material damage.

    1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?
    1. The importance of solving the problem of protecting computer data is recognized by all specialists in the field of computer data processing.
    2. The high-profile processes associated with the penetration of intruders into corporate computer systems amazed company directors and forced them to act.
    3. The directors of the companies realized that each new computer system connected to the Internet must be protected from intruders in order to avoid information and material damage.
    4. According to experts in the field of computer data processing, cybercriminals inflict significant material damage on various companies that have access to the global computer network Internet.


    2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write this word down.





    this is


    3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meanings of the word TIME. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

    TIME, - change; pl. times, -men, -men; Wed

    1. Main (along with space)form of existence of infinitely evolving matter.Infinity of space and time. Outside space and time, there is no movement of matter. //
    2. Segment, an interval in the sequential change of minutes, hours, days, years, etc.Time interval. Spend a lot of time studying.

    3.m .: times, -myon.
    Period, era (in the life of mankind, some people, state, society, etc.).Military in. New, old c. The old days. At the time of Peter the Great. Link of times.

    4. Which word is CORRECT the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down.

    1. RING
    2. Wholesale
    3. started
    4. cement


    5. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

    1. In place of the WATER surface, there is often a dirty boggy bog, which is gradually overgrown with forest.
    2. Over time, the WATER surface of the lake becomes greenish or reddish: myriads of microalgae cells settle in it.
    3. The stranger gave me a bunch of purple flowers with WATER stems.
    4. The VODNY Stadium is the pride of the area and a favorite place for city dwellers, where they come with their families on weekends.


    6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the mistakeand spell the word correctly.

    1. four hundred rubles
    2. gargle
    3. many cherries
    4. more higher

    7. Establish a correspondence between proposals and admitted in them grammatical errors: For each position of the first column, match the corresponding position from the second column.


    A) Climbing to the observation deck, a wonderful view of Moscow opens up.

    B) Everyone who starts learning early foreign language, masters it perfectly.

    C) Thanks modern technologies scientists explored the depths of the lake and found the richest deposits of oil under the muddy bottom.

    G) Condemning his contemporaries, M.Yu. Lermontov writes that I look sadly at my generation.

    E) The image of the poet-prophet, created by Pushkin, also determined his own life.


    1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

    2) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

    3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

    4) an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members

    5) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial turnover

    6) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

    7) incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech

    Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


    8. Determine the word in which the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root is missing. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.

    1. st_thorn
    2. k_lyhaya
    3. location
    4. g _wy


    9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

    1. over_increase, over_ overcome
    2. free of charge, decrypt
    3. remote, sawn
    4. from_mother, mis_information


    10. Write down a word in which a letter is written at the place of the gap AND.

    A. key ... howl

    B. overcome

    V. kra ... shek

    G. shake ...


    11. Write down a word in which a letter is written at the place of the gap E.

    1. rumbling
    2. sharpen
    3. worried
    4. section_you
    5. unthinkable


    12. Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write this word out.

    By this time, the personnel department had sent a replacement for the (not) allowed on the flight to the team.

    The photo form was (not) completed.

    No dog in the world (not) considers ordinary loyalty to be unusual.

    The (not) strong, but very cold wind drove the dry snowflakes obliquely.

    Zakhar walked by, (not) turning his head in my direction.


    13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are written SEPARATE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

    I am not a rich man; my affairs are upset, and to THAT (SAME) I got bored of wandering from place to place (B) FOR A whole year.

    For some trifles, ON (THAT), for example, how both of them (IN) PLACE brewed coffee, I could conclude that they live peacefully, happily, and that they are glad to have a guest.

    The expression on her face was as if she was ready (THAT) HOUR to cry, (NOT) LOOKING at the fact that the news was very good.

    (B) SOON Stepan will bring mail, and SO (SAME) food.


    14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which is written N.

    According to M.Yu. Lermontov, a brightly gifted (1) personality in the circle of nonentities is doomed (2) to misunderstanding and loneliness, and if he behaves in accordance with (3) the “norms” of this society, then on gradual (4) self-destruction.


    15. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of the offers in which you want to put ONE comma.

    1. In gouache painting, flat and round brushes have the advantage.
    2. I took out of my desk drawer the heavy lists of the novel and rough notebooks and began to burn them.
    3. The heart then suddenly trembles and beats, then it irrevocably drowns in memories.
    4. You can love a spring or a path, a quiet lake or a dense forest, a blue night or a bright morning.
    5. In the syntactic structure of the two poetic texts, we can find both similarities and differences.

    16. Arrange punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which in the sentence must be commas

    A pond (2) formed on the river (1) diagonally intersecting the Abramtsevo estate (3) was the natural border of the courtyard with outbuildings and the park (4) stretching to the southeast of the manor house.


    17. Arrange punctuation marks:

    The memory of how V.G. Belinsky, stayed with F.M. Dostoevsky (1) apparently (2) forever. The writer always (3) exclusively (4) recalled with gratitude the enthusiastic recognition of his talent by a famous critic.

    18. Arrange punctuation marks:specify all numbers, in the place of which commas must be in the sentences.

    On that day, the three of us had breakfast (1) and (2) when cherry jelly was served (3) my sister capriciously said (4) that the dessert was not tasty today.


    19. Arrange punctuation marks:specify all numbers, in the place of which commas must be in the sentences.

    Shadows (1) timidly moved next to us and it seemed to me (2) that people who once lived here (4) timidly came here from the past (4) to warm themselves by the fire and tell about their life.


    Read the text and complete assignments 20-25.

    (1) Nature never makes noise. (2) She teaches man greatness in silence. (3) The sun is silent. (4) Soundlessly unfolds before us starry sky... (5) Little and rarely do we hear anything from the “core of the earth”. (6) Graciously and blessedly rest the royal mountains. (7) Even the sea is capable of "deep silence." (8) The greatest thing in nature, that which determines and decides our destiny as such, happens silently ...

    (9) A man makes noise. (10) 0n makes noise early and late, intentionally and unintentionally, while working and having fun. (11) And this noise has nothing to do with the result achieved thanks to it. (12) One would like to say that noise is a “privilege” of man in the world, for everything that nature gives to our hearing is a mysterious and meaningful sound, and not annoying and empty noise. (13) Struck and captured, we stand when thunder, a volcano or a hurricane raises our voice, and we listen to this voice, which intends to tell us something magnificent. (14) The roar of the Rhine Falls or the sea, mountain avalanches, the whisper of the forest, the murmur of a stream, the singing of a nightingale, we hear not as noise, but as the speech or song of kindred to us, but mysterious forces. (15) The rumble of trams, the crackle and hiss of factories, the roar of motorcycles, the squeal of braking cars, the clap of the whip, the beating of the scythe, the sharp sounds of garbage trucks and, oh, so often ... the roar of the radio is noise, annoying noise, so negligible in a spiritual sense. (16) Noise is present wherever sound means little or nothing at all, where rumbling, whistling, buzzing, humming, roaring, penetrating into a person, gives little to him. (17) Noise - cocky and disappointing, arrogant and empty, self-confident and superficial, merciless and deceitful. (18) You can get used to noise, but you can never enjoy it. (19) He has nothing spiritual in him. (20) He “speaks” without having anything to say. (21) Therefore, every bad art, every stupid speech, every empty book is noise.

    (22) At the same time, noise arises from the spiritual "nothing" and dissolves into the spiritual "nothing". (23) He lures a person out of his spiritual refuge, from his concentration, irritates him, binds him, so that he no longer lives spiritual, but exclusively outer life... (24) In the language of modern psychology, he instills in a person an "extraverted attitude", without compensating him for it in any way. (25) Something like this: “Greetings, man! .. (26) Listen! (27) However, I have nothing to say to you! .. "

    (28) And again ... (29) And again ... (30) The poor man is attacked and cannot even repel the attacker: "If you have nothing to say, leave me alone." (31) And the more a person is captured by the noise, the more familiar to his soul is attention to the purely external. (32) Noise makes the outside world meaningful. (33) It stuns a person, absorbs him. (34) Noise, so to speak, “blinds” the perception, and the person becomes spiritually “deaf”.

    (35) Noise covers everything: in the external - the singing of the world, the revelation of nature, inspiration from cosmic silence. (36) In the inner - the emergence of a word, the birth of a melody, rest of the soul, peace of mind. (37) Because verily, where there is no silence, there is no peace. (38) Where the insignificant rustles, the Eternal falls silent.

    (39) Timid is also a muse. (40) How easy it is to frighten her away with noise! ​​.. (41) Her essence is gentle, her voice is gentle. (42) And noise is a cocky guy. (43) This rude person knows nothing about the mysterious primordial melody that rises from the well of the soul, sometimes asking, sometimes crying, sometimes sighing. (44) He displaces this melody from earthly life and earthly music ...

    (45) I know no comfort from this calamity. (46) There is only one thing: to overcome the noise ...

    (According to I. Ilyin *)

    * Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin (1882-1954) -
    famous Russian philosopher, lawyer,
    literary critic, publicist.

    20. Which of the statements corresponds to the content of the text? Enter the answer number.

    1. If you try, you can get used to the noise, and you will even like it.
    2. Noise allows a person to communicate with the outside world without becoming isolated.
    3. The roar of the sea, the sounds of rock falls or the screeching of car tires - all this is an annoying noise that does little to a person.
    4. Making noise is a “privilege” of man, while nature creates mysterious and majestic sounds.

    21. Which of the following statements is wrong? Enter the answer number.

    1. 21 sentences of text are the conclusion of the reasoning presented in sentences 18-20.
    2. Proposition 22-27 provides reasoning.
    3. Propositions 16-21 contain reasoning and description.
    4. Sentences 35-37 provide a description.


    22. From sentences 9-12 write out contextual antonyms.


    23. Among sentences 39-44, find one that is related to the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun and a contextual synonym. Write the number of this sentence.


    Read the review snippet based on the text you analyzed in tasks 20-23.

    This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some of the terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in the places of the gaps (A, B, C, D). Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

    Write down the sequence of numbers in the answer form number 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional symbols.

    Write each number in accordance with the samples provided in the form.

    24. The famous philosopher I. Ilyin uses a trope such as _______ in his thoughts (sentence 42). Contrasting ________ (sentences 14 and 15), Ilyin reveals his attitude to noise, which can drive away the muse, which is depicted using such a technique as _______ (sentence 41). ___________ (the "extraverted attitude" in sentence 24) helps to complement the author's attitude towards noise.

    List of terms:

    1. a rhetorical question
    2. ranks of homogeneous members
    3. lexical repetition
    4. term
    5. epithets
    6. impersonation
    7. citation
    8. comparative turnover
    9. rhetorical exclamation


    Part 2

    To answer this task, use ANSWER FORM # 2

    Write an essay based on the text you read.

    Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid overquoting).

    Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argument your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account). The length of the essay is at least 150 words.

    A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

    Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.



    exaggerate, overcome

    to shake

    you roar

    not strong

    besides, during




    noise, sound

    6, 2, 3, 4

    Main problems
    1. The problem of the impact of noise on a person. How does the noise that he himself generates affect a person?
    2. The problem of spirituality. What does noise mean in a spiritual sense?
    3. The problem of the relationship between the external and internal world of a person. How does noise affect inner world person?
    4. The problem of the relationship between the creative state of a person and noise. How does noise affect a person's creative state?

    Author's position
    1. The noise generated by a person interferes with a person's life, deafens him.
    2. Noise "lures a person out of a spiritual refuge," noise does not contain anything spiritual.
    3. Noise blinds the spiritual perception of a person, forcing him to live exclusively outward life.
    4. Noise destroys the creative state of the human soul.

    Read the text and complete assignments 1-3.

    (1) The importance of solving the problem of protecting computer data is now recognized in the business world. (2) High-profile processes associated with the penetration of intruders into corporate computer systems have attracted close attention not only of specialists in the field of computer data processing, but also of company directors. (3)<…>CEOs of the companies nevertheless realized that with the launch of each new computer system that has access to the global computer network, the Internet, they risk opening a window for various attackers through which they can freely enter the company's classified materials and cause significant material damage.

    1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveyed the main information contained in the text?

    1. The importance of solving the problem of protecting computer data is recognized by all specialists in the field of computer data processing.

    2. In order to avoid information and material damage, each new computer system, which is connected to the Internet, must be protected from intruders, and the directors of the companies understood this.

    3. Loud processes associated with the penetration of intruders into corporate computer systems amazed company directors and forced them to act.

    4. The directors of the companies realized that each new computer system connected to the Internet must be protected from intruders in order to avoid information and material damage.

    5.According to experts in the field of computer data processing, attackers inflict significant material damage on various companies with access to the global computer network Internet.

    2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write this word down.

    Vice versa,

    Despite this,

    At first,

    3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meanings of the word WINDOWS. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

    WINDOW, -a, cf.

    1. An opening in the wall for light and air, and a frame with glass covering this opening. Big, high, narrow about. Room with two windows. Stand under the window. Throw out something. Company. or in about. Open, close about. Lower, raise oh. (with a frame moving up and down, for example, in a carriage). Flowers on the window (on the windowsill). Sit on about. (on the windowsill). Cover, glue, insulate the window (close up the gaps between the frames for the winter.)

    2. A hole in the separating something. wall, partition. O. cashier. O. of the prescription department (in the pharmacy).

    3.transferred. Clearance, hole in something. Access to smth. O. between the clouds. O. in a swamp (the remainder of the reservoir in the form of an open depression.)

    4.transferred. Unoccupied time, an interval in a cycle of work, in a training schedule (colloquial). A. Between lectures.

    4. In one of the words given below, a mistake was made in the stress setting: the letter denoting a stressed vowel sound is WRONGLY highlighted. Write this word down.

    Who understood

    5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is WRONG. Correct the error by matching the highlighted word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

    After the swarm is completely grafted, they bring the swarm under the gathered club and SHAKE the bulk of the bees into it.

    A true teacher should strive to COVER the attention of all his students.

    A huge SELECTION of discs with recordings of famous performers and novice singers was presented in the music salon.


    The largest and noisiest company OBSTABLED Nina Semyonovna, a teacher primary school, which ten years ago met all the children on the doorstep of the school.

    6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

    FOUR HUNDRED rubles

    RIMS Lingerie

    RECTORS of institutes

    7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical mistakes made in them: for each position of the first group, select the corresponding position from the second group.


    A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

    B) incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech

    C) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial turnover

    D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

    E) an error in the construction of a complex sentence


    1.Yu. Olesha in one of his letters talked about what is the most beautiful thing he saw on earth.

    2.In our time, the volume of information transmitted through global backbone lines is constantly growing.

    3. A dispute is a way of collectively solving a problem, in which each of the parties claims to establish the truth.

    4. The linguist F. I. Buslaev often said that "I am convinced of the need for thorough teaching of the native language."

    5. The game had to be finished because of the darkness that we got carried away.

    6. Among the houses built on this street, there were several multi-storey ones.

    7. Having become the capital of the Olympic Games, a large number of sports facilities and hotels were built in Sochi.

    8. The participant in the discussion supported his conclusions with convincing facts.

    9. The artistic world of the Master is characterized by a number of object details that acquire a symbolic meaning.

    8. Determine the word in which the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root is missing. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.




    9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

    Over_cooked, pr_grad

    I will encrypt, and take

    O_distant, on_sawed

    Pr_sech, pr_take

    R_sent, d_wrote

    10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass.





    11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass.

    You rock




    You move

    12. Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write this word out.

    Lyapishev (NOT) BELIEVED in anything.

    There was a (NOT) PROBABLE silence all around.

    The table is (NOT) COVERED with a tablecloth.

    13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are written LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

    I am not a rich man; my affairs are upset, and to THAT (SAME) I got bored of wandering from place to place (B) FOR A whole year.

    For some little things, (ON) THAT, for example, how both of them (IN) PLACE brew coffee, I could conclude that they live peacefully, happily and that they are glad to have a guest.

    The expression on her face was as if she was ready (THAT) HOURS to cry, although the news was ALL (SO) good.

    (B) SOON Stepan will bring mail, and SO (SAME) food.

    (ON) FOR THE whole week Sergey was intensively preparing for the exam, and SO (SAME) for tests.

    14. Indicate all numbers in the place of which NN is written.

    According to M. Yu. Lermontov, a brightly gifted (1) personality in the circle of nonentities is doomed (2) to misunderstanding and loneliness, and if he behaves in accordance with (3) about the "norms" of this society, then gradually (4) th self-destruction.

    15. Arrange punctuation marks. Specify the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

    1. In gouache painting, flat and round brushes have the advantage.

    2. I took out of my desk drawer heavy lists of the novel and rough notebooks and began to burn them.

    3. At night, the ground quickly cooled by dawn, the steppe was covered with a coating of fragile frost.

    4. The heart then suddenly trembles and clogs, then irrevocably drowns in memories.

    5. You can love a spring or a path, a quiet lake or a dense forest, a blue night or a bright morning.

    16. Arrange punctuation marks: write all the numbers in the place of which in the sentence must be commas.

    A pond (2) formed on the river (1) diagonally intersecting the Abramtsevo estate (3) was the natural border of the courtyard with outbuildings and the park (4) stretching to the southeast of the manor house.

    17. Arrange punctuation marks: indicate all numbers, in place of which in sentences should be commas.

    The memory of how V.G.Belinsky accepted his first book remained with F.M.Dostoevsky (1) apparently (2) forever. The writer always (3) exclusively (4) recalled with gratitude the enthusiastic recognition of his talent by a famous critic.

    18. Arrange punctuation marks: indicate all numbers, in place of which in the sentence must be commas.

    The sensitive heroine (1) the role (2) of which (3) is played by the daughter of Famusov (4) needs a dreamy and timid companion.

    19. Arrange the punctuation marks: write all the numbers in the place of which in the sentence must be commas.

    On that day, the three of us had breakfast (1) and (2) when cherry jelly was served (3) my sister capriciously said (4) that the dessert was not tasty today.

    Read the text and complete assignments 20-25.

    (1) I think I was in the fifth grade when we had several new young teachers who had just graduated from the university. (2) One of the first to appear was Vladimir Vasilievich Ignatovich, a chemistry teacher. (3) This was a fashionable man, fresh from the university bench, with a slightly noticeable mustache, small stature, with plump pink cheeks, in gold glasses. (4) He spoke in a voice in which subtle, as if childish, notes sounded. (5) In the classroom, he was somewhat shy, and his face was often filled with a shy blush. (6) The new teacher treated us politely, taught diligently, rarely asked what was asked, showed disregard for grades, explained lessons like a professor giving a lecture.

    (7) The first result of his system was that the class almost stopped learning. (8) The second is that at times they began to be slightly rude to him. (9) The poor youth, who approached us with ideal expectations, had to pay for common system, which introduced rudeness and cynicism. (10) However, it was not long. (11) Once, when the class was noisy and Ignatovich in vain strained his soft voice, one of us thought he was calling us a herd of sheep. (12) Other teachers very often called us a herd of sheep, and sometimes worse. (13) But those were different. (14) They were habitually rude, but we are habitually submissive. (15) Ignatovich himself encouraged us to use another way.

    (16) One of the students, Zarutsky, very good, in fact, small, but easily succumbing to moods, stood in the middle of the noisy class.

    - (17) Master teacher, - he said loudly, all red and impudent. - (18) You seem to have said that we are a herd of sheep. (19) Let me answer you that ... in that case ...

    (20) The class suddenly became quiet so that one could hear a flying fly.

    - (21) What then ... you yourself are a ram ...

    (22) The glass cone, which Ignatovich was holding in his hands, clinked against the retort. (23) He blushed all over, his face somehow trembled helplessly from resentment and anger. (24) At the first minute he was confused, but then answered in a stronger voice:

    I didn't say that ... (25) You were wrong ...

    (26) The simple answer is puzzling. (27) A murmur arose in the class, the meaning of which was difficult to discern at once, and at that very moment the bell rang. (28) The teacher went out; Zarutsky was surrounded. (29) He stood among his comrades, stubbornly looking down and feeling that the mood of the class was not for him. (30) To say impudence to a teacher, generally speaking, was considered a heroic deed, and if he also directly called one of the "old" rams, the council would exclude him, and the students would carry him out with ardent sympathy. (31) Now the mood was perplexed, heavy, unpleasant ...

    - (32) Disgusting, brother! someone said.

    - (33) Let him complain to the council, - Zarutsky answered gloomily.

    (34) For him, this complaint was a kind of moral way out: this would immediately put the new teacher on a par with the old teachers and would justify a rude trick.

    - (35) And will complain! someone said.

    - (36) Of course! (37) Do you think it will?

    (38) This question became a cent in the ensuing clash. (39) Two days passed, nothing was heard about the complaint. (40) The day of the council has passed ... (41) There were no signs of a complaint.

    (42) At the next chemistry lesson, Ignatovich appeared somewhat agitated; his face was serious, his eyes dropped more often, and his voice broke. (43) It was evident that he was trying to master the situation and was not quite sure that he would succeed. (44) Through the seriousness of the teacher, the resentment of the young man was visible, the lesson took place amid painful tension. (45) Ten minutes later Zarutsky, with a darkened face, got up. (46) He seemed to be lifting a weight on his shoulders, the pressure of which was felt by the whole class.

    - (47) Master teacher ... - with an effort he uttered amidst the general silence. (48) The young teacher's eyelids trembled under his glasses, his face turned red. (49) Classroom tension has reached its highest limit.


    1. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

    1. MV Lomonosov outlined the distinction between significant and official words, and later this distinction was supported by the largest representatives of Russian science.
    2. Someone was cleaning up and waiting for the owners.
    3. Many literary critics and historians argue over and over again about Goethe's relationship with the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.
    4. Rows of trees or shrubs or flowers ran from the houses in all directions.
    5. In the syntactic structure of the two poetic texts, we can find both similarities and differences.

    2. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

    1. Tchaikovsky without a trace gave his heart to the forests and villages of Russia on the outskirts of paths and songs.
    2. The creations of artists - northerners are common people and ingenuous in composition, vociferous and at the same time modest in their colors.
    3. The celebration of the Intercession has become one of the most solemn and beloved peasant holidays in Russia.
    4. Days and nights, months and years of a century and a millennium, are irretrievably carried away by the river of life.
    5. The trees were asleep and only the sun could awaken them from their young winter sleep.

    3. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

    1. In the 15th century, both heavy guns were used to siege fortresses and light weapons in field battles.
    2. The word expresses thoughts and can serve to connect and separate people.
    3. Michelangelo portrayed people with a powerful body and a strong will, courageous and indomitable, calm and determined.
    4. In the sly and mischievous and unusually lyrical voice of the Russian balalaika, one can hear the buffoonery of the first musicians in Russia.
    5. Outside the village the sky was brightening and in that part of it the stars blinked and went out evenly.

    4. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

    1. All of Golovin's sisters milked the cows and went after chickens and spun extraordinary yarn.
    2. Often little Chopin would take a few chords or a short melody invented by him and torment them and change them.
    3. In the village, all the village boys went fishing on the Volga at dawn.
    4. The guests saw neither the torn notebook nor the trembling of hands nor the tears of little Chopin.
    5. We didn't stay at home and we decided to visit our old acquaintances.

    5. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

    1. The flashlight trembled and its red and blue and yellow beams flew down the walls.
    2. Under the table the cat Vaska snorted and hissed with anger.
    3. In crowded but not mad.
    4. In Captain Kurochkin, I saw an intelligent and decisive, courageous and uncompromising policeman.
    5. Many literary scholars and historians argue over and over again about the secrets of Shakespeare's work.

    6. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

    1. There is a lot of fussy and funny businesslike and cunning in the behavior of the starling.
    2. In the Count's living room, the mirrors and paintings and vases were true works of art.
    3. For many, Dostoevsky's or Tolstoy's books are more interesting than any detective novel.
    4. It is good in the warm autumn to get lost in the thick thickets of aspens and birches and breathe in the rotten smell of grass.
    5. Leonardo da Vinci in his "Dispute between a painter and a poet" substantiated the superiority of painting over poetry, and many contemporaries shared his point of view.

    7. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

    1. The wind blew the sail tightly and the bow of the ship began to tilt downward.
    2. The whole forest consisted of some two or three hundred huge oaks and ash trees.
    3. In a properly organized text, thematic sentences are usually related in meaning and lexico-grammatical and are its logical core.
    4. Good text design requires both the necessary compositional parts and a well-thought-out sequence of presentation.
    5. The twentieth century is called nuclear and space and computer.

    8. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

    1. The role-playing reading or staging of fragments from the studied works was especially liked by our class.
    2. Our train stopped at both large and small stations.
    3. Young giant pines are directed into the blue sky, and this makes the expanses of the golden field seem even wider.
    4. The bear brought both a bouquet of flowers and sweets and a cake.
    5. People in the crowd began to take change from their pockets and bags and toss them into the magician's hat.
    Test 2.

    Read the text.

    Nowadays, the business world recognizes the importance of solving the problem of protecting computer data. High-profile processes associated with the penetration of intruders into corporate computer systems have attracted close attention not only to specialists in the field of computer data processing, but also to company directors. (…) Company executives realized that with the commissioning of each new computer system with access to the global computer network, the Internet, they risk opening a window for various attackers through which they can freely enter the company's classified materials and cause significant material damage.

    1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveyed the main information contained in the text?

    1. The importance of solving the problem of protecting computer data is recognized by all specialists in the field of computer data processing.

    2. The high-profile processes associated with the penetration of intruders into corporate computer systems amazed company directors and forced them to act.

    3. The directors of the companies realized that each new computer system connected to the Internet must be protected from intruders in order to avoid information and material damage.

    4. According to experts in the field of computer data processing, cybercriminals inflict significant material damage on various companies that have access to the global computer network Internet.

    5. Any new computer system connected to the Internet, the leaders of the companies realized, must be protected from intruders in order to avoid information and material damage.


    2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write this word down.



    3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meanings of the word TIME. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

    BPEME,-name; pl. times a, -men, -men and m; Wed

    1. Main (along with space) form of existence of infinitely evolving matter.Infinity of space and time. Outside space and time, there is no movement of matter. //
    2. Segment, an interval in the sequential change of minutes, hours, days, years, etc. Time interval. Spend a lot of time studying.

    3. pl .: times a, -my.
    Period, era (in the life of mankind, some people, state, society, etc.). Military in. New, old c. The old days. At the time of Peter the Great. Link of times.

    4. A category of a verb that relates action through special forms to the plane of the present, past or future. Present, past, future c. Verbs change in tenses.


    4. In what word RIGHT the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down.

    1. RING

    2. Wholesale

    3. started

    4. cement

    5. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

    1. In place of the WATER surface, there is often a dirty boggy bog, which is gradually overgrown with forest.

    2. Over time, the WATER surface of the lake becomes greenish or reddish: myriads of microalgae cells settle in it.

    3. The stranger gave me a bunch of purple flowers with WATER stems.

    4. The VODNY Stadium is the pride of the area and a favorite place for city dwellers, where they come with their families on weekends.

    6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

    1. four hundred rubles

    2. gargle

    3. many cherries

    4. more higher

    7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical mistakes made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


    A) Climbing to the observation deck, a wonderful view of Moscow opens up.

    B) Everyone who starts learning a foreign language early, masters it perfectly.

    C) Thanks to modern technologies, scientists have explored the depths of the lake and found the richest oil deposits under the muddy bottom.

    D) Condemning his contemporaries, M.Yu. Lermontov writes that I look sadly at my generation.

    E) The image of the poet-prophet, created by Pushkin, also determined his own life.


    1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

    2) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

    3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

    4) an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members

    5) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial turnover

    6) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

    7) incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech

    Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.







    8. Determine the word in which the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root is missing. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.

    1. st_thorn

    2. k_lyhaya

    3. location

    4. g _wy

    9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

    1. over_increase, over_ overcome

    2. free of charge, decrypt

    3. remote, sawn

    4. from_mother, mis_information

    10. Write down a word in which a letter is written at the place of the gap AND.

    A. key ... howl

    B. overcome

    V. kra ... shek

    G. shake ...


    11. Write down a word in which a letter is written at the place of the gap E.

    1. rumbling

    2. sharpen

    3. worried

    4. section_you

    5. unthinkable

    12. Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write this word out.

    By this time, the personnel department had sent a replacement for the (not) allowed on the flight to the team.

    The photo form was (not) completed.

    No dog in the world (not) considers ordinary loyalty to be unusual.

    The (not) strong, but very cold wind drove the dry snowflakes obliquely.

    Zakhar walked by, (not) turning his head in my direction.


    13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are written SEPARATE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

    I am not a rich man; my affairs are upset, and to THAT (SAME) I got bored of wandering from place to place (B) FOR A whole year.

    For some trifles, ON (THAT), for example, how both of them (IN) PLACE brewed coffee, I could conclude that they live peacefully, happily, and that they are glad to have a guest.

    The expression on her face was as if she was ready (THAT) HOUR to cry, (NOT) LOOKING at the fact that the news was very good.

    (B) SOON Stepan will bring mail, and SO (SAME) food.


    14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which is written H.

    According to M.Yu. Lermontov, a brightly gifted (1) personality in the circle of nonentities is doomed (2) to misunderstanding and loneliness, and if he behaves in accordance with (3) the “norms” of this society, then on gradual (4) self-destruction.


    15. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of the offers in which you want to put ONE comma.

    1. In gouache painting, flat and round brushes have the advantage.

    2. I took out of my desk drawer the heavy lists of the novel and rough notebooks and began to burn them.

    3. The heart then suddenly trembles and beats, then it irrevocably drowns in memories.

    4. You can love a spring or a path, a quiet lake or a dense forest, a blue night or a bright morning.

    5. In the syntactic structure of the two poetic texts, we can find both similarities and differences.

    16. Arrange punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which in the sentence must be commas

    A pond (2) formed on the river (1) diagonally intersecting the Abramtsevo estate (3) was the natural border of the courtyard with outbuildings and the park (4) stretching to the southeast of the manor house.


    17. Arrange punctuation marks:

    The memory of how V.G. Belinsky, stayed with F.M. Dostoevsky (1) apparently (2) forever. The writer always (3) exclusively (4) recalled with gratitude the enthusiastic recognition of his talent by a famous critic.

    18. Arrange punctuation marks: specify all numbers, in the place of which commas must be in the sentences.

    On that day, the three of us had breakfast (1) and (2) when cherry jelly was served (3) my sister capriciously said (4) that the dessert was not tasty today.


    19. Arrange punctuation marks: specify all numbers, in the place of which commas must be in the sentences.

    Shadows (1) timidly moved next to us and it seemed to me (2) that people who once lived here (4) timidly came here from the past (4) to warm themselves by the fire and tell about their life.


    Read the text and complete assignments 20-25.

    (1) Nature never makes noise. (2) She teaches man greatness in silence. (3) The sun is silent. (4) The starry sky unfolds silently before us. (5) Little and rarely do we hear anything from the “core of the earth”. (6) Graciously and blessedly rest the royal mountains. (7) Even the sea is capable of "deep silence." (8) The greatest thing in nature, that which determines and decides our destiny as such, happens silently ...

    (9) A man makes noise. (10) 0n makes noise early and late, intentionally and unintentionally, while working and having fun. (11) And this noise has nothing to do with the result achieved thanks to it. (12) One would like to say that noise is a “privilege” of man in the world, for everything that nature gives to our hearing is a mysterious and meaningful sound, and not annoying and empty noise. (13) Struck and captured, we stand when thunder, a volcano or a hurricane raises our voice, and we listen to this voice, which intends to tell us something magnificent. (14) The roar of the Rhine Falls or the sea, mountain avalanches, the whisper of the forest, the murmur of a stream, the singing of a nightingale, we hear not as noise, but as the speech or song of kindred to us, but mysterious forces. (15) The rumble of trams, the crackle and hiss of factories, the roar of motorcycles, the squeal of braking cars, the clap of the whip, the beating of the scythe, the sharp sounds of garbage trucks and, oh, so often ... the roar of the radio is noise, annoying noise, so negligible in a spiritual sense. (16) Noise is present wherever sound means little or nothing at all, where rumbling, whistling, buzzing, humming, roaring, penetrating into a person, gives little to him. (17) Noise - cocky and disappointing, arrogant and empty, self-confident and superficial, merciless and deceitful. (18) You can get used to noise, but you can never enjoy it. (19) He has nothing spiritual in him. (20) He “speaks” without having anything to say. (21) Therefore, every bad art, every stupid speech, every empty book is noise.

    (22) At the same time, noise arises from the spiritual "nothing" and dissolves into the spiritual "nothing". (23) He lures a person out of his spiritual refuge, from his concentration, irritates him, binds him, so that he no longer lives a spiritual, but exclusively external life. (24) In the language of modern psychology, he instills in a person an "extraverted attitude", without compensating him for it in any way. (25) Something like this: “Greetings, man! .. (26) Listen! (27) However, I have nothing to say to you! .. "

    (28) And again ... (29) And again ... (30) The poor man is attacked and cannot even repel the attacker: "If you have nothing to say, leave me alone." (31) And the more a person is captured by the noise, the more familiar to his soul is attention to the purely external. (32) Noise makes the outside world meaningful. (33) It stuns a person, absorbs him. (34) Noise, so to speak, “blinds” the perception, and the person becomes spiritually “deaf”.

    (35) Noise covers everything: in the external - the singing of the world, the revelation of nature, inspiration from cosmic silence. (36) In the inner - the emergence of a word, the birth of a melody, rest of the soul, peace of mind. (37) Because verily, where there is no silence, there is no peace. (38) Where the insignificant rustles, the Eternal falls silent.

    (39) Timid is also a muse. (40) How easy it is to frighten her away with noise! ​​.. (41) Her essence is gentle, her voice is gentle. (42) And noise is a cocky guy. (43) This rude person knows nothing about the mysterious primordial melody that rises from the well of the soul, sometimes asking, sometimes crying, sometimes sighing. (44) He displaces this melody from earthly life and earthly music ...

    (45) I know no comfort from this calamity. (46) There is only one thing: to overcome the noise ...

    (According to I. Ilyin *)

    * Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin (1882-1954) -
    famous Russian philosopher, lawyer,
    literary critic, publicist.

    20. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Enter the answer number.

    1. If you try, you can get used to the noise, and you will even like it.

    2. You can get used to the noise, but you can never enjoy it.

    3. Noise allows a person to communicate with the outside world without becoming isolated.

    4. The roar of the sea, the sounds of rock falls or the screeching of car tires - all this is an annoying noise that does little to a person.

    5. Making noise is a “privilege” of man, while nature creates mysterious and majestic sounds.
    21. Which of the following statements is wrong? Enter the answer number.

    1. 21 sentences of text are the conclusion of the reasoning presented in sentences 18-20.

    2. Sentence 22-27 provides a narrative.

    3. Propositions 16-21 contain reasoning and description.

    4. Sentences 35-37 provide a description.

    22. From sentences 9-12 write out contextual antonyms.


    23. Among sentences 39-44, find one that is related to the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun and a contextual synonym. Write the number of this sentence.


    24. The famous philosopher I. Ilyin uses a trope such as _______ in his thoughts (sentence 42). Contrasting ________ (sentences 14 and 15), Ilyin reveals his attitude to noise, which can drive away the muse, which is depicted using such a technique as _______ (sentence 41). ___________ (the "extraverted attitude" in sentence 24) helps to complement the author's attitude towards noise.

    List of terms:

    1. a rhetorical question

    2. ranks of homogeneous members

    3. lexical repetition

    4. term

    5. epithets

    6. impersonation

    7. citation

    8. comparative turnover

    9. rhetorical exclamation























    exaggerate, overcome


    to shake


    you roar


    not strong


    besides, during


















    noise, sound




    6, 2, 3, 4


    Main problems
    1. The problem of the impact of noise on a person. How does the noise that he himself generates affect a person?
    2. The problem of spirituality. What does noise mean in a spiritual sense?
    3. The problem of the relationship between the external and internal world of a person. How does noise affect the inner world of a person?
    4. The problem of the relationship between the creative state of a person and noise. How does noise affect a person's creative state?

    Author's position
    1. The noise generated by a person interferes with a person's life, deafens him.
    2. Noise "lures a person out of a spiritual refuge," noise does not contain anything spiritual.
    3. Noise blinds the spiritual perception of a person, forcing him to live exclusively outward life.
    4. Noise destroys the creative state of the human soul.