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  • Specialty - general medicine by whom to work. General medicine. Acquiring an internship specialization

    Specialty - general medicine by whom to work.  General medicine.  Acquiring an internship specialization

    Choosing a profession is a very important matter. The fate, the content of each day, the realization of abilities and interests, the circle of communication depend on the decision. When making a choice, it is recommended to pay attention to the professions related to medicine. They are suitable for those people who dream of devoting themselves to caring for other people, their health. The medical professions, a list and overviews of all specialties are what we have to consider.

    Professions that can be obtained at the university

    Many people aspire to get higher education. In medical universities, applicants are offered 9 specialties. It:

    • "General Medicine".
    • "Pediatrics".
    • "Medical and preventive work".
    • "Dentistry".
    • "Pharmacy".
    • "Nursing business".
    • "Medical Biochemistry".
    • "Medical Biophysics".
    • "Medical Cybernetics".

    In the first four specialties, a doctor's qualification is awarded. At "Pharmacy" they become pharmacists, and at " Nursing"- by nurses. In the latter specialties, the qualifications of a biochemist, a biophysicist and a cyberneticist are assigned. Let's take a closer look at the presented list of medical professions and specialties.

    "General Medicine" and "Pediatrics"

    "General Medicine" is the most multifaceted specialty. That is why many applications are always submitted to it in universities. People with this specialty can deal with treatment, diagnostics, prevention, carry out educational, organizational, managerial and research activities.

    "Pediatrics" is a specialty, the essence of which is the treatment of children, the diagnosis and prevention of childhood diseases. Doctors monitor the development of babies, starting from birth, refer them, if any problems are detected, to specialists with highly specialized medical professions.

    "Preventive medicine" and "Dentistry"

    At "Dentistry" students study disciplines related to diseases of the oral mucosa, implantology, cariesology, etc. In the future, with this specialty, people become dentists-therapists, orthopedists, hygienists. They are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, eliminate caries, install implants, removable and fixed prostheses, and carry out disease prevention.

    "Pharmacy" and "Nursing"

    Pharmacy is an interesting specialty. It suits people who love chemistry and understand it. At the "Pharmacy" specialists are trained who will be engaged in the manufacture of drugs in the future, work in the research niche, develop new drugs, and study the effectiveness of drugs. After completing their studies in this specialty, many work in pharmacies - they are engaged in the sale of medicines, provide consulting services to visitors.

    "Nursing" is an important specialty, necessary profession... A nurse is required in all branches of medicine. This specialist takes care of sick people, follows the doctor's instructions. After graduation, you can get a job in any clinic or hospital as an ordinary nurse. In the future, thanks to the presence higher education it will be possible to become a senior nurse.

    Medical biochemistry, biophysics and cybernetics

    Specialty "Medical Biochemistry" is associated with laboratory diagnostics, carrying out biochemical, clinical, immunological and medico-genetic research. The direction of "Medical Biophysics" involves working with modern medical equipment. Those people who come here will become radiologists, ultrasound diagnostics doctors in the future.

    "Medical Cybernetics" is a young specialty. It combines different sciences: biology, physics, computer science, and medicine. People with this specialty can work with computers, use the latest equipment in examinations of sick people, and troubleshoot devices. Future professions of students studying at " Medical Cybernetics", - doctor-cyberneticist, laboratory assistant of sound and radiation diagnostics, immunologist, etc.

    Medical contraindications to professions

    Not all people can have professions related to medicine, because they have contraindications:

    • nervous and mental illness;
    • severe hearing and vision diseases;
    • skin and infectious diseases;
    • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
    • violation of coordination of movements of the hands.

    With serious illnesses that pose a danger to others, it will not be possible to enroll in the above list of professions. A medical examination is what every applicant undergoes upon admission to any medical school. The results are submitted to the selection committee.

    Features of obtaining medical specialties at a university

    Our country has long since switched to training specialists in a two-tier education system. However, medical universities decided not to abandon the traditions of Russian higher education. All specialties (except for "Nursing") belong to the specialty. To become a doctor or pharmacist requires 5 to 6 years of full-time university studies. "Nursing" refers to the undergraduate degree. The duration of study in this specialty is 4 years in the full-time department.

    Distance learning is allowed only in the direction of "Pharmacy" and "Nursing". The rest of the medical professions can be obtained only in the full-time department. The fact is that it is possible to learn how to treat sick people and carry out various medical manipulations only at the university, practicing all the skills on phantoms and dummies, and in the hospital at the patient's bedside during practice.

    Postgraduate education for doctors

    V high school the duration of the doctor's training is the longest. Students who study at universities other than medical institutions become eligible to pursue activities after graduation. WITH medical specialties everything is completely different. A doctor's diploma does not give the right to conduct independent medical practice. To obtain it, future specialists undergo primary postgraduate specialization.

    The following prospects for further education open up for graduates of medical universities:

    • acquisition of primary medical specialization in an internship (after receiving a diploma) within 1 year;
    • acquisition of medical specialization with advanced training in residency for 2 or 3 years;
    • conducting research activities in the field of theoretical biomedical sciences.

    Acquiring an internship specialization

    In the internship, as mentioned above, primary medical specializations are acquired. These include: therapy, gynecology and obstetrics, surgery, infectious diseases, pediatrics, psychiatry, emergency medical care and others. What can you become after your internship? For example, a university graduate, after completing his studies in the specialty "General Medicine", having assessed all medical professions, chose a surgeon. To become one, upon admission to the internship, you will need to choose the specialization "surgery".

    After the end of the internship, the graduate receives 2 documents: a certificate attached to the diploma, on receipt postgraduate education and a specialist certificate giving the right to independent medical practice.

    Obtaining specialization in residency and training in graduate school

    Specializations requiring in-depth training include cardiology, hematology, clinical pharmacology, ultrasound diagnostics, pediatric oncology, surgical dentistry, etc. neurosurgeon or oncologist-surgeon.

    After 2 or 3 years of residency training, the doctor also receives 2 documents: a certificate and a certificate. Thanks to them, you can work in the chosen specialization. Thus, the path to the profession of a narrow specialist in medicine can be 9 years. For people interested in some particular subject and science, the path to graduate school is open. The duration of training is 3 years. The goal of postgraduate studies is to train highly qualified scientific personnel.

    Secondary and primary medical education

    Medical professions are obtained not only in universities, but also in secondary schools - schools, colleges. Here they train mid-level specialists. These include:

    • paramedics;
    • obstetricians;
    • nurses;
    • assistants to sanitary doctors;
    • epidemiologists;
    • medical laboratory assistants;
    • dental technicians;
    • pharmacists.

    There is also the profession of "junior nurse". This is the initial professional medical education... Students of the I-II courses begin to earn extra money as junior nurses. Their duties include changing the linen on a sick person, his bed, feeding seriously ill patients, and assisting in transportation.

    In conclusion, it is worth noting that before entering a medical school for the purpose of obtaining a profession, it is worth assessing your personal qualities. V future work attentiveness, emotional stability, accuracy, observation, responsibility, compassion, conscientiousness are important.

    The most common admission exams are:

    • Russian language
    • Mathematics (basic level)
    • Chemistry is a specialized subject, at the choice of the university
    • Biology - at the choice of the university
    • Physics - at the choice of the university
    • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

    "General Medicine" is one of the most popular specialties in medical universities and at the faculties of medicine. Most doctors first study in "Medicine", and then receive postgraduate education in order to become narrow specialists.


    A graduate of the specialty "General Medicine" can obtain a specialization and become:

    • therapist,
    • pediatrician,
    • gynecologist (obstetrician-gynecologist),
    • surgeon,
    • cardiologist,
    • endocrinologist,
    • neuropathologist, etc.

    Specialists of more rare professions, for example, hematologist, nutritionist, cosmetologist, nephrologist, oncologist, etc. also receive basic education in the specialty "General Medicine". In total, more than 100 narrow specializations are available to graduates!

    Currently, the market especially needs qualified obstetricians-gynecologists, pediatricians, “family” doctors (general practitioners), cardiologists.

    Possible places of work

    • state and commercial medical institutions,
    • state health authorities,
    • institutions of social protection of citizens,
    • research institutes,
    • medical offices in educational institutions and at enterprises
    • institutions of secondary vocational and higher education ( medical faculties, universities, colleges).

    A graduate can work as a doctor, head of a department, a teacher, can become a scientist or open a private office (his own business). For further career growth in institutions, as a rule, it is required to continue education in the field of medicine.

    Description of the specialty

    A graduate in the specialty "General Medicine" has no right to independently manage patients, prescribe and conduct treatment. He can only carry out his work with patients under the supervision of more experienced specialists. At the same time, he can practice scientific activities, may hold various positions in medical institutions.

    To work as a doctor, a graduate of the specialty "General Medicine" after graduating from the university must receive a postgraduate education. This is an internship (1 year) or residency (2 years) in the chosen specialization, for example, therapist, obstetrician-gynecologist, resuscitator, etc. After that, he becomes a doctor who has the right and qualifications to work independently with patients. You can choose a residency and then go to work as a doctor.

    An internship (without choosing an internship) is mandatory for all graduates medical school or faculty. During the year, the intern works under the guidance of experienced doctors. They check his activities and save patients from medical mistakes that an inexperienced specialist can make.

    The main subjects in training in the specialty

    During the first three years of study, the humanities (economics, sociology, history of Russia, etc.), natural sciences (physics, chemistry, etc.) and biomedical disciplines are studied, including human anatomy, physiology, microbiology, pharmacology, etc.

    Some humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines are studied in direct connection with medicine and are aimed at the comprehensive development of specialists. For example, psychology for working with patients, jurisprudence for knowledge of legislation in the field of medicine, history of medicine and pharmacy.

    From the fourth year onwards, the emphasis is on professional disciplines. Students of the specialty "General Medicine" study many areas of medicine without a particular bias in one of them. The most deeply studied subjects:

    • obstetrics and gynecology,
    • pediatrics,
    • internal illnesses,
    • infectious diseases,
    • surgical diseases,
    • general surgery and anesthesiology,
    • extreme and military medicine.

    Terms of training

    The educational standard of the specialty establishes a six-year study period for full-time studies and a period of 6.5 years for full-time correspondence form... On practice part-time form only the first 2 years of study are valid, from 3 to 7 courses of study are conducted in-person. It is impossible to obtain the specialty of a doctor by correspondence.

    It turns out that taking into account the compulsory internship or residency, the duration of the doctor's training is 7-8 years.

    In total, in full-time training, the future doctor studies 303 weeks, of which 222 weeks are allocated for direct training at the university (lectures, workshops, seminars, laboratory works) and passing exams and tests. At least 41 weeks are allotted for vacation, at least 18 weeks for production practices.

    Skills and skills acquired during training

    A graduate of the specialty "General Medicine" is able to:

    • diagnose patients and prescribe them a treatment adequate to the diagnosis and state of health,
    • provide medical assistance in a variety of situations, including emergencies,
    • to carry out disease prevention
    • to carry out rehabilitation and therapeutic measures for diseases of any body systems, as well as after injuries, surgical operations,
    • carry out various medical examinations, including assessment of the ability to work of people, forensic medical examination,
    • work with medications,
    • work with medical equipment, equipment, tools that are used for the diagnosis and treatment of patients,
    • keep medical records and much more.

    Physician is one of the most difficult professions in the world. A profession on which not only the quality of human life depends, but also life itself.

    The purpose of the program specialty "General Medicine" is to obtain a basic higher education and training highly qualified specialists to work in the health care system. For six years of preparation, students study a wide range of disciplines, both social, humanitarian and natural sciences, and professional disciplines.

    The structure of the specialist program includes mandatory part(basic) and the part formed by the participants educational relations(variable).

    Disciplines related to base part programs (philosophy, bioethics, history, jurisprudence, foreign languages, Latin language, history of medicine, physics, mathematics, medical informatics, chemistry, biology, human anatomy, histology, normal physiology, biochemistry, general pathology and pathophysiology, microbiology, immunology, hygiene, propedeutics of internal diseases, general surgery, faculty therapy, nervous diseases, pediatrics , obstetrics and gynecology, urology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, hospital surgery and therapy, infectious diseases, oncology, etc.);

    disciplines related to its variable part(bioorganic chemistry, maxillofacial surgery, medical elementology, reproductive health, evidence-based medicine, telemedicine, endoscopic urology, etc.).

    Competitive advantages of the program:

    • Medical students study foreign languages ​​with in-depth knowledge of medical vocabulary (English, French, German, Chinese), in addition, they can receive an additional qualification "Translator in the field of professional communication" (English, French, German, Chinese).
    • Our graduates have the opportunity to become the owner of the European Diploma Supplement of a single sample (DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT)
    • Medical students are actively involved in research work, incl. within the framework of student scientific societies, participate in scientific and scientific-practical conferences.

    The main special disciplines studied:

    • Human anatomy;
    • Biology;
    • Normal physiology;
    • Biochemistry;
    • General pathology and pathophysiology;
    • Pathological anatomy;
    • Microbiology,
    • Hygiene;
    • Propedeutics of Internal Medicine;
    • General surgery;
    • Faculty therapy;
    • Nervous diseases;
    • Pediatrics;
    • Obstetrics and gynecology;
    • Urology;
    • Otorhinolaryngology;
    • Ophthalmology;
    • Hospital surgery and therapy;
    • Infectious diseases;
    • Oncology.

    Internships and practices:

    Students of the RUDN Medical Institute have the opportunity to undergo internships abroad. I have experience in conducting internships and practice in Hungary.


    In the practical application of theoretical knowledge and the formation of basic practical skills, educational and industrial practices, which take place at the Center for Simulation Education and at University clinics at clinical bases in Moscow, play an important role.

    Educational practice(Students are trained in the basic principles of caring for medical and surgical patients at the Simulation Training Center).

    Industrial practice:

    • assistant junior medical staff(after 1 course) - to acquire practical skills in caring for patients in a hospital;
    • assistant to the ward nurse (after the 2nd year) - to master the basic practical skills of the ward nurse (in the departments of various profiles of the clinical hospital);
    • assistant to a procedural nurse (after 3 course) - to master the basic practical skills of a procedural nurse;
    • doctor's assistant (after the 4th course) - master the basic skills of medical work;
    • assistant doctor of an outpatient clinic (after the 5th course) - master the main stages of a doctor's work in primary health care in an outpatient clinic. To work out the skills of providing medical and preventive care to the population in polyclinics, the skills of providing emergency care to patients at the pre-hospital stage.

    Career and employment:

    • After graduating from the Medical Institute of the University, specialty 31.05.01 "General Medicine", the graduate receives a diploma - General practitioner. Starting from the position of a general practitioner or assistant at the department, a graduate of the RUDN University in the future will be able to become the head of the department, the chief physician or the head of the department.
    • The graduate can continue his studies in residency, postgraduate and doctoral studies.
    • Graduates in the specialty "General Medicine" Medical Institute RUDN University are in demand and work in Russia, Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Near and Middle East, the USA, England, France, Germany, Canada, etc.

    Graduates of the program have the following competencies:

    As a result of mastering the program of a specialist, the student should be formed:

    • general cultural competence
    • general professional competence formed as a result of mastering the specialty program;
    • professional competence determined by the corresponding species professional activity, to which the specialist program is oriented.

    Areas of professional activity of graduates:

    • protection of the health of citizens by ensuring the provision of medical care in accordance with the established requirements and standards in the field of health care;
    • medical;
    • organizational and managerial;
    • research.


    • auditoriums equipped with everything necessary for educational process located in the building of the Faculty of Medicine and the Humanities and Social Sciences;
    • Simulation Training Center;
    • University clinics at clinical sites in Moscow;
    • computer classes;
    • auditoriums equipped with multimedia equipment, including for video conferencing;
    • branch department Scientific Library, access to numerous electronic information databases;
    • access to wireless Internet (Wi-Fi);
    • student cafes with various national cuisines.

    Extracurricular life:

    Students accept Active participation in the public life of the University and the Medical Institute:

    • Student committee;
    • Scientific and Student Society;
    • Volunteer Center;
    • Student Theater "Hippocrates";
    • Musical lecture hall;
    • Various sports sections;
    • Interclub.


    Future qualified doctors are trained for six years, after which young people will be able to continue their studies in internship and residency, choosing their specialization. Training program in this specialty is very rich and consists of lectures and workshops, including in a hospital setting. Among the subjects taught, one can single out: otolaryngology, neurology, psychiatry, hygiene, health economics, etc. Students are trained not only to successfully diagnose and treat diseases, but also to engage in educational and preventive work. They should be able to:

    • conduct dispensary observation of patients,
    • carry out anti-epidemiological measures,
    • work with medicines and medical and technical equipment,
    • diagnose diseases and pathologies,
    • prescribe adequate treatment, carry out medical and rehabilitation measures,
    • conduct a forensic medical examination,
    • control the quality of medical care to the population,
    • maintain medical records and manage medical personnel.

    Who to work with

    Graduates of a specialist with a diploma in the specialty "General Medicine" can carry out diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive and management activities. They can work in public or private medical institutions: in polyclinics and hospitals, in specialized clinics and medical centers, in departments of emergency medicine and in emergency departments, in medical offices of enterprises and in departments of disaster medicine. There are not enough qualified doctors today, so young specialists can easily find a job in their specialty. The lack of general practitioners, pediatricians, cardiologists, obstetricians and gynecologists is especially acute today.

    Speciality: Medicine

    Qualification: General doctor

    Required exams (ZNO):

    • Ukrainian language and literature
    • Biology
    • Chemistry or physics

    "General Medicine" is one of the most popular specialties in medical universities and at the faculties of medicine. Most doctors first study in "Medicine", and then receive postgraduate education in order to become narrow specialists.


    A graduate of the specialty "General Medicine" can obtain a specialization and become:

    • therapist
    • pediatrician
    • gynecologist (obstetrician-gynecologist)
    • surgeon
    • cardiologist
    • endocrinologist
    • neuropathologist, etc.

    Specialists of more rare professions, for example, hematologist, nutritionist, cosmetologist, nephrologist, oncologist, etc. also receive basic education in the specialty "General Medicine". In total, more than 100 narrow specializations are available to graduates!

    Currently, the market especially needs qualified obstetricians-gynecologists, pediatricians, “family” doctors (general practitioners), cardiologists.

    Possible places of work

    • state and commercial medical institutions,
    • state health authorities,
    • institutions of social protection of citizens,
    • research institutes,
    • medical offices in educational institutions and enterprises,
    • institutions of secondary vocational and higher education (medical faculties, universities, colleges).

    A graduate can work as a doctor, head of a department, a teacher, can become a scientist or open a private office (his own business). For further career growth in institutions, as a rule, it is required to continue education in the field of medicine.

    Description of the specialty

    A graduate in the specialty "General Medicine" has no right to independently manage patients, prescribe and conduct treatment. He can only carry out his work with patients under the supervision of more experienced specialists. At the same time, he can engage in scientific activities, can hold various positions in medical institutions. To work as a doctor, a graduate of the specialty "General Medicine" after graduating from the university must receive a postgraduate education. This is an internship (1 year) or residency (2 years) in the chosen specialization, for example, therapist, obstetrician-gynecologist, resuscitator, etc. After that, he becomes a doctor who has the right and qualifications to work independently with patients. You can choose a residency and then go to work as a doctor. An internship (without choosing a residency) is mandatory for all graduates of a medical school or faculty. During the year, the intern works under the guidance of experienced doctors. They check his activities and save patients from medical mistakes that an inexperienced specialist can make.

    The main subjects in training in the specialty

    The first three years of study are humanities (economics, sociology, history of Ukraine, etc.), natural sciences (physics, chemistry, etc.) and biomedical disciplines, including human anatomy, physiology, microbiology, pharmacology, etc.

    Some humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines are studied in direct connection with medicine and are aimed at the comprehensive development of specialists. For example, psychology for working with patients, jurisprudence for knowledge of legislation in the field of medicine, history of medicine and pharmacy.

    From the fourth year onwards, the emphasis is on professional disciplines. Students of the specialty "General Medicine" study many areas of medicine without a particular bias in one of them. The most deeply studied subjects:

    • obstetrics and gynecology,
    • pediatrics,
    • internal illnesses,
    • infectious diseases,
    • surgical diseases,
    • general surgery and anesthesiology,
    • extreme and military medicine .

    Terms of training

    The educational standard of the specialty establishes a six-year study period for full-time studies. It turns out that taking into account the compulsory internship or residency, the duration of the doctor's training is 7-8 years. In total, on full-time training, the future doctor studies 303 weeks, of which 222 weeks are allocated for direct training at the university (lectures, workshops, seminars, laboratory work) and passing exams and tests. At least 41 weeks are allotted for vacations, at least 18 weeks for practical training.

    Skills and skills acquired during training

    A graduate of the specialty "General Medicine" is able to:

    • diagnose patients and prescribe them a treatment adequate to the diagnosis and state of health,
    • provide medical assistance in a variety of situations, including emergencies,
    • to carry out disease prevention
    • to carry out rehabilitation and therapeutic measures for diseases of any body systems, as well as after injuries, surgical operations,
    • carry out various medical examinations, including assessment of the ability to work of people, forensic medical examination,
    • work with medications,
    • work with medical equipment, equipment, tools that are used for the diagnosis and treatment of patients,
    • keep medical records and much more.