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    Translation of test points to evaluate it. What is a competitive score? How to calculate it? Calculate the scores sign

    Official Test Point Translation Table ZNO 2017 ukrainian literature It will be published after checking all test works. In this stories, we collected translation tables and information about the test zno in the Ukrainian language for previous years.

    In 2017, the test work is the same as in the Ukrainian language and literature on the structure as in 2016, 2015 (the number of tasks - 58 and the number of test points - 104).

    The threshold score "passed / did not pass" in 2016 amounted to 23 points, and in 2015 - 22 points.

    The most important thing about the test zno 2017 in the Ukrainian language and literature

    • The date of evangered in the Ukrainian language and literature - May 23, 2017.
    • Number of tasks - 58 tasks.

    Test Test Point Table Zno 2017 in the Ukrainian language and literature in 200 ballroom and 12 nonsense (as the basis is taking ZNO 2016)

    Official Test Points for Test Points ZNO 2016 in Ukrainian language and literature in the rating scale 200 and 12 points

    Summary of the Test in the Ukrainian language and literature ZNO 2016

    • Date of holding - May 5, 2016.
    • The number of tasks of the test - 58.
    • The maximum number of test points is 104 points.
    • The time settled for the test is 180 minutes.
    • The threshold score "passed / did not pass" - 23 points.
    • The percentage of participants who did not overcome the threshold "passed / did not pass" - 9%.

    Test tables of test points Known in the Ukrainian language and 2015 literature

    The most important thing about the test sign of 2015 in Ukrainian language and literature

    • Date of evangered in the Ukrainian language and literature in 2015 - April 24, 2015.
    • The number of test tasks - 58 (base level), 74 (in-depth level).
    • The maximum number of test points is 104 points (basic level), 136 points (in-depth level).
    • Maximum rating score - 200 points (basic and in-depth level).
    • The time settled for the test is 150 minutes (base level), 210 minutes (in-depth level).
    • The threshold score "passed / did not pass" - 22 points.
    • The percentage of participants who did not overcome the threshold "passed / did not pass" - 8.4%.

    Tables for translating test points received by the participants of the external estimation 2015 for the Test in the Ukrainian language and literature (basic level and in-depth levels), in the rating scale (from 100 to 200 points).

    Competitive score - This is the maximum number of scored points ashoturient. The competitive score is formed by an independent educational institution for each incoming.

    Important! Applicants! Do not confuse competitive score and passing score!

    Passing score - The minimum number of points you want to gain an applicant to enroll in the selected educational institution for a certain direction of preparation or specialty. The passing score is formed during the opening campaign.

    Educational institutions independently set the minimum passing score. This gives the right more "strong" universities to establish the highest passage point just to simplify work with the processing of documents of the incoming, without accepting applicants with lower points.

    According to the conditions of admission to educational institutions in 2018, the competitive score will consist of:

    1. certificate scores
    2. balls for creative competition (in the case of),
    3. point of certificate,
    4. additional points.

    Each of these components of the competitive score will be used by weight coefficient.

    So, a little mathematics.

    Kb \u003d (k 1 * n 1 + k 2 * p 2 + k 3 * p 3 + k4 * ba + k5 * oh) * BK,

    where KB - Competitive score

    k 1,2,3,4,5- The coefficients of the competitive point. Sums of coefficients k 1, 2,3,4,5,6 \u003d 1 . Each school institution is established individually.

    N 1,2- Certificates ZNO (first, second subject)

    P 3.- certificate ZNO (third item) or evaluation opening Test or creative competition

    Ba. - Point of Certate

    OU - Additional points (if available)

    BC is a balancing coefficient. The final competitive score is balanced on the regional (RK), industry (GC), rural (SC) and priority (PCC) coefficients by multiplying their work, and:

    • RK. equal to 1.00 for the competitive proposals of higher educational institutions (structural divisions of higher educational institutions, structural units of higher educational institutions, which are in another settlement, the location of the highest educational institution) in Kiev, 1.01 - in the cities of Dnipro, Lviv, Odessa and Kharkov, 1.03 - Donetsk and Lugansk regions, displaced higher educational institutions, 1.02 - in other cases;
    • GK. equal to 1.03 for submitted priority statements 1 in the specialty (specialization) provided for in Appendix 4 of these Terms and 1.00 in other cases;
    • SC. equal to 1.02 for persons registered in rural settlements, which received a complete overall secondary education in educational institutions located in the territory settlements rural areas, in the year of receipt, and 1.00 in other cases;
    • PCC equal to 1.10 for those who have the right to priority enrollment in higher medical and pedagogical educational institutions, and 1.00 in other cases.

    Consider in more detail (with example) each component of the competitive point:

    The weight of each component of the competitive score is determined by a specific higher education institution and varies depending on which component of the competitive point is more significant. For each Certificate VNO The coefficient will be applied not lower - 0.2. In addition, the Certificate Certificate is always higher than others on the profile subject. .

    Middle score of the certificate Determined by a 12-point scale with rounding to tenths and translated into a 200-ball scale. Translation of points can be viewed here: . The coefficient that will be applied to the point of the certificate is not more than 0.1.

    In the case of a creative competition, educational institutions have points for a creative contest. But the coefficients, in this case, differ depending on which the direction is applicant. If, it enters all directions in the field of "Art" or "Architecture", the maximum possible coefficient will be applied. 0,5 and less. Upon admission to other directions requiring a creative competition, a coefficient will be applied 0,25 and less.

    According to the reception conditions 2018, additional points There are prize-winners of the IV stage of all-Ukrainian students in basic subjects, or commizers of the Stage III of the All-Ukrainian Competition-Protection of the Research and Research and Members of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In addition, additional points can be obtained for visiting the preparatory courses in an educational institution, but the volume of training audit hours should be at least 150 AK. hours, and the learning time is at least 3 months. In addition, points for preparatory courses will be found only to applicants entering natural-mathematical, engineering and technical specialties. The coefficient of the competitive point is not more than 0.05.


    The applicant enters the direction of "Economy and Entrepreneurship", the specialty "Finance and Credit". He submitted the following certificates:

    - ukrainian language and literature - 190 points

    - Mathematics - 180 points

    - History of Ukraine - 170 points.

    The middle score of the certificate is 8.9; for a 200-point scale - 170.5

    Weighing coefficients (established by educational institution): Ukrainian language and literature - 0.2, mathematics - 0.4, History of Ukraine - 0.3.

    Camefficient of the certificate - 0.1.

    GK. - 1.03 (Applicant enters one of the universities of the Kiev region)

    The creative contest for this specialty is not held. There are no additional points.

    Determine the competitive score:

    KB \u003d (0.2 * 190 + 0.4 * 180 + 0.3 * 170 + 0.1 * 170.5) * 1.03 \u003d 183,39

    If the applicant has additional scores, for example, 8 points for a prize place in the Olympics with mathematics, then the competitive score increases.

    KB \u003d 183.39 + 8 * 0.05 \u003d 183.79

    So, as a conclusion, a memo to applicant:

    1. Results knowing - decisive in the formation of a competitive point;
    2. The high score according to the profile object is just necessary, since he has assigned the highest coefficient of the competitive point;
    3. The minimum passing score for each item knows each educational institution from 100 to 200 points;
    4. All additional information For the introductory campaign of 2019, look at the educational site in the section "Reception Rules 2019".

    After passing, the participant learns how many points he received. For each subject, these points are considered separately, and you can dial a different number of points. For example, for the Ukrainian language and literature, the maximum is 104 points, and for mathematics - 62. Well, for admission, as you know, a certificate of knowing is filed in which maximum rating - 200 points. What way all these different scores are subsequently transformed into one scale? What are the principles for the transfer of points zno?

    What is a test score?

    This is the amount of points obtained for performing tasks in the test dough. Depending on how the task is made, there are a certain number of points for it. Points for all tasks are summed up and form a test score. How many points are for different tasks, in all objects knowing, you can see.

    For the next day, the day on the website of the Ukrainian Center for Education Quality Assessment will define the correct answers to the tasks, and the participant will be able to calculate its test score.

    How to translate points zno to evaluate zno?

    To do this, use the scaling system. First, you must check all the tests around this subject and find out the test score of each participant. Next, for this result, the percentile is calculated - the percentage of participants whose test points do not exceed the test point of this particular participant. That is, the rank of this result is determined among others. Taking into account the resulting rating of the results, distribute the received test scores on the scale of 100-200 - this happens automatically using software. After that, the table of translation of points will be deposited on the Utsoco site. This procedure is carried out separately for each subject.

    If the participant did not score a "threshold point", that is, did not overcome the threshold passed / did not pass, - he will not receive any evaluation.

    Thus, the assessment knows only from the test point recruited by the participant, as well as on which test points they scored other participants. The maximum possible score - 200 points, minimum - 100. That is, one who has the largest test score, gets 200 - it becomes the top threshold.

    It is only possible to know the participant only after promulgation of the table. Prior to this, the calculation of the points is not possible, because the results of other participants are influenced by the assessment.

    What can I find out now

    Obviously, the more tasks correctly performed the participant, the higher his chances of ahead of others and, accordingly, make their result on the scale of 100-200 higher. The closer the result of the test score to the maximum on this subject, the higher the assessment will be.

    You can also watch last year's table translation tables for the score of 100-200. Of course, they will not answer the answer to the question of the assessment this year, but will allow an approximate representation of the scaling system, and about their own chances.

    Table of translating points for the Ukrainian language and literature on the scale of 100-200 2015

    Tablesand the transfer of points is zno in mathematics on the scale of 100-200 2015

    Tablesand the transfer of points is zno on the history of Ukraine on the scale of 100-200 2015

    Tablesand the transfer of points for the English language on the scale of 100-200 2015

    Tablesand the translation of the points for biology on the scale of 100-200 2015

    Tablesand the transfer of points is zno in geography on the scale of 100-200 2015

    Tablesand the translation of the points is zno in physics on the scale of 100-200 2015

    Tablesand the translation of the points for the chemistry on the scale of 100-200 2015

    Tablesand the transfer of points is zno by french on scale 100-200 2015

    Tablesand the transfer of points is zno by spanish language on scale 100-200 2015

    Tablesand the transfer of points for the German language on the scale of 100-200 2015

    Tablesand the transfer of points is zno in the Russian language on the scale of 100-200 2015

    In the draft law "On higher education"The concept of" Vakhi Kyufіqіnti "was introduced. What is it and how to count? The opinion of the author

    Hello, dear readers!

    A couple of years ago, I first encountered this concept. And already tried sort out In this matter. Then the question quickly lost the relevance and we postponed it until the best times. "

    The best times have come;) And today we will try to figure out - how can a competitive score on the draft law be considered " About higher education".

    Let's start with simple:
    Weight coefficient - numerical coefficient, parameter reflecting the importance, relative importance, "weight" of this factor, indicator in comparison with other factors affecting the studied process (Raysberg BA, Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern Economic Dictionary. - 2nd ed., Act. M.: Infra-m. 479 s .. 1999).

    Since this is "simple" - not very simple, let's take simula From the past material. As the competitive score of the incoming:

    T1 + T2 + T3 + SBA + dB \u003d KB


    KB - competitive score

    Now let's see carefully bill and try to collect the formula that meets the new conditions:

    T1KHVK (min \u003d 20%) + T2XBK (MIN \u003d 20%) + T3XBK (MIN \u003d 20%) + Sbahvk (Mach \u003d 10%) + dB \u003d KB

    T1, T2, T3 - Estimates for tests ZNO for competitive subjects

    SBA - Middle Point of Certificate
    DB - additional points (for preparatory courses, victories in the Olympics ...)
    T1KhvK (min \u003d 20%) + T2xBK (min \u003d 20%) + TKXBK (Mach \u003d 50%) + Sbahvk (Mach \u003d 10%) + dB \u003d kb

    T1, T2 - Evaluation for tests ZNO for competitive subjects
    TC - creative contest (sing, draw, run ...)
    VC - weight coefficient (in brackets are minimal or maximum coefficient values \u200b\u200bfor each component
    SBA - Middle Point of Certificate
    DB - additional points (for preparatory courses, victories in the Olympics ...)

    For me, it was always difficult to perceive such formulas :) Therefore, let's try to explain on the example - what it is and why we need it.

    I passed the following tests knowing the following estimates:

    Ukrainian language and literature - 150

    Mathematics - 175.

    History of Ukraine - 140

    English - 125

    Middle Point of Certificate - 150

    I choose - where would I do what directions? I will stop the company in the economy of the enterprise, jurisdiction and computer sciences.

    In a university N, where I am going to file documents, the following is recorded in the reception rules:

    Enterprise economy:

    Ukrainian language and literature (30%)

    Mathematics (30%)

    History of Ukraine or Geography (30%)


    Ukrainian language and literature (25%)

    History of Ukraine (45%)

    Mathematics or foreign (25%)

    Computer science

    And schoolchildren hand over Ukrainian and literature. About, we already wrote. Now the general material will be relevant on how to count the scores of 2016.

    For clarity, we publish a graph Signing 2016

    How to translate points zno in 200

    To calculate the probes of trial knowing, use special system scaling. First check all the tests in the subject of the subject to find out the test score of each participant. Then the percentile is calculated for this result - the percentage of participants whose test points do not exceed the test score of this particular participant. That is, the rank of this result is determined among others. Taking into account the resulting rating of the results, distribute the received test points on the scale of 100-200 - this happens automatically using the software. After that, the table of translation of points will be deposited on the Utsoco site. This procedure is carried out separately for each subject.

    If the participant did not score " threshold score"That is, I did not overcome the threshold passed / did not pass," he will not receive any assessment and to post the balls around 2016 will not be released.

    Thus, the assessment knows only from the test point recruited by the participant, as well as on which test points they scored other participants. The maximum possible score - 200 points, minimum - 100. That is, one who has the largest test score, gets 200 - it becomes the top threshold. Therefore, the question is: how to translate balls in 200.

    It is only possible to know the participant only after promulgation of the table. Prior to this, the calculation of the points is not possible, because the results of other participants are influenced by the assessment.

    But at the moment you can also count the scores. The more tasks correctly performed the participant, the higher his chances of ahead of others and, accordingly, make your result on the scale of 100-200 higher. The closer the result of the test score to the maximum on this subject, the higher the assessment will be. You can also watch last year's table translation tables on the scale of 100-200. They will help approximately see the picture.

    How to translate points zno to assess