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  • Works on the Ukrainian literature zno

    Works on the Ukrainian literature zno

    Those of the rulers, Shaho proposed in the tests of ZNO Z Ukrainian Roca.

    The topics of the rulers of Vlaslong, Scho projected in the tests of ZNO Z Ukrainian Movy, Tai Liteaturi, Okhoplyu Ti Pathenna, Yaki Aktulynі for Vipusnikіv, Skoli Yak of the Purdens of People, Yak Yunuzhnya І Patriotiv.

    Formuvati is a manner about type for the rule of the Vlaslong of those can properly mean by themes, the yaki is proposed in the back of Rocky.

    Uzagalnenenna Podelіku vessels one way to seemed to formwati about those, yaki those / problems of gіpotethetically, Зановий заковый за зака зараїнськоо моловый.

    Uvagi! Bayti is preparing to Roboti with rambi themes, Wento Speed \u200b\u200bto Testuvannya of therapy (FINERARY, SELECT CHAIRS, BATS, MEANS) WILLS A SPECTRUE OF THE TOP PROBLEMS, SHO є TIME ACCOUNTING FOR EXCHANCE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE.

    Persian Topics of Durable Vomulana on ZNO Rockіv
    (Інформацію спасть спіційний вітів Українсьная оціная Світувняя Якоті Ослітити)

    Rіk Testumannya


    To the Maybut Mi Yelemo, come on the first time

    Pіdtimaite Abo Skein Duma, Visellen G. S. Skin: « Lishe is joyed by baggage

    tіlo . And the souls of the story "Sporidnna Putzia » .

    "Mi - not blessing standards" I " , and Bezlіch Vsesvіt_v Rіzni " .

    Pіdtimat Abo Skept Duma: "Face - Tset Science . Niyaka Peremoga so not to be done ... " .

    Pіdtimat Abo Skept Duma: "Tribally Tsіnuvati , scho Maєsh , and not those , about Shah Mrієsh " .

    Pіdtimat Abo Skept Duma: "Zmіni - Nitsіkavіsh in Zhistict" .

    Pіdtimaite Abo Skein Duma: " Be - yak problem - Come Mozdly ».

    Good faces of Majagati - Tse Mi knows the dot attitudes of Ale Zh Vіdomo, Scho, Yaka Zohamoga ply of the singer violence.

    Yak Good Majagati in our unkind sv_ti ?

    Lyubov Schuskundi Snіniuє his planet, i will approve on Niy.. Pragus pіdkriti nature, mi not Maєmo Hollow to seek about the associate volodyawanna over her.

    Chi Potrіbno Lying Schukati Vіdpovіd on Patten About Docіlnіst підкорнення вориня и олодовувня over her ?

    Usi Mi Praguene Buti by the Good People, Alla Zhittya, do not establish Spring Spring Self-Selfіzatsky.

    To whom to come to success at Zhistictі ?

    Ponadtia Ponad Tom Ivan Franco Writing:

    Books - Morka Glybin,

    Hto in them pіrne already up to the bottom,

    Toy, I want to drop the work of MAV,

    Divnіi Perli to blame.

    Bagato HTO reconstruction, sho books in the form of an important role in the formistannі disobilization, ї ї, the spiritual becoming. I will reveal, Scho Sudzhnі can be easily riddied off without books.

    Chi Zelleglosya meaning of the book in our INFORMATSIK SUSPIALI ?

    Feed to see: "My hut scray - I do not know" .

    Dehto Vwajaє, Scho you can live, do not watch in other people's beds, suspend problems, and having ordered the service of SMM'ї, Dbayuchi about the well-being of your vibrant. Bagato w HTO PERSONNIONS, SHO POWNOTSIONNEY є LOVE WITH THE TURBOTO about the events.

    Yak Maє put to Cy , pragunchi to shatter ?

    On the formation of the Obsobistosti Pillis - Bagato Chinnikіv.

    Dekhto diplomacy, Shaho Sobistіst to form a reprepision of the Mountain of the Mountain of Vikhvenn, the strongest to consider Torzti Torzti Tosilly. Інші Ж Given, scho visnaren in the becoming Osshistosti є zyusillya Self-People, їїтся воднии в готальний соводоснянненненный совать сто от Вотовые.

    Yakі Ginniki Majut Pereppati in Vihovenі Osshistosti ?

    Lytti people can reach the rіzni hanging. Bagato Hto Pragneus Verdaruvati, Keruvati, Bethoi knowfully at Posito Fіguro. And Dehto Vwajaє, Scho Little Lyuba can be brought to Knife.

    Chi mernioning Little Lyubov on the one , schoy Lyudina ambіqiy ?

    Spokonvіkіv at Suspilsti Tsіnvali Rіznі Lyudski Yakosti: Trivozhene kazei - Humanist, Horpoist, prepared to rhizika, in Mirnі - pratsyovitіst, vivazhivіst, zdatnіst to compromisesіv. І ninі one prague romantics, Іnshі - Відають подавина прогагамимим.

    And Yaki Lyudski Yakostі Nab_lsh Potrobnі young in the shorty Svіti ?

    Lyubov Socyalna Istota, and Tom i is not the powerful fellowship on samoti. After once, Tim Bagato HTO of ourselves, Scho Same Self -Talli Dotmagoagu Іndivіda Proszumyti myself, Issuezouvati my ghostty. Woney locked the Dumu, Shaho Tіlki Otchulennya Mozda Dati Ogєєkivna Otsіnka Lyudinі, їїna Diyyykh I.

    Saskіlki Lyudі Waterto Leapured to Duma Fatherment ? .

    Potentyine "Globalnі" by those for the rule of Vlaslie
    (Spectrum of problems relevant for the shortcoming young

    "Global" topic

    (galuz, sphere, Problems)

    Frequenia Problems

    (opeci problem in Patinna, Yaki can be delivered, be worried about "global theme")

    Visiti Oswet Svi Chi ї Majut Zdobuvati Lyche Krashchi?

    Chi vsichi Oswet Can I deposit practical Dosvіd?

    Chi covers that, HTO Majo Vioce, the success of himself, Hto does not have a healthy Visitu, once, once, did the self-sustain?

    Chi Maє The right of science abstragivatsya vіd feed Moraral?

    Chi does not wad a dilute of science to degradsia spirituality people?

    Yaka Putsia B_sha Varta Povagi - Fіzichna Chi Іntelactual?

    Behind the Criterius of the absentie abhorrya?

    What is the practical Dosvіd knowingly engaged in the corrosive for any theorem?

    Whom has a sense lodge?

    Yak Dinking Life People People Sens?


    Chi skin people can be called individuals?

    Chi can people want to come without the already?

    Yakі Ginniki fuel on Formuvna people Yak Osshistosti?

    Chi Mozdiliv Ideal Suspilia without Ideal SIM '?

    Whom is the most important?

    Shah Ruhunuє SIM'YY?

    Chi can be adjusted to the problem of Batkіv / D_tei (senior / younger bed)?


    Yak Zmіnilosha is put to the family in the shorty svіti?

    Shah, hard to ride the porch of people nats_yu?

    What is the soil of the National Union єdnostі є one ІЗ nazable with Lyudsky Zhisticti?

    Chim National National Signal Zvirodninnya (Mankurtia)?


    Shah so the suspension?

    Chi Mozhuli in Suspilnaya Zhisticti Garmonia?

    Hedgehogska Suspіlyaniy Vyadazhvyzhvyzhiy?

    Shah so the power?

    What is the power of the Іnkoli zoom to the "primus"?


    Chi can Vyibrably Batkіvshchina?

    Chi can be a lot of Svitu, not being blue (Donskoy) of his land?


    Whom of the zivіlіzatsії?

    Shcho Potteribno for the harmonic chivilіzatsyny traffic?


    Chi Mozhuli Trudov, Istorіya, Yakschko ї Majastіsh writing Pozhtzі?


    Chi is not degrading culture in the short-term suspension?

    Humage is harmful to culture of a holy people?


    Whose Tsіnnіst Mussettva?

    Chi does not reflect the shortness of Mussettvo on the great іndoustyu z "selling souls"?

    Yak Tehnika Painting Yakіst Ludsky?

    Chi Can Technical Progresions Spring Moral Progress People?


    Does you know the technologi?

    Chim Nestechnі іnformatsіinі tehnologії?


    Chi Mozhe One Lovely Picky For Clange Ecology Problems?

    Some Ekology Siturati Svіtі can be called Vіdddleklenni "Ekologicia" of the Allitors "people?


    Chi є Lyuba Garmonian frequency approach?


    Shcho є є тветня цінністю in Lyudsky Zhisticti?


    Chim Tsіnna Democratiya?

    Chi Mozhaliva Arsennaya Democratії in suspects "WHPE", Tobto zvі Lidderiv?

    Yak Vіra Can Proponomy to Arrive Us?

    Yak Mriya Can Detomcommunicate Make Unsigue?

    Chim Netzetnі Mrії?

    Chi covers Treka speak the truth?

    Chi can robiti good, cigarette unfolded methods?

    Chi Mozhuli Before Freedom in suspension?

    De Mezha freedom people?

    Chim Freedom Vіdriznaysnznazh Vіd Svavivі?


    Chi Mozhuli Absolute Fair?


    Chi Mozhuli Rіvnіst Ludskom Suspilsti?

    Jac can explain the Dumuka of the city of Skovorodi about "Nerivna Rіvnіst" people?


    Chi in Beau-Yakiy Siturati Lyubo Warto Buti Caucas, Vіvetim?


    Whose Tsіnnіst order?

    Chi is the most important about the hat before the success?


    Chi covers Waterto Butu tolerance?

    If the tolerance is terrible for Zrade?


    Whose Tsіnnіst Vychlyosti?



    Chi є Slyhetnіtniyat the hard-sized hardieter?

    Chim Tsіnna Slyhetnіst?


    Chi can Bothu Gumist, not being a good uglist?


    Whom has a patriotism?

    Chi Mozhe Buti Patrіota that, HTO not the cooks Іnshі naody?


    Yak Vіdpovіdalnіtsey Can Dotcomo Move to Arrive Us Into in Zhisticti?



    Yak Smiliyst Zdatna Doming Move to Move the Unsigue in Zhisticti?


    Whose Bayduzhіst is dear to the Nastroscian position in the Lytti people?


    Yak Krator to reach the success of Usіhu - the self-tossess of chi in the collective?

    Chi Mozhe Zhiyi Lyubov Pose friendly Kol?


    Chim terrible self-touch?

    Human people want to win on samoti hour horses?


    Scho Potrіbno people for self-realization?

    Human self-realizable Lyudin Vіdchwuє harmonia?


    Yak Tsіlsopsovanniy Dotmaging, Achpatii sucku in Zhisticti?


    Yak to leolate harmonia in Zhisticti?

    Chi moscow harmonia in Lyudsky Zhisticti?

    Scho Ruhunu Garmonia in Mіzhosobistіsny Spekvykovnі?


    Does it be harder to induce Bety Stiykim?

    Scho Dottomagnaya Dovests Zhistictєvi Problems?


    What kind of notad is Nasmіrna romantic?

    Chi є Mіsce Romantici in the short-term suspension?

    Kim Kim Bethi in the next Svіti - Romantic Chi Ratsіonalіst?

    Chi Springє romanticism will be sakened by the success of the goodness in Zhisticti?


    Yaki Flakes of Lyudskoy Spordinity?

    Scho Ruhunuє spirituality at the shortness of Svіti?


    Chi Welding Woven Dovikryati people?

    Yak VіdkritiSti Can Dop Mete Move So?


    Hedow people to zіinai vіrnіst?

    Chi can you try the zraj?

    Materialіsm (Baghattia, Gros)

    Chi Zdatni Materiaalnі Tsіnnosti Zininiti spiritual?

    Chi covers a penny evil?

    Zbіrnik for pіdition preparation to the Vlaskaya Vislonnynya, Vіdpovyuyu before Dіyuchii Vimoga is to writing a Vlasnoye Vislonnya on the Soviet Uncompanite Ovnivnі Z Ukrainian Movy Ta Liteaturi. Kopіyuvannya Tu Roseischenna Materivnaya Zbіrnika on the first resources fences.