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  • Children with health insurance are required. Methodical development on the topic: "Speech therapy work of a teacher with students with speech disorders

    Children with health insurance are required.  Methodical development on the topic:

    anonymous, female, 5 years

    Good evening! My daughter is 5 years old. She was born prematurely, but all the stages of babbling, the first words, phrases, getting up on their feet, walking began according to the standard terms for age, i.e. there were no delays and did not set. A neurologist was observed (after birth, the ventricular horns were slightly enlarged. After treatment, a positive trend was observed - their decrease) - and by the time of receiving a ticket to the garden, the diagnosis was: healthy. I went to the garden at the age of 3. For two years of going to the garden, they did not climb out of sick leave. Very common colds with complications of the ears. By the end junior group there was a commission to transfer the child to either a regular or a speech therapy group. As a result, the child fell into speech therapy group with the OHR and in the same place it is assigned the status of HIA. As the speech therapist explained to me, the status was assigned due to a speech defect (severe speech disorders). The child actually does not pronounce several letters (w, p, l), can turn the word (Peter - now), slowly pronounces the phrase (but speaks it meaningfully), the speech itself is not rich in adjectives. We in the family understand the child's speech, and the mistakes that she makes - we pronounce it correctly and she repeats it. My question is: what kind of status is this - HVD? is he filming? what awaits us after the garden - i.e. an ordinary general education school, lyceum, gymnasium, etc. or specialized? They said that the commission will now be in front of the school in 2 years. Can I appeal against the decision of the already passed commission? Thanks in advance for your reply!

    Hello. Let's figure it out. Children with disabilities - children with disabilities health. This is a very large group of children with various developmental disabilities. In your case, speech disorders. Now about the speech. ОНР-general speech underdevelopment. It comes in 3 levels. Which one was given to your girl? Now the second is THR. These are severe speech disorders. The name itself speaks for itself. Just a violation of sound pronunciation, small permutations are not THR. And third, most importantly, which commission gave this opinion? IN kindergarten PMPK works, but the members of the commission do not make a diagnosis, they only describe the condition of the child, make assumptions and send it to the central commission (or invite the commission to the kindergarten). But you must give your consent to this, go to many doctors, including a neurologist or neuropsychiatrist, and attend the meeting and consultations. How did it go with you? I did not understand. You go to school to any, according to the Constitution, the Rights of Child Protection (where to study, the parent chooses). If you do not go to the commission before the school, the child is not entitled to free help from a speech therapist, a speech therapist, or a psychologist. If you pass the commission and the HVD status is preserved, the speech therapist and other specialists help the child study for free at the school. In an ordinary school, in an ordinary class. They can (by the decision of the commission) offer an adapted program, i.e. a simplified version of a regular program. I have been working on such programs (we have different children with different diagnoses) for 10 years. Children study in class with everyone, but after the lessons I help to understand the incomprehensible and teach children to cope with tasks on their own. Nothing wrong with that. If you refuse, you will have to look for specialists yourself to eliminate violations, prepare for school and then help in mastering the Russian language. Otherwise, the problems will be very serious. And this process is not fast. The speech development program for children with OHP is designed for 2-3 years with classes 2-3 times a week. Maybe it is better to try to eliminate the violations in the kindergarten, and when passing the commission in front of the school, to really assess the child's capabilities? In any case, there are no correction schools anymore, the girl will go to a regular one. But learning will not be easy. I am not pushing, but warning that the child really needs help now and then. But of course it's up to you to decide.


    Thank you very much for the detailed answer! Yes, the commission was PMPK in the garden. In front of the commission were doctors in the clinic. (ENT (grade 1-2 adenoids), ophthalmologist (healthy), neurologist (erased dysarthria), psychiatrist (corresponding to age). Then the conclusion of the pediatrician. With this conclusion on the commission to the garden. Now in the fall, after leaving the garden after the holidays, I and They said that the child had OHP of level 2-3 and was assigned the status of HVD by the commission. We will help her in this! It's just that I, as a mother, was embarrassed by the moment - and what awaits us after the garden, having this status ... thanks for your answer again.

    Synonymous words "children with problems", "children with special needs", "atypical children", "children with learning difficulties", "abnormal children", "exceptional children".

    Working definition Children with disabilities are children with various mental or physical plane that cause general developmental disorders that prevent children from leading a fulfilling life. Children with disabilities are children whose health conditions impede learning educational programs out special conditions training and education.

    Children with disabilities (according to the classification of V.A.Lapshin and B.P. Puzanov) Children with hearing impairment (deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf); Children with visual impairments (blind, visually impaired); Children with speech impairments (speech pathologists); Children with musculoskeletal disorders; Children with mental retardation; Children with impaired behavior and communication; Children with mental retardation; Children with complex disorders of psychophysical development, with so-called complex defects (deaf-blind, deaf or blind children with mental retardation). Depending on the nature of the violation, some defects can be completely overcome in the process of development, education and upbringing of a child, for example, in children of the third and sixth groups), others can only be smoothed out, and some can only be compensated.

    Features of teaching children with disabilities Deviations in the development of a child, his or her falling out of a socially and culturally determined educational space, the process of transferring social and cultural experience is difficult. special education- the introduction into the culture of a child who, for various reasons, falls out of it, special methods, techniques and means of achieving those educational tasks that are achieved in the conditions of the norm by traditional methods are needed.

    Children with disabilities are children with special educational needs to begin special education of the child immediately after the detection of the primary developmental disorder; to introduce into the content of the child's education special sections that are not present in the education programs of normally developing peers; use special methods, techniques and teaching aids (including specialized computer technologies) that ensure the implementation of "workarounds" of learning; individualize learning to a greater extent than is required for a normally developing child; to provide a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment; maximize educational space outside the educational institution.

    The educational space is formed by the cultural traditions of teaching children of different ages in a family and educational institutions... Deviations in the development of the child lead to his dropping out of the socially and culturally determined educational space. The child's connection with society, culture as a source of development is grossly violated, since an adult bearer of culture cannot, does not know how to convey the social experience that every normally developing child acquires without specially organized learning conditions. The purpose of special education is to introduce a child into culture who, for various reasons, falls out of it. It is possible to overcome the "social dislocation" and introduce the child into the culture by using "workarounds" of a specially structured education that highlights special tasks, sections of the content of education, as well as methods, techniques and means of achieving those educational tasks that are achieved in the conditions of the norm by traditional methods. ...

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    1. Children with disabilities as a socially vulnerable group

    The concept of "disabled person"

    Most often, under "people with disabilities" "in the scientific literature, it is customary to mean people who have certain limitations in their daily life associated with physical, mental or sensory defects.

    The Dictionary of Social Work defines a person with a disability as someone "who is unable to perform certain duties or functions because of a particular physical or mental condition or disability. Such a condition can be temporary or chronic, general or partial."

    In 1980, the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted the British version of the three-tier disability scale:

    A) ailment - any loss or anomaly of a psychological, or physiological, or anatomical structure or function;

    B) disability - any limitation or loss of ability (due to the presence of a defect) to perform any activity in a manner or within such a framework that is considered normal for a person;

    C) incapacity (disability) - any consequence of a defect or disability of a particular person, preventing or limiting his performance of any normative role (based on age, gender and socio-cultural factors).

    According to the federal law "On social protection of disabled people in Russian Federation"(1995), a disabled person is characterized as a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of the body's functions, caused by diseases, consequences of trauma or defects leading to limitation of life and necessitating his social protection.

    Currently, as noted above, every tenth in the population of the Earth, i.e. more than 500 million people have certain limitations in their daily life associated with physical, mental or sensory defects. Among them there are at least 150 million children. Every fourth family is faced with the problem of disability in one way or another. In the USA, with a population of over 250 million, there are about 20 million people with disabilities.

    Developed civilized countries strive to solve social problems associated with an increase in the number of persons with disabilities on the basis of a scientific approach to the formulation and solution of these problems, the use of material and technical means, a detailed legal mechanism, national and public programs, a high level vocational training specialists, etc.

    And, nevertheless, despite the ongoing efforts and significant progress in medicine, the number of people with disabilities is slowly but steadily growing. For example, the number of children in need of special education is growing by 3-5% every year. These are mainly children with congenital pathology: cerebral palsy, blindness, deafness, mental retardation, etc.

    The increase in disability in most countries of the world is associated with the complication of production processes, an increase in traffic flows, military conflicts, environmental degradation, a significant spread bad habits(smoking, alcohol, drugs, toxic substances) and other reasons.

    Russia currently has 6.2 million people with disabilities registered with social security agencies alone. Annually, for the first time, over 1 million people are recognized as disabled, of which more than half are of working age.

    The number of people with disabilities is steadily increasing in our country. Thus, the number of people with disabilities registered with the social protection authorities has increased by 56.8% over the past 5 years. Taking into account the transition of Russia to international criteria and the expansion of medical indications for establishing disability, according to experts, in the next 10 years we should expect an increase in the number of disabled people by 2-3 times.

    In general, in preschool age 15% to 25% of children suffer from chronic diseases; among schoolchildren, 53% have poor health, and over 1/3 of children 13-17 years old have chronic diseases (according to the Ministry of Healthcare, out of 6 million adolescents 15-17 years old who underwent preventive examinations, 94.5% had various diseases, a third which imposes restrictions on the choice of a future profession).

    After leaving school, only 10% of graduates can be considered healthy (the health of schoolgirls is deteriorating at a particularly rapid rate: over the past 10 years, the number of healthy girls - school graduates - has decreased from 28.3% to 6.3%, i.e. in more than 3 times.

    Accordingly, the number of girls suffering from chronic diseases increased from 40% to 75%), about 40% of school graduates have limitations in choosing a profession for health reasons, and almost a third of young men are not suitable for medical reasons for service in the Armed Forces.
    Children with disabilities - children with physical and (or) mental disabilities who have limited life activities due to congenital, hereditary, acquired diseases or the consequences of trauma, confirmed in the prescribed manner.

    The term "children with developmental disabilities" refers to children in whom physical and mental disabilities lead to a violation of general development.

    Violation of one of the functions leads a child to developmental problems only under certain circumstances, since its presence does not always entail further impairments. For example, with hearing loss in one ear or with visual impairment in one eye, the ability to perceive sound or visual signals is retained. Violations of this kind do not restrict children in learning about the world around them, in communicating with other people, do not prevent them from mastering educational material and studying in a general education school. A child with developmental problems due to his disability needs special conditions, special treatment and education.

    Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a federal law aimed at protecting children "with disabilities", the Law introduces such a wording instead of the term "with developmental disabilities" in a number of existing federal laws, in particular "On education", "On basic guarantees of the rights of the child in RF "," physical culture and sports in the RF ".

    According to the authors of the bill, the term "with developmental disabilities" is traditionally associated in Russia with such health problems as "mental retardation" and does not take into account age-related characteristics. Therefore, an inferiority complex is formed in children at an early age, which is subsequently associated with significant problems for his family, social, educational or professional integration and adaptation. In most developed countries and in the documents of the World Health Organization, the term "persons with disabilities" is used to denote this category of citizens.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 18.08.2008 No. 617 "On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on Educational Institutions Where Children with Disabilities Study (Are Brought Up)" (brought up) children with disabilities: the term "developmental disabilities" is replaced by the term "disabilities", the words "psychological-pedagogical and medical-pedagogical commissions" are replaced by the words "psychological, medical and pedagogical psychophysical development "now the words" disabilities in physical and (or) mental development"etc. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in agreement with the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, was instructed to approve the statute on the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission by 31.12.2008. By Decree until 31.12.2008.

    In the normative legal documentation, children with disabilities are defined as disabled and there must be appropriate grounds for their recognition. The Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation" of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ names three mandatory conditions for recognizing a citizen as a disabled person:

    1.disorder of health with persistent disorder of the body's functions caused by diseases, the consequences of trauma or defects;

    2. limitation of life activity (complete or partial loss of a person's ability or ability to carry out self-service, independently move, navigate, communicate, control his behavior, study or engage in labor activity);

    3. the need to implement measures of social protection of a citizen.

    By the same law, the function of determining disability is assigned to Public service medical and social examination.

    Ministry of Labor and social development The Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health (dated January 29, 1997) approved the classification of violations of the basic functions of the human body:

    1. Disorders of mental functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking, speech, emotions, will).

    2. Disorders of sensory functions (vision, hearing, smell, touch).

    3. Violations of the statodynamic function.

    4. Dysfunctions of blood circulation, respiration, digestion, excretion, metabolism and energy, internal secretion.

    If we are talking about childhood, then children belonging to the first three categories make up the majority of the total number of disabled children with disabilities. All of them, regardless of the type of violation, have deviations (to one degree or another) or developmental disorders and require special methods of study, education and training.

    In the psychological and pedagogical literature, several concepts of that category of children are used that relate to the system of special education.

    Children with developmental disabilities are children who are lagging behind in physical and mental development due to organic lesions of the central nervous system and due to disruption of the activity of various analyzers (auditory, visual, motor, speech).

    Children with developmental disabilities are children who have the above-listed deviations, but their severity limits their capabilities to a lesser extent than children with developmental disabilities.

    Children with disabilities - children with developmental disabilities provide them with the opportunity to use social benefits and benefits. Such children have always been called disabled children. Now in the psychological and pedagogical literature, the term "problem children" is also often used.

    The pedagogical classification of such impairments is based on the nature of the special educational needs of children with developmental impairments and the degree of impairment.

    The following categories of children with developmental disabilities are distinguished here:

    1) children with hearing impairments (deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf);

    2) children with visual impairments (blind, visually impaired);

    3) children with speech impairments;

    4) children with intellectual disabilities (mentally retarded children);

    5) children with delayed psychoverbal development (PDD);

    6) children with musculoskeletal disorders;

    7) children with disorders of the emotional and volitional sphere;

    8) children with multiple impairments (combination of 2 or 3 impairments).

    Depending on the degree of functional impairment (taking into account their impact on the child's social adaptation), the degree of health impairment in a child with disabilities is determined. There are four (degrees):

    1 the degree of loss of health is determined in case of mild and moderate impairment of functions, which, according to the Instructions, are an indicator for establishing disability in a child, but, as a rule, do not lead to the need to determine it in persons over 18 years of age;

    2 the degree of health loss is established in the presence of pronounced violations of the functions of organs and systems, which, despite the treatment carried out, limit the child's social adaptation (corresponds to group 3 of disability in adults);

    3 degree of loss of health corresponds to 2 group of disability in an adult;

    4, the degree of health loss is determined in case of pronounced dysfunctions of organs and systems, leading to social maladjustment of the child, subject to the irreversible nature of the lesion and ineffectiveness of therapeutic and rehabilitation measures (corresponds to group 1 of disability in an adult).

    Each degree of loss of health of a disabled child corresponds to a list of diseases, among which the following main groups can be distinguished:

    1. Neuropsychiatric diseases rank second (32.8%). Among children with these diseases, 82.9% are children with mental retardation.

    The most common diseases of this group are cerebral palsy, tumors of the nervous system, epilepsy, schizophrenia and other endogenous psychoses, mental retardation (mental retardation or dementia of various origins, corresponding to the stage of idiocy or imbecility), Down's disease, autism.

    All these diseases are combined into one group, however, mental and mental disability follows, the International League of Societies for the Assistance of the Mentally Retarded and other organizations that study this category of people and / or provide assistance to them insist on this.

    The term "mental disability" includes two significant components that "must be considered in accordance with biological age and the corresponding cultural background: intellectual disability, which is below average and present from an early age; significant weakening of the ability to adapt to the social requirements of society" / 61 /.

    Children with disabilities in this category very often have gross violations of all sides. mental activity: memory, attention, thinking, speech, motor skills, emotional sphere... However, after special exercises and classes, they can achieve good results. The range of problems of such children requires, basically, the intervention of specialists in the field of pedagogy and rehabilitation (teachers and social workers, respectively) in close contact with the family.

    The term "mental disability" is used to refer to multiple shifts that affect emotional function and behavior. It is characterized by an imbalance of emotions of various types and degrees of complexity, impaired (rather than absent) understanding and communication, as well as misdirected rather than just inappropriate adaptability. Most often, such diseases occur suddenly and take the form of an acute shift, sometimes as a result of biochemical changes or drug use, experiencing severe or prolonged stress, psychological conflicts, as well as as a result of other reasons.

    During childhood, it is more common to experience shifts in emotions or behavior. Symptoms of illness may be preceded by educational, social, or personal difficulties.

    Mental illnesses can take the form of acute, chronic or tremulous diseases, depending on it and on the specifics of the manifestation of the disease, treatment is prescribed. In this case, the intervention of specialists from the field of medicine and psychiatry is mandatory.

    However, there is a combination of mental retardation with mental failure and other complications. This creates certain difficulties in diagnosing diseases and working with such children and requires specialists to be well prepared and trained. Complications may appear at birth or later. The following reasons for their appearance can be distinguished: poor care of children with mental retardation, the susceptibility of such a child to stress, stress, inattention on the part of persons to whom they are especially attached, etc.

    Khimina Elena Kuzminichna, teacher-logopedist

    Children with disabilities are children with various psychological or physical nature, which cause disorders of general development, which do not allow them to lead a full life, the state of health of which prevents the development of educational programs outside the special conditions of training and education.

    Classification of children with disabilities

    Hearing impaired children .

    Children with visual impairments (blind, visually impaired).

    Children with speech impairments (speech pathologists).

    · Children with musculoskeletal disorders.

    · Children with mental retardation.

    · Children with behavioral and communication disorders.

    · Children with mental retardation.

    Children with complex disorders of psychophysical development, with so-called complex defects .

    Depending on the nature of the violation, some defects can be completely overcome in the process of development, education and upbringing of the child, others can only be smoothed out, and some can only be compensated.

    Children with disabilities- these are children with special educational needs, and therefore, in the learning process, it is necessary:

    ü start special education of the child immediately after the detection of the primary developmental disorder;

    ü Introduce special sections into the content of the child's education that are not present in the education programs of normally developing peers;

    ü individualize education to a greater extent than is required for a normally developing child;

    ü to provide a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment;

    ü maximize the educational space outside the educational institution.



    Khimina Elena Kuzminichna, speech therapist teacher

    GBOU RK "Lozovskaya special boarding school"

    Topic: " Speech therapy work teachers with students with speech disorders "

    Children with disabilities are children with various psychological or physical deviations that cause general developmental disorders that do not allow them to lead a full life, whose health condition prevents the development of educational programs outside the special conditions of education and upbringing.

    Classification of children with disabilities(according to the classification of V.A.Lapshin and B.P. Puzanov)

    • Hearing impaired children(deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf).
    • Children with visual impairments(blind, visually impaired).
    • Children with speech impairments(speech pathologists).
    • Children with musculoskeletal disorders.
    • Children with mental retardation.
    • Children with behavioral and communication disorders.
    • Children with mental retardation.
    • Children with complex disorders of psychophysical development, with so-called complex defects(deaf-blind, deaf or blind children with mental retardation).

    Depending on the nature of the violation, some defects can be completely overcome in the process of development, education and upbringing of the child, others can only be smoothed out, and some can only be compensated.

    Children with disabilities - these are children with special educational needs, and therefore, in the learning process, it is necessary:

    • start special education for the child immediately after the detection of the primary developmental disorder;
    • to introduce into the content of the child's education special sections that are not present in the education programs of normally developing peers;
    • individualize learning to a greater extent than is required for a normally developing child;
    • to provide a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment;
    • maximize the educational space outside the educational institution.

    Typical difficulties in children with disabilities:

    • there is no motivation for cognitive activity;
    • low pace of assignments;
    • low level of attention properties(stability, concentration, switching);
    • low level of development of speech, thinking(classification, analogies);
    • low self-esteem;
    • increased anxiety;
    • violation of coordination of movements;
    • low level of development of fine and gross motor skills;
    • Difficulty understanding instructions
    • needs constant help from an adult.

    Speech is a kind of visiting card of an individual. Currently, the number of children with developmental disabilities is very large. The Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” Article 79 guarantees the realization of the right to education for a child with disabilities through the creation of the necessary conditions for obtaining a quality education by students with disabilities.

    The modern education system is aimed at creating conditions for the successful socialization of children with disabilities, children with disabilities. Speech therapy support for a child with disabilities in a general education school plays an important role in correctional work.

    Speech therapy support at school is carried out in order to assist in the development of general education programs(especially in the Russian language and literary reading in primary grades).

    3. Prerequisites for reading and writing impairment:

    • If the child is left-handed.
    • If the child is a retrained right-hander.
    • If the child attended a speech therapy group in kindergarten.
    • If the family speaks two or more languages.
    • If the child went to school too early (unjustifiably early learning to read and write sometimes provokes the onset of dysgraphia and dyslexia). This happens in those cases when the child has not yet become psychologically ready for such training.
    • If a child has problems with memory, attention.
    • Mixing letters by optical similarity: b - d, t - n, a - o, f - h, d - y.
    • Errors caused by impaired pronunciation, the child writes what he says: leka (river), suba (shuba).
    • In case of impaired phonemic perception, vowels o - y, e - yu, consonants r - l, y - l, paired voiced and voiceless consonants, sibilant and hissing, sounds c, h, sch, are mixed. for example: tyon (melon), bite (cranberry).
    • Missing letters, syllables, missing words. For example: prta - desk, mocha - milk, merry (merry)

    How can a teacher help?

    • Observe favored treatment.
    • Do not check your child's reading speed.
    • Do not give exercises in which the text is written with errors (subject to correction).
    • Do not take a "read more and write more" approach. Better less, but better quality.
    • Do not praise too much for small successes, it is better not to scold and not be upset when the child does not succeed in something.
    • Apply developmental exercises phonemic perception, sound analysis words.
    • Don't write dictations. They will only do harm. Numerous mistakes that will inevitably be made when writing them are recorded in the child's memory.

    Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with speech disorders

    For normal speech activity, the integrity and safety of all brain structures is necessary. The auditory, visual and motor systems are of particular importance for speech. Oral speech is carried out through the coordinated work of the muscles of the three parts of the peripheral speech apparatus: respiratory, vocal and articulatory. Speech exhalation causes the vocal folds to vibrate, which provides voice in the process of speaking. The pronunciation of speech sounds (articulation) is due to the work of the articulation department. All the work of the peripheral speech apparatus, which is associated with the finest and finest coordination in the contraction of its muscles, is regulated by the central nervous system (CNS). The qualitative characteristics of speech depend on the joint synchronous work of many zones of the cortex of the right and left hemispheres, which is possible only if the underlying structures of the brain function normally. A special role in speech activity is played by the speech-auditory and speech-motor zones, which are located in the dominant (left for right-handed) hemisphere of the brain.

    Speech is formed in the process of the general psychophysical development of the child. In the period from one to five years, a healthy child gradually develops phonemic perception, the lexical and grammatical side of speech, and normative sound pronunciation develops. At the earliest stage of speech development, the child masters vocal reactions in the form of vocalization, humming, babbling. As babbling develops, the sounds pronounced by the child gradually approach the sounds native language... By one year, the child understands the meanings of many words and begins to pronounce the first words. After one and a half years, the child develops a simple phrase (of two or three words), which gradually becomes more complicated. The child's own speech is becoming more and more correct phonologically, morphologically and syntactically. By the age of three, the basic lexical and grammatical structures of everyday speech are usually formed. At this time, the child moves on to mastering a detailed phrasal speech. By the age of five, coordination mechanisms develop between breathing, phonation and articulation, which ensures sufficient fluidity of speech expression. By the age of five or six, the child also begins to develop the ability for sound analysis and synthesis. The normal development of speech allows the child to move to a new stage - mastering writing and writing. The conditions for the formation of normal speech include a preserved central nervous system, the presence of normal hearing and vision, and a sufficient level of active speech communication between adults and a child.

    Causes of speech disorders

    Among the causes of speech disorders, biological and social risk factors are distinguished. Biological reasons for the development of speech disorders are pathogenic factors that affect mainly during intrauterine development and childbirth (fetal hypoxia, birth trauma, etc.), as well as in the first months of life after birth (brain infections, trauma, etc.). ) Factors such as family history play a special role in the development of speech disorders speech disorders, left-handedness and right-handedness.

    Socio-psychologicalrisk factors are mainly associated with mental deprivation in children. The lack of emotional and verbal communication between the child and adults is of particular importance. Negative impact on speech development may also have the need for a child of primary preschool and school age to master two language systems at the same time, excessive stimulation of the child's speech development, inadequate type of child's upbringing, pedagogical neglect, i.e. lack of due attention to the development of the child's speech, speech defects of others. As a result of the action of these reasons, the child may experience developmental disorders of various aspects of speech.

    Speech disorders are considered in speech therapy within the framework of clinical and pedagogical and psychological and pedagogical approaches.

    The mechanisms and symptoms of speech pathology are considered from the standpoint of the clinical and pedagogical approach. In this case, the following disorders are distinguished:dyslalia, voice disorders, rhinolalia, dysarthria, stuttering, alalia, aphasia, dysgraphia and dyslexia.

    The main types of speech disorders

    Dislalia - violation of sound pronunciation

    With dyslalia, hearing and innervation of the muscles of the speech apparatus remain intact. Violation of sound pronunciation in dyslalia is associated with an anomaly in the structure of the articulatory apparatus or the peculiarities of speech education. In this regard, a distinction is made between mechanical and functional dyslalia. Mechanical (organic) dyslalia is associated with a violation of the structure of the articulatory apparatus: incorrect bite, incorrect structure of the teeth, incorrect structure of the hard palate, abnormally large or small tongue, short frenum of the tongue, these defects make it difficult for the normal pronunciation of speech sounds. Functional dyslalia is most often associated with: improper speech education of the child in the family ("lisping", the use of "nanny's language" when communicating between adults and children); improper sound pronunciation of adults in the immediate environment of the child; pedagogical neglect, immaturity of phonemic perception. Often, functional dyslalia is observed in children who, at an early preschool age, master two languages ​​at once, while a shift in the sounds of speech of two language systems can be observed.

    A child with dyslalia may have a violation of the pronunciation of one or more sounds that are difficult to articulate (whistling, hissing, p, l). Violations of sound pronunciation can be manifested in the absence of certain sounds, distortion of sounds or their replacements. In speech therapy practice, violations of the pronunciation of sounds have the following names: sigmatism (lack of pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds); rotacism (lack of pronunciation of sounds rr '); lambdacism (lack of pronunciation of sounds l-l '); defects in pronunciation of palatine sounds (lack of pronunciation of soundsk-k ', g-g', x-x ', j);voicing defects (instead of ringing sounds their voiceless pairs are pronounced); defects of softening (instead of hard sounds, their soft pairs are pronounced). In children with dyslalia, as a rule, there are no violations of speech development, that is, the lexical and grammatical side of speech is formed in accordance with the norm.

    It is known that the formation of normative sound pronunciation in children occurs gradually until the age of four. If a child after four years has defects in sound pronunciation, it is necessary to contact a speech therapist. but special work on the development of the sound-pronunciation side of speech in case of its violation, you can start earlier.

    There is a partial violation of the voice (pitch, strength and timbre suffers) - dysphonia and the complete absence of a voice - aphonia ... Voice disorders resulting from chronic inflammatory processes of the vocal apparatus or its anatomical changes are referred to as organic ... These are dysphonia and aphonia in chronic laryngitis, paralysis of the muscles of the larynx, tumors and conditions after surgery on the larynx and soft palate. Functional voice disturbances also manifest in aphonia and dysphonia. They are more common and more varied. These disorders are associated with vocal fatigue, various infectious diseases, as well as traumatic situations. The voice of a person suffering from dysphonia is felt by the listener as hoarse, hoarse, dry, exhausted, with a small range of vocal modulations.

    Voice disorders occur in both adults and children. Age-related voice changes occur in adolescents 13-15 years old, which is associated with endocrine restructuring during puberty. This period of voice development is called mutational.

    At this time, the teenager needs a protective voice mode. You can not overextend and force your voice. For persons whose profession is associated with prolonged voice load, a special setting of the speech voice is recommended, which protects it from overvoltage.


    Rinolalia is a violation of sound pronunciation and timbre of the voice associated with a congenital anatomical defect in the structure of the articulatory apparatus.

    An anatomical defect manifests itself as a cleft (non-closure) on the upper lip, gums, hard and soft palate. As a result, between the nasal and oral cavity there is an open cleft (hole) or a cleft covered with a thinned mucous membrane. Often, clefts are combined with various dentoalveolar anomalies.

    The speech of a child with rhinolalia is characterized by indistinctness due to nasalization (nasal) of the voice and a violation of the pronunciation of many sounds. The wider the cleft, the stronger it affects bad influence on the formation of the sound side of speech. In severe cases, the child's speech is not understandable to others. Disturbances in the structure and activity of the speech apparatus in rhinolalia cause deviations in the development of not only the sound side of speech. IN varying degrees all suffer structural components language system. Children with rhinolalia need early medical examination, orthodontic and surgical treatment. Speech therapy assistance to such children is necessary both in the pre- and postoperative period. It should be systematic and long enough.


    Dysarthria is a violation of the sound-pronunciation and melodic-intonation side of speech, due to insufficient innervation of the muscles of the speech apparatus. Dysarthria is associated with organic damage to the nervous system, as a result of which the motor side of speech is disrupted. This disorder can occur in both children and adults. The cause of dysarthria in childhood is damage to the nervous system, mainly in the prenatal or birth period of life, often against the background of cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy (CP) includes a large group of motor disorders that develop with organic damage to the motor systems of the brain. These children have a delay in motor development, impaired voluntary movements, dysontogenesis in the formation of motor skills. Movement disorders can be expressed in varying degrees: from paralysis of the arms and legs to minor deviations in the movement of the organs of articulation. These children begin to sit, stand, walk, and talk later than their healthy peers.

    With dysarthria, there are disorders of sound pronunciation, voice formation, tempo-rhythm of speech and intonation. The degree of severity of dysarthria is different: from the complete impossibility of pronouncing speech sounds (anarthria) to the barely noticeable fuzzy pronunciation to the listener (erased dysarthria), which depends on the nature and severity of the damage to the nervous system.

    There are several clinical forms of dysarthria, the nature of which is associated with the site of organic damage to the nervous system. In childhood, mixed forms of dysarthria, expressed in mild and moderate degrees, are most often found. As a rule, with dysarthria, the speech of children develops with a delay. In such children, the pronunciation of sounds that are difficult for articulation is more likely to suffer.(s-s ', z-z', c, w, sch, w, h, rr ', l-l'). In general, the pronunciation of sounds is indistinct, blurry ("porridge in the mouth"). The voice of such children may be weak, hoarse, nasalized. The speech is low-keyed, inexpressive. The rate of speech can be either accelerated or slowed down. The phonemic perception of such children, as a rule, is not well formed. Sound analysis and synthesis is difficult. The lexico-grammatical side of speech usually does not suffer grossly, at the same time, practically all children with dysarthria have a poor vocabulary, insufficient knowledge of grammatical and constructions. The process of mastering the writing and reading of such children is difficult. The handwriting is uneven, the letters are disproportionate, children master cursive writing with great difficulty, persistent specific writing errors (dysgraphia) are observed. Reading aloud in such children is intonationally uncolored, the reading speed is reduced, and the comprehension of the text is limited. They make a lot of reading errors (dyslexia). Children with dysarthria need an early start in speech therapy and long-term correction of the speech defect.


    Stuttering is a violation of the smoothness of speech caused by muscle cramps of the speech apparatus.

    Stuttering usually starts in children between the ages of 2 and 6. It can appear in children with advanced speech development as a result of excessive speech load, mental trauma, or in children with delayed speech development as a result of damage to certain structures of the central nervous system.

    The main manifestation of stuttering is cramps in the muscles of the speech apparatus, which occur only at the time of speech or when trying to start speech. Stuttering speech is characterized by repetitions of sounds, syllables or words, lengthening of sounds, breaking of words, insertion of additional sounds or words. In addition to speech seizures, a number of features are observed in stuttering. Convulsive speech of stuttering is usually accompanied by accompanying movements: closing the eyes, puffing up the wings of the nose, nodding head movements, stomping, and so on. etc. The use of such words among stutters is intrusive.

    At 10-12 years old, stuttering adolescents often become aware of their speech defect, and in this regard, the fear of making an unfavorable impression on the interlocutor, drawing the attention of strangers to their speech defect, not being able to express a thought due to convulsive hesitation. At this age, stuttering begins to form a persistent fear of speech communication with an obsessive expectation of speech failures - logophobia. Emotional response in the form of logophobia intensifies speech stuttering at the moment of communication. Logophobia, as a rule, manifests itself especially clearly in certain situations: talking on the phone, answering at the blackboard, when communicating in a store, etc. In this regard, there is a reaction of avoiding such situations and limiting verbal communication. Logophobia in adolescents often leads to a refusal to answer verbally in front of the class; adolescents ask teachers to interview them either in writing or after school. At the same time, when communicating at recess, with close friends, at home with relatives, stuttering can speak quite fluently and freely.

    Despite the speech and psychological difficulties arising in such adolescents, the teacher should not replace the oral answers of stuttering with written ones. Due to the fact that during the period school education coherent contextual speech is actively formed, the translation of a stuttering adolescent into a written form of speech has a negative effect on the formation of a monologue statement as a whole. In addition, the lack of speech practice in conditions learning activities negatively affects all parties oral speech, and most importantly, in speech communication. To overcome a speech defect, a stutter needs systematic help from a speech therapist, and in cases where stuttering is of a protracted nature (adolescents, adults) - also the help of a psychologist.


    Alalia - absence or underdevelopment of speech in children, caused by organic brain damage.

    Alalia is one of the most severe and difficult speech defects. This speech pathology is characterized by the late appearance of speech, its slow development, a significant limitation of both passive and active vocabulary. Speech development with this disorder follows a pathological path. Depending on the predominant symptomatology, there are mainly two forms of alalia: expressive and impressive.

    With expressive (motor) alalia does not form a sound image of the word. The oral speech of such children is characterized by simplification of the syllable structure of words, omissions, rearrangements and replacements of sounds, syllables, and words in a phrase. The assimilation of the grammatical structures of the language suffers significantly. The speech development of such children is different: from the complete absence of oral speech to the ability to implement sufficiently coherent statements, in which various errors can be observed. In accordance with this, the degree of compensation for a speech defect as a result of speech therapy can be different. These children understand everyday speech well enough, respond adequately to the appeal of adults to them, but only within the framework of a specific situation.

    Impressive (sensory) alalia is characterized by impaired perception and understanding of speech with full physical hearing. The leading symptom of this disorder is a disorder of phonemic perception, which can be expressed in varying degrees: from a complete nondiscrimination of speech sounds to a difficult perception of oral speech by ear. Accordingly, children with sensory alalia either do not understand the speech addressed to them at all, or their understanding of speech is limited by the usual everyday situation. Children with sensory alalia are very sensitive to sound stimuli. Speech delivered in a low voice is perceived better by them. For such children, the phenomenon of echolalia is characteristic, that is, the repetition of heard words or short phrases without comprehension. It is not uncommon for children with sensory alalia to come across as deaf or mentally disabled.

    In children with alalia, speech is not formed without special corrective action, so they need long-term speech therapy assistance. Correctional work with such children is consistently carried out in special preschool institutions, and then in special schools for children with severe speech impairments.


    Aphasia is a complete or partial loss of speech due to organic local lesions of the brain. With aphasia, certain zones of the dominant hemisphere are mainly affected. There are several forms of aphasia, which are based on a violation of either understanding of speech or its production. In severe cases, with aphasia, a person's ability to both understand the speech of others and speak is impaired. This speech disorder more often occurs in the elderly as a result of severe brain diseases (stroke, tumors) or brain trauma. In children, aphasia is diagnosed when organic brain damage occurs after the child has mastered speech. In these cases, aphasia leads not only to a violation of its further development, but also to the decay of the formed speech. Aphasia often leads to profound disability. The possibilities of compensation for speech and mental disorders in children and adults are sharply limited. Adults with aphasia, as a rule, lose their profession and find it difficult to adapt to everyday life. Misunderstanding of the speech of others and the inability to express their desires cause behavioral disturbances: aggression, conflict, irritability.

    With aphasia, speech therapy assistance must be combined with a whole range of rehabilitation effects. Care for people with aphasia is provided through the health care system.

    Violation of the development of speech

    General speech underdevelopment (OHP)characterized by a violation of the formation in children of all components of the speech system: phonetic, phonemic and lexical and grammatical.In children with OHP, a pathological course of speech development is observed. The main signs of OHP in preschool age are late onset of speech development, a slower pace of speech development, a limited vocabulary that does not correspond to age, a violation of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, a violation of sound pronunciation and phonemic perception. At the same time, children have a preservation of hearing and a satisfactory understanding of addressed speech available for a certain age. In children with OHP, speech can be at different levels of development. There are three levels of speech development in OHP. Each of the levels can be diagnosed in children of any age.

    First level - the lowest. Children do not know the common means of communication. In their speech, children use babbling words and onomatopoeia ("bo-bo", "av-av"), as well as a small number of nouns and verbs that are significantly distorted in sound terms ("kuka" - doll, "avat" - bed). With the same babbling word or sound combination, a child can designate several different concepts, replace them with the names of actions and the names of objects ("bb" -car, plane, train, go, fly).

    Children's statements can be accompanied by active gestures and facial expressions. The speech is dominated by sentences of one or two words. There are no grammatical connections in these sentences. The speech of children can be understood only in a specific situation of communication with loved ones. The understanding of speech by children is limited to a certain extent. The sound side of speech is sharply impaired. The number of defective sounds exceeds the number of correctly pronounced ones. Correctly pronounced sounds are unstable and can be distorted and replaced in speech. To a greater extent, the pronunciation of consonants is impaired, vowels can remain relatively intact. Phonemic perception is grossly impaired. Children can confuse words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning.(milk is a hammer, a bear is a misk).Until the age of three, these children are practically speechless. Spontaneous development of full speech is impossible for them. Overcoming speech underdevelopment requires systematic work with a speech therapist. Children with the first level of speech development should be trained in a special preschool... Compensation for the speech defect is limited, therefore, such children in the future need long-term education in special schools for children with severe speech impairments.

    Second level - children have the beginnings of common speech. The understanding of everyday speech is well developed. Children communicate more actively using speech. Along with gestures, sound complexes and babbling words, they use common words that denote objects, actions and signs, although their active vocabulary is sharply limited. Children use simple sentences of two or three words with the beginnings of grammatical construction. At the same time, gross errors in use are noted. grammatical forms("I giggle a cookie" - playing with a doll). Sound production is significantly impaired. This manifests itself in substitutions, distortions and omissions of a number of consonants. The syllable structure of the word is broken. As a rule, children reduce the number of sounds and syllables, their permutations are noted ("teviks" - snowmen, "have" - ​​a bear). During the examination, a violation of phonemic perception is noted.

    Children with the second level of speech development need special speech therapy for a long time both in preschool and school age. Speech defect compensation is limited. However, depending on the degree of this compensation, children can be sent both to a general education school and to a school for children with severe speech impairments. When entering a general education school, they should receive systematic speech therapy assistance, since mastering writing and reading is difficult for these children.

    Third level - children use detailed phrasal speech, do not find it difficult to name objects, actions, signs of objects that are well known to them in everyday life. They can tell about their family, make up a short story based on a picture. At the same time, they have shortcomings in all aspects of the speech system, both lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic. Their speech is characterized by inaccurate use of words. In free expressions, children use little adjectives and adverbs, they do not use generalizing words and words with a figurative meaning, they hardly form new words with the help of prefixes and suffixes, they mistakenly use conjunctions and prepositions, make mistakes in agreeing a noun with an adjective in gender, number and case ...

    Children with the third level of speech development, subject to systematic speech therapy assistance, are ready to enter a general education school, although they experience certain difficulties in learning. These difficulties are mainly associated with insufficient vocabulary, errors in the grammatical construction of coherent utterances, insufficient formation of phonemic perception, and impaired pronunciation. Monologue speech develops poorly in such children. They mainly use a dialogical form of communication. In general, the readiness for schooling in such children is low. In the primary grades, they have significant difficulties in mastering writing and reading, there are often specific violations of writing and reading.

    In some of these children, speech underdevelopment can be expressed indistinctly. It is characterized by the fact that violations of all levels of the language system are manifested to an insignificant degree. Sound pronunciation can be intact, but "blurry" or suffer in relation to two to five sounds. Phonemic perception is not accurate enough. Phonemic synthesis and analysis lag behind the norm in development. In oral statements, such children admit confusion of words for acoustic similarity and meaning. Contextual monologue speech is situational and everyday in nature. Such children, as a rule, study in a general education school, although their academic performance is low. They experience certain difficulties in conveying the content of educational material; specific writing and reading errors are often noted. These children also need systematic speech therapy assistance.

    Thus, general speech underdevelopment- it is a systemic violation of the assimilation of all levels of the language, requiring long-term and systematic speech therapy.

    Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment(FFN) characterized by a violation of the pronunciation and perception of the phonemes of the native language.

    This group is the most numerous among children with speech disorders. These include children who are observed: incorrect pronunciation of certain sounds, one or more groups of sounds (whistling, hissing, l, p);

    - insufficient phonemic perception of disturbed sounds;

    Difficulty perceiving acoustic and articulatory differences between opposition phonemes.

    In oral speech in children with FFN, the following deviations in sound pronunciation can be observed:-arm); replacing one sound with another specific sound ("suba" - fur coat, "bow" - hand); displacement of those sounds that are part of certain phonetic groups. There is an unstable use of these sounds in various words. A child can use sounds correctly in some words, and in others replace them with similar ones in articulation or acoustic signs. In children with FFN, the formation of phonemic analysis and synthesis is impaired. Accordingly, they experience significant difficulties in learning to write and read. Overcoming FFN requires purposeful speech therapy work.

    Thus, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment- this is a violation of the formation of the pronunciation system of the native language due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes.

    Writing and reading disorders

    In primary school comprehensive school there are children whose process of mastering writing and reading is impaired. Partial disorder of the processes of reading and writing is denoted by the terms dyslexia and dysgraphia. Their main symptom is the presence of persistent specific errors, the occurrence of which in secondary school students is not associated with a decrease in intellectual development, neither with severe hearing and visual impairment, nor with the irregularity of schooling. Dyslexia and dysgraphia usually occur in combination. The complete inability to master writing and reading is called agraphia and alexia, respectively. The causes of dysgraphia and dyslexia are associated with impaired interaction of various analytical systems of the cerebral cortex.

    Disgraphia manifests itself in persistent and repetitive writing errors. These errors are usually grouped according to the following principles: mixing and replacing letters; distortion of the sound-syllable structure of the word; violations of the fused spelling of individual words in a sentence - breaking a word into parts, fused spelling of words in a sentence; agrammatism; mixing letters by optical similarity.

    Violation of writing in the form of dysgraphia is closely related to insufficient readiness of mental processes that are formed in the course of the development of oral speech. It is during the period of mastering oral speech that generalized concepts of the sound and morphological composition of the word are created on a purely practical level, which subsequently, when the child moves to literacy and spelling, contributes to their conscious assimilation. To master literacy and the phonetic and morphological principles characteristic of Russian writing, the child must be able to separate the sound side of a word from the semantic side, analyze the sound composition of a word clearly pronounced in all its parts. For fluent oral speech, it is often sufficient to clearly pronounce only those sounds that are necessary for understanding the word (meaningful sounds). Sounds that are less related with understanding of the word by the listener, are pronounced in natural speech less carefully and definitely. Too clear articulation of all sound elements of the word contradicts the orthoepic requirements of the language. At the same time, the child in the process of normal speech ontogenesis acquires a fairly accurate idea of sound composition words, including its obscure elements. This is possible thanks to linguistic generalizations that develop with the constant comparison of words with each other. In the process of correlating sound elements that reflect the difference in lexical and grammatical meanings of a word, the child's cognitive processes are being prepared for understanding the relationship between spelling and spelling. Successful mastery of writing is preceded not only by the accumulation of a sufficient stock of words, but also by the presence in speech experience of a conscious analysis of words by adequate signs of correlating spelling and spelling. So, the child should be aware that the wordsfly in, fly inhave the same root. The normal formation of oral speech is accompanied by the accumulated experience cognitive work both in the field of elementary sound generalizations and in the field of morphological analysis. Children with speech underdevelopment do not master this level of linguistic generalizations and, accordingly, are not ready to master such a complex analytical-synthetic activity as writing.

    Currently, it is customary to distinguish several types of dysgraphia.

    Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia. With this form of dysgraphia in children, various distortions of sound pronunciation (phonetic disorders) and insufficient phonemic perception of speech sounds, differing in subtle acoustic-articulatory signs and phonetic-phonemic disorders, are observed. Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia manifests itself mainly in the substitutions of letters, which correspond to the substitutions of sounds in the oral speech of the child. Sometimes letter substitutions remain in the child's letter even after they have been eliminated in oral speech. According to

    R.E. Levina (1959), this happens because in children with speech pathology, during the period of mastering oral speech, generalized concepts of the sound and morphological composition of the word are not created. Normally, it is the creation of these generalizations that allows students primary grades consciously move on to mastering literacy and spelling.

    Acoustic dysgraphia- writes as he hears, confusing deaf and voiced (oak - du p, jacket - to in that, etc.), hard and soft ("pain", "mostik", "letter"), as well as hissing and whistling ("pee" - squeak, etc.).In children with this form of dysgraphia, there is a lack of formation of the processes of phonemic perception. This is manifested in substitutions and mixtures of letters, which denote sounds that differ in subtle acoustic-articulatory features. For example, substitutions and mixing of letters denoting whistling and hissing sounds; voiced and deaf; soft and hard; sounds p and l; replacement of letters denoting vowel sounds. In addition, children may have an unformed sound analysis and synthesis, which manifests itself in writing in the form of the following specific errors: omissions, insertions, rearrangements, repetitions of letters or syllables. Missing letters indicate that the child does not isolate all its sound components in the composition of the word ("snki" - sled). Permutations and repetitions of letters and syllables are an expression of the difficulties in analyzing the sequences of sounds in a word ("korvoem" - carpet, "sugar" - sugar). Vowel insertions are more often observed when consonants are confused, which is explained by the sound that appears when a word is slowly pronounced during writing and resembles a reduced vowel ("girl", "Aleksandar").

    Dysgraphia associated with impaired language analysis and synthesis. This form of dysgraphia is associated with the fact that students do not isolate stable speech units and their elements in the speech stream. This leads to the continuous spelling of adjacent words, prepositions and conjunctions followed by the word ("over the tree"); to separate writing of parts of a word, more often a prefix and a root ("and blow").

    Agrammatic dysgraphia- incorrect use of endings, prepositions, mistakes when changing words in cases, numbers, difficulties in coordinating words with each other.This form of dysgraphia is more pronounced than others, it can be traced in connection with the insufficient development of the grammatical side of oral speech in children. In writing, grammatical connections between words are violated, as well as semantic connections between sentences.

    Optical dysgraphiaassociated with underdevelopment of spatial representations, analysis and synthesis of visual perception. This manifests itself in substitutions and distortions of letters similar in outline (d - b, t - w, i - w, n - t, x - w, l - m), incorrect arrangement of elements of letters, etc. This type of dysgraphia includes the so-called "mirror writing".

    Motor - associated with movement disorders. It manifests itself in incomplete description of words, the appearance of extra, double or even triple letters, omission of letters and syllables.

    A child with dysgraphia usually has difficulty developing graphic skills, resulting in uneven handwriting. The child's difficulties in choosing the right letter give the letter a characteristic careless look. It is replete with corrections and corrections.

    Dyslexia - partial disruption of the reading process, manifested in repetitive persistent errors. As a partial disorder of the process of mastering reading, it manifests itself in numerous repetitive errors in the form of substitutions, permutations, omissions of letters, etc., which is due to the lack of formation of mental functions that ensure the process of mastering reading. Dyslexic errors are persistent. There are the following forms of dyslexia.

    Phonemic dyslexia - observed in children with unformed functions of phonemic perception, analysis and synthesis. In the process of reading, children confuse letters denoting sounds that are similar in acoustical-articulatory parameters. With the underdevelopment of the functions of phonemic analysis and synthesis, letter-by-letter reading, distortion of the sound-syllable structure of the word (insertions, omissions, permutations) are observed.

    Semantic dyslexiadue to the unformed processes of evuko-syllabic synthesis and the lack of differentiated ideas about syntactic connections within a sentence. Such children master the technique of reading, but read mechanically, without understanding the meaning of what is being read.

    Agrammatic dyslexiaobserved in children with an unformed grammatical side of oral speech. When reading sentences, grammatical errors are observed.

    Mnestic dyslexiaassociated with a violation of the establishment of associative links between the visual image of the letter and the auditory-articulating image of the sound, that is, children cannot remember letters and compare them with the corresponding sounds.

    Optical dyslexiadue to the same mechanisms as optical dysgraphia. When reading, letters that are similar in outline are mixed and interchanged by children. Sometimes "mirror reading" can be observed.

    Children with dysgraphia and dyslexia need speech therapy classes which use special methods of developing writing and reading skills.

    The main tasks of the teacher-logopedist:

    Correction of violations in the development of oral and written speech of students;

    Timely prevention and overcoming of difficulties in mastering general education programs by students with disabilities;

    Explanation of special knowledge in speech therapy among teachers, parents, students.

    The task of the teacher - speech therapist - is to eliminate speech defects and develop oral and written speech child to a level at which he could successfully study at school. In turn, the teacher continues the child's speech development, relying on the skills and abilities he mastered, i.e. there is an integration of speech therapy work and the educational process.

    Disabilities of health (in this case, children with speech disorders) impede the development of educational programs and are a prerequisite for a violation of the interaction of children with the outside world, cause the occurrence of deviations in their mental development. Therefore, the timely and properly organized training of such children, strengthening their mental health will prevent or minimize these secondary violations.

    The key to the success of corrective action depends not only on qualified

    the help of a speech therapist, but also from the work of all participants in the diagnostic-correctional-developmental process - a psychologist, teachers, parents.

    Correctional and logopedic work during the year can be carried out in the following areas:



    Correctional - developing;


    Speech therapy support for children with speech disorders is aimed at solving life development problems.

    Speech therapy work with children is aimed at the formation and development of:

    Non-speech processes (attention, memory, cognitive activity, education of skills and self-control techniques);

    Sound pronunciation;

    Phonemic processes;

    Replenishment of vocabulary (vocabulary enrichment);

    Grammatical structure of speech;

    Coherent speech;

    Reading and writing motor skills.

    When working with children with speech impairments, the following specifics of work are used:

    Work on the speech system as a whole;

    Differentiated approach ( mental characteristics, working capacity, level of speech formation).

    Specificity of speech therapy work with students with speech disorders

    - work on the speech system as a whole;

    Maximum use of intact analyzers (visual, auditory, tactile);

    Differentiated approach (mental characteristics, performance, level of speech formation);

    Long-term consolidation of correct speech skills;

    Frequent repetition of exercises with elements of novelty;

    Frequent change of activities (fatigue);

    Dosage of tasks and speech material (gradually becoming more complicated);

    Specificity and availability of assignments;

    Not a fast pace of work;

    Constant maintenance of interest in classes (emotionality);

    Close relationship of the speech therapist with the support service specialists, teachers, educators, parents.

    The World Declaration on Child Survival, Protection and Development states that the world's children are innocent, vulnerable and dependent. They are also curious, energetic and hopeful. Their time should be a time of joy and peace, study and growth. Their future should be based on harmony and cooperation ... ”.

    All teachers, including speech therapists, teachers - psychologists and teachers, should build their relationships on harmony and cooperation.

    Exercises for the formation of sound pronunciation in children with speech impairments

    The lessons on the formation of sound pronunciation in primary school children are based on the main principles of didactics: the transition from simple to complex, consistency, accounting individual characteristics child. When determining the sequence of working on sounds, the ontogenetic principle is taken into account, therefore, to form the correct sound pronunciation, first sibilant, then hissing sounds are given, then sonors.

    On the initial stage work on the formation of the psychophysiological base of schoolchildren is very important. Without self-massage and articulatory gymnastics, exercises for the formation of phonemic perception and correct sound pronunciation, further correctional work cannot be carried out.

    Mimic gymnastics and self-massagepromote communication, emotional development, relieve emotional and muscle tension, optimize muscle tone.

    Self-massage is performed before articulatory gymnastics. The movements are first shown separately and only after mastering they are included in the lessons in full. At first, the text is read slowly so that the student has time to do self-massage, and does not indicate it with movements. The rhythm of the verse sets the rhythm of the massage movements.

    For example: Rubbing the handles The child rubs his palms and claps into them

    And we warm up

    And the face with the warmth of its Warmed palms conducts

    We wash. across the face from top to bottom.

    Rake rakes Do rake movements

    All bad thoughts. fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

    Rub the ears up Rub the auricles

    And down we are fast. along the edge from bottom to top and top to bottom.

    We bend them forward, bend the auricles, pull them back

    We pull down quickly, ears down by the lobes.

    And then we leave. They put their fingers on their cheeks.

    Fingers on the cheeks.

    Knead the cheeks, index, middle and nameless

    To puff up. knead your cheeks with your fingers in a circular


    Knead sponges with thumb and forefinger

    To smile. Knead the bottom first, and then

    Upper lip.

    (Articulatory gymnastics normalizes speech motor skills).

    Auditory perception exercisescontribute to the development of auditory attention and memory. For example, articulatory gymnastics "Travel of the tongue". The teacher reads the text and accompanies it with a demonstration of movements, the children repeat.

    The tongue decided to play: it will look out of the house, then it will hide. Like this! (student sticks his tongue out of his mouth and then pulls it back.) "I'll be a kitty," said the tongue. Dismissed the tail (makes the tongue wide). Warms up in the sun (puts her tongue on her lower lip). Suddenly he saw a big dog and was frightened. He hid in a house (he raises his tongue and hides it behind his upper teeth). The house was closed so that the dog would not run in. Like this! I waited a little for the tongue: is the dog barking? The house has opened, but the tail does not lower - it is afraid of the dog. Many times he opened and closed the house, and kept the tail up. Like this! (close and open mouth 3-4 times).

    When I say, "The ponytail is warming up," I need to put a wide tongue on my lower lip.

    If I say: "Dog" - you need to raise the tongue and hide it in the house - behind the upper teeth.

    The dog ran away, there is no one to be afraid of the tongue. He raised his tail, made his lips round, pulled them out, let the breeze go and hissed: "Shhhh" (hiss). This is a new song. This is how angry geese hiss when they want to pinch someone. Let's sing a song of angry geese. (preparation for sound production[NS].

    In preparation for staging sound[F] you can offer articulatory gymnastics "The Journey of the Happy Tongue":

    Once the tongue was sitting in his house and sang the song of angry geese. And he did this (the teacher resembles articulation). And then he "turned on" his voice, and the song sounded loud and clear, like this: "W-w-w". This is the song of the big beetle. The tongue was delighted and began to sing it. Let's and we will learn to sing a song of a big beetle (children articulate the sound [F], and then pronounce it. It turned out to be a song of a big beetle [F-f-f].

    Such articulatory gymnastics can be performed for almost every consonant sound that the teacher prepares for staging.

    Exercises to form correct sound pronunciation.

    The work is carried out taking into account the appearance of sounds in ontogenesis: first sibilants, then sibilants and sonors. When working on sounds, it is important to shape the visual perception. the child should see the articulation of the sound (look at the teacher's face and lips, try to imitate the articulation mode).

    There are a number of exercises in forming the correct pronunciation. For example, when forming the correct pronunciation of the sound [c], the following games are used: "Quiet, Quiet", "Track", "Steps". When forming the correct pronunciation of the sound [w], games are offered: "Beetle", "Fly in the Web", "Wasp", "Loudly - Quietly", "Glade", "Snowflakes", etc.

    Wasp game. The student repeats the sound [f] after the teacher, reproduces his intonation. Then he spreads his arms to the sides, pulling back a little, - inhale. Slowly lowers his hands down - makes a long exhalation, at the same time utters the sound [f]: first lingeringly, and then abruptly.

    Wasp flew to us

    And it was buzzing for two hours: "W-w-w".

    She's worn out idle,

    It seems that I even lost weight.

    Game "Tit". The student depicts a tit that flies around the office and pokes "Ts-ts-ts". Following the teacher, the student repeats the sound [c] and reproduces intonation.

    Titmouse, titmouse is a funny bird!

    Where have you been? Where did you live?

    I sat in the bushes

    I flew through the gardens "Ts-ts-ts".

    Game "Leaves". The teacher reads a poem: Autumn leaves are quietly spinning,

    The leaves lie quietly under our feet.

    Rustle underfoot - rustle,

    As if they want to spin again: "Shhhh".

    (The student repeats the sound [w] after the teacher, reproducing his intonation. Then he raises his hands up - inhale. Slowly lowers his hands down - a long exhalation, while pronouncing the sound [w]: first loudly, then quietly.

    The game "Track". The teacher asks to make a sound[SCH], running your finger along the lace path. Up - you need to pronounce for a long time, down - abruptly.

    Exercises to automate sound.A necessary condition for sound automation is a gradual and systematic increase in tempo speech exercises... Sound automation should be done with the student in strict sequence.

    Game "Ball". The student, spreading his arms wide, follows the teacher and shows the ball. Then he depicts how the ball is deflated: slowly joins his hands in front of him and draws out the sound [ts-ts]. The ball pushed, puffed,

    He burst and whistled: "Ts-ts-ts".

    The game "Train". The teacher and the student (students) stand one after another, depicting a train. Ahead of the train is a steam locomotive (student). The train departs on the command "Let's go, let's go!" The pace is accelerating. The train approaches the station (the appointed place), the teacher says: "He has come!" and slowly says "Shhhh" together with the student (letting off steam).

    You can depict different trains, for example, fast and freight. The ambulance moves to the sounds of "shu-shu-shu" (fast), and the commodity one - "sh-sh-sh-sh-u, sh-sh-sh-u" (slowly).

    Game "Bee and Bear".The teacher invites the child to become a "bee" and sit on a chair ("a bee in a hive"), and the teacher will be a "bear". The "bear" hides from the "bee" and says: The bee was sitting in the hive

    And she looked out the window.

    She wanted to fly

    Flew and sang.

    With a buzzing "W-w-w" "bee" "flies" in the classroom (office), flapping its wings. A "bear" appears, it seeks to get into the "hive". At the signal "Bear!" The "bee" buzzing "W-w-w" flies to the "hive" and tries to sit on a chair so as not to let the "bear" into its house.

    Development exercises phonemic hearing. Work on the development of phonemic hearing begins with the formation of the ability to distinguish a given sound in a number of other sounds. It is necessary to form the ability to hear a specific sound in a syllable and word.

    The game "song". The teacher asks you to alternately run your finger along each path of the string, pronouncing the syllable after it: ac, uts, oc, yts.

    Game "Collect the beads".The student repeats the syllables after the teacher, stringing the beads on a string: Ms, Jo, Zhu, Zhi, and others: Chta, Chtu, Chty; chka, chki, chko; cht, cht, cht, cht, etc.

    Game "Finish a syllable".The teacher pronounces the beginning of the phrase and shows a picture (hedgehog, toad and others), and the student repeats and says the last syllable on his own.

    Ms. Ms. Ms. - Jeanne saw her (Ms.). Cha-cha-cha - we do not have me (cha).

    Zhu-zhu-zhu - Zhanna is a toad bye (zhu). Chu-chu-chu- we will be happy for me (chu).

    Zhi-zhi-zhi - a toad and a hedgehog der (zhi). Chi-chi-chi - we really need me (chi).

    Zhu-zhu-zhu - let me take a closer look (zhu). Che-che-che - we dream of me (che).

    Ash-ash-ash - give qarande (ash). Sha-sha-sha - mother washes the malas (sha).

    Ush-ush-ush - warm du (sh). Shu-shu-shu - help small (shu).

    Ish-ish-ish- I have small (w). Shi-shi-shi - in the clearing are small (shi.

    Ashka-ashka-ashka - the beech (ashka) is flying. Sho-sho-sho - we say well (sho).

    Lug-lug-lug-sits a frog (lug).

    Oshka-oshka-oshka - on the window to (oshka).

    Exercises to automate the sound in the word.

    Game "Repeat words".The student repeats the words for the teacher who follows correct pronunciation sound in the word. Dictionary work is carried out if necessary.

    For example, words: shawl, hat, washer, naughty, noise, shampoo, fur coat, joke, tire, awl, cat, cup, mice, breathes, grandfather, pillow, your, our, eat, mouse, baby, reed, wardrobe, seams , hat, pants, etc.

    Game "Name pictures".The student names the objects shown in the pictures: a cup, a teapot, a cup; turtle, swing, barrel, butterfly, glove, ball, oven, key.

    The game “What? Which? What kind?"The teacher asks a question, and the student answers it, clearly pronouncing a sound according to the model: a brick house (which one?) - brick; tea set (what?) - tea set; cast iron pan (which one?) - cast iron, etc.

    Exercises to automate sound in sentences.

    Game "Make sentences by pictures".The teacher names the verb and shows the subject picture, and the student composes a sentence. For example: pictures - a wardrobe, a fur coat, a bag, a potato, a cat, a mouse, a frog, a grandmother (suggestions: There is a wardrobe. A fur coat is hanging. There is a bag. Potatoes are growing. A cat meows. A mouse squeaks. A frog croaks. A grandmother is sitting.)

    Game "Make sentences in a chain".The teacher composes a story based on pictures. Then he asks the child to compose a chain structure story from the pictures. The teacher, helping the child, picks up the missing words to make a continuous chain of text.

    Pictures: puddle-toad, toad-beetle, beetle-juniper, juniper - puddle, puddle - beetle.

    An approximate story.A toad was sitting in a puddle. The toad saw a beetle. The beetle was sitting on a juniper. The beetle fell from the juniper into a puddle. In a puddle, the beetle buzzes: "W-w-w".

    "Retell the text."The teacher reads the text and shows a plot picture in which a boy and a friend went to a grove to walk with a puppy.

    Text. A friend came to Misha. He called him into the grove. Misha had a puppy. The comrades went with the puppy for a walk in the grove. Goldfinches flew into the grove. The puppy barked at the goldfinches and they flew away.

    Exercises for the development of fine motor skills

    Game "Hedgehog". The teacher reads a poem, and the student holds a massage ball in one hand, the other holds it over it. Then he changes his hand and does the same. Then he rolls the ball between his palms, twirls it with his fingers, hides it in his palms, presses them to him.

    We will take "hedgehog" in our hands

    And rub it lightly.

    Let's make out his needles,

    Let's massage the sides.

    "Hedgehog" I twist in my hands,

    I want to play with him.

    I'll make a house in my palms,

    The cat will not reach the hedgehog.

    Game "Acquaintance with the letter Zh". The teacher reads: F is like a beetle.

    Just not buzzing yet.

    (The student memorizes the poem and lays out the letter F from sticks according to the pattern, names the letter.)

    The game "Affectionate Brush".The teacher reads a poem, and the student, when pronouncing each word, runs a brush from top to bottom over each finger. Then he "strokes" the palm with a brush with a change of hands.

    The brush came out for a walk,

    One, two, three, four, five-

    And let's dance!

    Tired of her walking

    And she went to sleep.

    Tickling game. The teacher reads a poem, and the student rolls a walnut between his palms.

    I roll my nut

    So that he becomes rounder than everyone.

    Tickle my palms

    To please a little.

    Game "Name and color".The student is given outline images of a dress, a clown, a strawberry, an elephant, an apple. The student names words and paints pictures.

    Fold the picture game.The teacher reads a poem:

    The wind blows into the sails.

    Catch up, come on!

    I made the boat myself:

    From bark and twigs. (The student lays out a picture from the sticks according to the model).

    (For each sound, you can pick up a lot of games, tasks).

    Vocabulary development

    Few people think about what a huge role a sufficiently large and correctly systematized vocabulary plays in the mastery of grammar rules by students, including the possibility of their free application in practice. It is precisely the misunderstanding and underestimation of this circumstance that does not allow more than half of the students in modern mass schools to master sufficiently literate writing.

    In all years of schooling, great attention is paid to the study of grammar rules. However, at the same time, the question of whether the student is ready or able to really learn these rules was practically not discussed, that is, to master the ability not only to clearly formulate them, but also to apply them in practice when performing various written works. Monitoring the Verification of the Speaking of Entry Students in special school for children with speech impairments shows that more than 55% of children come to the first grade in a state of obvious unpreparedness for the beginning of schooling due to the insufficient formation of their oral speech. And one of the main components of this lack of formation is poverty and insufficient systematization (and often complete unsystematization - in the preparatory classes) of their vocabulary.

    In general, with regard to the development of vocabulary in children of primary school age, the following is necessary:

    Ensure that children know a sufficiently large number of words (nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs) through systematic work on enriching vocabulary.

    Provide an accurate understanding of the semantic meaning of each word they have mastered, because there should not be such words in their speech that "stands for nothing."

    To take care of the systematization of their existing vocabulary, that is, to help them feel the existence of an internal connection between separate large groups of words, united into these groups according to some specific principles (for example: some words denote objects, others denote actions, others denote signs of objects and actions, and within each of the named groups, smaller subgroups are distinguished, etc.)

    To acquaint with the figurative meaning of many words (such as "golden autumn", "bright head", etc.).

    To educate the simplest word formation skills (the formation of new single-root words using prefixes and suffixes, for example: when rode, u rode, lane eekhal, when driving, from driving, moving rides; house - house ik, bump - bump echk a, etc.)

    To teach to distinguish words "related" in their semantic meaning, having a common root (forest - forest - forest - forester; fox-fox - fox-fox - fox, etc.), from words only outwardly similar, similar only in sound , but completely different in meaning (sconce, brother, marriage, take; cake, court, variety, port, board, etc.).

    To educate on this basis the initial practical skill of the independent selection of related words.

    Prevention of dysgraphia.

    A careful study of the writing errors of dysgraphics shows the specificity of these errors, based on the lack of sound analysis and synthesis, and in some also on insufficiently clear articulation and differentiation of sounds. Optical mixing of letters similar in outline is quite common.

    Examples of dysgraph writing mistakes:

    Skipping vowels in a word: fell – fell.

    Skipping consonant letters, especially when consonants are confused: took, took, sluggish; table-salt, etc.).

    Rearrangement of letters in a word: yes - yes; cranberry-beak, etc.).

    Skipping of syllables and letters in the word: butterfly - tank, on the sides - along the lines, etc.).

    Distortion of words: horse - lays down, skates - kuni, grandmother - grandmother, etc.)

    Inadequacy of words: growing - growing, frost - not, etc.

    Inserting unnecessary words in the word: singing - singing, standing - standing, Christmas tree - Lelka.

    Inability to indicate the softness of consonants in writing: ball-mach, Vanya-Vana, skates-skates, fir-el.

    Inability to coordinate words in a sentence: Vasya is sitting on a chair - Vasya is sitting on a chair.

    Inability to use gender and number correctly: the river was covered with ice.

    Mixing of iotated i, e, yu, with a, o, y: yama-yama, fir-tree-eolka, Jura-Juura, etc.

    A mixture of sibilants and sibilants, voiced and deaf, l and r.

    Optical mixing of letters similar in spelling: b-d, m-l, etc.

    Reading disorder leads to the following errors:

    Skipping letters, syllables and prepositions.

    Replacing and rearranging letters.

    Distorted words.

    Guess reading.

    Stringing letters.

    All work on the correction of the speech of primary school students is based on individual approach to students.

    Here are some examples aimed at prevention and prevention dysgraphia:

    1. Exercise "Proofreading".For this exercise, you need a book that is boring and with a fairly large (not small) print. The student works every day for five (no more) minutes on next task: Strikes out the specified letters in solid text. You need to start with one letter, for example, "a". Then "o", then consonants with which there are problems, first they also need to be asked one at a time. After 5-6 days of such classes, we switch to two letters, one is crossed out, the other is underlined or circled. The letters should be "paired", "similar" in the mind of the student. For example, as practice shows, most often difficulties arise with the pairs "p / t", "p / r", "m / l" (similarity of spelling); "r / d", "y / y", "d / b" (in the latter case, the child forgets whether the tail is directed up or down from the circle), etc.

    The pairs necessary for the study can be established by viewing any text written by a child. When you see the fix, ask what letter he wanted to write here. More often than not, everything is clear without explanation.

    It is better if the text is not read (therefore the book is boring). All attention must be concentrated on finding the given shape of the letter, one or two, and working only with them.

    2. Exercise "Write out loud".

    An extremely important and irreplaceable technique: everything that is written is spoken aloud by the writer at the time of writing and as it is written, with underlining, highlighting weak parts.

    That is, "Still-Yo-din h-rez-you-cha-Y-no important-Y prI-Yom" (after all, in fact, we say something like "LOOKING FOR ADIN CHRIZVYCHAINA IMPORTANT PRIOM"). An example is simpler: "There was a kuvshin with milk on the table" (kufshin with malak was floating on the steel).

    By "weak beats" here we mean the sounds that the speaker pays the least attention to when spoken in fluent speech. For vowels this is any unstressed position, for consonants, for example, a position at the end of a word, such as "zu * n", or before a voiceless consonant, such as "lo * shka". It is also important to pronounce the end of the word clearly, since it is difficult for dysgraphics to finish the word to the end, and often for this reason the habit of "putting sticks" is developed, i.e. add an indefinite number of squiggling sticks at the end of a word, which, upon a cursory glance, can be mistaken for letters. But the number of these squiggles and their quality do not correspond to the letters of the end of the word. It is important to determine if your child has developed this habit. However, regardless of whether it is there or not, we are accustomed to the sequence and gradualness of pronunciation, we pronounce every recorded word.

    3. Exercise "Look and understand"(punctuation for dysgraphs and more).

    Material for work - collections of dictations (with commas already set, and check that there are no typos).

    Assignment: carefully reading, "photographing" the text, explain the setting of each punctuation mark aloud. Better (for middle and older age) if the explanation sounds like this: "The comma between the adjective" clear "and the conjunction" and ", firstly, closes the adverbial phrase" ... ", and secondly, separates the two parts of the compound sentences (grammatical bases: the first "...", the second "..."), connected by the union "and" ".

    4. Exercise "Missing letters".

    Performing this exercise, it is suggested to use the hint text, where all the missing letters are in their places. The exercise develops focus and confidence in your writing skills. For example:

    K__nich__o, n__ m__gl__ was and __e__and about t__m, h__o __y Lariosik __k__zal__ya p__ed__te__e__. Any k__em __l__ch__e n__ m__zh__t b__t__ n__ st__ro__e Petlyury in__el__ig__n__n__y ch__l__ve__ v__ob__e and d__en__lm__n, p__d__i__av__y ve__sel__y on s__m__es__t p__t ty__ya__ and p__sy__a__schi__ __el__g__a__my in __est__es__t tr__ s__ov__ in ch__st__o__ti ... M__shi__nym ma__lo__ and k__ro__i__om na__lu__sh__m ob__az__m b__li s__aza__y and Nai-Tours and Colt Al__shin browsing. Lariosik, p__d__b__ about Nikolka, z__su__il __uk__v__ and p__m__ga__ __maz__va__ and __kl__dy__at__ vs__ in d__in__y__ and __th__th__stya__ to__rob__u __z -__ one ka__am__l__. __ab__ta __y__a sp__shn__y, ib__ kazh__omu p__rya__och__omu ch__lo__e__u, u__a__tvo__avsh__mu in rev__lyu__i__, o__li__no i__v__st__o, __t__ o__y__ki pr__ __s__h vl__st__h __ro__skho__yat from __vu__ cha__ov t__i__ts__ti __in__t __o__i to __esti chas__v p__tn__dtsa__i m__nu__ ut__a z__mo__ and from d__en__dtsa__i ch__so__ no__i to __etyr__h __tra le__o__. V__e __e ra__ot__ z_-d__rzh__la__, bl__go__a_ th Lariosik, k__to__y__, z__ako__ya__ with __s__ro__st__om de__yatizar__dn__go p__sto__eta s__s__em__ Colt vl__zh__l in __u__ku __boy__u not t__m __onts__m and __t__b__ v__ta__it__ e__, __on__do__il__s zn__chi__el__no__ us__l__e and __or__do__no__ k__li__e__t__o m__sl__. Kr__m__ to__o, pr__izo__lo v__or__e and n__ozhi__a__no__ pr__pya__st__i__: k__ro__k__ with v__o__en__ym__ in n__e re__ol__ve__am__, p__go__a__i Nikolka and Al__ks__ya, she__ro__om and __ar__o__ko__ __a__le__n__ka A__ek__e__, k__r__b__a, v__lo__e__na__ v__u__r__ __lo__m par__fi__ov__y __um__gi and s__a__uzh__ p__ v__e__ __v__m __bl__p__e__na__ li__kim__ __olo__am__ __le__t__i__e__ko__ __z__lya__ii, n__ __ro__eza__a in f__rto__k__.

    5. Exercise "Labyrinths".Labyrinths develop well gross motor skills (hand and forearm movements), attention, continuous line. It is necessary to ensure that the child changes the position of the hand, and not the sheet of paper.

    6. Exercise "Sound Analysis in Scanning Technique"(the task is performed without first reading the word):

    Look at the word;

    Look at the middle letter in this word (for example, d in the word "boat");

    Looking at the middle letter, you will also see the letter on the right. to and to the left about;

    Continue the exercise, adding letters to the right and left, until you get the whole word;

    Name the word. (After the work is done with five to ten words, you can conduct an auditory dictation of these words).

    7. Vocabulary material for sound analysis (grades 3-4).

    Active, aroma, car, agronomist, neat, appetite, furrow, bulldozer, ahead, biography, everywhere, quiz, turn, wizard, gallery, citizen, newspaper, burn, horizon, twenty, delicate, twelve, dialogue, trust, director, goodbye, ride, wish, iron, painting, sow, here, agriculture, reserve, from afar, engineer, initiative, presentation, image, calendar, constitution, skates, bed, calligraphy, caricature, reel, easy, fox, locomotive, slow , metal, frost, pulp, uninteresting, insincere, ugly, untidy, awkward, distrustful, dishonest, impolite, back, left, right, eyewitness.

    8. Game "Letter from a bottle".

    The teacher tells the students the conditions of the game: a bottle has been caught in the open sea, which contains a message from the crew of a shipwrecked ship. Water trapped in the bottle. spoiled the text, only fragments remained from each letter, comparing which it is necessary to determine where the shipwrecked are in order to go to their aid.

    For example: M ..., ek ... p ... w su ... n ... "Sa ... t ... M ... p ... ..." ... s Li ... e ... ... y ... i, p ... t ... r ... ... l ... cr ... w ... n ... and ... e ... k ... l ... about. C ... d ... o ... and n ... x ... d ... m ... I am in j ... n ... l ... x. S ... a ... and ... e n ... s! (Text of the restored letter: We, the crew of the ship "Santa Maria" from Liverpool, were wrecked near Ceylon and are in the jungle. Save us!)

    Children with disabilities (HH) are characterized by the presence of one or another mental or physical disability. So, such deviations include those that cause the wrong general development child, thereby preventing the individual from leading a full life.

    Also, these children are called:

    • atypical
    • exceptional,
    • abnormal,
    • children with specific needs,
    • children with problems.

    Of course, the fact that a child has this or that defect does not at all mean that wrong development is predetermined for him. If a person, for one reason or another, has lost one ear or one eye, this will not lead to a developmental disability. Our brain is designed so that, for example, in cases of loss of one eye or ear, we are able to perceive visual and sound signals with those analyzers that have been preserved.

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    Categories of children with disabilities table

    VA Lapshin and BP Puzanov proposed a classification of children with disabilities. It consists of a number of categories, which include the most common psychophysical defects.

    These positive aspects need to be able not only to find, but also to use, since this is a kind of key for the competent development of the system. special education... So, we can conclude that the following factors affect the development of a person with disabilities:

    1. Defect type (type).
    2. The extent and quality of the primary defect.

    It is worth noting that secondary flaws can be both pronounced and weak. It depends on the degree of the mental disorder. The severity of the defect dictates how the child will develop atypically.

    1. The time at which the primary defect occurred.

    Experts say that the later the pathological effect and the appearance of the primary defect took place, the less deviations in mental and physical development will be expressed. So, if a child is blind from birth, he does not have any visual images in his memory and learns the world through intact analyzers and speech. If the baby lost his sight at school or at an older age, he has images in his memory that will help him to learn more about the world further, thereby making life easier for a person.

    1. Conditions of the social environment: social and cultural factors.

    Of course, the sooner a child's developmental disorder is discovered, the sooner it will be possible to start abnormal learning and rehabilitation work, and the more successful the result will be.