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  • Who is the rules of Great Britain to Elizabeth 2. Skeletons in the British Queen closet. The wedding ring of the bride was made from the Welly Gold Nugget that was sent from the "Clogau St David" mine near the long

    Who is the rules of Great Britain to Elizabeth 2. Skeletons in the British Queen closet. The wedding ring of the bride was made from the Welly Golden Nugget that was sent from the mine

    Elizabeth fell in love with Philip at the first glance: they met when she was 13 years old, and he was 18. Well folded blonde, the Cadet of the Royal Naval College, immediately. There is a correspondence between her and Philip.

    2. Parents Elizabeth were against her marriage with Philip

    Philip is from the royal family: at birth, he wore the title of Prince Greek and Danish. However, the Philip family was expelled from Greece. Leaving their native country, his relatives settled in Paris, and Philippi sent to London, where he learned, received the title of Michman and during World War II went to serve in navy. Although the young man wrote the future Queen of England from the front Long and tender letters, Elizabeth's relatives were not at all delighted with the choice of her daughter. They believed that Philip Princess was not a couple - his family was ruined. The only inheritance that Philip received from his father was a ring with sealing.

    3. Philip had to abandon his title and religion

    The wedding of Philip and Elizabeth, however, still took place. True, for the sake of her, the young man had to donate many. So, he stopped being called the Greek Prince, became the British citizen and moved from Orthodoxy to Anglicancy. He turned out to be ready to stay in history as a spouse Queen.

    4. Wedding Elizabeth and Philip was modest

    Elizabeth and Philip married at the end of 1947 - then only the war ended ... The wedding was played by royal standards rather modest, although very beautiful. Dress for the main day in her life she sewed a court fashion designer Norman Hartnell, who was inspired by the picture of Sandro Botticelli "Spring". "I found a picture of Botticelli in the museum, on which a girl in flowing along the body of silk was depicted ivory, covered with flowers, asparagus and roses buds. I recreated all this flora with the help of crystal beads and pearls, "he recalled. Elizabeth's head decorated the precious Tiara her mother, and the five-meter veil carried two cups. The outfit completed the satin sandals on the heel, the silver buckles of which decorated the pearls.

    5. Philip became the first one who brought the oath of loyalty to Elizabeth as a queen

    Elizabeth and Philip after the wedding were inseparable. The girl was engaged in the house and was happy as a wife. Soon the spouses had children - Charles and Anna. But in February 1952, the family life of the family ended. The king of England and the father of Elizabeth Georg Vi died from a thrombus in the heart ... Philip became the first who, wondering the knee, brought the oath of loyalty to Elizabeth II as a queen.

    6. First, Elizabeth forbade Philip to give children his surname

    After the coronation of Elizabeth, Philippe had to not only leave the service on the fleet, but to completely devote himself to royal duties. He accompanied the Queen in all trips, helped her in state affairs ... A man dreamed that the spouse and children would wear his name, but then the rulers would officially cease to be windsor - and Mountbetten would become. Only one thought about it caused indignation in all relatives Elizabeth. The queen was consulted with Prime Minister Winston Churchill and refused her husband in the request to assign His surname Charles and Anna. Philip was greatly worried and sadly joked, calling himself the only person in a country that could not give his family to his family.

    7. Philip and Elizabeth were on the verge of divorce

    In the mid-50s Elizabeth was completely absorbed by state affairs, and Philip suffered because he had to leave the service on the fleet. The relationship of spouses became cool and, perhaps, it was even going to divorce - but the duke unexpectedly found himself in a charity. And then Elizabeth rehearsed again - and suddenly allowed her husband to give the newborn, Andrew's boy, his last name. The fourth child of the royal couple, Edward, also received the surname of the Father. Thus, the older children of the couple, Charles and Anna, wear Windsor surname, and the younger, Andrew and Edward, - Mountbetten-Windsor.

    and Queen Maria (1867-1953), Princess Teksk, - on Father,

    Claude George Bose Lion (1855-1944), Count Strathmore and Cecilia Nina Bose-Lyon (1883-1961), - by Mother.

    Early years Elizabeth second

    1. Queen was born at 2:40 am on April 21, 1926 in the London district of Maifer in the residence of Count Strathmore on Breuton Street, house number 17.

    2. She was the first child of the Duke and Duchess York, who later became King Georg VI and Queen Elizabeth.

    3. At that time, she was the third in the line of inheritance of the throne after Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Eduard VIII), and her father, Duke York. But no one expected her father to become a king, and even more so she would become a queen.

    4. Princess Elizavet was baptized by the names of Alexander and Maria in the chapel of the Buckingham Palace. She was named after the mother, and her two median names - in honor of the father's great-grandmother, Queen Alexandra, and grandmothers on the father's line, Queen Mary.

    5. The early years of the princess passed on Piccadilly 145, the London house of her parents, where they moved shortly after her birth, and in the White House in Richmond Park.

    6. When she was six years old, her parents received government positions in the Royal House in the Big Windsor Park.

    7. Princess Elizabeth received a home education along with the princess Margaret, her younger sister.

    8. The training of Elizabeth was personally involved in her father, King Georg, and classes with Henry Martin, Vice-Rector of ITON. The study of religion was engaged in the Archbishop of Canterbury.

    9. Princess Elizabeth learned French from French and Belgian governess. This skill served the Queen of a good service, as she personally could take part in a conversation with ambassadors and heads of states from French-speaking countries, as well as when visiting French-speaking areas of Canada.

    Princess Elizabeth in 1933

    10. Princess Elizabeth became Skapt when she was eleven years old, and then became a naval ringer.

    11. In 1940, in the midst of war, the young princesses were moved for their safety in the Windsor Castle, where they spent most of the war years.

    1943 with sister

    Female Auxiliary Territorial Corps: Princess Elizabeth, 2nd Ober-in ATS, in Specialovka.

    Royal Roman

    12. The Queen is the first British monarch who celebrated the diamond anniversary.

    13. Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip met at the wedding of Prince Philip's cousin, Princess Marina Greece and the Duke of Kent, who was Uncle Princess Elizabeth, in 1934.

    14. The engagement of Princess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten was announced on July 9, 1947. Prince Philip at birth received the title of Prince Greece and Denmark. He joined the Navy in 1939 and after the war, in February 1947, received British citizenship. Prince Philip was supposed to choose the name in order to continue his career in the Royal Navy and he took himself the name of British relatives of his mother, Mountbatten. At the wedding, King George VI elevated him to the title of Duke of Edinburgh.

    15. Royal wedding rings decorated with platinum and inlated by diamonds Jeweler Philipp Antobus. He used in the decorations of diamonds from the diadems owned by the mother of Prince Philip.

    16. Prince Philip had two bachers before the wedding: the first - official in Dorchester, which had invited guests from the press, and the second - with close friends in Belfrey Club.

    17. The Queen and Duke Edinburgh married in Westminster Abbey on November 20, 1947 at 11:30 am. The celebration was attended by 2000 guest guests.

    Video: "Wedding"

    In the same style, bridesmaid dresses were performed. They were sewn from cheaper materials (also acquired by coupons), but at the expense of embroidery and interesting design looked adequately.

    Princess Margaret AS A Bridesmaid At Queen Elizabeth's Wedding

    Princess Alexandra of Kent As A Bridesmaid at the Queen 'S Wedding

    18. Elizabeth had eight bride girlfriends: her royal Highness Princess Margaret, Princess Alexander Kentskaya, Lady Carolina Montagus-Douglas Scott, Lady Mary Cambridge, Lady Elizabeth Lamember, Pamela Mountbatten, Margaret Elfinson, Diana Bowl Lyon.

    19. Also at the wedding were present: his Royal Highness Prince William Gloucester (at the age of five) and his Royal Highness Prince Michael Kent (also at the age of five).

    20. Queen's wedding dress sewed designer Sir Norman Hartnell.

    21. The dress for the dress was specially made by WinterThur Silks Limited in Dunfermlin, in the Kanmore factory. For its manufacture from China, the threads of Chinese tute silkworms were delivered. Located throughout the garlands of Fleur-Drawing flowers (emblem of virginity), jasmine (emblem of happiness, purity, sincerity) and white roses of yorks (white rose means indispensable) were embroidered with small pearls and crystal rhinestones.

    22. Fata Queen was made of light transparent fabric and was crowned with a diamond tiara. This diadem (which can be worn as a necklace) was made for Queen Mary in 1919. Diamonds, of which it is made, taken from the necklace and diamers acquired by the Queen Victoria from "Collingwood" and a wedding gift for Queen Mary in 1893. In August 1936, Queen Mary handed over the Queen of Elizabeth to Diadem, when she was still a princess Elizabeth for the future wedding.

    Tiara Elizabeth "Look" from the mother. An hour before the celebration in the hands of the bride, Tiara broke down in half and had to wait for the jeweler, who urgently repaired it.

    23. The grave of the unknown soldier in the abbey is the only stone that is not covered with a special cover. The day after the wedding of Princess Elizabeth, following the royal tradition, started her mother, sent a wedding bouquet back to the abbey, where the flowers laid on this grave.

    24. The wedding ring of the bride was made from the Welly Golden nugget that was sent from the "Clogau St David" mine near the long.

    25. About 10,000 congratulatory telegrams were received in the Buckingham Palace, also the royal couple received more than 2,500 wedding gifts from well-wishers around the world.

    26. In addition to jewelry, from close relatives, the spouses received a lot of useful things for the kitchen and home, including the salt marsh from the Queen Mother's Bookcase, a bookcase from Queen Mary, and a picnic kit from the princess Margaret.

    27. "Wedding Breakfast" (Lunch) was held after the marriage ceremony in Westminster Abbey in the Round Dining Room in the Buckingham Palace. The menu was fillet "de Sole Mountbatten", Pedro Casseroke, Ice Cream "Princess Elizabeth".

    28. In his honeymoon, the couple went from Waterloo Station together with the dog Princess - Susan.

    29. The newlyweds conducted a wedding night in Hampshire County, in the House of Uncle Prince Philip Count Mountbatten. The second part of the honeymoon was held in Birkholl, in the estate of Balmoral.

    30. In early 1948, the pair rented its first family house, Windlun Shem Moore, in Surreye, near Windsor Castle, where they stayed until they moved to Clarence House on July 4, 1949.

    31.After marriage to the Princess Elizabeth, Duke Edinburgh continued his maritime career, reaching the title of Lieutenant in the "HMS Magpie" frigate team.

    32. Although he was a Queen's husband, Duke Edinburgh was not crowned or anointed at the coronation ceremony in 1953. He first witnessed the respect and brought her oath to Majesty. He kissed the recently crowned queen with the words: "I, Philip, Duke Edinburgh, I will become your vassal in illness and health, I will serve you faith and truth, with honor and respect, until the death of death." God will help me. "

    Herbert James Gann Coronation Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II

    33. Prince Philip accompanied the Queen for all its trips to the Commonwealth countries and state visits, as well as public events and meetings in all parts of the UK. The first of them was a coronation tour of the Commonwealth from November 1953 to May 1954, in which the couple visited Bermuda, Jamaica, Panama, Fiji, Tonga, New Zealand, Australia, Coconut Islands, Ceylon, Aden, Uganda, Libya, Malta and Gibraltar, having done the distance in 43.618 kilometers.

    34. Coronation took place in the Westystster Abbey on June 2, 1953. Harvesting the sacred ceremony headed Jeffrey Fisher, Archbishop Canterbury.

    35. Coronation was broadcast in each part of London, on a fleet, in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

    Sketch of Norman Hartnell to Coronation Dress Elizabeth II

    Coronation dress stitched by designer Normant Hartnell

    Joan Heasell. Invitation Prince Charles, 1953

    36. Queen and Duke of Edinburgh Philip Four Children: Prince Charles, Prince Wales (born in 1948), Princess Anna, (born in 1950), Prince Andrew, Duke Yorksky (born in 1960) And Prince Edward, Count Wessex (born in 1964).

    37. With the birth of Prince Andrew in 1960, the Queen became the first ruling monarch gave birth to a child, since Queen Victoria, whose younger child, Princess Beatrice, was born in 1857.

    Prince Charles, Prince Wales (born in 1948)

    Princess Anna, (born in 1950)

    Queen with the son of Charles and daughter Anna, 1954.

    The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Duke of Cornwall and Princess Anne October 1957

    Prince Andrew, Duke Yorksky (born in 1960)

    Two younger children of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Andrew and Eduard.

    Prince Edward, Count Wessex (born in 1964)

    Prince Edward and Princess Sophie

    38. Queen and Duke of Edinburgh Philip Eight Grandchildren -

    Peter Phillips (born in 1977),

    Zara Phillips (born in 1981),

    prince William (born in 1982),

    prince Harry (born in 1984),

    princess Beatris (born in 1988),

    princess Evgenia (born in 1990),

    lady Louise Windsor (born in 2003)

    and James, Viscount Sertrents (born in 2007),

    there is a great-grandfather - Savannah (born in 2011) and great-grandfather Prince George Cambridge (2013)

    The Queen and Prince Philip Pose With Their Grandchildren (L-R) William, Harry, Zara and Her Brother Peter (Back Row) in a Warm Portrait Sent Out for Christmas 1987

    Speech Queen of England

    39. The Queen reports on television Christmas message every year, with the exception of 1969, when she decided that the members of the royal family were on television enough after an unprecedented documentary film about her family. Her greeting took the form of written circulation.

    40. In 1991, in his message, the Queen denied rumors about renunciation, as she pledged to continue the service.

    41. The Queen issued a prescription against the newspaper "The Sun" in 1992 after she published the full text of her speech two days before the broadcast. She later took apologies and 200 thousand pounds sterling donations for charitable goals.

    42. Grandfather of Queen, King Georg V, the first of the royal family spoke for Christmas live on Radio from Sandringham in 1932.

    43. Georg V was first against using wireless information transfer devices, but in the end agreed.

    44. Christmas broadcast was not in 1936 and 1938.

    45. In 2010, the Queen's speech was broadcast from the Hampton Court Palace - a historic building was used for the first time.

    46. \u200b\u200bEach speech is written in person by the Queen, each has a strict religious framework, reflects current issues and is often based on its own experience.

    Interests and Hobbies

    48. Animal amateur since childhood, the queen shows a big and very informed interest in horses. As the owner and breeder of purebred horses, it often comes to watch races to evaluate what her horses in running, and also often visits equestrian competitions.

    49. Elizabeth II participated in Derby, one of the classical races in the UK, and the summer race in Ascota, which became the royal since 1911.

    50. Queen's horses won jumps on Royal Ascot several times. The double victory was noticed on June 18, 1954, when Landau won the Rous Memorial Stakes, and Herool's stallion won Hardwicke Stakes, and in 1957, the Queen had four winners during the rays.

    Zara Philips, Princess An and Elizabeth II

    His little grandchildren (Kids Prince Edward) Elizabeth II also encourages hobby.

    51. Other interests include nature walks and countryside. Also, the Queen loves to walk with her Labradors who were specifically derived in Sandgrinryme.

    52. Less than known Queen's interest to Scottish dance. Every year, during her stay in the castle, Balmoral, the Queen arranges dances, known as "Gillis Balls", for neighbors, property owners, castle employees and local community members.

    53. The Queen is the only person in the UK, which can ride without a license or registration number on your car. And she does not have a passport.

    54. The Queen is a patron of more than 600 charitable organizations.

    55. To officially greet the Queen of Men must slightly incline head, while women make a small renewress. At the Queen's view, the formal appeal "Your Majesty" will correctly, and then "MEM".

    Leisure Queen

    56. Queen Elizabeth II is a fortieted English monarch, starting from Wilhelm the conqueror.

    57. She visited Australia 15 times, in Canada - 23 times, on Jamaica - 6 times and New Zealand - 10 times.

    58. Her Majesty sent about 100 thousand telegrams long-livers in the UK and the Commonwealth countries.

    59. The queen lunch on 23 ships and communicated with five astronauts in the Buckingham Palace.

    60. She made the first flight by plane in July 1945.

    61. Her Majesty is the only British monarch in history that can change the spark plugs.

    62. For the Victory Day, the Queen and her sister Princess Margaret slipped in the crowd during the celebration.

    63. For wedding dresses, the queen collected coupons on clothes.

    64. The queen has a bank account in the bank "Coutts & Co.".

    65. The Queen noted his golden anniversary in 2002, visiting 70 cities and towns throughout the UK.

    66. Tony Blair was the first prime minister who was born during her rule, for which nine prime ministers had changed before him.

    67. The queen was present at 91 state banquet and posed for 139 official portraits.

    68. Formally, the Queen of England still owns sturgeon, whales and dolphins in water throughout the UK, which are recognized as "Royal Fish". In addition, she owns all wild flocks of swans living in open water.

    69. The Queen brought the new breed of dogs, known as "Dorgi", when one of the corgi was tied with the Pipkin's taxi.

    70. The Queen is the first British monarch, who saw three divorces of children.

    71. Her Majesty lowered the Lacey for the filing of whiskey her corgi.

    72. The Queen has nine royal troons: one - in the House of Lords, two - in Westminster Abbey and six - in the throne hall of the Buckingham Palace.

    73. She is the patron saint of the Royal Association of Pigeon Racing. One of the queen birds is called Sandringem Lightning.

    74. During the rule of the queen, six Archbishops of Canterbury was changed.

    75. Queen's growth is 5 feet 4 inches or 160 centimeters.

    Original entries and comments on

    The future queen was born in April 1926 and became the eldest daughter of Prince Albert and his wife Elizabeth (in the Major Bowl Lyon). The girl received the name Elizabeth Alexander Maria - in honor of the mother, grandmother and great-grandmothers. After 4 years, the family replenished the younger daughter Margaret Rose.

    Elizabeth received home education, in-depth studying lawyology, french, religion history. The young princess paid a lot of time to his main hobby - horse riding.

    At the birth of Elizabeth, there was a third contender for the throne, but after the death of Grandfather Georg V and renunciation from the throne of his uncle Eduard VII, her father became king, and a very young girl received the title of cross-princess.

    During the war the Royal Family London did not leave, the princess was trained and became a mechanic-driver of a sanitary car. Her service lasted 5 months. After the war, it was a turn of strengthening relations in the countries of the Commonwealth. Together with the parents of the princess rides a long tour. After the death of the Father, it becomes the official head of the British royal house, but the coronation ceremony was held only in 1953, after a few months.

    The XX century is marked by the collapse of many monarchies, but the British kingdom resist. In this considerable merit of Elizabeth II. She managed to find a balance between decorative representation of functions and real support for the state system. Queen's responsibilities include strengthening external connections, frequent international tour, weekly meetings with the Prime Minister to discuss the situation in the country.

    Family and personal life

    Elizabeth married in 1947. The chief of Princess became Philipp Mountbatenne from the Greek Royal House. Handsome Prince was not considered an enviable party, but the girl in love was insisted on his own - and soon in the kingdom was announced the engagement. Filippe had to abandon his title to become a duke of Edinburgh prince consort. He was forever the honorable, but still the second role - on the step behind the wife. It was not easy for the duke, but he successfully coped with the entrusted duties. Despite some difficulties, gossip and rumors, the pair managed to maintain warm relationships and always treat each other with respect.

    Marriaged 4 children were born. Relations with the eldest, Charles, the queen were not easy - primarily due to the difference of characters and the fact that immediately after the birth of the baby, she was forced to leave in a long tour of the countries of the Commonwealth. Subsequently, the queen was very sorry for the missed moments, the relationship was gradually normalized and today Charles is the main support of the aging monarchy.

    The only daughter Anna shared the passion of mother to horses and dogs, loved hunting and horse riding. She took active participation In protocol events and for a long time was considered the most efficient from the royal children. After the daughter of Elizabeth, 2 more sons acquired - in 1960, Prince Andrew was born, and the last prince Edward became the latter.

    The Queen could not pay too much time to raise children, but always interested in their lives and was able to lay down warm and harmonious relations in the family. This did not prevent the inevitable scandals associated with the divorces of the two senior sons and daughters, the accusations of the death of Princess Diana and the problems in the personal life of the younger sister Margaret. Despite the dense work schedule, Elizabeth pays time and their hobbies: breeding dogs of the breed of corgs and rink horses. She loves country trips to Balmoral, walks through the heather empty, jumps in which her daughter and older granddaughter had once taken part.

    Today, the queen is a happy mother and grandmother of 8 grandchildren. She waited for her great-grandfathers and grandparents. Elizabeth loves younger family members, and they pay their legendary grandmother and great-grandmother with tremendous respect, respect and love.

    Queen of England Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926 in London. The appearance of a charming baby did not cause an excitement at the courtyard. No one could come to anyone that this young creation will take the royal throne over time. At that time, Grandfather Elizabeth Georg V. The Sen Son Edward was considered the heir to the throne. The girl's father was Prince Albert - the second son of the king. He even did not allow thoughts that he would become a crowded special. Everyone thought that the eldest son would soon marry, herself will be herself and after the death of the Father, the royal duties will arise.

    Lilibet, so in childhood everyone called Elizabeth, very much loved grandfather, and he paid her response to her, although by nature was a man very harsh and harsh. The king did not feel any good feelings to their sons. He brought up them in Spartan style and often overtakes stick. The result of such education was the stutter of the girl's father, from which he did not get rid of the end of his life.

    But to the small creature of female Georg V Putal the most tender feelings. He didn't just love his granddaughter, but he adored what he proved to others, that even a bright corner, capable of sincere and clean love, always exists in a cruel and frail soul.

    Georg V left the mortal world on January 20, 1936 at the age of 70. He reigned for 24 years and has established himself to a wise politician who wore about the good of the nation.

    King George VI, his wife Elizabeth and their daughters: Elizabeth (right) and Margaret

    The throne rightfully moved to Eduard. He became Eduard VIII, but never was crowned. The man was unable to impose on his shoulders a heavy burden of the monarch. He was confused with twice the dusted lady named Wallis Simpson (1896-1986). In 1916, he married a military pilot, but he began to beat it, and in 1927, Wallace ran away from him.

    She moved to London and "picked up" a businessman named Ernst Simpson. For him she married in 1928. In 1931, Wallace at a party from close friends became acquainted with the heir of the throne. But this couple began a love connection only in 1934. The feeling was so strong that Simpson divorced her husband. Eduard answered no less strong love. In order not to part with Wallace, he ran away from the throne.

    All these heartfers throwing an unsightly shadow on representatives of the Windsor Dynasty, led to the English throne of the father of Elizabeth Albert Frederica. He crushed on May 12, 1937 under the name George VI.

    The new king has no sons. Therefore, the hear of Henry was announced the heir to the throne. But that flatly refused such an honorary role in favor of Elizabeth. Thus, at 11 years old, our heroine has become the legitimate heiress of the royal throne of one of the most powerful countries of the world.

    During World War II, the future queen of England worked as a simple driver on a sanitary car.

    In 1939, the second began World War. Girls at this time were 13 years old. In 1940, on October 13, she spoke on the radio with the appeal to children suffered during the German bombing. And at the age of 18 received the rights of the mechanic-driver of the sanitary car. Until the last days of war, the future queen of England twisted the ram, translated sick and wounded soldiers.

    Being a very young girl, Elizabeth fell in love once and for the rest of his life. With his future, she met her in front of the war in the Royal Naval School. The king along with both daughters (younger daughter Margaret) arrived in him to chat with cadets.

    It is in the walls of this institution, the heiress of the English throne and saw the Greek Prince Philip. He was listed by one of the cadets, and in the age was elderly Elizabeth for 5 years. Young people talked just a couple of hours, but this time was enough for Elizabeth to love the young man seriously and for a long time.

    Prince Philip had the most that neither there is a brilliant pedigree. He accounted for grandson Greek and great-grandchildly to the Danish king, as well as the great-grandionom to the Russian emperor Nicholas I. But after the revolution in Greece, the prince had nothing but the title. His mother finished her days in psychiatric hospital, and my father fell ill. England sheltered a poor child and arranged him in the Royal Naval School, so that the boy receive a decent profession and was able to earn the urgent bread.

    From the above, it can be seen that Philip was not a pair of Elizabeth. At least the royal yard thought so. But the girl showed astounding perseverance and perseverance. She wrote the whole war with a young letter officer, while he bravely fought on the destroyer.

    Immediately after the end of hostilities, the heir to the throne suggested that the Greek Prince will be engaged, asking for all existing norms and conventions. On November 20, 1947, a wedding took place in Westminster Abbey.

    Time was heavy, post-war. Elizabeth had to sell some jewels to sew a wedding dress. For a wedding cake sent products from Australia. The cake turned out to be luxurious, 3 meter. He did not cut the knives, and cut the sabers. Guests went through a small piece. Everything else was sent to schools and hospitals.

    At the end of January 1952, a young happy couple went to rest in Kenya. Spouses lived at the hotel "Tree Tops". He was located among the branches of a huge ficus. On February 7, a record appeared in the registration book: "For the first time, in the entire history of the human civilization, the princess rose to the tree, and the queen came down from him."

    The cause of the record was the death of George VI. He died on the night from 5 to February 6. Elizabeth automatically became the queen of England. In many countries of the world, headlines scored by large font appeared on the first strips of newspapers: "The king died, long live Queen."

    Queen of England Elizabeth II bypass the system of honor guard after joining the throne

    Coronation of the Queen of England Elizabeth II was held in Westminster Abbey (the traditional place of coronation of the UK monarchs) on June 2, 1953, that is, a year and 5 months after the death of George VI. But official Day Edema for the throne is considered on February 6, 1952.

    The husband was not crowded. He first swore at the loyalty to his queen and was forced to leave the fleet. Now his presence was necessary at all official ceremonies of the Royal Court.

    Private life with Philip did not turn out to be a fairy tale. According to youth, the husband often allowed various non-correctic and fairly tactless statements. So in New Guinea, he asked for a passerby: "Listen, the milestone, how could you still eat here?"

    In China, he noticed with a careless tone, turning to english tourist: "See, do not stay here for a long time, otherwise your eyes will narrow." In Paraguay at a meeting with a bloody dictator with a stressner, Philip said: "It is surprisingly nice to be in a country that is not managed by the people."

    At the courtyard, gossip about the love call of Prince Philip with the cousin of Elizabeth. They talked about extramarital children from various women. The queen of England did everything to stop such rumors. Over the years, the prince calmed down. They began to give themselves to know age and health.

    Queen of England Elizabeth II and the routine of her day

    All days at the Queen of England are similar to each other as twins. Will be Her Majesty exactly at 8 am. Such an important thing is entrusted to the maid. She contributes to the royal tray with tea. In this case, the cup handle is always directed to the right, the spoon on the saucer lies strictly diagonally.

    Putting a tray, the maid spreads the curtains. Sunlight penetrates the bedroom, and gentle rays relate to the face of the vengeous person. At the same time, the royal dogs who came with a walk joyfully run into the bedroom. These are Corgi. Four them: Linnet, Willow, Holly and Monty.

    Queen of England Elizabeth II with loved dogs

    The queen drinks morning tea, communicates with dogs, and at this time the Kamertka fills the bath. Her Majesty takes water procedures, and at 9 o'clock leaves the bedroom and goes to the dining room. Here, the Queen of England Elizabeth II has breakfast.

    Morning welcome is very modest. Toast, smeared by oil and the finest layer of marmalade, and a cup of tea. During breakfast, the vengeial feature looks at the newspaper. This is "Times", "Daily Telegraph", "Dale Mail", "Sporting Life". In the last newspaper, she watches the section dedicated to the jumps. Her Majesty adores this sport. It is perfectly disassembled in horses and herself owns several magnificent horses.

    At 10 o'clock at the Queen of England, the working day begins. She sits in the office and browsing letters that come to her from all over the world. Information in letters is the most different. Someone asks for help, someone asks the recipes of original dishes, which were served to the royal table at the last official banquet.

    Then there comes a stage of state papers requiring royal signature. This is a compulsory formality, although the Cabinet of Ministers Queen's opinion never asks. Elizabeth II can express his point of view on some question, but it will not have a decisive value.

    From 11 o'clock, her majesty takes officials. These are diplomats, judges, ministers. Each of them, going, becomes one knee and takes the right hand of the Queen. It concerns her lips and after that falls on his feet. Such a ceremony continues at least 2 hours. All this time, the queen is worth it. She has no opportunity to sit down and relax.

    At the end of such a physically serious event, dinner time comes. Queen of England Elizabeth II eats sandwiches with salmon, cucumbers or chicken. Food remnants are used the next day. They can go to casserole or pie. Dogs oversized products are never given.

    After lunch, a small rest and the official reception. Dinner begins at 20 o'clock 15 minutes. At the table is going to the whole family. In England, evening food is always dense. Very rarely, Majesty dines alone. This is when all members of the royal family leave for business trips.

    After dinner, the queen watching television shows, and closer to midnight goes to bed. Such a measured life of Elizabeth II lives without a small 60 years.

    Skandals in the Royal Family

    Queen of England Elizabeth II has four children. This is Prince Charles (Rod. 1948), Prince Andrew (born 1960), Princess Anna (born 1950), Prince Edward (born 1964). The rapidation of children was mainly a father, since the queen has always had many important public affairs.

    Family Elizabeth II, 1972. From left to right Anna, Charles, Eduard, Andrew, Elizabeth, Philip

    The greatest hassle delivered the eldest son Charles. In 1970, he inhabitantly fell in love with the lady named Camilla. The maiden was noble blood, but despised the conventions of the highest light. She felt, smoked, drank whiskey and changed lovers from time to time. All this was considered the top of indecency. But poor Charles, having a soft and romantic nature, fell under the influence of this cynical, volitional and arrogance.

    The poor fellow did even the proposal of the hand and heart, but received a turn from the gate. Camilla married an officer Andrew Parker Bowles. But after 6 years of family life with respect to spouses, there was a disorder. Camilla began to favorably take the courting of Charles. It did not slip away from the attention of the royal court.

    Elizabeth II in the center, left sister Margaret, right Queen-mother

    The queen with her husband, seeing that their son brazenly and shaken fuck, began to urgently look for him his wife. Very by the way, Diana Spencer was turned up (1961-1997). Girl of noble blood and with beautiful pedigree. She was a virgin, which was a prerequisite for the bride of the heir to the throne. The wedding was played on July 29, 1981. In 1982 and 1984, Princess Diana gave birth to two sons.

    Marriage for Charles was very successful. His wife was almost loved not only England, but also the whole world. Diana possessed amazing charm, cleanliness and immediacy. But male stupidity does not know borders. The heir to the throne continued to meet with Camilla. Soon the wife learned about this connection. In 1996, the spouses divorced, but lived separately since 1992.

    Princess Diana, Queen of England Elizabeth II sits on the left. In the center sits the princess Diana with the son of William, on the right of the Mother Queen. Prince Charles and Philip

    This divorce is a serious blow to the prestige of the royal family. England was on the side of the deceived Diana. The situation aggravated the tragic death of this amazing woman in 1997. They rummed that Prince Charles prince was involved in death. Allegedly, by his order, the attackers caught the brake hoses from the car in which the princess was driving. But the official investigation is completely similar rumors.

    In 1992, Marriages Anna and Andrew broke up. True around these 2 events there were no loud scandals. Everything went quietly and unnoticed, but left in the souls an unpleasant precipitate. Still, the royal surname should be a sample in all respects. For several years, the subjects met Elizabeth II cold silence. The same pretended to notice anything. Although it is not difficult to imagine what was happening in her soul.

    Charles with Camilla and Elizabeth II

    Gradually, the British moved their soul and again fell in love with their queen. Even the marriage of Prince Charles with Camilla in 2005 was no longer able to undermine the authority of the Queen of England. Still, after the death of Princess Diana passed a lot of years, and the memory of people is very short.

    Cate Middleton is currently very popular with the British, William's wife: Senior Son from Marriage Princess Diana and Charles. The Girl is warm and Elizabeth II itself. It is rumored that the queen wants to change the rules of the preclusion and appoint William to his heir. After all, the British do not like Prince Charles, and Camilla never recognize his queen.

    Customs of the royal yard

    The whole life of the royal yard is a ritual. It was worked out not one hundred years. For example, in the state of the Buckingham Palace there is a dressmaker. Its responsibilities include socks and bed linen. This does not mean that the queen has no money for such trifles. Portnika costs much more than new socks and linen sets. Just the royal yard gives tribute to tradition. About 500 years ago, the fabric was very expensive, and the vengeous persons saved in a similar way. Times have changed, but the custom remained. He is not the only one in the royal palace.

    Livrey, who carry servants, are sewn up to 200 years ago. An old uniform is issued to each new employee and carries out the figure. The entire service personnel has about 300 people. The staff includes personal plots, Camericians, Freillins, cruise silver keepers, royal wallets. There are even a fraction of the front and rear rooms.

    During official receptions there is a table of huge sizes. It is impossible to reach its middle. Lakes wind up shoes with rags and climb on the table with their legs. During food, the first dish is served by the queen. She immediately begins to eat. After that, the lacquer is distributed to guests guests. When the plate of the vengeous person is empty, the employees immediately take the plates from all those present. Many guests do not even have time to try what they filed.

    However, the Queen of England Elizabeth II this is not a very kind custom canceled. She stated that no one should ever remain hungry. But this is the only concession to the ancient traditions.

    As for servants, they should walk around the palace, sticking to a narrow edge near the wall. If the queen or someone from the reign surname goes to meet, the servants should hide somewhere. It can be some kind of chulad, a wardrobe in the wall, that is, any shelter that is near. Seeing the Queen, noble ladies must squat, and men bow.

    These traditions are observed strictly for centuries. For people, they are not at all burden. On the contrary, there is a lot of wishing to serve at the Royal Palace. But all positions are usually transmitted by inheritance. Children from an early age absorb the unique atmosphere of the Royal Palace and jealously protect his traditions and customs. It seems that time itself freezes in the walls, which are no longer one hundred years to protect the reigning specials from the transformations of the external volatile and such an unpredictable world.

    "I generally did not teach me to be a queen: my father died too early and it happened so unexpectedly - I had to immediately join in business and at the same time try not to hit the face in the dirt. I had to grow to the position I took. It was fate, she should have taken and not to rapid. I believe that continuity is very important. My job is for life. "
    Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain

    I wonder what it is - to celebrate your birthday now for more than 50 years twice a year? Queen Elizabeth II will be able to answer this question (Queen Elizabeth II), which was born on April 21, 1926 in London, and for many years the day of her birth is celebrated by all the United Kingdom not only on April 21, but also in the 3rd Saturday of June.

    Her title Royal Majesty In the United Kingdom, it sounds like this: "Elizabeth Second, God's Grace of the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and other possessions and territories, head of the Commonwealth, defender of faith."

    Queen Elizabeth The second rushed to the throne on February 6, 1952, after the death of his father, King George Sixth. Coronation took place on June 2, 1953 in Westminster Abbey. Elizabeth was only 25 years old when she became the queen, and for several decades it remains it.

    Birthday every year is magnificently celebrated in Windsor Castle. He begins with walking around the city (if this action, of course, can be called that). The 21 charging salute, which sounds at noon, is defined.

    Throughout his reign, the Queen has repeatedly been criticized not only by the British Republicans, but also various British media, as well as a simple public. Nevertheless, Elizabeth II was able to preserve the prestige of the British monarchy, and its popularity in the UK is at the height.


    Elizabeth II (English ELIZABETH II), the full name - Elizabeth Alexander Maria (English. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; April 21, 1926, London) - Queen of Great Britain from 1952 to the present.

    Elizabeth II comes from the Windsor Dynasty. He climbed the throne on February 6, 1952 at the age of 25 after the death of his father King George VI.

    He is the head of the British Commonwealth of Nations and, in addition to the UK, Queen 15 independent states: Australia, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Canada, New Zealand, Papua - New Guinea, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Jamaica. Is also the head of the Anglican Church and supreme Commander armed Forces UK.

    Coat of arms in different period of time and in different countries

    Coat of arms Princess Elizabeth (1944-1947)

    Coat of arms Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of Edinburgh (1947-1952)

    Royal coat of arms in the UK (except Scotland)

    Royal coat of arms in Scotland

    Royal coat of arms in Canada

    The full title of Elizabeth II in the UK sounds like "Her Majesty Elizabeth II, God's grace of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and other kingdoms and territories of Queen, head of the Commonwealth, defender of faith."

    During the reign of Elizabeth II in all countries recognizing the British monarch, the laws were adopted, according to which, in each of these countries, the British monarch acts as the head of this particular state, regardless of its titles itself in the UK or in third countries. Accordingly, in all these countries, the Queen title sounds the same way, with the replacement of the state name. In some countries, the words "defender of faith" are excluded from the title. For example, in Australia, the title sounds as follows: "Her Majesty of Elizabeth II, God's grace of Queen of Australia and other kingdoms and territories, head of the Commonwealth."

    On the islands of Guernsey and Jersey, Elizabeth II, the title of Duke of Normandsky, on the island of Maine - the title "Lord Mane".


    Elizabeth II - the oldest in the age of British (English) monarch in history. Currently, it ranks second in history in the duration of stay at the British throne (after Queen Victoria) and also second place in the world in the duration of stay as the head of state among the current heads of states (after the king of Thailand Phuumipon Aduwadta). It is also the most elderly in the world among women-operating heads of states, and in Europe - the oldest operating head of the state.

    He is the oldest active monarch in the world from January 24, 2015, after the death of the King of Saudi Arabia Abdullah Ibn Abdul-Aziza Al Saud.

    For the period of the board of Elizabeth II, a very wide period of British history falls: the process of decolonization was completed, which was marked by the final decay of the British Empire and its transformation into the Commonwealth of Nations. This period also included many other events, such as a long-term ethnopolitical conflict in Northern Ireland, the Falkland War, War in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Queen Elizabeth II, 1970

    Public perception

    At the moment, most British are positively assessed by Elizabeth II, as a monarch (about 69% believe that without the monarchy the country would be worse; 60% believe that the monarchy contributes to raising the image of the country abroad and only 22% were against the monarchy).

    Despite the positive attitude of the majority of their subjects, the queen for his reign has repeatedly criticized, in particular:

    In 1963, when a political crisis arose in Britain, Elizabeth was criticized for the fact that Alexander Douglas-Huym's prime minister had been criticized.
    In 1997, for the lack of an instant response to the death of Princess Diana, not only the anger of the British public, but even many large British media (for example, The Guardian) was collapsed.
    In 2004, after Elizabeth II on the hunt, the cane scored a pheasant to death, a wave of indignation from environmental organizations on the actions of the monarch swept across the country.

    Elizabeth II is the last representative of the so-called "old school" of monarchs: it strictly adheres to age-old traditions and ceremonies and never retreats from the rules of the head of the etiquette. Her Majesty never gives an interview and does not make statements in the press. She is in sight of everyone, but at the same time is the most closed celebrity on the planet.


    Princess Elizabeth Alexander Maria was born in the London district of Maifer in the residence of Count Strathmore on Breuton Street, house number 17. Now the area is rebuilt, and the house no longer exists, but this place is installed memorial plaque. He received his name in honor of Mother (Elizabeth), grandmothers (Maria) and great-grandmothers (Alexander).

    Senior daughter Prince Albert, Duke York (future king George VI, 1895-1952) and Lady Elizabeth Bose-Lyon (1900-2002). Her grandfathers and grandmothers: by Father - King Georg V (1865-1936) and Queen Maria, Princess Tekskaya (1867-1953); According to Mother - Claude George Bose-Lyon, Count Strathmore (1855-1944) and Cecilia Nina Bose Lyon (1883-1938).

    At the same time, the father insisted that the first name of his daughter was like a duchess. At first, the girl wanted to give the name Victoria, but then changed his mind. Georg V noticed: "Bertie discussed the girl's name with me. He called the three name: Elizabeth, Alexander and Maria. The names are all good, I so said, and I absolutely agree with him about Victoria. It was unnecessary. " The christening Princess Elizabeth took place on May 25 in the chapel of the Buckingham Palace, later destroyed during the war years.

    Queen Elizabeth II, 1930

    In 1930, the only sister of Elizabeth - Princess Margaret was born.

    The future queen received a good home education, mainly humanitarian. She loved horses and horse riding since childhood. As well as from childhood, unlike his more obsolete sister Margaret, possessed truly royal character. In the book-biographies of Elizabeth II, Sarah Bradford is mentioned that the future queen since childhood was a very serious child, who already had a certain understanding of those responsibilities that were legally on her, as the heir of the throne, and a sense of duty. Elizabeth loved his order since childhood, so she, for example, Look to bed, always put slippers near the bed, never allowing himself to scatter things in the room, as inherent in many children. And already being a queen, she always watched unnecessary light in the palace, manually turning the lighting in empty rooms.

    Queen Elizabeth II, 1926

    Photo 1929, Elizabeth here 3 years

    Princess Elizabeth in 1933

    King George VI and (1895-1952) and Elizabeth Angela, Duchess York (1900-2002), with a daughter, the future queen - Princess Elizaveta, 1929

    Queen with daughters, October 1942

    Princess at war

    The Second World War began when Elizabeth was 13 years old. October 13, 1940, she first spoke on the radio - with the appeal to children affected by the disasters of war. In 1943, her first independent appearance was held in the public - a visit to the regiment of the Guards Grenadiers. In 1944, it became one of the five "state advisers" (persons with the right to perform the functions of the king in the event of its absence or incapacity). In February 1945 Elizabeth joined the "Subsidiary Territorial Service" - the women's squads of self-defense - and was trained as a mechanic-driver of a sanitary car, having received military rank Lieutenant. Her military service Five months lasted, which gives reason to consider it the last not retired by the participant of the Second World War (the penultimate was the Pope Benedict XVI, which served as a Zenitchik in the German armed forces).

    Princess Elizabeth (left, in military form) On the balcony of the Buckingham Palace (from left to right), her mother Queen Elizabeth, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, King Georg VI and Princess Margaret, May 8, 1945


    On November 20, 1947, Elizabeth married his distant relative, as she, as she, the great director of Queen Victoria, Prince Philip Mountbetten, the son of the Greek Prince Andrei, who then was an officer of the British Fleet. She met him at the age of 13, when Philip was still a cadet of the Dortmouth Naval School. His spouse becoming her husband, Philip received the title of Duke of Edinburgh.

    In November 2007, the Queen and her spouse Duke Edinburgh celebrated the "Diamond Wedding" - the sixtieth anniversary of living together. For the sake of such a case, the Queen allowed himself a small liberty - for one day they retired with his spouse for romantic memories in Malta, where Prince Philip served, and the young princess Elizabeth visited him.

    Four children were born in their family: the heir to the throne - the eldest son Charles Philip Arthur Georg, Prince Wales (1948); Princess Anna Elizabeth Alice Louise (1950); Prince Andrew Albert Christian Edward, Duke Yorki (1960), Edward Anthony Richard Louis, Count Wessec (1964).

    December 29, 2010 Elizabeth II first became a great-grandmother. On this day, her senior grandson - the Senior Son of the Princess Anna Peter Phillips - and his wives of Canada Otam Kelly was born daughter. The girl has become the 12th in the British Treasury of the Prestaging.

    With a newborn prince Charles, December 1948

    Coronation and principle

    King Georg VI, Father Elizabeth, died on February 6, 1952. Elizabeth, at that time, together with her husband on vacation in Kenya, was proclaimed Queen of Great Britain.

    The Coronation Ceremony Elizabeth II was held in Westminster Abbey on June 2, 1953. It was the first coronation of the British monarch broadcasting on television, and, as it is believed, this event has noticeably contributed to the growth of television broadcast.

    After that, in 1953-1954. The queen committed a six-month tour of the Commonwealth States, British colonies and other countries of the world. Elizabeth II became the first monarch who visited Australia and New Zealand.

    Elizabeth II after coronation in 1953

    Queen with its six frames
    From left to right:
    Lady Moyra Hamilton (now Lady Moyra Campbell), Lady Ann Cox (now Honored Lady Glenconner), Lady Rosemary Spencer Churchill (now Lady Rosemary Muir), Lady Mary Bailey Hamilton (now Lady Mary Russell), Lady Jane Heathcote-Drummond Willoughby (now Baroness de Willoughby de Eresby), Lady Jane Wang Tepest Stuart (now Honorable Lady Rayne)

    Young Queen Elizabeth II

    Queen began its own political activitieswhich included the opening of the Parliament and the reception of prime ministers. In the fifties of the twentieth century, Elizabeth II and Prince Philip made many visits on the territory of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth countries.

    In the sixties, the English queen committed his historic visit to West Berlin in full swing Cold WarAlso invited the Japanese emperor Hirokhito on an official visit to Britain. Despite the troubled social and political situationShe celebrated her silver jubile in 1977. Celebrations succeeded, thousands of people celebrated the anniversary of Elizabeth II across the country.

    Mature years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II

    Five years later, the United Kingdom participated in hostilities against the Falkland Islands, during which Prince Andrew performed duties in the Royal Navy as a pilot of the helicopter. In the eighties of the twentieth century, the first grandchildren of the Queen - Peter and Zara Phillips, the Son and the daughter of Anna, the Royal Princess and Captain Mark Phillips were born.

    In 1992, a catastrophe occurred, as a result of which the fire destroyed part of the Windsor Castle. In the same year, the marriages of Prince Charles, Prince Andrew and Princess Anna were dissolved. The queen called 1992 "Terrible Year." In 1996, the marriage of Prince Charles and Princess Diana was terminated. The tragedy followed in 1997, when Diana died in a car accident.

    2002 became sad for the English Queen Elizabeth II, because her sister of Princess Margaret died.

    Queen Elizabeth II Board

    During the reign of the British Queen Elizabeth II in the UK, many changes were made. The Queen successfully fulfills its political duties of the head of state, the head of the Commonwealth of Nations, ceremonial duties, as well as responsibilities for visits within the UK and beyond.

    Elizabeth II introduced many reforms to the monarchy. In 1992, she proposed to introduce income taxes and income from capital gains. She opened the official monarch of residences for the people, including the Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle, in order to finance the content of the royal family.

    She supported the abolition of male birthright and the union, which means that now the elder child can inherit the throne, regardless of gender.

    In 2012, the English Queen celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of the reign, the celebrations were held throughout the country, which once again demonstrated the love of the British.

    English Queen Elizabeth II

    The style of the English Queen can be conditionally undressed for two periods: the style of a young queen - the style is conservative and elegant, and the style of an elderly queen, I would call him the style of "cheerful grandmother" or even a "rainbow style", because the incredible number of changing colors in its costumes and hats . However, the English Queen loved always.

    Throughout the main elements of the wardrobe of Queen Elizabeth II were: dresses or costumes of medium length, necessarily covering the knee, coats and raincoats of cutting a trapezium, plus dresses in the floor length for solemn events, as well as hats, always in a tone, gloves, closed shoes , brooch on the jacket and the thread of pearls. The British Queen also always preferred short haircuts. Favorite colors - pink, lilac and indigo.

    Queen Elizabeth II arrives at the Odeon Cinema cinema, October 31, 1955. (Photo: Monti Fresco / Getty Images)

    Queen Elizabeth II becomes after the death of his father in February 1952, and its coronation took place on June 2, 1952. At that time, in the 1940s and the 1950s, the dresses for the princess, and then the Queen Shil Norman Hartnell. And Elizabeth has repeatedly appeared in public in dresses with lush skirts made from Atlas-Dushes or Shelka. The design of its wedding dresses of the ivory and decorated with silver threads also belongs to normal Hartnell, however, like the design of the coronation dresses.

    From the mid-1950s and for the 60s for the Queen sew Hardy Emis. It is he who brings the feeling of simplicity in the outfits of the queen, but this simplicity is only external, because it is hidden a very complex cut. He sewed his first dresses for the queen back in 1948, when Elizabeth asked him to create a wardrobe for a trip to Canada.

    From the 1970s for Queen, Yang Thomas, in the past, an assistant Norman Hartnell, and now the owner of his own salon. His distinctive feature of the Queen's wardrobe flying chiffon dresses. After his death and up to the end of the 1980s for Queen Elizabeth Sila Maureen Rose from the designer house Jan Thomas.

    Since the late 1980s and until the mid-1990s, the wardrobe of the British Queen is replenished with dresses from John Anderson, because after his death, Karl Ludwig cutting his partner is becoming a court designer of the Queen.

    Since 2000, Elizabeth II sews the youngest, in age, from the court designers of Her Majesty Stewart Parvin, graduate of the Edinburgh College of Arts. In 2002, his assistant becomes Angela Kelly.

    English Queen is 86 years old. But she still steadily fulfills all responsibilities and appears on her and appears in public, always following its style.

    Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philipp, Duke Edinburgh, along with his children, Prince Andrew (center), Princess Anna (left) and Charles, Prince Wales near the castle Balmoal in Scotland. Queen Victoria's husband acquired Balmoral Castle in 1846. Queen Victoria often visited Scotland with her family, especially after his husband's death in 1861, and still Balmoal is a favorite holiday destination for the royal family. (Photo Keystone / Getty Images). September 9, 1960.


    Among the interests of the queen - breeding dogs (among them Cords, spaniels and Labradors), photography, horse riding, as well as travel. Elizabeth II, supporting his prestige of the community of the Commonwealth, very actively travels in their possessions, and also happens in other countries of the world (for example, in 1994 she visited Russia). In her account, more than 325 foreign visits (during his reign of Elizabeth, more than 130 countries visited). Since 2009, he began to engage in gardening. In addition to English, it also fluent in French

    Interesting Facts

    Elizabeth II does not allow an interview. Nevertheless, in the press periodically flashes interesting Facts About this outstanding woman who allow you to look at the most famous reigning personality from the unexpected side, we chose the most vivid, in our opinion, moments.

    The celebration of the Royal Birthday in 1981 was overshadowed by an unpleasant event: near the horse, on which Elizabeth sacked, taking the parade, thundered shots, forced to flinch everyone around. The queen, to the entrance of the public, did not even lend an eyebrow and managed to stay in the saddle.

    Self-composure was useful for her and a year later, when he waited for the police for a few minutes she had to talk to a madman, who managed to get into the chambers.

    In 1945, Elizabeth Alexander Maria Windsor, the future Queen of England, served as a mechanic in the reserve battalion of the British army in the rank of Junior officer. Obviously, the example of "combat" grandmother inspired and young princes William and Harry, who also did not see the military service.

    Family values \u200b\u200bfor Elizabeth second is not an empty sound. For the sake of happiness, she stepped through the tough rules and blessed the second marriage of the prince of Wales Charles with a secular lionee Camille Parker Bowl, despite the hype on this.

    On April 17, 2013, the Queen was present at the funeral of the British policy for the second time in the entire history of his reign: she said goodbye to Margaret Thatcher.

    Despite the solid image, the queen is not alien to female coquetry and little weaknesses. Parapazzi proners have not caught the moment when it is in secular events, without embarrassing the crowds and its high position, publicly corrected makeup. Etiquette with etiquette, and what the real queen should look gorgeous!

    The passion of the queen are horses and dogs of the breed of Cuga. In the youth of Elizabeth, he knew perfectly riding, now more attention is paid to charming red dogs, which thanks to her became one of the symbols of the British monarchy.

    Elizabeth II by age is the oldest English monarch in history and ranks second in the duration of stay on the Tregon of Great Britain. It is also the most elderly among women - existing heads of various states.

    In honor of Elizabeth II, Rosa Rose variety Rosa "Queen Elizabeth" was named.

    Films about Elizabeth II

    In 2004, Churchill was released: The Hollywood Years - "Churchill goes to war!", Where Elizabeth's role was performed by Niv Campbell.

    In 2006, the biographical film "Queen" came out. The role of Queen played actress Helen Mirren. The film is the laureate of the BAFTA award in the category " Best movie" Actress Helen Mirren, who performed the main role in the picture, was awarded the Oscar awards, the Golden Globe, BAFTA, as well as the Velpi Cup at the Venetian Film Festival for the best female role. In addition, the film was nominated for the Oscar Award as the "best film".

    In 2009, the 4th channel of British television (Channel 4) was filmed by the Queen ("The Queen", Directors Edmund Coulthard, Patrick Rims). Queen at different periods of her life played 5 actresses: Emilia Fox, Samantha Bond, Susan Jameson, Barbara Flynn, Diana Kuep.

    On July 27, 2012, the television broadcast of the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympic Games in London began a video involving James Bond (Daniel Craig) and Queen (Kameo). At the end of the roller, they both jump with parachutes from a helicopter over the Olympic Stadium arena. On April 5, 2013, the BAFTA Award was presented for this role, for the best execution of the role of James Bond.

    In architecture

    In honor of the queen, the Alley of Queen Elizabeth in Esplanade Park in Singapore is named.
    The famous Big Ben, the symbol of London, since September 2012 is officially called the "Elizabeth Tower".
    In honor of Queen is also named Bridge in Daford, built in 1991.
    On August 1, 2013, Olympic Park Elizabeth II was opened in London.

    Printermed monuments