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  • Individual work plan for teacher with poorly speaking. Work plan with delicate students. Exercise "Instant photo"

    Individual work plan for teacher with poorly speaking. Work plan with delicate students. The exercise

    Work plan

    teachers Lagutkina L.P.

    1. Objectives:

    1. Implementation of the Law on Education

    2. Taking comprehensive measures aimed at improving the performance and quality of students' knowledge.

    2. Tasks:

    Creating conditions for the successful learning learning learning programs.

    Selection pedagogical technologies For the organization of the educational process and improving motivation from weakly speaking students

    On the one hand, it is historically segmented by sex, age and geographical area, on the other hand, the phenomenon of the disadvantageous labor was structurally presented for a long time. We have seen that the economic crisis is definitely increased the number of "discouraged", but their percentage before the crisis was still high and significantly higher than the average in Europe. Our analyzes showed the same results for all three years.

    Among them, previous experience in the labor market seems stronger than the main segments of the workforce segmentation. We have seen that, including the model of previous experience in the variable, both active and based research, they absorb a significant part of the main socio-demographic variables.

    Realization of multi-learning

    Studying the peculiarities of weakly speaking students, the reasons for their backlog in studies and weak motivation

    Formation of a responsible attitude of students for learning

    3. Basic planning sections:

    I. Organization of work with delicate teacher students - subject

    II. Planning the work of the class teacher with poorly speaking students

    Within a long time, the perception of instability in the conditions of their work and the lack of effective research support services reduces their readiness to show activity in the labor market. In all three models presented, the relationship between the tendency to disappointment and the name of the study is negative, and the effect increases as the level of education increases.

    Even in the third model, these relationships seem to "hold", but only to receive higher education. "Protection" from frustration that offers a degree program is likely to be associated with higher expectations, the content of the previously done work, but in general, more significant cultural resources, which offers in terms of the ability of innovative job search, as well as in terms of ability to create Professional networks in the labor market. Considering also a strong tendency to inaction.

    4. Fundamental areas and activities:

    1. Organization of working with weakly speaking and unsuccessful students in the lesson.

    2. Methods and forms of work with weakly speaking and unsuccessful students in extracurricular time.

    3. Educational work With weakly speaking and unsuccessful students aimed at improving performance.

    The exogenous shock of the financial crisis intervened in the long-term economy. As you know, GDP growth in Italy is much slower than an average of Europe, even before. BLADELL R. Ham J. Megier K. Unemployment, disappointed workers and female labor, "Research in the economy", 52, p. 103.

    Bovi M. Mancini M. Recession, expectations and dynamics of labor supply, "Quality and quantity", p. 653. Kataldo A. Tosi M. The terrifying effect of the atpicness of employment and reconciliation of the family, "Italian Sociology", 2, p. 49. Hazan M. Working Force: Older people, discouraged workers, minorities and students in the labor markets in the Baltic States, "Empirika", 34, p. 319.

    4. Organization of working with parents of deserted and noble student.

    5. Teacher's activities

    with poorly speaking students

    1. To diagnose at the beginning of the year in order to identify the level of student's training.

    2. Use in lessons different kinds Survey (oral, written, individual, etc.) for the objectivity of the result.

    Kesselring R. Bremmer D. Rejected against. Added workers: change by sex, age and family position, "Social Science Journal", 52, p. 374. Lundberg S. added work effect, labor economy magazine, 3, p. 11. Reinery, Sociology of the Labor Market, Bologna, Mulino.

    Digital bibliographic news

    Stevens M. Worker Movement and Additional Work Effect, Magazine "Labor Economics", 20, p. 504. That's what some students answered the question about school project. I believe that school work is a good start for our future in approach to work, as many companies and jobs also require practical and minimal experience in various fields of learning that we choose. This path we follow can give us instructions necessary to improve our capabilities.

    3. Prepare and use reference schemes, visual aids in the lessons, technical means, Didactic material.

    3. Regularly and systematically poll, setting estimates in a timely manner, preventing accumulation of estimates at the end of a quarter, when the student does not have the ability to fix them (the number of respondents should be at least 5-7 students).

    Change working school - This is a project that may make sense if it is implemented properly. For example, for professional and technical institutions, something that tends to economy or logic may well come up, but not for classical and other secondary schools; They must follow the student plan chosen by students to help them grow, and not create mental disorders.

    From my point of view, this is a great opportunity, almost privilege: we have the opportunity to touch and experience in our skin the reality of the world of labor. It can also be a valuable help when choosing a path that should be taken after research. Do not waste this opportunity!

    4. Comment assess the student, noting the shortcomings so that the student can eliminate them later

    5. Eliminate gaps in knowledge identified during test work, after which re-control knowledge.

    6. To inform the class teacher or directly by the parents of a student about low performance if there is a cluster of unsatisfactory estimates (3 or more "2")

    A change is a much more subtle mechanism of the operation of children, which acts on a deeper level. It departs from human and concrete measurement of the study, the only capable of providing a critical apparatus and conscience and landing in one of the stroke and stubbornness. And he does it with an instructive pretext. We exploit the exploitation of child labor as a criminal. Alternation, perhaps even worse, is presented so that they no longer realize this. The exploitation of children is practiced by those who just want to get rich: the fact that harm is a consequence. And properly conceived to cause pain.

    7. Conduct individual group consultations and classes with students who need help, to work out basic knowledge and skills.

    8. As a subject teacher to issue the following documentation:

    Individual work schedule with poorly speaking

    Work program with poorly speaking students. year;

    Tasks to eliminate gaps in knowledge;

    From other opinions, it is also seen that, despite the good intention to start this project, a full chaos occurred. We are talking, for example, about the clocks left before study, or on the incomplete competence of companies in the organization of the work plan for children. Therefore, this is an inefficient organization of the project, presented in the middle of the year with bewilderment and without information about it. That is why most of them are unhappy, especially for the organization, such hasty and chaotic. Thousands of projects, thousands of ideas, but not certainty.

    Blitz from a broken window, gate keys at hand. Everyone would think about the student in search of revenge, maybe after the ranks. He spelled out and outraged. Meanwhile, then you can try to restore the movements of those who managed to penetrate high School. Those who entered the school, pockets and gas cans in their hand may have crossed the fence around the institute, about a half height. Agents hope to find a member manager, although video surveillance devices are not aimed at school. Since the work began on the construction of five new classrooms, a new error has also appeared in the intake part of the institute.

    Results of thematic control of students' knowledge

    Report of the teacher-subject to work with delicate students.

    Work plan with poor spelling students for 2016 -2017 uch. year

    teacher primary classes Lagutkina L.P.

    2. Conduct a control cut of knowledge of class students by major sections educational material previous years of study. Purpose:

    a) Determination of the actual level of knowledge of children.

    The courtyard courtyard between Via Valenyano and Via Padre Reginaldo Giuliani is almost impenetrable. Just stretch your hand over the fence and hold the iron wire to get the key and enter the school courtyard with one of the streets less illuminated throughout the quarter. Then, straight to the stairs with a fire staircase and an foreground window, school weakness.

    But the one who gave eight campus flames allowed mistakes: investigators found coincidence between ashes, and fingerprints were not yet isolated. Then, two other elements: Books, burned partially, and eggs thrown against the entrance. Tips that strengthen the traces of the student are rejected and in search of revenge. At the same time, however, they could be deliberately left to move attention to the students of the institute. However, no hypothesis cannot be excluded, even if an actual act prevails.

    b) identifying disciples of gaps that require quick liquidation.


    3. Conduct an interview with cool leaders about finding out the causes of their backlog. The establishment of the reasons for the lag of weakly speaking students through conversations with school professionals: a class teacher, a psychologist,

    Students also opened the internal investigative front. These are the guys who on the last day of the school released chickens for corridors and have fun more than once to fill the bathroom. One of them would be convicted by a professor, but he would also be from Rome. But there is nothing that it would forbid someone, crazy, returned to Rome to fulfill its plan.

    On this occasion, Pontiff held the following speech. Training is a wonderful job. It is a pity that teachers are erroneous. Because there is not only the time they spend to go to school, then they should prepare, then they need to think about each of the students: how to help them move on. But how does the teacher ends after two shifts? This is a bad job, but it is beautiful, because it allows people who trust our concerns, to grow daydly. It is a little bit like to be a parent, at least spiritually.


    4. Meetings with individual parents and conversations with the students themselves

    During the school year.

    5. Participation in the discussion of working with weak students and exchange of experience with colleagues (on pedsove, small pedsovets, SHO)

    During the school year.

    6. Drawing up a work plan to eliminate gaps in the knowledge of the lagging student on the current quarter.

    It is also a big responsibility! Education is a serious obligation that only a mature and balanced personality can take. This obligation can be feared, but it should be remembered that no teacher is alone: \u200b\u200balways share your work with other colleagues and with the whole educational community to which he belongs.

    Your Association is 70 years old: this is a great age! Fairly celebrate, but you can even start balancing life. Since then, it was done from the way! The school did so well. And the Italian school continued the participation of your association, which was founded by Professor Gesualdo Northgo, a religious teacher who felt the need to collect secondary teachers of that time recognized in the Catholic faith, and that inspiration worked at school.

    September, update as needed.

    7. Using a differentiated approach when organizing independent work in the lesson, include the worst individual tasks to the poorly spent student, fix it in terms of the lesson, so as not to forget.

    During the school year.

    8. Maintain mandatory thematic accounting of knowledge of weakly speaking students of the class when analyzing thematic accounting for knowledge on the subject of children of the whole class.

    During these years, you helped develop the country, you have contributed to the reform of the school, you have made a special contribution to the upbringing of generations of young people. At 70, Italy has changed, the school has changed, but there are always teachers who wish to participate in their profession with this enthusiasm and willingness that the Lord believes us.

    As Jesus taught us, the whole law and prophets are summarized in two commandments: he loves the Lord, your God, and loves your neighbor. We can ask: who is the next teacher? "Next" are his disciples! It is with them that he spends his days. They are waiting for his guide, address, answer - and, before that, good questions!

    During the school year.

    9. Reflect individual work With a weak student in workers or special notebooks on the subject.

    During the school year.

    Key points in the organization of the educational process

    with delicious children

    To enhance the efficiency of working with weakly speaking students, use new educational technologies, innovative forms and learning methods: Personal - oriented approach (Training to build, taking into account the development of individual abilities and the level of formation of skills of study labor) and multi-level differentiation at all stages of the lesson.

    In fact, the duty of a good teacher is more than a Christian teacher - it is stronger to love her students, weaker, more disadvantaged with greater intensity. Jesus would say: if you love only those who learn who is well educated, what's your merit? And there are those who lose patience, but we must love them more!

    Any teacher suits these disciples. If today the professional association of Christian teachers wants to witness their inspiration, it is designed to participate in the suburbs of the school, which cannot be discarded on marginalization, ignorance and ill-advantage. In society trying to find landmarks, young people should find a positive link in school. In this direction, your task as much as possible. And you must teach not only the content of matter, but also the values \u200b\u200bof life and the habit of life.

    Organize individually-group work, applying differentiated training tasks, invariant practical worksDifferentiated testing works, creative work on choice.

    In lessons and additional classes, apply "help cards", "Memo for students", wider use game tasks, which make it possible to work at the subconscious level. The paper creates special situations of success.

    Three things you must pass. To find out how much content is enough for a computer, but to understand how it loves it, to understand what values \u200b\u200band what habits are those that create harmony in society, for this you need a good teacher. In the Christian community there are many examples of great teachers who seek to fill the shortage school Education Or create schools in turn. Among other things, we think about St. John Bosco, whose birth this year is a two hundred years of birth.

    And he advised his priests: to raise with love. The first attitude of the teacher is love. It is these figures that can also take a look at you, Christian teachers, to the revival of school, which, regardless of its state or non-state management, needs reliable teachers and witnesses of mature and full humanity. And it is not bought, it is not for sale: it offers.

    When polling, weakly speaking schoolchildren give an exemplary response plan, it is allowed to use the plan, drawn up at home, more time to prepare for the answer at the board, make presets, use visual benefits etc.

    Pupils are given leading questions that help consistently state material.

    Periodically tests the assimilation of the material on the topics of lessons on which the student was absent for one reason or another.

    During the survey and when analyzing its results, the atmosphere of benevolence is ensured.

    In the process of studying a new material, the attention of weakly speaking students is concentrated on the most important and complex sections of the topic studied, the teacher appeals to them with questions that find out the degree of understanding of the educational material, stimulates the questions of students in difficulty in the assimilation of the new material.

    In the course of independent work at the lesson, weakly speaking schoolchildren are given assignments aimed at eliminating errors allowed by them in responses or in written works: positive points are noted in their work to stimulate new efforts, typical difficulties in the work are noted and the ways to eliminate them are assisted with Simultaneous development of independence in teaching.

    With organization homework For weakly speaking schoolchildren, tasks for awareness and error correction are selected: detailed briefing on the procedure for performing homework, about possible difficulties, is offered (if necessary) consultation cards, referred to the repetition of the material that will be required to explore new topic. The volume of homework is calculated so as to prevent overload.

    6. Program of activity of the class teacher

    with poorly speaking students

    In order to prevent reduction in the performance and improvement of the level and quality of schoolchildren's training of grade 2, strengthen work with poorly speaking students using effective forms of control.

    Take under systematic control attendance by students of lessons, additional classes.

    Note the ways to create a success for these students, work in contact: Class leader - student - parents - teachers.

    In working with parents: to keep in touch, attracting them to classes with a child at home, conduct conversations, give advice and recommendations for improving academic performance.

    Work on the development of conscious learning discipline students, develop a positive motivation in training.

    Work plan with poorly speaking students for 2016-2017 uch. year

    class leader 2- class Lagutkina L.P.

    Selectively, in


    7. Work with parents of deserted students

    During everything


    Organization of work with delicate and unsuccessful students in class

    Recently, psychologists and teachers together with doctors note the steady increase in the number of children with problems of general behavior and training. And as noted on the previous pedestal, our school has poor, but weakly sleeping and more. Let's try to figure out what is it connected with?
    Experts note that negative changes in the environmental and socio-economic situation in the country worsen the somatic and neuropsychiatric health of schoolchildren, and in the context of the intensification of training and overload school programs Significantly increasing the number of poor.
    However, the social and psychological factor of failure cannot be discounted in any way. After all, the child is studying in the team, in which the comparison of children among themselves is constantly reinforced by the assessments of the teacher. The poor student is exposed to the "Review" of peers and practically every day is experiencing the situation of failure. All this, naturally does not contribute to his personal formation and development. It becomes obvious that part of the guilt for such a large number of dudes falls on our shoulders, the shoulders of teachers.
    Another ancient wise men said: "To see and understand the problem - half to solve it, if you do not see the problem, it means that it is in you very." Actual problem Our school is "not losing", "do not miss" students with low educational opportunities.
    For this, however, as always, taking into account our profession, it is necessary to answer at least three questions:Who to learn? What to teach? How to teach? Who to learn?
    Let's see once again on the features of unsuccessful students.
    Features of unsuccessful students

      low level of knowledge, as a result of this low level of intellectual development

      no cognitive interest

      not formed elementary organizational skills

      students require individual approach with psychological and pedagogical (in terms of learning) point of view

      there is no support for parents as a teacher allies - subject

      children, mostly from asocial families

      lack of adequate self-esteem on the part of students

      frequent flow of lessons without a good reason, which leads to a lack of a system in knowledge and as a result of this - low level of intelligence

    Student's backlog in the assimilation of a specific educational subject can be found on the following features:
    1. Low level mental development. The reasons:

      Pedagogical neglence.

      Frequent diseases.

      Passing classes.

      Organic violations of Central nervous system and brain.


      It does not know how to establish causal relationships.

      Take into account all signs of the subject or phenomenon.

      See common and. d.

    2. Nonformation of training skills. The child does not know how to learn:

      work with text;

      allocate the main thing substantial;

      can not organize their time and distribute efforts, etc.

    3. Lack of attention with hyperactivity. Characterized:



      nonsense, etc.

    4. No cognitive interest.

      nobody did with the child, did not develop his informative abilities;

      it is interesting for him, he does not attend mugs and sections, does not read books, but prefers empty time the transformation.

    5. Formation of an arbitrary sphere.
    Manifests in the fact that the student does what he likes and is not able to apply volware efforts To perform learning tasks.
    6. Conflict relationships

    7. Low cognitive interest
    Do not work punitive measures (twos, punishment, etc.) The child needs support, the showing of the fact that it is consistent in other activities.
    It is useful to include entertaining tasks and puzzles, interesting stories, ensure the "novelty effect" when solving training tasks.
    8. Low level of development of verbal and logical thinking
    It is necessary to make a big emphasis on visibility in solving and presenting educational material, ensuring the implementation of the principle of accessibility of educational material.
    9. Low performance: fatigue, depletion, slow pace of work What to teach?
    It is necessary to find out the reason for the lag, determine the actual level of its knowledge, after which "return it" to that stage of learning, where it will comply with the requirements of the program, state educational standards.
    How to teach?
    Think over and implement individual plan learning.
    From the above summary, the following conclusions can be drawn:
    § To prevent impossibility, we need to identify the formed gaps in the knowledge, skills and skills of students and organize the timely elimination of these gaps.
    § It is necessary to establish the correctness and reasonableness of the methods academic workApplied by students and, if necessary, adjust these methods. It is necessary to systematically teach students with general educational skills and skills.
    § you need to organize educational process, Life of students in school and in the classroom to cause and develop students internal motivation of educational activities, persistent cognitive interest in teaching.
    Let's see how you can help a weakly speaker student:
    § For fastening, a longer time is needed and a larger amount of tasks solved.
    § A teacher for myself and for a student must formulate a minimum of knowledge and skills, which must learn the student.
    How to improve performance:

      Diversify the activities.

      To aircut.

      Conduct fizzynuts.

      It is always necessary to remember the observance of the principle of necessity and sufficiency.

    Types of work with delicate students

      Cards for individual work.

      Tasks with a choice of response.

      Deformed tasks.

      Curled "Theorems.

      Punch cards.

      Cards - simulators.

      Creative tasks.

      informar cards ",

      cards-with sample solutions ",

      card-abstracts. "
      The teacher must:

      Know mental development Child: - perception (channels - kinesthetic, auditory, visual)
      - Attention (arbitrary, involuntary, post-executive)
      - Memory (verbal, non-verbal)

      Strive to understand and take every child

      Create a relaxed atmosphere and a favorable psychological climate in the lesson

      Show reasonable demands, inexhaustible patience, fair rigor, faith in the possibility of a student

      Be able to stand up on the position of the student

      NOTmocking tone!

      Be able to conduct a relaxed dialogue

      Strive for external enraged

      Use non-verbal communication tools (reference signals, drawings, tables, schemes, plan)

      Learning to work with dictionaries and other reference materials

      In training, apply advanced learning, various forms of group work. COMMUNICATION, Self-control, Block Abstracts on different topics, using them at different stages of training

      When formulating the objectives of the lesson include as a priority correctional - Developing aspect (Work on the development of sense of activity, development of mental processes)

      Rationally distribute training material (difficult - first!)

      Apply frequent change of activities in the lesson

      It is repeatedly pronounced and fix the material of the lesson

      Strive for algorithmization

    These were algorithmic excerpts. Ways of action are scheduled. And now more details and more specifically.
    In working with weak students, the teacher must rely on the following
    rules developed by psychologists:
    1. Do not put a weak unexpected question and not demand a quick response to it, give a student enough time to think and prepare.
    2. It is desirable that the answer is not oral, but in writing.
    3. It is impossible to give a large, diverse, complex material at a limited period of time, to break it into separate information pieces and give them gradually, as they assimirate.
    4. Do not force such students to answer questions on a new way, just an assimilated material, it is better to postpone the survey on the next lesson, giving the part of the students to work out at home.
    5. By the right tactics of polls and promotions (not only as an assessment, but also by comments like "excellent", "Well done", "Umnitsa", etc.) It is necessary to form confidence in such students in their own ways, in the possibility to study. This confidence will help the student in extreme stressful situations of passing exams, writing tests, etc.
    6. It should be careful to evaluate the student failures, because he himself relates very painful to them.
    7. During the preparation, the answer student needs to give it time for checking and correcting written.
    8. It is necessary to divert the student to a minimal degree, try not to switch it attention, create a calm, non-nervous situation.

    Students love what they understand what is the success of what can do. Any student is nice to receive good estimates, even the discipline violator. It is important that with the help of comrades, teachers he sought first success, and that they were noticed and noted that he saw that the teacher is glad to successes, or is upset by his failures. How to achieve this?
    It is not necessary to do without a differentiated approach in training.
    Differentiated approach Can be implemented on any of the stages of the lesson:

      When fixing.

      When checking homework.

      With independent work.

    Differentiated approach to learning provides for the use of relevant didactic materials:
    · Special teaching tables, posters and self-control circuits;
    · Cards - tasks defining the condition of the proposed task,
    · Cards with texts received information accompanied by the necessary explanations, drawings;
    · Cards, in which samples are shown how to conduct solutions;
    · Card-instructions that provide instructions for performing tasks.
    How is the most rational organize the differential work of students in the lessons and when performing homework? The following recommendations on the rational use of a differential approach can be proposed.

      Trevariant tasks for the degree of difficulty - lightweight, medium and elevated (the choice of the option is provided to the student).

      Total task for the whole group with system offer additional tasks There is an increasing degree of difficulty.

      Individual differentiated tasks.

      Group Differentiated tasks taking into account the various training of students (the option is determined by the teacher).

      Equal two-row tasks for rows with a proposal to each version of the system of additional tasks of ever-increasing complexity.

      General practical tasks with an indication of the minimum number of tasks and examples for mandatory execution.

      Individual group tasks of varying degrees of difficulty in solved tasks and examples.

      Individual group tasks offered in the form of programmed cards. .

    It is necessary to create a success situation in the lesson:

      help a strong student to realize their capabilities in more laborious and complex activities;

      weak - perform a mine work.

    The decision of these and other problems can be a correctly organized by the teacher, the actual work system, based on personal-oriented pedagogy and the use of suchbase technology , astraining in collaboration. The main idea of \u200b\u200btraining in collaboration is to study together, and not just to perform together.Method of learning in a team - as an option of training in collaboration. According to this method, the class is divided into3-4 teams of different levels . The captain is selected, which leads to count points earned by each student and the whole team as a whole. "Awards" teams receive one at all in the form of an assessment in accordance with the scored scores. The "individual" responsibility of each student means that the success or failure of the whole group depends on the successes or failures of each of its member. It stimulates the whole team to follow the success of each other and come to the aid to his comrades. Equal opportunities to achieve success are ensured by the fact thateach command receives tasks of different levels. This gives strong, middle and lagging students equal opportunities in obtaining glasses for their team.Allows the lagging disciples to feel like full members of the team and stimulates the desire to learn. Even individual independent work for weak students becomes like a particle of self-collective work. They use knowledge obtained and processed by the entire group.
    Often in front of many students there is a problem of communication of the teacher's student. It is difficult for them to ask a question, ask to explain again because individual features Personality. Classmates easier to ask incomprehensible, get advice and ask to explain. It means that it is necessary to organize work so that a classmate can come at the right time to help, so that you can ask, find out, and at the same time it was not scary to get unsatisfactory assessment. This contributes
    group form work. The class is divided into several groups of 4 people. Childrengroups are organized with different levels of development: middle-low, high-medium. A senior is appointed in the group who helps the teacher in organizing work, lies assessments. All groups get tasks. The tasks perform everything in the group, while discussing, interviewing each other, solving the problem in various ways with subsequent discussion, etc. Everyone participates in the work, contributes its own contribution; Strong explains the weak, everyone rises to the step above. The group must then protect its solution before the class. After listening to all groups or part of the groups, students come to the overall conclusion.
    Thus, absolutely all students have spent all useful time to achieve the main objective of the lesson. The teacher sends a job, partially helps, adjusts.
    Create favorable conditions for:
    - Understanding the student and respect for the student (the student feels significant and useful, they are confirmed with him, talking);
    - assistance from students and teachers if necessary (the help is imperceptible, competent, sat);
    - In order for the student at the end of the lesson, he received a satisfactory assessment for his work.
    At the same time, with group work, the student's work is assessed by two types of evaluation: self-assessment, group evaluation. The student himself places an assessment for work at a stage of the lesson, the self-esteem criterion offers a teacher. The group's assessment is exhibited after discussion by members of the group of the contribution of each student when studying some question.
    For a variety of educational daily teachers often use
    diverse forms and genres of lesson. For example:

    · Lesson-game
    · Performance spectacle
    · Lesson travel
    · Lesson-detective
    · Tale lesson
    · Lesson-force all-around
    · Lesson-concert
    · Picture lesson

    In most cases, such lessons really increase the effectiveness of training, but to turn every lesson in the fireworks of wonders and entertainment is fraught with loss of responsible attitude towards learning at all. Such lessons lose their effectiveness if the teacher and students are fond of the external, the story of the lesson to the detriment of the teaching component.
    Modern teacher in their practice it is necessary to use technologies that meet the needs of society. One of thosetechnology is andesign learning . Project method is considered as a way of updating and stimulating cognitive activity Pupils. That is so necessary in working with poor and weakly speaking students.
    When working on a project, students are not only systematized and summarized the knowledge gained in lessons, but also develops attention. Design and research allows schoolchildren in practice to apply the knowledge gained in the lessons.

    One more modern technology - technology "complete assimilation".
    Throughout three hundred years, Ideal for all the steps of the educational ladder are the words Ya.A. Komensky "everyone learns everything!". But is it possible to solve this task? How not to lose weak and not harm strong?
    The essence of the technology of "complete assimilation" is expressed in the following. According to the observation of scientists, depending on intellectual abilities Different students are required different times for mastering the same educational material. However, a traditionally organized educational process ignores this reality and requires that all students learned all the material to a given period, the same for all. But many do not have time to learn, and therefore completely absorbed the material is not all. The lack of time is the main reason for "chromium" knowledge. As a result, it is necessary to individualize the classes so that each student gets so much time as it is necessary for the complete assimilation of the material.
    The purpose of such training is to create a system of psychological and pedagogical conditions that allow in a single class team to work with an orientation not on the "averaged" student, but with each separately taking into account the individual cognitive opportunities, needs and interests.
    If we assume that the lesson block is a fragment of the learning process during which students absorb some separate portion of the educational material, then the stages of mastering the material being studied can be represented as the following table.
    It should be noted that the technology allows the apprentice with the possibility and arising interest to go to a higher level at any stage of training.
    In this way, differentiation contributes to individualization of learning, and, accordingly, by the end of the study of the topic, everyone turns out to be at the level on which he may or wishes to be for the allotted this topic time.
    All our children are very different: some bright, talented, others are not very. But each child must self-realize. And I sincerely wish you this


    meetings methodological association primary school teachers

    Chairman: Lagutkina L.P.

    Secretary: Varypina A.V.

    As part of MO: 5 people

    Attended: Kravchuk I.S. School., Fadeeva M.V.- Deputy Director for Training Part, Kravchuk V.A., Dzhemilova A.E., Mokhina L.A., Fadeeva M.V.

    Agenda Meeting No. 1.

    Subject: "Tasks methodical work For 2016-2017 academic year».

    Analysis of the work of MO for the 2015-2016 academic year.

    Planning and organizing the methodological work of primary school teachers for 2016-2017 academic year.
    1. Report on the work of the Methodological Association for the 2015-2016 academic year. Planning and organizing methodical work on the new 2016-2017 scientifical year.

    , working programs.

    9. Approval of self-education plans.

    12. Drawing up a graph: certification and course training of primary school teachers, open lessons and extracurricular activities, subject weeks, mutual exploration.

    13. Studying Sanpin.

    14. Results of the competition of primary school teachers on the best training video presentation to the lesson.

    15. Overview of novelties of methodical literature.

    16. Work with parents as part of the introduction of GEF NOO.

    17. The participation of primary school teachers in webinars.

    According to the first question Listened to Lagutkina L.P., which gave a report on the work of MO of primary school teachers for the 2015-2016 academic year.

    On the second issue "Regulatory - legal support educational process"Listened to the School Director Kravchuk I.S. She introduced to the regulatory and legal support of the educational process and summed up, as the educational institution worked in the 2015-2016 academic year and what plans are scheduled for 2016-2017 academic year.

    According to the first question Listened to Lagutkuli.p., who gave a report on the work of MO of primary school teachers for the 2015-2016 academic year.

    According to the third question " . Study of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" of July 10, 1992. № 3266 - 1 (Article 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 32)."Listened

    On the fourth and fifth question " Consideration, analysis and correction of curricula and software and methodological support in accordance with curriculum and GEF no one approval of calendar-thematic planning for subjects, working programs." listeneddeputy Director for Training Part Fadeev M.V.who told about the requirements for the design and content of working programs educational subjects.

    On the sixth and seventh question listened Deputy Director for Training Part Fadeev M.V.,

    which introduced S.Methodical recommendations

    on the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in primary grades general Education Organizations Crimea Republic

    in 2016/2017 academic year

    On the eighth question " Study of the requirements of GEF NOO to the main structure educational program educational institutions " listened to Lagutkina L.P., who introduced torequirements of GEF NOO to the structure of the main educational program of educational institutions.

    According to the ninth issue for approval, topics for teachers' self-education were provided.

    According to the tenth issue " Study methodical recommendations on the organization of the teaching of the Orxe course "Listened to Lagutkin L.P.

    On the eleventh issue " Drawing up and conducting input control works on subjects, Olympiad"Listened deputy Director for Training Part Fadeev M.V. which reported on the schedule of input control works, Olympiads on subjects.

    On the twelfth issue"Compilation of graphics: certification and coursework training of primary school teachers, holding open lessons and extracurricular activities, subject weeks, interoperability of lessons" listened Fadeev M.V.

    On the thirteenth issue listened to Lagutkin L.P.,

    On the fourteenth issue listened to teachers of primary classes.

    On the fifteenth question " Review of novelty methodical"Made of primary school teachers.

    On the sixteenth question "Working with parents as part of the introduction of GEF NOO"listened to teachers of primary classes.

    On the seventeenth issue " Participation of primary school teachers in webinars"Listened to primary school teachers.


    recognize the work of the methodological association of primary school teachers satisfactory, approve the working programs presented at MO; When working with programs, take into account the recommendations; take compliance with the requirements for work programs; take a schedule of input control papers; Approve the topics for self-education of primary school teachers.

    "Against" - 0

    "Abstained" - 0

    Chairman of the Mo Teachers of Initial Classes __________ Lagutkina L.P.

    Sectretary MO of teachers of primary classes _____________ Varypina A.V.

    2015 year

    District problem: "Strategy for the development of education in the context of changing the legislative framework for the regulation of educational activities."

    School problem: "Improving the effectiveness of the educational process, the level of educational achievements of students based on the improvement of forms and methods of training in the context of changing the legislative framework, regulation of educational activities."

    Methodical theme MO : "Improving the efficiency and quality of education in elementary school in the implementation of the federal state-owned educational standard of the initial general Education (GEF - 2). "

    Problem: "Modern educational technologies in the educational process in school under GEF".


    Improving pedagogical skills in the formation of universal educational actions (UUD) in the framework of the GEF by introducing modern educational technologies into the educational process.


    1. Cnowledge teachers with modern educational technologies.

    2. Actively introduce B. pedagogical activity Modern educational technologies in extracurricular activities.

    3. Form creative productivity and self-development of teachers.

    4. Insection into the practice of all teachers of MO of modern educational technologies aimed at forming the competencies of students, Wood.

    5. Application information technologies for development cognitive activity and creative abilities students.

    6. Improving the form of working with gifted children.

    7. Implementation of psychological and pedagogical support for weakly speaking students.

    Expected results:

    1. An increase in the quality of knowledge of students;

    2. Mastering teachers of the system of teaching subjects in accordance with the new GEF;

    3. Creating conditions in the learning process for the formation of students' key competencies, Wood.

    Areas of work:

    1. Analytical activity:

      Analysis of methodical activities for 2013-2014 academic year and planning for the 2014-2015 academic year.

      Analysis of the visits to open lessons.

      Studying the activities of teachers (the topic of self-education).

      Analysis of the work of teachers in order to assist.

    2. Information activities:

      Studying new products in the methodological literature in order to improve pedagogical activities.

      Continued acquaintance with GEF primary general education.

      Replenishment of the thematic folder "Methodical associations of primary school teachers."

    3. Organization of methodical activities:

      Detection of difficulties, methodological support and practical assistance to educators during the transition to GEF-2.

    Organizational forms of work:

    1. Meetings of the methodological association.

    2. Methodological assistance and individual advice on issues of teaching subjects elementary school, Organization of extracurricular activities.

    3. Promotion of lessons teachers.

    4. Speeches of primary school teachers at MO, practical-oriented seminars, pedagogical councils.

    5. Visit seminars, meetings in educational institutions district.

    6. Improving the qualifications of teachers in courses.

    Organizational - methodical activity



    Organization of an educational process, taking into account the requirements of the federal state educational standard of primary general education.

    Session No. 1.

    Analysis of the work of MO for 2013-2014 academic year.

    Planning and organizing the methodological work of primary school teachers for 2014-2015 academic year.
    1. Report on the work of the Methodological Association for the 2013-2014 academic year. Planning and organizing methodical work on the new 2014-2015 scientifical year.

    2. Regulatory - legal support of the educational process.

    3. Study of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" of July 10, 1992. № 3266 - 1 (Article 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 32).
    4. Consideration, analysis and adjustment of curricula and software and methodological support in accordance with the curriculum and GEF NOO.
    5. Approval of calendar-thematic planning for subjects
    , working programs.

    6. Instructing for the maintenance of school documentation: Instructions for filling journals, single spelling mode.

    7. Learning and discussion of assessment criteria for subjects but.

    8. Studying the requirements of GEF NOO to the structure of the main educational program of educational institutions.

    9. Organization of individual learning in grade 1 with SRR
    10. Approval of self-education plans.

    11. Study of the methodological recommendations for the organization of the teaching of the ACCE course.
    12. Drawing up and conducting input control works on subjects, Olympiad.

    13. Drawing up a graph: certification and coursework training of primary school teachers, open lessons and extracurricular activities, subject weeks, interoperability of lessons.

    14. Studying Sanpin.

    15. Results of the competition of teachers of primary classes for the best training video presentation to the lesson.

    16. Overview of novelties of methodical literature.

    17. Work with parents as part of the introduction of GEF NOO.

    18. The participation of primary school teachers in webinars.

    Nazarova Z.M.

    Head of Moscow

    Deputy. Director for OIR

    Khomyakova S.G.

    Teaches. nach CL.

    Deputy Pier.


    Deputy Pier. Oil Khomyakova S.G.



    Khomyakova S.G.


    Nazarova Z.M.


    Deputy Pier. Oil Khomyakova S.G.


    Khomyakova S.G.

    Teaches. Nach. Kl.

    Teaches. Nach. Kl.

    Teaches. Nach. Kl.

    Work with gifted children in preparation for the Olympiads, competitions, to engage them in project activities And its accompaniment

    Session No. 2.

    Seminar on the topic "Diagnostics of educational motivation and subsequent work with gifted children"

    2. Round table ". Report on the results of the adaptation of first-graders.

    3. Drawing up a plan correctional work With hard-adaptable children. "

    4. Drawing up a work plan with gifted children.
    5. Preparation of children to solve olympics in the Russian language "Russian Bear", in mathematics "Kangaroo".
    6. Joint meeting of primary school teachers and primary school teachers on the issue of continuity in training in the transition to the 5th grade.
    7. Conducting an international game in Russian "Russian Bear-2014".

    8 . Practical block: Panorama of lessons and their discussion.

    Nazarova Z.M.

    Korzh PK

    Volkova A.V.

    Teacher Nach.L.

    Deputy Pier.


    Frost TA


    Everything teacher Nach.L.

    Teaches. Nach. Kl.

    Computer technology as one of the conditions for improving the quality of education.

    Session number 3.

    "The use of information technologies in primary grades - as one of the conditions for improving the quality of education" .

    2. Forms of use of information technologies in the educational process.

    3. ICT place in the educational process.

    4. Open lessons "Forms of use of information technologies in an educational process."

    5. Methods and forms of computer learning.

    6. Practical block:

      Mastering teachers in school and methodical complexes.

      The introduction of ESO (electronic learning tools).

      Acquaintance with the Internet education resources.

    7. The work of a teacher for the design of a lesson on the basis of the requirements for GEF NOO.

    Nazarova Z.M.

    hands. MO


    deputy Editor


    Khomyakova S.G.

    Korzh PK


    Teaches. Nach. Kl.

    Session number 4.

    "Systems - an activity approach in learning as a means of implementing second-generation standards" .
    1. Implementation of the decisions of the previous meeting.

    2. System and activity method in learning: concept, technology, application.
    3. Weaving students universal educational actions In the context of different training items ..

    4. Formation of Wood junior schoolchildren Through project activities.

    5. Device for self-education.

    6. Practical block:

      The work of the teacher to design a lesson based on the requirement of a new standard.

      Open lessons using the technologies of the system and activity method in elementary school.

    hands. MO


    Nazarova Z.M.




    Enhancing the level of pedagogical skills, mastering new educational technologies

    Session No. 5.

    "Education assessment system in elementary school" .
    1. Implementation of the decisions of the previous meeting.
    2. General approaches to the formation of a system for assessing the planned results of the development program of primary education.
    3. The main elements of the planning results system of the planned results.

    4. Practical block : Master Class. "Basics of secular ethics" in elementary school.

    5. Preparation of primary school students to independently monitoring knowledge in Russian, mathematics surrounding the world.

    6. Report on self-education topics.

    7. GEF of a new generation: problems and prospects. Experience exchange.

    Nazarova Z.M.

    Teaches. Nach.L.

    Nazarova Z.M.

    Teaches. Nach. Kl.

    Khomyakova S.G.




    Session No. 6.

    1. Implementation of the decisions of the previous meeting.

    2. Diagnostic examination of students in 1st grade, which determines the success of learning at the end of the school year.

    3. Consignment of work programs for educational subjects for the new school year.
    4. Analysis of the work of SME teachers of primary classes for the 2014-2015 academic year.

    5. Joint analysis of the final to / r for the course of primary school. GIA results in grade 4.

    6. Discussion of the work plan of SMO for 2015/2016 academic year.
    7. Overview of teachers' methodological finds.

    8. Summing up the work of teachers of primary grades according to GEF.

    Nazarova Z.M.

    Korzh PK


    Nazarova Z.M.

    Khomyakova S.G.

    Nazarova Z.M.


    The plan is familiar with:

    School Director: _________ G. B. Kovylava

    Deputy. Director of USR _________ S.G.Homyakova

    Teachers: __________ Z.M.Nazarova

    __________ pkkorzh

    __________ L.P. Matseva

    __________ L.L. Levshinskaya

    School psychologist: __________ A.V. Volkov

    Branch of the municipal budgetary general education institution

    Rzhaqsinskaya middle comprehensive school № 1 village Yaroslavka

    Rzhaqsinsky district of the Tambov region

    Work plan

    with poorly speaking students

    by learning subjectMathematics
    for 5-7 classes

    teachers Mathematics

    Efremova N.A.

    for 2016 - 2017 academic year.

    Purpose -to form students of general and specific mental actions in the course of painstaking, systematic work on the subject.


      Creating an extracurricular work system

      Development of group, individual forms of extracurricular activities.

      Satisfying the need for new information (wide awareness).

      Formation of deep, sustainable interest in the subject.

      Expansion of the horizons of students, their curiosity.

      Development of attention, logical thinking, accuracy, spelling skills.

      Activation of weak students.

    Planned results

    Creating favorable conditions for the development of intellectual abilities of students, personal growth of weakly speaking and poor children.

    The introduction of new educational technologies that will help weakly assimilate the program.

    Providing opportunities for the participation of weakly speaking and noble schoolchildren in creative contests, exhibitions and other events.

    Main components

      Selection of special tasks that allow children to show the initiative and creative approach.

      Integrability creates interest, and the nature of the student's attention often depends on the degree of interest in the lesson, its activity.

      Development of a system of creative class and homework, designed for short-term or long-term execution.

      Use in the lesson of your practical experience, bring examples from life.

      Use visual material.

    Work plan with poorly speaking and unsuccessful students


    1. Conducting an input control slice of knowledge of class students according to the main sections of the educational material of previous years of study.

    a) Determination of the actual level of knowledge of children.

    b) Identify the disciples of gaps that require liquidation.


      The establishment of the reasons for the lag of weakly speaking students through conversations with the class teacher, parents and, be sure, during the conversation with the child himself.

    September October

    3. Eliminate gaps in knowledge identified during the test work, after which they re-control knowledge.


    school year.

    4. Using a differentiated approach when organizing independent work in the lesson, include the sacrificing individual tasks to a weakly self-satisfying student.

    5. Use various types of survey (oral, written, individual, etc.) in lessons to objectivity.

    6. Regularly and systematically interview, analyzing and fixing the assimilation of materials by children in a timely manner, not allowing accumulation of gaps in knowledge

    7. Liability directly by the parents of a student about low progress if there is a low performance.

      Maintain mandatory thematic accounting for the knowledge of weakly speaking students of the class, if possible, to conduct thematic accounting for knowledge on the subject of children of the whole class.

    9. Conduct additional (individual) classes for weakly speaking.

    10. Teach children independent work skills

    Ten rules of work with "weakly speaking"

    1. Believe in the ability of the "weak-sleeping" student and try to give him this faith.

    2. Remember that for the "weakly perky" period of "cooling" into the material. Do not rush it. Learn to wait.

    3. Each lesson is the continuation of the previous one. Everyone contributes to the topic studied. Multiple repetition of the main material is one of the techniques of working with weak.

    4. Installing the weak faith in what they will remember will understand, more often offer them the same tasks (with a teacher, with class, independently).

    5. Do not understand the work with "weakly self-satisfying". There is a constant development of memory, logic, thinking, emotions, feelings, interest in teaching.

    6. Do not chase for the abundance of new information. Speak from the studied to choose the main thing, set out it, repeat and secure.

    7. Communication is the main component of any technique. We will not be able to place the guys to ourselves - do not get the results of learning.

    8. Learn to manage the class. If the lesson is monotonous, the children themselves will find the output - they will deal with their affairs.

    9. Starting purposefully work with weak, remember: later a short time Their medium will again collapse - on capable, average and ... "weak people."

    10. Learn to attract weak stronger guys to learning. The material was outlined, interviewed the strong - put them on the weak, and let the study continues

    The optimal system of measures to assist the poor schoolboy

    1. Help in planning training activities (planning repetition and fulfillment of the minimum exercises to eliminate gaps, algorithmization of training activities for analysis and arrangement of typical errors, etc.).

    2. Additional instruction in training activities.

    3. Stimulating educational activities (promotion, creation of success situations, prompting to active work, etc.).

    4. Control over academic activities (a more frequent survey of the student, checking all homework, the activation of self-control in training activities, etc.).

    5. Various forms mutual assistance.

    6. Additional classes With a teacher's student.

    Assistance to the poor student in the lesson.

    Stages lesson

    Types of care for teaching

    In the process of monitoring the preparedness of students

    Creating an atmosphere of particular benevolence when survey

    Reducing a survey rate, permission longer to prepare at the board

    Suggestions of the Sample Answer Plan

    Permission to enjoy visual benefits to treat the essence of the phenomenon

    Stimulation by assessment, prubing, praise

    When presenting a new material

    The use of measures to maintain interest in weakly speaking with questions that find out the degree of understanding of the educational material

    Attracting them as assistants in the preparation of instruments, experiments, etc.

    Attraction to the statement of proposals for problematic education, conclusions and generalizations or explanation of the essence of the problem expressed by a strong student

    In the course of independent work in the lesson

    Breakdown of doses, stages, highlighting in complex tasks of a number of simple, reference to a similar task performed earlier

    Reminder reception and method for performing a task

    An indication of the need to actualize this or that rule

    O. instructors rational ways Perform tasks, requirements for their design

    Stimulating independent actions of weakly

    More careful control over their activities, an indication of errors, checking, corrections

    When organizing independent work

    Choice for groups of weakly speaking most rational system exercises, not a mechanical increase in their number

    More detailed explanation of the task execution sequence

    Warning of possible difficulties, the use of consultation cards, cards with a guide action plan