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  • How to entertain secretaries. The woman asked to make her beautiful and came to horror. Love to White Camination Arina Larina

    How to entertain secretaries. The woman asked to make her beautiful and came to horror. Love to White Camination Arina Larina

    The weekdays of the office worker is often 8, and even a 10-hour working day of the seat behind the computer monitor. Sad, monotonous? Do you know that physical activity allows the brain to produce a hormone of joy? Well, and about the fact that the movements are perfectly supported in the form of a figure and return healthy color to individuals, heard probably? So, in order for you at all atrophized, the cropped members, the perky athlete Tatyana Intomytina in his video material will show how the workout occurs in the office.

    Plus, what to do it can be right where we work! If you are a boss, then simply close your office for this for this for a few minutes. And if the secretary, then the presenter will explain to you how you can disguise the exercises of the warm-up to perform your immediate workers.

    From the video, it will be clear how to find suitable simulators in the office, which you did not even guess. All the movements of the complex are extremely simple and in a few days you will be in a habit. And then colleagues will be overhanger overdue, they say, as you, with equal conditions with them, it is possible to be in such an excellent physical formYes, and even on a positive.

    Workout for boss

    Take a look here:

    Female press: how to pump up the press to the woman ...

    No, no, the vikusik is still in our ranks.

    I just decided this time to drive the Maldives, two weeks for two.

    Well, the chief one cool secretary was just advised while the Viculka returns.

    They say Babenka, what needs, with a huge experience and knowledge of his business.

    I have only seen her on the fots, I sent it to me.

    Oh damn, better b and did not look at all.

    You do not believe, not brunette, not brown - bald!

    Shlitzi is the most famous fool of the twentieth century.

    In RuNet, he became famous after someone, slightly smarter than our hero, posted everywhere, where he could, animated hyphae with a comment: "They took a new girl at the reception" (another version - "new secretary at the Chef"). An amazing merry ugly citizens caught the avatars and userpics, and only very few occurred to ask what kind of man rzhet, and waving his head. Meanwhile, this person is great, though small.

    To start a little science. Microcephalov - people with a small skull and, accordingly, a very small brain - appears about 8 per 5,000 newborns. As a rule, Mothers, which, during pregnancy, indulged themselves with strong alcoholic drinks or, say, cocaine. Microcephali is doomed to the life of non-incorrigible fools, but at the same time they are unloved, gentle and friendly, like indoor dogs. They can be boldly to take into people, without fear that the little man with a micro-head offended someone or frightened.

    Circus artist and film actor, known as Shlittsi Surtis or just a slot, was born with the name Simon Metz in September 1901 in Bronx (New York district). According to others, the purely mythical, the Star of Stray Circus has risen on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, and therefore on many posters the name Shlitzi was awarded the title "Last of Aztecs". In those days of microcephalov "promoted" to sewages, as the remains of an ancient, the short-term race, and therefore they looked at them as inoplanetyan. Simon's parents remained unknown history. Most likely, they were poor and droves, and sold the underdeveloped child with circus recruiters. All his rather long life, Shlittsi fell in love with the public in love with the audience.

    The intellectual development of adult shlitzi corresponded to the level of a 4-year-old child. Because of the weak self-control and, probably, the incontinence of urine Shlittsi was always dressed in a women's dress. In addition, it was beneficial to entrepreneurs - to represent such a fun creature as a girl with a bow ("at the reception"), however, not always smoothly chosen.

    The most devoted fans of Shlittsi were ... His colleagues on Fric-show: Liliputs, bearded ladies, people with unnecessary limbs. The life of stray circus was not so bright and cheerful as their ideas. And the shlitz with his children's innocence, an infectious smile and endless love to all of the essence was for clowns to unwitting like the "Light Light in the Dark Kingdom".

    No less, he loved for the revenue and clamps by millions of Carnavalov's regulars and filmmaster. The famous Shlitzi made his roles in the cult film Toda of Browning "Freaks" (1932 g), where Shlitzi played himself, and in the naive horror "island of lost souls" (1933 g) in the city of Yells (an episodic role not mentioned in the credits) . He managed to speak on the arenas of almost all the famous American circuses of the first half of the 20th century.

    In 1936, a lawful guardian of Shlittsi became the trainer of Monkeys George Surtis. Until his death in 1960 Mr. Sirtis thoughtfully worked as a little man, and then the elderly Shlittsi had to go to the crazy house in Los Angeles.

    On the "Durke" Shlittsi fell into depression - he, like the grass of sunshine, vitally lacked funny carnivals, friends-circus and adorations of the crowd. But soon he was lucky. In the hospital in the offseason, the Stepgobrotator Bill Anx, he was recognized in one of the patients with a circus celebrity. The meeting with the doctors was short-lived, and everyone agreed that Shlittsi is better to return to the scene, in the troupe of the Employer Anx, Showman Sam Cortez.

    Shlittsi did not go to the "left." He was often seen in the city parks Los Angeles, where he walked with his curator and fed with buns of pigeons and ducks. As soon as there was a small crowd with a bow on a strange fool with a bow on Chub, the cheerful idea began. And so until the death of a 70-year-old Shlittsi from bronchial pneumonia in September 1971. His grave remained anonymous until 2008, when it was possible to collect $ 400 for a decent taller.

    After the death of Schlitzi "Automatically" became a legend. In his honor, a lot of souvenirs were released, even more paintings were written. The memory of it will forever preserve in our hearts.

    Oh, these eternal legends and myths about intrigues with secretaries! How they warm the soul, on what nonsense sometimes pushing solid, it would seem, people ... And what sometimes they lead a sweet mm ... that is, trouble! The Billy Clinton would not hustle the poor monica for the delights of the magnitude of Monica, "you would look, I would save the world in the family, and nerves, and the glory would not have acquired the corresponding. In short, what kind of beast is this - secretary? Is it worth starting with her novel or not? What, in the end, is it all fraught with? What joys or uh ... on the contrary? Ask a woman. She should be visible.

    In one large corporation, four young women became pregnant in turn. Moreover, from his husbands and grooms. You will not believe, but the head of the company did not sleep with them. This I know exactly because I worked there and was aware of their novels. In addition, the chef was an elderly man of high Soviet morality. Plus, he took his wife to work, to hide from the eye of which was almost impossible. When the fertility of our ladies discussed at a corporate party, the chef said: - What is the happiness that now is not soviet time - I would have already fired. - They are all married women. What do you do with it?! - A, no matter. Four secretaries in a row - no one would ask, they married or not. - But the secretaries are only two. The rest is a press secretary and referent. - What is the difference - secretary, press secretary? Then it was strictly, behind the moral appearance of the leadership. If the secretary became pregnant, the boss is to blame, and the point. As you see, the myth that all secretaries share with the chief not only the phone number, but also the bed, so firmly rooted in the heads that even such rare birds believe in it, as . But there are statistics that argue that about 20 percent of personal secretaries really do not have sex with their boss. For our research, they still do not represent interest. As a rule, this is: - a man of traditional orientation; - An elderly woman who hold at work for her professional quality; - The daughter of the old friend of the chef, located under his deceive care (two secretaries of our highly oral chief were just like her daughters); - an employee working temporarily, which does not plan to hold on to this place; - The secretary, who came to the service for the first day. In other cases, the chefs have mistresses on the side or the head just once again married and before the secretary he had simply did not reach the secretary.

    There are also originals and described family mans who love their wives and / or believe that the marriage is the most firm thing in the world that the time proven by the time is a devoted comrade and an old one for interest, which is better than new two. They are convinced that changing the spouse, even with a secretary, or immoral, or dangerous for marriage. This point of view by many respects and has the right to exist, although sex with secretaries have advantages, whatever we, in order to establish truth, simply do not have the right. Let's discuss them later. Some of these exceptional men advise colleagues to start a man secretary or an elderly secretary. But there are minuses - an elderly woman is often burdened with the problems of their children and grandchildren, it copes worse with the modern rhythm of life and the flow of information, and a man can seduce the best sheep in your herd or the main old friend - your wife. What to do if you want to save your marriage, but can not do without the secretary? We have to go for victims and take a young woman to this post. Moralists and here will be guarded on the guard of your interests and advise you to stop the choice on an ugly woman who will not be distracted from work on all sorts of service novels. This is an important question - should the secretary be attractive? Of course. Otherwise, you risk suffering from stress, every day seeing an incompatible person that you do not like. In addition, it is not Komilfo with it in decent places. Well, okay, - will say our highly oral friend - since you started a young cute secretary, then I have to show my top Qualities Passion recorder and not to start with her any intrigues. Should I follow this advice? Some doubt. Most passion recorders, between us, simply do not have free time and do not want problems on their heads and other parts of the body. Frighteners, oh, the men were frightened after the sex scandal, who arranged Bill Clinton, not essential Monica L.

    In fact, such stories are easy to avoid, if you know where underwater reefs are located. The main one is a newborn, whom the secretary can bring you to the Podol mini skirt. Let's say directly: many of them are only dreaming if you do not bind you to yourself forever, so at least regularly milk on the milk for the baby - you will not refuse you in the content own child. At best, you are finished with hassle and money on an abortion and resort to restore her health. At worst, the hunter for money and / or scandalous fame can spill your marriage, to blackmail you before the appearance of great-profile, unwind on a round sum or regular cash infusion, arrange a scandal of Cleprinton's abandon and so on. But the minuses can be able to avoid, in order to plunge into the sea of \u200b\u200bpros. It is proved that sex on the side adds positive emotions, relieves stress and irritability, improves the mood and blood circulation, and the service romance saves your hour later, which you do not have to spend on courtship for outsiders.

    Moreover, sex with a secretary, like any betray, strengthens the family. Full forces and health comes a cunning house in the evening and, undoubtedly, pleases his wife and children with their peace and good mood. A person who deceives his half, feels slightly guilty and because he does not forget to pampery the retained spouse with another mink coat or Birkin bag, which also contributes to the strengthening of the family hearth. In addition, he, as a rule, is better followed by his appearance, more confident in herself, which means that all its shares increase. And for so many joys, it is necessary that learn how to bypass the underwater stones of the Aduilter with the secretary. So, if you are ready to step on the path of cunning and treason, not bearing for this obvious pile, be observed and do not let the emotions confuse. Roman with a secretary - a simple business operation, and you know how to spend it perfectly, right? Proceed according to plan. The main thing - it is necessary to understand who she is such a woman who watches your schedule, stands up with a lot of things, with a cute smile makes a glass of tea and ready to provide dear chief any other services from the workplace. When you understand this, behave correctly will not be difficult. What are the secretary and what do they want from you? What lies under their smiles and masks? Do not share, thinking that this cute creation jumped to you in bed or on your desktop because crazy about beer animals or luxurious gray hair.

    Free sex is only on the way to a mousetrap. If she is ready to sleep with you, most likely, she needs something. Consider the main types of secretaries and learn how to manage them. You as a smart person understand that the types in pure form are rare, and written below is only a dotted line that outlines attractive female silhouettes. Spaces in dottedfare you probably perfectly be able to fill yourself.


    This is expensive vintage wine, which over the years is only more appreciated. The work of the secretary is its vocation. She likes to be in the thick of the events and communicate with people. All she does will be done well. It is accurate, conscientious and neat, has high moral principles. She will not suit the scandal, will not write anonymous notes to your wife, will not require anything, ready to work on weekends and on New Year. The ideal is dressed in strict costumes, before bedtime reads an annual report, sleeps with you because he considers it a mandatory application to his position. Maybe she regrets you, such a business and busy, or in the depths of the soul in love with you, but I do not admit to it. Do you believe that such angels exist? Like diamonds with a size of a pigeon egg, it is a big rarity. Take care of her, try to give her respect and do not have sex directly on the table in the reception room. Preferably at least the sofa in your personal room. If you are not married or psychologically ready to change your wife, know: from the ideal and spouse will come out good. But keep in mind: when it moves to your home, it will be difficult to find another of the same treasure to the secretary.


    She came to your company not then to stick out all life at the phone in the reception chef. It has education, often - profile higher. Her goal is from the inside to learn how the company works, get experience, and then, with your help, take a higher position here. As a rule, a careerist dress is elegant and restrained, knows how to behave and serve. She may have a husband to which she is tied. You can not even give gifts, the main thing is to make it clear that you will provide her advance on the career staircase, you will not rust. Do not fear careerists. Usually, the careerist tries to keep relationships with the chief secretly, so that later, when she becomes the head of the department, the subordinates were not curved contemptuously and did not giggle in her back. For her, career and respect for colleagues. Just in case, keep in mind that it can get a reliable marriage partner.


    Creating a more young and frivolous than a careerist. Dress up in a youth and behave sometimes as naive fool. She is not very good very well, which wants to achieve at this work. Perhaps she got a job here simply because it is still getting an education, and decided to see what kind of activity would have to taste. Maybe she sleeps with you just out of curiosity, gaining experience and new sensations. Although, of course, she is not so fool and perfectly understands that the wallets like your on the road are not lying, but the Bed of Chef is a good starting area for a successful career. Most likely, the student is waiting for a prince on a white horse, but for now he is not, looking around around in search of applicants on her hand and heart. Do not let her fall in love with himself truly. Did you never know what the wind is risening in her pretty head?


    She is young and, as a rule, is not married. Aggressive sexuality, bold makeup and seductive toilets - here is her business card. Her goal is to get from work and from you personally everything that is possible while she managed to keep you on the hook. Be prepared that you will be promoted for a car, bricks and other cute hearts of baubles girls. But it is so, along the way. If in your reception room it can meet a richer lover or another husband - beautiful. Go with you to a banquet and there to bring an interesting acquaintance that will help her rise above? Better. Does your friend attract it to take it in the series or make a model? Wonderful, she will like it more than to run, taking off between the phone and the computer. Would you succeed to surround you and get married? The perfect option, but not the idea of \u200b\u200bFix. Let us all you think appropriate, but do not let you sit on your neck. Remember: it's not the only one, and therefore do not bother to her medical insurance. Your health is more expensive. Change the secretary when its requests are suitable for the plank you plan. Real gentleman will help the lady find new job Or who is torpedo.


    The most dangerous type. She considers himself very smart, and all men are round fools that are created to decorate her life. In the table she was hidden a book "How to marry an oligarch, as a last resort, for the chef." In this book you are classified as game, and the hunter is called Golddigger (Gold Digger). You need her to put on her finger wedding ring And after that, to provide a comfortable life for so many years as she needed to put their own capital, or how much she knows how to hold a man, reducing his condition. There are hundreds of such girls every month bringing a second-class wagon to conquer the capital. The most intelligent of them are truth and incommesed in bohemian parties, they are inserted into the highest light, with the help of mad performance get to the adoptive large bosses. To achieve your, the hunter skillfully masked, can mow under the ideal or under the careerist. But you are not flashed, otherwise they would not have achieved their position. Therefore, to take off the hunter's tricks for you will not be difficult. With the appearance, it is a pure depletion, you will not even notice how and under what pretext it reduces the amount in your account. Track your expenses and notice when you made her dear gift, which was originally planned, - perhaps you were skillfully pushed to the decision to buy her this thing. The hunter advertises its "topographic cretinism", but will never get lost in the mall. She pretends that weak in mathematics, but not mistaken, counting the cost of purchases in the boutique. Be vigilant: The hunter is quite capable of emptying you with a lipstick, put a suspicious note in the pocket, and in the car's glove box - women's panties to initiate a scandal in your noble family. From the hunters it is easy to get rid of traditional provocations like: "Dear, I'm ravaged, but no one knows about it." She sincerely upset, and soon find a reason to change the boss on more promising. A careerist in response to such a confession will ask to fold a word to a temporary manager for her, there must be someone to help him bankrupt your company. The secretant on the kindness of the soulful will feed you with the pies purchased for the money of another lover, until it finds the bicker's chief. A student, in any way, will remain at his workplace to the session. And the ideal will go to sell matches in your free time to offer you at first material assistance.

    Ivonna Lomannskaya

    Australia Australia Lindi Cohen has shocked the results of a social experiment, within which she asked users of the network to make it more beautiful in Photoshop. She told about it on his page in Instagram.

    I DID A Social Experiment 😒 I Asked A Bunch of Strangers to Photoshop Images of Me. And Without Me Asking, They All Made Me Slimmer. Seeing The Before and After Photos Side by Side, You Can See How Much Has Been Changed. AH, Perspective 🙌. PROBLEM IS - In Real Life - You Only Ever See The 'After' Photos. And It's Easy to Forget That Almost Every Photo You See In The Media Is Photoshopped. This Conditions You to Believe You're Never Good, Pretty or Thin Enough - So You Literally Waste Your Life Lying In Bed Feeling Guilty for Eating More Thanw Wanted and Hating Yourself on Holidays Because You Can't Stand how You. Look in photos. We Have to Stop Chasing A Goal That Doesn't Even Exist. Question: What if you Saw More Normal, HEALTHY BODIES LIKE MINE IN MAGAZINES ON TV OR ON SOCIAL MEDIA? Would You Find IT Easier to Accept Your Body AS IT IS? I Definitely Would. Here's to Making the World A Better Place So That Next Generation Can Spend Less Time Obsessing ABOUT FOOD AND YO-YO DIETING AND SPEND MORE TIME BEING TRULY HEALTHY AND WAPPY WITHIN THEMSELVES. 💕

    According to a nutritionist, on the redesigned pictures, she began to look slimmer, but for the sake of this network users changed the type of its bone structure and removed fat from the abdomen. In addition, strangers removed the mole from her shoulder.

    I'm not Plus Size. And i'm not Model Size. I am Right in the Middle Size. ️ and i'm wonderfully healthy. I Eat Well, I Exercise Often. YET - We Never See Bodies Like Mine, Unphotoshopped, In The Media. So We Go Through Life Thinking That Healthy Means We Need To Look A Certain Way ... Yet No Matter How Much You Exercise Or How Little Or Well You Eat - You Never End Up Looking Like Your Expected, You Never Look Like The Photoshopped Images You see in Health Magazines Or the Curated, Filtered and Posed Images on Your Highlights Real. 😒 happiness is expectations minus reality. SO Instead of Constantly Trying to Chase A Goal That Doesn't Exist, I Say We Change Our EXpectations So That We Can Finally Learn to Be Happy What a Normal and Healthy Body Can Look Like. 💕 P.S. See My Last Post As Well

    "I am a healthy person with a 10th size, but we never see people with such bodies, like me, in the means mass mediaUnless we are talking about bodypositivists, "said Shocked Cohen.

    A nutritionist is confident that on the studied photos it looks thin by 10-20 kilograms. However, the loss of such a mass would have a negative impact on the health of the woman. Cohen advised other girls not to try to fit perfect pictures from magazines and social networks, And take your body as it is.

    It happens so, you live calmly, you do not touch anyone. You finish the university on a lawyer and constantly investigate something for a couple with a girlfriend journalist. And little to you by the usual life of the average man, so you fall into you - vampires, elves, wolves and demons. And what do you think, you need to kill everyone? Not! Everything is much worse. You need to work with them. Have you tried to work the secretary from the demon? And also at the highest? Not? And do not try, nothing good is solid adventures and cones on the already sick head.

    Secretary on batteries Galina Kulikova

    Yes, yes, you did not hear! I am the real secretary on batteries. I work and day and night. And all because my newly new chief Dima Kumanzsev mysteriously disappeared, throwing me alone. And I needed by anything to find out who the son of the son is rich in the old woman Anice Petrovna Devel. And everyone suspected! I have no right to throw out from the "black list" even the grandson of the old woman Yuri, although he likes damn it. Or maybe I fell in love? But feelings work is not a hindrance. Do not be Marina Gushchina, if I do not find in this crazy family, the very spoonful of the tar, ...

    Distil the secretary! Galina Kulikova

    Oleg Shumakov has always been very serious about the choice of satellites of life. He dreamed of meeting a good and charming girl on his way, which would also possess a firm character. Dasha Azarov, a new marketer of his company seemed to embody the dreams. Dasha Chef also saw enviable fiance, and the case was already going to the wedding, how suddenly the seraphim secretary appeared on the horizon. Intrusted like wind, and cheerful, like a sunny bunny, it was the exact opposite of a serious and solid Dasha. Her kipache and often unpredictable activities ...

    Starting jaw graph Dracula Natalia Alexandrova

    What a nightmare! Inimitable Lola, talented actress and dream of any man, forced to go to work. And by whom - a simple secretary! A lustful chef, Grymza-Chief, a small salary is only the overtakers of the cunning iceberg. This time, the deft fraudsters of Lola and the Marquis got involved in not only puzzling, but also a deadly thing. They will have to circle around the finger of treacherous criminal authority, save the beauty of the wife of the oligarch, to find "That I don't know what" and at the same time manage not to get under the bullet.

    Only with you Holly Preston

    Yesterday, Gloria was the happiest woman in the world. She married a loved man, they will soon have a long-awaited kid. And suddenly everything changed like in a terrible nightmare: in the seventh month of pregnancy she lost a child. Gloria in despair, but it is not all. She accidentally finds out that her husband changes her with his secretary. Not wanting to put up with misfortunes, Gloria leaves her husband, home and secretly leaves for Italy to start a new life.

    Club of joy and good luck Amy Tan

    American Amy Tan was born in 1952 in the family of Chinese emigrants, he received philological education, worked as a secretary in the office. His first novel, for a long ten bestseller, wrote in 1989. The "Club of Joy and Good luck" is the story of several families of Chinese emigrants, where the mother still belongs to China, and the daughter-born already in America, on the one hand, in which they understand Mothers, on the other hand, are clearly aware and worried about Chinese. Framing the story - acquiring the heroine of his sisters, which mother once lost in China. ...

    In bed with Musketeer Irina Krustaleva

    The employees of the tourist company "Around the World" were tried on the birthday of their boss Dmitry Knyazev - invited a stripper from the nightclub. The surprise was able to Hurray: the girl performed his number and retired with a birthday officer in his office. Where a little later, they discovered her ... with a cut throat! Of course, the police quickly decided on the candidate of the suspect. But the secretary of Knyazeva Katya did not imagine his hotly adored chief in the role of the criminal and appealed to the detective Agency "Cranks". Meanwhile, parents of the deceased girl ...

    Nail in the heel of Barbara McCafferti

    The quiet town of Pondez-Fork, in which the last crime was committed in time immemorial, shocked by bloody atrocities: a harmless old woman and her pets were killed - parrot and cat. The police are in confusion, and Haskell Blalevins, the only private detective for the whole town, is accepted. The disclosure of this ominous crime promises his glory and long queues of customers. That's just not so simple. It is not enough that the foremost freckling Haskell himself is not very similar to the detective, so everything else who is not too lazy, stick sticks in ...

    Love to White Camination Arina Larina

    The new boss was good, the new boss was fitted. The new boss drew attention to her, Tanya - a long divorced woman with a child. The carpet, leading to the registry office, samped itself before in love. And suddenly - a bummer! The young secretary with the appearance of Barbie had its own species on the beauties-chef, and therefore ... she went to the registry office. What to do tanya: Curse of incomprehensible male logic, get into prostration or quickly look for a replacement of the bridegroom? However, she found a completely stunning outlet ...

    Economy Groom Arina Larina

    The sacred word "marry" led Katya in the thrill. She was not lucky with men - none of them was in a hurry to make her proposal of hands and hearts. But suddenly, where neither take, one hero was found! The offer also arrived - move to live in a communal service and ... Find good workTo contain it, a loved one. Katya rushed to fulfill the requirements, settled into a decent firm secretary. And a miracle happened: the signs of attention of the handsome chief fell on it. Fell in love! What to do - answer reciprocity or keep loyal to the groom economy class? ..

    Games quadruple jane mur

    The husband went to the lubricant secretary, and Joe Miles remained alone with children and a bunch of problems. When the first shock was held, she discovered that life was still not over, and she herself did not have ever to like. Three very attractive men appear in her life, and the husband decided to return to the family after a while. So now Joe will choose: sex, friendship, money or big love? Think I guess the answer? Well, let's see!

    Brilliant unname Sergey Mogilev

    Beginner and almost no one unknown journalist Alexander Nemchinsky works in the newspaper "Reliable Direction", and writes cheap articles about indoor cacti and pouring benefits cold water In the morning. Completely unexpectedly he erupts the move of two homeless people, in which mysterious words mention: " Short-eyed" I myself do not understand why he does it, Nemchinsky immediately writes an article: "The brilliant adolescent" comes, "and deceive, with the help of his beloved Marina, who works the secretary of the Chef, publishes her in ...