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  • The Shanghai Tower is the tallest. Shanghai Tower. Construction of the Shanghai Tower

    The Shanghai Tower is the tallest.  Shanghai Tower.  Construction of the Shanghai Tower

    The Shanghai Tower is the newest skyscraper in the Chinese metropolis. This is not only the tallest building in Shanghai, but also the tallest tower in all of China, and indeed the third tallest building in the world. The 632-meter tower has become the dominant feature of the main Shanghai view for many years.

    During a trip to China, I went up to the observation deck in this tower to look at Shanghai from a height of 550 meters. However, the weather in the city is not an easy matter, and I once again experienced the peculiarities of Shanghai smog ...

    1. In terms of height, the Shanghai Tower (632m) is second only to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai (830m), and the Tokyo Skytree in Japan (634m - the gap is only two meters!) world building.

    2. The skyscraper was completed in 2015, and gradually opened throughout 2016. It is adjacent to two other super-tall buildings in Shanghai: Jingmao (left) and the World Financial Center, popularly known as "opener" (middle).

    3. These three skyscrapers, as well as the "Oriental Pearl" TV tower, constitute the main view of Shanghai, its business card. In the evening, all these buildings are illuminated with bright lights, and are reflected in the waters of the Huangpu River - I would not be surprised if this is the most photographed frame in all of China.

    4. My story with the Shanghai Tower began back in 2013, when I first visited China. Then, arriving at the end of the trip to Shanghai, I saw a huge, still under construction skyscraper, standing next to two already impressive skyscrapers.

    5. The unfinished tower looked very impressive, and a little ominous, especially in the late afternoon. The uneven silhouette of the structure looked like something from Star Wars, such a powerful fortress of some cosmic villain.

    If you remember in next year There was a lot of noise in the video, where two Russian-speaking roofers penetrate the tower under construction, and walk to the very top, and then - into the boom of a construction crane. This video (be careful, I got a little dizzy from watching!):

    6. Then, when I arrived in Shanghai in early 2016, the tower was already completed, but unfortunately, the authorities did not manage to open it before my arrival. And I didn’t manage to photograph it properly: the top was hidden among thick clouds.

    7. I saw how the workers were bringing in the last details of the building before the opening, but unfortunately they were not allowed inside at that time. The tower was officially opened later in 2016.

    And now, a couple of years later, I finally had a chance to go upstairs, on the observation deck (after all, where is such a noble skyscraper without an observation deck ?!)

    8. My hotel and office were in a nearby opener (... Spoiler: the journey to work was not as short as I expected.) It turns out that the opener and the Shanghai Tower are connected by a futuristic underground passage. Seeing him, at first I was afraid that someone would come and kick me out of this beautiful space. But then it turned out that this is just an ordinary passage through which people from a nearby metro station get to the main skyscraper of the city.

    9. Although it was possible to pass through such a passage, to buy tickets for the observation deck, you need to go outside to a specially equipped ticket office. The basic ticket price for adults is 180 RMB (roughly $ 26). In addition, you can buy a ticket for the 25th floor (more on that later)

    10. Almost all observation decks of the main skyscrapers in the world force the visitor to first go down the escalator. Near the entrance to the observation deck, there are mascots of the event, two bears of a very intelligent look.

    11. The canon of the genre: before going upstairs, the visitor must go through the frames of the metal-seeker, and then he finds himself in the mini-museum of the construction of this and other skyscrapers in the world. Here tourists can learn various facts about the Shanghai Tower in various multimedia installations.

    12. Other cousin towers are also on display. For instance, .

    But they decided to keep silent about Tokyo Skytree. Well, in the end, what is two meters difference? ..

    14. But in one of the corners with mascot bears, the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed is painted, which is identified abroad with all of Russia. I didn't quite understand why he was here ...

    15. I go to the elevator ...

    16. And then I find out that this is not just an elevator, but the fastest elevator in the world, which runs at a speed of up to 20 meters / second. There is even a letter from the Guinness Book of Records near its door. This is luck!

    17. Of course, there is a speed screen inside the booth. Unfortunately, I was unable to capture the maximum speed of this elevator. Stupidly did not have time.

    18. And so, I am upstairs. It is on the 118th floor, 546 meters above the ground. There are not very many people on the lookout now ...

    19. And those who are, stand at the side, and try to see and photograph something.

    20. It doesn't work out very well for them, since the view from the window is now like this:

    21. The entire landscape is hidden by the famous Shanghai smog. You can barely see through it
    the outlines of the nearest buildings, but in general nothing is visible. You can assume that I was unlucky with the air quality, although in my experience, approximately 30% of days in Shanghai are like that.

    22. Next to the panoramic windows is a mocking display showing what the picture might have been if I had arrived on another day. In fact, it is difficult for me to imagine such a clear sky over Shanghai.

    23. The only thing that appears through this gray curtain is the neighboring skyscrapers. Here is Jingmao (built in 1998, height 421 meters):

    24. Next to it is the World Financial Center (2008, 494 meters):

    25. Few visitors walk in rows along the windows, trying to find a normal frame. No wonder they spent money on a ticket here. There should be at least one good photo!

    26. Basically, this photo is a frame of the "opener" outside the window. It hasn't completely merged with the fog yet.

    27. One of the most popular entertainments in tall skyscrapers is the "transparent floor" attraction. Since there is nowhere to do this in the Shanghai Tower, the designers have inserted special touch monitors in one place in the floor, which begin to crack if you stand on them.

    28. Soon, pieces of the building fall off, and the visitor is invited to stand on a glass surface at a height of 450+ meters, and experience what it would be like to hover above the ground at the same height. True, the picture quality is poor.

    29. Visitors to the tower look with curiosity at the false, leaky floor.

    30. You can climb the stairs to the 119th floor.

    31. Here the height is 552 meters. Let me remind you that the height of the observation deck in Burj Khalifa is 555m, only three meters higher. The network writes that in the Shanghai Tower there is also an observation deck on the 121st floor, and its height is 561 meters, that is. But at the time of my visit, they were not allowed there - it seems it had not yet been opened since the completion of the tower.

    32. There is a souvenir shop on the lookout. Here you can buy all sorts of uninteresting trinkets made in the image and likeness of the tower.

    33. Who needs a pillow with a colorful view of all of Pudong? .. Inexpensive! (Though possibly expensive, I didn't ask the price.)

    34. If you bought a postcard in a souvenir, you can send it right here - there is a mailbox on the observation deck. Just don't forget the brand (you can also buy it in the souvenir shop).

    35. Since this is still China, here. In the lobby of the examination room there is a charger for telephones, and in general for everything electric.

    36. And here I also saw a collection - before I came across such only in Japan!

    37. For some reason, an artificial tree was built here, which visitors hang with hearts. The trunk and branches are made of papier-mâché, while the leaves are all plastic. The tree stands on a green "lawn" of photomurals.

    38. But next to it there is a bench with real live greenery. They can, after all, when they want.

    39. You can sit here and wait until the air clears up a little (I actually left, and returned in the evening of another day).

    40. When the smog is less dense, it offers a good view of the bend of the Huangpu River, including old buildings from the early 20th century on the far bank. In the evening twilight, the colorful lights of Shanghai are lit up.

    41. Two neighboring skyscrapers are also clearly visible, and at the bottom of the city streets turn into rivers of warm light.

    42. On the distant shore are numerous gaudy high-rises of Chinese architecture. Here it is for you, Sim City ...

    43. For an additional fee, the visitor can go up to the 125th floor. There is no view from there (there are no windows in this room), but here is something else interesting.

    44. A huge multi-ton load is suspended here, which stabilizes the Shanghai Tower from vibrations in the wind and in the event of an earthquake. This weight is made in the shape of curving petals, and it is not very visible from the 125th floor. But this is the highest place where you can climb with ordinary tickets (you must pay extra at the box office from the very beginning.)

    45. They say there are private tours (they cost over $ 100) that take tourists to the 126th floor to see this thing in all its glory. I have not been there, so I am showing you a photo from the network:

    Here is such an interesting skyscraper. Don't miss when you are in Shanghai - you can visit it.

    Planned a trip to large cities China, ranging from Hong Kong to Shanghai. The main purpose of our trip was the tallest construction site in the world, the Shanghai Tower, which is currently under construction, at the moment its height together with the crane boom reaches just over 650 meters, which makes the tower the second tallest structure in the world, after the Burj Khalifa. in the UAE.

    Knowing about the very harsh laws in China, we carefully prepared and chose the appropriate date, Chinese New Year... For a time when the guards were less vigilant, workers were absent, and the cranes did not work. We climbed to the crane at about midnight, almost 2 hours climbed 120 floors on foot and slept for almost 18 hours at a construction site in anticipation of good weather. You can see what came of this in a new video clip.

    Hello everybody! I want to dilute the two-month-long silence in this livejournal with my post. Several month ago Vadim and I had planned a trip along Chinese biggest cities, from Hong Kong to Shanghai. The main purpose of the journey was world’s highest construction building - Shanghai tower. Now it is under construction and so far its height is a little more than 650 meters. So now it is the world’s second high building after Burj Khalifa in UAE.

    Aware of the strict Chinese law, we prepared carefully and picked an appropriate date, the Chinese New Year day. At that time the security was less watchful, workers were on vacations, and cranes did not work. We got to the crane at around midnight. It took us almost two hours to get on the 120th floor by foot. And also, we spend almost 18 hours on top of the building, sleeping and waiting for better weather. The result you can see in our new video.

    1. Low clouds begin to gather over the city. / Low clouds are covering the city.

    2. JinMao Tower and Shanghai Financial Center, popularly just "Opener". / JinMao tower and Shanghai Financial Center, people call it "The
    bottle opener ".

    3. By dawn, the clouds became even denser, and the city was completely overwhelmed. / By sunrise clouds were even thicker, and the city ​​was completely covered.

    4. For comparison, the left tower is 421 meters high, and the right 490. / Just to compare, a tower on the left is 421 meters high, and the
    right one is 490 m.

    5. One of the main goals of the climb to the tower was to shoot a video, since there was low cloud cover in the city, it was decided to sit out on the last floors of the construction site and wait it out. / One - and the main purpose of our climbing was making the video.
    Since it was cloudy, we decided to wait in one of top floors until the
    weather gets better.

    6. An hour before dawn, the clouds parted, and we climbed up. / An hour before sunrise clouds disappeared, and we headed on top.

    7. Photo of me, authorship: dedmaxopka / A picture of me by dedmaxopka

    8.650 meters. / 650 meters.





    Thus ended Shanghai. In the near future, a huge number of interesting material from China. Stay with us! / That was the end of our Shanghai trip. Soon you will see a lot of
    exciting content from China. Stay tuned!

    The Shanghai Tower is the newest skyscraper in the Chinese metropolis. This is not only the tallest building in Shanghai, but also the tallest tower in all of China, and indeed the third tallest building in the world. For many years, the 632-meter tower has become the dominant feature of the main Shanghai view - of business Pudong from the Bund.

    During a trip to China, I went up to the observation deck in this tower to look at Shanghai from a height of 550 meters. However, the weather in the city is not an easy matter, and I once again experienced the peculiarities of Shanghai smog ...

    1. In terms of height, the Shanghai Tower (632m) is second only to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai (830m), and the Tokyo Skytree in Japan (634m - the gap is only two meters!) world building.

    2. The skyscraper was completed in 2015, and gradually opened throughout 2016. It is adjacent to two other super-tall buildings in Shanghai: Jingmao (left) and the World Financial Center, popularly known as "opener" (middle).

    3. These three skyscrapers, as well as the "Oriental Pearl" TV tower, constitute the main view of Shanghai, its business card. In the evening, all these buildings are illuminated with bright lights, and are reflected in the waters of the Huangpu River - I would not be surprised if this is the most photographed frame in all of China.

    4. My story with the Shanghai Tower began back in 2013, when I first visited China. Then, arriving at the end of the trip to Shanghai, I saw a huge, still under construction skyscraper, standing next to two already impressive skyscrapers.

    5. The unfinished tower looked very impressive, and a little ominous, especially in the late afternoon. Looming in a rough silhouette, the structure looked like something from Star Wars, a kind of powerful fortress of some cosmic villain.

    If you remember, next year a video was made a lot of noise, where two Russian-speaking roofers penetrate the tower under construction, and on foot climb to the very top, and then into the boom of a construction crane. This video (be careful, I got a little dizzy from watching!):

    6. Then, when I arrived in Shanghai in early 2016, the tower was already completed, but unfortunately, the authorities did not manage to open it before my arrival. And I didn’t manage to photograph it properly: the top was hidden among thick clouds.

    7. I saw how the workers were bringing in the last details of the building before the opening, but unfortunately they were not allowed inside at that time. The tower was officially opened later in 2016.

    And now, a couple of years later, I finally had a chance to go upstairs, on the observation deck (after all, where is such a noble skyscraper without an observation deck ?!)

    8. My hotel and office were in a nearby opener (I once told you what it is like to live and work on different floors of the same skyscraper ... Spoiler: the way to work was not as short as I expected.) It turns out that the opener is also Shanghai the tower is interconnected by a futuristic underground passage. Seeing him, at first I was afraid that someone would come and kick me out of this beautiful space. But then it turned out that this is just an ordinary passage through which people from a nearby metro station get to the main skyscraper of the city.

    9. Although it was possible to pass through such a passage, to buy tickets for the observation deck, you need to go outside to a specially equipped ticket office. The basic ticket price for adults is 180 RMB (roughly $ 26). In addition, you can buy a ticket for the 25th floor (more on that later)

    10. Almost all observation decks of the main skyscrapers in the world force the visitor to first go down the escalator. Near the entrance to the observation deck, there are mascots of the event, two bears of a very intelligent look.

    11. The canon of the genre: before going upstairs, the visitor must go through the frames of the metal-seeker, and then he finds himself in the mini-museum of the construction of this and other skyscrapers in the world. Here tourists can learn various facts about the Shanghai Tower in various multimedia installations.

    12. Other cousin towers are also on display. For example, the Petronas twins from Kuala Lumpur.

    But they decided to keep silent about Tokyo Skytree. Well, in the end, what is two meters difference? ..

    14. But in one of the corners with mascot bears, the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed is painted, which is identified abroad with all of Russia. I didn't quite understand why he was here ...

    15. I go to the elevator ...

    16. And then I find out that this is not just an elevator, but the fastest elevator in the world, which runs at a speed of up to 20 meters / second. There is even a letter from the Guinness Book of Records near its door. This is luck - the second speed record in one visit!

    17. Of course, there is a speed screen inside the booth. Unfortunately, I was unable to capture the maximum speed of this elevator. Stupidly did not have time.

    18. And so, I am upstairs. It is on the 118th floor, 546 meters above the ground. There are not very many people on the lookout now ...

    19. And those who are, stand at the side, and try to see and photograph something.

    20. It doesn't work out very well for them, since the view from the window is now like this:

    21. The entire landscape is hidden by the famous Shanghai smog. You can barely see through it
    the outlines of the nearest buildings, but in general nothing is visible. You can assume that I was unlucky with the air quality, although in my experience, approximately 30% of days in Shanghai are like that.

    22. Next to the panoramic windows is a mocking display showing what the picture might have been if I had arrived on another day. In fact, it is difficult for me to imagine such a clear sky over Shanghai.

    23. The only thing that appears through this gray curtain is the neighboring skyscrapers. Here is Jingmao (built in 1998, height 421 meters):

    24. Next to it is the World Financial Center (2008, 494 meters):

    25. Few visitors walk in rows along the windows, trying to find a normal frame. No wonder they spent money on a ticket here. There should be at least one good photo!

    26. Basically, this photo is a frame of the "opener" outside the window. It hasn't completely merged with the fog yet.

    27. One of the most popular entertainments in tall skyscrapers is the "transparent floor" attraction. Since there is nowhere to do this in the Shanghai Tower, the designers have inserted special touch monitors in one place in the floor, which begin to crack if you stand on them.

    28. Soon, pieces of the building fall off, and the visitor is invited to stand on a glass surface at a height of 450+ meters, and experience what it would be like to hover above the ground at the same height. True, the picture quality is poor.

    29. Visitors to the tower look with curiosity at the false, leaky floor.

    30. You can climb the stairs to the 119th floor.

    31. Here the height is 552 meters. Let me remind you that the height of the observation deck in Burj Khalifa is 555m, only three meters higher. The network writes that in the Shanghai Tower there is also an observation deck on the 121st floor, and its height is 561 meters, that is, it is the highest platform in the world. But at the time of my visit, they were not allowed there - it seems it had not yet been opened since the completion of the tower.

    32. There is a souvenir shop on the lookout. Here you can buy all sorts of uninteresting trinkets made in the image and likeness of the tower.

    33. Who needs a pillow with a colorful view of all of Pudong? .. Inexpensive! (Though possibly expensive, I didn't ask the price.)

    34. If you bought a postcard in a souvenir, you can send it right here - there is a mailbox on the observation deck. Just don't forget the brand (you can also buy it in the souvenir shop).

    35. Since this is still China, special Chinese human rights are respected here. In the lobby of the examination room there is a charger for telephones, and in general for everything electric.

    36. And here I also saw a collection of pumped-up posts for tape fences - I have come across these only in Japan before!

    37. For some reason, an artificial tree was built here, which visitors hang with hearts. The trunk and branches are made of papier-mâché, while the leaves are all plastic. The tree stands on a green "lawn" of photomurals.

    38. But next to it there is a bench with real live greenery. They can, after all, when they want.

    39. You can sit here and wait until the air clears up a little (I actually left, and returned in the evening of another day).

    40. When the smog is less dense, it offers a good view of the bend of the Huangpu River, including old buildings from the early 20th century on the far bank. In the evening twilight, the colorful lights of Shanghai are lit up.

    41. Two neighboring skyscrapers are also clearly visible, and at the bottom of the city streets turn into rivers of warm light.

    42. On the distant shore are numerous gaudy high-rises of Chinese architecture. Here it is for you, Sim City ...

    43. For an additional fee, the visitor can go up to the 125th floor. There is no view from there (there are no windows in this room), but here is something else interesting.

    44. A huge multi-ton load is suspended here, which stabilizes the Shanghai Tower from vibrations in the wind and in the event of an earthquake. This weight is made in the shape of curving petals, and it is not very visible from the 125th floor. But this is the highest place where you can climb with ordinary tickets (you must pay extra at the box office from the very beginning.)

    45. They say there are private tours (they cost over $ 100) that take tourists to the 126th floor to see this thing in all its glory. I have not been there, so I am showing you a photo from the network:

    Here is such an interesting skyscraper. Don't miss when you are in Shanghai - you can visit it

    Original taken from masterok to Skyscrapers of Shanghai: Shanghai Tower

    I have already told you about the two skyscrapers in this picture. Here is the Shanghai World Financial Center, and here is Jin Mao. But now we will talk about this twisted highest of the three.

    Construction of the 121-story Shanghai Tower in China, which began in 2008, was completed earlier this year and is now underway.

    Here's how the construction went:

    The Shanghai Tower is an ultra-tall building, currently the tallest in the Chinese city of Shanghai, in the Pudong district. Once completed, the tower is set to become the tallest building in China, surpassing even buildings such as Jin Mao Tower and the Shanghai World Financial Center in height. According to the project, the height of the building will be about 650 meters, and the total area - 380 thousand m2. The construction of the tower should be completed in 2014. When completed, the tower will be the third tallest building in the world, second only to the Burj Khalifa in the UAE, which is 828 meters high, and the Heavenly Tree in Tokyo, 634 meters high. In August 2013, the tower building was completed to the roof level.

    As reported Chief Engineer Fang Qingqiang project, the "Shanghai Tower" will house office space, shops, a five-star hotel, exhibition and conference halls, as well as recreation and entertainment areas.

    With the completion of the construction of the main structures of the building, work began to attract businessmen to the development of this complex, said Gu Jianping, President of the Shanghai Tower developer company. According to him, the new building will help meet the strong demand for comfortable and fashionable office space, while Shanghai is actively developing into an international financial center and free trade zone.

    A skyscraper designed by the large American company Gensler. The spiral-curved tower, even in its incomplete 580-meter form, is already in fact the tallest building in China, overtaking the previous record holder - the 492-meter high-rise of the World Trade Center located next door.

    However, even after commissioning next year, the "Shanghai Tower" will shortly excel in the race of Chinese skyscrapers: in 2016, it is planned to complete the construction of the 660-meter Pingan International Financial Center in Shenzhen. In addition, the construction of the Sky City Tower in Changsha City, 838 meters high, has recently begun, but after a few days it was frozen due to lack of necessary permits.

    V last years the construction of skyscrapers on an unprecedented scale unfolded throughout China. China will have six of the ten tallest buildings in the world by 2020, according to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Environments, which is headquartered in Chicago.

    When completed in 2014, the spiral megastructure, along with the adjacent Jin Mao Tower and the Shanghai World Financial Center Tower, will complete a grand ensemble of three skyscrapers.

    Shanghai Tower is nominated for LEED Gold certification. The Shanghai Tower is built of nine cylinders stacked one on top of the other. The inner volume forms the building itself, while the outer facade creates a shell that rises upward, rotating 120 degrees and gives the Shanghai Tower a curved appearance... The space between the two layers of the façade is created by nine atriums of the heavenly gardens.

    As with many other towers, the atrium of the Shanghai Tower traditionally houses restaurants, cafes and shops surrounded by lush landscaping in tandem with more tower entrances and subway stations underneath the building. The interior of the Shanghai Tower and transparent exterior skins create a visual connection between the interior of the tower and the urban fabric of Shanghai.

    The tower will have the fastest elevators in the world, specially designed for it by Mitsubishi using innovative technologies... The double-height elevator cabins will transport the building's occupants and visitors upward at a speed of 40 mph (17.88 m / s). Façade taper, texture and asymmetry work together to reduce wind loads on the building by 24 percent. This will save $ 58 million in building materials savings.

    The transparent inner and outer shells of the building bring in the maximum amount of natural light inside the premises, thereby saving on electrical energy.

    The outer cladding of the tower insulates the building, reducing heating and cooling energy consumption. The spiral parapet of the tower collects rainwater, which is used for tower heating and air conditioning. Wind turbines directly below the parapet generate power on site for the upper floors of the building.

    Architects: Gensler

    Owner, Developer. Contractor: Shanghai Tower Building & Development Co., Ltd

    Local Design Institute: Architectural Engineering and Research Institute of Tongji University

    Civil Engineer: Thornton Tomasetti

    Mep engineer: Cosentini Associates

    Landscape architect: SWA

    Land area: 30 370 square meters. Building area: 380,000 square meters above ground level; 141,000 square meters below ground level

    Number of storeys: 121 floor

    Height: 632 meters

    Area: 0.0 sq.m.

    Year of issue: 2014

    Photos: Courtesy Gensler

    Construction of the Shanghai Tower

    The plan for the construction of the Shanghai Tower and all related documents were approved at the end of 1993, but the tender took place only in September 2006. In April 2008, the final design of the building, developed by the American architectural agency Gensler's design, was approved. In November of the same year, the preparation of the site for the foundation began.

    450 concrete mixers and 4 pumping stations were simultaneously working on it, due to which 60,000 cubic meters of concrete were poured in 63 hours. This time was recorded as a world record for the speed of preparation of a foundation of this magnitude.

    The further pace of construction of the skyscraper is also impressive - it grew literally every day and was fully commissioned in 2015. Grand opening took place on May 17. Today, the Shanghai Tower is the largest business center in the city, as well as a shopping and entertainment complex open to tourists.


    All stages of construction and structural fragments meet the standards of green building, the main task of which is the most economical and environmentally sound construction and operation of buildings. For example, the unique spiral shape of the tower not only gives it an unusually graceful appearance, but is also a guarantee of increased wind resistance, which helped to significantly save building materials.

    With the aim of energy autonomy, 270 wind turbines and the most powerful diesel generator in Asia are installed on the upper floors, and the collected rainwater is used for heating.

    The Shanghai Tower has a high greening rate of 33%. At the junctions of fragments of the inner cylindrical frame, which visually divide the structure into 9 zones, gorgeous gardens are laid out along the entire perimeter.

    Video: Russian roofers climbed the Shanghai Tower


    The creators of this unique attraction call their creation a full-fledged city. The tower is provided with everything necessary for an autonomous existence: energy independence, its own transport hub, an extensive infrastructure.

    The Shanghai skyscraper consists of 125 floors, which is almost 570,000 m2, implemented under:

    • offices of all kinds of Chinese firms and international corporations (220,000 m²);
    • shops and retail boutiques where every tourist will find products to their liking (50,000 m²),
    • banquet halls and exhibition centers that regularly delight visitors with new expositions (10,000 m²);
    • a luxurious five-star hotel capable of satisfying even the whims of royalty (80,000 m²);
    • a panoramic platform for tourists, which offers a breathtaking view of the entire Shanghai (4,000 m²) and much more.

    Three excursion elevators, which are currently the fastest in the world, help guests and employees to move quickly and comfortably through the ultra-high building: their speed is almost 18 m / s, which means that you can get to the top of the skyscraper in less than a minute.

    Shanghai panorama


    The tallest skyscraper in China should definitely be included in the schedule of a tourist planning a trip to Shanghai. Walking along the tower, one can not only admire the high-tech creation of human hands, but also:

    • taste delicious Chinese cuisine and at the same time enjoy a beautiful view of the city in the panoramic restaurant located on the 120th floor (about 557 m above the ground);
    • plunge into the azure waters of the pool at an altitude of almost 400 m;
    • tickle your nerves walking on the glass floor at a height of 470 meters;
    • look into the museum on the 37th floor, where you can get acquainted with antique ceramics, wax sculptures, precious relics and other works of art;
    • visit all kinds of exhibitions, excursions or just go shopping.

    How to get there

    Getting to the colorful attraction is not difficult: you just need to take the 2nd metro line (green line) to Lujiazui station, which is located directly under the Shanghai Tower.