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  • Institute of Postgraduate Professional Education. Institute of Professional Education. How health workers are trained

    Institute of Postgraduate Professional Education.  Institute of Professional Education.  How health workers are trained



    All types of training are conducted in accordance with the Unified Program of Postgraduate Training of Physicians in Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics.

    Every year the department trains 800 - 1000 specialists in clinical laboratory diagnostics. Teaching is carried out at a modern methodological level using computer technology... The department is equipped with modern diagnostic and educational equipment, teaching aids, the presentation of the material is carried out from microscopes through analog and digital cameras and multimedia projectors. For on-site cycles, a set of a laptop with a multimedia projector, a portable overheat and a slide projector is used. The database on a laptop includes several thousand images for various pathological conditions.

    The department has created a computer class for collective and individual lessons... In the computer class, cadets are given the opportunity to work with an extensive archive of images of cytological, hematological, general clinical preparations, there are programs for automating the workplace of a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics, programs for in-laboratory quality control, training and testing programs for various sections of the specialty, information about laboratory equipment, consumables, official documents.

    The main forms of teaching in the full-time part of the improvement cycles are a lecture course, seminars, practical exercises, visits to the CDL leading centers, tests.

    The lecture course covers the most significant issues of clinical laboratory diagnostics: pathogenesis of diseases, their clinical and laboratory manifestations, diagnostic value of laboratory parameters, analytical aspects of laboratory research. The main provisions of the lecture course with clinical examples are set out in the teaching aids issued by the department.

    Seminars are held in the form of an active dialogue with cadets, specific issues of the diagnostic and analytical components of the specialty are dealt with, situational problems are solved, medical history is examined

    Practical exercises are the basis for mastering laboratory research methods. The department is equipped with binocular microscopes from Zeiss, Opton and others. The department has an extensive park of laboratory equipment, which is used in educational process.

    Stage tests are carried out in the form of interviews, practical tasks, solving test tasks.

    The certification exam is conducted in accordance with the current regulations. Cadets who successfully pass the exam are issued a state-recognized certificate.


    At the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, training of teachers and employees of specialized departments of clinical laboratory diagnostics of the regions of Russia is carried out, certification exams are taken. The department constantly conducts:

    • Professional retraining (specialization) conducted for 4 months in the main sections of clinical laboratory diagnostics. Upon graduation, a diploma and a certificate of a specialist in clinical laboratory diagnostics are issued.
    • Internship in clinical laboratory diagnostics is carried out for 1 year for graduates medical institutes.
    • Residency for clinical laboratory diagnostics - full-time training for 2 years both through the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and targeted training in the directions of local health authorities. The training is designed to train the heads of clinical diagnostic laboratories.
    • Postgraduate studies full-time and part-time. Researchers and teachers of specialized departments of clinical laboratory diagnostics are being trained. When sending specialists to targeted postgraduate studies, the wishes of local health authorities on the topic of the proposed dissertation work are taken into account.
    • Doctorate - the heads of the service and the heads of the departments of clinical laboratory diagnostics are being prepared.
    • Foreign specialists - are trained in improvement cycles, professional retraining, residency and postgraduate studies on a contract basis.


    The department has the opportunity to organize training for small groups of specialists in an in-depth program on specialized short-term cycles:

    DECADNIKI (10-14 days)

    • Laboratory diagnostics of urogenital infections
    • Flow cytometry in hematology oncology
    • Selected sections of cytological diagnostics
    • Immunoassay in CDL
    • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) in CDL


    • Biochemical analyzers
    • Hematology analyzers
    • Immunoassay analyzers
    • Flow cytometers
    • Coagulometers
    • Electrophoresis systems
    • Microscope video imaging systems


    The department leads an extensive methodical work to prepare curricula by specialty, teaching aids, tests, examination and review, participates in the preparation of orders, instructions, information letters issued by the Ministry of Health of Russia. These documents are prepared jointly with the Scientific and Methodological Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the specialized departments of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and other GIDUVs and FUVs


    Research and development work is one of the main areas of activity of the department. Scientific research is carried out jointly with clinical departments of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, research institutes, and basic clinics. Main scientific directions:

    • Studies of hematopoiesis in tumor and reactive processes
    • Study of the peculiarities of the immunophenotype of tumor cells in lymphoproliferative diseases
    • Molecular methods of laboratory diagnostics
    • Cytological and molecular diagnostics of cervical diseases and human papillomavirus infection. Within the framework of international cooperation under the INCO-COPERNICUS grant, cytological and molecular biological studies are carried out to diagnose human papillomavirus infection, dysplasia and cervical cancer, which reduces the incidence and mortality of women.
    • Diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis
    • Characteristics of lipid status in patients with cardiological, endocrine, and surgical profile. Based on the results of the assessment of lipid metabolism in diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal tract, a prognostic conclusion is formed.
    • Complex studies of vascular-platelet, plasma, fibrinolytic, anticoagulant links of hemostasis in patients with a therapeutic and surgical profile during treatment with drugs.


    The department implements the principle of the unity of educational and scientific processes. The results of scientific research are actively used in teaching. The staff of the department participate in scientific congresses, conferences, symposia in Russia and abroad, give reports and lectures. Professor S.A. Lugovskaya is the head of the Moscow Society of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics. Professor I.P. Shabalova is a member of the editorial board of the journal Acta cytopatology.

    Russian scientific and practical conferences for the main specialists are organized by the department, inviting interested specialists to them. The conferences are attended by 400 to 600 specialists from the regions of Russia. The development of the service is discussed, plenary reports are heard, sections are held, round tables, meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Health.

    Laboratory equipment exhibitions are organized at conferences, leading manufacturers and suppliers of laboratory equipment take part in them. At the meetings there are company presentations and symposia organized by conference sponsors. The possibility of direct communication between laboratory service specialists and representatives of firms is a distinctive feature of exhibitions at conferences. At the exhibitions, not only large firms have the opportunity to present their products, but also manufacturers who are starting to work in the field of laboratory diagnostics. The department has deployed permanent stands of laboratory equipment, reagents of several companies.


    Therapeutic work is carried out mainly at the clinical base - GKB im. S.P. Botkin. Highly qualified specialists of the department carry out:

    • immunophenotyping for the differential diagnosis of lymphoproliferative diseases
    • study of lipid status, typing of dyslipoproteinemia
    • consulting hematological, general clinical, cytological preparations.
    • cytochemical studies
    • other types of laboratory research

    Diagnostic laboratory tests are carried out in conjunction with By the medical center"Profi-clinic", the clinical diagnostic laboratory of which is used as a teaching and testing base of the department. This base is certified by Roszdrav as a testing laboratory for conducting acceptance, periodic and clinical trials of reagents and medical consumables used in clinical diagnostic laboratories.

    Dissertation Council D208.071.04 in the specialty "Clinical laboratory diagnostics”Was opened at RMAPO in 1997. It accepts doctoral and candidate dissertations for defense in the specialties 14.00.46 - clinical laboratory diagnostics and 14.00.36 - allergology and immunology. The Council includes teachers of the department. Professor V.V.Dolgov - deputy chairman, professor V.T. Morozova - scientific secretary, professors S.A. Lugovskaya and I.P. Shabalova - members of the Council.

    Tests of devices, reagents, control materials intended for CDL are constantly held at the department. The opinion of the department is highly valued in Roszdav. The test results are documented in a protocol, communicated to cadets of improvement cycles and can be published in the journal "Laboratory" and presented at conferences.

    Consulting is one of the main forms of activity of the department. Consulting is carried out on the server

    Federal system of external quality assessment. Employees of the department participate in the work of the FSVOK, in particular, associate professor I.P. Shabalova and assistants T.V. Dzhangirova and K.T. Kasoyan conduct a program for quality control of cytological studies, associate professor I.I. Mironova and assistant L.A. Romanova prepare materials for the programs "microscopy of urine sediment", "microscopy of feces" and others.


    Cooperation with specialized departments of clinical laboratory diagnostics is a priority direction of the department's activities. Cooperation provides for the training of teachers for more than 40 departments of GIDUVs and FUVs, the development of programs, curricula, qualification tests and the implementation of others complex assignments, exchange of teaching materials, information support.

    Cooperation with the course of laboratory diagnostics of the Faculty of Medicine and Biology of the Russian State Medical University. The department cooperates with the course of laboratory diagnostics formed at the MBF RSMU at the Department of Biophysics: lectures are given for MBF students, 2 special courses “clinical laboratory diagnostics” and “Clinical biophysics” are organized for 6th year students. Students carry out their theses at the department and have a preference for admission to residency.

    Cooperation with the laboratory services of the regions of Russia. During trips across the territory of Russia, the staff of the department get acquainted with the state of the laboratory service in the field. This helps to conduct the educational process correctly, transfer best practices to others, make adjustments to the work of specific CDLs, recommend modern methods and equipment to them, and help specialists work with local health authorities. Every year, the staff of the department participate in 20-30 regional conferences, symposia, schools or visit the CDL during the period of field cycles.

    International cooperation is carried out by the department primarily through a professional line with laboratory services of the Commonwealth countries. The department accepts specialists from the former republics of the Union for improvement and workplaces. The department organized field trips to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan. Professor V.T. Moozova - Chairman of the Union of Scientific Societies for Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of the Commonwealth countries.

    Cooperation with firms is carried out on mutually beneficial and partnership relations. The department is an organization capable of competently presenting laboratory instruments and reagents, acquainting the professional audience not only with the equipment of firms, but conducting a comprehensive analysis of work with suppliers, giving comparative characteristics, to coordinate the wishes of consumers with the capabilities of the proposed equipment and reagents. The high professionalism of the department staff, the equipment of the department with modern educational and diagnostic equipment is the basis for cooperation with companies.

    DOLGOV Vladimir Vladimirovich
    Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Head of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Vice-President of the Russian Scientific Society for Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics. He graduated from the 2 MOLGMI Faculty of Medicine and Biology, specializing in biophysicist, studied at the postgraduate school of the Institute of Cardiology named after AL Myasnikova, defended his Ph.D. thesis in the specialty "cardiology". Since 1977 he worked at the Department of Pathophysiology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education as an assistant, associate professor, professor. He defended his doctoral dissertation in 1987 on the topic "Morpho-functional characteristics of the endothelium of the vascular wall in normal conditions and in atherosclerosis", specializing in pathophysiology. Since 1989 he has been working at the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics. Head of the department since 1992. From 1993 to 2004 he was the chief freelance laboratory assistant of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Vice-President of the National Society for Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, editor-in-chief of the scientific and practical journal “Laboratory. Journal for Physicians ". Concurrently, he works as a professor at the Department of Biophysics of the Russian State Medical University, leads the course of clinical laboratory diagnostics. Author of several monographs and textbooks, patents, supervisor of 6 doctoral and 17 master's theses. His main research interests are related to clinical biochemistry, immunochemistry, hemostasis, laboratory instruments and the organization of laboratory services.

    Morozova Victoria Tazaretovna
    Professor, MD Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Union of Scientific Societies for Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of the Commonwealth countries. A doctor specializing in general medicine, graduated from residency, worked as the head of the CDL, at the department since 1960. From 1976 to 1993 she headed the department. In 1971 V.T. Morozova was appointed as a freelance chief specialist for laboratory services of the USSR Ministry of Health, she worked in this position until the collapse of the USSR. Author of several monographs and teaching aids, including handbooks from the period of the formation of laboratory services. Morozova V.T. - Management of patients in a polyclinic. Medgiz. M. 1969; Martishevskaya R.L., Morozova V.T. - Medicines used for diseases of the blood system. Directory. Medgiz. M. 1971; Morozova V.T. - Laboratory diagnostics of leukemia. Medgiz. L. 1977 Head of 3 doctoral dissertations, permanent Scientific Secretary of the first created Dissertation Council on the specialty 14.00.46 "Clinical laboratory diagnostics". The main scientific interests are concentrated in the field of laboratory hematology, general clinical research, hemostasis, isoimmunology, organization of laboratory services.

    Lugovskaya Svetlana Alekseevna
    Professor, MD Head of the Moscow Scientific Society. Physician specializing in general medicine, graduated from residency and postgraduate studies at the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics TSOLIUV, worked as an assistant, associate professor, including at the Department of Immunology. In 1998 she defended her doctoral dissertation in the specialty 14.00.46 "Clinical laboratory diagnostics". Thesis topic "Characteristics of hematopoiesis in tumor and reactive proliferation of monocytes / macrophages." For more than 10 years she headed the Moscow Society of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, member of the editorial boards of the journals "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics", "Laboratory". Author of several monographs and textbooks: "Hematological atlas", "Laboratory hematology", "Hematological analyzers ...", "Immunophenotyping in the diagnosis of hemoblastosis", an electronic version of the hematological atlas. Her main interests are related to laboratory hematology, cyto- and immunohematology. She managed to introduce immunophenotyping of patients with hemoblastosis into the practical work of the department, on this basis to create a profile cycle of thematic improvement and thereby contribute to the implementation of this approach in the country's CLD

    Shabalova Irina Petrovna
    Professor, MD Physician specializing in general medicine, graduated from residency at the department. She worked as a research assistant at the Oncological Research Institute named after V.I. Herzen, at the Academician N.N.Blokhin Cancer Research Center, at the department since 1990. Doctoral dissertation in the specialty of clinical laboratory diagnostics on the topic "Interactive programs and molecular studies to optimize cytological diagnostics" was defended in 2002. Author of "Cytological atlas" in the sections "Diagnosis of Breast Diseases" and "Diagnosis of Cervical Diseases", as well as several monographs and academic. benefits. Under the leadership of I.P. Shabalova, unique electronic reference books were created for cytologists in different localizations of the pathological process. For the first time, she was able to translate the training of cytologists into electronic media. She is the supervisor of several Ph.D. theses, headed the Moscow Society of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Specialists, a member of the Dissertation Council, and a number of editorial boards of journals. The main scientific interests are concentrated in the field of cytology, cytochemistry, immunocytochemistry. Consultant in several clinical diagnostic laboratories of medical institutions in Moscow

    Avdeeva Nina Alekseevna- Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor the highest category... Came to the department from the KDL military hospital. N.N. Burdenko in 1980, organized a cycle "Laboratory diagnostics of emergency conditions". Supervises the most responsible cycle "Topical issues of laboratory service ..." for the main specialists. The area of ​​interest is clinical biochemistry, hemostasiology, emergency conditions, CBS. Participant in the creation of the Model Program, Qualification Tests, Qualification Characteristics. The author of the book. "Coagulological syndromes".

    Shevchenko Nina Grigorievna- Associate Professor, Cand. honey. Sciences, doctor of the highest category, has been working at the department since 1966, after completing his clinical residency and postgraduate studies. Keeps and develops the traditions of teaching clinical biochemistry, issues of hormonal regulation of metabolic processes, quality control of laboratory research. Participated in the creation of the Model Program for Clinical Patients in Medicine, Qualification Requirements and Qualification Tests.

    Mironova Irina Ivanovna- Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences sciences, doctor of the highest category, works at the department since 1967. A unique specialist in the field of general clinical research, her monographs "General clinical studies (urine, feces, cerebrospinal fluid, ejaculate)", "Atlas of urine sediments" countries and neighboring countries. Permanent economic assistant at the department.

    Postman Margarita Evgenievna- Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Sciences, doctor of the highest category, has been working at the department since 1993. Head of the educational part of the department. In addition to the department, the head of the hematology department of the KDL GKB them. S.P. Botkin. Author of the books "Hematological Atlas", "Laboratory Hematology", "Cytochemical Diagnostics ...", "Reticulocytes" and others. Main interests are in laboratory hematology

    associate professor Nazarova Elena Konstantinovna.
    Specialization - lab. doctor of urogenital infections

    Shchetnikovich Claudia Alexandrovna.- Pediatrician by education, Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Sciences, doctor of the highest category, has been working at the department since 1978 after completing his clinical residency. Responsible supervisor of training for clinical residents and interns. Sphere of interests - clinical biochemistry, hemostasis, quality control of laboratory tests, emergency conditions. Organized the cycle "Laboratory diagnostics for doctors of CDL in pediatrics." Participant in the creation of the Standard program, qualification tests.

    Roitman Alexander Polievich- Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Sciences, has been working at the department since 1995. He graduated from postgraduate studies at the department. Combines the positions of associate professor at the Russian State Medical University, director of the medical center "Profi-Clinic" and commercial director of CJSC "Detstom 1". Supervisor of several Ph.D. theses, organizer of several scientific conferences. His main interests are clinical biochemistry.

    assistant Romanova Lyudmila Andreevna- Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Sciences, doctor of the highest category, works at the department since 1991. Author of the books "General clinical studies (urine, feces, cerebrospinal fluid, ejaculate)", "Atlas of urine sediments". Combines the position of associate professor at the Russian State Medical University and the work of a doctor at the general clinical department of the Clinical Hospital of the Botkin State Clinical Hospital for 0.5%. He actively uses computer technologies in the educational process. The main interests are associated with general clinical cytochemical studies.

    Rakova Natalia Gennadievna assistant, candidate of medical sciences,- Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Sciences, doctor of the highest category, has been working at the department since 1998 after completing residency and postgraduate studies. Combines the position of associate professor at the Russian State Medical University for 0.5 times. Organizer and curator of the cycles "ELISA in CDL" and "PCR in CDL". The author of the books "Immunoassay in clinical diagnostic laboratories" and "Laboratory diagnostics of male infertility". Area of ​​interest - molecular diagnostics.

    assistant Dzhangirova Tatiana Vladimirovna- Assistant, Candidate of Medical Sciences Sci., doctor of the highest category, has been working at the department since 2004. She graduated from the residency at the department, has a wealth of experience practical work... Author of the books "Cytological atlas", "Exudative liquids". He actively consults cytological examinations in a number of Moscow clinical laboratory. Main interests in morphological research, especially in cytology

    assistant Kasoyan Karine Timurovna- assistant, candidate med. Sciences, has been working at the department since 2004. She graduated from residency and completed her Ph.D. thesis at the department. Author of the book and electronic textbook “Cytological atlas. Diagnosis of diseases of the cervix. He actively works in the field of computer technology, teaches at the Department of Medical Computer Systems at MEPhI.

    The page is under construction

    P / p index

    The name of the cycle and the contingent of cadets

    Type of study Form of study

    Cycle period

    Number of listeners per loop

    Duration of training (mens)

    Number of cadet-months

    PP (internship

    Clinical laboratory diagnostics (Clinical Biochemistry).

    Clinical laboratory diagnostics. (Hematological, general clinical and cytological studies). Head KDL, doctors and biologists of clinics. lab. diagnostics.

    PCR analysis in clinical diagnostic laboratories. Head KDL, doctors and biologists of clinics. lab. diagnostics.

    Laboratory diagnostics

    Paramedics, laboratory assistants, medical technologists.

    Clinical laboratory diagnostics (Study of the hemostasis system). Head KDL, doctors and biologists of clinics. lab. diagnostics.

    Clinical laboratory diagnostics. (Topical issues of clinical laboratory diagnostics and organization of laboratory services).

    Chief specialists and head. CDL

    Training of specialists in clinical laboratory diagnostics

    Teachers of the departments of KLD

    Immunoenzymatic analysis in the CDL.

    Head KDL, doctors and biologists of clinics. lab. diagnostics.

    Head KDL, doctors and biologists of clinics. lab. diagnostics.

    Clinical laboratory diagnostics.

    Head KDL, doctors and biologists of clinics. lab. diagnostics.

    OU, visiting

    Clinical laboratory diagnostics.

    OU (internship

    Clinical laboratory diagnostics.

    Head KDL, doctors and biologists of clinics. lab. diagnostics.

    OU, visiting

    Clinical laboratory diagnostics (Clinical Biochemistry).

    Head KDL, doctors and biologists of clinics. lab. diagnostics.

    Clinical laboratory diagnostics. (Hematological, general clinical studies).

    Head KDL, doctors and biologists of clinics. lab. diagnostics.

    Clinical laboratory diagnostics (High laboratory technologies).

    Head KDL, doctors and biologists of clinics. lab. diagnostics.

    Clinical laboratory diagnostics. (Selected sections of cytological diagnostics).

    Head KDL, doctors and biologists of clinics. lab. diagnostics.

    Ministry of Health and social development
    State educational institution of additional vocational education


    Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics


    # Course name View
    Training period
    1 Clinical laboratory diagnostics (doctors - professional retraining) Full-time 4 months
    2 Cytology (doctors - professional retraining) Full-time 4 months
    3 Clinical laboratory diagnostics biologists - general improvement Full-time 500 account hour
    4 Selected sections of cytological diagnostics (KLD doctors) Full-time
    1 month
    5 Quality control of laboratory tests (doctors and biologists of clinical laboratory diagnostics) Full-time
    12 days
    6 Clinical and laboratory examination of ejaculate (head of the CDL and doctors of clinical laboratory diagnostics) Full-time
    12 days
    7 Methods for the study of the hemostasis system (doctors and biologists of clinical laboratory diagnostics) Full-time
    12 days
    8 Laboratory diagnostics of urogenital infections (doctors of clinical laboratory diagnostics) Full-time
    12 days
    9 Enzyme immunoassay in the CDL (doctors and biologists of clinical laboratory diagnostics) Full-time
    12 days
    10 PCR in CDL (doctors and biologists of clinical laboratory diagnostics) Full-time
    12 days
    11 Flow cytometry in the diagnosis of hemoblastosis (doctors and biologists, clinical laboratory diagnostics) Full-time
    12 days
    12 Hematological examinations in the KDL (head of the KDL and doctors of clinical laboratory diagnostics) OU 18 days
    13 Isoserological research methods (doctors of blood transfusion stations Full-time OS
    1 month
    14 Clinical laboratory diagnostics. Hematologist. and general clinics. research (head of clinical laboratory and doctors of clinical laboratory diagnostics) Full-time OS
    1 month
    15 Clinical laboratory diagnostics. Hematological, general clinical and cytological examinations (head of clinical laboratory and doctors of clinical laboratory diagnostics) Full-time OS
    2 months
    16 Clinical biochemistry (head of KDL and doctors of clinical laboratory diagnostics) Full-time OS
    1 month
    17 High-tech laboratory research / head of clinical laboratory and specialists of clinical laboratory diagnostics / Full-time
    12 days
    18 Laboratory Information Systems(LIS) Full-time
    12 days
    19 Clinical laboratory diagnostics (on-site cycle) - the program is being updated in accordance with the wishes of the local leaders of the laboratory service Full-time OS
    1 month
    20 Internship in Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Full-time 1 year
    21 Residency in Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Full-time 2 years

    Self-supporting cycles are organized as small groups are formed. All cycles of more than 100 hours of study qualify for the certification exam. At the end of shorter cycles, state-recognized diplomas (certificates) are issued


    # Name View and
    Form of study
    Duration of training
    1 Clinical laboratory diagnostics
    (doctors and biologists, internship, professional retraining, general improvement)
    within 4 months
    2 Laboratory cytology Full-time
    3 Quality control of laboratory tests
    2 weeks
    4 Clinical and laboratory examination of ejaculate
    / head of the clinical laboratory and doctors of clinics. lab. diagnostics /
    2 weeks
    5 Research methods of the hemostasis system
    / Head of KDL and doctors of clinics. lab. diagnostics /
    2 weeks
    6 Laboratory diagnostics of urogenital infections / clinicians lab. diagnostics / Full-time
    2 weeks
    7 Enzyme immunoassay in KDL / head of KDL and doctors of clinics. lab. diagnostics / Full-time
    2 weeks
    8 Flow cytometry in the diagnosis of hemoblastosis Full-time
    2 weeks
    9 PCR in CDL / doctors and biologists clinics. lab. diagnostics / Full-time
    2 weeks
    10 Clinical laboratory diagnostics Outgoing

    Self-supporting cycles are organized as small groups are formed.
    All cycles of 1 month or more qualify for the certification exam. At the end of shorter cycles, state-recognized diplomas (certificates) are issued.

    For inclusion in self-supporting cycles, an application in the form of a letter of guarantee is required.

    Self-supporting improvement cycles

    The page is under construction

    The history of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics dates back to the assistant professor's course, which was organized by Ekaterina Andreevna Kost in 1925 as part of the advanced training courses of the Moscow City Health Department at the Botkin Hospital.

    Ekaterina Andreevna Kost, born in 1898, after graduating from the Medical Faculty of the Moscow Higher Courses for Women, worked as an intern in the Psychiatric Clinic, in the Hospital Therapeutic Clinic as an Eksch, intern, resident, and since 1921 as an assistant. In 1917 she was called up to military service, headed the laboratory of the 6th Venereal Hospital. In 1920-192I. worked in the clinic and was in charge of the laboratory at the hospital. Semashko. Since 1922, she organized and headed the laboratory of the Tuberculosis Department at the Medvednikovskaya hospital. In 1925. went to work at the hospital. SP Botkin, head of hospital laboratories. She worked in the commissions of the Moscow Health Department, the People's Commissariat of Health on the organization of laboratory work. As an assistant at the Department of Therapy, she wrote a monograph "Hemorrhagic diathesis", M., Medgiz. 1924, for which she received the degree of candidate of medical sciences. She created the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics at CIU, which she headed for more than 40 years.

    As part of the CIUV, the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics was organizationally formalized in 1936. The Department was always located in the hospital. S.P. Botkin. It is known that she stayed in the tuberculosis barracks, then in the 2nd surgical building together with the main part of the hospital laboratory, in 1955 the department together with the laboratory was transferred to the 28th building, where they occupied the 1st and 2nd floors until 1989. , and then moved to building 17, vacated after the transfer of neurological departments of the hospital to other buildings.

    Stenko Maria Ivanovna assistant of the department, taught hematology, consulted patients. Her Ph.D. the dissertation is devoted to the morphological study of wound exudate.
    During the Great Patriotic War the department trained doctors for laboratories in the rear and for hospitals (associate professors EA Kost and Varvara Nikolaevna Toparskaya, assistants Anna Moiseevna Ginsburg, MI Stenko). E.A. Kost as part of the brigade of the chief surgeon of the Soviet Army N.N. Burdenko went to the front to provide assistance to hospital laboratories.
    Until 1956, the department had cycles of laboratory diagnostics for military doctors, who were trained for the position of head of the clinical diagnostic laboratory of district military hospitals.

    Classes with military doctors
    conducted by Ilya Savelievich Tsypkin
    Practical training in clinical
    biochemistry in the postwar period

    V post-war time a generation of front-line soldiers came to the department: Maria Nikolaevna Shalfeeva, Nina Ivanovna Bokunyaeva, Ilya Savelievich Tsypkin. Lectures on clinical biochemistry were delivered by Associate Professor Varvara Nikolaevna Toparskaya, the workshop was conducted by an assistant Nina Alekseevna Naumova, later Galina I. Likhter. The head of the department was E.A. Coast (pictured - center).

    In the 60s. to replace the generation of front-line soldiers, new employees came to the department. In 1960 he came to be an associate professor Grigory G. Gazenko. He acted as the head of the educational department. Victoria Tazaretovna Morozova was enrolled as an assistant, having completed her clinical residency (1955-1957) at this department. After completing her postgraduate studies, Alla Sergeevna Tsirkina was left at the department to teach clinical biochemistry. In 1964, Romualda Leonardovna Martishevskaya was enrolled in the department, who graduated from the clinical residency at the same department in 1961.From 1966 to 1976, the department was headed by Elizaveta Dmitrievna Ponomareva, who passed from the post of associate professor of the therapy department at TsOLIUV. In 1967, Irina Ivanovna Mironova was appointed assistant. After some time, Candidate of Medical Sciences Maria Andreevna Kuklina was enrolled in the positions of assistants. Ph.D. Larisa Iosifovna Kalnova and Ph.D. Nina G. Shevchenko.

    60 years of N.G. Shevchenko and V.T. Morozov
    in M.M. Stenko's office
    Tsirkina Alla Sergeeva associate professor in 80-90
    Head of the Department of Clinical Biochemistry

    1985 In the first row there are teachers of the department I.I. Mironova, N.G. Shevchenko, R.L. Martishevskaya, V.T. Morozova, A.S. Tsirkina, M.A. Avdeeva, K. A. Shchetnikovich, S. A. Lugovskaya
    VT Morozov in 1976 passed a competition for the head of the department. A.S. Tsirkina became the head of the biochemical department, Nina Alekseevna Avdeeva (1980) came to the post of assistant. The duties of the head of the educational unit were transferred to R.L. Martishevskaya. At the end of the clinical residency, three doctors were left at the department - Svetlana Alekseevna Lugovskaya, (graduate school), Tatyana Nikolaevna Soboleva and Klavdia Aleksandrovna Shchetnikovich (senior laboratory assistants).
    In 1989, VT Morozova, in order to meet the increased needs in the training of doctors-laboratory assistants in Moscow, additionally managed to get 5 positions of teachers. The position of professor was taken by Doctor of Medical Sciences. Vladimir Vladimirovich Dolgov, who came from the Department of Pathophysiology, associate professors - Ph.D. Sergei Sergeevich Rakov, moved from the Department of Biochemistry TSOLIUv, Ph.D. Elena Konstantinovna Nazarova, moved from the Department of Health Organization, Ph.D. Irina Petrovna Shabalova, who came from City Clinical Hospital No. 15, assistant - Elena Olegovna Smoligovets, who worked as a senior laboratory assistant before. In the 90s, the department was accepted as assistants Margarita Evgenievna Pochtar (studied at the internship at the department) Alexander Polievich Roitman (after graduate school), Natalia Gennadievna Rakova (graduated from residency), Lyudmila Andreevna Romanova (graduated from the internship), in this century - Tatyana Vladimirovna Dzhangirova (studied at the intern) and Karine Timurovna Kasoyan (studied at the intern).
    1990 Cycle “Laboratory diagnostics of emergency conditions. Teachers of the department (first row) V.V.Dolgov, M.A. Kuklina, V.T. Morozova, I.I.Mironova, S.S. Rakov, N.A. Avdeeva and K.A. Shchetnikovich with cadets

    In 1992, Professor V.V. Dolgov became the head of the department, and Honored Scientist, D.Med.Sc. VT Morozova moved to the post of professor of the department. Over the past 15 years, doctoral dissertations in the specialty of clinical laboratory diagnostics have been defended by S.A. Lugovskaya, I.P. Shabalova (professor), S.S. Rakov. Candidate dissertations were defended by M.E. Pochtar, A.P. Roitman, N.G. Rakova, L.A. Romanova (all associate professors), T.V. Dzhangirova, K.T. Kasoyan (assistants of the department). Post-graduate students and senior laboratory assistants of the department V. Smirnova, M. Fedorova, E. Naumova, A. Bugrov, V. Shutov, M. Tropskaya prepare for the defense of the thesis.

    Address: 125101 Moscow, 2nd Botkinsky proezd, 5, Botkin Hospital, building 17, Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics

    Postgraduate training of medical and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification at the RSMU is carried out at the faculty postgraduate education in clinical residency, postgraduate and doctoral studies. The origins of training young qualified personnel within the walls of the university go back to the distant past - at the medical faculties, first of the MVZhK, and then of the 2nd Moscow State University. Back in 1913, the "Regulation on leaving the MVZHK for improvement in the scientific knowledge of female persons who graduated from the above courses" was approved. The term of additional training is 2 years, and a number of students were provided with scholarships from the funds of the courses.

    When he was honey. Faculty of the 2nd Moscow State University, a whole network of research institutes is formed around it, which have had a significant impact on the formation of domestic scientific developments in many areas of research. It is quite natural that the scientific institutions being created needed qualified personnel and new methods of training them. On June 30, 1925, the Presidium of the Collegium of the RSFSR People's Commissariat for Education approved the "Regulations on the procedure for training scientific workers", in accordance with which the training of scientific personnel of the country began through postgraduate studies at universities. The term of the postgraduate student was calculated in 3 years. On September 12, 1925, the State Academic Council approved the list of the first graduate students of the 2nd Moscow State University, including the medical faculty. By the next 1927, 44 full-time and supernumerary graduate students were already studying at the medical faculty. In 1925, a clinical residency was also opened, 58 full-time and 19 supernumerary places were allocated to the medical faculty. We can say that the medical faculty of the 2nd Moscow State University was a scientific and pedagogical base-laboratory of experience in improving higher education. medical education.

    When the medical faculty is reorganized into an independent 2nd Medical Institute, the process of training and improving the knowledge of medical personnel receives further development... As of July 1940, there were 155 graduate students at the institute. By the beginning of the 70s, 320 graduate students and 300 residents in 47 departments worked within the walls of the institute.

    At various times, the heads of the postgraduate and residency department of our institute were: O.V. Grinina, T.V. Zhuravleva, G.A. Pashinyan, N.A. Chechkov, N.P. Olenina, N.A. Zybina, N.I. Frumkin. Professor V.G. Vladimirov. Since 1989, the dean of the faculty is Professor, Honored Doctor of Russia O.D. Mishnev . Currently, the postgraduate study department employs: head. department, prof. M.I. Savina and senior methodologist Yu.A. Egorova; in the residency department - head. department M.V. Viryasova and senior methodologists N.P. Olenina, N.A. Kuznetsova.

    The right of admission to the clinical residency of the RSMU from among the graduates is enjoyed by persons who have good academic performance, withstood the state. exams and passed state distribution to departments. Today, training is carried out at 83 departments in 48 specialties, according to the "Nomenclature of medical specialties".

    All departments, once every 5 years, revise the training programs in residency on the basis of the "Layout of the state standard for postgraduate vocational training". The 2-year study programs include:

    For residents of the 1st year - fundamental training in the form of lectures on microbiology, pat. anatomy, pathological physiology, immunology, clinical biochemistry;

    For residents of the 2nd year - seminars on phthisiology (2 weeks); lecture course in related disciplines: clinical pharmacology, medical ethics, family psychotherapy, healthcare organizations, insurance medicine.

    The Department of Clinical Residency organizes the work of the departments of the Institute. Meetings are held where they hear reports from the department staff responsible for working with residents about the methods of control and training of clinical residents, analyzed individual plans, the topics of lectures and seminars are discussed, plans for unified tests for specialties are drawn up, etc.

    The result of the completion of the clinical residency is the state qualification exam, according to the results of which the residents receive a specialist certificate and a certificate of completion of the residency.

    Postgraduate training at the Russian State Medical University is conducted in 64 areas in accordance with the current nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers. Curricula and training programs for graduate students are developed and revised by the department teams together with the employees of the dean's office.

    The basis of postgraduate students' training is: extended theoretical, biomedical and clinical training at the departments and clinical bases of the university. On the basis of standard programs, original programs on the history and philosophy of science have been developed, foreign languages, computer science, the basics of intellectual property, pedagogy and psychology, biomedical ethics.

    RSMU performs the main functions of training medical and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification for universities and public health authorities of the country. The result of this area of ​​activity is the training of personnel for the regions of Russia: Tula, Vladimir regions, the republics of the North Caucasus, etc. Target graduate students make up 40%. Along with full-time education, there is a correspondence course. The share of correspondence postgraduates is 30%.

    The level of training of graduate students is determined by the high scientific potential of the university, the existence of large scientific and clinical schools, led by academicians, corresponding member. RAMS and professors - V.S.Saveliev, Yu.F. Isakov, G.M.Savelyeva, E.I.Gusev, A.P. Nesterov, Yu.K. Skripkin, Yu.P. Lisitsyn and others.

    There is a continuity in training - the share of graduates of the Russian State Medical University who completed their clinical residency and completed a one-year internship, of the total number of those who entered postgraduate studies, is up to 60%.

    Training of scientific personnel through internships. Research interns at workplaces, under the guidance of researchers and professors of the Russian State Medical University, master modern technologies and carry out fragments of complex scientific research and dissertations.

    Every year, the staff of the dean's office organizes a session of examinations for the candidate's minimum, which makes it possible to assess the level of knowledge and the degree of readiness for the defense of dissertations not only of graduate students, but also of applicants who carry out their scientific work at the university.

    Since 1988, doctoral studies have been working at the university as the highest level of professional medical education. Preparation for doctoral studies is approved by the plans of the Ministry of Health of Russia. During this period, over 100 people were enrolled in doctoral studies, of which 85% were from the regions of Russia. The training of doctoral students is carried out in scientific schools, led by leading medical scientists of Russia, in 17 specialties.

    The main goal of a doctoral student is to work on a doctoral dissertation. A doctoral student must meet the criteria of a scientific and pedagogical worker and a doctor of the highest qualifications. The assessment of the implementation of the plan is a positive conclusion of the department (department, laboratory). The defense of dissertations, as a rule, takes place after graduation from doctoral studies. Many former doctoral students work as professors, head. departments of universities of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.

    Currently, up to 1500 clinical residents, trainees, postgraduates and doctoral students in theoretical and clinical specialties are constantly studying in graduate school and clinical residency.

    Dean of Postgraduate Education, Prof. O. D. Mishnev

    The Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (RMAPO) provides the following types of postgraduate education on a budgetary basis:

    • improvement of practical health personnel (general and thematic);
    • professional retraining of specialists (specialization);
    • clinical residency training
    • training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school
    • preparation for passing the qualification exam for a specialist certificate;
    • preparation in certification cycles for certification for the highest, first and second qualification categories;
    • training in the form of on-the-job training;
    • planned outreach cycles - certification, general and thematic improvement.

    Postgraduate training in cycles of improvement, professional retraining is carried out on a budgetary basis *:

    • on applications / petitions / heads of bodies and institutions of health care of the Russian Federation and personal statements of citizens;
    • for those working in medical institutions that do not belong to the system of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, or in commercial structures - at the request of the heads of medical institutions / commercial structures / or at the personal statements of citizens for paid basis;
    • for citizens foreign states- at the request of the heads of bodies / institutions / health care or personal statements of citizens of foreign countries
    • on a paid basis.


    The question of organizing an Institute for advanced training of doctors in Moscow was decided in 1928 by the Collegium of the People's Commissariat for Health. In the prepared project, the main tasks of the institute were formulated: improvement and specialization of doctors, training of scientific personnel, training of healthcare organizers and hospital administrators. The institute was planned to be the head one and was supposed to take over the leadership educational and methodological activities all institutes of improvement and lead scientific work on the problems of improving medical personnel. The project was approved by the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR and accepted for execution.

    In accordance with the Government Decision Russian Federation The Central Institute for Advanced Medical Studies was opened on December 1, 1930. The duties of the first director of the institute were entrusted to Professor Grigory Mikhailovich Danishevsky, who at that time worked as director of the Central Research Institute of Balneology and at the same time supervised medical education at the People's Commissariat for Health. The first organizational meeting of professors of the institute took place on December 20, 1930. Famous scientists, founders of future departments of the institute, took part in this meeting: Averbakh M.I. (Department of Eye Diseases), Kireev M.P. (Department of Infectious Diseases), Luria R.A. (first department of therapy), Margulis M.S. (Department of Nervous Diseases), Rozanov V.N. (Department of Surgery), Sysin A.N. (Department of Communal Hygiene), Talalaev V.T. (Department of Pathoanatomy).

    On February 18, 1931, the People's Commissariat of Health approved the Charter of the Institute, which defined the Institute as the head institution in the state system of advanced training for doctors. The name of the institute was fixed - the Central Institute for the improvement and specialization of doctors and health care organizers. From the first days of the organization of the institute, work was carried out on the formation of departments, the creation of a material and technical base, the planning and organization of educational and scientific work... During the first year of work at the institute, 25 departments were created, including: two departments of internal diseases, surgery, pathological anatomy, nervous diseases, bacteriology and epidemiology, otorhinolaryngology, balneology and balneology, tuberculosis, operative surgery and topanatomy, skin and venereal diseases, general and special sanitation, the organization of Soviet health care, eye diseases, orthopedics and traumatology, occupational pathology, urology, psychoprophylaxis and psychiatry, dentistry and odontology, physical education, emergency surgery, dialectical materialism, bacteriology, industrial hygiene, military sanitation.

    The following were identified as the main clinical bases of the institute: Moscow City Clinical Hospital named after V.I. S.P. Botkina, Central Hospital of the People's Commissariat of Railways, Central Tuberculosis Institute of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow Regional Tuberculosis Institute, Central Institute of Balneology, Clinic of Medical Nutrition State Institute Nutrition, Institute of Emergency Medicine. Sklifosovsky, Institute of Oncology, Institute of General and Communal Hygiene, Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology and a number of other scientific and medical institutions. The CIU also transferred most of the various advanced training courses for doctors conducted by various research institutes and large medical institutions in Moscow.

    In 1932, the following departments were opened: infectious diseases, pediatrics, physiotherapy, obstetrics and gynecology, health centers, social insurance, food sanitation and hygiene, radiology, dietics, maxillofacial surgery, dentistry, early childhood, forensic medicine. In 1935, there were 58 departments and independent associate professors in the CIU. In the first five years, 14,664 doctors and health care providers graduated; of these, 20% were trained in field training. In March 1936, methodological commissions were organized for the surgical, therapeutic and sanitary-hygienic sectors, which were later reorganized into departments, and then into dean's offices. The year 1936 is characterized by favorable shifts in all areas of the Institute's activities. This year, a new building on Begovaya Street was put into operation, premises on Barrikadnaya Street were received. And the building received on Sadovo-Kudrinskaya is currently our main administrative building.

    Scientific research has received an important impetus. In May 1936, the first scientific-practical conference (on the problems of clinic and allergy) was held, which was held with great success. In the resolution of the conference, its participants appealed to the researchers and teachers of all GIDUVs with an appeal to actively carry out the training of scientific personnel. Since January 1938, CIU has been allowed to defend candidate dissertations at faculty councils. In 1939, a permanent commission was appointed to prepare for the publication of the first collection of scientific works of the CIU. Peripheral departments of the CIU were opened on the basis of scientific and large medical and preventive institutions of the country, a separate resort faculty was organized. The pre-war period is characterized by intensive work on the education and selection of personnel, strengthening labor discipline. In this direction, the peculiarities of that time are also significantly traced. In a relatively short period, five directors were replaced (Grossman Ya.L., Ginzburg B.S., Belenkiy S.Yu., Metallikov M.S., Shumarov S.Ya.) until Vera Pavlovna Lebedeva, who worked in this positions over 20 years.

    In 1939, hostilities began on the Finnish front, which affected the themes of the cycles and, in general, the entire activity of the CIU - the heads of the departments carry out the important task of the Government to organize highly qualified assistance to the soldiers of the Red Army. Since 1941, the entire life of the institute was subordinated to the requirements of wartime. However, there was no complete curtailment of the activities of the CIU and no complete evacuation. The front and military hospitals were in dire need of graduates of the institute, and therefore already in 1942 the educational and scientific part of the institute and a number of departments of the surgical profile were restored, the work of the Academic Council was restored. For all the years of the Great Patriotic War, TsIU trained more than 25 thousand qualified medical specialists for the front and rear. With the end of the war, the institute began to solve peaceful problems; front-line departments were liquidated. Since 1947, systematic work began to improve the qualifications of foreign doctors.

    The institute began its editorial and publishing activities; the library fund made up more than 75 thousand titles of scientific and educational books; the 3rd scientific conference of the CIU staff was held; In 1955, the institute celebrated its 25th anniversary - during this time, more than 80 thousand doctors improved their qualifications at the CIU. In 1959, Maria Dmitrievna Kovrigia was appointed director of the CIU, who headed the institute for more than a quarter of a century. The Faculty of Medicine and Biology was organized as part of 14 departments and the Central Scientific Research Laboratory.

    One of the most important areas of research has become scientific research on the problem - Scientific basis for the improvement of doctors. Soon, all educational departments of the institute joined these studies, and inter-institute and international cooperation began to develop successfully. In the early 60s, the institute became an authoritative institution for the training of scientific personnel for health care in many countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America. Since 1963, the Moscow International Courses for Hospital Administrators of WHO began to function on a regular basis. For more than 25 years, the training of advanced training for doctors through an open television system has been practiced and brought the institute well-deserved fame.

    In November 1967 the institute was awarded highest award- Order of Lenin and became abbreviated as TSOLIUV. In 1980, for the success achieved in improving the qualifications of doctors and for international cooperation in postgraduate training of medical personnel, the institute was awarded the honorary badge "Golden Mercury". In 1985 Professor Kirill Pavlovich Kashkin was appointed rector of TSOLIUV. In 1988, Professor Viktor Vasilievich Gavryushov was elected rector.Despite the difficulties of the transition period to 1990, TSOLIUV continued to be the most authoritative educational institution of the country in the field postgraduate education medical professionals. In 1994, on the basis of TSOLIUV, the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, abbreviated as RMAPO, was created. In the same year, Professor Larisa Konstantinovna Moshetova, now an academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, was elected the rector of the academy.


    Today the Academy is the largest educational, scientific and methodological center for postgraduate training of healthcare personnel in the Russian Federation.

    The Academy has 7 faculties: surgical, therapeutic, pediatric, biomedical, preventive medicine, organizations of national and international health care, dental; 118 departments, research center, center continuing education and certification of health personnel, a radiological clinic, an information-computing center, a fundamental library and other departments. The academy employs more than 2 thousand employees, including 25 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 220 professors and doctors of sciences, more than 550 candidates of sciences. The Academy has successfully passed the next certification and was accredited. Postgraduate training is carried out - advanced training, professional retraining, training for doctors and paramedics in all medical and nursing specialties.

    The academy also provides postgraduate education in all medical specialties. Training and advanced training of paramedical specialists (engineers, chemists, physicists, economists, etc.) is carried out. As the head institution, the Academy provides methodological assistance to all educational institutions of postgraduate medical education in the country. On the basis of the academy, the Central Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation functions.

    The annual graduation of health care specialists steadily exceeds 25 thousand people, a significant part of whom are heads of health personnel and the teaching staff of medical universities and institutes for advanced training of doctors. The clinical base of the Academy includes 54 leading Moscow clinics and institutes, including: S.P. Botkin, children's hospitals - Tushinskaya and St. Vladimir, the Cardiological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the N.N. Blokhin Cancer Research Center, the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.N. NN Priorova, Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A.N.Bakuleva, Research Institute of Ambulance named after A.N. N.V. Sklifosovsky and other large institutions. The research activities of the Academy are still focused on the key problems of medical science. Particular attention is paid to the development scientific foundations improvement of doctors.

    Currently, RMAPO cooperates with the World Health Organization, the European Health Committee, the International Committee of the Red Cross, a number of international associations and companies, scientific organizations and educational institutions. The academy has 6 centers collaborating with WHO.

    Learning is like paddling against the tide:
    as soon as you stop, it drives you back.
    Chinese proverb.

    Postgraduate training for doctors originated in the 30s of the 19th century, when the universities of Moscow, Kazan and Kiev began to practice training doctors in order to improve their qualifications, and internships for doctors in foreign clinics were also used. In 1885, the world's first clinical institute for advanced training of doctors was opened in St. Petersburg, now the St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

    Postgraduate medical education became a unified state system in our country in 1964. In 1965, all institutes for advanced training of doctors were transferred to the USSR Ministry of Health, and in 1968 an internship was introduced.

    The search for the optimal model of medical training led at the end of the 90s of the XX century to the recognition of the need for continuous medical postgraduate education, which resulted in a paradigm shift from "education for life" to "education throughout life."

    Postgraduate medical education can be divided into several types:

    1. Obtaining the main specialty (internship, clinical residency, postgraduate study).
    2. Professional development (improvement).
    3. Professional retraining.
    4. Self-education.

    Getting the main specialty

    Federal Law of August 22, 1996 No. 125 "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" (with subsequent editions) determines that for persons who have completed their studies at a medical higher educational institution, the basis for their occupation of positions is a one-year postgraduate training (internship), confirmed by certificates of the established form.

    Graduates who are admitted to clinical residency or graduate school do not take an internship. Moreover, not all specialties provide for an internship. For example, get the main specialty " Psychiatry»Can be done both through an internship and through training in clinical residency. But for the specialty " Psychiatry-addiction»Internship is not provided, only - clinical residency (see orders in the subsection" Admission to medical practice ", illustrating medical postgraduate education).

    A complete list of specialties for which training is carried out through an internship is set out in the letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2005 No. 2374-ВС "On the training of specialists in internship".


    Postgraduate medical education in the form of advanced training (improvement) is an update of theoretical and practical knowledge in an already acquired specialty.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 610 of 06/26/95 "On approval of the Model Regulations on educational institution additional education(advanced training) of specialists ”it was approved that postgraduate education in the form of advanced training is carried out as needed, but at least once every five years.

    Postgraduate medical education at this level takes place in the form of cycles of general or thematic improvement and is confirmed by documents:

    • certificate on advanced training - for doctors who have completed short-term training or participated in thematic and problematic seminars on the program in the amount of 72 to 100 hours;
    • testimony on advanced training - for students who have completed long-term training under the program in the amount of more than 100 hours.

    Professional retraining

    Professional retraining of specialists is another type of medical postgraduate education and is carried out on the basis of established qualification requirements for specific professions.

    The standard term for professional retraining should be more than 500 hours. At the end of the training, a thesis is written and the state final exam is passed. In return, it is given professional retraining diploma, which certifies the right (qualifications) of a specialist to maintain professional activity in a certain area.


    Permanent self-education is key point medical postgraduate education. It is regular independent efforts (ideally daily), and not going through improvement cycles every five years, that serve as the guarantee of professional competence.

    Moreover, in some disciplines, such as internal medicine, it is impossible to provide quality medical care without being aware of the latest advances in medical knowledge.

    Medical universities in Russia

    The list of institutions that have faculties of advanced training and professional retraining is contained in the file of the Medical universities of Russia. Please note that some of the information cards include the current training cycle schedule.

    The list of the required minimum of things and documents that will be required for training is set out in a separate file (check this list at the place of training).

    Institute of Professional Education FGAOU VO First Moscow State medical University them. I.M.Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University) was established on December 1, 2013 on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council of the University (Protocol No. 8 of November 14, 2013) in order to organize activities for advanced training and professional retraining of medical personnel (order of the Rector of the University from December 4, 2013 No. 896 / P). It included: management; departments (for the formation of personal files of students, certification; planning and holding competitions; innovative educational technologies); departments that implement programs of additional vocational education; Department of Postgraduate Studies; residency department.

    The director of the Institute of Professional Education was appointed - Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

    Currently, the Institute of Professional Education includes: Directorate; departments (for the formation of personal files of students, certification; planning and holding competitions); departments that implement programs of additional vocational education.

    The Institute of Professional Education trains specialists in almost all medical specialties. On its basis, more than 15 thousand workers of practical health care improve their qualifications annually. In addition to training students, the teaching staff trains specialists in residency, postgraduate and doctoral studies. Highly qualified specialists with an academic degree of candidate or doctor of medical sciences are involved in teaching. The training is carried out in more than 50 medical specialties.

    The departments of the Institute of Vocational Education are located not only at the bases of the University Clinical Center, but also at the clinical bases of the leading research institutes, scientific centers of the Russian Academy of Sciences, large city clinical hospitals, polyclinics, maternity hospitals and dispensaries. This makes it possible for teachers, in addition to conducting theoretical classes, to demonstrate modern diagnostic and therapeutic techniques and to acquaint students with recent advances medical science and practice.

    Training of medical workers is carried out using simulators and simulators, which allows them to practice practical skills at a higher level.

    The Institute of Vocational Education is actively involved in organizing and conducting training using distance learning technologies, as well as training using an educational certificate, online courses.

    With their help, doctors from Astrakhan, Yaroslavl, Rostov, Tula, Lipetsk, Belgorod, Penza, Bryansk, Taimyr, Yakutsk, Ingushetia and a number of other cities of the Russian Federation are trained.

    The Institute of Vocational Education is actively involved in pilot projects implemented by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Department of Health of the city of Moscow:

    A pilot project for the training of general practitioners for medical institutions in Moscow in the specialty "General medical practice(family medicine) "

    The pilot project "On assigning the status of" Moscow doctor "in the specialties" General medical practice (family medicine) "," Psychiatry "," Radiology "," Gastroenterology "," Clinical pharmacology "," Forensic medical examination ", and from April 1 2019 - "Clinical laboratory diagnostics" on the basis of the Methodological Center for the Accreditation of Specialists.

    The Institute of Vocational Education organizes and constantly conducts a special exam for persons who have received medical and pharmaceutical training in foreign countries and claim the right to engage in medical and pharmaceutical activities in the Russian Federation, as well as an exam for admission to carry out medical and pharmaceutical activities in the positions of nursing and pharmaceutical personnel ...