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  • Suppression of articulation while reading. "about the" fight "with pronouncing". Bad reading habits

    Suppression of articulation while reading.

    Human vision perceives the largest amount of information that the brain processes, therefore, it is on the human eye that a fairly responsible function is laid. But, often, the visual function of the human eye is strongly associated with the speech and motor functions of the body, which is especially evident when reading. Quite a lot of people when reading are exposed to the influence of involuntary articulation, which affects both the speed of reading and the quality of perception of the information read.

    It is difficult to fully perceive all the information read if, along with visual reading, speech functions also work. And because of this, the reading speed suffers, since a person repeats everything that is visually read with his voice or lips. interferes with reading, so the goal of many is to suppress it. This is possible through the engagement of the body's speech functions with involuntary sounds.

    Suppression techniques

    Yes, indeed, it is quite difficult, while reading a book, to force yourself to perceive the information read and at the same time keep counting from one to infinity. But this should be done, since it is precisely such a task that affects the suppression of articulation, prevents the need to repeat the read word in a voice or speak with the lips, but without pronunciation.

    Moreover, this technique of getting rid of articulation is the simplest and most effective, which means that it has the right to exist and be widely used by everyone who is interested in increasing the speed of visual reading.

    A more complex technique for suppressing articulation is also used quite often, this method is based on the pronunciation of the read words with a certain delay. It is quite difficult to carry out such a technique to suppress articulation, because for this it is necessary that the read word be reproduced with the lips at the moment when the next word is read.

    So it is quite difficult for a person to implement in practice without preparation, and practically impossible without the correct help of a specialist. That is why most people who want to learn to read quickly often resort to involuntary counting, singing a song, or pronouncing poetry during visual reading. As you can see, the technique of suppressing articulation, like, for example, is based on psychology.

    This technique is justified in view of the fact that it is much easier to program human diction to pronounce consecutive numbers or verses of poems or songs than to pronounce what was read earlier.

    Moreover, it should be noted that at the subconscious level, not everyone manages to separate the speech and visual functions, and this leads to difficulties in mastering the technique of fast reading.

    Reading modes

    As a rule, in the process of reading, most of the words are spoken out by the reader. There are readers who barely hear the text, others say this text to themselves. However, they cannot help but move their lips. But most of the readers do not use external facial expressions when reading.

    Usually it seems to the reader that he does not utter the text within himself at all. But this is not the case. Special studies have shown that the reader still resorts to articulation. With this silent reading, the larynx makes the same movements as in the case of reading aloud.

    Usually, two modes of reading text are distinguished.

    1. The regime saw-spoke-heard-understood. Received from school, the skill in the process of reading to pronounce the text will be used by the reader throughout his life. Even in adulthood, the reader will pronounce the entire text unnoticed. The chain is not too complicated for a physiologist. After passing through the visual organs, the signal enters the brain, from there to the muscles of the tongue and larynx. Then the word is silently spoken, the signal from the muscles returns to the brain, where the final recognition of the meaning takes place.

    At the same time, a parallel process is taking place. Moreover, the process "visual organs-brain" allows you to recognize the read much faster than described above. With this reading mode, the maximum reading speed does not exceed 1200 characters per minute.

    Articulation when reading is laid in us since school. In order for the child to form correct speech, he is forced to read aloud. It's kind of peculiar.

    2. The regime saw and understood. This reading mode is much more efficient. In this case, the word is not voiced, but transmitted as a certain image. Each of us is familiar with this method. It is thanks to him that we manage to perceive visual information.

    The task is extremely simple - to move from the first reading mode to the second in a short time. After you have mastered the second mode, you will operate with concepts and semantic blocks. As a result, the reading speed will gradually increase to 1500 characters per minute.

    Did you know that 99% of people read the same way they read in sixth grade? The method, reading speed and reading comprehension percentage have remained unchanged since then. The fact is that at school they don't teach you to read correctly. Do you want to learn to assimilate information ten times faster in the new year? The tips from the book "Brain Development" will help you.

    Bad reading habits

    1. Distraction (thought wandering)

    At least once, at the end of a page or chapter, you suddenly realized that you do not remember anything from what you read? The reason is that you are distracted. Strange: the eyes were moving along the page, but the brain was busy ... with what? Who knows! The problem is that your reading comprehension turned out to be zero and you had to read it again! In some cases, this habit is beneficial. When your mind finds a connection with another topic in what it reads, it’s actually very good. When, while reading, thoughts simply wander somewhere far away, there is nothing good.

    The main "cure" for this habit is simple: move faster! Your mind is distracted mainly by boredom. If he is able to easily perceive, say, twice as much as now (and this is true), then he will find additional use for these reserves. The brain will really like it if you give it the task of increasing its speed, and it will be more attentive. This will dramatically increase your understanding of the material.

    2. Regression (return)

    When reading any material, almost everyone regularly comes back and reread what they just learned. This can be seen by following the reader's eyes. More often than not, we are not even aware of this!

    Naturally, the regression process slows down the reading a lot and is usually unnecessary. This habit is sometimes useful. If you go back to what you read to find what you’ve missed, regression will help you absorb the information you need more firmly. But usually this is either the result of distraction, or just a habit. And then you spend twice as much reading time as you need to.

    3. Subvocalization (mental pronunciation)

    The third habit that is best corrected is called subvocalization. It is speaking every word in your mind. At the same time, the reading speed does not exceed the speed oral speech: about 150 wpm. In general, subvocalization is convenient when reading works in a genre where it is necessary to "hear" the words. This category includes Scripture, Dialogue, and Poetry. In other cases, subvocalization slows down reading, and you waste a lot of extra effort.

    The best way to eliminate this habit (and all three) is to use your eyes and / or hands more actively, to learn to use the visual centers of the brain more than the auditory centers.

    How to learn to read faster

    Before you start exercising, remember two important terms related to eye movement:

    • Fixation. When reading, the muscles stop the eyes four times a second. Each such stop is called a commit. Information is perceived and enters the brain only during stops. In the intervals between them, the eyes move so quickly that nothing is perceived. So, while reading, information comes to you through your eyes four times per second. This feature is inherent in nature, and retraining is useless: you will not be able to influence the frequency of eye stops. But you can influence how many words you perceive at each stop.
    • Line of sight. The width of the text your eyes perceive each time you stop. Most people have the narrowest possible field of vision when reading: one word per stop. Statistics confirm this: if you read word by word, you get four words per second and exactly 240 words / min - average speed sixth grader reading! To increase it, it is enough to expand your field of vision and perceive more words at each stop.

    Imagine that you are trying to cross the field, but you cannot take more than four steps per second. If they are short, it will take a long time to cross the field. But if you walk wider without increasing the number of steps, you will cross it much faster and with less effort. In fact, expanding your field of view is not difficult; you just need to train the eye muscles a little and practice for a short time.

    Improving eye movements

    Let's start with the muscles that move the eyes. Do the exercise. Stand up straight and look forward. Without turning your head, look as far to the left as possible. Then as far to the right as possible. Then move your eyes to the left and to the right and back in a horizontal plane as quickly as possible five times. Now sit down.

    Do you feel dizzy or have your eyes hurt? This happens to most people and means that they have weak, untrained eye muscles. To strengthen and train them, try the same exercise a couple of times a day. Very soon (in most cases just a couple of days), as the eye muscles strengthen, the exercise becomes much less tiring. Now let's start teaching your eyes to move more rhythmically when reading. The point is that you need to feel how your eyes "jump" across the page. Read the text below and then re-read as directed.

    How are the results? To train your eyes to move rhythmically, reread this page using "jumps" a couple of times a day. Don't delve into the text; the point of the exercise is to accustom the eyes to rhythmic movements. At the same time, keep track of the time. If it took you more than a minute, try it in less than a minute. Keep working on it until the execution time is less than 30 seconds, then less than 20 seconds, then less than 15 seconds. At this rate, your eyes should be moving at over 1000 wpm.

    We use our hands

    As you read, slide your finger vertically down the page at a constant speed, slightly faster than the pace at which your eyes can move. You need to maintain a constant pace, without stopping or returning your thumb up. You can guide them down the left margin, along the right margin, or in the center of the text. Don't press too hard; navigate down the page with ease and ease. And if you want to become even more active in reading, use the double pointer method: move your right and left index fingers simultaneously down the right and left margins.

    Separator card method

    You will need a card (approximately 13 x 7.5 cm) or a blank sheet of paper folded in half. Or even a business card, although it is small. The only criterion for selecting a card is that it is easy to hold with one hand. The main thing is to correctly place the card during reading. Take it and place it over the line you are reading.

    Yes, that's right - above the line. “Wait a minute! you exclaim. "I can't see what I just read!" That's it. This method immediately increases speed and alertness because it eliminates the possibility of regression, and your brain understands this.

    By cutting off your path to retreat, you let your subconscious mind understand: you need to be careful, since there is only one chance. So as you read, simply move the card down the page at a steady, steady pace to keep your eyes moving forward. Ideally, the card should not stop and, of course, it should not be moved up.

    Use alternatives to reading

    Sometimes it happens that it is much better to ask for advice from another specialist than to delve into the essence yourself. You can also split the question of interest and get some of the information from oral information sources.

    Are all the words in the text familiar?

    The more incomprehensible terms there are, the lower the comprehension of the text. You can skip one word, but if there are a lot of incomprehensibility, then reading comprehension will be at zero.

    Read at the speed of your processing

    When reading, linger on difficult sections of the text. What is clear - run your eyes.

    When we read slowly, we have a contact with the author, with the text, with the language.

    Haste is forgetting something. What does not go easily, does not go at all. Great is the Creator, who made everything complex unnecessary, and unnecessary incredibly complex.

    In leisurely reading, abilities are practiced. If we read at the usual speed, then assimilation is one hundred percent.

    Mastering the sciences is not a slip from word to word according to the principle “the faster you walked around, the more you learned”. Reading is intimacy, training, learning.

    Reflect on what you have learned

    Without notes in a notebook, you are unlikely to understand something. Therefore, students take notes after the lecturer.

    Read a piece - mentally repeat what you learned and check how you understood it.

    Everything should be repeated

    Important information read very slowly.

    The effect of speed reading is not to read as many books as possible, but to find solutions to difficulties as quickly as possible.

    Rule four: read without articulation!

    Research has shown that there are three ways to read. The first is articulation, or speaking the text out loud. The speed is obviously low. The second method is reading to oneself, in which there is no open articulation, external speech is transformed into internal speech. The meaning is assimilated much better this way, and in this case speed reading is possible. But most effective method- this is reading with the maximum compression of internal speech, when it is reduced to keywords and semantic series.

    As we already said, articulation slows down the reading process and must be eliminated. But won't the increased reading speed and reduced articulation harm the reading assimilation?

    Psychologists say that sometimes, when reading, words are replaced by visual images, schemes, and entire groups of words are replaced by one word.

    Fast reading people immediately grasp the author's intention without speaking the text out loud, and then assimilate it at the level of inner speech. At the same time, despite the high speed of reading, understanding and assimilation of the text will be of high quality - after all, the main idea is clear from the very beginning. It is quite possible to learn this.

    You probably know that depending on the prevailing way of perceiving information, people are divided into two types - audials and visuals. Audials are better at memorizing by ear, visuals - with the help of visual images. This is reflected in the reading process as well: visuals read to themselves and use visual images, and audials use articulation. And this, of course, is a less productive way. That is why there is an overwhelming number of visuals among people who read quickly on their own. But the rest should not despair. Anyone can be taught to abbreviate articulation while reading and use the code of visual images.

    So, even if you are reading to yourself, this does not mean that you are completely lacking in articulation. Perhaps it was simply transformed into inner speech. That is, you yourself do not realize that while reading, you are saying a significant part of the text to yourself. How can you reduce inner speech to a minimum?

    First, you need to figure out what inner speech is. This is speech that does not serve the purposes of communication, but only serves thinking. For example, let's say you're trying on several shirts in a store. You say to yourself: "No, this one is too wide ... Let's try this one, the blue one ... The sleeves are short! ... Who are they sewn on, after all ?!"

    Sometimes there are "thoughts out loud" - this is nothing more than an internal speech, a hidden form of an external one. By the way, children do not know how to think to themselves at all, they do not immediately form a mechanism for converting external speech into internal.

    But more often than not, inner speech ceases to be speech altogether. It does not contain sounds and words, but visual images, diagrams, and so on. This is very easy to prove by rhythmically tapping the pencil on the table. External speech is more developed in time, we pronounce words with a certain sequence and spend a fraction of a second on each of them. If, while a person speaks aloud, start tapping monotonously, he will go astray. So when reading - a person utters words to himself and also gets lost. But if we just think about something and at the same time beat the rhythm, tapping will not interfere with us. This means that internal speech does not have the same length of time as external speech. It is as if speech dissolves inside us, breaks down into images and schemes. Based on this, it is possible to form a new system for transcoding the meaning of text by the human brain, based on the use of vivid visual images.

    We have found that only contraction of articulation can provide real speed reading. How can this be achieved? The most effective exercise is to tap the rhythm. This is what it is. You read to yourself and at the same time beat off a special rhythm with a pencil, which is not typical for Russian speech. It consists of a three-part tapping with four short beats in the first part and two long beats in each successive part. At the first sound of each part, the beat is amplified.

    This rhythm becomes a hindrance to any articulation, both external and internal. You ask: what, those who read quickly all the time and beat the rhythm when reading? Of course not. At the very least, it would look strange. It is enough to train repeatedly and read a total of 20 hours with rhythm tapping to form a new reading program without speaking.

    The main thing in the class is to learn the rhythm exactly, and then tap it until you are completely memorized. It is very important to beat the rhythm yourself, with your own hand, and yourself to control its correctness. This must be observed because in human body hand movement is inextricably linked with the speech apparatus. Let's not go into complicated scientific explanations, just take it for granted. You can read the percussion text only after you have learned the rhythm.

    With the systematic implementation of the exercise and a sufficient amount of training, almost everyone will be able to achieve the desired result and learn to read without articulation. Let's go directly to the exercises.

    If you are right-handed, you can beat the rhythm with a pencil held in three fingers of your right hand. The left-hander must tap out the rhythm with both hands at the same time, since he has a speech motor zone is located in both hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. The rhythm is tapped on the hard surface of the table with strikes at one point, firmly, clearly, confidently. You need to beat off the rhythm with an active movement of the whole hand, and not just the hand. The main thing is not to get lost and not to pause in percussion while reading.

    Exercise 1. Checking the rhythm

    When you think you have memorized the rhythm, try beating it continuously for 2-3 minutes. Don't you get confused? Fine. Now you can experiment. Start tapping out the rhythm, and then read some text out loud. Does not work? It should be so. It is impossible to read aloud and beat the rhythm at the same time. Now start beating the rhythm again and read the same text, but this time to yourself. You should succeed, only reading will be very slow, and it will be difficult to reach the meaning. This is quite natural. Move on.

    Exercise 2. Fighting articulation

    For at least a week, you need to read simple texts daily with percussion for an hour or an hour and a half. You are not tasked with fully understanding the text, the main thing is to do the exercise correctly. Arrange this reading for 10-15 minutes several times a day. And yet - be sure to tap out the rhythm before bed. By the end of the week, you should be reading this way for 8-10 hours.

    Then move on to reading newspaper articles with percussion. Read them 2-3 a day and try to understand the meaning of the text.

    Then take the text of 8 thousand characters, read it with a beat of the rhythm. After you finish reading, continue tapping, close your eyes and try to summarize the essence of the text by answering the questions of the integral reading algorithm.

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    Articulation problem. Articulation - pronouncing the text, is a significant element of reading. Articulation helps to add sound to the words you read. As a phenomenon, articulation has its pros and cons.

    Pros of articulation: articulation allows us to improve our speech, to understand how words sound. It is very important when reading poetry and fiction.

    Cons of articulation: articulation greatly slows down reading, and to a lesser extent helps to quickly understand the meaning of what has been read, to highlight the necessary information from the text.

    As useful as articulation is, it is a hindrance to reading information material. As a result of pronouncing the read text to ourselves, we spend much more time than we would spend if we were just seeing the text and creating visual images of the read in our head, we were aware of it.

    You do not need to completely get rid of articulation, it is important just to be able to suppress it at the time you need to speed up reading.

    When do you read without articulation? There are people who are initially able to suppress articulation when reading, these people have well-developed visual skills and imagination. Basically, you probably also read with minimal articulation sometimes. Remember, for example, when you read an interesting book with a gripping plot or unique portrait descriptions, you might not pay attention to the words and their sound. You read the text and at the same time imagined what was happening, built pictures in your imagination, as if you were watching a film of your own production. If your attention at a certain stage of reading the book was occupied precisely with creating images, playing with the imagination, then at that moment, most likely, you read faster than usual.

    With this reading the emphasis shifts from auditory to visual images that are perceived by the human brain faster. In practice, getting rid of articulation is a critical step in speeding up reading. Only this technique alone, without using the rest, will help to seriously increase the reading speed. In addition, reading without articulation is at the heart of the visual reading exercises discussed in LESSON 3.

    Exercises 2.1. Alternative text

    First, try to feel how you perceive the text without articulation. As you read, instead of saying the text you are reading to yourself, try to pronounce the word sequences you know well.

    Nonsense. You can start by saying silently (or aloud) some of the sound combinations that popular songwriters usually use: tra-ta-ta, la-la-la, and so on. Simultaneously with this recitative, try to delve into the content of the text you are reading. Take a simple book and practice understanding the meaning of the text, preventing yourself from pronouncing it by uttering the nonsense of your choice.

    Phrases. Various proverbs, poems, songs, tongue twisters also help a lot, the main thing is that they do pronunciation readable text as inconvenient or even impossible for you.

    Exercises 2.5. PhotoReading game

    The essence of the training is to scan the texts as quickly as possible without articulation. First, you will be offered a simple text, which you must carefully read and memorize in a very short allotted time (about a couple of seconds). In such a short period of time, you do not have time to read the entire text "to yourself" and you have to quickly "skim" through it. Then you mark the correct answer in your opinion to the questions asked in the text.

    Then you will be shown the next more complex text. Gradually, the texts become more and more rich in information. If you make a mistake, you lose your life and start collecting answers from the beginning, but at the same level. Your result is influenced by the total time, the number of errors, the difficulty and the number of correct answers.

    Do the exercises until you reach your goal - the ability to read the text without pronunciation (articulation). Then move on to the next lesson. However, do not always try to read "silently", as there are positive aspects to articulation.