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  • That aliens will attack Earth. The best films about the invasion of aliens. How exactly an advent of aliens

    That aliens will attack Earth. The best films about the invasion of aliens. How exactly an advent of aliens

    On September 10 of this year, our planet will be visited by aliens.

    One of the possible causes of the onset of the predicted end of the world is the invasion of the Earth aliens. Argentinean scholar Sergio Tuscano put forward the theory that comet Elenina is actually nothing like spaceship. Aliens are studying the universe, visiting different solar systems and planets. Comet Elenina at the moment is located 60 million kilometers from the ground.

    Sergio Tuscano calls the date of landing of the spacecraft to Earth - September 10, 2011. The scientist said this a month ago, but this statement has become a sensation recently. Prior to this, it was studied by NASA professionals who, by the way, did not refute the date of the possible landing of aliens.

    Comet Elenina is coded designation C / 2010 X1. She got its name in honor of its opener - Russian Astronoma Leonid Elenina. It is noteworthy that this is the only comet over the past 20 years, open by scientists from Russia. There is a lot of rumors around the comet Elenina. From the very beginning of this year, on the Internet you can find many publications speaking that a whole space fleet is hidden behind the comet. In addition, some confuse Comet Elenina with Nibiru and say that the comet's approach will entail a destructive catastrophe, since the magnetic field of the Earth will disappear at a short time period, and the magnetic poles will change. In fact, Nibiru and Comet Elenina are two completely different celestial objects. They have nothing to do with themselves and do not belong to the end of the world.

    Possible scenarios of the end of the world: nuclear war, fall of the meteorite and an attack of aliens.

    I wonder if there can be people who have a gift of extrasensory abilities, a kind of people of alien origin:

    Agree, because no wonder many scientists conduct entire projects to study such people, and many results are kept secret. It comes to the idea that people who can see the future are actually the very aliens, aware of the possible outcome of human civilization. Why, then aliens Just studying us, people, because their own technology is ahead of our development many times? Instead of waiting for our planet, the resources will exist, it would be easier for them to attack us now and capture the Earth.

    It turns out that they are messengers global problemsWith which we can face in the future, and they are trying to warn us about these problems. Everything else - at least now - these aliens Are not aggressors on our planet. Nevertheless, knowing the outcome of our world, they are trying to warn us about him. This approves us in the belief that alien creatures Are in relation to us a friendly race. The studies of mankind themselves, may be aimed at finding a way to save us from the catastrophe. They, for example, can offer us another planet for habitat, which we will master, and which will become a new home for us.

    However, this issue has a reverse side. After all, we can with the same success assume that alien Race Hostile towards us, and at this stage they simply lack knowledge about us and about our planet. Will they be able to capture our planet, colonize it? Perhaps it is for this that they behave their research.

    Everything else, quite recently in our solar system was found 12 Planet.called scientists planet X.. It may well be that this strange mysterious planet is actually a house unknown to us alien race. When this planet passes as close as possible with our Earth, a landing will occur insoplane troops. Thus, they will increase their military power on Earth, and will get all the possibilities for its capture.

    In the near future planet X. At the as close as possible about the Earth - so close that it can be seen in the sky without optical devices. It is this moment that will be extremely successful for attacks aliensTo throw the landing to the land that capture it. Perhaps the capture will happen in a couple of years after disembarking when planet H. Approach as close as possible to Earth, and it will be almost next to it. For uninvited alien guests, this moment will be the moment of truth for applying an extremely powerful impact on our blooming planet, and by us. The chances of survival in the human race will be minimal, and it is quite possible that they will not be completely.

    However, all this can be viewed on the other hand - if aliens Still friendly to human civilization. And, knowing the possible tragic end of our planet, they are trying to help us, using people with paranormal abilities among us to prevent the global catastrophe imagining on us. And the passage at a very close distance from the Earth has a certain mysterious planet is salvation for human civilization. This is all the more likely that at the time of the convergence of two planets, the likelihood of the Earth's collision with a huge meteorite, capable of destroying the earth and all living on it. With this outcome, our chances of survival on the native planet - the earth are small.

    It turns out that everything that is said is based on, it is built only at speculation and guesses, as well as on logical reasoning, the following of them, and subsequent conclusions. However, once they speak quite openly, it means that the outcome of our civilization is really pruded - which it will actually know, no one knows. And it is possible that the knowledgeable people are trying to warn us about the danger impending on us - the terrible danger of the destruction of the whole human race.

    However, the destruction of the Earth by meteorite or the extermination of human civilization by aliens is only some versions of a possible global catastrophe.

    Let's still assume that race aliens We are hostile to us, and mysterious planet H. - Their base. In the same time aliens It is aware that at that moment when our planet will be as close as possible, perhaps the collision of the earth with a meteorite. It turns out that this moment is suitable for attacks aliens Not only as a convenient time to land the landing, but also as the next option.

    Do you think, why capture the earth, if she should soon encounter a huge meteorite? After all, after an extremely powerful impact, the earth will stop exist as a planet at all, and not just as suitable for habitat. Alien You will not have to destroy us, for them they will make the forces of nature. However, if after hitting a meteorite, the land is miraculously a miracle, human losses from the very blow and associated cataclysms will be simply huge, and this will create for aliens Extremely convenient situation for strengthening the military presence and capture of the Earth.

    Turns out that aliens Are not a threat to us until collisions of Earth with asteroid After all, to capture our territory until the fall of the celestial body is difficult and unprofitable. They can lose when a collision with a meteorite is not only living force, but also to miss the moment for the best blow when the population of the Earth will be weakened.

    Now we have a sufficient number of time to prevent the extermination of our race. The main threat is now a huge meteorite, which will soon destroy our cradle of life. To do this, it is necessary to create an extremely powerful weapon that will be able to crush the meteorite on very small pieces, which burn in the atmosphere and will not cause any harm on Earth. If such a weapon is able to prevent our death from falls meteorite, it is likely that with its help earthlings will be able to reflect , Following the attack of heavenly stones.

    In the very fact of existence aliens There can be no doubt. There is no evidence - not direct, but indirect, and there are quite a lot of them. It is possible that our universe is only one, however, galaxies with their star systems - millions, and in each system there can be a hundred planets suitable for life. Loving system in the universe is closed, but a live system is a living organism. It turns out that the existence of only one reasonable race - human - it turns out, as a rule, from the framework. However, the rules are rules, and they must be observed. Therefore, existence in our universe aliens indisputable.

    If position aliens In relation to us, it will be friendly, for them it will be much more profitable to save from the extinction of our civilization, and to enter into close contact to us collisions of meteorite with earth. After all, you agree, the ally lose no one wants to lose, and contact is a good reason for the exchange of technologies and resources, which we may be enough to create an extremely powerful weapon of mass lesion.

    Unfortunately, the search for signs of extraterrestrial life in the universal results has not yet given. There is a desire aliens Stay still in the shade, and in the near future to watch humanity and its progress. It turns out that humanity weapons will create humanity using only own technologies.

    Only one development is suitable for this case - atomic weapons. However, weapons on the weapons to use it exclusively for destruction and murder. It is silly to use weapons to destroy natural objects, for example, it is obvious.

    The likelihood of destroying our planet is a major meteorite and will be, until the root cause itself is eliminated - a meteorite. We can not give a massive weapon of mass deprivation at the present time, since its power is quite low. To guarantee the full safety of the Earth, such a weapon must exceed ten, and even hundreds of times the power of its predecessor samples. And nowadays, the creation of weapons of such power is the matter of honor for every resident of our native planet, since the problem of collision with an asteroid is a problem that will eventually hurt us, regardless of the place of residence. And to unite the people of the planet Earth should before the crisis comes. And if we can combine the best scientific minds of our world, it will be possible to create weapons with a more effectable effect.

    However, what is the possible development of events, if access to nuclear weapons will all the countries of the world get? The development scenario is such. It is quite clear that nuclear weapons will hardly be used for peaceful purposes, this is a complete absurdity - to keep such power in warehouses and not use. This means inevitably offensive nuclear war , and as a result - nuclear winter. This means that a significant part of humanity will perish in a terrible atomic cataclysm, and freezes in its consequences. A happy future is unlikely to come quickly due to an extremely high level of residual radiation. Probably this is the reason why aliens Do not rush to come into contact with us. If atomic winter is inevitable on Earth, why the radioactive planet aliens?

    Hence there is a guessed and withdrawal from it. Of course, after the onset of nuclear winter, the earth will become a dead planet, a lifeless ball in the universe. The meteorite, which will have to face the Earth, will remove it as a malignant tumor from the human body.

    There is no doubt that our universe is a single living organism, and it is very easily proved by an example of our own life. Any inanimate object begins to move only when an effort is applied to it - without this, it will not move from the place. If you take a living being, it moves itself, and no one helps him, no external force. Similarly, the planets and stars are moving. If invisible assistance and exists, then it must manage some kind of mind, and it means we are part of a grandiose single creation.

    However, what led to the fact that the Earth became a malignant tumor, which should be removed from the huge body of the Universe? It is not difficult to understand if we consider a simple example of the appearance of a furuncle on the human body. When the wrestling condition deteriorates, we feel more and more severe pain every day, and instead of waiting until the furuncle is held by itself, we are resorting to surgical methods for its destruction. So our planet - tolerate her long universe will not be able, alas.

    As it turned out, the trash and garbage on earth are too much, and all this is the reason for the emergence of new foci of defeat and rotting, and the cause of all this is a person. Unfortunately, not everyone understands that the land is a place habitat not only our life, but also the lives of many other organisms.

    And it is completely incomprehensible, why clog and litter your own home. You can get rid of such a dirty rotary wound only in a surgical path - as the removal of appendix, which is cut when the garbage in it becomes excess. And while the person is not able to realize what a huge sense is the order and purity for our life, he will create all new foci of rotting the native planet. And this is a straight road to the death of the planet.

    Large intergalactic war left less than three weeks. Ufologists predict the invasion of aliens, and it will happen on April 22. Researchers are confident that dozens of combat are approaching our planet. spacecraftThey already flew Mars and approach Earth.

    Space ships in diameter allegedly reach up to 500 km, and their radio signals can already be heard at a frequency of 11, 546 GHz. This communication with reference to a certain research group "World of Scientific Discoveries" appeared on April 1. It though looks like a joke, excavation really have something to fear.

    On the last day of March, two unidentified flying objects were seen in the sky over Turkey. Plates, seemingly non-manual shape, concerned over Ankara and disappeared in space patches, forcing the ufologists again to remind themselves. Such phenomena is not accidental, they believe. Especially this is not a single case. UFO began to notice more and more.

    UFO Institute.

    Another strange object in the Turkish sky has noticed an airliner from the window. On a video published by one of the passengers, a cloud of a strange form, which slowly moves along the aircraft. The author of the video, Kerry Forides, believes that it was UFO in the lens. These frames quickly divided the network by typing half a million views. The opinions of users were divided: someone considers it a military aircraft, and someone believes - aliens will come soon.

    Video:, User: Kerry Forides

    Chinese scientists do not doubt it. Lunohod from the Middle Kang'e 3 sent pictures to Earth, on which the Ufologs saw an alien base. The reverse side of the Moon allegedly hides a terrible secret from us. George Graham, a well-known UFO hunter, is confident that the unusual lunar surface objects brought with them humanoids. Obviously, for the invasion of land. The moon can be an intergalactic base, Ufologists spoke back in the 60s, when, examining the satellites of the Earth's satellite made by NASA, discovered many cavities and tunnels. And these moves could only be created artificially.

    Video:, User: Streetcap1

    Oils in the fire poured astronomers. Scientists from Southampton University recorded more than 70 bright short flashes in space. And the worst thing is that they cannot determine their nature. It is known that these outbreaks too often change the brightness. Mysterious impulses made even more talk that we are not alone.

    Photo: M. Pursiainen, University of Southampton

    International space station. The other day literally surrounded 7 unidentified aircraft. In total, half an hour from 23:20 to 23:50 March 31, a virtual UFO hunter, known in the network under the NCOM Graham, during the direct broadcast with the ISS, was immediately 7 strange objects, which, according to the researcher, are actively observed for us.

    "The fact that we still breathe on this beautiful planet means that they are here to help us or they simply watch us," said the Graham Daily Star reporters.

    As proof, Graham leads this video, where we can really notice strange objects, some of which are even glowing in red. At the same time, the governments of countries, the expert believes, simply hide the truth from us, and in fact, they have long been in contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. But simple people This to know allegedly not supposed.

    Video:,user: Conspiracy Depot.

    The beginning of the spring was generally extremely saturated for ufologists. Another video with giant UFO In the sky over Austria, real disputes in the medium of researchers of extraterrestrial civilizations caused. Someone is confident is just a video editing, for someone this is another proof of the existence of aliens.

    Video:youTube.. com., User: Section. 51 2.0

    And the inhabitants of the British Cornwall also became recently witnessed by the flight of the ship aliens. UFO removed Kifer Krishnan when surfing on the coast. Noticing the mysterious object in the sky, he immediately took out the camera and made some photos. They can see an alien ship in the form of a sphere having a translucent structure. Many users agreed with the opinion of surfing about the fact that the aliens are captured in the picture.


    But even if on April 22, the invasion of humanoids on Earth, as UFologists predict, will not happen, and the aliens do not show themselves in any way, there is another date that can change the alignment of the forces in the universe. The first contact "other" is planned to be implemented in 2033. The popular Conspiracy channel believes that before that time, aliens will simply observe us and study. And only when our lifestyle will be explored, they will be solved by invasion. And for this extraterrestrial civilizations may be required for about 15 years.

    True, so far, among the Ufologs there is no unity in the one for whom the aliens are guided. Will this friendly visit or a real intergalactic war - in this scientists have not yet come to one opinion. But the fact that this visit will sooner or later take place, it seems that no one is in doubt.

    Anton Goryachev

    What will be if aliens attack us? Have you asked such a question? And you need to be set.

    The first thing that should interest us is what the intentions they will attack. In order to attack, with the goal of dating or in order to maintain further trade. But how to find out? We do not understand the psychology of the aliel. We do not know their ways to communicate, their level of intelligence and their predisposition. Arrived may not even possess any psychological orientation, not possess emotions, and even not possess thoughts. Not yet bees think. The uterus thinks for them. And the bees themselves can fly, they have a powerful organization and they possess some power.

    If the aliens come into contact, then you need to analyze with whom they will come into contact. If this is a whole country or overall society, it can be assumed that their goal is trade. Any animal, and even a person, in the case of trading or mutually beneficial ties, begins communication with the leader of the pack or from all the packs.

    If it is with a separate being taken (here I do not make differences between people, animals and insects), then the purpose of such contact is likely to study. Classically, such contacts are disposable and are not repeated. If contact with the individual will repeat, then this should force us to be doubted at their level of development. The developed algered learns everything he needs at first contact.

    If the aliens appeared, but do not come to contact, it may mean that they have not the best intentions. Or they decided to make us experimental and are already watching us, or they are preparing for a full-scale attack. Do not be mistaken that these guests have good intentions. Who, how we do not know that the troops are built before the fight and expect teams to attack. The same who came with good will not delay contact, for he has nothing to fear. I focus on the word "fear." The one who is waiting - the opponent is afraid.

    The most terrible option is the aliens attackers immediately, without waiting, warnings and delays. Such a newcomer comes purposefully, he has clearly set goals that it will achieve all possible ways.

    The second thing that should disturb us are their level of development. Not everyone who flown to us the alien possesses a huge brain and immeasurable mind. What they flew to space, or some more, ships are not a sign of their development. We also have rockets, satellites and all sorts of hubbles, which are outside our solar system. Perhaps our aliens do not know anything more, except how to build cosmic ships. Or these are aggressive nomads, which have swam ships with more developed Russ, and attackers for everything they see.

    But do not forget that we had great zoys, you mean, Aztec, Maya, residents of Atantida. And these are just those whom we know. Where is the guarantee that they did not launch centuries-old ships into space to survive or conquer the worlds, and now they decided to return to their homeland. And they are those aliens.

    Also, you always need to know where to attack. There are many underwater depressions on Earth and unexplored both land and underground areas. It is possible that under this cover of the unknown and live (by the way, they are not known, they live or as) these themselves mysterious aliens

    Yesterday it was the most ordinary day, but today the world has changed forever! Who could imagine that all these crazy ufologists will be right! Who could believe that aliens will attack us!

    The video version of the article can be viewed here (below the continuation of the text):

    The point is actually the fact that today we will talk about such things like alien invading! Some argue that it's impossible, others are waiting for the day contact with extraterrestrial civilizationThird say that the invasion has already begun And now the earth governments rule disguised aliens! My opinion, in such a question, is extremely kept. I look at this phenomena in terms of what if? But if this really happens, then you want not want, but you have to somehow resist all this I. survive.

    What do we know for today about them, where is this truth that is so near? What do all these circles mean in the fields? Epistle is it aliens? Or maybe nature so indulges or what kind of ugly man in special stilts all fooling us? Whom kidnapped aliens And put over him experimentsAnd who simply fits excuses to justify the next row at work. Throw these useless questions and just imagine - at us attacked!

    What if attackedmost likely that these alien creatures , much more developed, how in scientific Plan and in matters bloodthity! Here someone will notice that it is possible that a forced attack, and aliens can be both good and bad! It is clear that all scenarios will not take into account, but one clear exactly on our land there are enemies and they attack!

    It is quite important to what our enemy, but retreating from lyrics, and without discussing too much detail appearance, primarily we like humanity , And How individual personalities We need to think about O. weakness of the enemyand if such weaknesses will be able to detect, certainly hit them!

    Still, these aliens flew to us from another world, and, for example, even breathe, perhaps, can only with a specific device. And perhaps a person in something exceeds the enemy? There is also a chance that it is necessary to just last for a while, and they will die by themselves, say I can't help adapt to earthly conditions!

    Naturally, the enemy will have to study, but just with this apparently and there will be problems, especially if the attack will be sudden and well thought out! Will this matter in this matter, if, for example, in just 5 minutes, earthlings are practical! By the way, it is impossible to exclude that the attack itself may fail, or the resistance of the earthlings will be much stronger than it was supposed to study the enemy best in such cases!

    But closer to the point, where does I go to the coming to say to the bread of a person? Obviously, first you need to try not to turn yourself into a target, well, or in other words avoid instant death to find some kind of refuge, save your own family and start resistance! To not collapsed on us!

    Obviously, in this situation, humanity, it would be nice and defend the Earth Mother - Method! But if there will be a disorder, it will remain only heroically partition! If the enemy is difficult to kill the earth weapon, you still need to try to soak at least one creature, turn on the imagination! Do not take bullets, perhaps a stottone crane fell on the enemy will stop him, a Molotov cocktail or a bottle with sulfuric acid! After the death of the Supostat, try to arma with extraterrestrial weapons, it will certainly be more efficient if its use is possible! Be sure to learn what we are dealing with! Naturally, you can not forget about caution and before your own attack you need to have at least some weapon!

    However, perhaps the weapons of the aliens can get to your hands and without a fight. This may be an unsuccessful paratroopate aliens, or a shot down pilot - in general, already a specific corpse or a wounded reptile, which does not represent a big danger! Captured can try to interrogate if he certainly understands our tongue or you own them, remember that the information received from it or in the process of studying it is no less important than weapons, and possibly more!

    In any case, it seems that humanity aliens will help an unenviable role, will be allowed to canned or fertilizer, they will make slaves from us well, or just destroy! We will alter say the land under ourselves, we will change the living conditions on it, transforming the planet beyond recognition, well, or they will simply pump out resources from it, however, it can go and completely different.

    And what if the invasion is such a plan - asteroids, viral weapons, climatic weapons can be applied against the Earth, or, and then there are already other threats, such when the aliens themselves may not be visible - invariably one, we will have to survive. And if it is so obvious that, if we study the skills of survival, we will have some weapons equipped with asylums, have food reserves and drinking water, gear, and in general applies to this issue as survivalors, setting the question "And what if ? ", Twhen we naturally, we will have less shock in cases if the attacks of the aliens will still occur. And while skeptics in panic will rush and guess "how is it possible?!", we will already act! We will make a plan for survival based on the circumstances, they will be able to have more parents for his success, which means that the attack of aliens will end the victory of humanity will be more.


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    Film Trailer "Future Future"

    A research probe NASA is returned to Earth, whose mission was the search for extraterrestrial life in remote corners Solar system. The probe makes an emergency landing in the territory of Mexico, and strange creatures are selected on the surface. They destroy everyone who will fall on the way. Among other things, a virus is hidden in the probe, which, after a hard landing, it turns out in the atmosphere of our planet.

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    Frame from the movie "Day, when the Earth stopped"

    The events of this painting of the director begins on July 2, 1996, when a giant spacecraft is picked up to our planet. With the help of ships, smaller aliens begin to attack the largest cities of the world: Moscow, New York, Washington, Berlin, Rome and others. In a split plasma, absolutely all - people, buildings and techniques are burning. Attempts to destroy aliens turn off the failure - alien ships are invulnerable to earth weapons. Now they will now save the planet at once to several daisons-Americans, headed by the president himself.

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    Aliens who arrived from Mars are planted on Earth. They are going to destroy humanity, as well as all their heritage. Largest cities The United States is destroyed by powerful explosions, and the number of small and evil green creatures increases with each hour. The US President orders urgently to take measures to restore order, but the military, obeying the head of state, have their own opinion on what is happening. One of the responsible generals believes that the aliens need to be sent to Mars, and the second thinks it is better to establish friendship with them.

    Trailer for the film "Mars Attack!"

    The picture is based on the same board game. The NASA Research Station sends signals into space - scientists are confident that there is a reasonable forms of life on the nearest Earth for Earth. This signal is intercepted by five aliens ships, which are then sent towards our planet. Four of them land in Pacific Oceanwhere international naval exercises are held at the time. To get quietly, the aliens cover the Hawaiian Islands, as well as the surrounding sea of \u200b\u200btheir extended impermeable dome. The challenge of the aliens - to transfer the signal to their fellows that the land is ready for colonization, as well as suppress the possible resistance of local residents.

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    The picture is based on the same novel. Ray Ferrier works in New York docks. He has two children, but he went to his wife. Now, according to the court decision, he may see them only on weekends. An aliens attack one ordinary weekends to the ground, for many years who watched humanity for the life of humanity, giving out a convenient moment for a deadly attack. Frightening giant cars sow around death - people simply evaporate after entering them the beam, by type resembling lightning. Ray, who remained in Western with the children, you need to find a way to survive in this vessel.

    Trailer for the film "War of the Worlds"

    Thousands of aliens live on Earth secretly from ordinary people. After the first contact, held in the middle of the 20th century, a secret organization was created on the planet, which calls himself "People in Black" - the Bureau of Cooperation with Aliegnes. Thanks to guests from other planets, various gadgets appeared at the Bureau, allowing to interact with the aliens, as well as to help hide their existence from humanity. Veteran Organization - Agent Kay is looking for a new partner who offers to become a local police officer James Edwards, who managed to catch up with aliens.

    Film Trailer "People in Black"

    The first part of the kinoner. The picture is based on the same animated series, as well as toys created by Hasbro. The film tells about the war between the autobobes and the deptorts - aliens from the planet Cybertron, will be the case of the case with the case on Earth. Their mission is to find the so-called great spark, which is a source of life for giant robots. Autobots learn that the leader of the Decepticon - Megatron - the first to discovered the trail of the powerful artifact, but could not get out of the planet. The detachment of autobts is heading to the ground to stop their enemies - people come to the rescue.

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    The film takes place in 2135. By this time, humanity survived two invasions of an alien race, called because of the external similarity with the insects "Zuker". Now there is a preparation for a new attack, which sooner or later will happen. New pilots capable of withstanding the fatal threat are looking for among children, since their mind is not burdened by any other. Ender Viggin, who is destined to become the last hope of humanity to save the last hope of humanity to be destroyed in Earth in a Special Military School.

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    The detachment Commandos Alan Schaffer, whose role was performed, goes to the jungle of Central America to save from the captivity of a high-ranking official and his colleagues. There are professional military faced with a mysterious hunter, who, for his own pleasure, kills people one by one. Gradually, a detachment understands that this is a creature of unearthly origin and that for the confrontation he will have to be from technological innovations, resorting to primitive tricks.

    Film trailer "Predator"

    In April 2011, objects fall on our planet, which on earth are taken for meteorites. Later it becomes clear that these are not cosmic stones, and the ships of the aliens. Alien race begins a large-scale offensive, going to completely destroy humanity. The picture tells about the opposition to the invaders of marines, who are trying to keep Los Angeles from the aliens.

    Film Trailer "Alien Invasion: Battle for Los Angeles"

    Nearby future. Our planet survived the invasion of aliens, which before the attack on humanity destroyed the moon. This, in turn, was the cause of various natural cataclysms on earth. Invasion was chopped by nuclear weapons, the result of the use of which was the destruction of almost all cities. It was impossible to live on the planet. Earthlings moved to the Space Station "Tet", and then on the satellite of the planet Saturn - Titan. On Earth, the station specially created by humanity, with the help of sea water producing thermonuclear energy. Stations are engaged in combat drones. For their service on the planet, an observation point was built, whose employees were the former Marine Jack Harper and Victoria's television.

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    Aliens again attack Earth, but this time they appeared before humanity in the form of the heroes of the classic computer games of the past. The US government collects a detachment consisting of former gamers. Stand up at the head of this unusual team, I have to leave the president himself, along with which the invaders will be a dwarf, paranoid and eternal loser.

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