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  • Pleshakov. Encyclopedia of travel. Countries World Student Book Beginning. classes. A. pleshakov s. a. Pleshakov encyclopedia of travel. book for primary school students Read the travel encyclopedia

    Pleshakov.  Encyclopedia of travel.  Countries World Student Book Beginning.  classes.  A. pleshakov s.  a.  Pleshakov encyclopedia of travel.  book for primary school students Read the travel encyclopedia

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    1 A. A. Pleshakov S. A. Pleshakov ENCYCLOPEDIA OF TRAVEL Countries of the world Book for students primary grades Moscow "Education" 2015

    2 UDC: 502 ББК 2я6я72 П38 Contents Good luck! 4 M. A. Pleshakova took part in writing the chapter "The Third Journey: Greece". The book uses photographs of the authors. The first trip: Hungary The second trip: Austria 5 33 The third trip: Greece 61 P38 Pleshakov A. A. Encyclopedia of travel. Countries of the world: book. for students beginning. cl. / A. A. Pleshakov, S. A. Pleshakov. M.: Education, p. : ill. ISBN Which country can be considered the birthplace of a ballpoint pen? Where is the tallest building in the world? Who invented the famous sirtaki dance? These and many other questions will be answered by the "Travel Encyclopedia". The book invites readers to different countries to tell and show how interesting and unique any corner of the Earth is! Travel, imaginary or real, is one of the most better ways knowledge of the world. The book will help prepare for the trip, guide readers to many wonderful places, and after the trip, offer interesting tasks. "Encyclopedia of Travel" is addressed to junior schoolchildren... It is designed to work in the classroom and extracurricular activities on the subject " The world", For independent reading at home and joint activities of a child and an adult in the family. UDC: 502 ББК 2я6я72 ISBN Publishing house "Prosveshchenie", 2015 Artistic design. Publishing House "Enlightenment", 2015 All rights reserved. The fourth journey: United Arab Emirates. The fifth journey: Argentina Index dictionary

    3 Good luck! There are more than 200 countries in the world. Where to go? We have selected five countries and will make five trips. Only five. But they say that in one trip, even if it lasts only a week, you can get more knowledge and impressions than in a few months of ordinary life. Well, let's check it out! Of the countries that we have chosen, Hungary is the closest. By plane from Moscow to Budapest, the capital of Hungary, you can fly in 2 hours 45 minutes. This is where we go first. Then we will visit Austria. The flight from Moscow to Vienna, the capital of this country, will take 3 hours. Our next trip to Greece. Athens, the capital of Greece, can be reached from Moscow in 4 hours and 20 minutes. And then we will go to the United Arab Emirates. Fly there from Moscow about 5 hours. And finally, we will visit Argentina. It takes at least 20 hours to get from Moscow to the capital of Argentina, the city of Buenos Aires! It's better to travel with those you love. A very friendly family will visit all countries with us: Seryozha, his sister Nadya, their dad and mom. Seryozha and Nadia's dad is an artist, and mom works in a botanical garden. So, the travel plan has been drawn up. An inquisitive team assembled. Good luck! The first journey: Hungary Drawing: Family (dad, mom, Seryozha and Nadia) greets readers. Dad has a camera, Mom has a small guidebook. The size of the picture is 157 x 104 mm (cut to size). 4

    4 The boy examines the photograph. Once upon a time, schoolchildren wrote in their notebooks with a fountain pen, and the ink was carried in a bottle. How much trouble was with this ink! Often, blots were planted in notebooks, and sometimes ink was spilled altogether, pushing the bottle inadvertently. And then a pen appeared that could write for a long, long time and without any ink! It was a ballpoint pen. A rod with a special paste and a ball at the end was inserted into it. The ballpoint pen was invented by the Hungarian inventor Laszlo Biro. Therefore, Hungary can be considered the "homeland" of the ballpoint pen. What else is Hungary remarkable for? To find out, let's go on our first journey! Going on a trip Considering the business card of Hungary Parliament Building in Budapest In Russian Hello, good afternoon! Learning Hungarian Polite Words In Hungarian Jo2napot! Approximate pronunciation Yoono2pot! Goodbye Viszontla2ta2sra Vi2sontlatashro Please (request) Studying the "personal data" of Hungary Full name: Republic of Hungary. Capital: Budapest. Head of State: President. State language: Hungarian. Monetary unit: forint. Ke2rem Ke2irem Thank you Köszönöm Kösönöm Sorry Bocsa2natot Bo2chanotot! Getting to know the safety rules Traveling in Hungary is not fraught with special dangers. However, you need to remember that even in a safe country, you must carefully monitor the safety of your wallet and documents. Things should not be left unattended, especially cameras, camcorders and mobile phones. Normal safety precautions must be followed on the streets and roads. When visiting the famous Hungarian baths, remember that the water in some of the pools is quite hot, so caution will not hurt. Of course, when swimming, you must also follow the generally accepted rules of behavior on the water. The girl writes something in a notebook. 6 7

    5 Country on the map Hungary is a small state located in Central Europe. Hungary's neighbors are 7 countries: Slovakia to the north, Ukraine to the northeast, Romania to the east, Croatia and Serbia to the south, Austria and Slovenia to the west. Hungary has no outlet to the sea. Miskolc Szeged Pecs Budapest Debrecen The capital of Hungary is a very beautiful city of Budapest, located on the Danube River. This is the most Big City country. The five largest Hungarian cities also include De2brecen, Mi2shkolc, Ce2ged and Pecs. From the history of the country In Hungarian, the name of the country sounds like "Magyarorsag", which means "country of the Magyars". The Magyars (as the Hungarians themselves call themselves) settled on the territory of present-day Hungary in the 9th century. The Magyars were not the first inhabitants of these lands, long before them Celtic tribes lived here, and then the Romans. For many centuries, Hungary was ruled by kings. The Hungarians especially revered King Matthias, who lived in the 15th century. He was a wise ruler, a talented military leader, patron saint of scientists and artists. During the years of his rule, Hungary became a powerful kingdom, where science and art flourished. The first printed book in Hungary was published, which was called The Chronicle of the Hungarians. Sculpture of King Matthias 8 9

    6 From 1867 to 1918, Hungary was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire... In the twentieth century, the country experienced many events, both difficult, tragic and joyful. A huge role in the history of Hungary played its liberation from the Nazis by Soviet troops in 1945. The modern Hungarian Republic was proclaimed in 1989. Now let's take a look at the history of the Hungarian capital, Budapest. Two thousand years ago, in its place was the ancient Roman city of Aquincum. Its ruins were discovered during excavations by archaeologists. Now you can walk along the streets of the ancient city and see the ruins of many buildings: houses, temples, shops, baths. Flag and coat of arms The flag of Hungary consists of three horizontal stripes: red, white and green. The meaning of the colors of the Hungarian flag is explained as follows. The red color symbolizes the struggle for the freedom and independence of the country. White color purity and nobility of the thoughts of the people, their loyalty to their homeland. Green means hope for a better future for Hungary. The coat of arms of Hungary is a shield topped with a royal crown. The crown reminds of the past of the country, which, as we already know, was a kingdom for many centuries. The cross on the shield speaks of the Christian faith of the people. The green hills at the bottom of the coat of arms symbolize the mountains of the country, and the silvery stripes to the left of the river. Ruins of Aquincum Later the cities of Buda and Pest arose. They are located on the opposite banks of the Danube: Buda on the right, mountainous bank, Pest on the left, flat. In 1873, these independent cities were united. Cities united, and their names also united. This is how Buda and Pest became Budapest. Nature and its protection From north to south, dividing the country into two almost equal parts, flows the main river of Hungary, the Danube. To the east of the Danube to the border with Romania lies the vast Alföld Plain, which in Russian means “lowland”. Large rivers flow along it: Ti2sa and its tributary Körösh. Agricultural land is located here. To the west of the Danube to the borders with Austria and Croatia, there is a plain covered with hills. In some places there are also low mountains. This part of the country is home to the largest lake in Hungary, Balato2n. The Ma2tra mountain range is located in the north of Hungary. Here is the highest point of the country, "the crown of Hungary", as they say here. This is Mount Ke2kesh with a height of 1014 m

    7 Hungary is very rich in thermal springs (from the Greek word “terme” warmth, heat). These are sources with warm and hot water... The water in them has beneficial properties and has long been used to heal the body and treat many diseases. Hungarian summers are dry and hot, especially in the eastern part of the country. The thermometer often shows. Winter in Hungary is rather mild, there are almost no severe frosts. Average temperature in winter 1. More than half of Hungary's territory is now occupied by agricultural land, arable land and pastures, orchards and vineyards. And once most of the country was covered with forest. Today, forests of oak, beech, ash, and coniferous trees occupy less than 1/5 of the territory of Hungary and are located mainly on the slopes of the mountains. The forests are inhabited by brown bears, wild boars, deer, and lynxes. Beavers live along the river banks. Drawings: bustard, beaver, trout. In natural surroundings! The size of the picture is 157 x 117 mm. In the vastness of Alföld, there is a bustard, a very large steppe bird, included in the international Red Book. Trout, pike perch, pike and other fish are found in rivers and lakes. For the protection and preservation of nature in Hungary, 10 national parks... There are various, including rare, plant and animal species, as well as unique natural objects under protection. For example, caves. Thus, in the north of Hungary, on the border with Slovakia, there is the Aggte-2lek National Park. There are several hundred caves in this mountainous region! The longest of them is 26 km long. This is one of the largest caves in Europe. It is richly decorated with stalactites and stalagmites. Aggtelek Caves is a World Natural Heritage Site. The largest national park in Hungary is Hortobagy. It is located in the eastern, flat part of the country. Hungarians call these places "Empty", that is, wasteland. Here, in the vastness of the steppe, cows, sheep, goats graze. But these are not ordinary pets. They belong to the ancient rare breeds, almost extinct by the middle of the twentieth century. Thanks to the creation of the national park, these breeds have been preserved. Hortobagy National Park is included in the List of World Cultural Heritage. In the Aggteleka cave Hungarian gray cows 12 13

    A. A. Pleshakov S. A. Pleshakov ENCYCLOPEDIA OF TRAVEL Countries of the world Book for primary school students Moscow "Enlightenment" 2015 UDC 373.167.1: 502 ББК 2я6я72 П38 In writing the chapter “The third journey:

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    MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS of the federal state educational standard THE WORLD ENVIRONMENT Multilevel assignments Grade 3 Fourth edition MOSCOW "VAKO" 2018 UDC 373.167.1: 502 LBC 2я72 О51 6+ Edition

    Nature, plants and animals of the Republic of Tuva Completed by a 9th grade student of the MBOU Secondary School of the village of Yangaty Saaya Saybek. The Republic of Tuva is located on the border of Siberia and Central Asia, and combines the nature of two

    2nd ed. - M .: 2017 .-- 159 p.

    Which country can be considered the birthplace of a ballpoint pen? Where is the tallest building in the world? Who invented the famous sirtaki dance? These and many other questions will be answered by the "Travel Encyclopedia". The book invites readers to different countries to tell and show how interesting and unique any corner of the Earth is! Traveling, imaginary or real, is one of the best ways to experience the world. The book will help prepare for the trip, guide readers to many wonderful places, and after the trip, offer interesting tasks. "Travel Encyclopedia" is addressed to younger students. It is designed to work in the lessons on the subject of "The World Around" and extracurricular activities, for independent reading by a child at home and joint activities with adults.

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    The size: 48.1 MB


    There are more than 200 countries in the world. Where to go? We have selected five countries and will make five trips. Only five. But they say that in one trip, even if it lasts only a week, you can get more knowledge and impressions than in a few months of ordinary life. Well, let's check it out!
    Of the countries that we have chosen, Hungary is the closest. By plane from Moscow to Budapest, the capital of Hungary, you can fly in 2 hours 45 minutes. This is where we go first. Then we will visit Austria. The flight from Moscow to Vienna, the capital of this country, will take 3 hours.
    Our next trip is to Greece. Athens, the capital of Greece, can be reached from Moscow in 4 hours and 20 minutes. And then we will go to the United Arab Emirates. Fly there from Moscow about 5 hours.
    Finally, we will visit Argentina. It takes at least 20 hours to get from Moscow to the capital of Argentina, the city of Buenos Aires!
    It's better to travel with those you love. A very friendly family will visit all countries with us: Seryozha, his sister Nadya, their dad and mom. Seryozha and Nadia's dad is an artist, and mom works in a botanical garden.
    So, the travel plan has been drawn up. An inquisitive team assembled. Good luck!

    Encyclopedia of travel. Countries of the world.
    This is the book that will take the reader from a stuffy room into an extraordinary multifaceted world. Other cities and countries. Who invented the ballpoint pen? Where did "Sirtaki" dance for the first time? Because knowing everything about everything is interesting. Thus, the encyclopedia will answer many questions. Exciting travels await those who open the book and immerse themselves in reading it. Primarily intended for children of primary school age, it will be equally interesting for adults. Learn interesting facts about famous cities, study nature, architecture, life and culture of the peoples of many countries. To spend time usefully to gain new knowledge - all this can be done not by sitting at the computer, but by leafing through a wonderful publication.
    The information hidden on the sheets of the encyclopedia will help you get ready for the trip and not be caught off guard in an unfamiliar place. Imaginary or real visits to the most famous parks and cathedrals, squares and home, zoos and museums are always interesting. Colorful excursions around the world are waiting for their little reader.

    © Boris Yasny, 2018

    ISBN 978-5-4493-1782-7

    Powered by Ridero Intelligent Publishing System


    Each of us knows our address. House, street, city, country, finally, planet Earth. Our planet rotates at a distance of one astronomical unit, equal to 149,597,870 km. around the sun star in the solar system.

    Light covers this distance in 8 minutes and 20 seconds. For a year, light flies by 63 241 126 astronomical units or ≈ 9 460 528 447 488 km. In the vast universe solar system is located in the Milky Way galaxy in the Orion arm at an enormous distance of 26 thousand light years from the center. And together with another 200 billion stars, it revolves around the center of the galaxy.

    Our neighbors, the Andromeda galaxy, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, together with our galaxy, are part of the Virgo Supercluster of galaxies, covering an area of ​​about 200 million light years, and numbering about thirty thousand galaxies.

    Planet Earth - the third planet from the Sun has 6 continents: Eurasia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, North and South America. On 5 of them (except Antarctica) there are 251 countries and a population of more than 7.55 billion people.

    World map



    Territory (78 in the world) - 243 809 km2. Population (22 in the world) - 63 395 000 people. The official language is English.

    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - located on the islands of the British archipelago of northern Europe. And also: in the northeastern part of the island of Ireland, in the Hebrides, Shetland, Orkney Islands and Anglesey, Arran, Wyatt in the Atlantic Ocean.

    The United Kingdom is washed by the North, Irish, Celtic and Hebrides seas. In the southeast, the English Channel (35 km.) Separates it from France. We often call Great Britain England, but England is only part of the United Kingdom. It also includes Scotland in the north, Wales in the west of the British Archipelago and Northern Ireland.

    The form of government is a parliamentary monarchy. The Queen hosts parades, arranges balls, is a symbol of the state. The country is ruled by the Prime Minister and Parliament. United Kingdom big country... There are high mountains (Ben Nevis 1344m), Ben - McDee (1309m), and large rivers: Severn, Thames, Trent, and large lakes: Doh Nei, Loch Nes (where the dinosaur Nessie is said to live). There are Royal forests with huge old trees, oaks, birches and other deciduous species. There are pine groves and plantations, grassy pastures and heather hills. It is home to roe deer and deer, raccoons and foxes, otters, ermines and weasels, many birds and fish in the coastal waters. But most of all in the Kingdom of rabbits and gray hares. The weather in the UK is hazy and rainy, but warm thanks to the ocean current of the Gulf Stream.

    Since ancient times, people have settled on this land and built cities. But the legions of the Roman Empire came and took over Britain, making it their province. Rome ruled her for a long 400 years, but fell after the invasion of the Germanic and Anglo-Saxon tribes. Then the British lands united and formed the Kingdom of England. The British built a mighty fleet and set out across all seas and oceans to populate new lands and conquer colonies for themselves. They began to rule India and Australia, America and South Africa. This is how the British Empire came into being. Then England and Scotland united and called themselves Great Britain. Ireland joined them. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was formed. The British Empire owned many overseas colonies and fought many countries. By our time, many colonies have become independent states, but Great Britain is still one of the most powerful countries in the world.

    Its capital is London

    For many centuries London has stood on the River Thames. Neither fires nor plague epidemics could destroy it. He was never captured by enemies. London has many ancient castles, palaces and cathedrals. Among them: Westminster Palace - over 900 years is the home of the British government, Buckingham Palace - the residence of monarchs, Westminster Abbey - a Gothic church, built intermittently for about 500 years since 1245, St. Paul's Cathedral - the residence of the bishop, Tower Bridge - drawbridge the bridge - the symbol of London, Trafalgar Square - was built in honor of the victory over France in 1805, Piccadilly Circus - the center of London. There are a lot of museums, beautiful modern buildings, parks and squares.

    Great Britain is the birthplace of great scientists: Newton, Darwin, Faraday. Writers: Swift (author of stories about Gulliver), Defoe (who wrote a book about Robinson Crusoe), Shakespeare (Hamlet) Composers: Bird, Purcell, Sullivan. Artists: Constable, Blake, Palmer.

    Did you know that the UK has had the largest number of queens ruling the country? That "Big Ben" It's not a name at all high tower with a clock, and the name of a huge bell inside it. That snow rarely falls in London in winter? This is a whole event. Residents quit all business and run outside to make snowmen and ride down slides on inflatable mattresses. That all the swans on the River Thames are legally the property of the Queen?

    G E R M A N I Z

    Territory (62 in the world) - 357,021 km2. Population (16 in the world) - 80,523,000 people. The official language is German.

    In the center of Europe is the Federal Republic of Germany. This is a big country. It is ruled by parliament and the chancellor. In the north of Germany there is a plain, and in the south there are the Alps mountains. The highest mountain is called the Zugspitze. Its height is 2962 meters. Many rivers flow through the territory of Germany. The largest of them are the Rhine, Danube, Elbe and Oder. There are lakes. The largest is Constance. The weather changes frequently. A sunny day can suddenly turn cold. In the north of the country the climate is maritime, in the south it is moderately continental. But there are no severe frosts and heat. Forests are found only on the slopes of the mountains. Fir-trees, pines, beech grow in the forests. There are a lot of flowers and cultivated plants on the plains.

    The animals of Germany are wild boars, foxes, red deer, roe deer, fallow deer, squirrels and hares, marmots and otters. There are many ducks, geese, marsh and small birds near the water, storks are found. In the reservoirs of Germany, there are about 70 species of fish. These are mainly carp, as well as eel, salmon and herring.

    Even in ancient times, warlike tribes lived on the territory of Germany. The Romans called them barbarians. In 476, the barbarians conquered the Roman Empire and created the Frankish Empire, led by Charlemagne. Germany, together with Italy, became part of it. In 962, the Holy Roman Empire was founded by King Otto I the Great. She was to become the successor of the Ancient Roman Empire and the Frankish Empire of Charlemagne. For many centuries, the Holy Roman Empire was the center of Western Christendom. From 1512 it became known as the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation.

    Germany has gone from medieval fragmentation and peasant wars, through the Renaissance before the rise of the Kingdom of Prussia. As a result of the wars with the French emperor Napoleon in 1806, the Holy Roman Empire fell. The Confederation of the Rhine was formed in its place. Germany became an ally of Napoleon. After the defeat of Napoleon, the Union of Rhine ceased to exist. In the XIX, the German lands were united into the German Empire.

    German empire began to seize the colonies. By the outbreak of World War I in 1914, Germany had the most powerful army in the world. But in 1918 she was defeated by Russia, England, France and America. Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated the throne, after which the Weimar Republic was proclaimed. After revolutionary uprisings and a change of government in 1933, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi National Socialist Party came to power.

    The Nazi regime was called the Third Reich. Year after year Hitler intensified terror and dictatorship. Physically destroyed all his opponents. In 1939, Germany unleashed World War II. The second World War is a tremendous tragedy for all mankind. It was attended by 61 states. Thousands of cities and villages were destroyed. 54 million people died. 90 million - were crippled. At the cost of tremendous efforts and sacrifices, the alliance of Russia, England and the United States managed to defeat fascism. On May 9, 1945 Germany surrendered. On May 23, 1945, the German Empire ceased to exist. The history of the formation and unification of post-war Germany is a history of democratic transformations and an amazing economic recovery. Germany again took the leading place among the countries of the world. All cities in Germany are stunningly beautiful, but Berlin is officially the capital.

    Berlin is the second largest city in Europe after London. Berlin is a very green city. It contains a huge number of parks, squares, groves, rivers and canals. The Tiergarten Park and the Botanical Garden are Berliners' favorite vacation spots. Magnificent buildings adorn Berlin. These are the Reichstag on Republic Square, the German State Opera, the Humboldt University, the Museum of German History, Bebelplatz Square and St. Hedwig's Cathedral. Many theaters, art galleries. Interesting fact... There are more than a hundred settlements in the world with the name Berlin!

    Germany is a country that gave the world great thinkers: Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer. Brilliant writers: Sebastian Brunt, Bertolt Brecht, Goethe, Schieler, Feuchtwanger. Composers: Bach, Wagner, Abel, Beethoven, Brahms, Handel. Scientists and inventors: Gaus, Geiger, Heisinberg, Kepler, Leibniz, Ohm, Plnck, Roentgen, Schliemann, Einstein. Artists: Altdorfer Albrecht, Grunewald Matthias, Dürer, Rubens.


    Territory (48th in the world) - 674 685 km2. Population (21 in the world) - 65 951 000 people. The official language is French.

    The head of the French Republic is the president. The head of government is the prime minister. Laws are approved by Parliament. Most of France is located in Western Europe... The state also includes the island of Corsica in the Mediterranean Sea and more than 20 dependent territories.

    France is washed by the La Manche, the North Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. In the north and west of the country, there are plains and low mountains. Plains occupy 2/3 of the country's territory. The rest is mountain ranges: Alps, Pyrenees, Jura, Ardennes, Massif Central and Vosges. The highest mountain is Mont Blanc (4807m.).

    The largest rivers of the country: Seine and its tributaries, Garonne, Rhone, Loire. There are not many lakes. The largest are Bourget, Annecy and Lake Geneva. The climate in the European territory of France is moderately maritime, turning in the east into moderate continental, and on the southern coast into subtropical. Summer is hot and dry +25 degrees C, in winter it rains +7 -8 degrees C.

    Forests cover one third of the country's territory. Hazel, birch, oak grow in the north. spruce and cork. On the Mediterranean coast there are palms and citrus fruits. There are many vineyards in France. Deer, fox, roe deer, wild boar stand out among the animal world. There are a lot of birds, including migratory ones. Reptiles are rare, among the snakes there is one venomous viper. Many types of fish in the waters of the seas and rivers. Mackerel, hake, flounder, herring, tuna, cod, sardine.

    In ancient times, Celtic Gauls tribes lived in France. As a result of the Gallic War of Julius Caesar, in the 1st century BC France became part of the Roman Empire as a province of Gaul. In 486, Gaul was conquered by the Germanic tribes of the Franks. The Frankish state was formed. In the 10th century, the country began to be called France.

    The following times are remarkable Crusades, the religious wars and the Hundred Years War with England. It began in 1337 and ended, with the participation of Joan of Arc, with the surrender of the British. By the reign of Louis XI in 1461-1483, France turns into an absolute monarchy. Subsequently, France fought with Spain for control of Italy. In 1572, religious wars between Catholics and Protestants resulted in the St. Bartholomew's night of the massacre of Protestants in Paris. Then the Protestants were made equal. Thirty Years War with the Swedes. When the country was ruled by the minister of King Louis XIII, Cardinal Richelieu (familiar to us from the book "The Three Musketeers"). Then the reign of the king - the sun of Louis XIV, the uprising of the urban lower classes - the Fronde, against Mazarin and Queen Mother Anne of Austria. The war with Spain, the Dutch war, Again the persecution of Protestants. The reign of Louis XV from 1715 to 1774. In 1789 - the Great French Revolution. Overthrow of the monarchy. First republic. Jacobin terror. Capture of the Netherlands, Venice and a march on Egypt. In 1799, Napoleon became emperor. Militarily conquers Europe. Hike to Russia. The defeat and flight of Napoleon to France. 1815 - The Battle of Waterloo, the defeat of Napoleon and his capture on the island of St. Helena. Then the restoration of royal power. Second republic. Second Empire - Napoleon III. Third republic. 1870 - 1871 years of war with Prussia. Paris commune. 1914 - the First World War. 1939-1945-World War II. France fought against Germany in both wars. Fourth republic. And in 1958 the Fifth Republic. Charles de Gaulle was elected President. The French colonies declared independence. And finally, joining the European Union. The capital of France is Paris.

    Paris was founded in the 3rd century BC by the Celtic tribe of the Parisians. From the III - IV century. known as the Gallo-Roman city of Parisia. Since the end of the 10th century, with interruptions, it has been the capital of France. Paris is home to a huge number of attractions. These include not only architectural buildings, but squares, streets, bridges and parks. Paris has 1,800 historical sites and 130 museums. The symbol of Paris is the Eiffel Tower. Also Tour Montparnasse tower, Sacre - Coeur Basilica, Louvre Museum, Tuileries Garden, Avenue Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, Square of the Star. Large Arch of Defense, War Museum - House of Invalids, Pantheon. The historic center is the Ile de la Cité, Notre Dame Cathedral and Sainte-Chapelle. In the suburbs of the royal palace of Versailles. And many modern buildings, sports and science centers.

    Did you know that the only Disneyland in Europe is located in Paris? And what magnificent sculpture of the Statue of Liberty did France give the Americans? The whole world knows the names of the great French writers and poets: Balzac, Dumas, Hugo, Moliere, La Fontaine. Scientists and inventors: Eiffel, Louis Pasteur, Blaise Pascal, Brothers Montgolfier, Ampere, Laplace, Lagrange. Artists: Gauguin, Degas, Monet, Renoir, Rodin. Musicians and composers: Bizet, Gounod, Debussy, Ravel. Singers and performer: Joe Dassin, Charles Aznavour, Edith Piaf, Patricia Kaas. Film actors: Jean Mare, Jean Reno, Michel Mercier, Mylene de Mongeau, Louis De Funes, Depardieu, Gabin, Bourville. Athletes: figure skaters Natalie Neshalet and Fabien Bourzat, biathlete Simon Fourcade, skater Alexis Conten, football players Zinedine Zidane, Raymond Domenech, Lilian Thuram. All the names simply cannot be enumerated. It is impossible to exaggerate the contribution of France to world culture, science and industrial production of perfumery, wine, mechanical engineering.


    Line UMK "Pleshakov A.A. The world. (Grades 1–4) (School of Russia) "Line of teaching materials" Pleshakov A.A. The world. (Grades 1-4) (Perspective) »Traveling, imaginary or real, is one of the best ways to learn about the world. Book “Encyclopedia of Travel. Countries of the World ”talks about some countries of the world, their natural and cultural attractions, the life of peoples, fosters respect for the material and spiritual values ​​of mankind. There are more than 200 countries in the world. We have selected five countries and will make five trips. Only five. But they say that in one trip, even if it lasts only a week, you can get more knowledge and impressions than in a few months of ordinary life. It's better to travel with those you love. A very friendly family will visit all countries with us: Seryozha, his sister Nadya, their dad and mom. "Travel Encyclopedia" is addressed to younger students. It is designed to work in the lessons on the subject of "The World Around" and extracurricular activities, for independent reading of the child at home and joint activities with adults.

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