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  • The theme of poetry in Tyutchev's lyrics. Artistic features of Tyutchev's lyrics. Peace and poetry

    The theme of poetry in Tyutchev's lyrics.  Artistic features of Tyutchev's lyrics.  Peace and poetry
    Philosophical works are a special genre - reflections on many eternal and enduring problems, for example, about the meaning of human life, about what values ​​can be in a person's life, about the purpose of a person himself in this difficult life and, accordingly, about a person's place in life ... And all this is reflected in the work of the most talented poet F. Tyutchev, but if you re-read Tyutchev's works, you can understand that Tyutchev's philosophical poetry is, of course, the greatest lyrical works of an unsurpassed master, who is extraordinary in depth, distinguished by its versatility, metaphor, and psychologism. F. Tyutchev is a master whose word is very weighty and timely, no matter what century. It is precisely the philosophical nature of Tyutchev's lyrics that it not only affects the reader, but was also able to influence the work of other writers: poets, critics and writers who lived in different eras. Thus, Tyutchev's motives can be found in Fet's lyrics, in the poems of Akhmatova and Mandelstam, in the novels of Dostoevsky and Leo Tolstoy.

    Philosophical motives

    Tyutchev's philosophical poetic motives are many, but they all sound so strong that they forced readers to always listen attentively and be sure to ponder the poet's poetic thoughts. And this Tyutchev peculiarity was always unmistakably recognized by I. Turgenev, who always admired the works of this poet. He argued that Tyutchev's lyrics are special, and each of his poetic creations, according to Turgenev's words:

    "It began with a thought that, like a fiery point, flared up under the influence of a deep feeling."

    Therefore, in Tyutchev's philosophical poetry, there are certain enduring topics that will interest any reader:

    Chaos and outer space theme.
    The world is eternal, and the life of a person himself is a temporary phenomenon.
    Love as part of the whole, part of nature and the Universe.

    Tyutchev space theme and chaos theme

    In F. Tyutchev's lyrics, the poetic and human worlds are closely and inseparably or inextricably linked, the universe is also connected with the human race. And this can be explained by the fact that the basis of all Tyutchev's poems is the understanding of the poet himself of the world as something common and world integrity, but it is precisely this very integrity that requires a struggle, intense and cruel, of opposites. Of particular importance in Tyutchev's lyrics are such motives as:

    ♦ The motive of chaos.
    ♦ The motive of space.

    He considers these motives as the basis of any life in general, which allows us to talk about the duality of the entire universe. What else is the poet F. Tyutchev thinking about? First of all, it is day and night, which the poet first called brilliant, a cover, a friend of both man and gods. A day in the mind of a poet-philosopher will help heal sick souls. But even the night in Tyutchev's description is unusual: an abyss in which all human fears are revealed and manifested. The poet-philosopher reflects on both chaos and light.

    In one of his poems, he turns to the wind and asks him not to sing his terrible songs, in which chaos is heard, because the soul wants to love and dream of love at night. But if all these feelings, which are sweeping through a person's life like a storm, have now subsided, then the wind with its songs can now wake them up again. For example, this is Tyutchev's poem "What are you howling about, the night wind?" very interesting in content and depth:

    Oh, do not sing these terrible songs
    About ancient chaos, about darling!
    How greedy is the world of the nocturnal soul
    He listens to the story of his beloved!
    From a mortal he tears his chest,
    He longs to merge with the boundless!
    Oh, do not wake up the storms that have fallen asleep -
    Chaos is stirring beneath them!

    But how interesting the poet-philosopher describes chaos: he is attractive, and beautiful, and dear. It is chaos that is part of the universe, on the basis of which everything else will appear: day, night, and space, or rather its bright side. And so on to infinity: again a new summer will come, and again there will be leaves, and roses will bloom again.

    The world is eternal, but human life is temporary

    Such eternal concepts as space, chaos and the abyss in Tyutchev's poems are always compared with a person's life, which has a definite period. But a person himself does not always live out his life to the end, since he violates the laws that nature itself establishes. There are quite a lot of Tyutchev's works devoted to this topic. For example, "There is songiness in the waves of the sea." Here the poet-philosopher says that in nature everything is in tune, since there is always order in it, but even then the lyricist complains that a person begins to feel and understand his disconnection from nature only when he begins to feel at least a little nature. He says that the discord with the natural world is manifested in the fact that the human soul and the sea do not sing together, but in different ways.

    F. Tyutchev shows in his works that the human soul reflects the order of the universe, since it also has a certain change of day and night, as well as light and obligatory chaos, which acts destructively, but can also create. Consider Tyutchev's poem "Our Age", in which the lyricist reflects on the fact that a person strives for light, because he himself does not understand and does not know anything, but when he receives this light, he continues to murmur and rebel, the person begins to rush. In the same work, the poet-philosopher regrets that human knowledge has a limit and cannot fully penetrate into all the mysteries of life. It is clear that a person in the sky quickly gets tired, and in comparison with the divine fire, a person appears as dust.

    But nature does not stop and, not caring about a person, moves on, its development continues. Nature is turning into an abyss that is ready to swallow anyone. But this natural sound can also be heard in Tyutchev's other poetic creation - "Duma after thought, wave after wave ...", which is small in volume. A person's mind is like a wave, they are subordinate to one element, and hearts in Tyutchev's perception are like the sea, where there are no shores. Only the heart is contained in the human body and does not have such freedom as the sea, which is forever spacious and free. But on the other hand, they have similar surges and lights, they are tormented by the same ghost, which carries in itself anxiety and emptiness.

    Lyric Tyutchev has nature as a part of the whole

    All Tyutchev's poetry is permeated by a special cosmic direction, which gradually turns it into philosophy, which is then characterized by community and eternity. The poet-philosopher tried to reflect in his works the eternal themes of nonexistence. But the lyricist describes everything he sees, not in detail, but in their general manifestations, as a single element of nature. Therefore, Tyutchev's landscape lyrics are so interesting, which is also part of the whole, the general.

    In the poetic works of Tyutchev, you can see many different images created by the poet-philosopher. He describes a rainbow, flocks of cranes and the noise they create, a huge sea that contains a lot, a river that has a golden and scarlet hue, a forest that is already half-naked, the day and evening of autumn or spring. Tyutchev's description of a thunderstorm is interesting, it is unusual and insane, but this is reckless folly. But everything described by the lyricist in his works is still part of the cosmos, part of the all-encompassing one. And again, F. Tyutchev has a chain that he builds in all his poetic creations: the universe and nature and man. About this and his poem with the unusual title "Look, as in the river space ...". The reader is given the opportunity to observe how ice floes move along the river.

    But the lyricist himself says that they all always float to the same place and someday they, indifferent and soulless, will merge with the abyss, which, according to the poet-philosopher, is always fatal. Through pictures of nature, the lyricist tries to get to the very essence of man. He asks the reader what can be in this and is the purpose and destiny of a person. Tyutchev's very simple work "In the Village" is also devoted to this topic. In it, the poet-philosopher easily describes an ordinary episode that occurs often in real life. The dog decides to chase ducks and geese a little. But the lyricist sees this event as not accidental, he says that this small prank of the dog embarrassed the stately peace and this is also a fatal onslaught of nature, which the dog showed in the herd where laziness settled. And it turns out that the dog's act is not at all stupid, but he is doing the highest duty, trying to develop at least some sense in the bird flock.

    Philosophical sound of Tyutchev's lyrics about love

    Philosophical lyrics are reflected in all Tyutchev's poems, and in love too. These thoughts about philosophy give birth to only beautiful and strong feelings in his soul. So, in the love lyrics of a poet - philosopher, the main motive is a recognition, which continues beyond the bounds of Tyutchev's lyrics. His famous creation "Oh, how destructively we love ..." love and the cosmos goes into a state of rest, then this is an eternal struggle. But only this duel, as the lyricist says in the work "Predestination", will always be fatal. The lyric poet's love is different: it looks like a sunbeam, combined with tremendous happiness and there must be tenderness, and at the same time this feeling of passion and suffering, which easily destroys a person's life and his soul. This is what his entire Denisievsky cycle is about, where there are many wonderful Tyutchev's works about love.

    The works of F. Tyutchev were highly appreciated by critics and writers alike. Dmitry Merezhkovsky, who was also considered a philosopher, especially admired Tyutchev's unusual philosophical lyrics. This critic-philosopher appreciated the power of the poetic word in Tyutchev's lyric poetry, the lyric poet's ability to speak briefly about world existence. The human soul for F. Tyutchev is a combination of the earthly and the eternal, therefore it is always associated with nature and space. Tyutchev's poetry cannot be limited by time or space.

    Critics often call Tyutchev a classic in romanticism. The catch phrases from Tyutchev's poems are still heard (“The mind cannot understand Russia ...”, “Blessed is he who visited this world / In its fateful moments ...”, etc.).

    The lyrical hero of Tyutchev's poetry is a doubter, a seeker, a fatal man on the edge of the "abyss," realizing the tragic finitude of life. Painfully experiencing a break with the world, he at the same time strives to gain unity with being.

    In the poem "The gray shadows mixed ..." (1835) we hear the melancholic intonation created by lexical repetitions, gradation and a special romantic epithet "quiet". Pay attention to the details: the lyrical hero feels both the invisible flight of a moth and the incomprehensibility of a huge dormant world. The microcosm (the inner, spiritual world of a person) and the macrocosm (the outer world, the Universe) seem to merge together.

    Tyutchev's romantic motive is not connected with life circumstances, it is not conditioned by the traditional conflict "personality - society", it has, as they say, "a metaphysical basis." Man is alone in the face of eternity, in front of the secret of being. He cannot fully express his thoughts and feelings, because there is no complete correspondence to them in the language of words. This is where the motive of poetic silence, so significant for Tyutchev's lyrics, arises.

    Shut up, hide and thai

    And their feelings and dreams ...


    Tyutchev's favorite technique is the antithesis. Most often, night and day, earth and sky, harmony and chaos, nature and man, peace and movement are opposed. The contrast, paradoxicality of images contribute to the image of the contradictions with which the world is full. "The world of the night soul" perceives being with particular acuteness, the primordial chaos is hidden under the imaginary peace and light of the day.

    Many of Tyutchev's poems are in the form of a poetic fragment and, as a rule, have a symmetrical structure: two, four, six stanzas. This form not only allows to emphasize the openness of the artistic world, its incompleteness, fleetingness, but also implies its integrity, completeness. Such fragments are closely adjacent to each other, creating a common poetic concept of the world, a kind of lyric diary.

    The main theme of the poem is usually emphasized by repetition, rhetorical question or exclamation. Sometimes a poem resembles a dialogue between a lyric hero and himself.

    The lexical content of Tyutchev's poems is distinguished by a combination of stamps of elegiac and odic poetry, neutral and archaic vocabulary. To convey a special emotional state, visual, auditory and tactile images are mixed.

    In my sleep I hear - and I cannot

    Imagine such a combination

    And I hear the whistle of runners in the snow

    And swallows of spring chirping.

    From ancient and German poetry Tyutchev borrowed the tradition of compound epithets: "boiling goblet", "sad orphaned earth", etc. Before us is not only a description of a phenomenon or object, but also its emotional assessment.

    Tyutchev's poems are very musical: repetitions, assonances and alliterations, anaphores and refrains, especially in love lyrics, create their unique melody. It is not for nothing that many romances have been written on Tyutchev's poems. In addition, the poet uses different poetic dimensions within the same poem, which also allows varying poetic intonation.

    One of the most important features of Tyutchev's lyrics is the "elusiveness" of the theme of the poem. Actually, the poet has few landscape lyrics: most often the theme of nature is associated with philosophical motives or the theme of love, a love poem may contain philosophical generalizations.

    Source (abridged): B.A. Lanin Russian language and literature. Literature: Grade 10 / B.A. Lanin, L.Yu. Ustinova, V.M. Shamchikova. - M .: Ventana-Graf, 2016


    1. A word about the poet.

    2. Civic lyrics.

    3. philosophical lyrics.

    4. Landscape lyrics.

    5. Love lyrics.

    6. Conclusion.

    1. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev (1803-1873) - Russian poet, contemporary of Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Nekrasov, Tolstoy. He was the smartest, exceptionally educated man of his time, a European "of the highest standard", with all the spiritual needs brought up by Western civilization. The poet left Russia when he was 18 years old. The best time of his life, 22 years, he spent abroad. At home, he became known only in the early 50s of the XIX century. Being a contemporary of Pushkin, he nevertheless was ideologically connected with another generation - the generation of "wisdom", which sought not so much to actively intervene in life as to comprehend it. This penchant for cognition of the surrounding world and self-knowledge led Tyutchev to a completely original philosophical and poetic concept. Tyutchev's lyrics can be thematically presented as philosophical, civic, landscape and love. However, these themes are very closely intertwined in every poem, where a passionate feeling gives rise to a deep philosophical thought about the existence of nature and the Universe, about the connection of human existence with universal life, about love, life and death, about human destiny and the historical destinies of Russia.

    Civic lyrics

    During his long life Tyutchev witnessed many "fatal minutes" of history: the Patriotic War of 1812, the Decembrist uprising, revolutionary events in Europe in 1830 and 1848, the Polish uprising, the Crimean War, the reform of 1861, the Franco-Prussian war, the Paris Commune .. All these events could not but excite Tyutchev both as a poet and as a citizen. Tragically feeling his time, the crisis state of the era, the world standing on the eve of historical upheavals, Tyutchev believes that all this contradicts the moral requirements of man, his spiritual needs.

    Waves in borne

    Elements in pregna,

    Life in change -

    An eternal stream ...

    The poet treated the topic of the human personality with the passion of a person who experienced the regime of Arakcheev, and then Nicholas I. He understood how little life "and movement in his native country is:" In Russia, the office and barracks, "everything moves around the whip and rank", - he spoke to Pogodin. In mature poems Tyutchev writes about the "iron dream" with which everyone sleeps in the empire of the tsars, and in the poem "December 14, 1825", dedicated to the Decembrist uprising, he writes:

    Autocracy corrupted you,

    And his sword struck you, -

    And in incorruptible impartiality

    This verdict was sealed by the Law.

    The people, avoiding treachery,

    Carries your names -

    And your memory from offspring,

    Buried like a corpse in the ground.

    O sacrifice of reckless thought,

    You hoped maybe

    That your blood will become scarce

    To melt the eternal pole!

    Barely smoking, she flashed,

    On the age-old bulk of ice,

    Iron winter has died -

    And not a trace remained.

    "Iron winter" brought deathly peace, tyranny turned all manifestations of life into "feverish dreams." The poem "Silentium!" (Silence) - a complaint about the isolation, hopelessness in which our soul dwells:

    Shut up, hide and thai

    And your feelings and dreams ...

    Here Tyutchev gives a generalized image of the spiritual forces hidden in a person doomed to "silence". In the poem "Our Age" (1851), the poet speaks about the longing for the world, about the thirst for faith that man has lost:

    Not flesh, but spirit is corrupted in our day,

    And the person desperately yearns ...

    He rushes to the light from the shadow of the night

    AND , Having found the light, it murmurs and revolts.

    Scorched and withered by unbelief,

    He endures the unbearable today ...

    And he realizes his doom,

    And thirsts for faith ...

    "...I believe. My God!

    Come to the aid of my disbelief! .. "

    “There are moments when I suffocate from my powerless clairvoyance, like someone buried alive, who suddenly comes to his senses. But unfortunately, I was not even given to come to my senses, because for more than fifteen years I constantly had a presentiment of this terrible catastrophe - all this stupidity and all this thoughtlessness inevitably had to lead to it, ”Tyutchev wrote.

    In the poem "Above this dark crowd ...", echoing Pushkin's verses about freedom, it sounds:

    Will you ascend when, Freedom,

    Will your golden ray shine? ..


    Corruption of souls and emptiness

    What gnaws at the mind and aches in the heart, -

    Who will heal them, who will cover them? ..

    You, the pure robe of Christ ...

    Tyutchev felt the greatness of the revolutionary upheavals in history. Even in the poem "Cicero" (1830), he wrote:

    Happy who visited this world

    In his fatal moments!

    He was summoned by the all-good,

    As an interlocutor for a feast.

    He is a spectator of their high spectacles ...

    Happiness, according to Tyutchev, is in the "fatal minutes" themselves, in the fact that the bound gets permission, in the fact that the suppressed and forcibly delayed in its development finally comes out. The quatrain "The Last Cataclysm" prophesies the last hour of nature in grandiose images that herald the end of the old world order:

    When the last hour of nature strikes

    The composition of the parts will collapse earthly:

    All that is visible will again cover the waters,

    And God's face will be depicted in them!

    Tyutchev's poetry shows that the new society never emerged from the state of "chaos." Modern man has not fulfilled his mission to the world, he has not allowed the world to ascend with him to beauty, to reason. Therefore, the poet has many poems in which a person is, as it were, called back into the element as having failed to fulfill his own role.

    In the 40-50s, Tyutchev's poetry was noticeably updated. Returning to Russia and getting closer to Russian life, the poet pays more attention to everyday life, everyday life and human concerns. In the poem "Russian Woman", the heroine is one of many women in Russia, suffering from powerlessness, from the narrowness and poverty of conditions, from the inability to freely build her own destiny:

    Far from the sun and nature

    Far from light and art

    Far from life and love

    Your younger years will flicker

    Living feelings will die

    Your dreams will fade ...

    And your life will pass invisible ...

    The poem "These poor villages ..." (1855) is imbued with love and compassion for the poor people, dejected by a heavy burden, for their patience and self-sacrifice:

    These poor villages

    This meager nature -

    The land of native longsuffering,

    You are the land of the Russian people!


    Dejected by the burden of the godmother,

    All of you, dear land,

    In slavery, the King of heaven

    I went out blessing.

    And in the poem "Tears" (1849) Tyutchev speaks of the social suffering of those who are insulted and humiliated:

    Human tears, oh human tears,

    You pour early and late at times ...

    The unknown are pouring, the invisible are pouring,

    Inexhaustible, incalculable

    You pour like rain streams,

    In a dull autumn, sometimes at night.

    Reflecting on the fate of Russia, on its special long-suffering path, on its originality, the poet writes his famous lines, which have become an aphorism:

    You can't understand Russia with your mind,

    A common yardstick cannot be measured:

    She has a special become -

    You can only believe in Russia.

    Philosophical lyrics

    Tyutchev began his career in the era that is commonly called Pushkin's; he created a completely different type of poetry. Without canceling everything that was discovered by his brilliant contemporary, he showed Russian literature another way. If for Pushkin poetry is a way of knowing the world, then for Tyutchev it is an opportunity to touch the unknowable through knowledge of the world. Russian high poetry of the 18th century was in its own way philosophical poetry, and in this respect Tyutchev continues it, with the important difference that his philosophical thought is free, prompted directly by the subject itself, while former poets obeyed the provisions and truths prescribed in advance and generally known ... The content of life, its general pathos, its main collisions, and not the principles of the official faith, which inspired the old odic poets, are sublime for him.

    The poet perceived the world as it is, and at the same time was able to assess the entire short duration of reality. He understood that any "today" or "yesterday" is nothing more than a point in the immeasurable space of time. “How little real man is, how easily he disappears! When he is far away, he is nothing. His presence is nothing more than a point in space, his absence is all space, "Tyutchev wrote. He considered death the only exception that perpetuates people, pushing the personality out of space and time.

    Tyutchev does not at all believe that the modern world is built properly. According to Tyutchev, the world surrounding a person is barely familiar to him, barely mastered by him, and in its content it exceeds the practical and spiritual needs of a person. This world is deep and mysterious. The poet writes about the "double abyss" - about the bottomless sky, reflected in the sea, also bottomless, about infinity above and infinity below. A person is included in the "world rhythm", feels a kindred closeness to all earthly elements: both "night" and "day". Not only Chaos turns out to be native, but also the Cosmos, "all the sounds of blissful life." The life of a person on the verge of "two worlds" explains Tyutchev's addiction to the poetic image of a dream:

    Like the ocean embraces the globe of the earth,

    Earthly life is surrounded by dreams ...

    Night will come - and resounding waves

    The element hits its shore.

    Sleep is a way of touching the secrets of existence, a special supersensible knowledge of the secrets of space and time, life and death. "Oh time, wait!" - exclaims the poet, realizing the transience of life. And in the poem "Day and Night" (1839), the day is presented only as an illusion, a ghostly veil thrown over the abyss:

    To the mysterious world of spirits,

    Over this nameless abyss

    The veil is thrown in gold-woven

    By the high will of the gods.

    The day is this brilliant cover ... The day is beautiful, but it is just a shell that hides the true world, which is revealed to man at night:

    But the day fades - the night has come;

    Came - and, from the fatal world

    Cloth of the blessed cover

    Tearing it off, throws it away ...

    And the abyss is bared to us

    With your fears and haze

    And there are no barriers between her and us -

    That is why the night is terrible for us!

    The image of the abyss is inextricably linked with the image of the night; this abyss is that primordial chaos from which everything came and into which everything will go. It attracts and frightens at the same time, frightens with its inexplicability and incomprehensibility. But it is as unknowable as the human soul - "there are no barriers between it and us." Night leaves a person not only alone with the cosmic darkness, but also alone with himself, with his spiritual essence, freeing him from petty daily worries. The night world seems to Tyutchev to be true, for the true world, in his opinion, is incomprehensible, and it is the night that allows a person to touch the secrets of the universe and his own soul. The day is dear to the human heart because it is simple and understandable. Sunlight hides a terrible abyss from a person, and it seems to a person that he is able to explain his life, to manage it. Night gives rise to a feeling of loneliness, lost in space, helplessness in front of unknown forces. This, according to Tyutchev, is precisely the true position of man in this world. Maybe that's why he calls the night "holy":

    Holy night has risen to the sky,

    And a pleasant day, a dear day,

    She twined like a golden cover,

    A veil thrown over the abyss.

    And like a vision, the outside world is gone ...

    And a man, like a homeless orphan,

    Now stands weak and naked,

    Face to face before the dark abyss.

    In this poem, as in the previous one, the author uses the antithesis technique: day - night. Here Tyutchev again speaks of the illusory nature of the daytime world - "like a vision" - and the power of the night. Man is not able to comprehend the night, but he realizes that this incomprehensible world is nothing but a reflection of his own soul:

    And in the strange, unsolved night

    He recognizes the ancestral heritage.

    That is why the onset of evening twilight brings a person the desired harmony with the world:

    An hour of inexpressible longing! ..

    Everything is in me and I am in everything! ..

    Giving preference to the night at this moment, Tyutchev considers the inner world of a person to be true. He talks about this in the poem "Silentium!" The true life of a person is the life of his soul:

    Only be able to live in yourself -

    There is a whole world in your soul

    Mysteriously magical thoughts ...

    It is no coincidence that images of a starry night, pure underground keys are associated with inner life, and images of daytime rays and external noise are associated with outer life. The world of human feelings and thoughts is a true world, but unknowable. As soon as a thought is clothed in a verbal form, it is instantly distorted: "A spoken thought is a lie."

    Tyutchev tries to view things in contradiction. In the poem "Gemini" he writes:

    There are twins - for the terrestrial

    Two deities - then Death and Sleep ...

    Tyutchev's twins are not doubles, they do not echo each other, one is a feminine kind, the other is masculine, each has its own meaning; they coincide with each other, but they are also at enmity. For Tyutchev, it was natural to find everywhere polar forces, united and yet dual, consistent with each other and facing each other.

    "Nature", "elements", "chaos" on the one hand, space on the other. These are perhaps the most important of those polarities that Tyutchev reflected in his poetry. By separating them, he penetrates deeper into the unity of nature in order to bring the divided together again:

    Duma after thought, wave after wave -

    Two manifestations of one element:

    Whether in a cramped heart, or in a boundless sea,

    Here in conclusion, there - in the open, -

    The same eternal surf and end,

    The same ghost is alarmingly empty.

    Tyutchev's philosophical idea about the unknowability of the world, about man as an insignificant particle in the infinite Universe, that the truth is hidden from man in a frightening abyss, was expressed even in his love lyrics:

    I knew the eyes - oh, those eyes!

    How I loved them - God knows!

    From their magic, passionate night

    I could not tear my soul away.

    In this incomprehensible gaze,

    Life stripping to the bottom

    I heard such sorrow

    Such depth of passion! -

    this is how the poet describes the eyes of his beloved, in which he sees first of all "a magical, passionate night." They beckon him, but do not calm him down, but make him worry. Tyutchev's love is both pleasure and fatal passion, but the main thing is the path to knowledge of the truth, because it is in love that life is exposed to the bottom, in love a person comes as close as possible to the most important and most inexplicable. Therefore, for Tyutchev, the intrinsic value of every hour, every minute of a fast-flowing life is so important.

    Landscape lyrics

    Tyutchev's landscape lyrics would be more accurately called landscape-philosophical. The image of nature and the thought about nature are fused together in it; landscapes take on a symbolic meaning. Nature, according to Tyutchev, leads a more honest and meaningful life before man and without man than after man appeared in it. The poet more than once declared nature perfect for the reason that nature did not reach consciousness, and man did not rise above it. Greatness, splendor is discovered by the poet in the world around him, in the world of nature. She is spiritualized, personifies the very "living life" for which a person yearns:

    Not what you think, nature:

    Not a cast, not a soulless face -

    She has a soul, she has freedom,

    It has love, it has a language ...

    Nature in Tyutchev's lyrics has two faces - chaotic and harmonious, and it depends on a person whether he is able to hear, see and understand this world:

    What are you howling about, night wind?

    What are you madly complaining about? ..


    In a language clear to the heart

    You repeat about incomprehensible torment ...

    There is singing in the waves of the sea,

    Harmony in spontaneous disputes ...


    Imperturbable build in everything

    Complete harmony in nature ...

    And when the poet manages to understand the language of nature, her soul, he achieves a feeling of connection with the whole world, with the cosmos - "Everything is in me and I am in everything." This state of mind resounds in many of the poet's poems:

    So connected, unified from the century

    Consanguinity union

    Reasonable genius of man

    With the creative power of nature ...

    Say the cherished word -

    And the world is a new nature

    In the poem "Spring Thunderstorm" not only man merges with nature, but also nature is animated, humanized: "spring, the first thunder, as if frolicking and playing, rumbles in the blue sky", "rain pearls are hanging, and the sun is golden threads." The spring action unfolded in the higher spheres and met with the jubilation of the earth - mountains, forests, mountain streams - and the delight of the poet himself.

    In the poem "Winter is not without reason angry ..." the poet shows the last battle of the outgoing winter with spring:

    Winter is not without reason angry

    Its time has passed -

    Spring is knocking on the window

    And drives them out of the yard.

    Winter is still busy

    And grumbles at Spring.

    She laughs in her eyes

    And it only makes more noise ...

    This fight is depicted in the form of a village quarrel between an old witch - winter and a young, cheerful, mischievous girl - spring. For the poet, in the depiction of nature, the splendor of southern colors, the magic of the mountain ranges, and the "sad places" of central Russia at different times of the year are attractive. But the poet is especially addicted to the water element. Almost a third of the poems are about water, sea, ocean, fountain, rain, thunderstorm, fog, rainbow. Restlessness, the movement of water jets is akin to the nature of the human soul, living with strong passions, overwhelmed by high thoughts:

    How good you are, oh night sea, -

    It is radiant here, it is gray-dark ...

    In the moonlight, as if alive

    It walks and breathes, and it shines ...

    On an endless, free space

    Glitter and movement, rumble and thunder ...


    In this excitement, in this radiance,

    All, as in a dream, I stand lost -

    Oh, how willingly in their charm

    I would drown my soul all ...

    Admiring the sea, admiring its splendor, the author emphasizes the proximity of the elemental life of the sea and the incomprehensible depths of the human soul. Comparison "as in a dream" conveys man's admiration for the greatness of nature, life, eternity.

    Nature and man live according to the same laws. With the extinction of the life of nature, the life of man also fades away. The poem "Autumn Evening" depicts not only the "evening of the year", but also the "meek", and therefore "bright" decay of human life:

    And all over

    That gentle smile of fading

    What in a rational being do we call

    Divine bashfulness of suffering!

    The poet in the poem "Autumn Evening" says:

    There is in the lightness of autumn evenings

    Sweet, mysterious charm! ..

    The "lightness" of the evening gradually, passing into twilight, into the night, dissolves the world in darkness, which disappears from the visual perception of a person:

    The gray shadows blended

    The color faded ...

    But life does not freeze, but only lurked, dozed off. Dusk, shadows, silence are the conditions in which the spiritual forces of a person awaken. A person remains alone with the whole world, absorbs it into himself, merges with it himself. The moment of unity with the life of nature, dissolution in it is the highest bliss available to man on earth.

    Love lyrics

    The theme of love occupies a special place in Tyutchev's work. A man of strong passions, he captured in his verses all shades of this feeling and thoughts about the inexorable fate that haunts a person. Such was the fate of his meeting with Elena Aleksandrovna Denisieva. A cycle of poems is dedicated to her, representing, as it were, a lyrical story about the poet's love - from the inception of feelings to the untimely death of the beloved. In 1850, 47-year-old Tyutchev met 24-year-old E. A. Denisieva, a teacher of his daughters. For fourteen years, until the death of Denisieva, their union lasted, three children were born. Tyutchev did not break with his official family, and society rejected the unfortunate woman, "the crowd, rushing into the mud, trampled on what bloomed in her soul."

    The first poem of the "Denisievsky cycle" is an indirect, hidden and fervent prayer for love:

    Come on, Lord, your joy

    To the one who is the path of life,

    Like a poor beggar passing by a garden

    Wanders along the sultry pavement.

    The entire "Denisievsky cycle" is a self-report made by the poet with great severity, with a desire to atone for his guilt before this woman. Joy, suffering, complaints - all this is in the poem "Oh, how destructively we love ...":

    Do you remember when you meet

    At the first meeting fatal,

    Her eyes are magical, her speeches

    And the laughter is infant-living?

    And a year later:

    Where do the roses go

    The smile of the lips and the sparkle of the eyes?

    They scorched everything, burned out tears

    With its hot moisture.

    Later, the poet gives himself up to his own feeling and tests it - what is in him a lie, what is true.

    Oh, how destructively we love!

    As in the wild blindness of passions

    We are most likely to destroy

    What is dearer to our heart! ..

    In this cycle, love is unhappy in its very happiness. Relations of love in Tyutchev capture the whole person, and together with the spiritual growth of love, all the weaknesses of people, all their "evil life" transmitted to them from social life, penetrate into it. For example, in the poem "Predestination":

    Love, love - legend says -

    Union of the soul with the soul dear -

    Their union, combination,

    And their fatal radiance,

    And ... the fatal duel ...

    Defending his love, the poet wants to protect her from the outside world:

    All that I managed to save

    Hope, faith and love

    Everything merged into one prayer:

    Get over it, get over it!

    The poem "She was sitting on the floor ..." shows a page of tragic love, when she does not please, but brings sadness, although sadness happens with a bright memory:

    She sat on the floor

    And sorted out a pile of letters -

    And, like a cooled ash,

    I took them in my hands and threw them ...


    Oh, how much life was there

    Irretrievably experienced!

    Oh, how many sorrowful minutes

    Love and joy of the slain! ..

    In a fit of tenderness, the poet kneels before a man who has had the fidelity of feelings to look back, return to the past.

    One of the most vital and mournful poems of this cycle - "All day she lay in oblivion ...". The inevitable extinction of the beloved against the background of the summer rampage of nature, its departure into "eternity", bitter hopelessness - all this is the tragedy of an elderly poet who has to survive these minutes:

    You loved, and like you, love -

    No, no one has succeeded yet!

    Oh Lord! .. and survive this ...

    And my heart did not break to shreds ...

    Among the poems dedicated to Denisieva, perhaps the highest in spirit are those written after her death. It is as if the resurrection of the beloved takes place. Sad attempts are made to correct after her death that which was not corrected during her lifetime. In the poem "On the Eve of the Anniversary of August 4, 1864" (the day of Denisieva's death) belated repentance for sins before her. The prayer is addressed not to God, but to man, to his shadow:

    This is the world where you and I lived,

    My angel, can you see me?

    Even in the sad lines of Tyutchev, the light of hope dawns, which gives a person a glimpse of happiness. Meeting with the past, perhaps, is one of the most difficult trials for a person, and all the more unexpected against the background of sorrowful memories, two poems by Tyutchev stand out - "I remember the golden time ..." and "I met you - and all the past ...". Both of them are dedicated to Amalia Maximilianovna Lerhenfeld. There is a gap of 34 years between these verses. Tyutchev met Amalia when she was 14 years old. The poet asked for Amalia's hand in marriage, but her parents refused him. The first poem begins with the words:

    I remember the golden time.

    I remember a sweet land in my heart ...

    And in the second poem the same words are repeated. It turned out that the sounds of the music of love never died out in the poet's soul, which is why “life spoke again”:

    As after a century of separation,

    I look at you, as if in a dream, -

    And now - the sounds became louder,

    Those who have not been silent in me ...

    There is more than one memory

    Then life spoke again, -

    And the same charm in you,

    And the same love in my soul! ..

    In 1873, before his death, Tyutchev wrote:

    "Yesterday I experienced a moment of burning excitement as a result of my meeting with ... my good Amalia ... who wished to see me for the last time in this world ... In her face the past of my best years appeared to give me a farewell kiss."

    Having learned the sweetness and delight of the first and last love, Tyutchev remained radiant and pure, passing on to us the light that fell on him on the path of life.

    6. A. S. Kushner in his book "Apollo in the Snow" wrote about F. I. Tyutchev: "Tyutchev did not compose his poems, but ... lived them ..." Soul "- this is the word that permeates all of Tyutchev's poetry , his main word. There is no other poet who has been hypnotized by her with such passion, so focused on her. Isn't this, almost against his will, made Tyutchev's poetry immortal? " It is difficult to disagree with these words.

    A. A. Fet

    Similar information.

    Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a great Russian poet, poet-lyricist. In his poems, the depth, great life experience and versatility of the human soul.

    After the death of his wife, who was the mother of the poet's three children, Tyutchev wrote: "I have always disdained the shameful display of my heart ulcers." But, be that as it may, his love lyrics are a discovery of man in man, she is about love, and about life, about death, joy, suffering. He has love - a conscious feeling. About love, as an eternal feeling that accompanies a person throughout his life, is evidenced by his such poems: "I remember the golden time", "I met you." These poems are dedicated to one woman, only thirty-four years apart. The poem "I Met You" has become one of the most popular romances. Listening to this romance, everyone found himself in it and understood that he was not alone in his suffering.

    “..Like late autumn sometimes

    There are days, there are hours

    When suddenly the spring blows

    And something will stir up in us ... "

    After reading the poems "I love your eyes", "There is no feeling in your eyes", you are amazed at the poet's observation.

    Tyutchev's Denisievsky cycle of lyrics is a kind of novel in verse. The poems are distinguished by deep drama, feeling, awareness of their own guilt before their beloved. Love for Elena Aleksandrovna Denisova became an unhealed wound for him. He reproached himself for not being able to make his beloved woman happy, reproached himself and suffered. In his words: "Oh, how murderously we love, As in the violent blindness of passions We are most surely destroying What is dear to our heart! ..." - there is a bitter truth and a hint for others so that they do not make mistakes. The poet's split soul, which boiled, tormented, suffered, turned these feelings into poetry. Therefore, his poems are so close to people, because feelings are close to everyone. Denisiev's cycle of poems had a great influence on Russian lyric poetry of the twentieth century.

    (Family estate of Tyutchevs - Ovstug)

    Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a poet-artist, a poet-lover of nature. His landscape lyrics are delightful. Natural phenomena in his poems are spiritualized. They have a character and a life of their own. You are convinced of this by reading the poems "Cataclysm", "Vision", "How the ocean will embrace the globe of the earth." In them, he worships the elements, admires the power of nature. Nature for him is the giver of life. The theme of nature is intertwined with the theme of the homeland. He is a fierce patriot, he believed that nature is the source of life. He admired, sang and loved everything that surrounded him, therefore he described what he saw so colorfully.

    Landscape, philosophical and love lyrics are intertwined. In his poems, he was looking for answers to all life questions. He tried to understand the essence of everything that exists on earth, tried to understand the secrets, the laws of life, to reach out to a person, to teach him to live truly and truly love.

    FI Tyutchev was a poet of the tragic and philosophical perception of life. This view of the world determined the expression of all poetic themes in his work.

    Themes and motives of Tyutchev's lyrics

    Having lived a long life, he was a contemporary of many tragic events not only in Russia, but also in Europe. The poet's civic lyrics are peculiar. In the poem "Cicero" he writes:

    Happy who visited this world

    In his fatal moments!

    He was summoned by the all-good,

    As an interlocutor for a feast,

    He is a spectator of their high spectacles ...

    An understanding of one's purpose, the desire to understand the meaning of life and the cycle of history distinguish the poet's lyrics. Tyutchev, examining historical events, finds in them more tragic. In the poem "December 14, 1825" the poet pronounces his verdict on the Decembrist uprising, calling the rebels "victims of reckless thought"

    "They hoped ... that your blood will become scarce to melt the eternal pole!"

    He also says that the Decembrists themselves are a product of Autocracy

    ("You were corrupted by the Autocracy").

    The poet understands the futility of such a speech and the strength of the reaction that came after the defeat of the uprising ("The iron winter has died - and there is no trace left").

    Century , in which the poet had to live - the age of the iron winter. In this age, it becomes law

    Shut up, hide and thai

    And thoughts and dreams ...

    The poet's ideal is the harmony of man and the world, man and nature, which is given only by faith, but it is precisely the faith that man has lost.

    Scorched and withered by unbelief,

    He endures the unbearable today ...

    And he realizes his doom,

    And thirsts for faith ...

    “… I believe, my God!

    Come to the aid of my disbelief! .. "

    The modern poet's world has lost its harmony, has lost faith, which threatens future cataclysms of mankind. In the quatrain "The Last Cataclysm" the poet paints a picture of the apocalypse:

    When the last hour of nature strikes

    The composition of the parts will collapse earthly:

    All that is visible will again cover the waters,

    And God's face will be displayed in them!

    The poet prefers not to talk about specific human destinies, giving broad generalizations. This is, for example, the poem "Tears":

    Human tears, oh human tears,

    You pour early and late at times ...

    The unknown are pouring, the invisible are pouring,

    Inexhaustible, innumerable ...

    Russia and the Russian people in the work of the poet

    Perhaps it was Tyutchev who managed to poetically express

    You can't understand Russia with your mind,

    A common yardstick cannot be measured:

    She has a special become -

    You can only believe in Russia.

    In this quatrain, everything that we say about our country to this day:

    • which defies reasonable understanding,
    • a special attitude, which leaves us only the opportunity to believe in this country.

    And if there is faith, then there is hope.

    The philosophical sound of Tyutchev's works

    All of Tyutchev's poetry can be called philosophical, because, no matter what he talks about, he strives to comprehend the world, the world of the unknowable. The world is mysterious and incomprehensible. In the poem "Day and Night" the poet claims that day is only an illusion, but the true world is revealed to man at night:

    Day - this brilliant cover ...

    But the day fades - the night has come;

    Came - and, from the fatal world

    Cloth of the blessed cover

    Tearing it off, throws it away ...

    And there are no barriers between her and us -

    That is why death is terrible for us!

    It is at night that a person can feel himself as a part of an infinite world, feel harmony in his soul, harmony with nature, with a higher principle.

    An hour of inexpressible longing! ...

    Everything is in me and I am in everything!

    In Tyutchev's poetry, images of the abyss, the sea, the elements, the night, which are also in nature, in the human heart, often appear.

    Duma after thought, wave after wave -

    Two manifestations of one element:

    Whether in a cramped heart, or in a boundless sea,

    Here in conclusion, there - in the open,

    The same eternal surf and end,

    The same ghost is alarmingly empty.

    The poet's philosophical lyrics are closely related to. Actually, we can say that all the poet's landscape lyrics are imbued with philosophical reflections. The poet speaks of nature as an animated, thinking part of the world, in nature "there is a soul, ... there is freedom, ... there is love, ... there is a language." Man is associated with nature by the "union of consanguinity." But at the same time natural world incomprehensible to humans.

    The sky (Dream of harmony) is opposed to the earth (loneliness):

    "Oh, how the earth, in view of heaven, is dead!"

    Tyutchev the lyricist knows how to convey the slightest changes in nature, to notice the brevity of beautiful moments.

    There is in the autumn of the initial

    A short but wondrous time.

    Man, however, appears before the secret nature of the "homeless orphan."

    Tyutchev's tragic understanding of the world

    The tragic outlook is reflected in the poet's love lyrics.

    Oh, how destructively we love!

    As in the wild blindness of passions

    We are most likely to destroy

    What is dear to our heart!

    Love, in his opinion, is not only a fusion of kindred souls, but also their "fatal duel." Tragic love for E. Denisieva, her death was reflected in many of the poet's poems

    ("She was sitting on the floor", "She lay in oblivion all day", "On the eve of the anniversary of August 4, 1864").

    Continuing, the poet speaks of the tremendous power of resurrection, rebirth that love possesses

    There is more than one memory

    Then life spoke again, -

    And the same charm in you,

    And the same love in my soul!

    The incessant search for answers to the eternal questions of life, the ability to show the human soul, to touch the subtlest strings of the human soul makes Tyutchev's poetry immortal.

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