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  • Epoch Baroque. A brief description of. Baroque Baroque Style in Different Arts

    Epoch Baroque. A brief description of. Baroque Baroque Style in Different Arts

    At the end of the XVI century, a new style - Baroque appeared. It is about him that it will be discussed in this article.

    Baroque (Ital. Barocco - "Freaky", "Strange", "prone to excesses", port. Pe.rola Barroca - literally "Pearl with vice") - This is a style in art in general and architecture in particular.

    Epoch Barochko

    Conditionally believed (like all historical periods) that the Baroque era continued during the XVI-XVIII centuries. Interestingly, it all started with, which by the 16th century began to significantly weaken on international arena in economic and politically.

    The French and Spaniards actively conducted their policies in Europe, although Italy still remained the cultural center of the European Society. And the power of culture, as is known, determines its ability to adapt to new realities.

    Here is the Italian to know, without having money to build the rich palaces, showing their power and greatness, asked for art to create the visibility of wealth, strength and prosperity with it.

    That is how the Baroque era has come, which has become an important stage in the development of world art.

    It is important to emphasize that the life of people at this time began to clearly change. For the Baroque era, there is a lot of free time. The townspeople prefer knightly tournaments (see) Horse riding ("Carousels") and a game of cards, pilgrimages - a walk in the park, Mysteries - theaters.

    Old traditions based on superstitions and prejudices disappear. An outstanding mathematician and philosopher displays the formula: "I think, therefore, existed." That is, society is rebuilt on another thinking, where it is not expensive, which said some kind of authority, but what can be mathematically explained to any reasonable creature.

    Interesting the fact that in a professional environment around the word "baroque" there are more disputes than about the era, as such. FROM spanish Barroco is translated as the pearl of the wrong shape, but from Italian - Baroco denotes a false logical output.

    This second option looks like the most believable version of the origin of the controversial word, since it was in the Baroque era in art that some brilliant absurdity was observed, and even the fancy affecting the imagination with her porch and greatness.

    Baroque style

    For the style of Baroque, contrast, dynamism and tension, as well as a distinct desire for pomp and external magnitude.

    Interestingly, representatives of this area were extremely organically united by different art styles. In short, the reformation and teachings played a key role in the Baroque Style Foundation.

    If the Renaissance was intended for the Renaissance of the Renaissance, as a measure of all things and the most intelligent of the beings, then otherwise it is aware of themselves: "Something among all and nothing."

    Art Baroque

    The art of Baroque is distinguished, first of all, an extraordinary pomp forms, the originality of plots and dynamism. In the art prevailing throwing flowers. In painting, the most prominent representatives of this style were Rubens and.

    Looking at some pictures of Caravaggio, unwittingly affect the dynamic of his plots. The game of light and shadows incredibly emphasizes various emotions and experiences of heroes. It is interesting that the influence of this artist on art was so big that a new style appeared is Caravagism.

    Some followers managed to take naturalism from their teacher in transmission to canvas people and events. Peter Rubens, studying in Italy, became a follower of Caravaggio and Carrageach, having mastered their technique and shifting the style.

    The Flemish painter Van Duck and the Dutchman Rembrandt was also prominent representative of the Baroque art. In this style, the outstanding artist of Diego Velasquez followed, and in - Nikola Pussen.

    By the way, it was Poussin who began to lay the foundations of a new style in art - classicism.

    Baroque in architecture

    The architecture made in the style of Baroque is distinguished by spatial scope and complex, curvilinear forms. Multiple sculptures on the facades and in the interiors, various colonnades and the mass of fasteners create a magnificity and a majestic look.

    Architectural ensemble "Zwinger" in Dresden

    The dome acquire complex forms, and often have several tiers. An example can serve as a dome in the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome, whose architect was.

    The most significant works of Baroque in architecture are the Versailles Palace and the building of the French Academy in. The largest Baroque ensembles include Versailles, Peterhof, Zwinger, Aranjuees and Schönbrunn.

    In general, I must say that the architecture of this style has spread in many European countries, including B, under the influence of Peter the Great.

    Style "Petrovskoe Baroque"

    Music Baroque

    Speaking about the Baroque Epoch, it is impossible to bypass the face of music, as it also underwent significant changes during this period. Composers united large-scale musical forms, while trying to oppose choirs and solo singing, voices and tools.

    There are various instrumental genres. The most prominent representatives of Baroque music are Bach, Handel and.

    Summing up can be said with confidence that this era gave rise to the geniuses of world importance, which forever entered their name in history. The best museums of different countries are still decorated with the work of many of them.

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    Baroque - Characteristics of the European Culture of the XVII-XVIII centuries, in the Epoch of the Late Revival, the center of which was Italy. Baroque style appeared in the XVI-XVII centuries in Italian cities: Rome, Mantu, Venice, Florence. The baroque era is considered to be the beginning of the triumphal march "Western civilization". Baroque opposed classicism and rationalism.

    Baroque features

    Baroque contrast, tension, dynamism of images, affectation, desire for greatness and pomp, to combining reality and illusion, to the merger of the arts (urban and palace-park ensembles, opera, cult music, oratorio); At the same time, the trend towards the autonomy of individual genres (Concerto Grosso, Sonata, Suite in Tool Music). The worldview bases of the style have developed as a result of shocks, which for the XVI century was the reformation and the teachings of Copernicus. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe world as reasonable and constant unity, as well as the Renaissance idea of \u200b\u200ba person as a reasonable creature changed in antiquity. According to Pascal, the person began to realize himself "something average between all and nothing", "For those who capture only the appearance of phenomena, but it is not able to understand their beginnings or their end."

    Epoch Barochko

    The Baroque era gives rise to a huge amount of time for entertainment: instead of pilgrimage - Promenade (walks in the park); Instead of knightly tournaments - "Carousel" (horseback riding) and card games; Instead of Mysteries - Theater and Masquerade Ball. You can add another appearance of swings and "fiery fun" (fireworks). In the interiors, the place of icons took portraits and landscapes, and the music from the spiritual turned into a pleasant sound game.

    The Baroque era rejects traditions and authorities as superstitions and prejudices. True, everything that "clearly and clearly" thinks or has a mathematical expression, declares the philosopher Descartes. Therefore, Baroque is a century of mind and enlightenment. It is not by chance that the word "baroque" sometimes elevate to the designation of one of the types of conclusions in medieval logic - to baroco.. The first European Park appears in the Versailles Palace, where the idea of \u200b\u200bthe forest is expressed extremely mathematically: lime alleys and channels are listed on the line, and the trees are trimmed on the manner of stereometer figures. In the armies of the Baroque era, first received a uniform, much attention is paid to "Mushtra" - the geometric correctness of buildings on the fee.

    Man era Barochko

    The Baroque man rejects the naturalness that is identified with wildness, unceremoniousness, samoracy, atrocity and ignorance - all the fact that in the era of romanticism will become a virtue. Baroque woman values \u200b\u200bthe skin with pallor, on it unnatural, cordlessly, corset and artificially extended skirt on a frame of a whale oce. She is on heels.

    And the ideal of a man in the baroque era becomes a gentleman - from the English. gentle: "Soft", "gentle", "calm". Initially, he preferred to shave the mustache and beard, fumble of spirits and wearing frowning wigs. To what power, if you are killed, clicking on the trigger coating. In the era of Baroque, naturalness is synonymous with atrocities, wildness, vulgarity and madness. For the philosopher Gobbs, a natural state (eng. state of Nature.) - This is a state that is characterized by anarchy and the war of all against all.

    Baroque characterizes the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the nature on the beginning of the mind. Do not tolerate need, but "fraudulent in pleasant and taught words to offer" (youth honest zerozal, 1717). According to the philosopher Spinoz, the attraction is already not the content of sin, but "the very essence of man". Therefore, the appetite is drawn up in the exquisite table of etiquet (it is in the baroque era of the baroque appear forks and napkins); Interest in the opposite sex - in the courtesy of flirting, quarrels - in a sophisticated duel.

    For Baroque, the idea of \u200b\u200bsleeping God is characteristic - deism. God does not think as a Savior, but as a great architect who created the world just as a watchmaker creates a mechanism. Hence this characteristic of a baroque worldview as mechanism. The law of energy conservation, the absolute of space and time is guaranteed by the word of God. However, however, the world, God soil from his works and does not interfere with the universe affairs. Such God is useless to pray - it can only learn. Therefore, genuine guardians of the enlightenment are not prophets and priests, but scientists and naturalists. Isaac Newton opens the law of world community and writes the fundamental work "Mathematical starts of natural philosophy" (1689), and Karl Linny systematizes biology ("System of Nature", 1735). Everywhere in the European capitals are established by the Academy of Sciences and Scientific Societies.

    The diversity of perception increases the level of consciousness - the philosopher of leibants says roughly. Galilee first sends a telescope to the stars and proves the rotation of the Earth around the Sun (1611), and the levenguch under the microscope detects tiny living organisms (1675). Huge sailboats furrowing expanses of the ocean, washing white spots on geographic maps World. Travelers and adventurers of adventures are the literary symbols of the era: Robinson Cruzo, Gulliver Ship Doctor and Baron Münhgausen.

    "In the era of Baroque, the formation of fundamentally new, different from medieval allegorical thinking. A viewer was formed, capable of understanding the emblem language. Allegory has become the norm of artistic vocabulary in all kinds of plastic and spectacular arts, including such synthetic forms as the festivities. "

    Painting Barochko (In the lane. With IT. - "Freaky") It is customary to call the artistic style, which prevailed in the art of Europe in the 16-18 centuries.

    It is this epoch that is considered the beginning of the triumph of "Western civilization".

    It originated thanks to two important events Middle Ages. It was originally the ideological ideas about man and universe, thanks to the epochable scientific discoveries of that time. In the future, there was a need to create a simulation of its own greatness against the background of material decline. To do this, it began to use an artistic style that glorify the power of nobility and church. However, a person began to feel herself with a leader and creator and already in the style itself, the spirit of freedom and sensuality broke through.

    This artistic style arose in Italy, in particular in Rome, Mantu, Venice, Florence, and spread to other countries after the Renaissance era. In the 17th century, Italy lost its power in politics and economics. Its territory begins to be attacked by foreigners - Spaniards and French. However, ITALY exhausted by Nevzpects did not lose their positions. The cultural center of Europe still remained Italy. Church and knew sought to show their power and consistency, but since there was no money for it, they turned to the sphere of art. Thanks to him, the illusion of wealth and power was created.

    The main features of this style are solemnity, parade, pomp, life-affirming nature, dynamism.

    The art of Baroque has a bold contrast scale of color, shadow and light, combining fantasy and reality. The painting of this direction is characterized by progressive ideas about the complexity of the universe, the limitless and diverse world, his impermanence.

    Holy Family, Antonis Wang Dyk Thomas Howard, 2nd Count Arundel, Antonis Wang Dyk Portrait of Philadelphia and Elizabeth Waiton, Antonis Wang Duck

    A person is part of the world, a complex person, which is experiencing life conflicts.

    The interior began to decorate with portraits that emphasize the position of a person in society. Portraits of rulers on which they are depicted with antique gods are also very popular. For Baroque, still lifes with the image of the gifts of nature are also characteristic.

    Giovanna Gartenony Good news, philip de champ Giovanna Gartenony

    Artists directions Barochko

    By the famous representatives of Baroque are Rubens, Van Deken, Sneiders, Yordans, Maulberch.

    A few artists, even outstanding, deserved the honor to be the founders of this style in the art of painting. Rubens turned out to be an exception. He created an exciting, living manner of an artistic expression. This method of writing is inherent in its early work of the "Holy George, affecting the dragon". Rubens style is characterized by a show of large and heavy figures in action - they are excited and emotional. His paintings are endowed with huge energy.

    Nobody managed to portray people and animals in a mortal battle as Rubens.

    Previously, artists studied tamed animals, they portrayed them with people. These works usually demonstrated anatomical knowledge of the structure of animals. Their images were taken from the stories of the Bible or myths. The artist's imagination gave rise to real paintings of fighting people and animals in a real fight.

    This style includes other masters of painting, for example, Caravaggio and his followers. Their paintings are realistic and have dark colors.

    Caravaggio is the most significant creator among Italian artists.

    His paintings are based on religious plots. They created a contrast of epochs between late antiquity and new time.

    Martha and Maria Magdalina, Caravaggio Musicians, Caravaggio Christ at the pillar, Caravaggio

    In Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Western Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Baroque style intertwined with Rococo trends. So, in France, classicism was considered the main style of the 17th century, the baroque was considered before the middle of a century by the on-line, but in the future both directions were united in one big style.



    Organization of scientific research in Russian Federation

    System of scientific institutions of the Russian Federation

    Considering such a multifaceted phenomenon as science, three of its functions can be distinguished: the culture industry, the method of cognition of the world, a special institution (this concept includes not only higher educational institutions, but also scientific societies, academies, laboratories, magazines, etc.) .

    In our country, an extensive network of institutions involved fundamental research In various sectors of the national economy. These include:

    1. Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation (RAS);

    2. Course Academy of Ministries (Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, Academy pedagogical Sciences Russian Academy of Construction and Architecture of the Russian Federation, etc.);

    3. Dramed Research Institutes of Ministries,
    departments, universities.

    The division of science at the university, academic and industry is largely conditional due to the close interaction of these detachments of a single Russian science.

    In universities, which, according to 2002, in the Russian Federation, more than 500, scientific research is aimed at developing fundamental problems in the area for which this university is preparing specialists. Important place Survey on the problems of higher education, improvement educational process, improve the quality of graduates. During universities with a high level of scientific research, research institutes are created, problematic research laboratories are working (for example, at MSU, SUURSU).

    Scientific - research work B. higher School

    Her main feature - organic combination of educational process and scientific research activities team of university. In this paper, the pedagogical and scientific compositions of universities are involved, as well as students.

    Research work (NIR) in universities pursues three main goals:

    1) the use of the creative potential of universities to solve important economic problems of accelerating scientific and technological progress. Today, more than 300 thousand teachers operate in universities of the country, including more than 15 thousand professors, doctors of science and over 150 thousand associate professors, candidates of science, which is about half of the country's scientists;

    2) improving the qualifications of the teaching staff;

    3) Improving the quality of training produced by specialists through co-impact of the organization of the educational process, active participation in scientific activities.

    In the university, scientific work is headed by a vice-rector for scientific work and is governed by promising and annual research plans.

    There are plans of state budget and indexed research. State budget research is carried out at the expense of national appropriations on the development of science; Independent - are carried out on the basis of direct economic contracts between the university and the customer who finances research.

    To solve current scientific and technical objectives in advanced universities, sectoral scientific and technical laboratories are created on the basis of economic contracts with a certain industry of the national economy.

    One of the important directions of university science are studies aimed at improving the educational process.

    Participation in research work is the most important factor in advanced training of a teaching staff: firstly, personnel of higher qualifications are preparing - candidates and doctors of science; secondly, erudition increases, the horizons of the teacher expands; Thirdly, the teacher can successfully carry out the creative training of students, teach them how to use acquired knowledge.

    Features of the organization scientific - student research work

    The modern scientific and technical revolution is a totality of indigenous, qualitative changes. technical means, technology, organization and management of production on the basis of new scientific principles. This revolution was prepared not only by the development of science and productive forces, but also by the deep social changes that occurred in society as a result of the global revolutionary process. The most important feature of the NTR lies in the immeasurably increased role of science in the development of productive forces, to enforce which requires an increasing amount of qualified workers.

    In this regard, there is an objective need to acquire scientific knowledge by all participating in public production. It is impossible to imagine the ideal of the future society without a combination of learning with the productive work of the younger generation: neither training and education without productive work, no productive work without parallel learning and education could not be put on the height that the modern level of technology and the state of scientific knowledge implies.

    Navigators of scientific knowledge in public production are, first of all, scientists and engineering and technical workers who have a direct impact on all stages of production processes. The more in the country highly educated peopleThose, the most important scientific and technical and production problems with great success are solved. Therefore, in a modern HTR higher education Acquires a crucial role, the scientific and technical, economic and military potential of the state depends on it.

    A modern engineer, unlike engineer of the beginning of the twentieth century, who can say, he studied his profession once for life, should continuously merge. Therefore, in whatever area a specialist, it should be dynamic, mobile, able to continuously increase its qualifications that can creatively think and independently solve fundamentally new tasks, adapt to rapidly changing activities. Thus, crucial for graduate of the highest educational institution Acquires not only mastering the amount of specific knowledge and skills, but as the main goal - the ability to independently obtain, acquire, systematize.

    The creative activity of the personality, reflecting the high level of human social maturity, is the result of the education and self-education of the person, training and impact on her public relations. In turn, creativity in the broad sense of the word can be defined as a natural-historical process of materialistic knowledge of the world.

    Naturally, creative activity can be inherent in people in any sphere of social life: everywhere, performing certain responsibilities, you can search and find more efficient ways to work, improve labor productivity. But the creative activity is particularly important in the field of science, art and social production, and it is here that it has a pronounced intellectual nature and suggests the presence and constant inclusion of knowledge about the newest achievements of science, technology, technology and participation on this basis in their Development and improvement.

    A feature of student scientific work is that its main task is not to solve the most important scientific problems, but the approach of students to independent work, the deepening of their knowledge, the development of a creative approach to solving the tasks. To improve the quality of students' training, you need to teach them not only to absorb the existing actual material, but also to produce your own solutions.

    Development creative activity The student is possible only in the process of collective research activities, when performing creative work, setting experiments, discussing research results, etc.

    For the successful implementation of student research work, compliance with the following basic conditions:

    1. Active participation of students in scientific work throughout the entire training time.

    2. A pressescent increase in the complexity of solved tasks with a gradual orientation of the student in the direction of the profile of its specialization.

    3. Contracture of continuity when performing scientific work by each student.

    4. Contracture of continuity in scientific work of students of senior and junior courses,

    5. For the scientific work of students with scientific and academic work Departments.

    6. The scientific work of students is an integral part of the curriculum of the university and is organized on the basis of the "Regulations on the scientific work of students".

    The main role in the organization of research work is played by profiling department. It develops forms of research activities of students, determines the main directions in which subjects are formed. These areas should reflect the specifics of the future specialty and be closely related to the scientific directions of the Department. The scientific work of students has two main forms. The first of them is performed in scientific circles, student design bureaus, in residential laboratories, etc. This work not only develops self-skills, but also contributes to the development of increased abilities, the formation of future scientists. The second form is the educational and research work of students - it is obligatory for all students, it is provided for by curricula.

    Attracting students of junior courses to the implementation of design and research works, together with senior students, ensures the continuity of scientific research, expands the horizons of young researchers. It is very helpful to help students of junior sensecricultural students who perform a course or thesis design, thanks to which they learn the nature of their future works, accumulate work experience, receive a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe specifics of the study from its start before completion. At the same time, scientific and methodological skills of students of senior courses acting as "micro-operators" are improved. Starting research work in junior courses, favorable conditions are created for the process of developing individual topics to exchange and diploma projects.

    Guide scientific work Students are one of the duties of the professorical and teaching staff of the university. The quality of the manual, its level determine the success of the performance. Experience shows that one teacher can successfully manage the work of four or five students.

    Summing up the scientific research work of students is one of the forms of its control. These results are summarized at scientific seminars of the department, scientific and technical conferences of the faculty, university. The best works are published in scientific press, report to regional and republican conferences, are summarized for student contests.

    Scientific and Scientific Preparation System - pedagogical frames in the Russian Federation

    Due to the rapid development of science, the need for highly qualified scientific personnel is continuously increasing.

    Preparation of highly qualified personnel is one of the main organizational tasks of science. Experience shows that this factor largely determines the level of development of science and production in the country, the degree of technical progress.

    The main and well-proven form of training of scientific and scientific and pedagogical personnel in our country is graduate school. The most capable and prepared specialists are taken into it, as a rule, after a certain time of their production activities (at least two years).

    Along with the traditional form of training of scientific and pedagogical personnel through graduate school, the preparation of these personnel from the number of applicants for a scientific degree is widespread. Applicants are attached to research institutes or universities to put candidate exams, as well as the preparation of the thesis under the guidance of the supervisor without separation from production.

    Preparation of doctors of sciences is carried out from among the most actively leading scientific activities Candidates of science working in universities, research institutes and production. Doctoral dissertation is a significant step in science associated with the development of new scientific directions and solving major scientific problems with important economic significance. One of the forms of training of doctors of science is a doctoral degree, which is to liberate candidates of science under the age of 40 from their main production activity for a period of 3 years to complete the work on the dissertation and introducing its results into production.

    The defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations is carried out in specialized dissertation councils in universities and research institutes. To assess the quality of theses and their compliance with the requirements of the scientific council, appointed official opponents from among the leading scientists in the field and the leading enterprise, which represent official conclusions on the dissertation. Controls all dissertation work The highest attestation commission, which includes leading scientists. Scientific titles of the associate professor and professors of university workers and research institutes are currently assigned by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.


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    7. Kozlov, A.V. Fundamentals of scientific research: Tutorial / A.V. Kozlov, B.A. Reshetnikov, S.V. Sergeev. - Chelyabinsk: ed. CHSTU, 1997.

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    11. Lakatos, I. Methodology of research programs // Questions philosophy / I. Lakatos. - 1995. - № 4.

    12. Petrov, Yu.A. Logic and methodology of scientific knowledge / Yu.A. Petrov, A.L. Nikiforov. - M.: Thought, 1982.

    13. Petrov, Yu.A. The theory of knowledge / Yu.A. Petrov. - M.: Science, 1988.

    14. Pecheneckin, A.A. Laws of the development of science / A.A. Pechenkin // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Philosophy. - 1995. - № 3.

    15. Snow, Ch. Two cultures / Ch. Snow. - M.: Mir, 1973.

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    1. Characterized Special Baroque style

    2. Architecture Perigod of Ukraine ABO "Kozotsky" Baroque

    3. Distille of the samples of decorative and applied Mustetsva



    Style Baroque Slaw Tsilo Epochu in the Istoria Mussettva. Ranish Tsei Style I interpreted the Yak Vidder Vіd tytic norms. Pusullal was introduced into theoretics of theoretics Classicism Dumka, Nisbi Phacko - Tset Nesorosynnya in Mussettvi, Panuanovna Panuanovna; Annative Baroque pіdtchilo і Vreshtі-Solt Zuryunova Culture of Vіjdrodnia. French Encyclopedisti, NIMETSKI ІNSHI єVROPEYSKI FILLOCHI COLLY ORІєTATSIA VIDMAHVAVAYA VID ANALIZA MUSTETVE XVII - Pershio Half XVIII Art. Yak Vіd such, Scho Nemobi zіpsovanniy's omnimi. Vіdtodі The word "Baroque" was the thermal z-vіdch, the negative zm_stom: "Divnei", "Chudenatsky", "Chimeria". Z Saying Classicistіv, about Baroque, you can say Bulo to Pisati Lishe z іronіu. Dressing on the baroque was put in the Baroque setting on the locust of the Zinnosti Spain. Baroque was not called Іnakshe yak "Zanepadnitsky style". In order, if I approved the science plot at the Tsei style, Okhanі Vcheni was all shattered, Chi Bulo in nyomoy advanced, the progressive is poriously from the Renaissance.

    Moving the Roli Baroque at Svіtіyi Culture Sunshine Spring is grooved in Kіntz Xi - on the Cathericle of the XX Art. Okaren Barokhi Elent_v in the painshi, the architectures, in the journaling of the books of the books, in the decorative Mussettvi. Osmіyuvannі Ranіsh Viktorutasi, Hermery th Nadmіrnosti Baroque was known to Rosenny Novich Swamp Mittsіv. In N_bito, the unhappy hedgendexes, Alelegoriya Tajbble Vcheni Mitzі Rіzbli Rygledіli Stringing the system to understand the І meaning, and sugaining suspended settings І I'll think about the artist.

    Baroque - style in Mussettvi Kіntzia 16 - mid 18 Art. Disposable to the architectures, painting, L_teaturi Tu Muzitsky, characteristic of the specialist of Baroque є Perennneyn Svitsky Svitoglyad in Usi Sfera Artisti Dyalnosti. MONUMENTALLY FORMS, ECPRESSIVIST, INTRODUCED ADEGORIA TA Symbol, Pishna Decorative ornamentals, parade of those in a baroque, Scho Pritamnі Baroque, Viddamnnya in Mussettvi Czechie Perigod. Zlittya Principle Baroque with National People's People's Traditzіyu visited Vіrantіv's Vіantіv. Specifier Rici Barocho, Yaki have revealed in the Usi of Mussettva - Architectures, Painting Ta County, Sculpture, Art Metal Tom Gaptuvanni. Mussettva Rospecks Sprinkled Pіdnesnne Filosophice Duma, Science, Liteaturi. Priyshovshi at the ZMNIU artist culture, Baroque Vіdkrilo Novi Mozhvyosti for Mustemtva, Shahko, Plyowstly, at the Synthesis of Musterstva, at the coyodynia of the Grandiozniki І Parkov Ansambіv.

    For the baroque characteristics, the nepherty is characterized by efestati, dynamychnіst compositecia decorative pishnіst. In the architectures, the plans were found in the pramphlivic plans, the great contrasts of the rip-off, transshipments of the sculpture of inclobs, Svitlotіniovih І callorih efects. Painting І Sculpture Baroque is visited by decorative-theatrical compositions, the thin line of the colors of Efestiv Oswieng.

    Theoretical Fundamental Fundamental Baroque Pіdtelli Rutorika Petica, Yaki read in Todіshnikh schools, Nasampeed in Kyivski Akademії. Writers, in the Cotory, Nayviravnіsh, have revealed Rici Baroque Buli Vikladachi Chi Vikovatsey Tsієї Akademії. Prshі yo shifting at the Ukrainian on the territory of 16 and 17 tables.

    For the style of Baroque in Muzitski characteristics, chapter, Pishnіst, decorative, drama, stupid internal Svіt Schuytvіv, Synthesis of Mussettva (the genres of opera, spectacle, Cantati), Pragnennya to Vіddіlennya Muziki Vіd Words (ignition Іnstrumental musiki).

    Vіdіyshovshi od vlastivih renesansnіy kulturі uyavlen about chіtku garmonіyu that zakonomіrnіst Butt i bezmezhnі mozhlivostі Lyudin, estetika Baroque buduvalasya on kolіzії mіzh Lyudin that zovnіshnіm svіtom, mіzh іdeologіchnimi th chuttєvimi require i Rozum natural forces SSMSC uosoblyuvali Teper vorozhі lyudinі stihії.

    Since Tim Culture Baroque is far away Sentimentally, mercillary ABS SPOKLADALNOSTI. Їry Hero - Zeziershiye Yuskrava Industion З Razvinimi Voloviy іsha Bіlsh Razi Razіonal Benefit, artistic obdanings I know often noble in your q.

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    Baroque (ITAL. BAROCCO - "Fancy", "strange", "prone to excesses", port. Perola Barroca - "Pearl of the wrong form" - the characteristic of the European culture of the XVII-XVIII centuries.

    Epoch Barochko

    The Baroque era gives rise to a huge amount of time for entertainment: instead of pilgrimage - Promenade (walks in the park); Instead of knightly tournaments - "Carousel" (horseback riding) and card games; Instead of Mysteries - Theater and Masquerade Ball. You can add another appearance of swings and "fiery fun" (fireworks). In the interiors, the place of icons took portraits and landscapes, and the music from the spiritual turned into a pleasant sound game.

    Baroque features

    Baroque contrast, tension, dynamism of images, affectation, desire for greatness and pomp, to combining reality and illusion, to the merger of the arts (urban and palace-park ensembles, opera, cult music, oratorio); At the same time, the trend towards the autonomy of individual genres (Concerto Grosso, Sonata, Suite in Tool Music).

    Man era Barochko

    A baroque person rejects naturalness that is identified with wildness, unceremoniousness, self-use, atrocity and ignorance. Baroque woman values \u200b\u200bthe skin with pallor, on it unnatural, cordlessly, corset and artificially extended skirt on a frame of a whale oce. She is on heels.

    And the ideal of the man in the baroque era becomes a cavalier, gentleman - from the English. Gentle: "soft", "gentle", "calm". He prefers shave the mustache and beard, fumble of spirits and wear frowning wigs. To what power, if you are killed, clicking on the trigger coating.

    Galilee first sends a telescope to the stars and proves the rotation of the Earth around the Sun (1611), and the levenguch under the microscope detects tiny living organisms (1675). Huge sailboats are furious expanses of the ocean, washing white spots on geographical maps of the world. Travelers and adventurers are becoming literary symbols of the epoch.

    Baroque in sculpture

    Sculpture is an integral part of the Baroque style. The greatest sculptor and recognized architect of the 17th century was Italian Lorenzo Bernini(1598-1680). Among his most famous sculptures - the mythological scenes of the abduction of Proserpina by the God of the underground kingdom of Pluto and the wonderful transformation into the village of Nymphs Daphne, pursued by the God of Light Apollo, as well as the altar group "Ecstasy Holy Teresa" In one of the Roman churches. The latter of them with their chopped clouds and as if waving in the wind, the attitudes of characters, with theatrically exaggerated feelings, very accurately expresses the aspirations of the sculptors of this era.

    In Spain, wooden sculptures prevailed in Spain in the era of the Baroque style, they were given to a big truth-like, they were made with glass eyes and even a crystal tear, the real clothes were often put on the statue.

    Baroque in architecture

    For Baroque architecture ( L. Bernini, F. Borrombiniin Italy, B. F. Rastrelland in Russia, Jan Christoph Glaubitz In the Commonwealth speech), spatial scope, the fusion, the fluidity of complex, usually curvilinear forms are characteristic. Often there are deployed large-scale colonnades, abundance of sculptures on the facades and in the interiors, volitions, a large number of low-slip, ample facades with a platoon in the middle, rustered columns and pilasters. The dome acquire complex forms, often they are multi-tiered, like the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome. Characteristic details of Baroque - Tewamon (Atlant), Caryatida, Maskaron.

    Baroque in the interior

    For Baroque style, a windowless luxury is characteristic, although it retains such an important feature of the classic style as symmetry.

    Wall painting (one of the types of monumental painting) was used in the decoration of European interiors with early Christian times. In the baroque era, she got the greatest distribution. In the interiors, many color and large, richly decorated parts were used: the ceiling, decorated with frescoes, marble walls and parts of the decor, gilding. Color contrasts were characteristic - for example, marble floor decorated with staggered tiles. Abundant gilded decorations were a characteristic feature of this style.

    The furniture was the subject of art, and was intended almost only for interior decoration. Chairs, sofas and chairs were awaited by a dear, richly painted with a cloth. Huge beds with cauldanes and flowing down bedspreads were widespread, giant cabinets. Mirrors were decorated with sculptures and stucco with a vegetable pattern. As a material for furniture, southern walnut and Ceylon black tree were often used.

    Baroque style is not suitable for small rooms, as massive furniture and decorations occupy a large volume in space.

    Baroque Fashion

    The Fashion Baroque era corresponds to the period of the reign of Louis XIV in France, the second half of the XVII century. This is the time of absolutism. At the courtyard reigned strict etiquette, a complex ceremony. The costume was subordinate to the etiquette. France was a fashion legislator in Europe, so in other countries the French fashion quickly adopted. It was an eyelid when the total fashion was established in Europe, and the national characteristics moved to the background or survived in the folk peasant costume. To Peter I, European costumes also wore some aristocrats in Russia, although not everywhere.

    Suit were characterized by primness, pomp, abundance of jewelry. The ideal of the man was Louis XIV, the "King Sun", a skilled rider, dancer, arrows. It was low in growth, so he wore high heels.

    Baroque in painting

    Baroque style in painting is characterized by dynamism of compositions, "plane" and a pomp forms, aristocratic and uncommonness of plots. The most characteristic features of Baroque - catchy flowelery and dynamism; Bright example - creativity Rubens and Caravaggio.

    Michelangelo Merisi (1571-1610), which at the place of birth near Milan nicknamed Caravaggio, consider the most significant master among Italian artists who created at the end of the XVI century. New style in painting. His paintings written in religious stories resemble realistic scenes with a modern life author, creating contrast of the times of late antiquity and new time. Heroes are depicted in a twilight, from which the rays of the light snatch expressive gestures of characters, contrasting their characterity. Followers and portraits of Caravaggio, which initially called Karavagisti, and the Caravagism itself, such as Annibal CarRachchi (1560-1609) or Guido Reni. (1575-1642), adopted the rust of the feelings and the characterity of the manner of Caravaggio, as well as his naturalism in the image of people and events.