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  • How to self-actualize with the help of superconsciousness
  • How can we truly fulfill ourselves? How to self-actualize with the help of superconsciousness. My story

    How can we truly fulfill ourselves?  How to self-actualize with the help of superconsciousness.  My story

    Three years ago, life bluntly confronted me with the question of finding "my own path", the work of my life.

    For the previous six years, I had regularly been kicked by her in the form of serious illnesses requiring surgical intervention.

    There were three pins. The third kick was the most painful, literally. I experienced unbearable pain as a result of another disease that fell on my head, I don’t understand from where.

    It was obvious that something needed to be changed in life. But what can I change? My life is home, family, work. Like the vast majority who are employed.

    In family life, it was impossible to wish for better. God has been very kind to me and has given me a wonderful husband and son.

    In general, in my life I was very lucky with people, I was surrounded by bright people with whom I easily converged, without experiencing any difficulties in relationships and communication.

    The whole world has been very friendly to me since childhood!

    So what to change? There was only one thing left - work!

    At the time, I was working in sales for a great big federal company. I have a trade education and selling is the only thing I know how to do, which I have been doing for over 20 years.

    I confess that I have been thinking about changes before, since the first kick that happened at 35, when I was diagnosed with oncology, but the most that I saw possible to change was the company. One company to another. What I successfully implemented, changing companies every few years.

    This time, I realized that the change of company would no longer work. And there was nothing to run from, to be honest. Wonderful working conditions, chic office, decent pay, great team. Where else can you find one like this?

    The fact that I was not realized, I was afraid to admit to myself. I avoided these thoughts. I didn't see any way to change...

    The mind screamed: “Where are you going! Stop! You will be lost! What can you do? What can you do? ”And he painted terrible pictures of failure and bankruptcy in the future for me. The maximum that my mind offered me in those circumstances was a career as a hair stylist! This could be learned in 8 months. I sent him (mind) to hell with this idea.

    It was obvious that my mind was no help! I remembered that I once read about the existence of some kind of subconscious.

    Mind inside me? It is interesting! I started looking for ways to get direct, irrefutable proof of its existence.

    And received. Very fast. Literally the next day after I prayed, turning to him with a request to show what it is, my way? Who am I? What am I here for?

    It was not some incomprehensible "power of the subconscious." It was a mind, an intellect that perfectly understood my questions and answered me! It was SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS!

    He knew what the mind could not know. In order to decipher the phrases, I had to “google” the answers “from the other side”, because in my rational mind there were no such files, such information, I was not familiar with many concepts that were “opened” to me.

    Then I realized that I would not disappear, nowhere and never! The fear of the future is gone.

    I wrote a letter of resignation and in the office of a highly respected commercial director (I hope he will also read my opus and smile) called the real reason for my departure: “I do not live my own life! »

    I’m not sure that he understood me then ... Nevertheless, I went “to nowhere” ... The family supported me in my decision, as always ...

    My goal was self-realization.

    I instructed my invisible assistant to guide me to "my path" and trusted.

    Then there was the path of exploring oneself, the World and Life, Being, relationships, essence, meaning ... On this path, I was driven by one thing: it was important for me to understand who communicates with me, who “leads” me?

    I perceived this mind, intellect inside me as some kind of otherworldly helper, Being (in esotericism - Mentor, Angel), existing separately from me.

    On this path of finding out the origin of the mind and its belonging to me, there was immersion in esotericism, learning regressions and subsequent deepest disappointment in the model of the World on which it is built (everything exists separately from me, including the Higher Forces that watch and guide us us), and in the regression method...

    One year was enough for me to plunge into this esoteric story and understand that this is a dead end path that does not change either Consciousness or life, by and large. But many hang in it for decades.

    I did not find confirmation of what most people believe, and the esoteric rationale for life, as the lessons that we all go through here on Earth, gave only a justification for what happens in life ...

    “Is it hard to live? No money, no love, a sick child? This is your lesson! Contracts between souls! We are all teachers to each other! You won't write anything! Karma!"

    Then they began to say in the channelings that karma was sort of canceled, but people's lives did not change at all. But many were waiting for everything to change automatically, and now they are waiting, listening to channelings!

    They are waiting for someone from above to send better living conditions, money, some benefits ... Naive ... A waste of time, I tell you!

    As you already understood, the formula for the structure of reality proposed by esotericism did not suit me. I felt that everything was arranged quite differently ...

    Disappointment prompted further searches. Independent study of Genesis, imperceptibly for me, has become the basis of my life, the work of my life.

    As soon as I decided that I myself want to get to the bottom of the truth and understand the principle of the world order, the foundations of the universe (and why not, if there is SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS inside me?), an epiphany happened. There was a clear understanding of the model of the world, in which I am the center of being, and the whole world is a reflection, a continuation of me...

    Not an abstract understanding, but a detailed, deep one, when I suddenly began to clearly see the reason for every event and situation that happens to me during the day, in my inner, subconscious world.

    By changing one's Consciousness (subconsciousness), changes automatically occur in the outside world. Everything is interconnected with everything at the quantum level. And this is obvious! The results of my clients began to confirm this, time after time, which made me terribly delighted!

    There is an absolutely direct connection between our inner world and external events! For some reason no one sees this. This understanding gave me every right to call myself a “life designer”, a quantum psychologist.

    Today I affirm that all the “lessons”, fate, the reasons for absolutely every event, situation and circumstances of our life are determined not by individual Higher forces that send us tests from above and at the same time keep an eye on us, but are “protected” in each of us, in our subconscious mind”, in the form of subconscious programs that we received in childhood.

    And the outer world is a continuation, a projection, a mold of our inner, subconscious world! And there is no separate God, and there are no separate Higher powers, except for the one that is the basis of each of us!

    This understanding makes it possible to change events, situations and circumstances of life, changing your inner, subconscious world!
    This is a completely different level of Consciousness, understanding oneself and one's place in this world, completely different possibilities.

    Let me summarize. Everything that happened in my life in a short time is a big surprise for me. A hair stylist (the maximum that the mind could offer) and a “life designer”, a researcher are slightly different stories, agree?

    You can also find yourself after a short time in a completely new quality, if you turn to your inner mind, to your inner Consciousness, SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS! It cleverly organizes the delivery of your desires!

    I'm not sure that everyone will understand me, but for now ... Everyone will come to this, sooner or later ...
    Thank you for your attention!

    With sincere love and wishes for happy changes, Valentina Krasina.

    P.S. I created a self-realization training with the help of the Superconsciousness "NAVIGATOR", in which I reveal all the secrets of interaction with the inner mind.

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    “Being the richest man in the cemetery is not important to me. Going to bed telling yourself that you've done something wonderful is what's really important."
    Steve Jobs

    What is "self-realization"?

    Self-realization is the disclosure of one's unique personal potential, abilities, inclinations and talents.

    • Self-realization can be in the profession.
    • Self-realization can be in a relationship
    • Self-realization can be a hobby
    • Self-realization can be in socially significant activities
    • And, of course, we are talking about self-realization, like men.

    Moreover, for me, self-realization is primarily the answer to the question: “how”. It is in the answer to the question “how to do” that the true individuality of a person is manifested, no matter what he does. And only then: “what to do”, “where” or “with whom”.

    What is "creation"?

    Creation is an attitude to everything from the point of view of construction (as opposed to consumption or, moreover, destruction).

    You can create-build:

    • enterprise or company (it doesn’t matter if you are hired or not, no matter what position you hold)
    • relationships and family
    • district, city, country, society
    • and, of course, yourself

    Creation, as a rule, implies the creation of something new or the harmonization of an existing one. Naturally, this often requires a creative attitude. Therefore, creation is also a creative approach to everything. In general, “create” and “create” are almost synonymous.

    Why do I consider myself entitled to be a Life-mentor in the topic of self-realization and creation?

    For me, “self-realization and creation” is something without which I cannot imagine life. Why then everything? Why work? Why relationship? Why wake up and start the day? Well, the answer remains: "for fun." But pleasure without self-realization and creation is some kind of vegetable. In this case, I would find it difficult to name at least one difference between myself and my cat.

    Whether I work for hire, for myself, or as the head of my own business; in any field of activity, in any place, in any position, I have always been one way or another engaged in self-realization and creation.

    Relations in the family without self-realization and creation for me would also be devoid of meaningful content. It can also be said vice versa - it is the guidelines of self-realization and creation that maintain the necessary degree in our relationship with my wife. We are always interesting to each other and we are interested in building our family and ourselves.

    Perhaps the word "interesting" is the key here. I am interested in myself and I am interested in changing something for the better in the world around me. And I am writing this now not to boast, but in order to infect you with just such an attitude towards my life, so that your life will also change for the better, and you, in turn, will also influence the lives of other people ...

    Conditions for self-realization of a man

    1. True success in life is a direct consequence of self-realization. Otherwise, even if you have reached great heights, this is something like a "prize for fools", this is too expensive a payment for selling your own life to society, other people's ideas and expectations. Think about it. Is such a success worth such a sacrifice?

    2. Money received without self-realization and creation is a comfortable animal existence instead of a truly happy life. In contrast, money received as a result of self-realization and creation is a source of satisfaction from life in all its manifestations. The choice is yours.

    3. A prerequisite for self-realization is knowledge, understanding, feeling oneself, as well as respect for one's values, desires and aspirations. At the heart of self-realization is the desire to Be Yourself, to follow one's individuality, to live one's life, not someone else's. Learn to distinguish your from not yours, instead of following the generally accepted standard patterns.

    4. As for self-realization in the profession, of course, it's good if you know what exactly you want to do in life. However, if you have not yet found your life's work, the main thing is to do any business in your own way, following your own style. There is a saying: "a talented person is talented in everything", I would clarify it - "the one who strives to be himself and follow his individuality is unique in everything."

    5. If you feel capable of something, but so far you know little about it, draw up a plan for your development, set goals, deadlines, tasks. Strive to learn from true masters in this matter, try to be close to them, even if for this you need to work for free or clean the floors in their offices or workshops. Masters are not born - masters are made. Abilities without hard work and self-improvement are a resource that quickly exhausts itself.

    6. Self-realization of a man without a relationship with a woman, without a family, cannot be complete. Communication with a woman always poses a lot of self-development tasks for a man. To be a man next to a woman, sometimes you need to master no less skills than in any profession: listen, hear, understand, accept, negotiate, make decisions, take responsibility, care, be gentle, be strong, be independent .... In general, in the matter of self-realization of a man, a woman is indispensable and is needed, first of all, precisely for this.

    In our world, the world of technological progress, where a person has become relatively freed from heavy physical labor, and most of the work takes place either in well-equipped industries or in offices, for some reason, questions of the meaning of life, purpose and self-realization are becoming more and more relevant.

    Now these are the most painful topics, along with questions of family relations.

    This happens for many reasons: free time, access to information and a sharp increase in living standards.

    The consequence of such informational openness is the growing desire to imitate the powerful of this world.

    The meaning of life, self-realization, purpose - the topics that have been troubling humanity since antiquity, to this day. A huge amount of advice and recommendations was given, books, articles were written, films were made. On this site, in the "Library" section, you will find a large number of materials for self-study.

    When we are faced with the problem of lack of meaning in life, misunderstanding of our place in the world, emotional burnout, depressive states - we begin to frantically study everything that will help us overcome these states. This is good, but it happens that it does not help to get out of the current situation. One of the reasons for the inefficiency of this method is the desire to quickly solve the problem. There is a problem - there is a solution (tablet). They took the pill and moved on with their lives. However, this method usually does not work. In the process of life, we have accumulated a large amount of material, including in our subconscious, which must be worked out.

    Another reason for such phenomena is that we have forgotten how to listen to ourselves.

    We don't know what we are walking. We are used to living by someone else's rules, following what our parents, our teachers, or our spouses thought was good for us. We just don't know how to live the way we want to. As a result, the body sends us signals in the form of depression and various diseases.

    For a while, we ignore ourselves because it is often scary and unusual to follow your dream, to do what you want, and not what society seems to require of us.

    Self-realization is an opportunity to realize ourselves, but how is this possible if we are constantly trying to become "successful", earn money or become very respected people.

    When money comes first, you can forget about yourself.

    Exploring the topic of success for 4 years, I came to the conclusion that everyone perceives this term in their own way. The most successful professionals in their fields perceive success precisely as an opportunity to do what they love, which benefits others and they are willing to pay for it.

    At the same time, the generally accepted opinion is the understanding of success as material wealth. And it's not a specific amount. It is important for us that we have a little more than other people from our social circle. Somewhere success is a million, somewhere - a billion, and somewhere - it's just a Ford Focus, taken on credit. It would be more correct to call this phenomenon not “success”, but “sense of superiority”. Then it would be easier to understand yourself.

    The most important aspect of our life and self-realization is the feeling of happiness - this is what we all subconsciously strive for. The mistake in this aspiration is the desire to fill every moment of your life with a feeling of happiness, an attempt to concentrate on achieving this state.

    However, wise people say that happiness is a state to which there is no point in striving, since happiness is a state that is simply a consequence of certain life circumstances or a certain attitude towards life.

    Self-realization and the meaning of life are key issues for those who are faced with the following problems:

    1. Burnout syndrome;
    2. Professional burnout syndrome;
    3. Middle age crisis;
    4. Depression;

    These states are given to us in order to stop and think: is this what I am doing and is there any sense in it? Or maybe for me this is already a passed stage and I need to move somewhere further. Perhaps they are necessary for our life to become more conscious.

    « For centuries, the ultimate fate of heroes has been the same as that of ordinary people. All of them died and were gradually erased from the memory of people. But while we are alive, we must understand ourselves, understand ourselves and express ourselves.- Bruce Lee.

    In the 20th century, Viktor Emil Frankl created logotherapy, a meaning-oriented psychotherapy based on the search and analysis of the meaning of a person's life. Logotherapy is designed to help those who, for some reason, cannot find themselves on their own, overcome a life crisis.

    By registering on the site you will get access to the video training "Find your meaning", which was created on the basis of the concept of Viktor Frankl. I hope it will help you in such an important matter as self-knowledge and help you find yourself.

    If you need individual work with a psychologist, a logotherapist, I will be happy to help.

    Psychologist, hypnotherapist Alexander Krasnov

    Self-realization in life: how to find yourself?

    Psychologists say that self-realization is a person's desire to fully reveal their potential, opportunities, and as a result, a feeling of happiness from what you are doing.

    But how to find yourself and fulfill yourself in life? You must come to the answer to this question yourself. And the women's site "Beautiful and Successful" will help you with this.

    Self-realization and family

    Of course, the family is very important for a woman. And there are women who realize themselves at home. They like to raise children, cook dinners, and they consider career and other ambitions unimportant. For them, in the first place is the husband's delight from a delicious dinner, these are the successes of the children, they strive to surround their family with care and find themselves in this. Family is the meaning of their life.

    However, there are women who regularly perform their maternal duties while on maternity leave, but they are gnawed by the thought that time is running out, and they have not yet done something important in their lives. On the one hand, I want to have several children, on the other hand, I want to realize myself in life. After all, one day the children will grow up and leave home, and what will be left for them? Still cooking dinner and watching TV shows?

    Therefore, it is important to focus on unlocking your own potential in addition to series and cooking dinners. With the birth of a child, life does not end - it just becomes a little different. After all, a child does not interfere with visiting, self-educating, getting carried away with a new hobby. You can keep active!

    First you realized yourself in the profession, then in motherhood. Now you have time to think about what is important to you? Who do you want to be? What would you really like to do? Now that the children have been born, you can do what you like: get a second education and a new specialty, and then change jobs.

    How to find yourself if you are already successful

    We usually focus on two or three goals: career, earnings, family. But the achievement of these goals does not affect our full potential. We understand this when the basic needs are satisfied: there is money, a loved one, stability and a roof over our heads. And this is where the search for something important in life begins. Our possibilities dormant inside begin to persistently look for a way out.

    And if these internal possibilities are not revealed, the potential is not revealed, we feel dissatisfaction with life. As if something is missing, something is missing. This dissatisfaction can confuse you, especially if you have already achieved success in some field. It would seem that the goal has been achieved, live and rejoice, but something is eating from the inside, and from the outside it looks like a whim.

    Therefore, do not take risks by concentrating on one goal. This will prevent you from exploring your desires and unlocking your own potential. And over the years, unfortunately, the ability to hear yourself and follow your desires becomes dull. This is facilitated by stress, hard working days, monotonous pastime. In general, in the daily hustle and bustle, hands do not reach themselves.

    Plus, we live according to certain stereotypes: we need to finish school, a prestigious university, get a good job, have a baby and live to retire.

    By the way, the thought of retirement is a little sobering and makes you think. Imagine that you are already 70-80 years old, and the sunset of your life is approaching. How do you imagine your life? Are you satisfied with her? If not, then think about self-realization in life now. A few exercises will help you with this.

    Exercises that make you think about self-realization in life

    1. Write down 10 things you enjoy doing. If you weren't limited by anything, what would you do? Now, out of these 10, cross out one that, in your opinion, is not the most important. There are 9 desired activities left. Now cross off one more and so on down the list.

    Of course, this won't be easy. But in this way you will come to the most important desire, the embodiment of which will fill your life with meaning and help you find yourself. Plan the rest of the pleasant things in your weekly schedule. Thus, all your strength and thoughts will go not only to work, but also to personal hobbies.

    2. Think about what money is? What effect do they have on people? How much money do you need to be happy? What do you do when you feel like you don't have enough money? If you were rich, what would be the first thing you would do with your money? By answering these questions, you will understand that money is not an end, but a means. By themselves, they have no value. Therefore, you need to strive not for money, but for something more specific.

    3. Imagine that you are given the opportunity to live five lives. What would you do in each of them? What would you do? What result would you get and what experience did you gain? Parents and teachers convince us from childhood that the choice of a profession is one for life, and that we need to look for a stable job. Now do you understand how much this installation impoverishes life?

    4. Make a list of your goals for the next 5 years. Now imagine that in 2 years you will be gone. What will you do with the rest of the time? If the two plans are significantly different, then what you are doing now and your goals do not match your desires. And whose life are you living then?

    The above exercises will not make you a self-actualized person, because this process goes on almost all your life. But they will make you think and perhaps push you to action.

    More information

    Quite a popular statement: "You can become whoever you want to be." That's just "desired being" does not mean that it is useful and what this person really needs. It's like summoning a genie from a bottle so that he fulfills his deepest desire. He fulfills it - but it has become even worse than it was.

    Or a more everyday example. It's like poke your children in all desires. If it reaches for the "shiny little thing" with snot and shouts: "Hotsiu." It does not mean that a shiny little thing is good for a child. (Brilliant can be: like daddy's watch, so sharp polished knife).

    The fact of the matter is that the fulfillment of our desires, desires, aspirations is not the way to reveal our true nature. But in order to come to such a conclusion, a person first needs to realize a dozen of his primary desires (desires, dreams, etc.), especially in our age of anti-authoritarianism. When we don’t trust anyone or anything, but we are so greedy for everything brilliant.

    Several ways to be truly realized

    But before. All of the following: snatched from different sources that may contradict each other.

    To know the right path, you may first need to go the wrong way.

    How to be real?

    1. Choose a big (higher) goal

    Higher ones can be both very mercantile and "spiritual". For example: “I want me and my family to be the richest people”, or “Become the wisest”. The concept is higher, conditional, what is higher for one is conceited for others. But not the point.

    You just need to choose any goal that is pleasant for you, so that it is very difficult, for life. And strives for it.

    But how, then, is my true potential realized? Quite simply: in order to achieve something worthwhile, you will have to put in a lot of work on self-improvement. In which everything is manifested, both positive and weak sides.

    Achieving the goal is this: 1. Overcoming obstacles (including overcoming one's weaknesses of the personality). 2. The use of certain efforts (part of these forces are your positive qualities, talents, etc., which in turn helps them develop even more).

    2. Choose an ideological direction

    Everything is the same as above. The whole mechanism of self-realization is the same, but instead of a goal - a direction. This is following a certain idea, ideology, something that is difficult to feel, touch with your hands, put in your pocket.

    For instance. Become a communist so that everyone becomes equal. (Sounds stupid now, but once upon a time people died for this idea worse than Christian martyrs). Or democracy around the world. (I wonder why this idea doesn't seem silly? Or does it? US foreign policy immediately comes to mind.)

    Or. The ultimate development of one's abilities or talents. Surely you have such a talent. It is impossible to be perfect, but to achieve the maximum ...

    3. Become an adherent of a certain “school of life”

    Man is stupid, stupid and weak. Therefore, it is very difficult for him to understand what he is, who he is and why he is. It’s like trying to explain to a child why he can do something, but this is “low” ... He still won’t understand until he grows up. And in order for him to grow up, he needs both physical food and “correct” education.

    So it is with adepts (followers) - they need an eye and an eye until they themselves realize that this is the very thing for them - “true potential”.

    In this case, you are required to choose a religion for yourself (a certain “spiritual school” that “Knows ...”), or let the religion choose you. It contains both the "truth" and the paths to it.

    4. Experience life the hard way

    All of the above rests on the fact that a person is reasonable and knows that he is such. But animals don’t build temples for themselves, don’t visit websites, and live quite normally. Can a man play with his brains?

    Maybe life already contains all the answers? In this case, live as you live, the answers will appear themselves. And your task is not to look for an extra burden in the form of mental constructions (think less on general questions for which there are no answers.)

    There is an interesting oriental remark: "The unfortunate seek the gods and worship them, but the gods themselves watch the happy and help them in everything."

    Hmm, after reading all of the above: at least in many cases, in order to be realized, you first need to decide on a choice ...