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  • Anduin story. What ruler will Anduin Rynn? Options and Anduin grew in different conditions

    Anduin story. What ruler will Anduin Rynn? Options and Anduin grew in different conditions

    Anduin Llain Rinn is not the first time the throne takes. At ten, he took the post of King Stormgrad in the absence of a father, while Boll served as a regent. In subsequent years, after the return of his father, Anduin was involved in permanent conflicts. Not only military, but also family.

    The variety of effort tried to make the king from his son on his own vision. He tried to prevent Anduin to go through a bad path, all the time teaching his military art. The father was always afraid that Anduin would overtake the fate of his mother or grandfather, and did everything from the best motives. But his good-free control is quickly converted to "suffocation", and Anduin eventually rebelled by choosing his own way.

    Of course, options and Anduin reconciled. But now the option left us, and Anduin took his place as a ruler of the storm-grade. But is it good enough for the throne? Is it capable of being such a ruler who needs an alliance?


    Despite the fact that Anduin in his ten years has become the temporary king of the stormgrad, he never had the opportunity to decide anything. In fact, the main reason for which he was appointed by the ruler was Lady Catrana Poll. Press cleverly noticed that the Anduin should be a king in the absence of a father to keep order in the kingdom. In fact, the Black Dragon Onyx simply wanted the kingdom to be under its control.

    This did not prevent Anduin to express his thoughts, especially when the Father returned and began to behave strangely. And it was the coexist of the boy that helped to reveal the deck of the Poll. He continued to use his ability to avoid captivity after it was charged to Onyxia. When all the dust of the villagers and the variance was again in advance, Anduin remained with his father, who seemed healthy, but showed a very strange behavior.

    Varian loved his son, and has greatly cared for his safety. And it is not for me to blame, right? In his eyes, his father died, and after years he also happened to his wife, when Anduin was just a child. The variance tried to protect my son. He tried to prepare him to the world, who was harsh, evil and complete danger.

    But Anduin did not believe it. In this he looked like his mother than his father. When the option showed several justified distrust of the world as a whole, Anduin saw only the best in it.

    Including the Horde.


    This idealistic perception of the world continued to cling to Anduin throughout his childhood, and in adolescence. And the variance continued to try to form the future of my son, as he considered it necessary. This led to many years of quarrels between them caused by strange fluctuations in the mood of Vedian. Where the father saw the enemies, the son saw alliances that could be concluded. Where he saw solid conflicts, Anduin saw attempts to gain peace.

    Diplomatic ideals of Andduui found support in the face of Jaina Praudmur, with which they immediately became friends. Being a master of diplomacy, Jaina for many years calmly communicated with the Horde and sought peace between fractions with the Chief Tral. Jainja look at the world she was more like Anguin than on his father. In the end, Anduina was allowed to spend more time with Jaina - she even gave him a stone return so that he could immediately go to the theramore, if he wants.

    Meanwhile, the option continued to push Anduin to the path, according to which he did not want to follow. The kings needed to be able to protect themselves and their people - Anduin was supposed to become a warrior. But the idealistic views of Anduune made him soft in the eyes of Vianian, and he sent Son Stalgorn to handle his character. In Stalgorn, he found his way ... But not the one who assumed his father.

    The light called Andduuin, and he intended to answer this call. But how would his father-warrior respond to the fact that his only son would be on the path of the priest?


    It is unlikely to be delighted. The permanent change in the mood of Vyan was increasingly, and the safety of his son was a constant problem. When Anduin showed interest in studies with the prophet velenoma, the variety came into rage. They often aroused, but Anduin first saw fear in his father's eyes, and that was enough to break out of his guardianship.

    Having learned in Exodar Anduin gained enlightenment. But at the same time, he knew that he was engaged in the fact that his father would never approve. And he will never justify the ideals of the Father. Velenus assured that Aduine will be a powerful priest and wise king, but this news was not so sweet. Yes, he will become a powerful priest, but he lacks his father's approval.

    And returning home to the stormagrad, he finally got it approval after saved a varianity of life. Everything was fine, but the obsessive guardian of Vyan was not given to his son so easily. And it seemed that his father had good reasons when the theramor was destroyed together with the diplomatic ideals of Jaina. Where there was once a favorite mentor, now there was almost a stranger, filled with hatred, which he did not understand.

    Jaina lost the Temoram, and Anduin, in turn, lost a girlfriend, which seemed to understand it better than anyone else.


    In subsequent years, Anduin continued to go his way. Pandaria checked the strength of his views on the world and excellent diplomatic and leadership skills. The option wanted Anduin to returned to Stormgrad, but he insisted to stay - the act that almost cost him his life. Boldly trying to prevent Harrocha hellish cry to use the divine bell, he almost died in the counterattack of the orc. Despite the wound, Anduin insisted to remain, and met one, not by the years developed, the black dragon.

    Despite the fact that Gnevion had a barbed character, they eventually became friends - although it was clear that Gnevion's motives were beyond the understanding of Anduin. But it did not prevent him from trying to understand them. In fact, Anduin spent a lot of time in Pandaria in an attempt to realize everything with which he encountered. Pandaria, its citizens, Alliance, Horde ... and Garrosh hellish cry.

    During his court, Garrosh asked the opportunity to talk to Anduin. He could refuse, but did not do it. He returned again and again to try to understand the causes of Garrosh's actions. And when he learned about the conspiracy in order to poison hellish cry, he stopped him. Anduin could allow the hell's cry to die, and yet he intervened.

    During these years, Anduin did not see Jain. He was in itself. And, perhaps, that is why it was so focused on an attempt to look at the world at different angles, and understand all its inhabitants. No longer a child, Anduin was to stand tightly on his two legs and take his own decisions ... His father recognized him or not.


    And the main question is what the king will be Anduin. He was taught to fight, manage the kingdom. He studied the way of light from one of the oldest priests in Azeroth. But still, he became a king too early, because of the bony hand of death, which took his father, as soon as they began to understand each other.

    At the same time, Anduin did not lose herself from grief. In fact, he immediately took over the responsibilities of the king, ignoring Jain appeals to fight with the Horde in favor of focusing on the threat of Legion. And only when the Father Compass returns to him, Anduin, finally, allows himself a little to melting his death, watch the people of the stormard, and find out what they think about him.

    And the truth turned out to be bitter. Stormgrad people, loved and respected him, but not everyone believed in him. Anduin spent most of his life, trying to seek the approval of the Father, but he forgot to do the same for all the rest of the kingdom. Velenis believes in it, but only the future sees the future in which Anduin became a great leader, but he does not see how he all reached.

    And yet ... Anduin does not follow the old hatred and fear of his father. Yes, he saw the moments of despair - but he also saw the moments of hope. And this hope is always burning in his heart, and with her - the last lesson of his father.

    I learned from you patience, tolerance and faith. Anduin, now, I like you believe that the world is the most noble desire. But to keep it, you should be ready to fight.

    Anduin Rinn, the young prince of Stormgrad, - a man is reasonful and merciful. In this, he is not at all like his father, the warrior king Vyanan Rinna. The king devoted his life to the art of combat, Anduin also found his calling in serving light. That is why he happened to play such an important role in recent events in Pandaria. Come closer and listen to the legend about Prince Anduina ...

    History of priest

    The young prince was adjusted by Andyin Llein in honor of the two legendary heroes of Stormgrad - King Llann Rinna and Andduuin Lothar, nicknamed by Lev Azeroth.

    The king of the variance of the glory of the proud and skillful swordsman, but his son Anduin was deprived of military instincts of his father and could not go on his footsteps. However, unlike Vedian, the young prince was disappointing and mercy. Having found a talent for healing and a strong connection with the power of light, Anduin was trained under the leadership of the Supreme Priest Rohan and the prophet Dreseyev ordered. Thanks to their instructions, he became a real priest and peacemaker.

    When the confrontation of the Alliance and Horde flashed with a new force, Anduin went by ambassador to the mysterious new mainland Pandaria. There he hoped to put an end to mindless bloodshed. Departed from the strong walls of the Storm Award, Anduin began to study the ancient secrets of the Pandaria, while maintaining calm and common sense even in the most dangerous situations. In wanderings, the young prince selflessly helped everyone who needed help.

    It is thanks to Anduin that the Alliance was able to establish friendly relations with various fractions of Pandaria. In addition, without his participation, it would never be possible to repay the flame of war, almost gaining a new continent.

    The brave and noble prince of Stormgrad is ready for everything to flourish his kingdom, and the subjects lived in peace and tranquility. Someday he will become a great king.

    During the events of WORLD OF WARCRAFT: Mists of Pandaria, Anduina had to call for help the dark side of his power of the priest to make someone change the decision made. In Hearthstone, you can use the Mind Control Card to subjugate any enemy being that will fight for you to the end!

    We hope that you liked the story about Anduin. What class would you like to read next time? Write in the comments!

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    Anduin Rinn is absolutely not like his father, Vediana. From early childhood, Anduin believes that in each there is something good, and unshakably professes the principles of peace and diplomacy. By the way, the same principles adhered to Jaina Praudmur, until events in the Temoramore forced her to revise their point of view.
    But Anduin still did not disagree in diplomacy - for example, a meeting with Baine bloody hoof at the time of the cataclysm turned into a long and warm friendship. At some point, Anduin was even able to convince the Father to meet with Tralyl, and despite the fact that then the negotiations did not go according to the plan, at least I would try to make a compromise, and this greatly talks about the abilities of His Son. Today, the Alliance and Horde are standing on the verge of war. Will the King of Anduin Rynn adequately rule the Alliance in such conditions?

    Options and Anduin grew in different conditions

    Varin Rinn hated the Horde, but it is unlikely to blame him for it, because the horde actually killed his father. Yes, Garona was half a half, and he managed the Gul "Dan, but Llein considered it his friend, and the truth was opened with the young variana just many years later. The death of the father and the fall of the stormgrad were greatly influenced on the nature of the king. Memories of those terrible days always pursued him Even after the storm has been rebuilt again.
    Later, the options ordered to find Garon and execute her for the murder, which speaks of his desire for justice (and possibly revenge). The marriage to Tiffin and the birth of the son softened the character of Rinna a little, and when Tiffin was not, the variance fell into the deepest depression and forgot about everything except his grief. Salvation for the king was his son - it was for the sake of Anguin if he began to live on.

    We can say that Anduin inherited the best features of his mother. She had excellent concepts about justice - for example, he insisted that the Mason Guild, which built a new stormagrad, received a worthy reward for his work. Also, a certain similarity can be traced between Anduin and the King Llein - both of them believed that in a representative of any race there is something good. The option believed that Llein died because of his incorrect beliefs, and was very afraid that something similar happened to Anduin.
    Varian was an incredulous and prudent ruler. He knew how much dangers would be in himself the world around him, and wanted to protect his family from him. Anduin, in the past, he often behaved in inconsistently - accepted all in a row in a storm and did not pay attention to their past.

    Options and Anduin rule in different ways

    Like a varianine, Anduin ascended to the throne not because he himself wanted, but because his father died ahead of time. Varian knew exactly who is to blame for Llein's death, and Anduin didn't understand Anduin who should blame. Genn Sedogriv told him that Silvana took his troops from the split bank, leaving Vyan was without reinforcement, and Baine bloody hoofedly explained why this happened - the Horde did not cope with the demons, the will "Gin ordered to retreat, and Silvana obeyed the order.
    If at the place of Anduin was the option, he would have believed Genn without hesitation. Despite what happened in Mists of Pandaria, he would consider the behavior of the Horde with an obvious betrayal. Anduin did not rush to the conclusions, but not because he loves the Horde so much, but because it is important for him to know what actually happened.

    This is the main difference between the version and Anduin. The option made rapid judgments, based on his experience, because in an evil and a cruel world, where he grew, it was impossible to act differently. Anduin is not in a hurry anywhere, considers questions from different sides and before making a decision seeks to get as much information as possible. On the one hand, he is right - this is how the wise ruler should come. But on the other hand, what will happen if the situation requires the decisiveness from Anduin? Perhaps this is the first thing he should worry about.

    Optimism or caution?

    It's no secret that Andduuin Rinna's dreams about the ideal world are far from reality. In the past, the alliance was repeatedly in a position that goes against the enthusiastic ideas of his current ruler. The sluggish conflict between the Alliance and Horde was exacerbated, she subsided, but any truce was temporary.
    Anduin has always been one of those whom it seems that any situation can be improved, but when the young prince tried to act independently, his father did not find himself places and worried about his security. Now Anduin stood up at the head of the whole fraction, and (suddenly!) His actions affect not only his personal destiny, but also on the fate of the whole alliance. Anduin can no longer risk himself in the name of the world and must coordinate its actions with other leaders. And yet, he behaves exactly as expected. Going to the throne, Anduin unequivocally identified his priority - the world in Azeroth. Is the new king right? Is one person able to change the whole universe? Or maybe in it says boyish maximalism?

    Anduin in the novel "Before Storm"

    When reading the novel "Before the storm", the behavior of Anduin causes certain concerns. Azerite is not just a powerful substance, it is blood of the world. But despite the fact that the Horde completely obviously wants to take possession of this blood, Anduin is in no hurry to declare war. He comes in his style, that is, as anyone who followed the development of this character in previous add-ons could be assumed. Anduin is trying to establish a connection between fractions and redeem the emerging conflict.
    If people had shown humanity and stepped over their hatred to the renounced, then the other races would soon follow their example. But, of course, the leaders of the Alliance did not approve the approach chosen by Andyin. Genn Sedogriv, the son of Silvana died especially sharply sharply. Nevertheless, Anduina did not bother, and he organized a meeting between people and rejected. Of course, nothing came out of this, and it could not come out.

    The truce is not easy, and it is impossible to build it in one day. Maybe then Anduin this did not understand this, but now surely understands and bitterly regrets his decision. He promised people to reunification with friends and families, restoring connections, which seemed to be broken forever, but instead, people were lost their dear ... for the second time. Anduin gave them hope. Silvana destroyed this hope. King Rinn received an important lesson that each action has consequences.

    What awaits Andduuin in "Battle for Azeroth"?

    Will Anduin Rynn changed after what happened in Arati? Is it all the same cheerful Yunets, how did we see it in Mists of Pandaria? Of course no. But at the same time, he is still unlike a tough and a few leader, how his father was. Anduin is looking for his way, and the events of the novel "Before Storm" prove that these searches will be difficult. It is unlikely that he will begin to take hasty decisions to preserve the world in Azeroth.
    But at the same time he is unlikely to give up his ideals. Yes, maybe Anduin will act more careful, because now he knows - not all thinks just like him. Someone really sees the pros in universal uniform, well, and someone considers him too much. King Rynn paid a high price for this knowledge, and I am sure he will not soon forget the act of Silvan.

    And yet, the ability of Anduina to negotiate more than once is useful to an alliance in military conditions, especially with the fact that both parties require new allies. Despite the fact that in the novel "Before the Storm", the king could not agree with Sylvan and renounced, he also has other options. Not everyone in Horde supports Silvana, and if Anduin decides to turn to other leaders, it is possible that his proposals will be perceived more favorably.
    This is a dangerous game, but Anduin is not at all stupid. Is there an opportunity to truce between fractions? If you ask Anduin, he not thinking about this question positively. True, it is not known exactly how it is possible to conclude a world - at the cost of several dozen lives or long negotiations. In any case, Anduin is very different from his father and, it seems to me, sooner or later he can surpass him.

    Named in honor of his grandfather and king Azeroth, Anduin Llain Rinn is obliged to do in life a lot, but he is not going to go beyond the paths to his goal. The Rinn could expect a hobbies of military affair from the future King of Stormgrad, but his son became much more interested in diplomacy and the world, and more and less interested in the murder of enemies.

    It was because of this that there were so many disputes between the father and son, although it seems that they solved their problems.

    Rinn never tried to defend his son from his fate, because his fate is the fate of the future of Azeroth, especially if you believe the visions of the prophet veined. Anduin can never and will not be a good warrior, but he has already become more important now - a thinker, healer. And perhaps this is precisely this lack of storm and Azerost.



    Anduin Llain Rinn was born during the relative peace after the second war. Mother died even when he was a child. From the stone thrown by one of the workers during the protests of the Mason Guild. Most likely, this is exactly the most influenced by the further choice of the destiny of Anduin, even if he did not realize this - because of the death of Typhin, he fell into a deep depression, from which he got only due to the Immusion of Anduin. Unfortunately, the kingdom was pushed by dragons, and Catran Press, A.K.A. Onyxia could not allow their plans to be disturbed.

    After the third war, the version was invited to the theramore at the meeting of the world, and Anduin persuaded him to go, despite the objections of the crank. During the trip, the variance went along the way to the theramore, leaving the ten-year-old Anduina rule the kingdom. Lady Pressor was appointed royal consultant and convinced Lord of Bollard Fondragone to crown Andduuin, although Bolvar himself could remain in power before his majority.

    Lady Pressors in the end revealed, not without the participation of Anduin, who was able to notice that in a sudden father who returned something wrong. After some time, she finally became clear what happened: Onyx region was divided by Vianian for two people, which reflected two sides of his character. The first was the ruler, who returned to the stormagrad, and the second ... The second was a volitional, driving into battle and much darker. Onyxia hoped to kill the skill of the character of Vianian, but he escaped, was captured by orcs and fought in gladiator battles.


    Although the two half of Vianian eventually gathered together, and Onyx was defeated, the dual nature of his character never turned into a single one. This was done by Vianian a dark horse, which manifested himself in mood. Just with him was all right, and the moment later he was already scaling his teeth. And if anyone has learned something in his life, so the rinnov dynasty has always lost what was most important for them. At a minimum for Variana, it was true. He had to observe the death of his father and his wife just in her arms.

    He could not allow losses to all this, also his son. This meant that the life of Anduin after the return of Vianian was supposed to be under an unpleasant, magnifying glass. Perhaps the variance created such conditions for the son with good intentions, but he took him a dead grip, which would not have losing the last important person. This anxiety was only aggravated when Bolvar Foldragon fell in the gate of anger in Nordskol. The more the father wanted to bring the son to himself, the further the son wanted to leave, and the heaven became his father.


    Shortly before the split option, it seemed to finally became softer and sent his son to Stalgorn as a diplomat, but as a later Anduin found out, he should have been trained in combat art there. Anduin did not want to fight. He was not good in this, and did not enjoy the process at all. For all the years, which the option was held by Anduina as close as possible to himself, the smallest of all the time the king spent on studying who in fact his son. And the closer the variance of the Son to the role of a prince, who was not desirable, the stronger he repelled Anduin.

    All this is because even at 10 years old, Andduu has already had a diplomatic vein. He wished the world most, and he did not realize this desire with his father. His heart of the healer who pulled Vyan from depression after the death of Tiffin, made everything possible to save people during the split and emptying Kaz Modan. Anduin saw death, he looked straight into her eyes, but instead of fighting stronger, he decided to heal.

    Therefore, Anduin and the option was never in Ladakh. Varian by nature the warrior, if something does not work for him - it beats stronger until it turns out. Anduin, in turn, seeks to correct things, and not destroy, and the varianine is very difficult to understand, because it is not part of his nature. When the differences reached the critical point, Anduin decided not to be silent, and told his father that he knows who wants to be, and what he wants to strive - he was needed training from the prophet veined from the exodar.


    Anduin did not want to hurt his father, he wanted to follow his way, and he was sure of that. Velen trained Prince a lot during his stay in the exodar. And Anduin even managed to teach a pair of new things of the Prophet. When Anduin was in Exodar, the velin had a vision of a young man who would not be priest, and warrior of light, the leader and the head of the army, collecting all the races of Azeroth, the Alliance and Horde, which will fight in one row with dragons and Naaru.

    When Anduin returned to the stormagrad, he reunited with his father, and it seemed that these two finally began to understand each other. But in Mists of Pandaria, the variance again became completely insane when the son was gone during a diplomatic mission. As a result, the king sent the whole Alliance in search of his son. And Anduin again just wanted to walk on his way, and for this was not afraid even to slip away from the alliance soldiers.

    It was in Mists of Pandaria that we began to see how Anduin Kuket and takes his way in life. He reached the point when he was ready to live independently, regardless of the father's desires, and risked, despite the fact that this risk was stupid, and what could lead to. He began to resist the garrouch to the hellish cry on his own, and almost died because of this. While the prince recovered from serious injury, he met a dubious comrade, who later became a friend for him - Gneviaon.

    a lion

    Anduin is not a warrior. He never even tried to be. But he is not a soft diplomat, whom everyone expects to see him - he is ready to go into danger and defend if it is necessary. Anduin craves the same as the version: the world without war, safe for everyone. The difference between father and son lies in threats that they seem important to them. Options feeds anger for years already for years, and completely sure that any crime accomplished - angry to the bone, while Anduin retains the hope of hope that the redemption is capable of achieving each.

    Some can see in it a mild person, but at the same time Anduin Rinn can be the leader in which the world needs. Azeroth has been living in the world of war, filled with leaders who are ready to fight in spite of the cost of their actions. But how the pillaries do not get tired of reminding us - hatred brings only greater hate. "Each response measure itself is an act of aggression, and any act of aggression causes an immediate response to the measure." Now we are in an infinite chain of related events.

    Anduin does not work in such a style. And never worked. When a conflict arises, he seeks to neutralize it even before everything turns into a war. When the world hurts, he is not trying to revenge the pests, he is trying to heal the world, track aggressors and help them become better. Anduin is a bright world representative and other distinguishing features of character: respect for others, perseverance, compassion and dedication, which only the best paladins may have. Anduin, most likely, will be one of the main characters of the coming supplement, but the role that will fall out yet unknown.

    Will the vision be ordered by Jaw? Will And reports see the leader of Azeroth, opposing the Flaming Legion? The leader, which will unite classes, races, dragons and Naaru under its beginning? Soon we will find out.


    Anduin Rinn was born after the third war. His father is Rynn. Since childhood, the version taught his son to the skills of the warrior, and at the same time, showed not a small fatherly love. Having matured, Anduin Rinn chose the path of the priest, which did not really like the varianen, although he wanted his son to raise the same as he was a warrior. Anduin preferred the path of light, realizing that this is the right way for the true warrior of the world, or anyone who is peculiar to him, in particular these Drasenei, people, and blood elves. Anduin Rinn always helped his father in the fight with his anger, and anger, and his father was always listened to him, and he managed to overcome at times. But not always.

    Mists of Pandaria.

    Anduin Rinn sailing in the sea, along with the fleet alliances. Horde ships seemed from the southern foggy seas, and began the attack on the alliance ships. The admiral of the ship, which was Anduin - divered the prince in the Three, where Anduin had to reset the battle, with understanding that he would not be able to help wounded soldiers in battle. The code name of the Alliance ship is "White Pawn". The Alliance fleet was crushed, but the white pawn managed to escape, and they landed on the lands of Pandaria. Prince met Parerene, who helped him, and for some time kept. But the warriors of the Horde also landed on Pandaria, and the next day they managed to steal the prince. This squad was commanded by General Namgrim, in the face of the boy he recognized the Prince of Alliance. But Anduina managed to escape the urgent moment. So he disappeared among the people who led the caravan to the city of Pandaria. Then, the Alliance fleet sailed in Pandaria, under the command of Vedan Rinna. On Pandaria, they met Anduin. Anduin told his father about the strength that threw the warriors of the Alliance and Horde into rage, thereby killing them all. This force was called "Sha", which could not be defeated. This force, I wanted to use Garrosh hello cry, blinded by his madness. Anduin with the help of the Golden Bell wanted to stop Garrosha. When the time came to an end, and Garrosh was approaching this force, Anduin took the hammer, and rushed to the bell alone, where Garrosh was. He warned Garross, which will be, if you use the power of Sha, but Garrosh did not listen to the young prince, and then, Anduin hit the Golden Bell, thereby stunning garrose. Garrosh quickly came into consciousness, and broke the golden bell. Shards of the Golden Bell flew to Anduin, and thus broke it most of the bones. Garrosh thought the Anduin Decks, but Anduin miraculously remained alive. He was helpful to him, healing him all wounds and fractures.


    In Legion, Anduin Rinn received Chalalain (Vyannaya Rinna's named sword) from his father to inheritance, after his death. One day, in the afternoon, a guide was declared to Anduin, felt that the Legion was defeated. Under the implity of this guard was Natrey, and Anduina with a slight movement of his hand managed to defeat him, thanks to the words of the Father, which he recalled at these moments, and who inspired him.

    Battle for Azeroth

    In the battle for Azeroth, Anduin Rinn becomes the full king of the Alliance, and leads his troops to Lorderon, where he lived. It was a payroll for Teldrasil.
    Andduuin's path is actively going.