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  • Northern State Medical University (SGMU), Arkhangelsk: Address, Faculties, Admission Commission, Passing Point, Reviews. SGMU - Northern State Medical University Arkhangelsk State Medical University

    Northern State Medical University (SGMU), Arkhangelsk: Address, Faculties, Admission Commission, Passing Point, Reviews. SGMU - Northern State Medical University Arkhangelsk State Medical University

    Information about universities

    Arkhangelsk State medical Institute Opened on December 16, 1932 in order to prepare medical personnel for the European North of Russia. In 1994, Agmi was transformed into the Arkhangelsk State medical Academy (AGMA), and on October 9, 2000 - to the Northern State medical University (SGMA). The new status of the university opened the possibilities for further development, creating new departments, faculties and institutions.

    State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Northern State Medical University" Ministry of Health Russian Federation It is a multidisciplinary university that implements various level educational programs.

    Today, the structure of the university includes 60 departments, 12 faculties, a Dovuzozovsky education center, 11 institutes, SNC SZO RAMS, IC NW RAO, international School Public Health, Center for Preclinical Training, Advisory Diagnostic and Student Polyclinics, Sports and Health Complex, Health University. Two doctoral and candidate dissertation councils work, a laboratory complex VNILL, which includes a network of modern laboratories. There are about 500 teachers at the university. Among them are 1 academician RAMN, 1 Corresponding Member of the RAMS, 86 Doctors of Science and Professors, 247 candidates of science and associate professors. 62 people have honorary titles of the Russian Federation, 29 cavaliers of orders and medals, 24 excellent health care.

    It is SGMU that owns a leading role in the implementation of regional policies in the field of medical education and science. Within the framework of the Concept of Continuing Education, the university exercises training on Dovuzovsky, Dodiplome, Postgraduate and Additional Professional Levels. The university is one of the few in Russia, where the distribution of graduates is preserved in order to provide qualified personnel of health, primarily the European North. SGMU is the only country among universities in which a multi-level continuous training program for the northern regions was actually introduced.

    The number of students in SGMU is about 10 thousand, including students, interns, reinforcers, graduate students, doctoral students, cadets. The recognition of the quality of medical personnel training is the fact that in ranking 55 medical universities The university is included in the top ten. In 2007, the SSMU became a diploma, and in 2008 the winner of the competition "The quality of graduate preparation system educational institutions vocational education».

    Today, SGMU not only develops, but also is full of serious plans both at the municipal and regional, federal and international levels. At the same time, paramount attention is paid to such fundamental principles of Russian education and health care, as quality, efficiency, availability and innovative development. Without a doubt, it can be said that today's history of the university, modern ways to develop his scientific school are directly related to global trends. The team of the University is full of desire to go ahead, since Russia's integration into the world community requires compliance with all life-selling industries, including medicine and medical science, world level.

    After graduating from school, every ex-student chooses its further path - is determined with a QMS or university and specialty. Many many documents are submitted to the Middle Special and Higher Educational Institutions on Humanitarian, Economic and Management Directions of the preparation that are very sought-after modern world. And only some choose medical specialties, because without fear and squeamishness dream of helping people in need, want to do good. Such personalities invites to study the Northern State Medical University.

    History of educational institution

    The existing SGMU began its work in 1932 under the name of the Arkhangelsk Medical Institute. The educational institution appeared in connection with the exit of the relevant decision of the Council of People's Commissar. After the opening, the institute was the path of formation and began to develop gradually. However, the whole process was suspended by the Great Patriotic War.

    War years have become the most difficult period in the history of the institute. However, at this time he did not stop their activities. The university continued to prepare specialists in an accelerated program. The preserved historical information indicate that over the war years over 900 doctors were released for the needs of the front.

    After the war and to this day

    After the end of the war, the university began to recover and enter the usual activity mode. The institute again stood on the path of development. In 1994, the status has changed. The educational institution was renamed the Academy. Northern Medical University university was named in 2000. This name he is wearing now.

    If appreciated modern condition University, it can be called a large medical educational and scientific center of the European North of Russia. And at the time of creation, the university was just a small provincial institution. It is located SGMU at the address: Troitsky Ave., 51.

    List of faculties

    The educational institution employs 11 structural divisions offering programs of higher professional education. We are talking about the faculties of the Northern State Medical University. Here is their list (the most important and popular divisions will be considered below):

    • medical;
    • dental;
    • pediatric;
    • pharmaceutical;
    • nursing education;
    • medical biochemistry and medical and prophylactic case;
    • international Faculty of Physical Practice;
    • adaptive physical culture, social work and clinical psychology;
    • economics and Management;
    • mental health;
    • additional vocational education and training of highly qualified personnel.

    Medical Faculty

    Of the structural units that exist in the Northern State Medical University, the medical faculty deserves special attention. It is with him that the history of the university is closely interconnected. When the medical institute began to function, in it the only faculty was therapeutic. Only in 26 years, other structural units began to appear as part of the university.

    The modern therapeutic faculty offers an incoming one specialty - "therapeutic case". Applicants choosing this structural unit in the future can become therapists, surgeons, gynecological obstetrics, endocrinologists, virusologists, nutritionists, radiologists, etc. As of graduates it is worth noting that over the years of work, the Faculty has released more than 15 thousand doctors. Every year of the university's walls leave about 150 trained professionals. Graduates, according to reports, operate in different regions of Russia and foreign countries.

    Dental faculty

    The dental structural unit is considered popular among the faculties of the SGMU. His story began in 1958. Formed this faculty in connection with the lack of dental doctors in Arkhangelsk and the Arkhangelsk region. In the city where university was located, only 17 specialists of such a profile practiced.

    The first years of the dental faculty were quite complex. There was not enough qualified dental teachers who are ready to transmit their knowledge to students. Felt a shortage of training laboratories and dental equipment with which students could work. With all the difficulties, the faculty coped. Today, it is considered to be in the North-West region with a generally accepted leader in the preparation of dentists and scientific and pedagogical personnel.

    At the Dental Faculty in the Arkhangelsk SGMU, as it is clear from the name, the specialty "Dentistry" is offered. It allows graduates in the future to choose one of the ways of their activities - to become a maxillofacial surgeon, a surgeon dentist, a dentist-therapist, an orthoputical dentist, a radiologist, etc.

    Pediatric faculty

    The most joyful and long-awaited event in the history of the university is the creation of the Pediatric Faculty. Within 10 years, the Medical Institute has put forward a proposal to the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR on its opening in its own organizational structure. And finally, this moment has come. In 1977, a pediatric department earned in an educational institution. 100 people were accepted for study.

    The pediatric department operated 2 years. In 1979, it became known as the Pediatric Faculty. The structural division was of interest among applicants. And now it does not cease to attract the attention of the incoming. People choose the Pediatric Faculty, because it offers a specialty ("Pediatric") having a huge practical significance. Pediatrician doctors will always be needed, because it is they who help children appear on the light, treat them from different ailments.

    Pharmaceutical Faculty

    Another popular structural division - pharmaceutical Faculty. It is quite young in the Northern Medical University. Educational program It appeared in the university only in 2000. It was at this time that the pharmaceutical faculty was formed. In the first year, a little more than 20 people were accepted for training in the direction of "pharmacy".

    At the beginning of its work, the faculty faced with enormous difficulties. The material and technical base was insufficient to prepare highly qualified specialists. Help the structural division was provided by the Unitary Enterprise "Pharmacy". It published the university various equipment, reagents, dishes.

    Today, the faculty owns everything necessary for high-quality students. The 19 Department of Northern State Medical University participate in the educational process. Classes are carried out by professors, associate professors, senior teachers, assistants. The Department is the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy. It teaches profile disciplines, interns are being trained.

    Faculty of Medical Biochemistry and Medical Property

    Many people know about the presence of the above-mentioned structural units in the Northern Medical University. However, few people heard about the faculty of medical biochemistry and medical and preventive business. This is a young division that appeared in an educational institution in 2015.

    The faculty is new, but the available specialties have already existed for quite a long time:

    1. "Medical Biochemistry" licensed at the university in 2003. The training of students who choose this specialty was engaged in the Medical Faculty of Faculty. The first release of well-trained personnel fell for 2009.
    2. The specialty "Medico-prophylactic case" was held by the licensing procedure in 1998. For implementation educational process The medical and preventive faculty was opened.

    Work of the Admission Commission

    Reception Commission All applicants provide for familiarization with the SGMU license and certificate of state accreditation. These are important documents that allow university to lead educational activities, provide students with high-quality services. People, acting here, can be sure that they will get a good education, deep knowledge.

    In the Northern State Medical University selection committee proposes to enter the day and extramural. In absentia, you can only learn in some specialties. These include:

    • "Physical culture for persons with disabilities in a state of health (adaptive physical culture)";
    • "Social work";
    • "Psychology";
    • "Management";
    • "Economy".

    For getting detailed information Admission Commission recommends visiting days open doors. These events acts as a rector of SGMU. He talks about the university, training features. After the speech of the rector, the presentation of faculties is carried out. Applicants and their parents will learn about student life.


    In SGMU in some specialties and areas of preparation budget places. Every year, the huge number of applicants claim them, but they come for free training the best of them. Confirms this rather high passing score in the Northern State Medical University. Consider this figure for 2016. The passing points were as follows:

    • on the " Medical deed"- 210;
    • on Pediatrics - 204;
    • on "dentistry" - 220;
    • on "medical and preventive act" - 192;
    • on "medical biochemistry" - 191;
    • on "pharmacy" - 194;
    • on "physical culture for persons with disabilities in a state of health (adaptive physical culture)" - 177.

    SGMU is still implemented by secondary vocational education programs. On them, too, there is information regarding the passing points for 2016. During the introductory campaign, the reception of applicants was carried out on the competition of certificates. At the "medical case", the passing point was equal to 4.05, and on " Nursing business"- 3.70.

    For those who want to improve their knowledge before entering the university, preparatory courses are opening annually. They are engaged in the Center for Dovuzovsky Education and Professional Orientation. It offers evening preparatory courses on biology, chemistry, mathematics and Russian language. Admission of listeners begins in September. There are also express courses. On them, paperwork is carried out every year in December, and the first classes begin in January.

    For the first time opened its doors in the distant 32 of the 20th century. For his many years of history, the university existed in the form of the Academy, and in the form of the Institute. The status of the university was assigned to SGMU in December 2000. Thanks to the conformity of the University's status, the educational institution got the opportunity to open new departments, create a list of new faculties.


    SGMU includes in its composition of the faculties, including the Faculty of Advanced Studies and professional retraining specialists.

    Students have the opportunity to study on the dental, medical, pharmaceutical, pediatric faculty, faculty of general practitioners, medical and preventivecies and medical biochemistry, clinical psychology, social work and adaptive physical culture, mental health, economics and management. Also recently, the Faculty of Nursing Education appeared.


    As part of the Arkhangelsk Medical University, there are 61 departments for all medical specialties. Some of them are:

    • obstetrics and gynecology;
    • skin and venereal diseases;
    • general surgery;
    • ophthalmology;
    • nursing and others.


    The rector of the University is Gorbatova L. N. The first Vice-Rector of the Arkhangelsk Medical University appointed Doctor of Medical Sciences Podvin A. S. Malyavskaya S. I. - Professor and Doctor of Medical Sciences - holds the position of the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Work.

    Center of Dovuzovsky Education

    On the basis of the Arkhangelsk Northern Medical University, a special center of the Dovevoison preparation of applicants was opened. Training is built in the format of lectures and self-preparation of students, which allows today's schoolchildren after entering the university easier to be easier, and also teach them to self-discipline. This quality, in the opinion of the teachers of the university, is very necessary and important for the modern physician.

    Schoolchildren have the opportunity to pull out objects such as chemistry, biology, mathematics and Russian, in order to successfully pass state exams. For admission to the University of Asbiturines, it is necessary to recruit quite high scores on the exam. SGMU gains schoolchildren in the profile medical and biological 10th classes on the basis of several medium general educational institutions Cities of Arkhangelsk and Arkhangelsk region: MBOU "Gymnasium No. 6" and others. Also on the basis of the Arkhangelsk Medical University, a full-time School "Young Medic" was opened.

    Scientific infrastructure

    The university has an extensive scientific infrastructure: Research Institute of Maritime Medicine, headed by Dr. Medical Sciences Mosyagin I. G., Small Innovation Enterprise LLC under the direction of Yakovleva I. A., Central Research Laboratory under the direction of Professor Malyavskaya S.I., North branch FGBU "NMITSG" Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation under the direction of Professor Vorobyva N. A.

    University address

    Arkhangelsk Medical University is located in the city center at the address: Troitsky Avenue, 51. Procotation and organizational structures Work from Monday to Friday. The contacts of the rectorate, as well as employees of other university departments are indicated on the official website.

    Arkhangelsky - one of the few universities of the city, which did not enter federal Universityformed from several educational institutions Cities a few years ago. SGMU is considered prestigious university northwestern region. Students of the Arkhangelsk Medical University are not only representatives of Russia, also many students from India, North Africa and other countries.