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  • Methodical recommendations for drawing up a plan. Methodical recommendations for the preparation of PPP and CPT. Event name and form

    Methodical recommendations for drawing up a plan.  Methodical recommendations for the preparation of PPP and CPT.  Event name and form

    Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" defines the curriculum "as a breakdown of the content of the educational program for training courses, by disciplines and years of study ".

    The curriculum of a general education institution has a certain structure, which is:

    1. Operating mode of the op-amp (indicate the number of classes as a whole and by degrees of study, the number of classes with in-depth study of individual subjects, the number of extended day groups, work schedule and shifts, the duration of lessons).
    2. Explanatory note(normative documents on the basis of which the curriculum was drawn up, the target orientation, strategic and tactical guidelines for updating the content of education, the profile of the educational institution, if the school is general education, but there are specific classes - KRO, compensatory learning, profile, in-depth study of a subject, general characteristics the invariant component - FC and RK, the use of the variable part in accordance with the profile of the school (class). The main issue that needs to be paid attention to when drawing up a plan and an explanatory note is the ratio of the content of the invariant (FC and RK) and variable (CC) parts. This ratio is determined by: the social order and the general goals of education in a given school, the role of individual subjects in the implementation of the set goals; the originality of private goals, tasks and content of individual objects and groups of objects ( educational areas) at each of the levels of education; interdisciplinary communications (their purpose, specific ways of implementation, including within the framework of integrated courses); additional educational programs and services implemented at the expense of budgetary funding (i.e. provided to students free of charge) outside the PMU. The use of subject courses, special courses, elective courses as an integral part of the school educational program. It is important not only to indicate which disciplines, subjects, types learning activities introduced at the expense of the school component, but also to justify the feasibility of their introduction. Programs additional education(circles, sections, etc.) implemented at the expense of budgetary funding (i.e. provided to students free of charge) outside curriculum.
    3. Grid of hours with a breakdown by level of study(take into account the following: the weekly study load should not exceed the maximum permissible (SanPiN requirements), in primary and secondary schools, for each class, FC, RK and ShK are indicated; in profile classes (10-11), subjects are indicated that are studied in profile or in-depth level (each child studies at least 2 subjects, but no more than 3); the name of the elective courses is indicated in full.
    4. Software and methodological support of the curriculum.Software - a list of those specific curricula for each of the curriculum subjects that are accepted for use in this educational institution. Methodological support - the means that are used to teach each of the subjects of the curriculum. Educational and methodological complex - the totality of all methodological support in the subject of study (program, textbooks, tutorials, atlases, notebooks with a printed basis, etc.)

    Information about the educational and methodological support used for each subject is drawn up in the idea of ​​a table, which is attached to the curriculum







    Provision of students



    ** Types of programs:

    • A sample program for a basic school.
    • Sample high school curriculum (basic level).
    • Sample high school curriculum (profile level).
    • Author's program recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (basic, specialized, advanced level)
    • Author's program approved by ZabKIPKRO, State Scientific Research Center.
    • Modified (adapted) program, compiled by the teacher on the basis of the program recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, ZabKIPKRO, State Scientific Research Center (changes are no more than 20%).

    Individual curriculum in a senior specialized school (formation algorithm).

    IUP is a set of subjects (courses) selected for mastering by students from the educational plan of the educational institution, drawn up on the basis of the federal BUP.

    1. A survey of 9th grade students, their parents in order to determine the profile of their preferences and the subjects that they want to study at an expanded or in-depth level.
    2. The choice of an organizational model of training, the definition of the main profiles, subjects that will be studied at the basic and specialized level.
    3. Development of a working version of the curriculum, identifying the requests of each student on the content of education in grades 10-11. At this stage, the administration develops and offers students in grades 9 a version of the curriculum (subjects of the compulsory basic component and subjects offered to choose from by the level of study - profile or basic), a list of elective courses and a memo for the student. High school students must choose at least 2 subjects studied at a profile or advanced level in their chosen profile. And optional items of an additional profile. When drawing up a curriculum, students consult with the deputy director, class teacher.
    4. Drawing up an IEP, which must be agreed with the parents.
    5. Processing and analyzing the data of the IEP of students and determining the possibilities for their provision. The administration of the educational institution draws up a summary table that summarizes the individual curricula of high school students, determining the number of interclass groups and their composition. Adjustments are made to the student IEP. For example, out of 100 students, only 3 people chose to study geography at a specialized level, it is impossible to create a group, students are invited to adjust their curriculum.
    6. Drawing up the school curriculum, its examination, agreement and approval.

    When studying the activities of the educational institution on the organization of the MSC, the following documents are provided:

    1. Regulations on the MSC (school).
    2. School work plan (with an analysis of work for the past academic year), which should include a control plan.
    3. Criteria for assessing the activities of teachers.
    4. Job descriptions of managers.
    5. Minutes of administrative meetings (with the director, head teacher, MO).
    6. Orders for organizing control and its results.
    7. References on the results of control.
    8. Monitoring results, control works etc.
    9. Cool magazines (optional) on special request.

    When studying the state of pre-profile training and profile training.

    1. Regulations on pre-profile training.
    2. Regulations on specialized training.
    3. Regulations on admission to the 10th profile class.
    4. Regulations on the "portfolio" of the student.
    5. The program (model) for the introduction of profile training in educational institutions,
    6. Syllabus.
    7. Schedule of training sessions.
    8. Schedule of elective and elective courses.
    9. Cool magazines for grades 9-11.
    10. Elective course programs.
    11. Materials of diagnostic procedures.
    12. Minutes of parents' meetings.
    13. Plans educational work class teachers in grades 9-11.

    When studying the organization of individual training:

    1. References PMPK, VKK, MSEC.
    2. Orders.
    3. Work programs for children to study.
    4. Individualized Learning Journals and Class Journals Listed by Children.
    5. The plan of the MSC, the final documents on the control of this direction of the school's work.

    When changing the training program (from general education program for correctional), a certificate from the "Gift" center is required. When applying for individual training without changing the program (injuries, exacerbation of somatic diseases, etc.), a certificate from the Dar center is not required. A VK certificate with three signatures is required.

    The lesson is a form of implementation of pedagogical influences, where there is a direct and systematic communication between the teacher and students, aimed at enhancing the cognitive capabilities of students.

    Modern lessons are distinguished by a wide variety of forms of training organization. The lesson is often called the teacher's laboratory - the most difficult, because work is carried out with "human material" and requires forecasting the capabilities of students, methodical development of the material, education of those personal properties, those social and moral qualities that they need.

    The lesson effectiveness formula includes two components:thorough preparation andskill of conducting .

    The basis for preparing for a lesson is the knowledge and use of didactic teaching principles:

      Consciousness and activity;


      Consistency and consistency;



      Links between theory and practice.

    The rules for implementing the principles of teaching are also called the rules of pedagogical excellence. The rules for implementing the principles are the steps of professionalism. It turns out that a good teacher is good because he embodies all the multifaceted requirements.

    To make the lesson more effective it is necessary:

      The study curriculum and thematic plan... It is necessary to clearly define the goals of each lesson, taking into account its place in the system of lessons on the topic and the course as a whole, i.e. to plan not one lesson, but all lessons in conjunction.

      Determination of the methodological features of the topic. Based thematic planning the purpose, content, features of the methodological structure of each lesson are determined.

      Determination of the nature of the presentation teaching material.

      Preparation of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the characteristics and capabilities of the group.


      • Educational and educational tasks solved in the lesson;

        Knowledge and skills that students acquire;

        Teaching methods adequate to the studied material;

        Necessary training aids;

        Content, volume, methods of performing and fixing independent (lesson and extracurricular) work.

    Depending on the goals and content of educational activities, the teacher determines the type of lesson and the form of organizing the lesson, forms the structure, distributes time between the elements of the lesson, chooses the sequence of his actions.

    Thus, in preparation for the lesson, two tasks are distinguished: the first is the design of the teaching technology in the lesson, and the second is the plan for the implementation of the developed project. The formed lesson project is reflected in the lesson plan.

    Sample lesson plan diagram

    The lesson plan is written in accordance with thematic plan work program discipline and thematic plan.

    The lesson plan is given in Appendix 1


      FULL NAME. teacher.

      Academic discipline.


      Course, Group.

      Section name.

      Lesson topic and lesson number (you take the name of the topic from the one you have developed calendar- thematic planning in line with the thematic plan of the work program of the discipline , write out the ordinal number of the lesson from your calendar thematic planning ).

      Complex purpose of the lesson: a) educational( formation of knowledge, skills, special and general educational skills ) ; b) developing; c) educational

      Lesson type( The type of lesson is determined by the purpose of organizing the lesson, i.e. the purpose of its conduct).

    Types of theoretical lessons (according to Makhmutov M.I.):

      lesson of studying new educational material.

      a lesson in improving knowledge, skills and abilities.

      a lesson in generalization and systematization of knowledge.

      lesson in control of knowledge, skills and abilities.


    Lesson types practical training (according to Makhmutov M.I.):

      a lesson on the initial formation of skills.

      a lesson in improving skills and abilities.

      lesson on implementation complex assignments(works).

      Form of holding (lecture, seminar, conversation, practical lesson, laboratory work, independent work, practical work, dispute, excursion, role-playing game, conference, mixed (several types of activities approximately the same in time), seminar, business game, problem solving, research, etc.).

      Educational visual aids and TCO (here you list equipment and devices for demonstrations, laboratory work and workshops, include a list technical means training (TCO) that you plan to use in the lesson (media projector, computer, screen, multimedia board, DVD etc. It is allowed to include a description in this section didactic materials and visual aids (educational material, tests, posters, tables, audio tapes, videos, presentations, various electronic manuals, etc.). For computer science lessons, you can include the software you are using.

      Interdisciplinary communication.

      During the classes(indicate the components of the lesson in the order in which they are planned to be conducted, depending on the form of organization educational process, the type of lesson, the structure of the content of the educational material, the choice of teaching methods).The structure of the course of the lesson depends on the selected type of lesson.

      Organizational part (greeting, checking for absentees, motivation and stimulation of students' activity, target setting, activation of necessary knowledge ( actualization), message of the topic of the lesson ).

      Main part ( The main questions of the topic, the sequence of their presentation, methods and methods of teaching, the use of TCO and teaching materials for each item of the main part of the lesson ).

      Summing up the lesson. (Conclusions on the lesson, reflection (consolidation of knowledge (in any form suggested by the teacher)), analysis of typical mistakes, assignment for independent work )

      Dosage of time for each part of the session.

      Literature ( used to prepare for the lesson ).

    It is most effective when all three didactic tasks are solved in a lesson, but it can be different (it depends on the goals and type of lesson).

    Form of activity depends on the method used and methodological techniques... For example: a conversation, independent work, working with a book, watching a video, etc.

    Ways of organizing activities teacher and students (according to Molchan L.L.):





    Depending on the results of diagnostics (reflection), the teacher plans collective, group and individual teaching methods.

    The lesson technology can be both traditional and non-traditional. It is recommended to use innovative pedagogical technologies (research, information - communication, modular - competence, cooperation, etc. .), which allows you to change the learning process.

    Means of education - these are tools for the activities of the teacher and students. Teaching aids can be verbal, printed, sound, screen, volumetric, technical.

    Teaching methods - a way of research or cognition, a way of achieving a goal, a certain way of ordered activity, subordinate to the solution of a specific problem.

    In didactics, teaching method means an orderly way of achieving educational goals.

      teaching methods (story, explanation, conversation);

      working methods of students (exercises, independent work);

      by source of knowledge: a)verbal methods (the source of knowledge is the spoken or printed word); b)visual methods (Observable objects, phenomena, visual aids are the source of knowledge); v)practical methods (students gain knowledge and develop skills by performing practical actions).

    Didactic methods (according to I.Ya. Lerner)



      Problematic: problematic presentation; heuristic; research.

    Learning techniques - part of the method, its stage. Mastering techniques means finding a way to implement a method, a sequence training activities fixed in skills and habits.

    Techniques are divided intobrain teaser (problem statement, identification of signs, comparisons, conclusions, generalizations);

    organizational (writing the plan, answering according to the plan, answering at the blackboard, demonstration, observing according to the plan, dividing the work into operations);

    technical (questions on the board, questionnaires, attaching pictures to the board, using tables, asking questions).

    Lesson effectiveness

      Implementation of the lesson plan;

      The measure of the implementation of the objectives of the lesson;

      Levels of assimilation of knowledge and methods of activity of students;

      • 1st assimilation at the level of perception, understanding, memorization;

        2nd application in a similar and similar situation;

        3rd application in a new situation, i.e. creative.

      General assessment of the results and effectiveness of the lesson.

    Annex 1

    Lesson plan # __

    Date: _____________ Full name teacher ____________________________

    by discipline / module: ______________________________________________

    Chapter: ____________________________________________________________

    Theme: _____________________________________________________________

    For a group _______ course ______ specialty _______________________




    3. ________________________________________________________________

    Lesson type: _________________________________________________________

    Lesson form: ____________________________________________

    Teaching aids and TCO:____________________________________

    Interdisciplinary communication ___________________________________________


    I. Organizational th moment:

    1) Greetings and verification of those present;

    2) Activation of required knowledge ( actualization),

    3) Motivation and stimulation of students' activities;

    4) Target setting;

    5) Post the topic of the lesson.

    II. Main part ( The main questions of the topic, the sequence of their presentation, methods and methods of teaching, the use of TCO and teaching materials for each item of the main part of the lesson)

    III.Summing up the lesson.

      Lesson conclusions (summing up the results of the work, reporting the grades for the lesson);

      Reflection (consolidation of knowledge (in any form suggested by the teacher), analysis of typical mistakes);

      Self-study assignmentstudents outside school hours __________________________________________________________

    Teacher: ________________

    Appendix 2

    (to help a novice teacher)

      The first thing to start with preparing for the lesson:

      clearly define and formulate its topic for yourself;

      determine the place of the topic in the training course;

      define the leading concepts of the topic;

      designate for yourself that part of the training material that will be used in the future.

      Define and clearly formulate for yourself and separately for students the target setting of the lesson, designate in this regard the teaching, developmental and educational functions of the lesson.

      Plan the teaching material for the lesson. For this you need:

      Pick up literature on the topic. If we are talking about new educational material, you should try to include a university textbook, an encyclopedic publication, a monograph, and a popular scientific publication in the list. Select from the available material only the one that serves to solve the assigned tasks in the simplest way.

      Pick up study assignments, the purpose of which is:

      recognition of new material;

      reproduction of new material;

      applying knowledge in familiar situations;

      applying knowledge in unfamiliar situations;

      creative approach to knowledge.

      Arrange study assignments according to the principle "from simple to difficult". Compose three sets of tasks:

      tasks leading the student to reproduce educational material;

      tasks that contribute to the comprehension of the educational material;

      tasks that contribute to the consolidation of educational material

      Think over the "highlight" of the training session. Each lesson should contain something that will evoke surprise, amazement, delight - something that students will remember when everyone has forgotten. It could be interesting fact, an unexpected discovery, a beautiful experience, an unconventional approach to what is already known, and so on.

      Group the selected teaching material. To do this, think over in what sequence the work with the selected material will be organized, how the change in the types of students' activities will be carried out. The main thing when grouping the material is the ability to find a form of lesson organization that will cause increased activity of students, and not passive perception of the new.

      Plan the control of educational activities, for which to think over:

      what control;

      how control;

      how to use control results.

    It should be remembered that the more often everyone's work is monitored, the easier it is to see typical mistakes and difficulties.

      Prepare equipment for the lesson. Make a list of teaching aids, instruments, technical teaching aids, check if everything works.

      Think over homework: its content and recommendations for implementation.

    The prepared lesson is reflected in the outline / technological map, containing 2 main parts: formal and informative.

    The formal part reflects: date, number of the lesson, topic, goals (training, education, development), equipment, type and type of lesson, sequence of stages, literature.

    The content part includes the texts of all assignments, new training material, recommendations for implementation homework, a table indicating the types of activities of the teacher and students at each stage of the lesson.

    Attention! It is recommended that a novice teacher include in the lesson synopsis the analytical part - self-analysis of the lesson.

    Appendix 3

    Self-analysis is a kind of reflexive activity of a teacher, his reflections on his professionalism. It's like a report to oneself.

    The peculiarity of introspection of a training lesson is that it should be carried out through the perspective of the group and specific students. Real introspection is thinking about what needs to be done in terms of your professional development... No one can convince the teacher that he needs to do more in this direction than himself.When introspection of the lesson, the teacher is advised to look for answers to the following questions:

      Did you manage to implement the planned plan of the training session? To what extent? How high is the quality? Have there been deviations from the plan? Have the students learned the material?

      How were the activities of the teacher and the activities of the students organized in the class? Did you manage to implement the declared activities within the declared topic of the lesson? Who worked harder - the teacher or the students? Were the students active during the class? Did you take the initiative? Have the goals and objectives of the training session been correctly defined, have the features of this training group been taken into account?

      Did you manage to form students' motivation for learning activities in this lesson with the chosen techniques and give them a target setting?

      How optimal for the implementation of the goal of the lesson were the selected forms, methods, methods of organizing educational activities; Are the subtasks of each activity defined correctly (as an expected result after completing certain tasks, exercises, tasks, etc.)?

      Is the time ratio of the stages of the training session determined optimally?

      Did you manage to correctly define the tasks, place, forms and methods of control? How effective is it? Was there a motivation for the assessments?

      Did you manage to organize the work of students to assess their own activities in the classroom from the standpoint of achieving the target setting?

      What is the extent to which the objectives of this training session have been achieved?

      What were the most successful moments in the lesson? Did you manage to captivate students, interest them?

      What problems were raised, did the very formulation of the problem attract the attention of students?

      What was new and unexpected for the students in the teaching material, in the way it was presented? What discoveries were in the lesson?

      What was clearly unsuccessful in the class? What needs to be fixed and how? What could be improved in the organization of the lesson, in the content and methods of work?


    In introspection, it is valuable to show not how we achieve success, but what problems we face, which solutions turn out to be effective and which ones are less effective, how this will affect work in the future, what will be added to the training sessions, and what will you move away from ...

    Appendix 4

    Indicators for assessing the quality and effectiveness of training sessions

    (after T.I.Shamova)

    p / p

    Characteristics of the training session


    Lesson objectives announced

    Organized student actions to take action

    Compliance of the content of the training material with the objectives of the training session.

    Teaching methods provided:

    a) motivation of activity;

    b) cooperation between teacher and students;

    c) control and self-control.

    Matching teaching methods:

    a) the content of the educational material;

    b) the objectives of the lesson.

    Forms cognitive activities provided:

    a) cooperation of students;

    b) the inclusion of each student in the activities to achieve the goals of the lesson.

    Forms of organizing cognitive activity are selected in accordance with methodological support, the content of the educational material, the goals of the training session.

    The level of achievement of the objectives of the training session:

    a) cognitive aspect;

    b) educational aspect;

    в0 developmental aspect.

    The assessment is carried out in points:

    2 points - fully implemented

    1 point - partially implemented

    0 points - not implemented

    The effectiveness of a training session is calculated by the formula:

    NS at = ( N * 100%): 26, whereN- the amount of points given by the expert, 26 - the maximum possible amount of points.

    IfNS at - 85% and there are no marks of 0 - excellent lesson

    IfNS at from 65% to 84% - good lesson

    IfNS at from 45% to 64% - the lesson is satisfactory

    Appendix 5

    Verbs by goal level

    Levels in B. Bloom's taxonomy

    Verbs for formulating indicators


    Systematize, collect, define,

    describe, reproduce, list,

    name, present, formulate, inform,list, state


    Compare, install

    differences, explain, generalize, reformulate,

    review, choose,paraphrase

    transfer,give examples


    Analyze, differentiate, recognize, disconnect, identify, illustrate, outline, indicate, establish (link), select, separate, subdivide, classify, compare


    Categorize, connect, compose, collect, create, develop, invent, rewrite, summarize, tell, compose, systematize, manufacture, manage, formalize, formulate, find a solution, describe, draw conclusions


    Evaluate, compare, conclude, contrast, criticize, conduct, distinguish, explain, justify, interpret, establish a connection, summarize, maintain

    According to A.A. Svechin "The plan of operations should be flexible - to have enough options to allow you to make a choice between crushing and starvation, between defense and offensive, between striking one or another state of the hostile alliance, depending on the direction of politics."

    The plan of operations, like the plan of war, must provide for various scenarios, including the worst ones.

    “All the influences that we take into account in war are never exactly the same as they are imagined by someone who did not personally closely observe the war and did not get used to it,” wrote Clausewitz. - They are often mistaken for many hours in the calculation of the march of a column, and it is impossible even to find out exactly what the delay depended on; often there are obstacles that could not be foreseen in advance; they often expect to reach a certain point with the army, but are forced to stop a few hours earlier; often the detachment we have allocated offers much less resistance than we expected, and the enemy detachment - much more; often the funds of a province turn out to be more modest than we expected, etc. " ...

    Proceeding from this, it is absolutely necessary to constantly adjust the plan of operations in accordance with the changing situation in the theater of operations.

    “Not a single operational plan can at least with some certainty extend beyond the first clash with the main forces of the enemy.

    ideas ”, - pointed out the Prussian and German military leader, Field Marshal Helmut Moltke (the Elder).

    "It is absolutely impossible to establish, even with some certainty, a plan of operations that goes beyond the first clash with the main forces of the enemy," confirms the words

    Moltke is a French military theorist Marshal Foch. - Only a person completely alien to the concepts of the art of war can see in the development of any campaign the execution of a plan that has been established in advance in all the details, and which is precisely adhered to until the very end. The commander, undoubtedly, always has before his eyes the main goal that he pursues, and does not lose sight of it, despite the need to make various private decisions, but he can never reliably determine in advance the path along which he expects to get to it ”74.

    Operational art does not accept tough decisions. In the Ulm operation of 1805, Napoleon made major additions to the original plan every 1-2 days, and Moltke did the same during the Sedan operation of 1870. One cannot hesitate to discard even the originally established form of the operation if the situation shows another, shortest path to goals or will allow you to achieve a larger, in comparison with the planned result.

    "The plan should establish the first stage of approaching the goal of the operation and divide the general task of achieving this stage into a number of particular tasks, according to the main units of the front (or army) leading the operation," pointed out the Soviet military theorist Svechin. - In an offensive, the plan should clearly indicate the decisive directions on which the main efforts should be concentrated. In defense, if all actions are not limited to gaining time, but include the desire to bring the fight to a crisis, in the same way, the main task of the plan is to indicate the line at which the enemy must be resolutely resisted, and where the plan awaits a turning point. overall development operations in our favor ”75.

    “... the victory itself does not give unconditional security to the plans of the command, - asserted the German Field Marshal Von der Goltz, - and the latter must constantly reckon with the conditions of the moment and new opposing influences. The latter will lead to new battles, which, in turn, will change the situation, as the view in a kaleidoscope changes with each new push. Thus, the commander daily, and sometimes through

    for several hours I have to coordinate my combinations with the newly created situation. "

    A correct operational plan can be drawn up only after reliable information has been obtained about the conditions of the situation, the state of its troops and enemy troops, the available reserves, etc.

    “The plan of operations should include: a plan of initial operations and a plan of all auxiliary actions to it - the creation of an operational base, transportation for concentration, cover for deployment and the most operational deployment, as well as a supply plan,” writes A.A. Svechin in his fundamental military-scientific work "Strategy". - The plan of operations is based on the existing data on the political and economic situation, from our ideas about the nature of the future war, about armed forces ah - the enemy and ours, the probable enemy deployment, the strength and outline of our railway network, the conditions of our mobilization, the existing preparation of the border space ... plans, the changing situation in our country, for example, crop failures, or a distracting part of the armed forces fighting in some remote or secondary theater; and these volatile data are evaluated very differently depending on the turnover of the leaders of the high command. Naturally, due to these conditions, the operational plans following from year to year can be very different, and even at the same time there can and should be several options to it next to the main plan of operations "

    Dispatching service ____________________________________________________________

    The expulsion of forces and means according to the rank of fire No. ____ is envisaged.

    The plan for extinguishing the fire was: ________________

    Appendix 5

    Fire brigade report card

    Fire brigade number


    Actions of the fire brigade number in case of fire

    Appendix 6

    Organization of interaction between fire departments and life support services of an organization, city, settlement(district), ZATO

    P / p #

    Contents of tasks

    Responsible service

    Attracted officials various services

    Appendix 7

    Organization of fire extinguishing by fire departments

    Time from the beginning of the development of the fire

    Possible fire situation

    Q tr l / s

    Introduced devices for extinguishing and protection

    Q f l / s




    GPS, SVP, etc.

    Appendix 8


    Table 1

    Operational and tactical characteristics of the building No.

    Dimensions geometric

    riches (m)

    Structural elements

    Fire resistance limit, building structure (hour)


    number of inputs



    Power supply

    Fire warning and extinguishing systems







    Mains voltage

    Where and by whom to turn off



    table 2

    The presence and characteristics of fire extinguishing installations

    P / p #

    The name of the premises protected by fire extinguishing installations

    Availability and locations of automatic and manual start-up of fire extinguishing installations

    Table 3

    The presence and characteristics of the smoke exhaust and air pressurization system

    P / p #

    The name of the premises protected by smoke removal and air pressurization installations

    Installation type and characteristics

    Availability and locations of automatic and manual start-up of smoke removal and air pressurization units

    Table 4

    Fire hazard of substances and materials in production and protection measures for personnel

    P / p #

    The name of combustible (explosive) substances and materials

    Quantity (volume) in the room, (kg, l, m 3)

    a brief description of fire hazard

    Extinguishing agents

    additional information

    Table 5

    The presence of hazardous chemicals, radioactive substances in rooms, technological installations (apparatus)

    P / p #

    Name of the premises, technological equipment

    The name of the substance, its amount

    a brief description of

    Extinguishing agent

    Protective equipment l / s

    additional information

    Application 9

    Summary tables for calculating forces and means

    Table 1

    Summary table for calculating the forces and means for extinguishing a fire

    Extinguishing option

    Forecast of fire development (fire area, fire front, linear propagation velocity, extinguishing area, extinguishing volume, etc.)

    Required consumption of fire extinguishing agents, l. s -1

    Number of devices for supplying fire extinguishing substances, pcs.

    Required supply of extinguishing agents, l

    Number of fire trucks, main / special units

    Limit distances for water supply, m

    The number of personnel, the number of units of the GDZS person / piece.

    table 2

    Forces and means involved in extinguishing a fire and the time of their concentration

    Fire grade

    Subdivisions, place of deployment

    Number and type of fire trucks, pcs.

    The number of combat crew, people

    Distances from fire departments to the facility, km

    Travel time, winter / summer min.

    Time of deployment of forces and means, min.


    Application 10


    (name of organization (object), departmental affiliation, address)

    afternoon __________________

    Operational and tactical characteristics of the organization (object)

    P / p #

    The list of indicators of the fire-tactical characteristics of the organization (object)

    The value of indicators of the fire-tactical characteristics of the organization (object)

    Children's, medical, cultural and entertainment, high-rise, public and administrative, cable tunnels; others

    Fire resistance of the building

    I, II, III, IV, V degree of fire resistance.

    Number of people in the building:


    in the daytime

    Persons; children ___ people; sick ___ people


    in nighttime

    Persons; children ___ people; sick ___ people

    Construction and design features





    number of storeys



    total height

    ___ × ___ meters.


    dimensions (geometric)

    yes, no.



    the presence of an attic, those. floors

    yes, no.

    Building construction:


    Exterior walls

    Fire resistance limit

    Fire hazard



    Fire resistance limit _____ minutes (loss of bearing capacity, loss of integrity, loss of thermal insulation).

    Fire hazard (non-fire hazardous, low fire hazard, moderate fire hazard, fire hazard)



    Fire resistance limit _____ minutes (loss of bearing capacity, loss of integrity, loss of thermal insulation).

    Fire hazard



    Fire resistance limit _____ minutes (loss of bearing capacity, loss of integrity, loss of thermal insulation).

    Fire hazard (non-fire hazardous, low fire hazard, moderate fire hazard, fire hazard).



    Fire resistance limit _____ minutes (loss of bearing capacity, loss of integrity, loss of thermal insulation).

    Fire hazard (non-fire hazardous, low fire hazard, moderate fire hazard, fire hazard).


    Construction Materials:





    Non-proliferating, low-spreading, moderately spreading, strong-spreading.

    Smoke-generating ability:




    Flammability: non-flammable, flammable (moderately flammable, normally flammable, highly flammable.

    Flammability: hardly flammable, moderately flammable, highly flammable.

    Flame spread over the surface: non-propagating, weakly distributing, non-distributing, strongly distributing.

    Smoke-generating ability: with low smoke-generating ability, with moderate smoke-forming ability, with high smoke-forming ability.

    Toxicity: low hazard, moderate hazard, highly hazardous, extremely hazardous.



    Flammability: non-flammable, flammable (moderately flammable, normally flammable, highly flammable.

    Flammability: hardly flammable, moderately flammable, highly flammable.

    Flame spread over the surface:

    Smoke-generating ability: with low smoke-generating ability, with moderate smoke-forming ability, with high smoke-forming ability.

    Toxicity: low hazard, moderate hazard, highly hazardous, extremely hazardous.



    Flammability: non-flammable, flammable (moderately flammable, normally flammable, highly flammable.

    Flammability: hardly flammable, moderately flammable, highly flammable.

    Flame spread over the surface: non-spreading, weakly spreading, moderately spreading, strongly spreading.

    Smoke-generating ability: with low smoke-generating ability, with moderate smoke-forming ability, with high smoke-forming ability.

    Toxicity: low hazard, moderate hazard, highly hazardous, extremely hazardous.

    Fire resistance limit and type of fire barriers


    Partitions: type of fire barrier ____; fire resistance limit ____ min .; type of filling of openings (doors, gates, hatches, valves, windows, curtains) ___; type of vestibule-sluice ____.

    Overlapping: type of fire barrier ____; fire resistance limit ____ min .; type of filling of openings (doors, gates, hatches, valves, windows, curtains) ____; type of vestibule-sluice ____.

    Escape routes.

    Smoke-free staircases, external fire escapes, roof exits, external passages, balconies, loggias.

    Places of power outages, ventilation, smoke removal.

    The main elements of danger to people in case of fire.

    CO and decomposition products poisoning, exposure high temperature, collapse of structures, explosions, spreading of combustible substances, electric shock.


    Fire fighting water supply.


    the number of fire reservoirs, their capacity

    PCS.; ________ l.


    fire water supply, its type, water consumption, number of hydrants

    dead-end, circular; ______ l / s; ______PCS.


    the presence and number of internal fire hydrants

    yes, no; _____PCS.


    type of connection and diameter of internal fire hydrants

    L / s.

    required water consumption for fire extinguishing needs


    water supply methods

    from a tanker truck; with installation on a water source, water supply, pumping.


    Premises with explosive substances and materials.


    Availability of UAPT, UAPS

    Note: Depending on the characteristics of the organization (object), the sections of the table can be supplemented with data necessary for use in organizing fire extinguishing.


    (head of the organization (object), municipality, subject Russian Federation)

    (certified by the seal)


    (head of department

    fire department)

    "___________" _________________ 200__

    (certified by the seal)

    Firefighting card for rural areas


    (name of settlement, district)


    Phone numbers: _______________________________________________________________

    PCh, DPK, DPO __________________________________________________________________

    Distance from the fire station ________________ km., Route _______________


    Number of residential buildings ________________________________________ ______________________

    The number of vital facilities for a rural settlement ____________________

    Fire fighting equipment _________________________________________________

    The fire extinguishing card was made by: ________________________________________________

    (position, title, full name)

    Appendix 13

    Operational and tactical characteristics of objects

    P / p #

    Object name, address

    Phone number

    Fire resistance

    Number of storeys

    Plan area

    Number of people in the daytime, at night

    Type and number of animals, method of keeping

    Note: Depending on the characteristics of the organization (object), the municipality, the sections of the table can be supplemented with data necessary for use in organizing fire extinguishing, and other reference applications can also be developed.








    Annex 1

    Appendix 2

    Appendix 3

    Appendix 4

    Appendix 5

    Appendix 6

    Appendix 7

    Appendix 8

    Appendix 9

    Appendix 10

    Appendix 11

    Appendix 12

    Appendix 13

    A well-written business plan is the key to the heart of the investor and the key to the successful development of the company in the future. Follow the basic guidelines when developing. In this article, we will describe the guidelines for compiling this important document.

    Purpose of drawing up

    Of course, the calculations are carried out not only for the purpose of drawing up a business plan, but also for personal confidence that the offered goods and services will be popular, and your company will develop. Purpose and function:

    1) Analysis. First, it performs market analysis so that you understand where your business will be positioned once you open it. When developing a business plan, not only market segments are analyzed, but also competitors. This is done to identify your company. It is the analysis that will give you the opportunity to draw conclusions regarding the chosen direction.

    2) Description. A business plan, as a document representing your case, will include complete information regarding your company. It will also outline the structure of the enterprise and its detailed description.

    3) Forecasting. It allows you to make predictions about the future position of your business. But to predict the situation in five to ten years, you first need to do an analysis and collect data at least to predict the first time after opening the enterprise.

    4) Formulation. We can say that this document describes in detail and formulates the main business idea, which is the main link. By the way, plans for different types entrepreneurial activity differ significantly. If you will be selling something, check out. Naturally, there may be other options: providing services, making money on the Internet, etc. The production of goods has always been a very popular type. How to draw up a business plan for production, read in another article.

    In fact, he implements more functions, since he is the "face" of the company.

    Stages of creation

    Before you start writing something, you need to get all the information you need. In this regard, there are several stages of business planning:

    1. Search for sources of the necessary information. These may include textbooks, trade publications, related courses, government agencies, management consulting companies, and similar organizations.

    2. Determining the goals of developing a business plan. Goals are defined with a list of problems to be solved by the final document.

    3. Establishing target readers. For whom this document is intended, exclusively for members of the organization or for future investors and shareholders, venture capitalists or commercial banks.

    4. Determination of the structure. You can view a typical structure.

    5. Collect information for each targeted section of this document. At this stage, it is desirable to involve people who have experience and knowledge in the field of business planning. First of all, pay attention to the employees of the organization who have experience and are well versed in the internal environment. External consultants can also be involved. For market research, invite general marketers and economists.

    For financial forecasting and drawing up a "financial plan" section, you will need financiers and accountants. Pay attention to financial professionals, as the "" section is very important in the document.

    6. Writing. It is better for an entrepreneur to write everything on his own, even if he does not have the skills in this area, but this will take a lot of time. The consultants helped the entrepreneur at the last stage, and at this stage they can only assist the entrepreneur. As a last resort, writing can be ordered, where and how to do it read in.

    You can also do the seventh step: invite some uninterested person to read the completed document, who will evaluate the work based on constructive criticism.

    Compilation rules

    • Laconicism. The best volume directly depends on the scale of the enterprise and the specifics of each project. It is compiled in a business style.
    • It is necessary to collect the necessary information for all sections on the basis of internal data and external sources of information. Then distribute the information by topic - by section.
    • Submit technical descriptions, reports, references, manager biographies and contracts separately from the plan itself in the form of attachments.
    • The title page must contain the name of the business plan, the details and logo of the company, as well as the details of the recipient for whom the plan is assigned.
    • If the recipient is an international financial institution, a translation of the document into foreign languages ​​is required.
    • If possible, support the text with many illustrations, diagrams, diagrams, and tables.
    • Separate plans and facts clearly. Support all forecasts quantitatively or qualitatively.
    • There should be a numbered table of contents that will reflect main idea section. Then the reader will quickly navigate the text of the document.
    • Pay attention to the risk analysis of this idea and its feasibility. For this, they are competent. All processes and activities must be realistic and feasible.
    • An overly optimistic business plan may seem suspicious to investors. Include in the text a realistic assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the business idea, an alternative business development strategy.

    Compilation method

    There are dozens of techniques for developing business plans. There are separate methods for leasing organizations, investors, government agencies and banks. For example, one technique can be used to obtain, another to receive government assistance, etc.

    The most famous Russian and foreign techniques:

    • TACIS;
    • UNIDO;
    • EBRD;
    • The Government of the Russian Federation;
    • Sberbank of the Russian Federation;
    • requirements and recommendations of the FPPMP;
    • Rosselkhozbank OJSC.

    There are also separate methods for obtaining. These methods are based on when applying for participation in the small business support program. But this kind of methodology is individual in each subject of the federation. There are many other techniques for banks and credit institutions. More details on lending to entrepreneurship can be found.

    If a business plan is drawn up for a specific institution that has its own methodology, then you need to strictly adhere to it. If the document is being developed for an institution or investor that does not have requirements for structure, it is better to choose one of the popular methods. But do not forget that for each project you need a personal method of creation, which will reflect the sections most important to the customer.