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  • The thought of the story is the death of an official. "Death of an official" main characters. Essay about Chervyakov

    The thought of the story is the death of an official.

    One of the early stories of A.P. Chekhov's "The Death of an Official" was published in 1883, when a little-known writer under the pseudonym "Antosha Chekhonte" was published in humorous magazines, giving out dozens of short funny stories that were always a hit with readers.

    The prehistory of the story is this. Once a good friend of Anton Pavlovich's family, writer and manager of Moscow theaters, Vladimir Petrovich Begichev told a funny story about how one person sneezed on another in the theater during a performance. Moreover, this fact so excited him that the next day he came to ask for forgiveness for yesterday's embarrassment. They laughed at the story and forgot about it. But not Anton Pavlovich. Even then, in his imagination, the image of Ivan Dmitrievich Chervyakov in a tightly pulled up uniform and General Brizzhalov was born. The result of the story told was the short story “The Death of an Official” that appeared on the pages of the Shards magazine with the subtitle “The Case”.

    Story analysis

    The work was written in the spirit of realism, which became widespread in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. The story was included in the collection "Motley stories". The writer combined here realism with conventionality. This is clearly seen at the beginning of the work and at its end, when a mockery of death is inappropriate.

    The ideological content of the story is the theme of the little man, a protest against the self-suppression and self-abasement of the individual. Ivan Dmitrievich Chervyakov is the younger brother of the "Station Master" Samson Vyrin. Eternally humiliated and confused for no particular reason. In his story, Chekhov literally knocks on the reader's mind, urging them to squeeze out "drop by drop of a slave."


    The outset of the plot might seem completely devoid of any significance, if not for its further development and a completely unexpected ending. While in the theater, the official Ivan Dmitrievich Chervyakov sneezed on the bald head of the general sitting in front and, as it seemed to him, aroused discontent in him.

    After apologizing once, he was not satisfied with this and began to literally pursue the general with his apologies. It seemed to him that he was not satisfied with his apology. The general, at first, quite calmly and favorably accepted the official's apology. But, endlessly pursued by Chervyakov, he finally explodes and screams at him. After that, Ivan Dmitrievich came home, lay down on the bed and died.


    There are only two main characters here: a petty official with a speaking surname Chervyakov Ivan Dmitrievich and a state general Brizzhalov. The main character is, of course, Chervyakov. Chekhov shows how miserable, absurd a person can be, to what a slavish state he can bring himself. Each time, apologizing to the general, he voluntarily renounces human dignity. It would seem, what is easier, apologized to the person who favorably accepted your apology and this should all end. No, you have to force yourself to go again and apologize again.

    For him, this is not just an unpleasant embarrassment. Not! This is an attack on the bureaucratic hierarchy. In this case, General Brizzhalov evokes more sympathy. After all, at first he quite decently answered Chervyakov's apologies. But the principle stuck in his head that respect for persons is sacred, almost the foundation of social life, in his view, the general should, apparently, hold the ceremony of accepting his apologies. And he is even indignant that the general is so inattentive to his apologies. The general himself seems to us to be a well-bred man. The fact that he shouted at Chervyakov at the end of the story is quite understandable. Probably not everyone would have withstood such persecution.

    The story is called "The Death of an Official". There is a deep meaning here, that not a person died, but an official, for whom servility is the basis of life. His death does not cause much sympathy and tragedy. If this official had grown to certain heights, then he would have promoted the idea of ​​servility everywhere along his path, educating his own kind. That is why Chekhov ruthlessly kills him. In his submission, Chervyakov did not die of fright or unbearable humiliation. No. It is unbearable for him to realize that his desire to serve, to offer his lowest apologies is not accepted in a worthy manner. And he dies. By killing him, Chekhov thus passes judgment on everything that Chervyakov personifies.

    “The world of a “little” person in a short story by A.P. Chekhov's Death of an Official. The right to grovel.

    Plot, genre, chronotope.

    Target: development of reader culture and understanding of the author's position.

    The results of the study of the subject:

    Personal results:
    - Encourage students to think about human dignity.
    Metasubject results:
    - the ability to listen, reason, comment, draw conclusions;

    Work with the text, find the necessary information in it, process it; own speech (monologic, dialogical);
    subject results:
    in the field of knowledge- the ability to analyze the story, characterize Chervyakov, understand and formulate the theme, idea;
    in the value-oriented sphere- evaluate the author's ideas, express their opinion;
    in the field of communication- perceive the reading of the story by ear, answer questions on the text, build a monologue text;
    in the aesthetic field– understand the role played by an artistic detail in creating an image.

      visual material.

    Multimedia presentation, portrait of Chekhov.


    The text of the story "Death of an official".

    Annex 1. Work card of the student (for each).

    Appendix 2. Additional material (per desk).

    Board decoration

    Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

    "Death of an Official"

    The world of the "little man" in Chekhov's short story ??????? The right to grovel

    illustrations for the story.

    ??????? Why did Ivan Dmitritch Chervyakov die?

    Plot, genre, chronotope. Epigraph to the lesson.

    Recognize your insignificance, you know where? Before God

    perhaps before the mind, beauty, nature, but not before

    people. Among people you need to be aware of your own


    A. Chekhov - brother Mikhail

    During the classes

      goal setting

    Today we continue our conversation about the wonderful writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. We remembered his biography, analyzed the story “Tosca”, were on an excursion in the A.P. Chekhov. Thus, at least for a little, but plunged into the world of the writer. You have already seen, I hope that it is not for nothing that they talk about the beauty of Chekhov's work, where words are crowded, and thoughts spacious, where each word is significant and capacious, like a deep vessel with a narrow neck: you look into it, but you won’t see the bottom ... But you definitely need to see: for this you need to get used to it - then your eyes will begin to distinguish a lot that you won’t see right away, from a bright light ...

    Let us turn to his story "The Death of an Official".

    Written on the board TWO LESSON TOPICS. Unusual... I would like you to determine for yourself at the end of the lesson which topic turned out to be more important for you.

    Today we will analyze Chekhov's story "Death of an official".

    ??? What would you suggest for consideration in the lesson?(student answers)

    GOALS: In today's lesson

      we will analyze the story, talk about its plot, genre, chronotope;

      give a description of the main character;

      let's track how the theme of the "little man" develops in Chekhov's work;

      Let's answer the question: Why did Ivan Dmitritch Chervyakov die?

    As you work in the lesson, you fill in the cards that are in front of you.

    Today we need a dictionary for the story and additional material.

      What is the history of the creation of the story "The Death of an Official"?

    (students talk using additional material)

    History of creation:

    According to Chekhov, the plot of the story "The Death of an Official" was told to Anton Pavlovich Begichev(former director of Moscow theaters). It was simple: a man who carelessly sneezed in the theatre, the next day came to a stranger and began to apologize for causing him trouble in the theater. Funny anecdotal case."The Death of an Official" refers to the so-called early stories of the writer. Published in 1883 in the magazine "Shards" subtitled - "Happening"."The Death of an Official", like other stories of the writer, are included by the author in collection of 1886 "Motley stories".

      Motivation for cognitive activity

      Before reading. Forecast.

    ??? What is this piece about? The title is "Death of an Official". Your prediction: what will be discussed?

      Introduction to the text.

      Your impressions...

      Formation of skills and abilities

      Analysis of the epigraph for the lesson.

    (Teacher reads lines)

    Recognize your insignificance, you know where? Before God, perhaps, before mind, beauty, nature, but not before people. People should be aware of their dignity.

    ????This is how Anton Pavlovich wrote to his brother Mikhail. How do you understand this idea? What does this quote have to do with "Death of an Official"?

      We proceed directly to the analysis of the work. Plot.

    ??? What is a plot?

    The course of events in a literary text.

    ??? What are the plot elements?

    Exposition, plot, development of action, climax, fall of action, epilogue.

    Task: Find and write down plot elements in the story(entry in work cards)

    1. Exposure. Ivan Chervyakov in the theater.
    2. Tie. The official sneezed and splashed the general.
    3. Development of action. Chervyakov goes to apologize to the general.
    4. Climax. The general screamed and stamped his feet.
    5.Decoupling. The official is dead.

    Task: Compose a quote story (entry in work cards)

      "... Ivan Dmitritch Chervyakov was sitting in the second row of seats and ... felt at the height of bliss."
      2. "...bent down and...apchi!!!"
      3. "... the old man ... diligently wiped his bald head ..."
      4. "I need to apologize."
      5. “I apologized, but he is somehow strange ...”
      6. "What nonsense ..."
      7. "General, but can't understand!"
      8. "Get out!!!"
      9. "... he lay down on the sofa and ... died."

    OUTPUT: What gives us this alignment of events? As always, Chekhov has a deep meaning behind the simplicity of the plot. And you can know it only thanks to the artistic details that are designed to convey the main idea to the reader.

    3. Next step: Chronotope.

    ??? What is a chronotope?

    Chronotope - time and space in a work of art.

    The task(group work)

    Let's analyze the time and space of "The Death of an Official" together.



    One fine evening

    Theater "Arcadia"

    the same evening


    Next day

    Reception General

    same day


    Next day

    Reception General

    same day


    ??? What features of the chronotope did you notice?

    Only three days, alternation of places of stay of an official.

    OUTPUT: What gave us the analysis of time and space in the work???

      It's like a plot twist.

      We see the so-called suffering of the hero.

      You can define the genre of the work.

    4. Genre "Death of an official"

    ??? What is the genre of the work? Define a story.

    The short story is an epic genre of small volume, requiring at least two events and a shock ending. The story is characterized by economy mode.

    ??? Prove it's a story(student answers)

    In the story "The Death of an Official" there is a very small volume, three , a minimum of events, an economical narration, an unexpected ending.

    Philologists say that Chekhov's story is a fusion of an anecdote and a parable.

    Chekhov's story is rooted in the tradition of anecdote and parable. Chekhov's stories are a fusion of anecdote and parable.
    (Joke(Greek) - a short entertaining story about an unexpected event with an unpredictable ending.
    Parable- a short story in an edifying form, claiming to be a universal generalization)

    5. Very often, writers use the so-called Speaking Names in their works.

    ??? What is this reception?

    ??? Why do writers use speaking names in their works?

    ??? Remember the speaking names in the works of Russian literature?

    ??? Why does Chervyakov have a first name, patronymic, last name, while the general only has a last name? (for Chekhov, the general is a secondary figure. Chervyakov is important to him. The general is deprived of his first and middle name, and this is natural, because we see him through the eyes of Chervyakov, and he sees only the uniform (this word is often repeated in the text) of an important person)

    Look at the meanings of the names.

    Ivan(other Heb.) - God gave, the mercy of God.
    Dmitry(dr. Greek) - dedicated to Demeter, the goddess of fertility and agriculture.
    Chervyakov- a worm, a worm, a ringed, legless animal that crawls, crawls
    Brizzhalov- squeal - strum, ring with trembling, chat; to squeal - to shout in a harsh voice, to grumble

    ??? Why such a choice?

    Ivan. God gave life to the hero.

    Dmitry. Connection with the ground on which it crawls.

    Worm. An animal that crawls on the ground crawls.

    OUTPUT: God himself gave the hero the life of a man, and he turned it into the life of an animal.

    6. Keywords

    The task. Write down the key words (verbs) that create the image of an official.

    Looked - 5 times. Sneezed - 6 times. Confused - 3 times.
    Sprayed - 5 times. Apologize - 7 times. Explain - 5 times.
    Mumbled - 3 times. Sorry - 1 time. Understand - 1 time

    ??? How do they characterize Chervyakov?

    As we work on the image of Chervyakov, we write down the characteristic on the board.

    Image of Chervyakov:

      humble official, "little man"

      an official not by occupation, but by nature

      voluntarily grovels

      constantly humiliated

      renounced his human dignity, and so on.

    7. Creative task. Imagine that the general found out about Chervyakov's death. Compose a general's monologue after the official's death.

    8. Interpretation of the story. "Little Man" Chekhov

    A.P. Chekhov addresses the traditional theme of the "little man"

    ??? Which heroes in Russian literature are “little people”? Give examples.

    1. They all occupy one of lowest places in the social hierarchy.
    2. humiliation combined with a sense of injustice, wounded by pride.
    3. "Little Man" often performs in opposition to "significant person", and the development of the plot is built mainly as a story of resentment, insult.

    ??? Chervyakov - "little man"?

    Chervyakov could be classified as a type of “little man” traditional in Russian literature.

    Chekhov presents us with the theme of the “little man” in a completely different way.

    ??? TO then he can say: in what way did Chekhov's innovation manifest itself?

    Behind the anecdotal situation in Chekhov's humorous stories, psychological paradox. Paradox- unexpected, unusual, contrary to common sense.

    ??? What psychological paradox is discussed in the story "The Death of an Official"?

    The traditional in Russian prose about the “little man” pair of a formidable general and a timid official turned upside down in Chekhov’s story: a modest official turned into an oppressor (executioner), and Excellency into an oppressed victim. Brizzhalov's high bureaucratic rank did not prevent him from remaining a normal person. Chervyakov, on the contrary, is not a person even with his low rank.
    He wrote to his brother Alexander in 1885 (already after the creation of the story "The Death of an Official") about "little" people: “Give it up, do me a favor, your oppressed collegiate registrars! Can't you smell with your nose that this topic has already become obsolete and makes you yawn? And where do you find those torments in your Asia that the Chino-shi experience in your stories? Truly I tell you, even to read is terrible! It is more realistic now to portray collegiate registrars who do not allow their excellencies to live.

    ??? Do you agree with this thought of M. Rybnikova: “ This is a story about FEAR. The general was a major official, and Chervyakov was a petty official. Such was the order of life, such was the system, that the younger ones were terribly afraid of the older ones. He apologized ten times, he yelled at him, Chervyakov got scared and died" (student answers)

    It's not about fear. Chervyakov does not understand why the general did not scold him. After all, that's the way it is. And Chervyakov died not at all from fright, but from the fact that a person of high rank violated the sacred principles for him.

    ??? Why is Chervyakov pursuing the general?

    There are many characters in Chekhov's work with stereotyped thinking, who live according to the program. Chervyakov believes that the general must humiliate and punish a petty official for any oversight. Shown here program crash: Chervyakov does not understand why the general does not listen to his apologies. seems to be doing everything right, but achieves the opposite effect.

    ??? Why did Chervyakov die?

    If Chervyakov is humiliated in his human dignity, then by no means by General Brizzhalov. Chervyakov humiliates his human dignity, while very persistently, only myself. So, Chekhov's Chervyakov is an official not by type of service or position, but by nature. This type exists in any environment and in any nation. He, alas, is eternal, immortal. Hero of "Death of an Official" died because he was not understood and satisfied in the RIGHT TO SEND.

    ??? Why did Chervyakov die without taking off his uniform?

    Violation of logic in actions people in Chekhov's works is a reflection of alogism, the absurdity of reality itself. The title precedes, in which a hint is made of the incompatibility of some concepts: death is not a person, but a bureaucrat, a slave. The author constantly draws attention to the discrepancy, the contrast of cause and effect (the official sneezed - the official "died"). Harmless Chervyakov turns out to be a kind tyrant despot. Chervyakov scary because on it, on it voluntary groveling, keeps the whole system cringing, humiliation, humiliation And self-humiliation.

    ??? How does Chekhov feel about his hero?

    In the creative development of Chekhov, his early stories play a very important role. In particular, the attitude of the writer towards the downtrodden and humiliated person, who became so through his own fault, changes dramatically. Instead of the pity traditional for previous literature, one feels contempt to such people. And an excellent illustration of this is the story "The Death of an Official". There is no hopelessness in Chervyakov's situation, and his suffering is far-fetched. He himself voluntarily drives into spiritual slavery by constantly humiliating himself, annoying the general with his apologies. Therefore, it is unlikely that Chekhov's sympathies can be on the side of such a character. Rather, it is the "anti-ideal" of the author.


    ???What topic will you write down on your worksheet? Why?

    ??? What does this story make us think about?

    The fact that a person must always remain a person, never lose his dignity anywhere and value others primarily by their human qualities, and not by their positions. And the writer convinced us of this, laughing at the ridiculous death of the official Chervyakov, who forgot about his human dignity and became like a worm.

    ??? What to do in order not to become like the official Chervyakov?

    Estimates. Outcome.

    Anton Chekhov

    Death of an official

    One fine evening, an equally fine executor, Ivan Dmitritch Chervyakov, was sitting in the second row of chairs and looking through binoculars at the Corneville Bells. He looked and felt himself on top of bliss. But suddenly ... In the stories, this “but suddenly” is often found. The authors are right: life is so full of surprises! But suddenly his face frowned, his eyes rolled up, his breathing stopped ... he took the binoculars away from his eyes, bent down and .. apchi!!! Sneezed, as you can see. Sneezing is not forbidden to anyone and nowhere. The peasants sneeze, and the police chiefs, and sometimes even secret advisers. Everyone is sneezing. Chervyakov was not in the least embarrassed, wiped himself with a handkerchief and, like a polite man, looked around him: had he disturbed anyone with his sneezing? But here it was necessary to be embarrassed. He saw that the old man, who was sitting ahead of him, in the first row of seats, was diligently wiping his bald head and neck with a glove and muttering something. In the old man, Chervyakov recognized the state general Brizzhalov, who served in the department of communications. “I sprayed him! thought Chervyakov. - Not my boss, someone else's, but still embarrassing. You have to apologize." Chervyakov coughed, leaned forward and whispered in the general's ear: - Excuse me, your - stvo, I splashed you ... I accidentally ... - Nothing, nothing... - For God's sake, I'm sorry. I... I didn't want to! - Oh, sit down, please! Let's listen! Chervyakov became embarrassed, smiled foolishly, and began to look at the stage. He looked, but he no longer felt bliss. He began to be troubled by anxiety. During the intermission he went up to Brizzhalov, walked around him, and, overcoming his timidity, muttered: - I splashed you, yours - stvo ... Forgive me ... I'm ... not exactly ... “Ah, come on… I’ve already forgotten, but you’re still talking about the same thing!” said the general, and moved his lower lip impatiently. "I forgot, but there's malice in his eyes himself," thought Chervyakov, glancing suspiciously at the general. And he doesn't want to talk. I should explain to him that I did not want to at all ... that this is the law of nature, otherwise he will think that I wanted to spit. He won’t think now, he’ll think so later!” Arriving home, Chervyakov told his wife about his ignorance. His wife, it seemed to him, reacted too lightly to what had happened; she only got frightened, and then, when she found out that Brizzhalov was a "stranger", she calmed down. “Anyway, go ahead and apologize,” she said. “He’ll think that you don’t know how to keep yourself in public!” - That's what it is! I apologized, but he was somehow strange ... He didn’t say a single sensible word. And there was no time to talk. The next day, Chervyakov put on a new uniform, cut his hair and went to Brizzhalov to explain ... Entering the general's waiting room, he saw many petitioners there, and among the petitioners the general himself, who had already begun accepting petitions. After questioning several petitioners, the general raised his eyes to Chervyakov. “Yesterday in the Arcadia, if you remember, yours,” the executor began to report, “I sneezed, sir, and ... accidentally splashed ... Izv ... - What nonsense ... God knows what! Do you want anything? the general turned to the next petitioner. "He doesn't want to talk! thought Chervyakov, turning pale. “Angry, that means… No, you can’t leave it like that… I’ll explain it to him…” When the general finished his conversation with the last petitioner and went to the inner apartments, Chervyakov stepped after him and muttered: - Your - stvo! If I dare to disturb your-stvo, then it is precisely out of a feeling, I can say, repentance! .. Not on purpose, if you please know yourself, sir! The general made a tearful face and waved his hand. "You're just laughing, sir!" he said, hiding behind the door. "What kind of jokes are there? thought Chervyakov. “There are no jokes here! General, but can not understand! When so, I will no longer apologize to this fanfaron! To hell with him! I'll write him a letter, but I won't go! By God, I won't!" So Chervyakov thought as he went home. He did not write a letter to the general. Thought and thought, and did not invent this letter. I had to go explain myself the next day. “I came yesterday to harass you,” he muttered, when the general looked up at him with inquiring eyes, “not to laugh, as you deigned to say. I apologized for the fact that, sneezing, I splashed, sir ... but I did not even think to laugh. Do I dare to laugh? If we laugh, then there will be no respect for persons ... there will be ... - Go away!! barked the general, who suddenly turned blue and trembling. - What? Chervyakov asked in a whisper, trembling with horror. - Go away!! repeated the general, stamping his feet. Something broke in Chervyakov's stomach. Seeing nothing, hearing nothing, he backed away to the door, went out into the street and trudged along... Arriving home mechanically, without taking off his uniform, he lay down on the sofa and... died.
    • Category: Preparation for GIA

    Time and history of creation

    The story "The Death of an Official" was first published in the journal "Shards" in 1883 with the subtitle "The Case". Included in the collection "Colorful Stories".

    The petty clerk Ivan Dmitritch Chervyakov was watching the play The Bells of Corneville and sneezed. He apologized, but, to his horror, he saw that the civilian general sitting in front of him was wiping his bald head and neck with a glove, since Chervyakov had accidentally splashed him. Chervyakov is numb with horror. He once again apologizes to the general during the intermission, who irritably accepts the apology.

    But this incident haunts Chervyakov. He comes to the general's duty station to apologize again. Again, he receives indifference in response and decides to write a letter to the general. But he changes his mind and again goes with an apology to the general. He, enraged by his obsession, shouts at him and orders him to get out. Chervyakov could not endure such a general's "scoldling", he came home, lay down on the sofa, without taking off his uniform, and died.

    Poetics, composition, idea

    The genre of the work is a story. The work is very small in volume, has a clearly marked composition, each part of which carries an important semantic load.

    The first two sentences are the exposition of the story: “One fine evening, an equally fine executor, Ivan Dmitritch Chervyakov, was sitting in the second row of chairs and looking through binoculars at the Corneville Bells. He looked and felt himself at the height of bliss.

    This fragment contains important information: the hero of the story is a small man, a petty official. The author's irony is heard both in the twice repeated word "beautiful" and in the word "on top of bliss", clearly exaggeratedly mockingly conveying the state of the executor.

    After this injection of “beauty”, we are waiting for an unexpected turn, and then follows: “suddenly” - the official’s sneeze: “His face frowned, his eyes rolled up, his breathing stopped ... he took the binoculars away from his eyes, bent down and ... apchhi !!! »

    This episode is the beginning of the conflict. The comical nature of the situation is reinforced by the author's comment: "Everyone is sneezing."

    Then an “internal conflict” unfolds: Chervyakov understands that he “disturbed” not just a person, but a general. From that moment on, he not only ceases to be “at the height of bliss”, but with each subsequent episode he slides into the abyss of awareness of his human insignificance. The “electricity of the rank” irresistibly affects him. It is this fear of a higher rank and the realization of his insignificance that ultimately leads him to death.

    Chervyakov will now go to "explain" his misdeed, because the general "impatiently moved his lower lip", and "Chervyakov saw malice in his eyes."

    His actions are now driven by fear. The further behavior of the official is absurd.

    The absurdity of the situation is growing: “The next day, Chervyakov put on a new uniform, cut his hair and went to Brizzhalov to explain ...”

    These details of the preparation for a conversation with the general, emphasized by Chekhov, give a vivid description of the state of his hero: for him this is a solemn moment of deciding his future fate.

    With each subsequent apology from Chervyakov, the general's increasingly irritated reaction makes an explanation more and more impossible. Chervyakov, with manic persistence, wants to “explain himself”, because only after “true” forgiveness will he be able to restore his peace of mind.

    Chervyakov's "revolt" looks comical when the general once again exposes him, suspecting a mockery of the official's sincere servility: “What kind of ridicule is there? thought Chervyakov. - There are no jokes here! General, but can not understand! When so, I will no longer apologize to this fanfaron! Damn him! I'll write him a letter, but I won't go! By God, I won't!"

    But he could not invent letters - the intellectual abilities of an official are mortally stricken by fear of a high rank.

    The culmination of the story is Chervyakov's last trip to the general with apologies for the involuntary sneeze. The cry of an angry general is seen by the official as a terrible shock, a blatant injustice that his humiliated consciousness cannot bear. The denouement comes - the death of an official.

    The outcome of this insignificant situation is also ridiculous and absurd: a person does not die from such trifles (unsuccessfully sneezed, did not apologize convincingly enough, found himself in an awkward situation with a superior person, etc.). But already in the title “Death (not a man!) Of an official,” Chekhov emphasizes that this is possible precisely in the case of an official who has lost other life orientations and values, except for bureaucrats.

    Chekhov's work is not a story about the disappearance of a unique human individuality, but about the cessation of the functioning of a cog in some soulless mechanism.

    The writer exaggerates the situation, the character of the hero, emphasizes his "reptile" nature with a speaking surname.

    The story contains the comic, turning into accusatory: the destruction of the human in man, the absence of the life of the spirit, the substitution of life by "functioning" as a cog in the state mechanism - this is sharply condemned by the writer. This is the idea of ​​the story "The Death of an Official".

    In 1883, in a well-known magazine called “Shards”, the story of the unforgettable writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, “The Death of an Official,” was published, which made a proper impression on readers. The work was released under the pseudonym A. Chekhonte.

    Surprisingly, the plot was suggested to Chekhov by his comrade Anton Begichev, thanks to whom the writer managed to write an amazing story that touches to the depths of the soul.

    The work has its own genre: a “sketch”, where the main character is a certain official, whose name is Ivan Chervyakov, who accidentally splashed General Brizzhalov, sneezing in his direction. The hero, after everything that happened, torments himself for what he has done, cannot find a place for himself, calm down, he constantly apologizes to the general in the hope that he will have mercy and forgive, but that does not matter. He has long forgotten Chervyakov, but he is still tormented in his soul, he is not at ease. As a result, Anton Pavlovich in his story raises an important problem: the “little man” in front of society.

    Chekhov clearly shows readers that he protests against the fact that a person loses his dignity, suppresses his personality. This is not acceptable for a writer. And Chervyakov is just such a hero who kills himself with his absurd persistence. It causes both laughter and pity. Each time, apologizing to Brizzhalov, the character does nothing but lower his level. And what? Ivan Chervyakov dies in the finale of the work, not because of fright, when a general who lost his nerve shouted at him, no, he died from a violation by the general of the principles of the hero. This is a very tragic work that makes you think about your life and learn the necessary lessons.

    The story is filled with many important details that play a role. In the center of the work is an unusual case, not a character or idea. As a result, Chekhov depicts this or that circumstance, thanks to which the character of the hero is revealed.

    So, in the title of Chekhov's story lies a deep problem: the confrontation between man and rank. Many questions arise after reading the work, because this is Anton Pavlovich, who amazes with his talent: the mysterious writing of short stories. The main theme of the work is, of course, the inner world of man. The writer pays special attention to this. Chekhov is a master of his craft. Its brevity is unusual, unpredictable. So his stories are relevant and popular not only among the older generation, but also among the young. Therefore, it is worth referring to the writer's work in order to understand life itself, and its laws.



    The main character is Chervyakov. His surname is telling, points to his insignificance, to his miserable position. He works as an executor, that is, carries out various kinds of punishments for people, and is a petty official. As small as a worm.

    The second character is the old man Bryuzzhalov. He is a general, a respected person, takes a place of honor in society.

    Development of events

    During a performance at the theater, Chervyakov sneezed and splashed the general sitting in front of him. Now he is trying to beg for forgiveness, despite the fact that Bryuzzhalov repeatedly tried to get rid of him: "Nothing, nothing ...", "Oh, completeness ... I already forgot, but you are still talking about the same!".

    Reasons for Chervyakov's behavior

    This story clearly shows the slavish essence of a man who made himself a slave. He bound himself in chains. Chervyakov needs to humiliate himself, he needs to beg and beg. He does not understand such simple words of Bryuzzhalov at all, it seems to him that he must suffer, must endure, must suffer. It does not occur to Chervyakov that forgiveness does not need to beg. The general and the official seem to speak different languages, and this is partly true, because Chervyakov is a typical slave.

    What makes him be like this? Lack of independence. People with a slave mentality cannot live without someone's patronage, since their happiness depends on other people. Moreover, they come up with this dependence for themselves, no one holds them and does not force them to behave this way.

    Chekhov's attitude

    The reader may notice that despite the title of the story "the death of an official", Chekhov devotes only one word to the death itself at the very end of the work. By this, the author emphasizes the comedy of what is happening. The way Chervyakov behaves absurdly, trying to defend his worthless position in society.

    Message and main idea

    Chekhov wants to show that in no case should one behave in such a way, and that every effort must be made to get rid of the "slave psychology". You always need to have your own opinion, soberly assess the situation, and most importantly, be able to hear and realize your mistakes.

    Analysis 3

    The work in an exaggerated form shows the mores of the Russian bureaucracy during the life of Chekhov. The image of the protagonist also shows one of the timeless human shortcomings - servility to the strong, mixed with cowardice.

    Executor Chervyakov (middle-ranking official) in the theater accidentally sneezed on the civilian general Brizzhalov. This incident terrified the lower official. He began to apologize, preventing the general from watching the performance, then continued to do so in the foyer. After that, he bothered Brizzhalov in the service.

    The author's satire is not aimed at criticizing the Russian autocracy, the orders that give the superiors complete power over those who are below. Chekhov shows the civilian general as an ordinary sane, polite and even patient person. He forgave from the very beginning and was ready to forget this petty incident. Brizzhalov abruptly kicked out the annoying servile penitent only after he really pissed him off, like any other person who does not have angelic humility.

    In addition, it is emphasized that the state general was not Chervyakov's immediate superior, since he even served in another department. This moment is also skillfully used by the author in the episode when Chervyakov's wife, who at first was also very frightened for her husband's career, calms down when she learns about this fact. Here is another version of the veneration. Chekhov reminds readers that even quite sane people can suffer from servility.

    It is also significant that the protagonist does not represent in detail the consequences of what happened. He does not begin to analyze, does not begin to look for workarounds, possible other places of work, if it does come to a dismissal. Chervyakov, seeing the failure of his attempts to get forgiveness (although the general told him about it), wants to write a letter, but again he does not even take such a simple step.

    His fear is irrational. He is afraid of the authorities, not only because he had to work with people who have power over him. After all, the army, the civil service, and even business are always built on a hierarchical basis. However, not all people who find themselves in these areas have become cowardly serfs.

    The reason for the death of an official, which came from strong feelings after he was expelled by a state general, was his own spiritual qualities. His natural cowardice found a fertile environment in the orders of the Russian bureaucracy.