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  • Ice hut read a fairy tale. Fairy tale bast hut read the text online, download free. Kolobok - Russian folk tale

    Ice hut read a fairy tale.  Fairy tale bast hut read the text online, download free.  Kolobok - Russian folk tale

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    Zaykina hut - Russian folk tale

    Zaykin's hut is a fairy tale about how a cunning fox took the bunny's house and no one could drive her out of a warm house. However, the cockerel found a way to cope with the daunting task ...

    Zaykin's hut read

    Once upon a time there lived a chanterelle and a hare in the forest. They lived not far from each other. Autumn has come. It became cold in the forest. They decided to build huts for the winter. The chanterelle built herself a hut from free-flowing snow, and the bunny from free-flowing sand. They overwintered in new huts. Spring has come, the sun has warmed up. Lisichkina's hut has melted, and Zaykina is standing as she stood.
    The fox came to the hare's hut, drove the hare out, and she remained in his hut.

    A bunny went from his yard, sat down under a birch tree and cried.

    There is a wolf. He sees - the bunny is crying.

    What are you, bunny, crying for? the wolf asks.

    How can I, bunny, not cry? We lived with a chanterelle close to each other. We built our own huts: I - from loose sand, and she - from loose snow. Spring has come. Her hut has melted, and mine is as it stood. The chanterelle came, kicked me out of my hut and stayed to live in it herself. So I sit and cry.

    They went. They came. The wolf stood on the threshold of the hare's hut and shouts at the chanterelle:

    Why did you climb into someone else's hut? Get off the stove, fox, or I'll throw it off, I'll beat your shoulders. The chanterelle was not frightened, answers the wolf:

    Oh, wolf, beware: my tail is that twig - as I will give, so death is here for you.

    The wolf got scared and ran away. And he left the bunny. The bunny sat down under the birch again and cried bitterly.

    A bear is walking through the forest. He sees a bunny sitting under a birch and crying.

    What, bunny, are you crying? the bear asks.

    How can I, bunny, not cry? We lived with a chanterelle close to each other. We built our own huts: I was made of loose sand, and she was made of loose snow. Spring has come. Her hut has melted, and mine is as it stood. The chanterelle came, kicked me out of my hut and stayed there herself. So I sit and cry.

    Don't cry, bunny. Come on, I'll help you, drive the chanterelle out of your hut.

    They went. Have come. The bear stood on the threshold of the hare's hut and shouts at the chanterelle:

    Why did you take the hut from the bunny? Get off the stove, fox, or I'll throw it off, I'll beat your shoulders.

    The chanterelle was not frightened, replies to the bear:

    Oh, bear, beware: my tail is like a rod - as I will give, so is death to you.

    The bear got scared and ran away and left one of the bunnies.

    Again the bunny went from his yard, sat down under a birch and cried bitterly. Suddenly he sees a rooster walking through the forest. I saw a bunny, came up and asked:

    What, bunny, are you crying?

    How can I, bunny, not cry? We lived with a chanterelle close to each other. We built our own huts: I - from loose sand, and she - from loose snow. Spring has come. Her hut has melted, and mine is as it stood. The chanterelle came, kicked me out of my hut and stayed there herself. Here I sit and cry.

    Don't cry, bunny, I'll drive the fox out of your hut.

    Oh, petite, - the bunny is crying, - where can you drive her out? The wolf drove - not drove. The bear drove - not drove.

    But I'll kick it out. Let's go, says the rooster. Went.

    The rooster entered the hut, stood on the threshold, crowed, and then, as it shouted:

    I am a rooster

    I am a songbird,

    On short legs

    On high heels.

    I carry a braid on my shoulder,

    I'll take off the fox's head.

    And the chanterelle lies and says:

    Oh, rooster, beware: my tail is a twig - as I will give, so is death to you.

    The cockerel jumped from the threshold into the hut and again shouts:

    I am a rooster

    I am a songbird,

    On short legs

    On high heels.

    I carry a braid on my shoulder,

    I'll take off the fox's head.

    And - jump on the stove to the fox. Pecked the fox in the back. How the fox jumped up and how it ran out of the hare's hut, and the hare slammed the doors behind her.

    And he remained to live in his hut with the cockerel.

    (Ill. Yu.Vasnetsov)

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    The Russian folk tale of Zayushkin's hut about how a cunning fox settled in a hare's hut, and no one could drive her out of there. Only a brave cockerel was able to drive away the villain. When reading the fairy tale about Zayushkin's hut to children and kids, be sure to explain that the fox did wrong.

    Read online the Russian folk tale of Zayushkina's hut

    Once upon a time there lived a chanterelle and a hare in the forest. They lived not far from each other. Autumn has come. It became cold in the forest. They decided to build huts for the winter. The chanterelle built herself a hut from free-flowing snow, and the bunny from free-flowing sand. They overwintered in new huts. Spring has come, the sun has warmed up. Lisichkina's hut has melted, and Zaykina is standing as she stood. The fox came to the hare's hut, drove out the hare, and she remained in his hut.

    A bunny went from his yard, sat down under a birch tree and cried. There is a wolf. He sees - the bunny is crying.

    What are you, bunny, crying for? the wolf asks.

    How can I, bunny, not cry? We lived with a chanterelle close to each other. We built our own huts: I - from loose sand, and she - from loose snow. Spring has come. Her hut has melted, and mine is as it stood. The chanterelle came, kicked me out of my hut and stayed to live in it herself. So I sit and cry.

    They went. They came. The wolf stood on the threshold of the hare's hut and shouts at the chanterelle:

    Why did you climb into someone else's hut? Get off the stove, fox, or I'll throw it off, I'll beat your shoulders. The chanterelle was not frightened, answers the wolf:

    Oh, wolf, beware: my tail is that twig - as I will give, so death is here for you.

    The wolf got scared and ran away. And he left the bunny. The bunny sat down under the birch again and cried bitterly.

    A bear is walking through the forest. He sees a bunny sitting under a birch and crying.

    What, bunny, are you crying? the bear asks.

    How can I, bunny, not cry? We lived with a chanterelle close to each other. We built our own huts: I was made of loose sand, and she was made of loose snow. Spring has come. Her hut has melted, and mine is as it stood. The chanterelle came, kicked me out of my hut and stayed there herself. So I sit and cry.

    Don't cry, bunny. Come on, I'll help you, drive the chanterelle out of your hut.

    They went. Have come. The bear stood on the threshold of the hare's hut and shouts at the chanterelle:

    Why did you take the hut from the bunny? Get off the stove, fox, or I'll throw it off, I'll beat your shoulders.

    The chanterelle was not frightened, replies to the bear:

    Oh, bear, beware: my tail is like a rod - as I will give, so is death to you.

    The bear got scared and ran away and left one of the bunnies. Again the bunny went from his yard, sat down under a birch and cried bitterly. Suddenly he sees a rooster walking through the forest. I saw a bunny, came up and asked:

    What, bunny, are you crying?

    How can I, bunny, not cry? We lived with a chanterelle close to each other. We built our own huts: I - from loose sand, and she - from loose snow. Spring has come. Her hut has melted, and mine is as it stood. The chanterelle came, kicked me out of my hut and stayed there herself. Here I sit and cry.

    Don't cry, bunny, I'll drive the fox out of your hut.

    Oh, petite, - the bunny is crying, - where can you drive her out? The wolf drove - not drove. The bear drove - not drove.

    But I'll kick it out. Let's go, says the rooster. Went. The rooster entered the hut, stood on the threshold, crowed, and then, as it shouted:

    I am a rooster

    I am a songbird,

    On short legs

    On high heels.

    I carry a braid on my shoulder,

    I'll take off the fox's head.

    And the chanterelle lies and says:

    Oh, rooster, beware: my tail is a twig - as I will give, so is death to you.

    The cockerel jumped from the threshold into the hut and again shouts:

    I am a rooster

    I am a songbird,

    On short legs

    On high heels.

    I carry a braid on my shoulder,

    I'll take off the fox's head.

    And - jump on the stove to the fox. Pecked the fox in the back. How the fox jumped up and how it ran out of the hare's hut, and the hare slammed the doors behind her.

    And he remained to live in his hut with the cockerel.

    If you liked the tale of Zayushkin's hut, then be sure to share it with your friends.

    Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. The fox has an ice hut, and the hare has a bast hut. Here is the fox and teases the hare:

    - My hut is light, and yours is dark! Mine is light, and yours is dark!

    Summer has come, the fox's hut has melted. Fox and asks to the hare:

    - Let me go, zayushka, even on the courtyard to your place!

    - No, liska, I won't let you in, - why did you tease?

    The fox began to beg more. The hare and let her into his yard.

    The next day, the fox again asks:

    - Let me go, zayushka, on the porch.

    The fox begged, begged.

    The hare agreed and let the fox onto the porch.

    On the third day, the fox again asks:

    - Let me go, zayushka, into the hut.

    - No, I won't let you in, - why did you tease?

    She asked, asked, the hare let her into the hut. The fox is sitting on the bench, and the bunny is on the stove.

    On the fourth day, the fox again asks:

    - Zainka, zainka, let me on the stove to your place!

    - No, I won't let you in, - why did you tease?

    She asked, asked the fox and begged, - the hare let her on the stove.

    A day or two passed, the fox began to drive the hare from the hut:

    - Go out, scythe! I don’t want to live with you!

    So I drove it out.

    A hare sits and cries, grieves, wipes tears with its paws. Dogs are running past:

    - Tyaf-tyaf-tyaf! What are you crying about, zayinka?

    - How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted. The fox asked to come to me, but she kicked me out.

    “Don't cry, bunny,” the dogs say. - We are chasing her.

    - No, do not expel!

    - No, we'll kick it out!

    We went to the hut:

    - Tyaf-tyaf-tyaf! Go, fox, get out!

    And she told them from the oven:

    - As I jump out,

    How will I jump out

    Shreds will go

    On the back streets!

    The dogs got scared and ran away.

    Again the bunny sits and cries. A wolf is walking by:

    - What are you crying about, zayinka?

    - How can I, gray wolf, not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted. The fox asked to come to me, but she kicked me out.

    - Don't cry, bunny, - the wolf says, - here I am chasing her.

    - No, you can't kick it out. They drove the dogs - they didn’t drive them out, and you won’t drive them out.

    - No, I'll kick it out.

    - Uyyy ... uyyy ... Go, fox, get out!

    And she is from the oven:

    - As I jump out,

    How will I jump out

    Shreds will go

    On the back streets!

    The wolf got scared and ran away.

    Here the hare sits and cries again.

    An old bear is walking:

    - What are you crying about, zayinka?

    - How can I, bear, not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted. The fox asked to come to me, but she kicked me out.

    - Don't cry, bunny, - says the bear, - I'm chasing her.

    - No, you can't kick it out. Dogs chased, chased - not chased, gray wolf chased, chased - not chased. And you are not persecuting.

    - No, I'll kick it out.

    The bear went to the hut and growled:

    - Rrrr ... rrr. Go, fox, get out!

    And she is from the oven:

    - As I jump out,

    How will I jump out

    Shreds will go

    On the back streets!

    The bear got scared and left.

    Again the hare sits and cries. There is a rooster carrying a scythe.

    - Ku-ka-river! Zainka, what are you crying about?

    - How can I, Petenka, not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted. The fox asked to come to me, but she kicked me out.

    - Do not grieve, zainka, I will expel the fox for you.

    - No, you can't kick it out. The dogs drove, drove - you did not drive, the gray wolf drove, drove - did not drive out, the old honey drove, drove - did not drive out. And even more so you will not expel.

    - No, I'll kick it out.

    The rooster went to the hut:

    - Ku-ka-river!

    I'm walking on my feet

    In red boots

    I carry a braid on my shoulders:

    I want to cut the fox.

    Let's go, fox, off the stove!

    The fox heard, got scared and said:

    - Dressing ...

    Rooster again:

    - Ku-ka-river!

    I'm walking on my feet

    In red boots

    I carry a braid on my shoulders:

    I want to cut the fox.

    Let's go, fox, off the stove!

    And the fox says:

    - I put on a fur coat ...

    Rooster for the third time:

    - Ku-ka-river!

    I'm walking on my feet

    In red boots

    I carry a braid on my shoulders:

    I want to cut the fox.

    Let's go, fox, off the stove!

    The fox got scared, jumped off the stove - and run. And the zayushka and the rooster began to live and get on well.

    Questions for discussion with children

    What kind of hut did the hare and the fox build? In whose hut was it warmer?

    What happened to the fox's ice hut in the summer?

    What did the hare fox ask for?

    Did the fox do well in driving the hare out of the house?

    Who tried to help the bunny? Why couldn't such big animals help the little bunny?

    What did the fox answer to the dog, the wolf and the bear?

    Who helped the bunny in trouble? Why did the little rooster manage to defeat the fox?

    The dog drove - did not drive out, the bear drove - did not drive out and you cannot drive out! No, I'll kick it out! They approached the hut, the bull roared like a cry: - Come on, fox, get out! And the fox to them from the stove: - As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go through the back streets! The bear got scared and left. Again the hare sits and cries. Here the bunny sits and cries again.

    The bunny is walking again, crying. A bear met him: "What, bunny, are you crying?" - “How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice one, she asked to spend the night, and even kicked him out. " - "Don't cry, I'll help your grief." Do not Cry! I will help your grief!

    Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. The fox had an ice hut, and the hare had a bast hut. Spring has come, red, the fox's hut has melted, and the hare's is in the old way. The fox asks to the hare: “Let me go to the courtyard, at least to the courtyard!” The fox began to beg more.

    Spring has come. Her hut has melted, and mine is as it stood. The chanterelle came, kicked me out of my hut and stayed to live in it herself. Don't cry, bunny, I'll drive the fox out of your hut. Oh, Petenka, - the bunny is crying, - where can you drive her out?

    The fox asked, asked, and begged - the hare let her go to the stove. A day passed, another - the fox began to drive the hare out of the hut: - Go out, scythe! I don’t want to live with you! So I drove it out. A hare sits and cries, grieves, wipes tears with its paws. They run past the dogs: - Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! What, zayinka, are you crying? - How can I not cry? How can I, bear, not cry?

    Zayushkina hut- Russian folk tale for children about a sly fox and a modest hare. With the onset of cold weather, the hare built himself a hut of clay and sand, and the fox made of ice and snow, and everyone boasted of the beauty of her home. But spring came, and the fox's hut melted. She cunningly drove the bunny out of his hut and settled there. Who will help restore justice and help the hare return its rightful home? You are interested? Then read the tale! Read the tale of Zayushkin's hut online can be on this page.

    Who managed to outsmart the fox?

    Don't you think that in all Russian folk tales the fox takes on a lot? She managed to deceive not only hares, but also wolves, bears, and even clever crows. But in this story, a cockerel spoke against the red cheat, who more than once suffered from fox paws. Who would have thought that this poultry would be able to trick the fox to leave someone else's living space!