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  • What to do if you bite your tongue hard. Strongly bitten tongue - how to provide first aid and how to treat? Compressing the wound to stop the bleeding

    What to do if you bite your tongue hard.  Strongly bitten tongue - how to provide first aid and how to treat?  Compressing the wound to stop the bleeding

    A fairly common damage to the mucous or tongue in people of different ages is biting. Often this happens during active chewing or biting of products, fast excited speech, sports, bruises, blows, displacements, and also due to simple inattention.

    As a rule, the tongue is damaged slightly and gives the person only mild discomfort. But in some cases, damage is accompanied by the appearance of blood, pain, significant wounds (this happens due to sports injuries, falls, blows, etc.).

    We will consider what to do if there is blood from the tongue, how to heal the wound and avoid complications.

    Often a person unknowingly bites the soft tissues of the mucosa, after which he realizes the problem through the salty taste of blood in the mouth, vibration at the bite site, burning and soreness. A number of observations and studies made it possible to form a group of factors that most often lead to damage to the mucosa.

    The cause of a tongue bite can be a congenital malocclusion, a defect in the structure of the jaw, pathology of tooth development

    1. thoughtfulness. While thinking about important projects or everyday worries, daydreaming, focused study of the material, we automatically chew our lips and the inside of the cheeks, and sometimes we can bite our tongue out of zeal.
    2. Often this happens during chewing. when a person chews food quickly and thoroughly, while being distracted by his thoughts, TV, newspaper or interlocutor. Try not to talk with your mouth full while eating to avoid soft tissue damage. Also, you should not eat in a hurry, throwing large pieces into your mouth.
    3. Sometimes these situations have dental reasons.. This may be a congenital malocclusion, a defect in the structure of the jaw, pathology of tooth development (chaotic arrangement, unnatural direction of growth, etc.).

      Very often in our time, people bite soft tissues due to improperly made or installed dentures, implants.

    4. Separately, it is worth highlighting anesthesia in the group. After performing dental, plastic and other manipulations in the area, local anesthesia departs for 2-4 hours, during which the patient can eat and communicate. A person practically does not feel the numb parts, so he can literally “chew” the soft mucous membrane and tongue. Unfortunately, in this case, he learns about the problem only after a few hours, when the anesthesia ceases to work and the first painful sensations appear.
    5. Habit. This reason is also quite common and is related to the first point about thoughtfulness. For some people, the desire to chew and bite the mucous membrane, lips (and there, by chance, the tongue) occurs in any situation: fear, panic, concentration, decision-making, excitement, passion, surprise, etc.

    When Medical Intervention May Be Needed

    Sometimes a small wound after a bite can heal on its own, and a person will forget about it after a few hours. But in other cases, when there has been a fall, a dislocated jaw, a bruise or blow to the area, the tongue and other soft tissues of the mouth can be severely damaged, which may even require the help of specialists.

    In case of serious damage to the tongue, you should consult a specialist

    Consider the main symptoms of complications after biting:

    • the muscle is very swollen and swollen at the site of the bite;
    • a hematoma of a pronounced color has formed in the area, which causes discomfort during meals and communication;
    • in the morning you can see blood on the tongue, the reasons for which are a strong bite depth, for example, when the tooth has completely passed through the soft tissue or poor blood clotting, due to which the wound continues to bleed after a long time;
    • a long and deep wound with jagged edges has formed, from which blood oozes during chewing, communication and muscle tension;
    • initially, there was no noticeable discomfort, but gradually the situation began to worsen, the tongue edema, fell ill and numb, taste and temperature receptors were disturbed;
    • the wound began to fester and darken, become inflamed and increase in volume, which may indicate an infection;
    • plaque appeared on the tongue, characteristic rashes and ulcers (stomatitis), other dermatitis and inflamed areas, which also indicates that pathological microflora has entered the wound.

    When should you see a doctor?

    1. Swelling and wound do not disappear within 4 days.
    2. On the 2nd and 3rd day, the wound begins to increase in volume and spread to healthy areas.
    3. For more than 3 days, soreness, burning sensation and discomfort during the use of food and liquid, communication.
    4. The hematoma at the site of the bite did not resolve within 3-4 days.
    5. We noticed suppuration and changes in the color of the area, the formation of plaque, acne and ulcers, furrows in the tongue.
    6. The integrity of the muscle was seriously impaired (bitten through, part of the tongue was bitten off, the jaw or lips do not close properly).

    Try to get an appointment with a general practitioner, otolaryngologist or dentist as soon as possible.

    First aid for a serious bite

    If there was no medical worker near you, and there is no opportunity to go to the hospital (the incident happened in the forest, on the beach, in the countryside, etc.), then first aid should be provided to the victim.

    Of course, we are talking about serious bites, accompanied by bleeding, violation of the integrity of tissues. With a slight bite, it is enough to rinse your mouth with cool water, an alcoholic drink to disinfect the area and refrain from eating food for the first few hours.

    So, what should be the first aid for bite.

    Ice should be applied to the wound to stop bleeding.

    1. We stop the bleeding. Many do not even know how to stop the bleeding from the tongue at home. To do this, the patient rinses his mouth with cold water and applies a piece of ice or an ice bottle to the site of injury to anesthetize and stop the blood. If possible, apply a cotton swab moistened with peroxide or chlorhexidine to the bite site. It is important not to overdo it here, because chemical solutions can damage the enamel and get into the esophagus.
    2. Now let's move on to anesthesia. To reduce discomfort, keep ice at the site of the bite longer. If possible, apply a solution of lidocaine or novocaine, lubricate with baby gel, take an oral drug that acts as an analgesic.
    3. In the oral cavity of each person there is a pathogenic microflora, which, if it enters an open wound, can cause its suppuration, infection, and further inflammation. You can disinfect the wound with a solution of methylene blue (not iodine and not brilliant green), chlorhexidine, or, in the absence of such, an alcoholic drink (vodka, cognac, low-alcohol drink, etc.).
    4. After decontamination, isolate the area, try not to talk, refuse food for several hours. From the liquid you can drink water, compote and tea. From now on, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

    How to heal a wound after biting

    After you have stopped the bleeding, anesthetized the place and disinfected the area, you should contribute to the speedy healing of the wound. The faster it drags on on its own, the less chance of getting to the doctor with complications.

    So, what should be the actions after first aid.

    To heal the wound, rinse your mouth with a pharmacy rinse, as well as decoctions of herbal preparations.

    1. When you get home, you should carefully and gently brush your teeth, rinse your mouth with a pharmacy rinse. These manipulations should be done after each snack, sleep, and also at night.
    2. Additionally, several times a day, rinse your mouth with a decoction of oak bark, sage, calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile and other herbal preparations.
    3. Also, a couple of times a day, treat the area with a disinfectant solution (furacillin, trachisan, chlorhexidine). Antiseptic sprays and lozenges are also suitable.
    4. Creates a smart menu. First of all, give up too hot or cold drinks, dishes. Thermal irritation of the mucosa interferes with self-healing. Cold drinks can be used only in case of severe pain for pain relief in the absence of more effective anesthetics.
    5. You should saturate the menu with vitamins that promote active healing (group C, B, etc.). Load up on raw vegetables, fruits, herbs, and meats.
    6. Contact a doctor. Many people ask what to do if the child bites his tongue to the blood.

      At this point, try not to get carried away with cold liquids and chemicals, but as soon as possible get an appointment with a pediatrician for competent medical care.

    Prohibited actions after biting

    Faced with such a rare case as a severe bite, many people panic and begin to use all the means at hand. Let's look at what not to do immediately after the damage to the tongue:

    It is forbidden to apply antibiotics, burning ointments, iodine and other agents that can cause burns to the wound.

    • drink hot or chilled herbal decoctions in the refrigerator;
    • use alcohol tinctures on vodka (they can burn the mucous membrane and increase pain);
    • apply iodine, brilliant green, alcohol and other burning ointments to the wound, which again will cause a burn on the delicate surface and can aggravate the situation;
    • press on the wound with fingers, teeth, press the tongue against the palate, etc .;
    • bring infection into the mouth through dirty hands and nails, unwashed foods and objects (pen cap, pencil, cork, etc.);
    • sprinkle the affected area with an antibiotic or take them orally without a proper prescription from a doctor.

    Every parent sometimes has to deal with situations when a child inadvertently injures himself. It can be bruises, scratches or abrasions, and sometimes it happens that the baby bit his tongue to the blood. Such a picture looks quite scary, because the tongue is a muscle, which is also equipped with a mass of blood vessels.

    Naturally, if these vessels are damaged, blood can flow very abundantly. Parents in such cases are usually frightened and do not know how to help the child. Therefore, you should always remember a few simple tricks to stop the blood, as well as know the reasons why a child can bite his tongue.

    In what situations the tongue can be bitten

    1. During active outdoor games. It often happens that when playing ball, the baby runs with his mouth slightly covered, which can close abruptly. If at such a moment the tongue is between the teeth, then it can be severely affected by the bite.
    2. from an accidental blow. If during the game the child was hit in the face, or the ball hit him, then the probability of biting the tongue to the blood is quite high. The jaws jump a little from the blow and the tongue can get right between them.
    3. When falling. This is one of the main reasons for biting the tongue. As in previous cases, when hitting the surface, the jaws open slightly and the tongue can accidentally move into this gap.
    4. When riding on a swing. If the child strongly “swings” and the swing takes off high, then when moving down, his upper jaw literally falls to the place of bite. It is imperative to discuss with the child the safety precautions when riding, because this is the most common reason why he can bite his tongue.

    How to understand that a child has bitten his tongue

    If a child complains that his tongue hurts, or you yourself have seen that he can be bitten, you should definitely consider the wound more closely. It is advisable to bring the baby to daylight and ask him to stretch his tongue as much as possible.

    A fresh wound will bleed, and an older one will swell, often a hematoma will appear. It is also mandatory to check the tongue if the child complains of pain from hot or spicy food. This most often indicates damage of a similar nature.

    How to help a child at home

    If the child has bitten his tongue, then first of all you need to stop the bleeding. To do this, you will need to rinse his mouth with cold water as quickly as possible, or even put ice on his tongue. Such measures will almost instantly stop the bleeding.

    The next step is to numb the bite. A special anesthetic gel, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, is best suited for this. This gel is most often used by dentists when carrying out unpleasant procedures for children. When its effect wears off, you can periodically give a little paracetamol so that there is no such severe pain.

    After that, it is necessary to disinfect the wound so as not to get a complication in the form of suppuration. Zelenka, methylene blue is best suited for such purposes. Disinfectants such as streptocide powder or miramistin ointment are effective, but there is a high risk that the child will immediately swallow them.

    As the healing progresses, it is necessary to periodically update the disinfectant on the tongue, and also monitor the special observance of oral hygiene by the child. So, without fail, you need to brush your teeth twice a day, use decoctions of herbs (chamomile, oak bark, calendula, nettle) or furacilin solution for rinsing.

    When is medical intervention needed?

    Of course, a specialist consultation is required if the child has bitten his tongue especially hard. These symptoms will help recognize a more severe injury:

    • The blood cannot be stopped for more than 30 minutes;
    • The tongue is bitten through and the edges of the wound do not grow together;
    • Part of the tongue is bitten off (even a small one);
    • A large hematoma appeared at the site of the bite;
    • Despite all efforts, the wound does not heal for a very long time.

    In order to speed up the healing process, you can use some folk remedies. They, along with herbal decoctions and ointments, will help maintain oral hygiene and bring the moment of complete recovery closer.

    Aloe juice (or just its freshly picked leaf) should be applied to the bitten place, you can pre-mix it with honey. During the rehabilitation period, do not give irritating hot or spicy food, switch to a more sparing diet. It is necessary to simultaneously strengthen the immunity of the child, giving him vitamins or a rosehip broth. This will help the body to cope with the trouble faster.

    Basically, many diseases in the oral cavity occur due to the influence of harmful bacteria, but problems of a different nature often occur, and they arise unexpectedly, for example, when a person bites his tongue. Lesions can be very different - a small injury while eating or a serious injury to soft tissues resulting from a fall or blow. When the tongue gets under the teeth, which are known to be very hard, even a penetrating lesion can occur.

    The tongue is one of the most powerful muscles in the body. Every day he is under a lot of stress. It contains a large number of blood vessels, which is why any injury can be a serious danger. Especially large bleeding occurs when the lower part of the tongue is bitten, moreover, when the injury is severe. But at the same time, even a slight bite of it often delivers a very noticeable pain. And you can injure him from different sides: from below, from the side, etc. Therefore, noticing a wound that bleeds at least a little, you need to take action.

    Despite the fact that the mucous membrane has the ability to recover quickly, quick and skillful medical procedures in such situations are simply necessary to prevent negative consequences. Even if there is almost no blood, an ulcer may subsequently occur, which will fester, be very painful and take a long time to heal. It is advisable to help immediately. A small bite sometimes takes one day to heal, but a more complex injury may take a week.

    To correctly navigate what to do in this case, what drugs to relieve inflammation, you should contact your dentist. And even more so, you need to see this specialist or orthodontist, if there are repeated bites of the tongue, perhaps the reason lies in dental problems.

    As already mentioned, even a small injury to the tongue after a bite can cause pain and anxiety, but it will go away on its own in a short time. But it often happens that the wound becomes inflamed, the pain intensifies, and other undesirable symptoms appear. All this causes a lot of problems. The patient, without feeling pain, can no longer not only pronounce words, eat, but even without performing any actions with the tongue, experience discomfort. This is a very serious situation, so it will be best if the patient does not do anything on his own, but turns to the dentist, who will take emergency measures. In what cases should you seek medical advice? The following are the most serious reasons:

    • if as a result of bite there was a through wound of the tongue;
    • when there is swelling and hematoma at the site of the bite;
    • if there is profuse bleeding from the wound, and it occurs periodically after cessation;
    • when, after a bite, a large wound is formed, in which, moreover, torn edges are visible;
    • if at the very beginning a small wound causes severe pain, which does not go away for several days and does not become smaller.

    On examination, the doctor will determine the presence of an inflammatory process or the absence of it. When an infection enters the wound, swelling and pain are inevitable companions. In the future, this can lead to purulent formations and possible complications in such cases. The specialist will prescribe a treatment that will speed up the healing process.

    First aid

    Before touching a wound, wash your hands thoroughly using traditional means - warm water and soap. If these products are not available for some reason, use another hand sanitizer, such as alcohol. Otherwise, there is a high probability of infection, because the wound on the tongue is open. For persistent viruses, a bleeding wound is also a great opportunity to prove itself. After that, you should follow the simple recommendations below:

    Press down on the wound. Since the tongue has many blood vessels, in most cases it begins to bleed after biting. To slow down bleeding and promote rapid blood clotting, it is necessary to press down on the damaged area. It is advisable to carry out this action immediately bite the tongue. If the tip is wounded, you need to press it against the sky and hold it for at least five seconds. Do it several times if necessary. You can press not only to the sky, but also to the cheek from the inside. If it is possible to reach the damaged area, use a piece of ice to carry out this procedure. Either just attach it to the wound, or attach it to the sky and press it with your tongue, of course, if such manipulations do not cause pain. You can also apply pressure to the wound with a clean cloth or bandage.

    Examine the bite site. To do this, use the mirror, open your mouth wide, conduct a thorough examination of the tongue. When bleeding stops and a shallow wound, you can not see a doctor and continue self-treatment. When you see that the bleeding does not stop or begins to intensify, but the wound is shallow, call the dentist, he will give advice on what to do in this situation, perhaps offer to suture. Well, in case of severe bleeding, call an ambulance.

    Check for other injuries. Quite often, the result of biting the tongue is a fall or blow that was received in sports or competitions. Check the entire mouth for broken teeth and bleeding gums, which is not uncommon when a tooth is damaged. Does pain occur when moving the lower jaw. If additional damage is found, consult a physician.

    Apply a compress. As a rule, a badly damaged tongue begins to swell. In this state, it often becomes the cause of re-injury. To relieve inflammation, you must immediately apply a cold compress to the damaged area - for example, it can be an ordinary piece of ice that should be wrapped in a bandage or a clean cloth. Keep the compress for at least a minute until the tongue becomes numb, only then you can remove the compress from the tongue. If necessary, repeat the procedure for several days. If the injury occurred in a child, then instead of an ice compress, you can use an ice cream fruit bar.

    Take a drug to numb the affected area. First you need to choose an anti-inflammatory agent that is easily tolerated by the body, for example, Advil. After taking the recommended dose, as a rule, swelling decreases, and pain sensations, which are in most cases the constant companions of this injury, also decrease.

    Rinse Recipes

    To clean the wound and prevent infection from entering it, you should use a mouthwash. Such a procedure will be carried out especially if the tongue was bitten while eating. After rinsing your mouth, you need to spit, if there is blood, rinse your mouth several times. The following are the most popular remedies that can be prepared at home:

    Salt solution. You will need a glass of water, you can use tap water, but preferably warm. Pour a spoonful of salt into it and stir the composition. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with this solution for fifteen seconds, then spit it out. During the rinse should be at least three times until the wound heals. This procedure is especially effective if applied immediately after a meal. Salt has the property of killing harmful bacteria in the mouth. In addition, thanks to this procedure, a good cleansing of the wound occurs, and the risk of infection is reduced.

    Hydrogen peroxide. To prepare this rinse, you need to mix 3% hydrogen peroxide in equal parts with water. With the same duration as in the previous recipe, rinse and spit. When performing the procedure, be careful not to swallow the solution. You can rinse with hydrogen peroxide three to four times a day. It is considered an excellent antiseptic and does an excellent job of bacterial growth in the mouth. In addition, peroxide will perfectly clean the wound, remove dirt from it, and also ensure that the required amount of oxygen is delivered to the cells, which, in turn, will help stop bleeding. This rinse can also be in the form of a gel, very convenient for lubricating the wound, this only requires a cotton swab and a stick.

    An antacid. To prepare the mixture, you will need to take in equal proportions Benadryl - an anti-allergic liquid and an antacid agent, such as milk of magnesia, mix everything. Rinse for a minute, then spit. Can be performed up to two times. Antacids help lower the level of acid in the mouth, which improves healing. Antihistamines will reduce inflammation. The mixture of these products is a unique and effective rinse. You can prepare the mixture in the form of a paste, mainly it is convenient for those who cannot rinse their mouth for one reason or another and apply to the wound.

    Ordinary rinses. To perform the procedure, you need to take the dose that is usually recommended and rinse for at least half a minute. It is necessary to use rinses after eating. This will help cleanse the wound from food debris, protect against infection and speed up the tightening process. You can use for rinsing and agents such as, for example, benzydamine hydrochloride. The main thing is that everything is carried out strictly according to indications.

    What to treat?

    During treatment, cold compresses should be continued. Prepare ice cubes in a plastic bag and freeze your tongue until the pain decreases. To make it more comfortable, you can wrap the bag with a damp, thin cloth. Try not to eat any acidic foods during this period. You can suck on fruit-based ice cream and drink cold drinks. In a similar way, it will be possible to stop bleeding, even if it appears again, and also reduce pain during treatment.
    There are also recipes for quick wound healing:

    • aloe vera. This gel can be bought at any pharmacy chain. Or use a living plant, for example, by cutting a leaf, collect the pulp from it. Then use as a compress, applying the pulp to the wound at least three times a day. It is desirable if this procedure is performed after rinsing the mouth and before going to bed. Aloe vera is a natural herbal remedy that can improve blood circulation. In addition, it has a bactericidal property and is able to suppress certain types of harmful bacteria. When applying, be careful not to swallow. This tool can also be used in this way: take a small piece of bandage and put a gel on it, then apply it to the wound. Saliva will not dissolve it and this will extend the duration of the effect of the gel.
    • oral gel. It can also be purchased at any nearest pharmacy, it will effectively anesthetize and disinfect the wound. For example, orajel, which is available in the form of a tube, is popular and convenient in this particular case. To carry out the procedure, it is enough to squeeze out a little gel and place it on a sterile cotton swab, and then apply it to the affected area. It is recommended to repeat the procedure two to four times until the wound begins to heal.
    • adhesive paste. You can use this dental tool. The effect of the application is similar to oral gel. A little paste should be put on a sterile cotton swab, and then lubricate the wound. Frequency of repetitions up to four times a day. You can not bother applying the gel on a stick, but just apply with your finger. Wash your hands well with soap beforehand.
    • baking soda. To prepare the product, you need to dilute a teaspoon of this product to such a state until a homogeneous paste is obtained. You should dip a stick with a wound cotton wool into this paste-like mass and lubricate the affected area. Baking soda helps to reduce the acidity in the mouth and suppress bacteria, and also reduces swelling and pain when the inflammatory process has begun.
    • honey. This procedure is not only simple, but also pleasant. You need to take a teaspoon of the product and lick it, you can just drop honey on the bite site. The frequency of the procedure is up to two times a day. Honey is an excellent remedy with an enveloping effect. It will protect the mucous membrane, preventing the growth of harmful bacteria. It will only benefit if you add turmeric to honey, a pinch is enough. Turmeric is also an excellent antibacterial agent and will help to suppress some of the bad bacteria which, when combined with honey, will help heal the wound faster.
    • milk of magnesium. This method of treatment will especially bring a tangible effect if applied after the mouth rinse procedure. Milk is an excellent active antacid. Using this method, the patient will be able to achieve not only the suppression of harmful bacteria, but also create a favorable environment for beneficial microorganisms. To carry out the procedure, soak a cotton swab in milk of magnesia and apply three to four times a day to the wound.

    Precautionary measures

    Of course, all factors that can affect the injury of the tongue cannot be avoided. Especially in sports, and even with accidental falls. But precautions must be taken. To help prevent tongue biting in avoidable situations, follow these guidelines:

    1. Contact a dentist. It is necessary to make it a rule to undergo a scheduled examination at the dentist at least twice a year. Visit this specialist even when there are malocclusion. A separate category of patients is at an increased risk of oral injury. As a rule, this applies to those who suffer from multiple caries or who have sharp teeth. Patients who have uneven teeth can bite their tongue many times. Under these circumstances, the specialist at the reception will tell you how to fix the problem and suggest ways to solve it.
    2. Check dentures. Dentures should always be carefully inspected to ensure that they fit snugly against the gums and that they do not have much mobility. Dentures should not have sharp edges. If you have a chronic bite, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor to check the suitability of these artificial teeth for you. Also consult your orthodontist about the normal range of motion of an orthodontic appliance. This will make it possible to correct it and avoid injury to the tongue in the future. In addition, for sharp braces that can injure the tongue, you can come up with something protective. For example, small wax balls.
    3. Don't forget the caps. Those patients who are fond of sports that are dangerous for injury to the oral cavity should take care of protective devices. You should always wear a mouthguard or helmet, as well as other protective items. They will be able to reliably protect the lower jaw upon impact, which in turn will significantly reduce the risk of injuring the tongue and getting other serious injuries.
    4. Remember to be safe with epilepsy. Patients who suffer from this ailment need to know the rules of behavior in case of a seizure themselves and be sure to acquaint others with them so that they can provide effective assistance. You can not put any object in your mouth during an epileptic seizure, as this often does harm than good, this can also include biting the tongue. It is necessary to take care of calling an ambulance, and while it is on the way, roll the patient on his side.


    Before performing any oral procedure, wash your hands with soap and water. This will avoid infection of the wound after the bite, and you should not put pressure on the sore spot.

    Don't stop brushing your teeth, even if it's not easy. Follow this procedure three times a day, replacing the usual bristles of the brush with another one that is softer. Be careful not to irritate the bitten tongue.

    Do not pour brilliant green or iodine into the wound; it is better to treat the surrounding surface. Also, do not use antibiotics without a prescription from a specialist.

    During the treatment period, it is necessary to limit the use of alcohol and tobacco smoking, as well as its chewing - all this can irritate the wound and slow down the healing.

    There should not be too spicy and hot foods in the diet, as well as drinks that can irritate the tongue injury.

    In the event that you did not notice an improvement within a week, or, on the contrary, the wound has increased and gives off a putrid odor, and if the temperature rises, contact your dentist immediately.

    For quick healing, if the patient has bitten his tongue, strong immunity is needed. Drink teas from plants that are rich in vitamin C. An excellent raw material for these purposes can be, for example, rose hips, young shoots and leaves of raspberries and currants. You can also drink warm fruit drink made from berries such as strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries. In short, during the treatment of a bitten tongue, the patient should not only eat carefully, but also foods rich in vitamins.

    A significant part of the injuries of the tongue, as a rule, are of a mechanical nature, and this can only speak of the patient's failure to comply with the precautionary measures. Often the tongue bites while eating. To avoid such negative consequences, you should follow simple recommendations:

    • do not plunge into thoughts when eating;
    • not be distracted while eating;
    • do not talk with a full mouth;
    • food should be chewed slowly.


    The tongue is perhaps the strongest muscle in the human body. He is under enormous pressure every day. The oral cavity accumulates a lot of bacteria that can provoke the appearance of sores on the tongue. But that's not the biggest problem. Many of us are familiar with the concept - bit the tongue. How to treat such an injury, we will discuss in today's article.

    The tongue feeds the head and leads to beatings

    Among the people you can often hear such statements: "so that the tongue withered", "pip on your tongue" and others. As a rule, in everyday life language is always compared with talkativeness. But today we will talk about language as a functional part of the human body.

    What does it mean to bite your tongue? This expression has a direct meaning. Mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the teeth can occur by chance even when eating. Almost every person has experienced such an unpleasant and painful sensation.

    On a note! If the bite was insignificant, then no action is needed, the mucous membrane in the oral cavity is quickly regenerated.

    The situation is different if you bite your tongue to the blood. Such manifestations and through biting of the tongue are most often found in the event of a fall or strong mechanical impact by foreign objects. In such cases, you should immediately seek medical help.

    On a note! Even a small wound on the tongue can turn into an ulcer, which causes discomfort and unbearable pain.

    When do you need a doctor's help?

    In most cases, as practice shows, bite marks on the tongue quickly disappear, and the person forgets about such a minor nuisance. But there are situations when the mucous membrane is not regenerated, but on the contrary, the progression of the inflammatory process is observed. You can't do without medical help here.

    You should also contact your dentist if:

    • with a through wound of the tongue;
    • in the presence of a hematoma or swelling at the site of the bite;
    • with severe bleeding of the wound;
    • with the appearance of torn edges at the site of violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane;
    • in the event of a severe pain syndrome.

    After the examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment. If you do not respond to such alarming signals, then the process can become purulent, which is fraught with the development of complicated consequences.

    We provide emergency assistance

    How often do you find yourself in extreme situations? Even if it is extremely rare, then each of us should be able to provide first aid, at least theoretically. Let's simulate the situation: a person bit his tongue hard. What to do in this case?

    Tongue biting can happen suddenly, so you should always be ready to help yourself:

    1. First of all, you need to disinfect your hands. We wash them thoroughly with running water using toilet soap. If there is an antiseptic at hand, we process both palms and fingers.
    2. Using a mirror, examine the wound. If it bleeds, then you need to stop the bleeding. To do this, press the tongue to the upper palate or the inside of the cheek.
    3. And if not the tip of the tongue is damaged, then an ice compress will be needed. A piece of ice is wrapped in a clean cloth and applied to the affected area for 60-90 seconds. During this time, the blood will stop and the tongue will become numb.
    4. If the wound is small and not through, it is enough to take a drug that has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

    On a note! If the wound on the tongue appeared during a meal, the oral cavity should be immediately rinsed with filtered water, a special or soda solution.

    To eliminate the consequences of damage to the tongue and the speedy regeneration of the mucous membrane, it is necessary to use traditional medicine or medications. The latter include:

    • aloe vera gels;
    • milk of magnesia;
    • adhesive pastes.

    No less effective are traditional medicines that are used to prepare infusions.

    Recipe #1

    Salt is the enemy of bacteria living in the oral cavity. For minor wounds, a saline rinse can be used.


    • 1 st. filtered water;
    • 1 tsp table salt.

    Preparation and application:

    1. We heat filtered water to a temperature mark of 36-37 °.
    2. Pour in the salt and stir until completely dissolved.
    3. Rinse the mouth with the prepared infusion every time after meals, but at least three times a day.
    4. We repeat the procedure until the wounds on the tongue are completely healed.

    Recipe #2

    Hydrogen peroxide is considered an affordable and inexpensive antiseptic. This liquid is in almost every home first aid kit.


    • 1 part filtered water;
    • 1 part hydrogen peroxide with 3% concentration.

    Preparation and application:

    1. The above components must be combined in equal proportions.
    2. Stir and rinse your mouth after every meal.
    3. In no case should this solution be swallowed; after the procedure, it is spit out.

    Recipe #3

    Prepare an effective antacid. Such solutions are also used for rinsing. With their help, the level of acidity in the oral cavity decreases, which contributes to the speedy regeneration of the damaged mucous membrane of the tongue.


    • 1 part "Benadryl";
    • 1 part Milk of Magnesia.

    Preparation and application:

    1. We combine the above ingredients in equal parts.
    2. Stir well and rinse the mouth with the resulting solution twice a day.
    3. "Benadryl" can be replaced with another antihistamine liquid. It is thanks to this component that puffiness is eliminated.

    On a note! Honey is often used to treat a wound on the tongue. The bee product has antiseptic properties, in addition, it envelops the mucous membrane, preventing its irritation and reproduction of pathogens. The most powerful natural antiseptic is turmeric powder. Add some golden spice to honey and apply this mixture on the bite.

    Probably, every person at least once in his life faced such a problem as a bitten tongue. This can happen both during meals and during conversations. Immediately there is acute pain, which eventually decreases in its intensity. What to do if you bite your tongue to speed up healing, more details in the article.

    First aid

    If the question arose of what can be done if the tongue is bitten, then most likely there is significant damage and severe pain. A small wound heals in a fairly short time and does not disturb a person in any way. Deep injuries are accompanied by pain and bleeding.

    Tongue biting in children requires an urgent referral to a specialist in order to prevent dangerous consequences. Do not ignore the pain and hope for its independent disappearance. Due to the child's not yet formed immunity, an infection can easily penetrate into the damaged tissue and spread further throughout the body with the blood flow. The doctor will be able to properly treat the wound and prescribe further treatment.

    If it is impossible for one reason or another to visit a doctor, you can provide first aid at home. In most cases, at this stage, therapy ends, and further visits to a specialist are no longer required.

    If bleeding occurs after biting the tongue hard, you should try to stop it. To do this, use pressure: press the tongue against the palate or gums.

    Important! You can reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process and stop the flow of blood with the help of a cold compress. An ice cube from the freezer is perfect.

    To calm the child and reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome, you can use a solution of Lidocaine, in which a cotton swab is moistened and applied to the injured area. Do not apply too much Lidocaine. Otherwise, irritation will occur. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the child does not accidentally swallow saliva with the drug until it is absorbed into the tissue.

    In some cases, suturing is required, which only a specialist can do. Self-medication is not recommended.


    How to treat a wound from biting the tongue after first aid, only a doctor can say. As a rule, medications are prescribed that promote rapid healing, eliminate pain and swelling:

    • Solcoseryl paste is an excellent drug for getting rid of the inflammatory process, accelerating the regeneration of injured tissues, preventing the attachment of secondary infections (apply up to 5 times a day to the damaged area until complete healing);
    • Metrogyl gel includes the substances chlorhekidin and metronidazole, which effectively cope with pathogenic microorganisms and inflammatory processes (apply up to 3 times a day for 7 days);
    • hydrogen peroxide is a simple and affordable remedy used for wound healing and antiseptic treatment after biting the tongue (dilute with water in equal proportions and rinse the mouth up to 2 times a day).

    If a child has bitten his tongue, in this case, compresses with hydrogen peroxide can be applied to the injured area by moistening a cotton swab in the product.


    If a person has bitten his tongue, he will probably be bothered by pain. This also affects food intake. For this reason, hot food should be excluded from the diet, because high temperature slows down recovery and, moreover, increases the intensity of pain. This also applies to cold food, which acts in the same way as hot food.

    It is mandatory to replenish the diet with vitamins, which help to strengthen the protective function of the body, thereby accelerating recovery. For example, products containing vitamins C and B will be useful: fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, herbs, meat, etc. You can also buy ordinary ascorbic acid in the form of sucking tablets at the pharmacy.

    Citrus fruits are a natural source of vitamin C. They help increase the body's resistance to infections.

    Folk remedies

    After you have bitten your tongue, you can begin to carry out therapy with folk remedies, from which medicinal decoctions and infusions are prepared:

    • salt: 1 tbsp. l. water for 1 tsp. salt, stir and rinse after eating;
    • hydrogen peroxide: dissolve soda in water in equal volumes, rinse the mouth with the finished product after eating;
    • milk of magnesia and Benadryl: mix the ingredients in equal proportions, rinse the mouth with the finished product after eating.

    You can get rid of the wound with the help of honey, which has an antiseptic effect, helps to envelop the mucous membrane, thereby preventing its irritation and the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Another natural antiseptic is turmeric powder. You can add a pinch of turmeric to honey and apply the mixture on the wound.

    How to speed up wound healing

    After the pain syndrome disappears and the bleeding stops, special measures can be taken to help speed up recovery and quickly restore damaged tissue:

    • brushing your teeth daily and thoroughly rinsing your mouth after brushing (this will help prevent infection of the wound);
    • daily rinsing of the mouth with infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs (for example, from chamomile);
    • instead of infusions and herbal decoctions, you can take any antiseptic drug (for example, Furacilin).
    • if 5 days have passed after biting the tongue, and the wound does not heal;
    • if after 2-3 days the wound began to increase;
    • if a blue hematoma has formed at the bite site;
    • if swelling has formed at the bite site;
    • when causing severe injury: biting through the tongue, biting off the tip, etc.

    Prohibited actions

    After biting the tongue, it is strictly forbidden to treat the tongue with antiseptic preparations such as brilliant green and iodine. In most cases, the funds cause a burn of the mucous membrane and its irritation. It is not recommended to use hot solutions, infusions and decoctions for rinsing. The liquid should have the optimum temperature - slightly warm.

    Important! Inflammation can occur when dirt gets into the wound. In this case, bacterial microorganisms penetrate into it, which cause an infectious process.

    Applying pressure to the injured area is also not recommended. Otherwise, the inflammatory process intensifies.

    It is forbidden to self-medicate with antibacterial drugs. Such potent agents should be prescribed by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the inflammatory process.

    Although biting the tongue rarely causes dangerous consequences, you should still not miss the unpleasant symptoms that arise, but you need to see a doctor. He will carefully examine the wound and prescribe the most effective therapy.