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  • Completed field practice report. Manufacturing Practice Report. What it takes to successfully defend a practice report

    Completed field practice report.  Manufacturing Practice Report.  What it takes to successfully defend a practice report

    The great commander A.V. Suvorov, when he said "It's hard in training - easy in battle." Industrial practice is a special type of practice, which just shows who did what in the lectures, whether the student is ready for independent practical activity. It is taken by all students studying at a law school or an industrial or technological college, regardless of future profession.

    In the event that a student cannot independently find a place for internship, an educational institution can organize an internship.

    The practice is free, that is, the student will not receive any material reward during the course of it. But on the other hand, the practical experience that he will receive is priceless. And perhaps it will become a new stage in the life of a trainee - after all, many employers look after their employees in this way.

    There are the following ways of conducting industrial practice:

    1. stationary
    2. exit

    Stationary is carried out at the departments educational organization with the necessary human and scientific potential, and field practice - in organizations, institutions, enterprises.

    This practice is introductory, it precedes the pre-diploma and allows you to decide on the future topic of the thesis.

    Industrial practice program

    The internship by the student is carried out in accordance with the program approved by the educational institution. During the internship, the student must solve all the tasks assigned to him and write a report on his activities. Documents related to the internship are posted on the website educational institution.

    The direct management of the practice of students is carried out by the head of the educational institution from teaching staff... He will also provide assistance in case of difficulties with the passage of educational practice, and also tell you how to write a report on industrial practice.

    Before starting practice, the student must go to the personnel department of the enterprise with a referral from the educational institution to undergo an introductory briefing and familiarize himself with the governing documents

    The basis of practice is individual plan its passage. And in order to compile it, it is necessary to be guided by the goal of industrial practice - familiarization with the activities of the enterprise, the department according to the profile of training, the application of theoretical knowledge based on the materials of educational and scientific literature, regulatory legal acts, and practice. In more detail, the goal of industrial practice and the tasks for achieving it are discussed below.

    Traineeship report

    At the end of the internship, a report is drawn up. The volume of the report is 15-20 pages.

    • introduction
    • a common part(on the activities of the enterprise (organization)
    • special part (about the directions of the department's activities)
    • conclusion
    • list of sources used
    • annexes

    The introduction indicates target passing and tasks to be solved in order to achieve it are determined an object and thing research.

    The main part of the report provides a brief description of enterprises with organizational, economic and financial points of view. It is necessary to disclose the structure of the organization, the conditions for ensuring its activities, describe the functions of departments, describe the directions of the enterprise, its structure.

    It is desirable to indicate the date of creation, history, achievements. From the point of view of psychology, a detailed study of the enterprise and everything connected with it can have a positive effect on the opinion of the potential employer about the trainee.

    The special part examines the activities of the department in which the trainee worked directly with the aim of identifying problems on the topic considered in the thesis in order to develop ways to solve them.

    Practice reflects practical activities in the profile of the specialty:

    • for a lawyer - writing a lawsuit or a response to it;
    • for an accountant - reporting on economic activity and tracking the movement of accounts;
    • for an economist - financial planning of income and expenses;
    • for a manager in the field of construction - a report on the sales of building materials, recommendations for improving the management of the organization, terms of reference for construction;
    • for future teachers and educators - developed educational plans classes;
    • for technologists - the layout of dishes with cooking technology.

    The conclusion summarizes all the conclusions that the student made when writing the work.

    The field practice report is submitted together with certified seals and signatures, a diary and a testimonial.

    It is recommended to attach to the report what the trainee worked with - it can be any forms, samples. Accordingly, a construction worker will attach an estimate, an accountant - completed reporting forms on financial activities, a future educator - guidelines developed by him.

    Requirements apply only to their design - the application number must be indicated and a reference is made to it in the text.

    Filling out the industrial practice diary

    Before the start of the practice, the supervisor issues a diary form and guidelines, and you can download them in electronic form from the website of the educational institution.

    Organization of industrial practice

    Every day of the internship, the student must write down in the diary all his exploits (work performed, activities in accordance with the assignment received from the head of the internship). Based on the results of the internship, the student must submit to the educational department for registration a report on the internship, an internship diary and a description certified by the head of the organization on the basis of which the internship was carried out.

    The student must regularly enter information in the practice diary about the nature of the work performed, about the tasks performed and timely submit it for control to the practice leaders

    Characteristics of industrial practice

    The characteristics of the student from the place of practice allows you to evaluate the student's work outside the walls of the educational institution and find out the opinion of the potential employer about the intern as a future specialist. This document is handed over together with a ready-made practice report and a diary.

    An example of a characteristic:

    “During her internship in the accounting department of a limited liability company“ _____________ ”, a student of the Faculty of Economics, specialty“ Finance and Credit ”_____________ (full name) has established herself as a specialist with a good level of theoretical training, possessing knowledge in the field of economics, finance, municipal service, logistics. She showed fluency in the norms of law and the ability to apply them. Knows the basics accounting, the procedure for attributing expenses for the purchase of transport, the conditions for taxation of agricultural and transport taxes, knows how to open a bank account. As an employee, all orders of employees and the head of the practice were carried out efficiently and on time, executive. The staff is polite and courteous. No comments. Work during the period of practical training can be assessed as "excellent".

    The purpose of the internship

    The purpose of practical training allows the student to determine the direction of their activities during the internship, to focus on the main points, without going deep in particular. The purpose of the practical training is:

    1. consolidate and deepen the knowledge gained in educational institution;
    2. develop the skills and abilities acquired during the period of training practice;
    3. to check the possibility of applying the knowledge gained in an educational institution in practice, with direct work in the profession being mastered;
    4. acquire teamwork skills;
    5. assess your professional maturity for independent work;
    6. decide on the topic of the future thesis.

    In order to achieve the goals indicated above, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    • draw up a plan for individual internship;
    • to get acquainted with the directions of the organization, the departments in which the practice is taking place;
    • to develop skills of independent solution of controversial situations arising in everyday work.

    Conclusion of the production practice report

    The final part of the report on the practice is a conclusion, which contains conclusions and a set of proposals on the issues considered in the course of the work, in accordance with the set goal and objectives. A conclusion is a generalizing result of a student's work, in which he summarizes, summarizes and evaluates the results.

    In conclusion, it is necessary to formulate as fully as possible and consistently state the conclusions obtained in the course of the study on the assigned tasks and make a generalizing conclusion

    The conclusion should reflect:

    1. student assessment of the place of work;
    2. a brief description of the identified problems, difficulties and ways to solve them.

    The conclusion should reflect:

    • the level of the formed professional maturity of the student
    • the ability to focus on the basics, draw conclusions and generalize the knowledge gained
    • correlate them with the goals and objectives of the study
    • make independent conclusions on the problem.

    Sample reports

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with examples of field practice reports.

    Report on industrial practice at the enterprise rosreestr

    Farm Practice Report

    Practice is the most important link in the stage of a student's preparation. This is a way to get acquainted with the production process from the inside, to consolidate and apply the knowledge gained in the course of training. Industrial training allows you to get better acquainted with the peculiarities of the functioning of the enterprise, form skills practical work, which differ in many respects from theoretical knowledge. For enterprises, this is a chance to replenish their ranks with young, competent specialists.

    How is the industrial practice

    Passage of industrial practice is mandatory for both students of higher and vocational educational institutions.

    You should not consider it as another uninteresting task. The event may become the beginning of a successful career, the opportunity to get workplace immediately after graduation.

    This is not a formality, but unique opportunity to navigate in the profession, to assess their capabilities at the stage of graduation. Therefore, from practical activities, you need to try to get the maximum benefit and show yourself from the best side.

    Passage of industrial practice at the enterprise provides the graduate with the following opportunities:

    Usually, students are sent for internship in organizations with which the educational institution has an agreement. The main activities of the company must correspond to the student's specialization.

    Students it is not forbidden to independently choose a base for carrying out practical activities... With the consent of the head of the enterprise, it is necessary to obtain approval from the educational institution.

    Everything organizational issues in practice, lie with the administration of the university. The department must develop teaching aids and a plan for its passage.

    The student, at the time of gaining practical experience, has the following responsibilities:

    1. Have a diary and all accompanying materials with you.
    2. Follow carefully all the directions of the assigned mentor.
    3. Get acquainted with the internal instructions of the enterprise on labor protection and internal regulations. Observe them strictly.
    4. Follow the work schedule established at the enterprise, fulfill the duties assigned to it and be responsible for their high-quality execution.
    5. Report on the work done.

    Trainee should individual plan taking into account the peculiarities of each specialty... During the period of practical activity, the program must be fully implemented. All actions reflected in the diary and report, which must be protected by the head. The acquired skills are assessed, about which a mark is put in the grade book.

    How to start writing a report

    Regardless of the type of practice, its end is confirmed by the report... This document reflects vocational training future specialist, his business qualities, acquired knowledge.

    High-quality performance of the assignment is very important for the student, since the place of practice is selected in accordance with the future profession. That is, the student is placed in an atmosphere corresponding to his specialty.

    The student's attitude to the tasks assigned, his responsibility and acumen, indicate how he will behave in further employment.

    Before starting to write a report, it is necessary to study all documents relating to the activities of the organization, regulations, the structure of the company. The student describes his activities, not only using job descriptions, but directly based on the work process.

    A young, well-trained specialist can make recommendations in the workflow. About their achievements and views on the work of the enterprise be sure to write in the report.

    All information is presented in accordance with the established reporting standards. Therefore, the writing of the document begins with the study of the methodological manual received at the educational institution.

    A manual is a step-by-step instruction that helps a student to structure a document.

    An allowance is issued at the department. It contains all the information about the objectives of the practice and the rules for preparing the report.

    On the basis of the training manual, an action plan is drawn up, it is with it that the writing of the document begins. The points of the plan are the goals of the practice. Based on them, the student selects key information about the enterprise, analyzes the workflow and makes recommendations.

    It is impossible to write a competent report without real involvement in work activities. Therefore, you need to start with the practical part, then writing the document will not be any difficulty.

    Any unclear question can be clarified directly with the mentor or other employees of the organization. For any clarification, you can contact the curators. This is a fixed mentor at the place of practice and a direct supervisor from the educational institution.

    Don't try to change the structure of the report. It is generally accepted and does not complicate, but makes it easier to write a document.

    Document structure

    Following the methodological instructions, the student is obliged to keep a diary every day. It reflects the student's daily activities:

    • collecting information;
    • workplace activities;
    • about the type of work performed;
    • about achievements, gained experience.

    The mentor from the organization must endorse the diary after completing the internship. If this is provided by the program, the leader can give the student practical tasks and, based on the results of their implementation, put grades and their comments in the diary.

    The diary is an integral part of the practice report. Without it, the task will not be accepted for review.

    The structure of the document is formed on the basis of the methodological manual.

    For higher education institutions, it is not prohibited to develop individual program practice report. If the university uses a generally accepted system, then the structure of the industrial practice report is as follows:

    1. Title page.
    2. Content.
    3. Introduction.
    4. Main part.
    5. Conclusion.
    6. Applications.

    There may be slight differences in structure depending on the type of practice.

    Each educational institution has a standard design title page... The following mandatory information is entered into it in a certain order:

    • the name of the university;
    • department, specialty, course, group and the like;
    • the topic of the report and its appearance;
    • link to the head of the practice;
    • surname, name, patronymic of the student;
    • location of the educational institution;
    • year of delivery of the document.

    Changing the names of the plan items or transferring them to other pages that do not correspond to the content is prohibited.

    The introduction is formed from a methodological guide. It outlines the practical goals and objectives that the student was expected to accomplish. The place of implementation of practical activities is described.

    The main part contains two subsections:

    • theoretical;
    • practical.

    The practical part begins with a description of the technical and economic indicators of the enterprise where the student was. Its structure is described, normative documents... This is followed by a section with calculations describing the functional tasks performed by the university student.

    Conclusion is the most important section of the report. In him the student can draw conclusions about the work done, summarize the final analysis of the organization's activities, describe your achievements on the spot and make recommendations for improving the organization's work as a whole or in a separate area.

    Application. This is the final section of the document. When writing the main text, the student could refer to various applications. They are drawn up in a list. The initial in order is the one to which the first link goes.

    A complete practice report should contain the following documents:

    1. Referral to practice (This document is issued by universities and certified by the signature and seal of the organization that accepted the student for practice).
    2. Practice diary. (Without the signature and seal of the enterprise is considered invalid).
    3. The contract for the passage of industrial practice.
    4. Industrial practice plan (clearly broken down by day and topic).
    5. A testimonial or testimonial written by a mentor from the enterprise. Must be certified by the signature and seal of the organization.
    6. A report on the passage of industrial practice, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the educational institution.

    This list applies to all types of practice and is standardly applied in all educational institutions.

    Types of practice and features of reports after them

    In higher educational institutions, three-time internship is provided. The first assignments appear already in the first year. The following types of practical activities are necessary for a university student:

    1. Educational.
    2. Production.
    3. Pre-graduation.

    Before the event, the leader is obliged to convey to the students the main points of the learning process, explain the meaning and formulate key tasks. Each type of practice has its own specific characteristics and schedule.


    Students can gain experience of educational practice after the first or second semester of study. The program of practical assignments is developed by each university individually. In this case, students are not necessarily sent to any enterprise. Classes can be held on the territory of the educational institution, in its workshops or laboratories.

    Educational practice has several forms:

    • excursion. Future specialists visit the enterprise, observe the production process;
    • self-familiarization. Students are allowed to visit the organization individually, communicate with staff;
    • practical lessons. They can be carried out both in an educational institution and in an enterprise.

    Its main goal is to develop practical experience and consolidate the studied theoretical material.


    She is organized in the third, fourth year... The main the purpose of the assignment is to allow the student to study the features of his chosen profession in a real workplace... There, the student is attached to a mentor who supervises his activities, helps to study the work process from the inside.

    The university student must become an assistant to a leading specialist, for example, an assistant to a commodity expert or a personnel manager.


    This type of practice is provided before the defense of the diploma project... It completes the student learning phase.

    The goal is to obtain information for writing a thesis project, to establish oneself as a young specialist and to gain labor communication skills.

    There are significant methodological differences between educational and industrial practice. In the first case the student gets acquainted with the general process, in the second - he directly takes part in it... Consequently, the case study report will not contain a practice section.

    The difference between graduate and industrial practice is not so significant. Pre-diploma practice - summing up, impetus to successful professional activity.


    When the practice is completed and fully described in the report, it is necessary to prepare for its defense. For a student who independently prepared a document and really was in practice, it is it won't be difficult to do.

    He doesn't even have to learn or memorize anything. Practical experience gained, collection and processing of the information received will remain in memory for a long time... The university student needs to be well oriented in his own report in order to see the necessary information, if necessary.

    Before the defense, it is worth preparing a performance. Formulate a competent oral presentation, which will not take more than 15 minutes... It must contain key points reports set out in a business style.

    A complete and specific presentation of information will minimize the questions asked by the commission.

    Often to protect a document you need to prepare a small presentation... It consists of several slides, which will not be difficult at all. Other descriptive information can be prepared. Visualized tables, graphs, lists, and formulas help you better understand information.

    Well written the report is not a guarantee of an excellent grade... Appearance, delivered speech, interesting presentation and competent report are the key to successful report protection.

    Educational institutions make serious demands on students. But if you approach the work carefully and responsibly, study and follow all the methodological recommendations, drawing up a report on practice will not seem like a very difficult task.

    This video illustrates the rules for preparing a report on industrial practices.

    Everyone knows that students face practice repeatedly during their studies. Usually practice is held several times in the summer and once before graduation. qualification work... After each passage, most universities require you to prepare a practice report. Such work may differ depending on what kind of practice you did - undergraduate, industrial, or summer introductory

    Any type of practice has its own differences and some nuances that are worth paying attention to. For example, educational or introductory practice must be completed before the last course and at least twice during the entire period of study. Usually, during the training practice, the student is not engaged in participation in the work of the enterprise, but is more engaged in observation and note taking.

    Industrial practice or, in other words, technological practice - this is already more difficult. Here the student is already required to participate in the activities of the enterprise, albeit minimal. Of course, no one will load a trainee with responsible work. Usually they give such work, which does not imply much responsibility, and of course, someone will definitely look after the student.

    Undergraduate practice is probably the most serious type of practice. Here everything is already in an adult way. Passage of pre-diploma practice implies that the student is ready to professionally fulfill the assigned duties. And at least there is still an opportunity to find a job, if, of course, the student will be satisfied at the place of internship. In addition, all the information material that will be collected and expressed in the pre-diploma report will be used already when writing the final work.

    Despite the seeming differences in general, the pursued goals of the practice are all approximately equal:

    • Assessment of the knowledge gained as a result of internship;
    • Learn to apply semi-moon theory;
    • Application of practical knowledge in real work;
    • Understanding what you will have to face in practice in real conditions;
    • Analysis of the organization's activities in the course of activities in practice.

    The end result should definitely be a practice report. Those. the result of the internship is always expressed in a text document which will reflect the knowledge gained by the student and, in fact, what exactly the student has learned as a result of the internship at the enterprise. How much the student's studies contributed professional growth and whether he can work independently for enterprises in a given specialization.

    The most frequent variant of practice is realized in the immersion of the student in real conditions, familiar to people who have already completed their studies, but unusual for a typical student who has never worked. Well, and accordingly, to write "beautiful" ie a clear report will have to fully taste all the features of the enterprise, for what regulatory framework the features of the organizational structure and workflow are based.

    We'll have to describe what exactly the student was doing during the internship, and even if, as usual, he was not allowed anywhere, he would have to peep what he could hypothetically do there and describe it all correctly.

    How to start writing a report on practice (industrial, pre-graduation)

    Writing a practice report is not at all difficult. The main thing is to know where to start. And the beginning is very straightforward - you need to take an assignment for practice at an educational institution, get methodological instructions and it is desirable to spy on it, if, of course, there is an opportunity to write reports exactly in your university.

    The training manuals usually live in departments or with fellow students who have already had time to freeze. In this superimportant reading matter, there will be all the requirements for what to write and how to draw up.

    The basis for preparing the report on the practice will be the plan (content). The plan will display all the questions and tasks that must be disclosed by the student. The plan usually includes 3 to 5 base points.

    A good, high-quality report, which teachers usually like, includes not only bare water, but also analytics, any virtual recommendations on the relationship of business processes in the enterprise. You can, of course, not visit and just come up with everything, hardly anyone will check your visit to the practice. But if you do everything in the right way, then at least you need to visit the place of undergraduate or industrial practice and see what is there and how.

    Consider the case when you are doing the practice for the present, i.e. decided to take it seriously and thought - let it come in handy. First, you need to outline everything that you had to face, but only as much as necessary - and you do not need to describe every step you take in production. It is still better to approach the head of the practice and clarify what information is better to save for the report, and what may be superfluous.

    As soon as you have all the necessary information about the company and at least organizational form, organizational structure, any reporting and analytics - you can start processing and studying.

    After you complete the study of the information available about the enterprise, you can safely start making the base of the report. Scatter the entire text into logical chapters and slowly bring your report into a readable structural form.

    The structure of the report on practice may differ, but there is always a structured and familiar format for everyone, by analogy with any publication. Ambul preamble and conclusion. Or, scientifically, a logical sequence. Those. standards for structuring information to which everyone is accustomed.

    Practice report structure and content

    Typically, in a typical non-Harvard university, the structure of a practice report looks like this:

    1. Title page, . Usually, the title page contains the following information: the name of the educational institution and specialty, the topic and type of the practice report, the surname and initials of the teacher who checks the report and the student who performs it, the name of the group in which the student is studying, the name of the enterprise where practical classes are held , city in which the educational institution is located and the year of writing the internship report.
    2. Report outline (content) with all chapters and subsections.
    3. Introduction, which indicates the goals and objectives of the practical training. They, as a rule, are already given in the guidelines for writing a report. In addition, the introduction indicates the expected outcome of the practice.
    4. Main part. This section must be divided into theoretical and practical parts. In addition, the theoretical part should be broken down into sections, and the practical part should be at the discretion of the educational institution. In this part, all the calculations are made, the activities of the enterprise are described, all the necessary information about the organizational structure is told, the analysis and comparative characteristics are carried out.
    5. Conclusion is perhaps the main section of the practice report. The conclusion includes all the conclusions made by the student during the course of practical training. An assessment of one's own work is immediately given, and the efforts made are adequately assessed. In addition, in the conclusion, you must definitely give your recommendations for improving professional activity enterprises.
    6. Applications - not always, but sometimes especially keen teachers will forgive to attach something. If the report was written in the field of accounting, then attach the balance sheets of the enterprise, and so on, depending on the specialization.

    Different types of writing practice reports may have some differences, but usually not significant.

    Types and types of practice reports

    Study Practice Report

    As we have already written, educational practice is not particularly labor-intensive, and one cannot expect that the work should have deep analytics and a detailed practical part.

    In general, to put it in a simple way in educational practice, you just need to pour a lot of water and all "blah blah blah" about the process and place of the practice. There is no need for any detail on how what is going on at the enterprise. In charge, we write that we are going through training practice in order to consolidate knowledge and study the subject area in practice, well, and a plus about the place of working out. In conclusion, we state what we went through the practice and consolidated our knowledge.

    Manufacturing Practice Report - Key Differences

    Industrial practice - what are the conceptual differences? Yes, in fact, it is no different just before, even in the USSR, this name was applied to almost all reports, since almost students of that time passed through production. Wait, the concept is rarely used and the design of such a report is no different from a typical one.

    The main thing is not to forget that the industrial practice is still designed for independent work and the trainee's own thoughts, hence, at least in the report, your ideas and value judgments about the place of passage should be present.

    Report on undergraduate practice - accents and nuances

    Undergraduate practice is not just some kind of scribbling, it is already a possible foundation for your graduation project. Usually, the thesis can be based on information and analytics prepared as part of the report on undergraduate practice. However, in order for the report to go further into the basis of the diploma, it is necessary that the topic corresponds, i.e. for example, they had practical training in accounting, the report included elements of accounting at the enterprise, but the topic of the diploma should also be related to this.

    Ostud is very helpful advice! When you already have the topic of your thesis project in your hands, write a report within the framework of this topic, i.e. start writing your diploma and hand over two chapters from this work as a report.

    Also, before writing a report, look for samples (examples) on this site, we have a lot of free reports and there is something to download. Well, if it's already completely incomprehensible or there is no desire to mess around, it's easier to order!

    Certain documents must be attached to each type of report. This is a mandatory rule for every educational institution. The documents are usually a practice diary, a description from the place of practice and an explanatory note.

    How to prepare an explanatory note for a practice report

    In essence, an explanatory note is an abbreviated, internally prepared statement of the practice report. The note usually describes step by step the student's work routines and the general content of the internship.

    Explanatory notes are rarely demanded and only in the most confused universities. All the same, the report is not a graduation project and it is not entirely clear what else can be explained within the framework of the written report.

    But if required, then the explanatory note is usually written on one sheet and include summary the report plus some terms and definitions that are found in the report.

    I almost always require a characterization for a practice report

    The characteristic for the report on practice is asked to provide from the place of practice. A characteristic is usually only needed for a report on undergraduate or industrial practice

    In the characteristics of your practice leader, they describe exceptionally well your useless pastime during the course of the practice. And usually the less you dangled under your feet on the precept, the better they will write a description. But the text about how great you are, you will most likely be asked to prepare yourself, which will then be signed by the head of the practice.

    To be honest, no one reads a characteristic in an educational institution, at least because most of the students undergo practical training at enterprises by acquaintance and they will write whatever they want, but this bureaucracy has not been canceled.

    Very Important - Practice Diary

    Without a diary, the report will definitely not be accepted. The diary usually keeps a record of the student's visits to the practice. The diary form is provided in the university manual or I suggest writing it in any form.

    An obligatory element of training is the passage of industrial practice (usually this event is held on 3-4 courses). Based on the results, students must prepare an overview, description of the results. This makes it difficult for students who do not know how to write a field trip report if they are not provided with a sample.

    How to prepare a traineeship report

    Each student is assigned two leaders, one from the institution and the other from the organization. The report on the student's industrial practice at the enterprise is checked by both managers, and both put their signature (and the employee of the company - most often also the seal). In theory, you can turn to any of the leaders for help and advice. However, the questions they can help with are very different.

    In the personnel department of a company, there may be a sample of filling out a report on the student's industrial practice, if they regularly accept trainees (there is an agreement with the university) - but the requirements change every year, so you should not rely too much on the work of predecessors. Reporting requirements in 2019 may be very different than they were in 2017 or even 2018. In a small firm, where the student settled himself, most likely no one will know how to fill out a report; a sample of such a firm has nowhere to take. Therefore, it is better to take the current form at the department or from the head of the educational institution. The manager from the organization can help with the collection of material in the company, with an explanation of how everything works, what the structure of the company looks like (this is all needed for a report on industrial practices).

    Structure of the field practice report

    The structure of the practice report is similar to any scientific work(an example of which is the coursework).

    Example 1

    Indicative plan:

    1. Title page.
    2. Table of contents.
    3. Introduction.
    4. The first section is general characteristics organizations (field of activity, market position).
    5. The second section is the disclosure of questions related to an individual topic.
    6. The third section - recommendations for improving the organization of business processes from the standpoint of the direction of study (technical, legal, economic or other aspect).
    7. Conclusion.
    8. List of sources used.
    9. Applications.

    If in others educational work Since applications are optional (their role depends on the topic), then the sample enterprise report will certainly include this item.

    Example 2

    Examples of applications: constituent documents, accounting financial statements, primary documentation, extracts from orders, management reporting.

    For protection, you need to prepare a short report on the passage of industrial practice - the most important thing, made during the work in the company.

    Report introduction

    The report should begin with an introductory text, the content of which is regulated by the requirements of the university.

    Writing an introduction doesn't require any creativity. It is enough for a trainee to formulate the tasks for the solution of which he will undergo an internship.

    Example 3

    In the text of the introduction, you can use constructions like: "The main purpose of the industrial practice is to collect and analyze data about ... at the LLC ...".

    Depending on the characteristics of professional activity, the design may differ from the above, but the Internet allows you to find a separate example of a report on the passage of internship within the framework of your specialty.

    Example 4

    Another example of writing a report assumes that firstly the relevance of the topic of an individual task and the connection with the selected organization are substantiated: "The average number of employees of LLC Korovushka is more than 100 people, so the issues of accounting for settlements with personnel are relevant."

    Main body of the report

    Most of the time is required to compile the main part, it is she who reveals the content of the report on practice.

    The main part is divided into several chapters. Its structure in general view might look like this:

    • Chapter 1.<Наименование главы>
    • Chapter 2.<Наименование главы>
    • 2.1 <Подзаголовок 1>
    • 2.2 <Подзаголовок 2>
    • 2.3 <Подзаголовок 3>
    • Chapter 3.<Наименование главы>
    • 3.1 <Подзаголовок 1>
    • 3.2 <Подзаголовок 2>

    You may be required to report on a different plan. The number of chapters may be fewer, and they should be devoted to specific aspects of the parent company. Most often, students are guided by the reports on industrial practice issued at the department (examples or samples) and repeat their structure in their report.

    We will indicate what each of the chapters should contain. The first part is dedicated to general description activities of the organization visited by the student, consideration of its position in the market, external environment (legal regulations, economic situation in the field of activity).

    The second chapter should cover the organization's working methods (ie, how tasks are performed or problems are solved), especially those that the student has used during his tenure.

    The third part is analytical in nature and is devoted to a narrow question, due to an individual task. This chapter necessarily uses actual illustrations (graphs, tables), calculations, comparisons. Often in the third chapter it is required to formulate proposals for improving any aspect of the enterprise.

    Writing the first chapter of the field practice report

    Most often, the first section is a brief description of the company. This makes the field practice report different from other student papers: example term paper starting with a consideration of theoretical provisions is not applicable here. The differences are due to the specifics of the practice as a variety learning activities: the student does not comprehensively study a certain scientific issue (theoretical aspects and practical application), but gets acquainted with the activities of a real company in one way or another.

    On the first day of practical training, the student is introduced to the workplace, told the history of the company, described the directions of activity, the organizational structure. It is this information that can be included in the first chapter. Such a description will be appropriate regardless of the specialty of the student, but nevertheless, it is better to focus on your direction of training, to consider in more detail the unit to which the student was assigned.

    Figure 1. An example of the organizational structure of a company for a manufacturing practice report

    Typically, a company website is useful for making the first chapter. Basic information can be gleaned both from the constituent documents and from conversations with employees.

    Writing the second chapter

    The second chapter of the report deals with issues related to the topic of practice. The topic can be issued to the student individually (and subsequently become the topic of the thesis) or be common for a group of students. A field trip report should cover this topic.

    Example 5

    Examples of topics in the economic direction:

    • Analysis of the use of authorized capital.
    • Accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors.
    • Analysis of income, expenses and financial results.
    • Audit of settlements with buyers and customers.
    • Analysis of the formation of the cost of production.
    • Methods for estimating production costs.

    Example 6

    Examples of legal topics:

    • Types of employment contracts.
    • Features of the legal regulation of female labor.
    • Legal aspects of employee motivation.

    When choosing a topic, it is extremely important to assess whether the base of practice will allow enough to reveal this topic.

    Example 7

    If a student is attached to a store that does not have its own workshops, it is unlikely that it will be possible to write something about an estimate of the cost of manufacturing a product. If the company does not have hired employees (an individual entrepreneur works alone, or only the founders themselves work in a limited liability company), disclosure of issues related to employment contracts will also be inappropriate.

    Example 8

    This chapter can consider the legal basis for organizing processes (current legislation and local acts), methodology, methods and tools, distribution of responsibilities between employees.

    Writing the third chapter

    The report on the passage of industrial practice in the enterprise can be limited to two sections, but more often it is supplemented by a third chapter - recommendations or at least identifying problems and optimization reserves. The report on the passage of industrial pre-diploma practice can become the basis of the diploma, therefore, the third chapter should be given close attention in order to facilitate their work in the future. Identification of problems should be accompanied by an analysis of performance indicators, illustrating the non-optimal nature of the current state of affairs.

    The internship manager can suggest what innovations are planned for implementation at the enterprise - their projects can be used as suggestions for improvement.

    Conclusion of the production practice report

    Once the student has detailed their activities, their final task is to confirm that the goals have been successfully achieved.

    Example 9

    At the conclusion of the report, the following points can be included:

    • Description of achievements and experience gained.
    • The difficulties that had to be overcome.
    • The relevance of one's professional activity and its social, scientific or economic importance.
    • Suggestions and comments on organizational issues.
    • General impressions and plans for the future.

    The Conclusion summarizes the entire field trip note. Here you need to tell how this internship was useful, what you learned during its time, what you did useful for the organization that accepted you.

    Reporting on industrial practice

    The correct preparation of the report on industrial practice is a prerequisite for obtaining a high mark. The order of registration corresponds to the list of sections of the document:

    • Title page. The sample is provided at the department, the differences from the title page of the course work are insignificant (another type of work and two leaders are indicated).
    • The next page is a table of contents (table of contents). The design does not differ from the design of the content in other works: the title of the section and the page on which it begins are indicated.
    • The rules for the formatting of the text also do not differ from the requirements for the formatting of other types of work. The text is printed on white A4 sheets on one side, in Times New Roman font size 12 or 14, with one and a half (rarely single) spacing.
    • The literature list of the report on industrial practice is drawn up in accordance with GOST.

    Additionally, a diary is filled in - a report on practice by day.

    Example 10

    A sample of how to fill out this document for a student of economics:

    • 02/05/2019 - Getting to know the workplace. Induction training.
    • 02/06/2019 - Study of the structure of the enterprise.
    • 02/08/2019 - Study of accounting policies.

    Figure 2. Diary view as part of a field trip report

    The diary can be printed in the form of a table with dates and completed cases, or manually entered into a special notebook. The firm assures the completed diary - that the trainee really worked these days, completed the tasks assigned to him within the specified time frame.

    On the final stage preparation it is useful to use a sample of filling out a report on industrial practice as an example of the correct design. This is due to the fact that the requirements in universities are different, different departments approach differently to questions appearance documents.

    Students of the first and second years of higher educational institutions are obliged to go through educational or introductory practice. At the end of the practice, each of them must prepare a report.

    Naturally, no one has any idea how to do this. Consider how to write a report on educational practice, a sample and an example of compiling this work.

    During the educational practice, the student is faced with the task of consolidating the theoretical knowledge obtained in the educational institution, giving an idea of ​​the future profession, and gaining initial practical work skills.

    Each case study report should be composed of the following sections:

    • Introduction
    • Main part
    • Conclusion

    In the introduction, the student must indicate his data, the data of the head, the terms of the internship, the place of its passage. You also need to describe the relevance of the practice, its goals and objectives.

    Usually this data is in teaching aids at the department of an educational institution. Unlike industrial and pre-diploma practice, the training is approximately the same for everyone and you can use ready-made template formulations: "Familiarization with the main activities of the enterprise ...", "study of the structure of the enterprise ...", "familiarization with the regulations and documents regulating the activities of the organization ... " etc..

    The main part describes the enterprise or organization in which the student underwent an internship, type of activity, features of work, statute or the legislative framework on which the work of the enterprise is based, the structure of the organization, the staffing table, job descriptions workers, etc.

    Here you can provide copies of documents.

    In the conclusion, the results of the above are summed up, the results of the completed practice, the knowledge and skills acquired are written.

    How to prepare a report on educational practice sample

    The report on educational practice should be from 5 to 15 pages in volume and is drawn up like any scientific work of a student.

    The title page is centered and contains the following information: full name of the educational institution, department, title of the work. Further information about the author of the work (aligned to the right): last name, first name, patronymic of the student, specialty, course, group. Below is the name of the practice leader. At the bottom of the title page, in the center, write the city and the year of the report.

    All worksheets should be numbered. Alignment of the text is performed according to the width of the sheet, margins along the edges: 2 cm at the top and bottom, 3 cm on the left and 1 cm on the right.

    Treat the design carefully, because accuracy is the first thing that catches the eye of the manager.

    Naturally, there should be no spelling and punctuation errors in the work.

    How to write a study practice report correctly

    First of all, contact your head of practice from the educational institution - he should provide you with guidelines that detail what should be written and how.

    If you do not have the opportunity to do this, or there is no manual, you can view the options for writing reports on the Internet by simply entering "How to write a report on educational practice sample" in the search bar.

    But keep in mind that different educational establishments make different demands.

    This type of work is very difficult, especially considering that this is the first practice in a student's life. We can help with the preparation of the report on educational practice. Our experts will quickly cope with this task, and you will receive a high-quality report without wasting your time and effort.