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  • People of what professions are needed geographical maps. Profession geographer. Who is such a geographer

    People of what professions are needed geographical maps. Profession geographer. Who is such a geographer

    When the era of great geographical discoveries have long passed, and each piece of sushi and the sea received its name, it may seem that modern landfills only remains that it is not necessary to reproduce the knowledge of their predecessors. But followers of Columbus, Magellan and da Gama are ready to argue with it. Today, as before, geographers have huge expanses for research.

    Geography is a complex of sciences studying the geographical shell of the Earth. Researchers - geographers engaged in the study of the terrain and its population, open humanity to the rational management of the economy. The operation of the geographer consists of a variety of tasks: observation, research, description, data analysis, statistics, prediction. Nature and people are in constant interaction with each other, so geographic data must be updated regularly. The profession requires geographers to well-navigate not only in geography, but also in biology, chemistry, physics, ecology, history, economics, sociology and other sciences. Professional quality The geographer is curiosity, analytical mind, love for research, excellent memory and developed eye. Since the work of such a specialist implies frequent business trips, you will also need physical endurance, and the ability to navigate the terrain.

    Physical geography, economic geography, political geography, cartography, cosmaker, geomorphology, hydrology, geochemistry, geophysics, regional studies are only a small part of the specializations that the geographer can choose. You can count about fifty directions

    A frequent stereotype, with which you have to fight geographers, is an equalization of their profession to a teacher's post. In fact, the nature of the activity will depend on the selected geographer specialization. Geographers can make a specialty in research centers, public and private firms engaged in environmental design and expertise, on cartographic factories, naturally scientific museums, botanical gardens, reserves, national parks. Geographical education makes it possible to find work in the ministry natural resources and security ambient, regional and urban committees of natural resources and environmental protection, on weather stations, in environmental organizations. In the presence of leadership, you can search yourself in the field of environmental management.

    French Oceanologist Jacques-Yves Custo - Great Explorer of the twentieth century, whose work is worthy of admiration

    Today and specialists working with geo-information systems are in demand. The geographic information system (GIS) is a system of collecting, storing, analyzing and graphically visualize spatial (geographical) data and related information about the necessary objects. For such work, appropriate qualifications are needed.

    In Belarus, the most extensive list of geographical specialties has. There are prepared geographers specializing in geo-information systems (And not only on the geographical, but also at the Faculty of Faculty), future teachers of geography and ecology, as well as specialists in geoecology, hydrometeorology and cosmo-hour cardography. In addition to Belgosuniversity, there is another university in the capital, preparing geographers: the qualification "teacher of biology and geography" can be obtained in.

    Geography lesson. Acquaintance with professions related to geography

    Choosing a profession in geography lessons.

    Objectives: help students in professional orientation,
    Expand the circle of ideas about professions through the school subject "Geography"
    Tasks: To acquaint students with professions related to geography, thereby expanding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe use of knowledge on this subject in various fields of activity.
    Introduction:Geography is one of the most interesting sciences in school education. Modern geography turned into a variety of separate disciplines, each of which studies its part of the geographic shell. Two branches of single geography, physical and public, consist of a variety of narrower disciplines, each of which corresponds to one or another geographical specialty - all of them are about 50. See this presentation and, maybe one of these professions will interest you and will become your favorite thing to your Life!

    Guess the profession:
    Become ________ I want -
    Stones are different learning.
    Here is the ore, it has metals.
    Here are different crystals.
    Stone here - sea coral,
    Near the pearl spurla.
    Most strong, knee, diamond,
    I will find it more than once. geologist ..

    "We are volcano sons ...
    Crater rattles man.
    We must identify
    Secrets of the fire of fire.
    Slag under the feet of hot
    Bombs smoke around.
    Mount the steps are heavy,
    At the helmets of Lapilli Grad.
    Stubborn, stubborn and evil,
    We climb we are right in hell.
    Sulfurous gas -
    Grieving teeth, hold on!
    Life is given once,
    Map your life! .. " Volcanologist

    When you burn the vice of cold walls from all sides
    You do not be sad, the law is experiencing everyone
    Both darkness, and cramped, and the roar of rivers, and silence,
    And the beauty of the unearthly, and the impregnable wall.

    And if you have experienced all

    You recognize your darkness
    And cold offended depths!

    And conquered forever, deciding the fate of his question
    You will seek you to where so many fairy tales and threats
    There, where the rustles live, flowers from the stone where they grow
    And let the service cost, let it be abnormal

    In all caves you penetrate, not missing one
    I met every one of them as a father-in-house
    But you don't repeat your cave, you find,
    So as deep and so that it is not ZGI, and before there was no others!

    And if you have experienced all
    No strength did not lay down, did not break away
    You recognize your darkness
    And cold offended depths! Anthem speleologists


    The uniqueness of school geography is that she is like none academic subject, introduces students with life in many of its manifestations and relationships, a versatile considers the nature of the earth's surface, the population and its economic activity in the nearest environment, different countriesOn a global scale, teaches an understanding of the essence of environmental, economic and social problems, the role of geography in their decision, in the prediction of the development of interaction between nature and man at different territorial levels. Without geographical knowledge and skills, without a developed spatial representation of the earth's surface in consciousness of students, a scientific picture of the world cannot be created. Geographic knowledge is needed to every person in order to realize its role and place in life and in the transformation of reality, to determine the active life position.

    Litirate Used:

    1. Programs of primary and main general Education. Technology. - M.: Ventagraf, 2012. - P. 183.
    2.Averchev Yu.P. Orientation of school youth on workers professions // Sovpadagogic, 2010, No. 2.-C.25-30.
    3.Apostas S.P. Market: youth policy and vocational guidance of students' students / Lik. And Prospect, 2012, No. 3.-S.73-76.
    4. Babosov E.M. Professional orientation at school. - MN.: Nar.Aviet, 2011.-158С.
    5.Klimov E.A. School and choice of profession. - M.: Pedagogy, 2005.-241c.
    6. Malkovskaya T.N. Social activity of high school students. We.: Peda-Gogia, 2008.- 184c.

    Geographer is a specialist learning physical and economic phenomena. The main goal is to scientifically substantiate the rationality of environmental management and ways to safely develop society.


    35.000-45.000 rub. (

    Place of work

    Scientific centers, educational institutions.


    The profession of the geographer is very interesting and responsible. Science itself is divided into two directions - physical and economic. Sometimes geography is combined with cartography.

    Soils, glaciers, oceans, volcanoes, change earth crustThe composition and population, tourist routes are all objects of study in the specialty.

    The task of the geographer is an explanation of various processes and phenomena, drawing up forecasts, writing scientific articles, training schoolchildren and students. Experts are often on business trips.

    At the first stage, the geographer is a plan of work, studies existing materials, develops a hypothesis for research, sets goals and objectives. The second stage is a direct study of the terrain, sampling, conducting experiments, fixing data in diaries. Next information is processed, research is carried out in laboratories.

    Important qualities

    The specialty of the geographer requires an inquisitive mind and a tendency to natural sciences. In the work will help the organization, the ability to rally collect the team, sociability, analytical mind.

    Reviews about profession

    "Geography - science field, so every year there were practices .. I have been practicing in practice in the Primorsky Krai, on the marine experimental base" Cape Schulta ". There was already a real serious job. I liked the most, probably in the Far East. Therefore, it was there twice. A very strong impression on me made a weekly journey by train on the Transsib. Realized how much a huge and beautiful country we have. But this is just a small part of it, thread on the map. "

    Andrei Balakin,
    oceanologist, geographer.

    Stereotypes, humor

    The most frequent stereotype of the profession is to equate the position with the school teacher. But teaching is just the top of the iceberg.


    To become a geographer, a higher profile education is required. To become a teacher of geography, further training is needed in graduate school.

    Higher education can be obtained in such universities as: Russian State pedagogical University them. A. I. Herzen, Leningrad state University named A. S. Pushkin.

    Pupils 6 "a" class Azoeva A., Cominar O., Kymmarseva A.

    From our sociological survey, we concluded - many of us do not know why they need geography.

    ³ 85% does not know where knowledge of geography is needed in ordinary professions

    ³ 70% does not know the profession closely related to geography

    ³ 90% wanted to know

    Therefore, the goal of our project was:

    1. Read where in ordinary professions need knowledge of geography

    2. What professions are directly related to it.



    Gcouw Volgograd Sanatorium Boarding School "Constellation"

    Geography - the basis of many professions


    Students 6 "a" class

    Azoeva A., Cominar O., KrymarsevaBUT.


    Motherina Marina Vladislavovna

    From our sociological survey, the conclusion was thought - many of us do not know why they need geography.

    85% does not know where knowledge of geography is needed in ordinary professions

    70% does not know profession closely related to geography

    90% wanted to know

    Therefore, the goal of our project was:

    1. Read where in ordinary professions need knowledge of geography

    2. What professions are directly related to it.

    After analyzing various sources of information, we found that a large number of professions are unthinkable without geographical knowledge. Here is some of them.

    The doctor is a specialist in the prevention and treatment of diseases, preservation and strengthening human health. He needs to be aware of the impact of nature on the health of the population, the geographical distribution of diseases.

    The economist is a specialist in economic support of financial and economic activities, must possess knowledge about the patterns of accommodation of the objects of the economy, the population.

    A businessman is a man who has his own business in order to profit or other benefits, knowledge of nature, the economy, the peculiarities of the population will help people of this profession to develop their business with maximum benefits.

    The builder is a construction specialist, he needs to own knowledge about rocks, seismicity, the location of groundwater, landslide processes of the territories on which construction is conducted.

    Excursion - excursion specialist , he must be able to read the map, focus on the ground, know the features of nature, the population, farms, sites of the excursion.

    Military - a specialist in the armed protection of the country, reflecting the attack in the event of war, he needs knowledge of the nature, population, the economy of strategic regions, their impact on the preparation and maintenance of hostilities. The ability to read and make cards to know the ways of orientation on the area.

    Sailor specialist who works or serves on a ship, should know about the location of various geographic objects, winds, currents, climate, storms and tsunami.

    The diplomat is a specialist who provides official diplomatic relations with foreign states, international organizations and their representatives. They need knowledge of nature, population, the economy of countries in which it works or negotiate.

    Marketer - Specialist for the sale of goods. For the success of his business, he must own knowledge about the geography of production and sale of goods. Logist should be rational paths Displacement of goods.

    There are other professions that are very closely related to geography:

    Geologist, geophysicist, geodesist, hydrologist, volcanologist, cartographer, forester meteorologist, oceanologist, geography teacher Ecologist.

    Knowledge in geography is very important in these professions! You can get them in the following educational institutions: Volgograd State University, Volgograd Pedagogical University, Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Polar Academy and others.

    As a result of work on this project, we concluded that even in the most common professions, knowledge of geography is needed. In general, without geography you are nowhere!

    Geography is one of the most ancient sciences. Science of ages of man Manili uncharted lands and wealth of remote worlds. The pioneers created not only the cards, from their expeditions they brought a description of the terrain, vegetation, features of the culture and life of the indigenous population.

    An ordinary average man may seem like that our planet is studied along and across. It would seem, what other discoveries can give us scientists? However, the object of study of science is a huge data reservoir. So the profession of the geographer will still be demanded in the labor market.

    Description of the profession geographer

    To date, science geography assumes about 55 different directions. Specialists are engaged in the study of soil, changes in the earth's crust, water resources (oceanologists), volcanic activities, population migration, etc.

    During the first discoveries, researchers were mainly engaged in a description of what he saw. Their work was dangerous, as the expeditions in the unknown land always implied the risk. Modern geographers are engaged in a description of the processes, identifying causes and forecasting.

    The main tool of the scientist is a map. Regardless of the knowledge area, the specialist should be able to read and make cards.

    The work of the geographer implies business trips that can delay for several months. Except from the rules are teachers geography.

    Physical and Economic Geography

    The work of an expert in the field of physical geography consists of the following steps:

    • Preparation . The specialist is studied by affordable materials, thinks out and constitutes a plan of upcoming work.
    • Research . At this stage, the scientist is engaged in direct study of the terrain, takes samples of water and soil. The data obtained is fixed on paper or electronic media.
    • Laboratory research . The last stage is the study of samples in the laboratory by influencing them with chemicals. In modern instruments of the geographer, there is a computer equipment that allows you to obtain detailed data, which will continue to form a long-term and medium-term forecast.

    Do not miss:

    Experts in the field of economic geography are mainly engaged in studying cards, analysis of all kinds of data.

    The research of the geographer is closely related to other sciences. That is why the profession involves the study of chemistry, physics, history and other sciences. In some industries, for example,geodesy Basically work representatives of strong sex. This is due to the grueling business trips and are far from the best living conditions.

    Modern geographer should own not only theoretical knowledge, but to understand the tools and special programs.

    The labor market studies have shown that the highest salaries are ready to offer employers from the Moscow and Leningrad region:

    Pros and cons profession geographer


    • wide selection of activities. Competent demanding specialists both in research institutes, universities and private organizations;
    • low competition in the labor market;
    • interesting, not routine work.


    • permanent business trips.

    The following educational institutions offer to master the profession:

    • Far Eastern State Socio-Humanitarian Academy;
    • Faculty of Geography and Geoecology of St. Petersburg State University;
    • South federal University. Geological and Geographical Faculty;
    • Geological and Geographical Faculty of Belgorod State University.