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  • Logopedist documentation in kindergarten. Regulatory documentation of a speech therapist

    Logopedist documentation in kindergarten.  Regulatory documentation of a speech therapist


    Letter from the Ministry of Education Russian Federation dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 // Education Bulletin, 2001 No. 2

    This instruction letter defines the procedure for organizing activities speech therapy station as a structural unit of a state, municipal educational institution.

    Speech therapy center is being created in educational institution in order to assist students with developmental disabilities oral and written speech(primary character), in their mastering general education programs(especially on native language).

    The main tasks of the speech therapy center are:

    A) correction of violations in the development of oral and written speech of students;

    B) timely warning and overcoming difficulties in mastering general education programs by students;

    C) clarification of special knowledge in speech therapy among teachers, parents (legal representatives) of students.

    A speech therapy center is created in a general educational institution located in an urban area, in the presence of five to ten classes of the I stage of the primary general education andthree to eight grades of the I stage of primary general education in a general education institution located in a rural area.

    Students of a general education institution who have disorders in the development of oral and written speech in their native language are enrolled in a speech therapy center (general speech underdevelopment varying degrees severity; phonetic and phonemic speech underdevelopment; phonemic speech underdevelopment; stuttering; pronunciation deficiencies - phonetic defect; speech defects; caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia); reading and writing disorders due to general, phonetic-phonemic, phonemic underdevelopment of speech).

    First of all, students who have impairments in the development of oral and written speech that impede their successful mastering of general education programs (children with general phonetic-phonemic and phonemic speech underdevelopment) are enrolled in a speech therapy center.

    Enrollment in a speech therapy center is carried out on the basis of a speech examination of students, which is carried out from September 1 to 15 and from May 15 to 30. The surveyed students with impairments in the development of oral and written speech are registered in the form in accordance with Appendix 1. Enrollment in the speech therapy center of students from among the surveyed and registered students is carried out throughout the academic year.

    The maximum occupancy of the speech therapy center of the city educational institution is no more than 25 people,rural educational institution - no more than 20 people.

    For each student enrolled in a speech therapy center, a speech therapist teacher fills out a speech card in the form according to Appendix 2.

    The release of students from the speech therapy center is carried out throughout the academic year after the elimination of their violations in the development of oral and written speech.

    Classes with students are conducted both individually and in a group. The main form is group lessons. The maximum occupancy of groups is established depending on the nature of the violation in the development of oral and written speech of the student and the location of the general education institution (Appendix 3).

    Classes with students at a speech therapy center, as a rule, are held outside of school hours, taking into account the working hours of a general educational institution.

    Pronunciation correction in first grade students with phonetic defects that do not affect academic performance, as an exception, can be carried out during lessons (except for Russian language and mathematics lessons).

    The frequency of group and individual sessions is determined by the severity of the violation speech development... Group lessons are conducted:

    With students who have a general speech underdevelopment;

    Reading and writing disorders due to general speech underdevelopment - at least three times a week;

    With students who have phonetic-phonemic or phonemic speech underdevelopment; reading and writing disorders due to phonetic-phonemic or phonemic speech underdevelopment - at least two to three times a week;

    With students with a phonetic defect - at least once or twice a week;

    With stuttering students - at least three times a week.

    Individual lessons are held at least three times a week with students who have a general speech underdevelopment of the second level according to R.E. Levina, speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia). As the pronunciation skills of these students develop, classes are conducted with them in a group. At the same time, classes with these students cannot be conducted in the same group with stuttering students and students with deficiencies in the pronunciation of certain sounds.

    The duration of the group lesson is 40 minutes, the duration individual lessons- 20 minutes.

    Themes of group and individual lessons with students and the recording of their attendance are reflected in the journal of optional and speech therapy classes.

    If it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, students with speech disorders, with the consent of their parents (legal representatives), are sent by the speech therapist to the appropriate medical and preventive institution for examination by specialist doctors (neuropathologist, child psychiatrist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, etc.) or to a psychological and medical pedagogical commission.

    Responsibility for compulsory attendance by students of classes in a speech therapy center is borne by a speech therapist, class teacher and head of a general education institution.

    The speech therapist teacher provides advisory assistance teachers of a general education institution and parents (legal representatives) of students in determining the reasons for academic failure and gives recommendations for overcoming them. The speech therapist teacher is responsible for organizing and timely identification of students with primary speech pathology and for recruiting groups. Teacher speech therapist:

    a) conducts classes with students to correct various violations of oral and written speech. In the course of classes, work is carried out to prevent and overcome failure in the native language due to primary speech impairment;

    b) interacts with teachers on the development of general education programs by students (especially in their native language);

    c) maintains contact with preschool educational institutions, with special (correctional) educational institutions for students, pupils with developmental disabilities, speech therapists and specialist doctors of children's clinics and psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions;

    d) participates in the work of methodological associations of speech therapists;

    e) submits to the head of a general education institution an annual report on the number of students with impairments in the development of oral and written speech in a general education institution and the results of training in a speech therapy center in the form (Appendix 4).

    For a speech therapy station, an office is allocated with an area that meets sanitary and hygienic standards. The speech therapy center is provided with special equipment (Appendix 5).

    Deputy Minister E.E. CHEPURNYKH


    (to be filled in by a speech therapist teacher after examining students)

    P / p No.

    Surname, name of the student, date of birth


    Date of examination

    Real academic performance in the native language

    Conclusion of the speech therapist

    Notes (edit)

    Appendix 2 SPEECH CARD

    (Other options for cards are possible, filled in for each student enrolled in a speech therapy center)

    1. Surname, name, age.

    2. Class.

    3. Home address, telephone.

    4. Date of admission to the speech therapy center.

    5. Academic progress in the native language (by the time of the survey).

    6. Complaints of the teacher or parents (legal representatives).

    7. The conclusion of the psychiatrist.

    8. Condition of hearing.

    9. Data on the course of speech development. Anamnesis of general and speech development.

    10. The state of the articulatory apparatus (structure and mobility).

    11. general characteristics speech (recording of a conversation, independent coherent statements):

    a) vocabulary: vocabulary within everyday life, wider, etc.; what parts of speech he predominantly uses; mistakes in the use of words: substitutions in meaning and acoustic similarity (give examples);

    b) grammatical structure: the types of sentences used, the presence of agrammatisms (give examples);

    c) pronunciation and distinction of sounds: pronunciation of sounds; absence, distortion, replacement and mixing of individual sounds; distinguishing between opposition sounds; reproduction of words with different sound-syllable composition (give examples); the pace and intelligibility of speech.

    12. The level of formation of the skills of analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of the word.

    13. Writing: the presence and nature of specific errors (mixing and replacing consonants, grammatisms, etc.) in the written works of students - dictations, statements, essays performed by them during the initial examination and in the classroom at the speech therapy center (written works are attached to speech map).

    14. Reading: the level of mastering the reading technique (letter by letter, syllabic, words); reading errors; reading comprehension.

    15. Manifestation of stuttering:

    a) the alleged reason; the severity of stuttering; situations that aggravate its manifestation (answers at the blackboard);

    b) the formation of linguistic means (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure);

    c) features of general and speech behavior (organization, sociability, isolation, impulsiveness);

    d) adaptation to the conditions of communication. 16. a brief description of the child according to the psychologist and teacher (organization, independence, stability of attention, working capacity, observation, attitude to the existing speech impairment).

    17. Conclusion of the speech therapist. 18. Results of speech correction (marked on the card by the time the student is expelled from the speech therapy center).

    Appendix 3


    Groups of students

    Maximum occupancy (people)

    A) an educational institution located in the city

    B) an educational institution located in a rural area

    with general speech underdevelopment (OHP)

    a) up to 4

    B) up to 3

    with mild general speech underdevelopment (HBOND)

    A) up to 5

    B) up to 4

    with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment (FN) and phonemic speech underdevelopment (FN)

    a) up to 6

    b) up to 5

    with deficiencies in reading and writing due to general speech underdevelopment

    a) up to 5

    B) up to 4

    with deficiencies in reading and writing due to phonetic-phonemic (phonemic) speech underdevelopment

    a) up to 6

    B) up to 5

    Note. The minimum number of students in the group is 3 students.



    Violations oral speech

    Written language disorders




    Phonetic defect


    Dyslex, dysgr, conditioned OHR

    Dyslex, dysgraph, due to FFN

    Students identified

    1 class

    2-4 grades

    Enrolled in speech therapy center

    1 class

    2-4 grades


    1 class

    2-4 grades


    1 class

    Grade 2-4


    1 class

    Grade 2-4

    1. Wall mirror for speech therapy classes

    (50x100) 1 pc.

    2. Mirror for individual work (9x12) 8 pcs.

    3. Speech therapy probes, spatulas

    4. Cutting alphabet (wall) 1 pc.

    5. Cash desks letters (individual) 8 pcs.

    6. Teaching aids

    7. Board games, toys, constructors

    8. Washbasin 1 pc.

    9. Blackboard 1 pc.

    10. Cabinets for benefits 2-3 pcs.

    11. Stationery table 1 pc.

    12. Chairs 5 pcs.

    13. Set "desk - chair" 8 pcs. 1pc

    15. Stopwatch 1 pc.

    16. Metronome 1 pc.

    17. Tape recorder 1 pc.

    23. Videorecorder pcs.

    24. Computer pcs.

    25. Floppy disks, disks


    Job responsibilities speech therapist

    Speech therapist plus // ARTICLES // The legislative framework// Job responsibilities of a speech therapist

    The teacher-speech therapist of the speech therapy center is obliged to fulfill the following job duties.

    1. In its professional activity a speech therapist teacher strives to fulfill the tasks facing an educational institution (hereinafter - OU), and is guided by the Charter of the educational institution and its local regulations.
    2. The teacher-speech therapist must be aware of the modern achievements of speech therapy, must apply modern, scientifically based methods.
    3. Teacher-speech therapist must know and take into account the boundaries of their own competence. He should not take on the solution of tasks that are impossible when state of the art speech therapy science and practice and its level vocational training, as well as tasks that are in the competence of specialists in other professions.
    4. The teacher-speech therapist is obliged to provide the necessary and possible speech therapy assistance to the child in solving speech therapy problems, taking into account his individuality and specific circumstances and being guided by the principle “do no harm”, ie. in a form that excludes harm to the health, well-being, honor and dignity of both the child himself and third parties.
    5. The teacher-speech therapist is obliged to keep secret information about those who turned to him for help, as well as official and professional secrets.

    When working at a speech therapy center at an educational institution, a speech therapist teacher must:
    - organize diagnostic examinations and timely identify students with speech pathology; identification of students for admission to a speech therapy center is carried out from September 1 to 15 and from May 15 to 30 according to the schedule agreed with the heads of the educational institution;
    - to enroll students at a speech therapy center, to complete groups;
    - to conduct classes with students on the elimination of various speech disorders and to help overcome the resulting lack of progress in the Russian language; classes with students are held on schedule during hours free from lessons;
    - carry out systematic communication with deputy directors for educational work supervised schools, class teachers and parents of students attending a speech therapy center;
    - attend lessons in order to develop a unified focus in the work of a speech therapist and teacher with students with speech disorders;
    - to interact with teachers on the development of general education programs by students (especially in the Russian language);
    - inform the pedagogical council of the school about the tasks, content and results of the work of the speech therapy center;
    - at the end of classes, conduct a graduation session (graduation class), which evaluates the success of children who have received speech therapy assistance;
    - to carry out among teachers and parents of students the propaganda of speech therapy knowledge to prevent and correct violations of oral and written speech;
    - participate (make presentations and reports) in meetings methodological associations teachers, in the work of pedagogical councils;
    - visit and actively participate in methodological associations of teachers-speech therapists of educational institutions;
    - know the content of the Russian language program, master the methods and techniques of teaching the Russian language, take them into account in your work, use didactic material in accordance with the theme of the program, which is studied in the lesson;
    - regularly hold parenting meetings and consultations;
    - deal with the equipment of the office and systematically equip the office with the necessary didactic material;
    - keep in touch with preschool educational institutions, with special (correctional) educational institutions for students with developmental disabilities, speech therapists and specialist doctors of children's clinics and the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;
    - to systematically improve their professional qualifications;
    - comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection;
    - to ensure the protection of the life and health of students during the educational process;
    - immediately inform the administration of the educational institution about an accident that happened to the child in the premises of the speech therapy center;
    - keep documentation in the prescribed form;

    main documentation:

    1. List of students with speech disabilities.

    3. Journal of attendance (group and individual) classes.
    4. Speech card.
    5. Annual methodical plan the work of a speech therapist.
    6. Long-term work plan.
    7. Lesson plans for each group.
    8. Summaries or detailed plans of speech therapy classes.
    9. Workbooks and notebooks for testing. 10. Schedule of group lessons, certified by the school principal or the inspector of the district education department.
    11. Passport of a speech therapy office, a card file of equipment, educational and visual aids located in speech therapy offices.
    12. Annual report on the work of a speech therapist;

    At the end of the academic year, draw up a report on the work of the speech therapy center and submit it to the administration of the educational institution;
    - draw up a timetable for the speech therapy station by the beginning of the academic year, agree it with the school director (where the speech therapy station is located) and approve it with the administration of the educational institution.


    Documentation and its maintenance

    Speech therapist plus // ARTICLES // The legislative framework// Documentation and maintenance

    To fix the correctional process that the speech therapist teacher organizes and conducts at the speech therapy center, the following types of documentation are offered.
    1. Register of attendance of speech therapy classes by students enrolled in a speech therapy center.
    2. Log of the survey of spoken and written speech.
    3. Speech cards for each child.
    4. General plan methodical work for the academic year.
    5. A long-term plan of work for the academic year.
    6. Daily (lesson) work plans for each group of students.
    7. Summaries or detailed lesson plans.
    8. Workbooks and notebooks for testing.
    9. Notebooks-diaries for individual lessons on the correction of sound pronunciation (are at the students).
    10. Schedule of group lessons, certified by the school principal or the inspector of the district education department.
    11. Passport of the speech therapy office, a card file of equipment, teaching and visual aids located in the speech therapy office.
    12. Copies of reports on the work done during the academic year


    Speech therapist work during school holidays

    Speech therapist plus // ARTICLES // The legislative framework// Work of a speech therapist teacher during school holidays

    School holidays are always filled with various activities organized and conducted by teachers. Some students leave during the holidays in camps, rest homes, on excursions, so speech therapy classes are not held during this period. During autumn holidays a speech therapist teacher conducts a study of the state of written speech of students in grades 2-4 for written work.

    This allows you to identify dysgraphic children and monitor students who previously studied at a speech therapy center. If there are free places in the group with a violation of the letter, it is replenished with new students. During the winter holidays, the speech therapist teacher examines the state of written speech of 1st grade students according to prescriptions and notebooks.

    In addition, he replenishes the equipment of the speech therapy room with visual aids, study tables, posters, etc., necessary for work, visits the methodological room and colleagues to exchange work experience, conducts conversations and consultations for parents of students studying at the speech therapy center.

    A speech therapist teacher checks the state of speech of children who will come to school in the fall, identifies children with speech impairments and makes a corresponding entry in medical records.

    If there are other speech therapists in the school area (in preschool institutions or a children's clinic), then on the days of spring break, it is advisable to conduct a methodological association between speech therapists of school speech therapy centers and speech therapists preschool institutions to develop measures for the implementation of continuity in the work of speech therapists at school and preschool medical institutions.

    On the days of school holidays, the speech therapist teacher, as necessary, consults the students at the speech therapy center with specialist doctors (neuropsychiatrist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist). It should be borne in mind that consultation of a child with any specialist doctor is possible only with the consent and in the presence of one of the parents or a person replacing them. If the parents give their consent to the consultation, but cannot be present during it, the speech therapist must have a written statement that the parents allow the teacher-speech therapist to show the child to the specialist doctor himself (with a mandatory indication of which specialist).

    A speech therapist teacher can use the vacation time to conduct speech therapy propaganda among parents and the population of the area.

    The work of a speech therapist teacher in June

    June is the most convenient time to improve the professional level of speech therapists. Therefore, it is advisable for regional (city) methodological offices and teacher training institutes to organize monthly seminar courses in June to exchange best practices. Similar seminars can be organized by senior speech therapists in their respective areas. Speech therapists can attend seminars organized in other areas.

    If there are no speech therapy preschool institutions (or speech therapy groups in mass kindergartens) and a speech therapist in a district children's clinic, a speech therapist teacher can organize classes in June with those children who will go to school, but have pronunciation disorders and are attached to this speech therapy center. These classes are held either in the premises of the kindergarten at a time agreed with the head or teachers of the groups, or in the premises of a speech therapy center.

    A speech therapist teacher can conduct similar lessons on the correction of sound pronunciation with children already enrolled in the first grades of schools attached to a speech therapy center, who have violations of sound pronunciation during enrollment.
    In addition, the admission of students to the first grade begins in April. A school speech therapist must take part in completing the first grades, identifying children with speech impairments already upon admission and referring them, if necessary, to a specialist doctor (neuropsychiatrist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist).


    Distribution of working time of a speech therapist

    Speech therapist plus // ARTICLES // The legislative framework// Distribution of the working time of the speech therapist

    Examination of the oral and written speech of students

    The first two weeks of the academic year (from September 1 to September 15) are allocated for the complete recruitment of groups and subgroups that will be engaged in a speech therapy center in the current academic year. The speech therapist teacher conducts a survey of the oral speech of first-graders attached to the speech center, and the written speech of students in grades 2-4, specifies the lists of groups pre-completed by him in May of the previous academic year from among students in grades 2-4.

    The examination of the oral speech of first graders is carried out in two stages. During the first week of September, the speech therapist teacher conducts a preliminary examination of the oral speech of all students admitted to the first grades, and identifies children with certain deviations in speech development. At the same time, he selects those students who need systematic remedial classes. This is done in the morning during school hours.
    Children who need speech therapy classes are registered for a speech therapy station with a list

    During the second week of September, the speech therapist teacher conducts a secondary in-depth examination of the oral speech of those children whom he selected for classes at the speech center during the preliminary examination. Secondary in-depth examination of the oral speech of children is carried out in the speech therapy room during the second half of the day, i.e. after school. Regular classes at the speech therapy center are held from September 16 to May 15.

    The last two weeks of May (from May 16 to May 31) are allocated for the examination of the oral and written speech of students in grades 1-3 with the aim of preliminary recruiting of groups with impaired writing and reading for the new academic year.
    All organizational work of the speech therapist teacher, carried out from September 1 to 15 and from May 16 to 31, is recorded on the corresponding page of the Attendance Register.

    Correctional educational work

    By September 15, the speech therapist teacher completes the examination of the oral and written speech of students, finally completes the groups, subgroups, determines the number of students for individual lessons and, on the basis of this, draws up a class schedule and long-term plans for working with each group of students. The duration of a group lesson is 40 minutes, the duration of an individual lesson is 20 minutes (reason: Instruction letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 12/14/2000, No. 2 "On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center of a general educational institution").

    Between group lessons breaks of 10-15 minutes are allowed, between subgroup lessons- 5-10 minutes. The teacher-speech therapist can use this period of time to check the written work performed by students in class, to record and analyze mistakes made, so that when planning the next lesson, provide for work to correct these errors, as well as for other work at his own discretion: a speech therapist can conduct a group of children and separate them into classes or, conversely, gather a group of children (this is sometimes necessary in the first months of working with first graders), prepare a blackboard or lay out visual and handouts for the next lesson, etc.

    The speech therapist determines the number of working hours per day depending on the working hours of schools attached to the speech center (one- or two-shift), on the number of groups and subgroups, on the presence of a branch, etc.

    Classes with students at a speech therapy center, as a rule, are held outside school hours, taking into account the working hours of the educational institution. Pronunciation correction in first grade students with phonetic defects that do not affect academic performance, as an exception, can be carried out during lessons (except for Russian language and mathematics lessons) (reason: Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 12/14/2000, No. 2 "On the organization of work speech therapy center of a general educational institution ").

    Students who do not attend after-school classes come to class from home. Pupils who attend extended day groups are sent by teachers of these groups to speech therapy classes from any regime moment in accordance with the schedule of speech therapy classes. Schedules should be known to caregivers and included in each after-school group.

    Teachers of extended day groups do not have the right to detain a child or not allow him to attend classes with a speech therapist due to the immediate implementation by him homework or any other reason; teacher primary grades also cannot independently decide whether his student should attend speech therapy classes or not. If a speech therapist has conflicts of this kind, he informs the school director with a memorandum about the unauthorized actions of the teacher or teacher, and in case of unacceptable measures, the inspector of the education department.

    The frequency of group and individual lessons is determined by the severity of speech development disorders.
    Group lessons are conducted:
    - at least three times a week - with students who have reading and writing disorders due to general speech underdevelopment;
    - at least two to three times a week - with students who have reading and writing disorders due to phonetic-phonemic or phonemic speech underdevelopment;
    - at least one or two times a week - with students who have a phonetic defect;
    - at least three times a week - with stuttering students.

    Individual lessons are held at least three times a week with students who have a general speech underdevelopment of the second level according to R.E. Levina - speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia) (basis: Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 "On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center of a general educational institution").

    All documentation is based on the following principles:
    - the documentation of the teacher-psychologist should be based on the existing basic regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation;
    - cover all types of work of a teacher-psychologist and be built in accordance with the main directions of his activities;
    - reflect in general the structure of the educational
    - to reflect a certain frequency of activity of a teacher-psychologist, which is convenient for reporting within the terms adopted for educational institutions;
    - focus on the activities of a teacher-psychologist as a coordinator of the escort service, who is closest to the child and family;
    - to have a certain unification both for the activity of a teacher-psychologist with "conditionally normative" children of different ages, and for the possibility of working with children with various developmental disabilities;
    - be comfortable and, if possible, take the minimum time to conduct.
    An important component of the professional activity of a teacher-psychologist in an educational institution is the execution of various types of documentation. Documentation should accompany each area of ​​activity of a teacher-psychologist. Kit (package)documentation is divided into the followingtypes: legislative acts and regulations;special documentation; organizational and methodological documentation.
    To the list of normative documentation of educational psychologists includes:

    • International: UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
    • Federal: Constitution of the Russian Federation
      Education Act.
      The concept of modernization of Russian education.
    • Regional: all documents that relate to the development of education in our area.

    Special documentation:
    This is a special type of documentation of a practical psychologist, providing the content and procedural aspects of his professional activity. The special documentation of a practical psychologist includes:
    - an extract from the medical record. Reflects the main parameters of the psychophysical development of the child and his somatic state.
    - map mental development child - a set of information about age development child presented in the ontogenetic aspect.
    - psychological conclusions. Structuring according to complex parameters, including indicators of the child's psychophysical development, as well as an assessment of his upbringing and education. The psychological conclusion also reflects the indicators of the cognitive, personal - emotional and communicative development of the child.
    - extracts from psychological reports and development maps. Issued at the request of parents (legal representatives), teachers, at the official request educational institutions and institutions of public education. The main text of the extract is an adapted part of the psychological report, which reflects the main conclusions.
    - examination protocols. The protocol is a form of fixing the features of the procedural course of the interaction of the teacher - psychologist with the child.
    - protocols remedial classes, conversations. More often they are drawn up in the form of a table in free form. The requirements relate only to the units of fixation: behavioral reactions, verbal support of activities, dynamics of emotional
    From the above documentation, three types are closed, namely: conclusions, correction maps and protocols... This documentation is stored in a place inaccessible for general viewing (safe, closed cabinet, etc.) and can be presented at the request of specialized specialists in the education system.

    Organizational and methodological documentation:
    The organizational and methodological documentation includes:
    1. Timing of the working time of a practical psychologist.
    2. Schedule of work.
    3.Annual work plan
    4. Differentiated work plan for the month.
    5. Forms of psychological inquiries.
    6. Logs of accounting of types of work: diagnostics; counseling; developmental and correctional work (individual); developmental and correctional work (group); educational work; organizational and methodological work; expert work.
    7. Programs of correctional and developmental classes.
    8. Albums of diagnostic techniques.
    9. Thematic plans of correctional and developmental classes.
    10. Help on the results of monitoring of ongoing activities and ongoing programs.
    11. Report and statistical information of a practical psychologist on the work done at the end of the year.


    Documentation of the teacher - speech therapist preschool educational institution

    Normative block:
    Legal documents regulating the organization of the correctional and pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions (groups),
    Job description speech therapist teacher,
    Labor protection instruction,
    Passport of the speech therapy office,
    Working programm,
    Letter on the procedure for recruiting correctional (speech therapy) groups and the release of children from correctional (speech therapy) groups,
    Attachments to the letter on the procedure for recruiting correctional groups.

    Planning block:
    A long-term plan for the academic year with the inclusion of sections on working with teachers and parents,
    Prospective (calendar) planning of GCD,

    Alvukhina Tatiana
    Documentation of the preschool educational teacher-speech therapist

    Education and Science Administration Committee

    of the municipality of the city of Novomoskovsk

    Municipal government educational institution of additional education

    "Information and Methodological Center"

    city ​​methodological association



    Legal and regulatory framework speech therapist.

    Speech on the topic:

    Documentation of the preschool educational teacher-speech therapist.


    January 23, 2014 at the Tula Regional Center for Diagnostics and Consulting "Help" an educational and practical seminar “Regulatory and legal base of a specialist of the Service of Practical Psychology of the Education System of State Educational Institutions. The seminar was conducted by Tatyana Ivanovna Sapronova - head of the methodological department.

    Based on the materials of this seminar, I will build my speech about documentation of a speech therapist preschool educational institution.

    The whole teacher documentation-logopedist can be roughly divided into blocks:

    Regulatory block;

    Planning block;

    Diagnostic unit;

    Working block documentation;

    Methodical block.

    Normative block:

    Job description speech therapist.

    (approved by the head of the preschool educational institution; one copy is kept by the head of the educational institution, the second by speech therapist)

    Labor protection instruction.

    Passport of the speech therapy office (card index, magazine):


    Didactic aids,


    Methodical literature, etc.

    Correctional education and training programs for children with speech impairments.

    Regulatory the documents regulating the organization of the correctional and pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions (groups).

    Planning block:

    General plan of methodical work for the academic year.

    1. The plan is drawn up in September. It provides for the following sections:

    Examination of children's speech (the dates and the number of children are indicated)

    Acquisition of groups and subgroups;

    Schedule or grid of speech therapy sessions;

    Forms of interaction between speech therapist and group educators.

    Measures to improve the equipment of the speech therapy office with teaching aids, didactic games and visual material;

    Measures to improve the skills of a speech therapist (attendance at courses, lectures, methodological associations, etc.)

    2. The schedule of classes is drawn up together with the head of the educational institution and the methodologist of the preschool educational institution and is certified. In it indicated:

    Frontal classes,

    Subgroup lessons,

    Individual sessions.

    We fix the time, subgroup or number of individual lessons in a given period of time.

    3. The plan must indicate the timing of consultations with teachers and parents; the name of the Board of Educators or the workshop in which your message is included.

    4. General plan of methodical work teachers-logopedist must be agreed with the preschool educational institution methodologist and reflected in the preschool educational institution's annual plan.

    Long-term plan correctional work for the academic year (for each age group)

    1. Compiled for each week of the month for the whole year for each group of children.

    2. Must be indicated lexical topic weeks. All preschool educational institutions work (if possible) within this lexical topic.

    3. The form of long-term planning for children with OHD is given in guidelines Bulatovoy N.V. For children with FFNR, some of these points can be combined or omitted and items such as "Formation of phonemic perception", "Formation of skills in sound analysis and synthesis" etc.

    4. At the beginning of the year teacher- a logopedist acquaints the group educators with a long-term work plan.

    Daily calendar plans for correctional and educational work.

    It is compiled on the basis of long-term planning and a network of speech therapy sessions for each age group of children of speech pathologists.

    Frontal lesson plan

    Subgroup lesson plan

    Individual lesson plans for sound pronunciation correction

    Diagnostic unit:

    Speech cards for each child,

    1. To be completed at the beginning of the school year for each child; further in the middle of the academic year, the dynamics of speech development is described, and at the end the results of correctional work for the year.

    2. Pay attention to the detailed filling of the paragraph "Anamnesis"... The data is written off from the IPC protocol or the child's outpatient card.

    3. It is advisable to write examples of children's speech (fabaka is a dog, a chair may be my chair, etc.)

    4. For a child with OHP in the second year of schooling, the speech card is filled out a second time, but with ink of a different color, the observation diary continues.

    5. Attached to the card individual plan correctional work for 1 or 2 years.

    Summary diagnostic tables, monitoring results,

    Lists of children submitted to the PMPK

    Card for accompanying a child upon admission to school (the card contains a conclusion teachers-logopedist about the state of speech of the child. Most often filled out by the head nurse of the preschool educational institution)

    Working block documentation:

    Cyclogram of activities.

    Children's register.

    1. The form for filling out this journal is given in the methodological recommendations of N.V. Bulatova.

    2. The journal is filled in at the beginning of the academic year. The pages of the journal are numbered, bound and sealed with the seal of the educational institution.

    3. The journal can last for several years, while necessarily sharing academic years, and at the end of the year is given a short report:

    - children were accepted:

    - dropped out of the MDOU:

    Released in general education school:

    Released in general MDOU kind:

    - graduated to boarding school:

    - stayed again:

    4. All columns are filled in teacher- a logopedist on the basis of the IPC protocol and the child's medical record.

    The dates of the examination of children by specialists, the diagnosis, if any, chronic diseases, etc. are indicated.

    5. Counts "IPC data on the release of children" are filled teacher- a logopedist independently on the basis of the annual report (when, with what diagnosis and where the child left or stayed for the second year of study) or on the basis of the IPC protocol, if the child was brought to the commission at the end of the year again.

    Attendance register.

    An individual child's notebook for the development of graphic skills.

    Notebooks for individual homework speech therapist.

    Register of individual counseling of parents, teachers.

    Relationship notebook teachers- speech therapist and educator, teachers-logopedist and OU specialists.

    1. To be filled in by a speech therapist once a week.

    2. Indicated different kinds assignments: individual, subgroup and frontal assignments for the week.

    3. The teacher must make a note of the fulfillment tasks: who coped with, which child should be dealt with additionally, etc.

    4. Be sure to write a list of children with an indication of the diagnosis, lists of children by subgroup, a screen of sound pronunciation on the first page for educators.

    Self-analysis of activities teachers-logopedist in all areas of work.

    Methodological block:


    Portfolio teacher issued in a folder - a drive with files (in a binder)... The main principles of portfolio compilation are: consistency; completeness and concreteness of the information provided; objectivity of information; presentability.

    Subsequence documents invested in the portfolio must comply with the expert opinion.

    The certified person has the right (on your own) include in the portfolio additional sections, materials, design elements, etc., reflecting its individuality. The folder and the materials collected in it must have an aesthetic appearance, each document dated and signed by the author (compiler, developer).

    All copies must be certified by the head of the educational institution.

    Own pedagogical experience.

    Work programs,

    Publications in the media, Internet resources.



    Information banks with class notes, entertainment scenarios,

    Dear colleagues - speech therapists! We know very well how long it takes to complete the plan - summaries of individual lessons, which must be mandatory in our work. Record keeping is time consuming. Each lesson must be recorded. It should reflect all types of work. In this regard, we came up with the idea of ​​creating templates that are very convenient to use for individual correction work. We offer you an approximate plan for an individual speech therapy lesson.

    We decided to present all stages of work in a table for speech components. Depending on the speech therapy conclusion, we have developed several options for such a plan - abstracts. For preschoolers with phonetic impairment, with phonetic-phonemic speech impairment, with general speech underdevelopment.

    V ready template you only need to enter the name and surname of the child, the date of the individual lesson, indicate the literature or other manual that was used for articulation, breathing exercises, in the automation or differentiation of sounds. For children with general speech underdevelopment, there are more stages, respectively, the table is more voluminous. We tried to introduce the basic games for the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. If the lesson includes work on the development of coherent speech, then you can simply finish writing that story, poem, phrase-mongering, which is being worked on according to long-term planning or lexical topic.

    So, we have a plan - a synopsis for the beginning of the year (it is possible by periods like ours), in the middle of the year and at the end, depending on the dynamics of the child's development.

    This idea of ​​writing a plan - a summary of individual lessons, firstly: it saves time, which means it makes it possible to use it more in working with children, and secondly, the documentation is always kept in order.

    You can use our idea, but change the content of the individual lesson at your discretion. For the convenience of placing abstracts in a file folder, we compress the table, you can reduce the font, then two or even three such lessons are placed on the A4 format. In the sample plan for OHP, you can emphasize the desired option of the task, you can fill in the missing exercise, indicating the source page.

    We arrange the maintenance of documentation for individual work to a file folder for each child. At the end of the file folder, we present all the literature and didactic games that we are working on. In the column "Articulatory gymnastics" we indicate the complexes of exercises for each group of sounds. These complexes are also attached to the folder for individual work.

    We will be glad if our idea is useful to you in your work.

    II period December-January-February

    (Last name, first name of the child) _______________________________________________________

    FFNR speech therapy conclusion _____________________________________________

    • Continue work on the development of articulatory and fine motor skills, speech breathing.
    • Eliminate defective sound reproduction.
    • Sound setting
    • Automation of delivered sounds in syllables, words, phrases.
    • Continue to develop auditory attention, memory, phonemic perception.
    • To develop skills and abilities to differentiate sounds that are similar articulatory and acoustically.
    • To form the skills of using phonetically pure, lexically developed, grammatically correct speech.
    • Development of mental functions ………………………………………………………….
    • ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

    1. Articulation gymnastics

    Complex for ………………………………………….

    2. Phonemic hearing

    Didact. / game "Catch the sound" "Pick a word for a given sound" Didact. / game "Clap if you hear a sound" and others ………………………………….

    3. Finger gymnastics

    4. Sound reproduction

    Differentiation in syllables, in words, in sentences, phrases, coherent statements, in poems, pure phrases, in spontaneous speech

    7 mental processes

    Exercise for the development of memory, attention, thinking, imagination, representation, etc.

    9 literacy preparation

    10. Graphic skills

    Coloring a picture by topic, typing a letter, syllables of words, tracing patterns and letters by points, etc.

    (Last name, first name of the child) ________________________________________________________

    ОНР speech therapy conclusion ... ________________________________

    1. Articulation gymnastics

    Complex for …………………………… ..

    2. Phonemic hearing


    3. Finger gymnastics

    Su-jok exercise., Dry pool, self-massage of fingers, fingers. hymn. with speech accompaniment, coupled gymnastics …………………………… ..

    4. Sound reproduction

    Automation in syllables, in words, in sentences, phrases, coherent statements, in poems, pure phrases, in spontaneous speech
    Differentiation in syllables, in words, in sentences, phrases, coherent statements, in poems, pure phrases, in spontaneous speech


    D. games: "Name a word", "Pick up a sign", "name an action."


    7 mental processes

    Exercise for the development of memory, attention, thinking, imagination, representation, etc.


    8 coherent speech


    9 literacy training

    Sound Analysis words, drawing up a word scheme, dividing words into syllables, characterizing a given sound, typing a letter, decoding isographs, etc.

    10. Graphic skills

    Coloring a picture by topic, typing a letter, syllables of words, tracing patterns and letters by points,

    other …………………………………………………………………………

    1. Articulation gymnastics

    Complex for ………………………….

    2. Phonemic hearing

    Didact. / game "Catch the sound" "Pick a word for a given sound" Didact. / game "Pop if you hear a sound" "Say the word"


    3. Finger gymnastics

    Su-jok exercise., Dry pool, self-massage of fingers, fingers. hymn. with speech accompaniment, coupled gymnastics


    4. Sound reproduction

    Automation in syllables, in words, in sentences, phrases, coherent statements, in poems, pure phrases, in spontaneous speech

    Differentiation in syllables, in words, in sentences, phrases, coherent statements, in poems,

    pure phrases, in spontaneous speech ……………………………………….

    5. Vocabulary

    D. games: "Name a word", "Pick a sign", "Name an action"


    Did./ game "One is a lot", "Name it affectionately", "Whose? Whose? Whose? "," 1,3,5 ... "" Pick up a sign "," What is he doing? " and etc.


    7. Mental processes

    Exercise to develop memory, attention, thinking, imagination, representation and


    8. Coherent speech

    Drawing up a sentence with a given word, according to the scheme; drawing up a story from a picture, from a series of plot pictures, from a given beginning, from personal experience, retelling of the work, creative storytelling, etc.


    9. Preparation for teaching literacy

    Sound analysis of a word, drawing up a word diagram, dividing words into syllables, characterizing a given sound, typing a letter, decoding isographs, etc.


    10. Graphic skills

    Coloring pictures by topic, typing letters, syllables of words, tracing patterns and letters by points, etc.


    Dear Colleagues!

    We offer you ready-made goals that you can use when planning individual work with children. They facilitate the maintenance of documentation on individual work, save time, and reflect the main stages of the lesson content. Here is an example of such goals, compiled by period. They can be changed depending on the level of speech development of your pupils. It can be reduced or vice versa, supplemented. Similarly, we made goals for classes with different speech therapy conclusions. We will be glad if they are useful to you.


    FFNR, LGNR I period September-October-November

    1. Clarification, expansion and activation of vocabulary.
    2. To develop auditory attention, memory, phonemic perception.
    3. Improving work on the word:

    • Clarification of the meanings of the words available to children and further enrichment of the vocabulary, including through the development of the ability to use various methods of inflection and word formation.
    • Assimilation of the concepts "a word denoting an object", "a word denoting an action", "a word denoting a sign of an object".

    3. Work on the phrase and its grammatical design:

    • Understanding and distinguishing nouns (masculine and feminine).
    • Concordance of a verb with a noun in gender and number.
    • A gradual transition from a simple, uncommon sentence to
    • Practical assimilation of the accusative case without a preposition.
    • Practical assimilation of the dative case.
    • Practical assimilation of the genitive case.
    • Practical assimilation of the instrumental case form.
    • Practical assimilation of prepositions.

    FFNR, LGNR II period December-January-February

    1. Continue work on clarification, expansion and activation of vocabulary.

    2. Continue to develop auditory attention, memory, phonemic perception through games and special exercises.

    3. Improving work on the word (see 1 period)

    4. Continue working on the phrase and its grammatical design.

    • Formation of ideas about the structure, grammatical and intonational design of the sentence. Concordance of a verb with a noun in gender and number.
    • Coordination of nouns with adjectives in gender.
    • A gradual transition from a simple, uncommon sentence to a general sentence.
    • Word formation.
    • Accumulation of the qualitative side of the vocabulary by suffix and prefix methods of education.

    5. Inflection.

    6. The structure of a complex sentence: compound with unions "a", "and";
    complex with the union "because ...".

    7. Formation of the idea of ​​narrative, interrogative and exclamatory intonations.

    8. Formation of a coherent statement, taking into account the agreement of all parts of speech in gender, number and cases.

    FFNR, LGNR III period March - April - May

    • Continue working on the phrase and its grammatical design.
    • Form the skills of using lexically developed, grammatically correct speech.
    • Continue work on the formation of phonemic representations: auditory attention, memory, perception.
    • The development of coherent speech for the development of the prosodic side of speech, when teaching storytelling.
    • Development of mental functions.
    • Development of expressive means of speech.

    We offer an approximate schedule of individual work in a preparatory school for a compensatory group. The schedule is drawn up at the beginning of the year, then it can be adjusted during the year based on the results of interim diagnostics.


    Head of MKDOU # 22
    ________ N.E. Grushevskaya
    "15" 201

    Schedule of individual work with children in the preparatory school for a compensatory orientation group No. ____ for 20 - 20 (January-May)

    Days of the week

    Time spending

    F.I. child


    16.20 -16.35
    16.40 -16.55

    Danil K.
    Danil N.




    Danil N.

    16.20 -16.35
    16.40 -16.55


