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  • The right does not go to school: family education as an alternative to the classroom. Home learning as an alternative to school home learning as an alternative to school

    The right does not go to school: family education as an alternative to the classroom. Home learning as an alternative to school home learning as an alternative to school

    Once, I came across one quote, and in it I found everything that I felt about school - and I realized that it was necessary to talk about it. So that others who live as they can think. Stay. Get inspired.

    "And they created a school as the devil told them. The child loves nature, so it was closed in four walls. The child likes to realize that his work has some sense, so everyone has arranged so that its activity does not bring any benefit.He can't stay without movement - he was forced to immobility. He loves to work with his hands, and he began to train theories and ideas. He loves to say - he was ordered to be silent. He seeks to understand - he was ordered to teach by heart. He would like to look for knowledge - he is given in the finished form ...

    And then the children learned what they would never have learned in other conditions. They learned to lie and pretend. And that's what happened. As the devil wanted, some people worsted, became sluggish and passive, they lost all interest in life. They lost happiness and health. Love and kindness disappeared. Thoughts became dry and gray, the souls were crushed, the hearts were glared. "

    Adolf Ferier (early XX century, Switzerland)

    I ask myself one question all the time. God gave me a child. In order for me to deal with his secular education and taught him how to make money? In order for me to handle it like a storage room somewhere and continued to make my super-important things? In order for I proud of it with fives in chemistry? In order for me to bring water to me in old age? Or to wash the dishes and remove the room?

    Or a child is given to me so that first I myself find answers to my internal questions, and then told him? So I helped him grow in myself top Qualities character? In Srimad-Bhagavatam, it is generally said that while man is not sure that he can save the soul of a child coming to him, from a cycle of birth and death, he should not become a parent. Previously, in general, this is how seriously the question was set.

    Therefore, every moment of our life with children is valued for me. The place where they spend more time, affects them the strongest. The people with whom they communicate more and deeper, determine their values \u200b\u200band the path. And I do not want to risk and shove the children to the generator of random numbers called the School. This is not a casino to look, won you or lost, it turned out or not, is the risk justified. The bets are too high so that they are so scattered. For me, the soul of children is more important than the system and correctness.

    Once I thought that only we had so that somewhere schools are better. I was wrong. The principle is one everywhere. And in almost every country, school systems outdated, useful in them is not so much, but somewhere the psyche of the child is applied at least less harm. But still there are single schools that inspire. Schools that could be helpful. Schools in which I could give my children if there were such a number.

    What schools would be helpful?

    • Schools with real teachers.

    Such as Shalva Amonashvili. Loving children with all the heart, loving their business. Happy and harmonious personalities who have something to learn. But are there many such teachers?

    • Schools with separate training boys and girls.

    So it was always before. And only now, because it is more profitable, the flows united. Although it is necessary to teach them different and differently. Yes, and in the presence of a person of another floor to learn more difficult. It is to learn. Yes, and keep chastity, and clarity of the mind - too.

    • Home schools.

    Where several children are trained together, with love and understanding of their features and differences. Such schools are now born. There are a lot of love in them, but unfortunately too many features.

    • Spiritual schools.
      As it was a few hundred years ago - schools in monasteries, temples, gurukula. This knowledge and experience is now small. And it is necessary for everyone and daily. Sunday schools exist, and this is already a good addition to ordinary education. But this is not enough - too rarely and is not enough in comparison with the rest. I will say honestly, in good gurukulu, I would love to drove the boys - at least a year or two or three.
    • Schools skill.
      Musical, artistic, dance. Not in today's form, of course. Where children would not collect by age and the area, but in interest. Where they would happily do something together, share, share.
    • Schools of future and mothers.
      This is not enough. But such a school and cannot be a massive, more such school should exist in every home where there is a little girl. But alas - Mama, there is no time to do nonsense, and the daughter should get a "normal" education.
    • Schools of real men.
      The place where the boys would have received the necessary physical training, the knowledge necessary for life, and could develop the necessary qualities. Where are such schools? There are practically no of them.

    But there is another alternative to schools. Homemade, family training or ancircling - life without school is a new, quite fashionable course. It can be organized in different ways. He has pros and cons. Let's tell you how I see it.

    How can I organize home learning?

    • Teachers coming from school every day

    There is a possibility; I know that many use it. It happens for both free if the child has health problems. But I am sure that you can with those teachers that you like, to agree personally.

    • Tutors for different subjects

    You can invite each subject by the teacher for each subject - will come out in a round sum. Yes, and I do not see the need. It seems to me that the tutors are needed precisely on the most beloved subjects that the child is most interesting.

    • Preparation within a month for exams

    Many parents said that the annual school program, the child can master the day for a month or two intensive classes. And at the end of the year gives required exams. When all the rest of the time he does what he wants, and then he is engaged in a teacher, for example. It will be cheaper than inviting the teacher every day, not so stretched in time, and it remains to develop in other places.

    • Pass the exams for many years

    Few know, but in our country you can come to school and pass the exam for any class. That is, if you have never been attached anywhere, but you will come and give away everything you need immediately, then you will be given a certificate. That is, you can not pass each year the same under different sauce, but to do it only one day. Although it requires more awareness from parents.

    • Self learn

    I know the mothers who themselves take tutorials and pass them with children step by step. It is not suitable for everyone, because even lessons with children do is a test. And learning from and to - it's how much patience is needed!

    • Internet sites for schoolchildren

    I have already heard several times that there are schools in which learning via the Internet is already organized. There is a child and tasks, both plans and exams. In foreign schools, there are already many where, so in Russia it is found. And besides, many sites for schoolchildren, where they can solve examples, make tasks, receive practice and theory necessary items. Here, of course, you need very carefully - on the Internet, because so much is not very useful for children.

    • Mugs for interest

    This is the answer, rather, to the question of where to take communication and how to sit at home all the time. I for the children to communicate - where there are children with the same hobbies. For example, artistic, musical, choreographic schools and so on, provided that the child himself is ready to walk there and he likes. There are also sports sections, creative workshops and other less "strict" institutions where everything is not so serious and difficult.

    That is, choose any options on the basis of your abilities and needs of the child. What I want it to him, what exactly is it to you, what talents he has.

    What advantages have an animation?

    • Flexibility.

    The program is adjusted under the child, his interests and abilities.

    The child can choose when, and how to do deeply. The main thing is he himself. That is, education for a child, not a child for education.

    Flexibility and graphics, and programs.

    • Ability to choose communication.

    Maybe the child is much more interesting to be friends with those who are older? Or vice versa with more younger? Or with musicians, artists? Such an opportunity is when you yourself choose your communication.

    • Minimum stress for a child and parents

    An interesting observation heard from a large mother, whose children learn at home. There is no stress in the house, since the children stopped going to school. There is no more morning hurry, and instead of her - a family long breakfast, there is no need to steal children, drive out of the house. And the children learn! Also themselves! Sit, read, solve tasks.

    • Do not need children to stick into a kind of mold, which is incomprehensible to those invented

    Our fears "What people will think" are very much exacerbated at school, there can be more about us, and, of course, think. The system is for that created. The child in the system is superimposed various conditionsMany of which seem reasonable and correct.

    • Many free time

    The child is released a lot of time. And you can decide what to do with it than it can do. The development of abilities, talents, or just to have time to be a child and just play. Many parents are now convinced that free time is bad. But much worse when it is not at all from the most ornament.

    • No extra comparisons and competitions

    In school without it in any way. The worst and best, five and troops, who are faster - and so on. Children are compared according to estimates, abilities, lead some as an example, others in the anti-example. At home you can do without all this. And easy enough.

    • You can learn what I want, and not be afraid that someone will spoil it

    Many mothers say that what is the point of teaching a child of morality, if at school he explains that this is the last century? Similarly, any spiritual knowledge in schools will be impaired.

    But if you teach a child at home, then you decide that the main thing, and what is additional. And you can pay more attention to the fact that, in your opinion, the child is more useful in life.

    For example, on cooking.

    • Inquisitive persistence.

    All knowledge of the child gets exactly when he is ready for this. He really is interesting to know how and why all this works. He himself is looking for answers to his questions, asks parents familiar.

    An interesting way heard from some parents. They have a lot of children, so very important things are explained only to someone in secret. And everyone else is said that this is secret information, and only this person owns it. And that's it. They themselves find knowledge, mining it, master - and use.

    • More time and attention to pay what

    On the Internet there is one interesting video, a teenager tells about how he learns without school. His passion is mountain skiing. And he studied through the mountain skiing everything else, can we come to mind? Not. How is this related? And then the mountain skiing? And for him, they are a clavicle that launches his interest and inspiration, which are then sent to the study of other items. At school, spend time on the search of the key to each - once. Yes, and not rational - how to learn them all? And at home - you can.

    • The ability to feed the child as you want.

    To whom, but in the usual school, the vegetarian is not easy. I know, I often had in ordinary canteens, where everyone is trying to shove the cutlet into you. Feed on buns. Everything else was meat. Now I can feed children home, full, vegetarian food during the day. And at the same time no good aunt can persuade them to eat the sausage. Not bad bonus ancill.

    • Sport and Creativity Time

    When there is free time, it can be directed to important things. For example, the sport for boys. For creativity and home arts for girls. It can all become a conventional life background, and not exceptional occupation once a week. Interesting thing. It seemed to me that our children do not do any sport. After all, they do not specifically do them anywhere, and then surprised. Every day they spend in the pool on average 4-5 hours. Sometimes more, sometimes less. They dive, train breathing delay, try different styles Swimming. Every day for several years. At the same time, if a child is twice a week in a pool in the city on watch sessions (plus another hour or two on the road back and forth), it is believed that he is swimming. That's how your own brain is deceived.

    • Real deep relations

    When a child learns at home, the parents, together with their parents, are becoming stronger and stronger.

    You just see more often, more often communicate, you have more joint adventures and experiences. And this very positively affects your relationship. The child is tied to you, and not to the society of immature peers. And it is great.

    • The child learns to live in the family.

    An ordinary school child does not know how to live in a family, he becomes unreasonable and not clear to him. And there is no deep contact, and I got used to what entertains, distracts, occupy. And in the family other laws act. And home learning teaches how to live in the family. Just teaches that by passing. But such an important and useful skill.

    • Less diseases

    This is very important for children with a weak immunity. Children's health always falls. There are viruses, bacteria, epidemics in the format of one school. Children all of these exchange, sick, infect each other. When a child learns at home, he is much less often ill. The experience of many families confirms this. And besides, it does not have to "draw" linden vaccinations, if you do not put them.

    • You choose how to feed the material and where to put accents.

    For example, why do you need a child biology if nothing is said about healthy nutrition, day mode, about how to take care of your health? Why does the child study physics cut off from life when you can learn it on the examples, put simple experiments? You yourself decide which books to the child need to read now, which later, and you can explain it to him that classical literature is not a guide to action and not the standard. It is just stories from which you can make different conclusions. And yes, you can help the child shape the right principles.

    • The ability to travel

    Anklinging opens up opportunities not only during holidays and longer than 2 weeks. The opportunity to live in different countries, to winter in the summer, to study many things are not on books, but live, master languages, study other cultures.

    We can say that the child will grow so inherent. But for some reason it seems to me that there are no more those who are so raped by those who are raped that the books in the hands does not take and does not study anything.

    I know examples of children who "Late" began to read - years in 9 or 10. And for several years, then it was consciously re-read not only a school, but also an in-depth program. With a complete understanding of what is read - and with great interest. I will never forget one such girl. She so sincerely admired the syllable of Dostoevsky and its descriptions, such genuine interest and depth! And she was only 13 years old. I read Dostoevsky Years in 15-16, and he caused admiration far from immediately, and the years in 20 years old. And who among us is ill?

    But in general, yes, I foresee "delight". Well this valiaeva talk! Same with a diploma and certificate, and rising their children rising uneducated and unpromising!

    Yes, I really have an ordinary education. And even higher. Just enough to me more than me - good or harm? Would I "stupidly" if I didn't go to school? Would it be healthier?

    I learned to read at 6 years old, before school. All the favorite books read outside the school program and even contrary to her: there it was necessary to read Chernyshevsky, and I was fond of Lermontov. Lermontov, in whose school was glimpse, unlike the same Pushkin. And I was forced to teach Pushkin, although at that time I continued to learn Lermontov.

    I have not used anywhere in physics, no chemistry, or history, nor biology that had to tool instead of drawing, writing stories and walk. With geography, everything was very bad, and I was on traveling opened my world from scratch, or even with a minus - despite school knowledge. The same was with astronomy - the world turned out to be much more interesting than it was in this boring textbook. The same was with difficulty - the school gave me such a disgust to female affairs and needlework, which is still auct of me. But initially I was interested and cook, and sew, and embroider.

    Yes, in school I was lucky with the first teacher of English, and thanks to her I loved my tongue. But what would happen if I studied the tongue with a good teacher, in my own mode, and so, as I wonder, and did not dare the same topics like London Is a Capital of the Great Britain? How much would my tongue would be now? Especially conversational?

    As, by the way, my self-esteem, which was so difficult to go to school. After all, I did not really fit anywhere with my introversion. And then I found myself the image of my boyfriend, did what I didn't like to get the communication of people with whom I have never communicated anymore ... that is, I have repeatedly preparing for this years for what .

    The school gave me the feeling that the world is a hell in which it is necessary to survive that men are stupid, and women treacherous. That everyone does not care about everyone. What your talents do not need anyone. What be yourself is in vain spent time. What you need to make money. And the rest does not matter. That friendship does not exist. What love is also fairy tales. The school taught me to lie, command, swear by mat, arrogance and the desire for estimated instead of knowledge.

    Now we have 90 percent of people with education, of which more than half are also with the highest. So what? Happy, with units, families of harmonious, too, extremely few, units and those who have found themselves and implemented. But every year more and more people are looking for their own, and the meaning of life. And someone finds himself, and someone shook the pain of their own loss of alcohol, computer games and shopping. Do we need such education? Or has long time to change something?

    And by the way, get a certificate if necessary at any age - easy. But to get a base that can be laid in family education, somehow it will not work. Alas.

    But that you do not think that Ankling is easy, I want to dispel your myths. He is not suitable for everyone. Not everyone. He has enough tangible minuses.

    • Responsibility only on you.

    This is the most important and terrible minus. Strictly speaking, she is always on you, these are your children. But at school there is an opportunity always to blame the school itself. We taught the child there bad, spoiled. At home it will not pass. Everything in the child is - invested you yourself.

    • Learn to live otherwise and otherwise dispose of time.

    In the usual picture of the child, we pass somewhere for a whole day and you can enjoy and do your affairs. And how to manage to live with a child, without passing him anywhere? How to learn him to trust, leaving him one house, for example? Or how to do things with him (what can it be extremely useful for him)? Parents who themselves teach their children will have to change. And strong enough.

    • Learn.

    If a child learns at home, his parent must be a step ahead. That is, we ourselves cannot stop in our development, because it is necessary to apply an example, inspire. We must respond to their questions, study, dive. There are no those who can shove it. It will be necessary to become it yourself, finally formed, and not try to seek such.

    • Change your priorities.

    When you yourself teach children, you need to abandon the perfectionism, racing for estimates, arguments "it's just necessary that all". You will have to get rid of your own school baggage - and it will not be easy. You will need to review and your role in the child's life, and the role of a child in your life. It is not so easy.

    • Adoption.

    You will need a huge adoption. Because to force - easily, to drive all in one form - easy. And to see that every child needs its own, and take it - difficult. Wait when a child has an interest in reading, harder than make it read and write. Take it unaware of learning English now, difficult. Especially when everyone's children have long been taught. It is very difficult. But what powerful training is obtained!

    • Distborn you.

    All who differ from the majority receives increased attention. And far from positive. Get ready for hundreds of questions that no one wants to hear answers to gloomy forecasts, to the fact that you will be called irresponsible sectarians (strange, yes? Consciously choose the child's training - it is irresponsible, and to pass a strict regime to the general chamber - this is a concern for his Future). You will be told that the life of a child you go away, and so on, and the like.

    Minuses are serious enough. Therefore, I say that this system is not for everyone. Many would be easier to find a homework, review their personal approach to all this, for example, do not give for extell and not torture lessons. But I am sure that the future for ankling. Because he is able to disclose the child's potential and strengthen his relationship with his parents.

    Entering ancill from despair and not an understanding, as otherwise give education to the child so as not to crush the person in it, you will get out of it completely different people. This experience will change you, and your children, and relationships with them. This is a real transformation that is sufficiently painful in the process.

    These are our choice, and everyone makes it alone. Even by the fact that he does not make it, thereby choosing something like that. And it's good that now there is opportunities for this. On the Internet you can find very high experience of parents, whose children do not go to school. Read and legal aspects, and psychological, and how to teach, and what to teach. But this is all secondary. There would be a desire - tools will be found. The only question is that we choose for our children today.

    To be continued…


    Olga Valyaev

    The composition of the speakers of the event should inspire those who are interested in how to teach children "differently". Dr. Psychological Sciences will be held here, the creator of the probabilistic learning technique, Alexander Lobok, Teacher Dima Zizser, founder of Epicchats Mikhail Epstein, director of IT-School Alexander Riding. Participants will talk about the Montessori school, about multicellular mathematics, about mixed learning, about the project, which allows the entire school program to study via the Internet.

    One of the organizers of the conference, Alexey Semenchev - a family education consultant. In general, the initiative of a similar meeting arose from the desire of parents who decided to teach children not at school, exchange experience with each other and somehow struduce the ideas of modern alternative education for themselves.

    Alexey believes that the search for alternative pathways will never be massive, but modern educationIf it is directed to the future, should be different: family, traditional, school, mixed - how much.

    Alexey Semennychev

    When we started to engage in alternative education, we found that in our country there are a lot of good pedagogical systems, experiments, techniques, and so on. It suffices to remember that the pedagogy of the Shalva Ambashvili cooperation is the 1960s. But the problem is that the dialogue between the mass school and these finds almost does not occur. The education system is one of the most conservative.

    In the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe organization of mass general education, a dramatic conflict is laid: on the one hand, it is designed to become basic for as many children as possible. On the other hand, all children are so different that they are just just impossible to teach them. At least it is inefficient.

    When an adult does not like the work - he can find another, taking into account all the wishes from the schedule to the salary. He can change the work simply because the team is not suitable for him. Or disappeared motivation for development. Or because they offered a more suitable place.

    And what if the child does not suit the school?

    Naturally, some adults, accustomed to choosing, sooner or later wonder: why is my child deprived of choice and should go to school that does not motivate him to learn? Or to school, which badly affects his health? If adults are aware that they are first interested in well-learning children, parents, and not the Minister of Education, they will find that in fact there is a choice.

    Alternative education is an alternative search, first of all, averaged format of a mass general education system.

    Five myths about alternative education

    If the child does not study at school, he will have problems with socialization.

    Indeed, with domestic training, the organization of communications with peers and other people is a separate task. It is solved with the help of various sections, circles, clubs in interest. Including for this, parents can unite into the so-called "family schools" (although it would be more correct to consider their clubs, because they do not have an educational license): On the one hand, uniting, it is easier to solve issues with tutoring, on the other Parties, you can carry out joint extracurricular activities.

    Alexey Semennychev

    family Education Consultant

    Awareness of itself as individuals, awareness of themselves in society in family education conditions occur even earlier than at school. If you compare with our adult life, then it's like constant work and freelance. Here you go to work, there is a stable salary there, and then decide to become a freelancer. On the one hand, freedom comes - I don't want to go to school. On the other hand, you understand that now everything depends on you. Our children earlier come to the thought that you are responsible for your destiny.

    Supporters of alternative education indulge their children, turning his studies in solid entertainment.

    Agree, there are thousands of ways to indulge children and in a traditional school. What is just worth a good study for gifts or doing homework for the child. So this is a problem is not a learning system, but exclusively to the approach of parents. Nevertheless, many recognize that the balance between "study should bring joy" and "the child should learn to overcome the difficulties" it is very difficult when you combine the role of parent and teacher. In fact, this balance is not easy and professional teacherswhich system they would work.

    Alternative education is always a traditional school "inside out."

    It seems that if we are looking for an alternative to the urban system, the main thing is to cancel the lessons for 40 minutes, refuse the subject schedule, from the estimates - and the new system is ready. This is not true. Still, the main goal of alternative education is to find individual approach To a specific child, taking into account the features of its development, and not to cancel the usual things from the principle.

    Anna Nine

    And classes for 40 minutes, and the subject schedule is just a way to struduce educational activities And adhere to the graph. Even if the child gets an alternative education, this method can approach him. Subsection allows you to focus on the main disciplines at its age, for example, Russian and mathematics, and remain in parallels in terms of knowledge with classmates. This is especially important if, according to the state of health, the child is difficult to master all the subject areas. As for the assessments, the child is important an assessment of an adult, a healthy narcissistic feeding of his skills and skills, it is important to show your knowledge before peers - all this is called healthy competition. Problems begin when, together with estimates in the journal, the child receives a social assessment that becomes a stigma and begins to determine its position in the class.

    Parents cannot know better teachers, how and what to teach children, therefore alternative education outside the school always loses in quality.

    Of course, in the event of a choice of education outside the school, parents must spend a lot of time and attention so that the result is high-quality. But they should not take on all the functions of teachers. Their task is to organize educational process and find resources from which the child will receive knowledge. It can be tutors, textbooks, sites. If the elementary school program can be mastered using mom and dad, then in the middle and older school it will not be enough. In terms of developing an educational strategy, professional tutors can help.

    If my child quietly goes to school, I do not need to know about alternative education.

    It is necessary to know about alternative education at least because it allows you to look at a new one to the familiar school - as one of the ways to teach, with its advantages and minuses, but not the only true one. And if a child suddenly has difficulty in school, perhaps even a temporary appeal to alternatively will correct the situation.

    Anna Nine

    family psychologist, Gestalt therapist

    If the child found himself at low positions in the classroom and at the same time he learns poorly, alternative training can come to the aid. Change of the environment, an individual approach to building motivation is removed from negative responses in the form of assessments and opinions of peers. Thanks to alternative education, it is possible to pull the level of knowledge, increase self-esteem and self-esteem.

    According to Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the main general education is imperative, and its receipt of children should provide parents or persons replace them. That is, every child, a citizen of Russia, should get a certificate after grade 9. The Russian Federation supports various forms Education and self-education, but at the same time establishes federal state educational standards.

    The law defines the responsible for the education of the child of his parents (legal representatives), gives them the right to choose how this education is given, and determines the standards to which the result must match.

    What can parents do if they don't want to drive a child to a secondary school?

    There are several options: to find a school with an alternative teaching technique (copyright schools, Montessori schools, Waldorf schools, parks and others), go to the correspondence (or part-time) form of study in traditional secondary school Or go to family education.

    Schools with alternative teaching techniques

    In these schools, a cool-term system is opposed to its approach: instead of dividing into classes in the ages of ages, there may be classes in various age groups, instead training subjects - Interdisciplinary projects and individual educational routesInstead of lessons from call to call - free disposal by your time.

    Among schools that work on long-recognized methods in many countries (such as Waldorf schools), there are state. As for the author's schools, working on independently developed methods - almost all of them are private and demand from parents of financial investments.

    Copyright schools appeared in Russia in the early 1990s. From the brightest, Mikhail Epstein in St. Petersburg and the author's school of Alexander Pobca with the embodied idea of \u200b\u200bprobabilistic education in Yekaterinburg.

    From the position of parents, studies in such schools are not very different from the traditional: the child is studying at school under the supervision of teachers, the organization is still responsible for the quality of education. It is quite another thing if parents choose for a child correspondence or family education.

    Correspondence training according to the individual curriculum

    This option is choosing those who are satisfied with the school program, but does not suit the need to attend school. The child is enrolled in a general education institution on the correspondence form of training. The school itself is an individual curriculum and provides educational materials. Part of the items can be developed in school in full-time (then it will be an internally correspondence form).

    The certification of the child will pass as other students of the school. The main task of parents with this form of training is to master the school program. How it will happen - with the help of tutors, video tutorials and online resources, independent textbook classes - parents decide.

    Family education

    Here, parents go to completely free swimming on alternative educational trends. With the same condition: the child must pass state certification after grade 9 for receiving the certificate of the main common education and pass the exam after grade grade 11 for the receipt of a certificate of average general education. As for intermediate certifications, it is optional to grade 9. But parents who choose family education are still recommended to pass them every year to be sure that different trends did not take the ship far away from FGOS.

    Everyone comes to this form of education in different ways: someone because of beliefs, someone because of the circumstances. But all parents who have taken responsibility to teach children outside the school, face similar difficulties: how to find a school to pass attestations, how to solve problems of discipline, which program to choose which techniques to use. Adults are united in online and offline community and discuss effective methods to teach children.

    In Russia, the question of family education methodology is sharp. On the one hand, this is a good free market for alternative learning systems. If you came up with a way, which makes it easy to teach children mathematics, his parents will gladly try to try, while in a secondary school to prove the need for a new tool is extremely difficult. On the other hand, the developers of educational products lack the channels for which they could declare their parents. And parents, in turn, do not have enough pedagogical knowledge to choose the techniques to independently. It is not surprising that it is those who have faced family education issues, initiate a wide conversation about alternative education at the All-Russian level.

    An interesting picture is obtained: if earlier the tone alternative education was asked innovators, attracting and enthusiastic, and skeptical views, now, it seems that the initiative has moved to parents. From passive consumers educational services They turned into active participants in the process that affect the market.

    Conferences like the one that will be held in the cultural center of ZIL should become a platform where parents are found, developers of educational instruments (from techniques to specific products - textbooks, web services, and so on) and professional teachers who are learning "not as At school "and are ready to share their experience and understanding what kind of education can be.

    Going to school only for your favorite lessons is possible! Did you know about it? You can come to the second or the third lesson, or attend school only three times a week instead of five, or not to go to school at all, and at the same time perfectly absorb the program.

    About how wide opportunities will provide parents and children law on education, told Svetlana Marzheva correspondent, "Alternative Education in Russia" portal, the Creator of the Family Schools Club.

    Three years ago, Svetlana called on parents and teachers to jointly teach their children in small groups, uniting in terms of territorial sign. Since then, such groups in Moscow are already more than forty, and their number is constantly growing. For someone, such a group is an alternative to an ordinary school, and for someone - the present salvation. This is what Svetlana told:

    Now the law provides parents literally unlimited possibilities in choosing an educational trajectory for their child. Many simply do not believe that you can not attend teachers' lessons who do not like, or simply unloved items, can be fused in the morning, if the child is "owl", or attend lessons on several subjects in one school, and, say, in mathematics or chemistry - In another, where they are more interesting. It is necessary only to competently build relationships with the school, somewhere to take advantage of your right, and somewhere - to agree.

    What does "negotiate" mean? Parents are accustomed to carry out all the requirements of the school. In which part can we negotiate with it?

    In the part where the school itself makes decisions under the law. The fact is that the school is also given great rights and opportunities to the state. Any public school can choose not only educational programs, but also textbooks, can take a visit to lessons to free, can allow their students to study immediately in several schools (in law it is called "network training"), may afford small classes, unusual items and the most Modern techniques. I know it sounds fantastic, but it fully complies with Russian legislation. Moreover, such schools were before. For example, School No. 200 (humane pedagogy on the system of academician RAS S.A. Amonashvili), School No. 734 (School of self-determination of Alexander Tubelsky).

    - Let's first more about what is done right, which is not necessary to negotiate.

    Most importantly: Parents have preferential rights in the field of education and education in front of other persons: see Family Code and FZ-273. This means that you, as a parent, who knows the tendency and needs of the child, is more visible if he should do homework and go to school every day. You have the right to write a statement that you ask to translate your schoolboy "For Education by Individual curriculum"(Art. 34 Part 1 Federal Law 273-FZ), and then choose those items that decided to attend school. And the rest to study at home and take certification on them (that is, writing one final control or to pass the test, or submit an abstract). That's all, nothing more for this is not necessary - no arguments, no medical and other certificates, have enough statements by parents.

    Exactly the same opportunities gives a statement with the wording "I ask to translate my child to internally learning. " But which of these two options to choose is the subject of negotiations with the school. Previously, it was very difficult to achieve a resolution from the school of permission, because there were no such precedents, and they were perceived as some kind of eccentric outcomes.

    But after some representatives of the educational institutions have lost their positions, they realized that this is not a joke and the parents really have good arguments and serious reasons. So, students who attend classes at school only partially, becomes more and more not only in the capital, but also in the regions.

    What reasons are the parents to seek such conditions, would I say special? After all, it has not yet become a massive phenomenon.

    For those years that I am engaged in my project, I have learned the reasons why people turn to alternative education. First of all, this is the health of children. Secondly - the quality of their training.

    The fact is that the school program is based on memorization and at the same time is strongly overwhelmed by unnecessary and outdated information.

    Many famous teachers suggest that it is impossible to perform the amount of tasks that require children, starting from high school. "School program is impracticable!" "These words belong to Alexey Bitnember, in the past of the Novosibirsk teacher and the director who today helps the disciples get rid of the school by graduating from her external.

    Children who honestly try to remember everything, are experiencing constant stress. Therefore, the body is simply forced to include protective mechanisms - that is, illness, and sometimes they are very serious, even incurable.

    Those who have a more stable psyche, have to include pofigism, lie, pretend, walk or just ignore all this constant violent information intoxication. Against this background, the lack of time for walking, cutting sleep, rest, the need to sit still at 8 o'clock a day - this is already "little things."

    This is about health. Now about education. Such life kills interest not only to knowledge, but generally deprives energy and joy. That is, even important skills and information by children are not digested. In addition, overboard school, there is a lot of important things that children are not taught.

    Unconfluous communication is not taught, find mutual language With other people are not taught financial literacy Do not teach. Professional guidance, psychology, basics of economics and business - all this have to be done out of school. But when? If you visit school, then there is simply no time.

    I remember when I studied at school, then for the summer we were asked to learn the ballad "Heath Honey". My daughter was asked to do the same thing, but for three days. This is a very indicative difference: all the same, only much faster. Because the same modern literature has been added over the years, but nothing has been reduced, simply reduced the study time.

    In the ISSchkal system, parents are not immersed so deep in educational problemsbut they see the top of the iceberg - children in high School Lose interest in school. And to keep motivation, and at the same time, health and joy they also come to the conclusion about the need to reduce the time that the child spends on school. That is why we are in last years We observe such a surge of interest in alternative forms of education.

    And what if parents work and cannot led a child to school or are not ready to take responsibility for his training?

    If we are talking about high school, the responsibility for our own teenage training is already bye. They already have no such passion for knowledge, like babies, but the motivation is still there. For example, they themselves consider a complex or boring item important. Or they want to test their strength. Or this knowledge is needed for them for the future profession.

    And if we are talking about primary school, then everything is easier. To successfully learn in the younger school, someone will have enough to have a good teacher. After all, it is not by chance that everyone says: look for not school, look for a teacher. And if someone wants more, then you can translate the child to family or correspondence training, Find several like-minded people in the neighborhood and will expound to hire a teacher to teach their children.

    By the way, just as we acted with several parents. It was in 2012, even before the adoption of the latest law on education. I did not invent this scheme, I came up with the first such family school and embodied a mug for difficult adolescents psychologist Boris Grechukhin - a bright, extraordinary and internally very free person.

    And who would have come to the time that "free mass learning is the confiscation of children from parents." But loud words speak easy. And what was the way to create my own school in the USSR? Yes, still saying: "No professional school teachers. Students and parents are engaged with children. "

    By the time, such experience was among the parents who opened the first class on the basis of their own private kindergarten, and we. I conventionally called these groups of parents and teachers with family schools, but this is not a very good name. Literally for four years such non-school In Moscow and the Moscow region, it became more than fifty. And now there are such associations in St. Petersburg, and in Samara, and in Kaliningrad, and in many other cities of Russia.

    Now in the capital and in St. Petersburg even appeared tiny while the experience of creating school parks Miloslav Balaban. These are a school of free visiting, where students themselves choose which classes (studios) to visit them. Such an experiment once for the first time set at school No. 734.

    Literally over the past two years, another version of alternative training appeared in the beginning: these are the classes of Zhokhov. Vladimir Ivanovich Zhokhov - Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, the author of school textbooks, developed a teaching technique in elementary school. Oddly enough, many directors of public schools have taken responsibility for the opening of such classes. That is, some alternative techniques have already supported in the face of the State School.

    - What other opportunities not noticed by the masses gave us a law on education?

    The Federal Law on Education has full-time, part-time, family and remote form of training. And there is still a network form that allows you to study in several schools at once. And if the first four somehow is used, then the latter is just beginning to master their parents and schools. All schools (and private, and state) may conclude an agreement on network interaction among themselves. This means that the student can study in different school subjects in different schools, if they concluded the appropriate agreement among themselves.

    For example, private International School Tomorrow (MSDD) forms remote classes that remotely study the Russian language according to the method of Olga Sobolev and under its methodical guidance. There is such an opportunity for now in this Russian school, but children from any corner of Russia can study in it.

    With this form of obtaining education, students may not attend the Russian classes in their primary school: there are evaluations that they receive in the MSDD. They appear in the handwriting and student's personal business.

    It is a pity that such promising learning forms are still small. But it's so great that they are that our state has been legally taken care of this.

    Well, well, if a child in some subjects is studying at home, then how and who controls his knowledge, and whether such a free appeal will lead school program To reduce the quality of knowledge? After all, parents rarely objectively can estimate the level of knowledge of their children.

    In the subject of the subjects that the child visits partially, control, polls and other numerous so-called are held in the classroom. Knowledge cuts. And in those subjects that the child does not attend, schools control the level of knowledge with the help of certification. They can be one, two, three times a year, at the discretion of the parent and where he wants - at least in state, even in a private school.

    If you are guided by law, de jure is generally obligatory only to GIA and EGE. But de facto we have parents and their children still prefer annually or once every six months to give certification for those subjects that the child does not attend. First, to be sure that it is safely mastering the program, and secondly, to have documents in the hands, it is confirming.

    - Why do Many schools with difficulty agree to such experiments?

    Many probably would not agree, but they are obliged to law. I think that the parents are not ready for this. For example, theoretically, the school has the right to start training not at 8.30, which, in my opinion, is harmful to health, and at 9.30 or at 10.00.

    I remember how we told about the success of children to the director of a steep lyceum, from where we took the children to teach them on their own. And she told us: "Of course, because they are hung away!". She herself understands the benefit of this, but can not take the time of the beginning of study later, because every morning at 8.00 and even earlier, she is under the door of a closed school, whose parents have nowhere to do. That is, educational institutions simply meet parental requests. If at school, where my daughter learns, the director will allow a free visit for everyone, his parents will eat alive!

    The deputy director of one of the schools in Tsaritsyno recently told me that it was the parents who spoke out against the free visits to the school when he was in this school in this school. Then this wonderful teacher itself, a candidate of historical sciences, introduced a free visit only on his lessons.

    For the first two weeks, no one came to him! Children simply could not believe in such a "laf". And then began to look, more often and more often. And then the story has become many favorite items. Children will not give up school if they are no longer forced to go there. They will just make it with the benefit for themselves.

    Tatyana Rublev

    About strength habits

    The survey participants conducted by the Rambler's analytical service on the order "World 24", told what form of secondary education they consider the most correct for the child.

    Most respondents (70%) support the existing in Russia school system. They replied that the most correct is the form of secondary education "Standard - like everyone else."

    20% of respondents voted for an "alternative education with an individual approach". 1168 respondents took part in the voting.

    In third place in popularity (8%), it turned out to be an option that suggests that some lessons can be studied at school, and part of the house. Less than the respondents (2%) found the right home learning without visiting the school.

    What to do if you are not satisfied school education? You are not satisfied with the quality of teaching, surroundings, against the school "equalization", strive to reveal the individual qualities of your child. The reasons may be mass. And the alternative school is only a few:

    1. Find a school with an alternative teaching technique (copyright schools, schools Montessori, school parks and others).
    2. Go to the correspondence (or internship) form of study in a traditional secondary school.
    3. Go to family education.

    Today we will talk about the latest version. Family education is often confused with home learning and external. Training at home is organized by a school for children who are not able to attend educational organization For any reason for medical nature. Teachers come to the house to students, respectively, performance - the responsibility of the educational institution.

    When family education, the child performance, the passage of the necessary interim and final certifications is the responsibility of the parents.

    Externatants are an independent, often accelerated form of education, in which the child is not a student of a particular school. With family form of training, the child is listed in a specific school, using all privileges - free textbooks, the ability to use the school library.

    Homeskling in Russia - the phenomenon is young. In the time of the USSR, it was believed that any training behind the walls of the school was not an education. Since the 1990s, the situation has changed, but the mass family learning has not become. Today, interest in homeskulng grows.


    The main plus is an individual approach. Family education is like a coat stitched by a child's figure.

    Parents can independently set the schedule, select the teaching technique. All are taken into account individual characteristics Child, his biological clock.

    The opportunity to emphasize on the study of those subjects, which in school bypass or do not pay so much attention: languages, architecture, art, etc. Such training is directed to the natural cognitive interest of the child, and not to receive high marks.

    Another weighty plus is a comfortable society. The pressure on the part of teachers or classmates, the child is not routine, which makes life freely and natural. By the way, practice shows that crisis transitional age It is much easier in children who are studying at home.


    Parents who choose the family education format for their children should be prepared for the fact that it will require quite a lot of their own strength and time.

    And the organization of such training will require themselves to the high degree of organization, a solid understanding of the goals and objectives, pedagogical skills, education.

    The child can manifest themselves (and may not, it all depends on how the family learning system is built) the following " side effects": Reduced communication skills, the image of the" white crows ", the absence or partial disorder of discipline, egoism, sense sense, infantilism.

    What you need to be ready to parents

    Almost all parents, one way or another, are faced with similar difficulties in this area. Here is some of them:

    • search for a suitable school for certification passages;
    • the problem of choosing an educational program and techniques;
    • difficulties in the dialogue with the school administration wishing to avoid unnecessary problems associated with the transfer of a child to another form of education;
    • parents should be prepared for working with regulatory documents (for example, with educational standards), with subject programs, with methodological benefitsto implement training most effectively;
    • homeskling eats all (or almost all) parent's time.

    How to transfer to family training

    To translate the child to home learning you need to do only 2 things:

    1. Write an application for the transition to the family form of education (in 2 copies).

    Wanting you can hear from such phrases like: "There is no such form of study", "You are without pedagogical educationYou can not "," We do not have in the charter, go to another school ", etc. But as soon as you get a written application and ask him to accept, the situation is likely to change.

    To keep a warm relationship with the school management, tell me that, completely trust the director, but you need a written refusal to reasonable communication with Rono and the Education Committee so that they cannot be sent back to school where it is impossible for family form.

    2. Inform the local government municipal Area or urban district at the place of residence on the transition of a child for a family form of education.

    Popular questions of parents

    Family education is available only in certain schools?

    Almost all educational institutions There is a family education. If the Charter is not marked in the Charter, this is a reason for the requirements of the parents to make changes to the inclusion of the school of this form of study, according to the legislation.

    Will it be possible to return to conventional learning?

    Go with a family form of training for training in the educational organization, a child may at any stage of training, by decision of parents / legal representatives.

    Who in case of family education should provide a child with textbooks?

    Studying in the framework of family education during training is entitled to free use of textbooks and teaching benefits within the State Educational Standard.

    How is the certification of family education?

    Parents have the right to independently choose an educational organization in which the child will undergo intermediate (optional) and the final certification (necessarily).

    As for intermediate certifications, it is optional to grade 9. However, they are still not ignored to be sure that in free swimming you did not swim too far from FGOS.

    With the successful passage of the final certification, the student receives the certificate of that school, where he handed over the certification. Assessing the knowledge of students will be a special commission, it usually includes teachers from different schools in the district, city or even the region. That is why there will be a biased relationship to your child. All work will evaluate objectively.

    • "Family learning as a system" Alexey Karpov
    • "WITHOUT SCHOOL. Law Guide for Family Education and External" Pavel Parfenyev

    "Once uneducated were those who did not go to school. And now just the opposite ..." (French novelist Paul GU).

    Many women when becoming mothers, decide that they will give their child the most important thing - childhood. In other words, they will not break his nature. Will not make stand when you want to run, you will not sit, if you want to stand, you will not drive home when you want to play on the street. They will not dismiss his desire to receive answers to their questions. Nevertheless, the placement of priorities in favor of education in a child's free person in fact, often leads to a serious conflict with the entire school system of education. Interesting, by the way, that the word "school" itself, which is often associated with non-sleeping nights, undermined health, dubious knowledge, actually translates as "leisure".

    School education - solid minuses?

    For centuries, children studied at home. Parents or themselves were engaged in education, or hired special teachers and governorates with this purpose. The situation is changing only with the onset of the nineteenth century, when schools come to the change to the then home learning in their usual form. By the way, the modern type of these schools does not criticize, probably only lazy. First of all, the school system is accused of bringing away from children to learn any hunt. Material sets out very monotonously in an extremely tedious manner. In the lessons where 30 people are present at the same time, the teacher cannot see a separate student at all. As a result, the child gets tired, loses all interest in the learning process.

    Learn for a child naturally. Any carapuz-preschooler is ready to torture up to half understanding his parents eternal "Why" and "Why." Parents are ready to buy curious crude all children's toys in Moscow, only to stop the flow of his questions. Nevertheless, sowing for the desk, curiosity, interest and thirst for receiving answers disappears somewhere. Why? Because of the same erroneous system. The schoolboy is extremely overwhelmed by any bureaucratic pully. And if seriously, we, for example, do not observe the immediate connection between the counting of cells between the assignments made and the development of the Pythagores theorem. One thing is obvious: Leonardo da Vinci with modern teachers would be a coreman as an absolutely urgent person, not able to even write from left to right, as all normal people do.

    In addition, a system where one adult person (not always with excellent moral abilities) for many years it becomes for a small little man by the Lord God lead to numerous discrimination and humiliation of the child, who risked different from others, or simply did not like the class teacher ... Nervous breakdowns, broken psyche, suicide - the side effects of today's education.

    Another sign of our time is the polished health of the younger generation. Forced disks in one place, dragging heavy backpacks, homework until dawn, mental overloads, ideological hours do their job. Here is a list of inevitable satellites of our children: diseases of the respiratory system, disorders of digestion, diseases of the bone system, diseases of blood circulation bodies. So really, school education makes only harm? This will agree very much and very many.

    Home learning as a school alternative

    So what exit here can be? Isn't that a child to led to school. Some parents do. Moreover, home learning popularity is gaining momentum. Advanced in this area are Canada and the USA. So, in Canada in 1980, only about 3,000 children were on domestic training. In 2003, such children were already 77,523, or 3.8% of the total number of registered students.

    In the United States in 1985, only 50,000 children studied at home. In 1993 there were already 300,000. In 2008 - several million. To date, domestic training is from 4.4 to 7.4% of all US schoolchildren. In 2006, among the north-American parents, who spoke out for the transfer of their children to home learning, special survey was carried out in order to reveal their motivation. So, they chose this form of study, because:

    1. It makes it possible to lay its value system from a child;
    2. constructing dense and strong ties between parents and children;
    3. Makes it possible for a child to communicate with adults and children at the highest level;
    4. Allows you to get rid of guarantee the best academic indicators;
    5. Makes it possible to avoid negative influences (drugs, alcohol, early sex) through controlled positive contacts with peers;
    6. Provides physically more favorable learning conditions.

    In Russia, the home education system has not yet been widespread. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to talk about it. Parents who decided not to drive their child to school use that general Education Our country can have "certification in the order of external for individuals who receive common basic and secondary education independently." The resolution for home education in Russia was enshrined in 1992 by the decree of the then President of the Russian Federation. At the same time, Russian schools are obliged to contribute to the desire of parents to enlighten their children at home. At the moment, in our country there are numerous sites, associations aimed at helping families who choose for their children to receive education at home. In addition, according to Russian legislation, payments from the state are even due to these parents.