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  • What is the difference between comics and graphic novels? Why does Lucas from "Eternity" insist on all the names called him reading graphic novels? Graphic novel. What this is what a graphic novel is different from comics

    What is the difference between comics and graphic novels? Why Lucas Is.

    In materials dedicated to drawn stories, the term "graphic novel" is often found. We wondered: where is the border between comic and a graphic novel? Are they different or between the terms you can put a sign of equality? To answer these questions, we were a little deepened in the history of graphic novels.

    The appearance of the term

    For the first time, the term "graphic novel" (Graphic Novel) sounded in 1964 in one of the American essays dedicated to comics. But he acquired popularity a few years later - when Will Icener was appeared on the cover of the "Contract with God" in 1978.

    At that time, American comic culture was presented mainly by superhero stories. "The contract with God" had little in common with them: it was a proldering, personal, lovingly executed collection of the stories of ordinary people, based on the cultural and vital experience of the author. Four separate stories combined by a common place acting in the role of a separate character - rental house No. 55 on Dropsi Avenue.

    Turn from the book "Contract with God"

    This is how the Roman Artist and Comicist Scott McClaud described: "The sketch, but applied the charts of the contract with God seemed to absorb the spirit of admiring linographic novels of the first half of the 20th century. Style caricated, close to the opera on expressiveness, gesticulation and facial expressions were adjacent to the ambiguity of characters. Landscapes and interiors left a clear feeling of their reality, missed through chain and firm memory, but Nostalgic Fleur did not shade the human drama that seemed to be new and modern. "

    "The contract with God" was much more complicated by the structure and plan. Icener needed support for serious book publishers, but no one wanted to produce comics in this form. To publish the book, he called it a "graphic novel".

    Turn from the book "Contract with God"

    After the "Contract with God"

    The success of the "contract with God" led to the fact that the term began to be applied to other hand drawn stories. In 1982, Marvel publisher launched a separate series of "Graphic Romanov". And after the commercial success of Maus, Art Pipelman, "Keepers" Alan Mura and "Returns of the Dark Knight" Frank Miller The term began to use everywhere.

    Turn from the graphic novel "Mouse". -

    What is a "graphic novel"

    Today, the term "graphic novel" does not have a strict definition. It is usually applied to drawn stories with a single storyline, published as a holistic work, not serially. In the American dictionary, the Merriam-Webster says: "A graphic novel is a fictional story that is presented in the comic format and published as a book." Sometimes graphic novels are called comic collections, originally published in the form of magazines.

    The authors of drawn stories still resort to this term to show that in front of the reader a more serious work than a classic comic - funny pictures about "guys in Triko". Sometimes the term indicates the length of history: as a rule, graphic novels are more voluminous than separate issues.

    Nevertheless, the concepts, "graphic novel" and "hand drawn history" remain very close in meaning and often interchangeable. In the end, it is not so important as the book is named, which in your hands. It is important that it was a really interesting story.

    Your question is asked in the category "Using words". Let's talk about the use of words.
    1) In English, the term you speak, sounds like this - Graphic Novel. And if everything is clear with Graphic, then Novel is a trap for beginner and inexperienced translators. In Russian "Novella" - the work of a small literary form, short. And novel from English is translated not as "novel", but as a "novel". Therefore, let's immediately clarify that the term "graphic novel" illiterate and it is impossible to use it.
    2) The term "graphic novel" was introduced into the turnover of the Grand Comicist Will Icener in the late 70s, when the comic was stigma "Low Genre". Aisner wanted to pay attention to the "contract with God" on his book, those who considered the Comics of the Bedyatiny about superheroes or children's caricatures from newspapers. When he did, the major publishers of comic made their peculiar conclusions and began to skip the words "graphic novel" on any comics a little thicker of ordinary monthly issues. By the end of the eighties, the term finally lost the initial semantic load: if earlier it was considered that this is a comic comic, which is thicker and smarter than an ordinary comic, now the difference between the "comic" and "novel" was only in the format of the publication.
    3) Now the "graphic novel" sounds from the mouth of people who are afraid of the words "comic" for one reason or another. Moreover, it is often unable to explain its value. "Keepers", which exit during the year in a monthly format is a graphic romance? And the "Walking Dead", which for ten years already produced and the number of only collections exceeded for 20 - no? And if so, why "Spiderman" is not a graphic novel, there are also serious topics (and rose by the way long before Moore and Gamean)? Ultimately, now American books and online stores indicate "Graphic Roman" any collection-reprint of monthly comics, this is a convenient way to quickly divide the catalog into semantic parts.
    4) There is a limited number of publications that fall under the most stringent definition of a graphic novel. For example, it has recently published in Russian "sculptor" and "peyceans", comics that are immediately released under one cover in the book format.
    5) If you do not believe me, here's a wonderful quote Nile Gamean. He once said that Molman says not comics, and graphic novels, and Neil realized that he was trying to make a compliment: "But suddenly I felt myself as a woman who was told that she was not a prostitute and escort." Jeff Smith, the author of the comic book "Bown", also coming out now in Russian, spoke more specifically - he believes that a graphic novel can be called a work that has the beginning, middle and end inherent on the usual novel.
    6) In general, I also do not know who Lucas is and what is "eternity", but the overwhelming majority of American comic authors do not call themselves the authors of the graphic novel. It is worth respecting their opinion on this issue.

    Creativity & Hobbies.

    Draw graphic romance

    For three or four years already in my head, the idea matures for your own work. At first, it was just a small very fantasy story, who gradually began to grow with my artistic skills and turned into a comic, or rather to draw it to the desire. I even had a co-author, who does not allow me to ride in Nudyatin: D However, the idea went down so much that it turned out to be very small part of it and we don't have something concrete. To put up with the fact that the comic I draw the most closest thing - on pensions, somehow I do not want, but in a short time we, if we put it miraculously, he, to put it mildly, will be bad, both by execution and content . So why not put such a duration so that I do not only have a long and difficult study on medical, but also increase my skills and get a richer life experience that I have something at the moment? And all this time, the idea will be small chambers to improve and incarnate, especially since some developments in terms of plot, characters and other things are already available.
    Work on comics will go like the waves: First, all items will be finalized to the presentable basic state (even if they went far ahead), then stayed again and also, and so in a circle, while the entire plot, the entire idea of \u200b\u200bthe world will not be brought to close To ideal. Therefore, in the list, some steps are numbered additionally.

    Goal Accomplishment Criteria.

    Graphic Roman is drawn and fully posted in free access.

    Personal Resources.

    Drawing Skills, Basic Skills of Writing and Knowledge Psychology

    Goal Ecological Compatibility

    I would like to create a deep work showing everything beautiful that is in our world, despite contradictions and problems where special attention will be paid to differences between people. At the same time, it is possible to present everything in the form of a relative lung for the perception of the genre - a graphic novel, another word - comics.

    1. Frame

      The primary stage in the process of which I will get plot in quite presentable form as well annotationwhich will be later able to use to attract the audience and representationhow to work further.

        Process existing sketch

        Severe semantic parts

        Separate from each other (rewrite accordingly)

        Find your conflict in every part, if necessary to refine

        Grouped and highlight the main (and rewrite again to be clear where it is important)

        Pail with a voltage schedule (in a psychological sense)

        Reconsider the sketch and finalize

        Write Synopsis (cutting sketch)

        Write an annotation (reduction of synopsis)

    2. Geography v0.1.

      At this stage, there is a study of the world in which there is an action. In the final I will have in my hands world map, approximate ways of the main charactersand understandingWhat places should be most fully worked out.

        Select places from the plot, where any actions will be accurate, check their descriptions (correct if necessary)

        Picture approximate map (schematic continents), define climate, scatter places on the map

        Artistic card processing

        Image of paths of main characters on the map

        Supplement to the List of Places based paths

    3. Nationality v0.1.

      The second stage of the work of the world, but this time associated with the culture. The same main operations are used, and the product will be text workers by major nationalities in the comic (life, history, culture), as well as references for each.
      What is important to consider: peoples should not be represented only in bad or good form. In total, there should be a reason for all the good sides.

        Allocate basic nationality from the plot and distribute them on the map

    4. Side plot lines

      Since the basis of the plot and the world is already any, no dryness and compression is diluted at this stage. Billets of side plot lines, really a lot, but I have no idea with the co-author, in which place the main plot they start, as affect and where it ends, so that this stage will be constressed description of side linesWhat a lot of time will need.

        Organize a list of already existing side lines with their brief descriptions

        Analyze the moral side of all conflicts available in the comic at the moment

        Place sidelines regarding semantic parts

        Analyze the folding composition and make a list of what you need to add, fix and transfer

        Fix the composition (that is, execute a list of the previous sub-step)

        Analyze how side lines affect the main plot (if you do not fix)

    5. Geography v0.2.

      Similar to the second stage, almost identical. The result is also sample paths of the main characters on the map of Mirr and understanding What should work in the first (or rather in the second) queue.

        Select places from side plot lines, where they will accurately undergo actions, check their descriptions (correct if necessary)

        Rass places from the previous stage on the map

        Adjust the paths of the main characters and add ways to some secondary

        Add randomly affected places in the list and describe

    6. Nationality v0.2.

      Also similar to the corresponding step, that is, the third. The result is also text workers for nationalities, but already secondary, and collect references on them.

        Allocate basic nationality from the side lines and distribute them on the map

        Find the real nations that may pass for the source

        Collect information about real peoples and their culture (references)

        Based on the information received, it is organically supplemented by comic items

    7. Noise

      The idea of \u200b\u200bby-side scene lines already have and the world is prepared for them, but still, it seems to me, it is boring if there is no way in the comic random eventswho will put the heroes in critical situations, show them on the other side. Such events are also occurring in the real world. In other words at this stage paths of heroev on the map again can change (but not all), as well as the characters are already more fully worked out character, but information about the worldreplenished again.

        Search for places to insert the events (must work on the creation of voltage)

        Description of these events as scenes (what happens to the heroes, as it is reflected on them)

        Adjust the paths of heroes

        Add randomly affected places in the list and describe (Geography V0.3)

        Complete nations based on existing (nationality v0.3)

    8. Characters

      This stage is more likely to check, as we paid a lot of attention, especially the main thing. At the end of this stage information is availablethat was simply not recorded, except that you can invent any additional significant details.

      In descriptions of the characters, detailed appearance, habits, features of character, attitude to other heroes, biography, their goals in the events occurring and how they themselves change along the plot are.

    9. Community

      It will be somehow unrealistic if there is no one in the comic public Movement, isolated organizations or at least groups of peopleSupporting strong connections. These societies can also influence the plot, as helping heroes, and prevent them.

      This stage, I most likely, will perform in parallel with the tenth.

        Sleep global and local social conflicts (you can resort to real media)

        To draw ways that people can solve these conflicts

        Describe communities that can use these ways

        Add Community For Interests, Hobbies, etc., which can participate in the plot

    10. Geography v1.0.

        Schematically portray the already established countries and randomly scatter the rest

        Artistically arrange (for example take real political map different centuries)

    Graphic novels - no, not those about superheroes, is almost like books, only with pictures. They can be bribed with bright decoration, nontrivial plots, smart befround. We chose 10 works that exactly cost your attention.

    The famous graphic novel Alan Mura gave rise not just a subculture, he also became a symbol of protest. The main character - A rebel in Mask Guy Fox, always in the shade, he has no clear faces defining, good character or evil. He calls himself V, possesses the most powerful charisma and boils to the uprising hundreds of thousands of people, and remaining undisclosed.

    Alan Moore has created an anti-nightopia, where he considered the political problems of Great Britain of the end of the 20th century, in particular, Margaret Magaze's regime. True, Moore is very striking: it turned away nuclear warThe power was captured by the malicious fascists to somehow deal with the arbitrariness, members of the anarchists' party periodically fall into their field of view, headed by a mysterious V. The story ends with a complete subservation of the system: V and his associates organize a terrorist act, during which parliament explodes .

    In 2006, the Vachovsky brothers removed the same film on the novel, but moved the action to the future– The cinema of the rebel V acts in 2038, and the political context is fitted under modernity. Alan Moore was very displeased with the adaptation of his novel, especially the fact that the main character was adjusted under the template of the hero, having deprived him of its highlight.

    People so remember the image of Anonymous, that around the world masks from the film were launched in production, in 2009 the protesters used the image V in order to express their displeasure to Parliament (no substruples, only doubt), and in Dubai masks were generally prohibited.

    Another classic novel, without which no selection will cost. Actually, this is a cycle consisting of small stories whose heroes jump from one plot to another. But what remains unchanged, so this is the city itself - eternally dirty, depraved, free from morality. Here you can be the one who you want, you can play according to your rules, however, if you play, do not hope: this world will sweat you into powder.

    Fans Roman is known to the contrasting rice and use of a specific color to highlight a particular character. Another chip is a clear moral subtext. On the example of the whole world, the artist and screenwriter shows what happens if they cross the line.

    Total "City of Sins" has 6 novels, three of which were included in the eponymous film of Quentin Tarantino ("Hard Farewell", "Higher Class Massage", "That yellow bastard"), one more - "Woman for which you should kill", served as the basis for the screening-continuation.

    Do not hurry to throw tomatoes, the novel, according to which the film-melodrama "Life Adele" was filmed - this is not propaganda at all, it is, first of all, a song about freedom, the flour of creativity and multifaceted love. Two heroines, one of them represents the mind (in the novel, her name is not an adel, but Clementina), and the other - feelings, try to unite. For a period of time, they do it, but then it turns out that the girls are very different. Clementine has a clear life plan, it does not understand anything in art, her parents are conservative, and be free and not to rely on the opinion of society - this is not for her. Emma is a very bright and independent character, painting to the beautiful and elevated. The girl looks like a gust of fresh wind, it is unpredictable, cutting, emotionally and may well give the cake of ordinary stuff. With his head plunging into art, it seems to be off from the ground and therefore does not see the problems that live life from Clementine. As a result, Emma has to sacrifice relations for his true passion- creativity.

    Another dramatic novel, but already on the topic of lifelong diseases. The city faces its heroes infrequently - about once a year, however, such meetings are as if they contribute to a strong feeling that flared up between them. Later, the hero learns that his beloved and her son is seriously ill - they were diagnosed with HIV. The only thing that keeps them afloat is small blue pills. The hero takes validity, although he is very scary. Will he lose expensive people, does everything break so long?

    The novel is deprived of bright colors, performed in a grotesque manner and reflects the life of the artist himself. However, Frederick keeps a young man, herrifies a lot, thinks a lot and, in the end, he penetrates with such love for the characters that the novel turns out to be very warm, despite the seriousness of the topic.

    This novel is a mixture of gothic and postpocalypse. Gloomy paintings, thoughtful eroticism and the total atmosphere of decline - in the first place here are illustrations. Majestic Virgin Veils, full of the hopelessness of the ruins, beautiful in their demonism of monsters immersed in the atmosphere of the end of the world. In the yard of 2038, the forces of darkness completely broke up, almost completely destroying civilization, and now it is great Battle on her remains. Among the common chaos and failed a girl appears with a sword - that Malefik, the name of which is called the novel, and trying to save what remained from the world.

    At the moment, only the first book of the cycle is available to the Russian reader - "Apocalypse", published by the "ABC" in 2015.

    The story of a robot boy named Tim-21, the last inexpertured companion robot, for which the entire galaxy hunts. The main problem of Tim lies in the fact that its DNA can reveal the secret of the origin of the reptiles - so in the world invented by the Lever, they call the huge robots-invaders who suddenly appeared in space and have passed everyone. Tim managed to survive only because his planet is not so great and almost not worth attention, and he himself was in a state of deep sleep all this time. After Tim opens his eyes, highly depressing paintings appear to his attention. A small robot has yet to be learned as a terrible cruelty of enemies and loyalty to friends - in shooting from around the world he will be helped by Robust, the robber and robot miner drill.

    The story that lures a little on the "city of sins", but the main characters in it are ... Animals. Here, Black Cat in the role of a detective, and the main political situation in the United States of the 50s of the last century serve as a detective story. All entourage type of sales of women, an incredible amount of alcohol and bloody dissemination reduces the audience to 18 +. However, in fact, the story is not at all about dirt - she is about loneliness. About that particular look when you understand that life is, in general, a meaningless thing, and until it ended, it needs to somehow live. The only way out of a similar darkness, in which John Blackheads is love. Awareness that someone is waiting for you. For a short instant, a strong feeling cleans the life of Blackheads, however, it passes. Blackhead and Natalia break up, and after a short time, the detective fits his beloved dead.

    In total, there are 5 volumes at the moment: "Somewhere among the shadows", "Polar Nation", "Red Soul", "Hell Silence" and "Amarillo".

    It was this book of a well-known American artist and a screenwriter who became the beginning of the era of graphic novels. The book combined 4 works: directly "Contract with God", "Street singer" " Vitality"And" Kukalin ". This is a story with a deep philosophical meaning, which tells about the series of falls and disappointments. The main motive of the work is the absence of God in the life of heroes. So, the deeply believer Hassid Jew Frim Heersh from the first part completely reverses the religion after the death of his stepdaughter, an aging opera singer and a young street singer mutually use each other, in the hope - for one to create a career, and for another - to save it. The hero of the third story is accused of pedophilia, and the characters of the fourth part suffer from sexual and physical violence. At the same time, all the heroes of the "Contract with God" are associated with the general space: at different times, but they all live in a removable apartment on a capsu-Avenue, 55.

    The first part of the "contract with God" the author created under pressure from his own emotions - the daughter of Aisner died when she was 16 years old. All subsequent parts in one way or another also reflect real life artist. Graphic Roman came out in 1978 and created a whole niche for deeper on the meaning of comic stories, which cannot be set forth on a small number of pages.

    Sydney Padua - "Incredible Adventures of Lovelace and Bebadja"

    Everyone who loves fiction respects the steampunk and shows at least good interest in the history of the computer's creation - is dedicated. The brilliant creators of the steam computer model - Hell Lavelis (she is the daughter of Lord Bairon) and Charles Bebbage appear in scolding images. Their creator is the artist of Sitting Padua, originally plotted a small fantastic comic dedicated to Adde Lavlace, however, drinking with friends in the bar, decided that it was worth swinging something more large-scale. Not being a comic, almost nothing know about modern technique And at all, nothing about the Victorian era, Sydney with Eustice was read in the biographies of Lavleis and Bebadzha, disassembled in the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a mysterious analytical car, and then painted this novel. The author recognizes that not all of the situation described by it is absolutely true, but notes that more than It sought to create reflections on the subject proposed than a serious biography.

    Brian K. Von - "Lions Baghdad"

    An unusually strong graphic romance from the Creator "Sagi" tells about the war in Iraq, during which not only people, but also animals suffered. In 2003, one of America's discarded bombs destroyed the local zoo, during which the beasts were on the street. The story of three lions, who, remaining without a home, just riddled to survive, but eventually blocked by the military, very much of the scenario, and he came up with the plot, and Niko Herrister helped the story to be implemented. In fact, this comic considers the topic of cruelty, injustice and horror of war, and also throws the idea for reflection: and not more than Animals are those who made all this zavaruha?

      Work number:

      Year of preparation:


      Introduction ................................................................... .... ................33
      Chapter 1. Essence and types of graphic novel .....................................4
      1.1 The concept of graphic novel ...................................................... .4
      1.2 Types of GR ݅ AF ݅ IC ݅ EU ݅ Ko ݅ th novel ....................................................................... ..7
      HL ݅ AB ݅ A 2. Topics GR ݅ AF ݅ Ich ݅ EU ݅ Ki ݅ x Romanov .................................... ... ............ 16
      Conclusion ................................................................................................28
      List of used literature ................................................ ... 31

      Excerpt from work:


      The Russian book market did several attempts to captivate readers with novels without words, but at first it was necessary to go through delusions and mistakes. For young people, such books were expensive and not all over the age (18+ rating for graphic novel is not uncommon), for adult readers such a format is incomprehensible: they grew up on sweaturest books, where even on the covers sometimes there were no illustrations.
      Today, gradually, the line of graphic novels grows by the number of names, all the main publishers of the country are trying forces in this new genre.
      Graphic Roman is an unusual interlocutor for a reader who is ready for conversations for serious topics.
      The theme of work is the characteristic of a graphic novel as a modern publishing project.
      The purpose of the work is to characterize the graphic novel as a modern publishing project.
      Chapter 1. Essence and types of graphic novel
      1.1 The concept of a graphic novel

      Graphic Roman - a variety of comic. It is a novel published in a graphic version in which the basis of the transmission of the plot is a drawing, not the text. It is not known exact origin of the term. Currently, it is used by the authors of comics in order to separate his creativity from the main mass of comics designed for a children's audience.
      Most often, the publication of graphic novels occurs in France and Belgium. In France, graphic novels are considered to be the 9th type of art and are supported at the state level.
      Famous authors:
      Alehandro Hodorovski
      Olivier Leddia
      Enki Bilal
      David B.
      In the US, in contrast to Europe, some graphic novels in volume do not exceed the size of the comic and are published under a soft cover. Very popular publication of graphic novels on the fictional universe ( Star Wars, Strangers), as well as the adaptation of popular fantastic novels (Chronicles of Amber, Hobbit, Legend of Drizzte).
      Famous authors:

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