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  • Moscow Pedagogical State University. MPGU, former IHPI. Lenin: history, address. Moscow Pedagogical State University Federal Pedagogical University

    Moscow Pedagogical State University. MPGU, former IHPI. Lenin: history, address. Moscow Pedagogical State University Federal Pedagogical University

    The university is preparing teachers for all school subjects, defectologists, sociologists, journalists, lawyers, psychologists, and so on. In some areas of training in the IFSU, you can get a bachelor's degree and master.


    MPGU - the main pedagogical university of the country. By decree of the President of Russia dated February 2, 2009, the University is included in the state arch of particularly valuable objects of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

    It includes divisions:

    • Geographical Faculty
    • Institute "Higher School of Education",
    • Institute of Biology and Chemistry,
    • Institute of Childhood,
    • Institute of Journalism, Communications and Media Education,
    • Institute foreign languages,
    • Institute of Arts,
    • Institute of History and Policy,
    • Institute of Socio-Humanitarian Education,
    • Institute of Physics, Technology and Information Systems,
    • Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Health,
    • Institute of Philology,
    • Mathematical faculty,
    • Faculty of pre-school pedagogy and psychology,
    • Faculty of pedagogy and psychology.

    The best students are relying scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, A. F. Losev, P. S. Novikov.

    Among graduates of IFSU:

    • Olympic champions,
    • Champions of international and deserved artists of Russia.
    • Folk and honored artists of Russia.

    For students there are sports sections: aesthetic and rhythmic gymnastics, aikido and other martial arts, badminton and tennis, basketball, athletics, darts, chess and many others.

    The library of the IFSU has about 1.8 million books, 40 thousand of which are rare specimens. Opened access to the electronic databases of the University - Library and Catalog, books from which can be ordered remotely; Network remote resources.

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    Pedagogy - the concept is very extensive. In the memory of most of us, the phrase "Pedagogical Institute" is firmly connected with the profession of school teacher or teacher in kindergarten. Many do not even suspect that they produce psychologists, defectologists, linguists ... In recent years, psychological and pedagogical education becomes increasingly popular, the prestige of social work in the field of education increases.

    Top 10 popular specialties:

    If navigate through the average passage balle EgerThe most popular with the applicants of pedagogical universities in 2011 used sociology, economics, foreign languages, philology and linguistics, as well as psychology. And it is not surprising. After all, sociologist or economist can find a prestigious and highly paid job not only at school. And there is nothing about foreign languages \u200b\u200babout foreign languages, a person with a professional deep knowledge of several languages \u200b\u200bserious employers with hands will tear off. In the field of linguistics, the Diploma of the Pedagogical Institute has a very good weight. The competition for these specialties comes to 7 people for one budget place.

    Professions associated with visual art are highly listed and the amount of EGE points here comes to 178. Most likely, this is due to the limited number of places for applicants, because not all pedagogical people are engaged in the training of creative people. Competition is not very big here - only 3 people in place, but should be taken into account that in addition to good estimates, the applicant can not do without artistic abilities - creative competition Nobody canceled.

    And what if the exam does not reach the right point, and you have dreamed of becoming a teacher from the 1st grade to become a teacher and firmly confident that pedagogy is your vocation?

    Then it is not bad to think about the profession of musical worker, social teacher or teacher primary classes. In order to start learning for these specialties, it will be necessary the result of the egenot exceeding 110 points.

    By the way, if you distract from dry statistics, in the past 10 years, the profession of primary school teachers and an educator in preschool institutions are confidently gaining popularity and competition for these specialties never falls below 3 people per budget place.

    Why? First, if you decide to give your skills and love to the kids, you will never be left without work: the birth rate in Russia is now high as ever, and secondly, education is very versatile - the first educator and the first teacher do not teach highly specialized subjects, and I introduce our crumbs with a huge and infinitely interesting world around. Often it happens that communication with employees kindergarten and elementary school Determines the whole future way little manAfter all, in essence, these are the first adults, with whom the baby communicates almost as close as with his parents.

    I would follow the teacher ... Where are future teachers learn?

    Applicants wishing to receive higher pedagogical education in Moscow, quite a wide choice. In which they offer their services to teach one or another pedagogical specialties on a budget basis, contains more than 130 universities, academies and institutions. True institutions in which professional pedagogical education is the main direction, and not one of the various specialties at any faculty, not so much.

    According to the survey of the site, in the ranking, the first place with a large margin occupies the Moscow Pedagogical state University (31248 votes). This is one of the oldest pedagogical institutions, more than 130 years of publishing teachers of various specializations.

    By the way, if you passed a single State exam Not as good as I would like, and scored points lacking for admission to the selected institute, it makes sense to familiarize themselves with the requirements of other pedagogical, perhaps there is not such a strict demand for applicants for the desired specialty.

    Specialty Minimum passing score exam University
    Pedagogical education: sociology, economy, right 224
    Linguistics and / or teaching foreign languages 87-242
    art, artistic graphics 178 Moscow city pedagogical University
    Pedagogical Education: Philology 143-210

    Moscow Pedagogical State University,

    Moscow City Pedagogical University

    Psychology 170

    Moscow City Psychological Pedagogical University,

    Moscow State Humanitarian University named after MA Sholokhov

    Pedagogical education: chemistry 167 Moscow Pedagogical State University
    Pedagogical education: biology, biochemistry 105-198

    Moscow Pedagogical State University,

    Moscow State Humanitarian University named after MA Sholokhov

    Psychological and pedagogical education 85-205

    Moscow Pedagogical State University,

    Russian State Social University,

    Moscow City Psychological Pedagogical University,

    Pedagogical Education: Geography 92-183

    Moscow Pedagogical State University,

    Moscow State Humanitarian University named after MA Sholokhov

    Pedagogy and technique preschool learning 92-171

    Moscow Pedagogical State University,

    Moscow City Pedagogical University

    Pedagogical Education: History 131 Moscow Pedagogical State University
    Defectological education 69-145

    Moscow Pedagogical State University,

    Russian State Social University

    Pedagogical education: mathematics, informatics, information Technology 78-158

    Moscow Pedagogical State University,

    Moscow City Pedagogical University,

    Moscow State Humanitarian University named after MA Sholokhov,

    Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics

    Social pedagogy 93-106 Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute
    Pedagogy and technique primary learning 93-99

    Moscow Pedagogical State University,

    Moscow City Pedagogical University

    Pedagogical education: music 60-115

    Moscow Pedagogical State University,

    Moscow City Pedagogical University

    Natalia Kogtev

    Teachers at all times treated the category of intelligentsia were respected and revered in society. Today, this trend also has a place; That is why many graduates, also moving with love for children and the desire to make a good deed for the benefit of their native country, decide to associate their lives with teaching. In this article, we have drawn up the rating of pedagogical universities in Russia. Is it worth going to big cities, or decent universities with high levels exist in settlements With a small number of residents? How many points should be gained to enter? Let's deal with!

    Moscow Pedagogical State University

    Or abbreviated - MPGU. This university, founded in the distance 1872, is currently a real mastodont in the field of training of professional teachers. The main building of this educational institution is located in Moscow at ul. Small Pirogovskaya, d. 1. In 2015, another famous institute was joined to the university, namely, the Moscow State Humanitarian University. Mikhail Sholokhov. Today in the IPGU, you can get the formation of the following levels:

    • undergraduate;
    • master;
    • graduate school;
    • 2nd higher;
    • additional education.

    On the basis of the university, its born branches are also functioning, namely the Sergiev Posad and Egorievsky branches of the IPSU. In several cases scattered throughout Moscow, students are preparing for students received by the selected area into one of the following institutions:

    • institute of Philology;
    • university of the Foreign languages;
    • institute of Sports and Health
    • institute of Art;
    • institute of Policy and History;
    • institute of Childhood;
    • institute of Chemistry and Biology;
    • institute of Communications, Journalism and Media Education;
    • institute of Socio-Humanitarian Directions;
    • institute of Information Systems, Physics and Technology.

    In addition, in the IFSU, in addition to institutions, there are 4 not yet reorganized faculty:

    • mathematical;
    • geographical;
    • pedagogy and psychology;
    • preschool pedagogy and psychology.

    What to do in the IGSU?

    Among the pedagogical universities in Russia, the IPSU is in demand because it belongs to the category of state, and, it means that the budget places of the incoming (usually about 2245 are usually!). And this program acts as for balavelars full-time and correspondence form Training and under masters. The minimum passing score for free training in 2016 amounted to an average of just over 74 points for 1 subject, with varying this indicator in one or the other direction depending on the selected specialty. Days open doors We are held from March and cover the period of April and even May, when graduates have to be finally determined with the choice. Therefore, opportunities to look at the life of the university with their own eyes the applicants are provided enough. The cost of training on a commercial basis is at least 60-70 thousand rubles, on average - about 160000-180000 rubles and higher.

    Russian pedagogical universities: MGPU

    Do not confuse with the aforementioned MPGU, because the vectors of their development are completely different. If first combines an innovative approach with solid pedagogical traditionsaccumulated over a period of more than a century of existence, MHPA, based only in March 1995, is a higher education institution, rather than a new type, represents not only a young, but also an extremely promising educational institution. In the ranking of pedagogical universities in terms of average competitive Point EGE MGPU occupies an honorable 2nd place: in order to enroll on a budget basis, the graduate will need to pass each item on average for 70 points and higher. You can do it quite possible, because the total number budget seats exceeds the mark in 2000! If it is not possible to go to the budget, you can submit documents for commerce, the cost of which will be on average 170 thousand rubles. In the structure of the MHP, which is currently one of the largest metropolitan centers of education, culture and science, 13 institutions stand out:

    • additional education;
    • cultures and arts;
    • mathematics, natural sciences and computer science;
    • psychology of education and pedagogy;
    • sociology, psychology and social relations;
    • comprehensive rehabilitation and special education;
    • management;
    • foreign languages;
    • humanitarian education;
    • system projects;
    • legal;
    • medium vocational education name (college);
    • sports and physical culture.

    It also functions 1 faculty, pedagogical, whose body is located in the city of Zelenograd. Applicants should not be afraid and think that to obtain the profession of the teacher they will have to move to the Moscow region, because the system of educational reform equates the name of the institute to the name of the Faculty, and, it means that all of the above directions in the capital are implemented. Of the 4 buildings in different parts of Moscow, the main thing is that located on the m. VDHH at the address 2nd Agricultural passage, d. 4. It is here in the summer it works selection committee; This should bring documents for admission.

    Pluses MGPU

    From the objective advantages of the institution: excellent technical equipment (Availability of 91 multimedia audiences, of which in 18 there are interactive boards, and in 40 - soundsaw complexes), participation in international projects and the proposal to students of exchange practices, internships, travel abroad, as well as assistance from the administration in further employment.

    RGPU them. Herzen

    Russian based in St. Petersburg, also refers to the best pedagogical universities in Russia. In order to enroll here, you will need to pass each exam by more than 74 points; In general, 2266 applicants can count on the budget. The university was founded in May 1797 and only in 1991 acquired the status of the University. Currently, the university includes 100 departments and 20 faculties. The multi-level education system implemented in the walls of the institution prepares pedagogical frames in the following areas:

    • methods of preschool / primary education and pedagogy;
    • philology;
    • teaching Russian as a foreign language;
    • literature and Russian;
    • social pedagogy;
    • speech therapy and oligophrenopedagogic;
    • sport I. physical education etc.

    In the list of state pedagogical universities in Russia, RSUP them. Herzen is distinguished by the fact that leads the direction of labor frames even on such unique and unique faculties in the country, as the Faculty of Human Philosophy, the Faculty of Peoples of the Far North, a separate faculty of life safety. In the walls of the university, more than 20 thousand students study. A special advantage of the institution is to maintain partnerships with many foreign educational institutionsCanada, China, Austria, Poland, Netherlands, America, Germany and other countries.

    Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. K. Minina

    In NGPU. The goat mining is much easier to enter: here the average examination point according to one subject must exceed the mark of 69 units. But annually provided budget seats are significantly less than in previous institutions under consideration; About 468 people can count on the receipt by free form. The cost of training for commerce will be at least 30 thousand rubles and higher. Founded in 1935, so far the university boasts the following institutions:

    • advertising and public relations;
    • institute of Childhood;
    • additional education;
    • socio-economic and natural sciences;
    • institute of Arts;
    • social, humanitarian and historical education;
    • institute of Youth Culture and Policy;
    • information and physical and mathematical education;
    • psychology mass media and philology.

    The remaining pedagogical universities of Russia: list

    In a good account today also listed Naberezhnokilninsky Institute Socio-pedagogical technologies and resources, Moscow citys and Tomsk, Chelyabinsk, Glazovsky, Omsk, Bashkir, Voronezh, Uralsky, Chuvash, Ulyanovsky, Novosibirsk and other pedagogical universities. Therefore, if there is no funds for moving to the capital of a person, it is not necessary to chase over only the prestigious name - the level obtained in these local higher education institutions pedagogical education It will be very worthy.

    The institute is a continuation of the famous Higher Female Herier Currencies, who first discovered the possibility of excellent sex to receive education and became a kind of beginning of the feminist movement in Russia.

    Opening MVLC

    The initiator of the creation of private women's courses was a historian and a prominent public figure Vladimir Gerier. The idea was supported by the Minister of Education Graph Tolstoy. The opening of the institution took place in the building of the first male gymnasium on Volkhonka in November 1872. Moscow Higher Women's Courses became the first educational institution, open for species female from any class. Until that time, the ladies had to go to foreign institutions and universities, where such an opportunity was long ago.

    In the 19th century, it was previously believed that education harms women, as a result of the ladies could not take part in many spheres of life. The opponents of changing the situation in favor of education were quite a lot, which did not prevent Herry's courses to exist in the original period of sixteen years. It was originally planned that training would last 2 years, a later period increased to 3 years.

    First period

    Selected direction of formation humanitarian sciences. The main subjects read on courses were the worldwide and Russian history, literature, history of arts. Since 1879, the number of objects has increased, abbreviated courses in mathematics, physics, astronomy and hygiene.

    Education was carried out on a commercial basis, the cost of one year of study was estimated at 30 rubles for the entire course of objects. Those who wanted more paid 10 rubles per year for each individual subject. The same amount was paid and solidifying ladies who wanted to build independently educational process.

    A request in society to create such courses was large - already in the first year after discovery, the number of listeners amounted to 70 people, and by 1885 up to 256 people increased, which was almost a record for that time. Despite the huge demand, the reception at the MVLC was discontinued in 1886, and in two years the courses were completely closed.

    Second opening

    The second time of the MVLC, the future pedagogical institute, were open in ten years, but already at the initiative of the state. The Ministry of Education partially financed the creation and operation educational institution. With the duration of the educational process was increased to 4 years. Two branches were available for training - physico-mathematical and historical and philological. In 1906, women became affordable medical educationFor which the medical faculty was opened.

    The director of new courses in 1905 V. Herrier was appointed, after his departure abroad, the director was chosen by Professor V. I. Vernadsky, but at the same time he received the director of Moscow University, and therefore the attention of MZHVK could not pay. New elections followed, and as a result, S. A. Chaplygin became the head of female courses.

    His house for courses

    In 1905, the city's government in the construction of Moscow was concerned about the construction of a separate building of the educational building of women's courses. For good purposes, the site was allocated in the summer of 1907, construction began. The author of the project was spoken by S. U. Solovyov. A year later, the corps of the first offices - anatomical theater and the physico-chemical faculty were opened. In 1913, an audited corps opened, now the main building of the IFSU (formerly. MGPI. Lenin).

    The educational institution was constantly evolving, funds were replenished by benefits, so in 1913, the Zoological Collection of A. F. Kotya was acquired for MZhVC, subsequently grew up to the Darwinian Museum (Vavilov St.). Since 1915, Moscow Higher Women's Courses began issuing diplomas following final exams. The number of students in 1916 reached 8,300 people, a larger number of students studied only in Moscow State University. Thus, in the post-revolutionary 1918, higher female courses in Moscow became the largest educational institution higher School Russian Empire.

    After the revolution

    In September 1918, the MZhVK received a new status and name, becoming the second in 1921 in the second MSU, the Pedagogical Faculty was opened, which became decisive in further development university. In 1930, education received the modern direction and the corresponding name - Pedagogical Institute.

    At the dawn in the preparation of pedagogical personnel, the institute was named the name of the Enlightenment. He was called the IGPI. Bubnova, and subsequently, the university wore the name of Lenin (until 1997). In the memory of many generations so far, the name is the "Leninsky Pedic Institute".

    Training in MGPI. Lenin at all times was not only prestigious, but also qualitative. Schmidt science was taught here (mathematician, astronomer, geographer), N. Baransky (founder of economic geography in the Soviet Union), Leo profitable (outstanding psychologist), Igor Tamm (physicist, laureate of the Nobel Prize) and many others.

    War time

    During the war, MGPI them. Lenin practically did not stop the educational process,. The stop occurred in the fall of 1941, when a siege was declared in Moscow. The term of study was reduced, everyone tried to put in three years. Many graduates immediately went to the front, teachers, graduate students and researchers took part in hostilities. Four teachers received the title of heroes of the Soviet Union.

    IN last year Great Patriotic War Pedagogical Institute received the right to scientific activities And the defense of theses, the highest pedagogical courses were also open. During the war years, two Moscow universities were joined in the war - the Defectological Institute and the Industrial-Pedagogical name K. Liebknecht, and a lot later, in 1960, a merger with the Moscow City Personal Institute. V.P. Potmkin.


    MPGU (formerly. MGPI. Lenin) prepared the pleiad of outstanding specialists. Teachers of the university wrote textbooks for medium and higher schools, which mastered the knowledge of several generations of schoolchildren and students. For outstanding achievements in the preparation of pedagogical personnel and in connection with the 100-year anniversary in 1972, the University was awarded the Order of Lenin.

    The main task of the university is the preparation of teachers for high SchoolBut employees of many departments are researching work in the real sector of industry. So they found the implementation of the research of the Department of Geology in intelligence minerals, the Department of Chemistry contributed to the production of dyes and many other works.

    Many graduates work in the profession on key posts in schools, universities, institutes. Achievements of former IHP students. Lenin is diverse. There are among them director of schools, officials state level, Writers, directors and public figures. In August 1990, the institute named after V. I. Lenin was transformed into a university. He became the first educational institution of this level with the pedagogical orientation of education.

    Since 2009, MPGU (formerly. MGPI. Lenin) is included in the set of valuable objects of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation.


    On the modern stage MPGU is one of Russia's largest universities. More than 26 thousand students are studied annually here. The structure of the university includes 12 buildings, more than 50 educational and scientific centers, lyceum of pre-university training, 11 institutes and 4 faculties, students live in seven MHP hostels.

    Faculties university:

    • Geography.
    • Preschool pedagogy and psychology.
    • Pedagogy and psychology.
    • Mathematical.


    • Arts.
    • Journalism, communications and media education.
    • Physical education, sports and health.
    • Biology and chemistry.
    • Stories and politics.
    • Philology.
    • Childhood.
    • Physics, technology and informsystem.
    • Socio-humanitarian education.
    • "Higher School of Education."
    • Foreign languages.
    • Department of UNESCO.

    Days of open doors

    All universities during school year Invite future applicants to acquaintance, no exception and IFSU. Open Day at the Pedagogical University is an event for all institutions and university faculties. The event is preparing in advance, form a program in which traditional events often include:

    • Speech by Academician A. L. Semenova (Rector MGPU).
    • Significant meetings with directors of training units, where you can ask all the questions you are interested in, get detailed answers about admission to one or another institution, learning programs and other things.
    • Master classes.
    • Vorkuta.
    • In the finals of a saturated day - a student concert.

    During the event, applicants get acquainted with students from different courses, learn the conditions of study, features of life at the university. In the institution, the educational process is harmoniously combined with an active social, cultural life. Students take part in conferences, clubs, have the opportunity to pass internship in foreign universities or continue studying abroad.

    In addition to the university day of open doors, each institute holds its own event, which invites all interested high school students, college graduates and medium-sized educational institutions.


    MGPU has branches:

    • Balabanovsky - Kaluga region, Balabanovo city, ul. name of Gagarin, 20.
    • Anapa is the city of Anapa (Krasnodar Territory, Astrakhan Street, 88.
    • Shadrinsky - Arkhangelsk region, Sadrinsk city, Arkhangelsky street, 58/1.
    • Pokrovsky - Vladimir region, city of Pokrov, Avenue Sports, 2-g.
    • Derbent - Derbent (Republic of Dagestan), Buynaksky Street, 18.
    • Sergiev-Posadsky - city Sergiev Posad (Moscow region), Razina Street, 1-a.
    • Stavropolsky is the city of Stavropol, the street of the Dovatorev, the structure of 66g.
    • Egorievsky - Yegoryevsk city (Moscow region), Street. S. Perovskaya, 101-A (building number 1); Avenue them. Lenin, 14 (Corpus No. 2).

    The main university corps is in Moscow (former MGPI. Lenin). Address - Malaya Pirogovskaya Street, 1/1.