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  • Peppy Long stocking Main characters. Peppy long-range and big politics. Watch what is "Peppi Longs" in other dictionaries

    Peppy Long stocking Main characters. Peppy long-range and big politics. Watch what is

    Once in a clear spring day, when Tommy and Annetes had no lessons at school, Peppi decided to go shopping. Grabbing the handful of gold coins, the children went to the main street of the town. Peppi began with the fact that he bought a hand from a mannequin, having decided that the third hand would be very useful to her.

    Then Peppi devastated the confectionery shop and distributed sweets to children who escaped from the entire city. Then the cores of the store of toys came - every child got what always dreamed of.

    The crowd of children flooded the street, loudly tube into toy twins. A policeman appeared on the noise and told the children to diverge home. Those were not against - everyone wanted to bother to tinker with a new toy.

    Finally, Peppi came to the pharmacy where he bought medicines from all diseases, while bringing the pharmacist to white Caution. Going out, Peppi decided that it was not practical to keep such small portions of drugs in such large bubbles. Without a long time thinking, she merged everything into one bottle, made a few sips from there and stated: if she does not die, then the mixture is not poisonous, and if still poisonous, then it is useful for polishing furniture.

    As a result, Peppi did not have anything left, except for his hand from a mannequin and several candy.

    How Peppi writes a letter and goes to school

    Once Tommy received a letter from the grandmother and told Peppi about him. She also wanted to receive a letter and wrote him herself. The letter had a lot of mistakes, and the children began to persuade a girlfriend to go to school again. They said that their class would go on an excursion to the forest.

    Pppi considered unfair that the excursion would pass without her, and the next morning came to school. She settled on Bereza, who grew in front of the school, stating that in class the air "thickened from the study", and her head is spinning. Of course, the children were no longer before mathematics, so the teacher finished the lesson and led everyone to the forest.

    How Peppy participates in a school excursion

    The day passed very fun. Children played in the "monster", as Peppi performed. In the evening, everyone went to the girl's house, living near the forest, where they were cared. On the way, Peppi stood up for the old horse, which he beat the whip of an evil farmer - she threw a farmer in the air several times, and then made him drag heavy bag to the house.

    Visiting Peppi began to stuff for cheeks of buns. The teacher said that she should learn himself to behave if he wants to become a real lady, and told the girl about the rules of behavior. Peppi wanted to become a real lady, but here she turned in his stomach. Since the lady in the stomach can not be rold, Peppi decided to become a marine robbery.

    How Peppi goes to the Fair

    On the main square of the town opened an annual fair with many stalls and attractions. Tommy and Annicon went to the fair with Peppi, which dressed up as a real lady - brought the eyebrows with coal, smeared the red paint nails and lips and put on a dress before spider with a large neckline on his back.

    At first, Peppi struck her accuracy of the mistress of Tira, then rode friends on the carousel with horses, after which she went to the Balagan to watch the view. The drama was so liked by the girl that she jumped out on the stage and saved the heroine from the insidious killer.

    In the wife of Peppi decided to participate in the presentation and hung on the neck of a huge blow, who tried to strangle it, and then saved a little girl from a tiger, escaped from the cage.

    At this, the adventures of Peppi did not end. She had to re-educate a hefty Lodder, holding the whole town in fear. The loyal appeared at the fair and began to offend the old man-sausage. Seeing this, Pppi picked up healthy and rejected them a little, after which the Lododr was paid for the spoiled sausage. The townships of the town were delighted with the girl.

    How Peppi Turns Shipwreck

    Tommy and Annik were spent all days from Peppi and even taught her lessons in her kitchen, and the girl told them about their adventures. Once it came about shipwrecks. Tommy remembered that not far from the town, on the lake, there is a uninhabited island, and Peppi decided to suffer shipwreck on it.

    When Tommy and Annik were released on vacation, and their parents left for several days, Peppi repaired an old boat, and friends went to the island in the company of Horses and Mr. Nilson.

    Baking Peppy grabbed a tent and food. Children lived on the island a few happy days. They prepared food on the fire, hunted on the tigers and cannibals, fought with pirates and inserted bathed in the lake.

    When it was time to return home, it was discovered that the boat disappeared. This Peppi decided that they stayed on the island too little for the victim shipwreck.

    Peppi threw a bottle into a lake with a letter of help, but she nailed to the shores of the island. Realizing that no one is going to save them, the girl took the boat hidden in the bushes and took his friends home.

    How Peppi takes an expensive guest

    One day, when Tommy and Annica sat on the porpi's porpi and gave rise to strawberries, a man appeared at the wicket, which turned out to be the father of Peppi, Captain Ephroim. He really became the Negro king on the island of Chellius, and now came to pick up her daughter there.

    Staying with Peppi, Ephroim began to measure with her forces. Although the captain was very strong, Peppi still won it. Then dad changed clothes to the costume of the Negro King and entertained the whole evening. Despite the fun, Tommy and Annice in the house were sad, because Peppi will soon leave them.

    How Peppi is suitable for a farewell feast

    Peppy was happy: six months she will be a Negritan princess, and the other six months - a sea wolf on the schoon of Pope Efroim, who was already waiting for her in the port.

    Before leaving Peppi decided to arrange a farewell feast and invite them to him "everyone who wants to say goodbye to it." The girl was very loved, so a whole crowd of children came to say goodbye. Appeared on the feast and the crew schooner "Pumping". Sailors and Dad Efroim entertained the children all evening and played with them.

    This night, Peppi decided to spend on the "Chicken" villa, although Papa Efroim and called her with him to Schoon. The girl left Tommy and Annice's keys to the house and allowed to come here, play and take everything they walked.

    How Peppi goes swimming

    In the morning, Peppi sat on the horse, planted on the shoulder of Mr. Nilson and went to the port accompanied by Tommy and Anneshiki. All residents of the town gathered on the jetty to say goodbye to Peppi. When the girl suffered a horse to the ship, Annica began to cry. Tommy was attached, but soon his face was in tears.

    Seeing creaky friends, Peppi decided to stay. She counted unfair that someone suffers because of her. Dad Efroim decided that "the child is better to have a crucial life," and promised to come to visit frequently. Peppie was agree with him.

    For goodbye, the captain passed the Peppi another suitcase with gold coins.

    Soon Tommy and Annika were already returned to the Villa "Chicken", and Peppi told them another incredible story.

    Peppy long stocking books in order

    Astrid Lindgren's book series: "Peppi Longs"

    Peppi is a small red-haired spring girl who lives alone at the Chicken villa in a small Swedish town along with his animals: Madushka Mr. Nilson and a horse.

    Peppi is independent and does everything that wants. For example, sleeping with her legs on the pillow and with a head under the blanket, wears multicolored stockings, returning home, five is back, because she does not want to turn around, rolls the dough right on the floor and holds a horse on the veranda.

    For this book, the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren was awarded the Andersen Prize - the highest international award for best work Children's and youthful literature.

    If you look in the order of writing books, then Astrid Lindgren first wrote "Peppi settled at the villa" Chicken "" (1945), then in 1946 the light saw the book "Peppi goes down", and, finally, "Peppie in the Hayerland" ( 1948).

    Translation in books Lilian Longina. This translation is now considered classic. Illustrated the book Natalia Bugoslavskaya. She got a wonderful pepney: a redhead girl with sticky pigtails, very mischievous.

    There are many illustrations in books (considering that books for school children). Molded paper. Greet.

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      Accomfort All !!! Help !!! Cute memories help, please, by advice !!! It so happened that I have no Peppie, nor Carlson, nor Emil, but if shorter, then there is no Astrid Lindgren! I do not know where to start? What "Try"?) Daughter 2,11. To tell...

    Peppi is a small red-haired spring girl who lives alone at the Chicken villa in a small Swedish town along with his animals: Madushka Mr. Nilson and a horse. Peppi is the daughter of Captain Efraim Long-roll, which later became the leader of a black tribe. From his father Peppi inherited fantastic physical strength, as well as a suitcase with gold, allowing her to exist without him. Mom Peppi died when she was still a baby. Pppi is sure that she became an angel and looks at her from the sky ("My mother is an angel, and dad is the Negro king. Not any child has such noble parents).

    Peppi "takes off", but rather, comes up with a variety of customs of different countries and parts of the world: when walking pumped back, walking down the streets down the streets, "because the legs are hot when you walk around the volcano, and your hands can be laid in mittens."

    The best friends of Peppi - Tommy and Annica Sootergren, children of simple Swedish ordinary people. In Peppi, they often fall into trouble and funny alterations, and sometimes in real adventures. Attempts by friends or adults to influence the careless Peppie do not lead to anything: it does not go to school, illiterate, the familiar and all the time complains of non-residents. Nevertheless, Peppi has a good heart and a good sense of humor.

    Peppi long fools are independent and does everything that wants. For example, sleeping with her legs on the pillow and with a head under the blanket, wears multicolored stockings, returning home, five is back, because she does not want to turn around, rolls the dough right on the floor and holds a horse on the veranda.

    She is incredibly strong and more prompt, although she is only nine years old. She cares her own horse, defeats the famous circus silver, scatters a whole company of hooligans on the sides, climbing the horns of the bull, deftly exhibits two police officers from his own house, to force it to the orphanage, and lightningly throws up on a closet Thorough thieves who decided to rob it. However, there are no cruelty in the pepping sprapers. She is extremely generous to his defeated enemies. The torn police, it treats freshly baked gingerbread in the shape of hearts. And confused thieves that have worked out their invasion in someone else's house that they danced twist all night with Peppi, she generously rewards with gold coins, this time honestly earned.

    Peppi is not only much stronger, it is also incredibly rich. She should not buy anything for all children in the city of "One hundred Kilo Lolliolets" and a whole store of toys, but she herself lives in an old dilapidated house, wears a single dress stitched from multicolored flaps, and a single pair of shrouded her father "on the grow" .

    But the most amazing in Peppi is her bright and violent fantasy, which manifests itself in the games that she comes up, and in amazing stories about different countrieswhere she visited with Pope-captain, and in endless draws, victims of which are inappropriate adults. Anyone the story of Peppi brings to the absurd: the harmful maid biting guests behind his feet, the long-spirited Chinese hiding under the ears during the rain, and the capricious child refuses from May to October. Peppie is very upset if someone says she is lying, because it is not good to lie, just she sometimes forgets about it.

    Peppi is a child's dream about strength and nobility, wealth and generosity, freedom and dedication. But for some reason adults do not understand. And the pharmacist, and the school teacher, and the director of the circus, and even Mom Tommy and Anneshiki are angry at it, they take off, bring up. Apparently, therefore, the most in the light of Peppi does not want to grow up:

    "Adults never fun. They have forever boring work, stupid dresses and cumminal taxes. And they are also stuffed by prejudice and any nonsense. They think that the terrible misfortune shave, if you put a knife in your mouth while eating, and all that is so different. "

    But "Who said you need to become an adult?" No one can force Peppi to do what she does not want!

    Books on Peppi Longs are filled with optimism and unchanged faith in the very good.

    Peppi Longs - one of the most fantastic heroines Astrid Lindgren. She does everything he wants. He sleeps with his legs on the pillow and with his head under the blanket, returning home, forth the whole path as the back, because she does not want to unfold and go straight. But the most amazing thing in it is incredibly strong and prompt, although she is only nine years old. She carries her own horse in her hands, who lives in her house on the veranda, defeats the famous circus silver, scatters a whole company of hooligans, who attacked a little girl, deftly exposes a whole squad of the police officers who arrived to her in order to force it to An orphanage, and lightningly throws into the closet two thorough thieves who decided to rob her. However, in the sprauls of P. D. there is no malice, nor cruelty. She is extremely generous with his defeated enemies. With a torn police, it treats just baked buns. And confused thieves that work out their invasion in someone else's house that they dance all night with P. D. Twist, she generously rewards with gold coins, this time honestly earned by them, and it is warmly treating bread, cheese, ham, cold veal and milk . Moreover, P. D. not only for the rarity strong, it is also incredibly rich and powerful, because her mother is an angel in the sky, and Dad is the Negro King. Same, P. D. lives together with a horse and monkey, Mr. Niels-Son, in an old dilapidated house, where she is satisfied with truly royal pies, raping the rolling dough right on the floor. P. D. Nothing worth buying for all children in the city of "One hundred kilo candy" and a whole store of toys. In essence, P. D. is nothing but a child's dream about strength and nobility, wealth and generosity, power and dedication. But here are adults P. D. For some reason, do not understand. Urban pharmacist just fierce when P. D. asks him what to do when the belly hurts: chew a hot rag or pour on yourself cold water. And Mom Tommy and Annezi says that P. D. does not know how to lead himself when she is alone in the entire cream cake. But the most amazing in P. D. is her bright and violent fantasy / which manifests itself in those games that she comes up with, and in those amazing stories about different countries where she visited with dad, a captain of long-range swimming, which she is now tells your friends.

    Peppi Longs settle in the Chicken Villa

    As Peppy settled in the villa "Chicken"

    On the outskirts of one small Swedish town you will see a very neglected garden. And in the garden is a blackened dilapidated house. Here in this house and lives Peppi Longs. She turned nine years old, but, imagine, she lives there quite alone. She has no dad, nor mom, and, frankly, it even has its advantages - no one drives her to sleep just in the midst of the game and no one makes drinking fish fat when you want to eat candy.

    Before Peppi had a father, and she loved him very much. Mom, of course, she also had once, but Peppi does not remember her at all. Mom died for a long time when Peppi was still a tiny girl, lay in a wheelchair and screamed so terribly that no one was swayed to approach her. Peppie is sure that her mother now lives in the sky and looks from there through a small hole on her daughter. Therefore, Peppy often waves her with her hand and whether he sentences it every time:

    Do not be afraid, mom, I can't disappear!

    But the father of his peppy remembers very well. He was a captain of a long-range swimming, his ship Foresting the sea and the oceans, and Peppi never separated from his father. But one day, during a strong storm, a huge wave washed him into the sea, and he disappeared. But Peppi was sure that one day her dad would return, she could not imagine that he drowned. She decided that his father got to the island, where he lives a lot of blacks, became the king and day and day-day worship with the golden crown on his head.

    My dad is the Negro king! Not any girl boasts such an amazing dad, - often repeated Peppi with visible pleasure. - When the dad will build a boat, he will come after me, and I will become a Negritan princess. Gay gop! That will be great!

    This old house surrounded by the launched garden, the Father bought many years ago. He was going to settle here with Peppi, when the ships would not be able to drive. But after the dad disappeared into the sea, Peppi went straight to his villa "Chicken" to wait for his return there. Villa "Chicken" - so called this old house. The rooms were furnished, the utensils hung in the kitchen - it seemed that everything was specially prepared for Peppi could settle here. Once a silent summer evening Peppi said goodbye to the sailors on a father's ship. They all loved Peppi so much, and Peppi loved them so much that it was very sad to part.

    Goodbye guys! - said Peppi and kissed everyone alternately in his forehead. - Do not be afraid, I can't disappear!

    Only two things took it with me: a little monkey, which was the name of Mr. Nilson - she received her as a gift from the dad, - yes a big suitcase stuck in gold coins. All the sailors lined up on the deck and sadly looked after the girl until she disappeared. But Peppi walked a hard step and never looked around. On her shoulder, she was recreated by Mr. Nilson, and in his hand she carried the suitcase.

    One ... Strange girl ... Yes, do you keep it! Said Sailor Friedolf, when Peppie disappeared behind the turn, and brushed a tear.

    He was right, Peppi and in fact a strange girl. Most of all amazing her extraordinary physical strength, and there is no policeman on Earth, who would have coped with her. She might be joking to raise a horse, if I wanted, - and you know, she often practices. After all, Peppi has a horse she bought on the very day when settled in his villa. Peppi always dreamed of a horse. The horse lives at her terrace. And when Peppie wants to drink a cup of coffee after lunch there, she will not think the horse into the garden for a long time.

    Next to the villa "Chicken" stands another house, also surrounded by a garden. In this house there are dad, mom and two cute children - a boy and a girl. Boy is called Tommy, and the girl is Annik. These are glorious, well-brought up and obedient children. Tommy never gives anything to anyone and without barring performs all the mother's instructions. Annica does not capricious when he does not get what he wants, and always looks like such an elegant in his pure-starchy-plates. Tommy and Annik played together in their garden, but they still did not have enough children's society, and they dreamed of finding a comrade for games. At the time when Peppi was still swimming with her father in the seas and oceans, Tommy and Anniki sometimes climbed onto the fence, separating the garden of the Villa "Chicken" from their garden, and they said whenever:

    What a pity that no one lives in this house. It would be nice if someone with children settled here.

    In that clear summer evening, when Peppie first crossed the threshold of his villa, Tommy and Annese was not at home. Mom sent them to swim the week at the grandmother. Therefore, they did not have the idea that someone settled in a nearby house. They returned from the grandmother in the evening, and the morning stood from their wicket, they looked outside, not knowing anything, and discussed how to do. And just at the moment when it seemed to them that they would not think about anything funny, and the day would go well, just at that moment the gate of the neighboring house opened and the girl ran into the street. It was the most amazing girl of all which ever saw Tommy and Annica.

    Peppi Longs went to the morning walk. Here's how it looked: her hair of carrot was braided in two tight pigtails, who were sticking out in different directions; The nose was like a tiny potato, and besides, still in the speck - from the freckles; White teeth sparkled in a wide wide mouth. She had a blue dress, but since she was not enough, she was not enough, she sewed into him in some places. On very thin and thin legs, she pulled long stockings of different colors: one is brown, and the other is black. And huge black shoes seemed to be about to put together. Dad bought them to her in South Africa to rise, and Peppi never wanted to wear others.

    And when Tommy and Annica saw that a monkey sits on the shoulder at the shoulder, they simply frozen from amazement. Little monkey was dressed in blue trousers, yellow jacket and white straw hat.

    Pppi went alongside the street, stepping on the sidewalk, the other on the pavement. Tommy and Anniki did not descend from her, but she disappeared behind the turn. However, soon the girl returned, but now she was already back in advance. And she walked so only because it was too lazy to turn when he decided to return home. Having placed with the gate of Tommy and Annici, she stopped. With a minute, children silently looked at each other. Finally Tommy said:

    Why are you moving like cancer?

    Why am I shook like cancer? - asked Peppi. - We seem to live in a free country, right? Does anyone can not walk as he thinks? And in general, if you want to know, everything goes in Egypt, and it doesn't surprise anyone.

    How do you know? - asked Tommy. - After all, you were not in Egypt.

    How?! I have not been to Egypt?! - Peppi indignant. "So, drove yourself on the nose: I was in Egypt and in general I traveled all the world and looked at all sorts of miracles. I saw things and amazing than people who heighse as crayfish. I wonder what you would say if I went down the street in my arms, how to go to India?

    Will lie down! - Tommy said.

    Peppi thought about a minute.

    True, I'm lying, "she said sadly.

    Solid lies! - confirmed Annik, deciding finally also insert a word.

    Yeah, solid lies, - agreed Peppi, becoming more and more sad. - But sometimes I start to forget what was and what was not. And how can you demand that a little girl, who has a mother - an angel in the sky, and dad - the Negro king on the island in the ocean, always spoke only the truth. And besides, she added, and her whole freckling fruit shone, "in the entire Belgian Congo, there is no man who would say at least one truthful word. Entire days everything is lying there. Lit from seven in the morning and before sunset. So if I have ever happened to you, you should not be angry with me. After all, I lived in this very Belgian Congo. And we can still make friends! Right?

    Still would! - Exclaimed Tommy and suddenly realized that this day could not be called tedious.

    Why do you, for example, do not go for me to have breakfast? - asked Peppy.

    In fact, "Tommy picked up," why wouldn't we do this? " Fuck!

    Here's great! - screamed Annika. - Go Rather! Go!

    But before I must introduce you to Mr. Nilson, "Peppi spun.

    With these words, a small monkey took off his hat and politely bowed.

    Peppi pushed the dilapidated wicket, and the children moved along the tipped walkway straw straight to the house. In the garden grew huge old suede trees, directly created in order to climb them. All three climbed the terrace. There was a horse. Lowering his head into the soup bowl, she chewed oats.