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  • Igor Alexandrovich Berezhnoy: biography. Berezhnoy, Igor Alexandrovich outstanding designer of aerospace technology, chief designer of the design bureau of automatic systems, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

    Igor Alexandrovich Berezhnoy: biography.  Berezhnoy, Igor Alexandrovich outstanding designer of aerospace technology, chief designer of the design bureau of automatic systems, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

    Numerous articles have been written about this mysterious murder in print and electronic media, and at the end of 2017, the Rossiya TV channel showed an investigative documentary film, Bomb for the Chief Designer. However, none of the authors of these materials managed to answer the main questions: who nevertheless ordered and killed in February 1981 the chief designer of the Kuibyshev Design Bureau of Automatic Systems of the USSR Minaviaprom (KKBAS) Igor Aleksandrovich Berezhny.

    How the designer was killed

    As the Samara Review wrote, Berezhnoy died on February 4, 1981 in Moscow, where he was on a business trip. From the capital of the designer, someone asked to bring medicine. And when Berezhnoy got into the car and opened the box, the explosion blew the car apart. The body of the murdered designer was so disfigured that the deceased was buried in a closed coffin. The driver of the scientist was shell-shocked, no one else was injured as a result of the explosive device.

    Who he was Professor, Doctor of Science I. A. Berezhnoy since 1972 headed the KKBAS, which was previously called the Aircraft and Helicopter Chassis Design Bureau. As a specialist, he was appreciated by such aircraft designers as A. Tupolev, O. Antonov and V. Myasishchev. He was the author of over 200 scientific developments in the field of aircraft engineering. The designer was best known for the Glissada laser landing system. However, as the Volzhskaya Kommuna newspaper writes, immediately after the murder of Berezhny (the investigation was conducted by the KGB), numerous frauds were revealed in his design bureau, in which Igor Alexandrovich's subordinates appeared. Investigators argued that Berezhnoy could not have been unaware of these crimes. The employees of the secret design bureau, judging by the results of the investigation, on a large scale appropriated the inventory items allocated for the bureau, mainly the Soviet deficit of that time: from furniture and televisions to imported film and photographic film. According to these facts, a criminal case was initiated. The total amount of damage caused to the state amounted to more than 20 thousand rubles.

    The main versions of the assassination

    This murder is called the first custom-made in the history of the late USSR. Berezhnoy held a high position in Kuibyshev, he was predicted to be the secretary of the city party committee. Four subordinates of the chief designer of the design bureau were arrested on charges of fraud. During the arrest, one of them managed to poison himself, the other stuck a knife in himself, but he was pumped out. Kuibyshev judge A. A. Shchupakov, who was involved in the trial of this case, assured in his interview with Volga Commune that Berezhnoy clearly helped to write off valuables. According to one of the versions, voiced in the film "Bomb for the Chief Designer" on behalf of the former designers who worked in KKBAS, the contract killing was connected precisely with the illegal activities of the Design Bureau. In particular, the planes of the secret enterprise were often used for other purposes by the party elite of Kuibyshev, allegedly the mafia was interested in this aircraft, which was going to transport certain goods on it.

    Samara Review also cites the exotic hypothesis of the murder of Berezhnoy, which is associated with the beloved flight attendant L. I. Brezhnev. The only person involved in the criminal case that has survived to this day, initiated on the fact of abuses in KKBAS, V. Nekhoroshev, who received a suspended sentence, believes that Berezhny was simply removed indicatively so that other prominent Soviet designers "did not stick out." Allegedly, the "Glissade" system, developed under the leadership of Igor Alexandrovich, was very interested in the Americans, and they wanted to lure the scientist to the USA. Opponents of this version argue that there was nothing special in Glissade, moreover, its parameters were published by Pravda at one time.

    In the end, no one was charged with the murder of I. A. Berezhny (they were removed from one of the subordinates of the chief designer, who was subsequently convicted of financial fraud in the design bureau). The authors of the film "Bomb for the Chief Designer" requested information about the criminal case initiated on the fact of the murder in the archives of the FSB and the Prosecutor General's Office. But these services reported that they did not have any materials. Thus, the questions of who and for what killed the chief designer in 1981 remain unanswered today.

    30 years ago, in Moscow, the head of the aviation design bureau, Igor Berezhny, was blown up in a company car. The news about the death of the chief designer of the KKBAS then spread almost instantly. Even despite the fact that it happened in Moscow. After all, every second engineer and two-thirds of the workers of Kuibyshev at that time worked at defense plants. Some veterans of these productions still remember how shocked they all were by what happened.

    Fell into a "trap"
    Here is what the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Yuri Andropov reported to General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev about the high-profile state of emergency in the capital: “February 4, 1981, at about 19 hours 30 minutes on the street. Kirov in Moscow in his official car, when opening an explosive device of the "trap" type, disguised as a box of medicines and transferred through employees, the chief designer of the Kuibyshev Design Bureau of Automatic Systems (KKBAS) of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR Berezhnoy Igor Aleksandrovich, born in 1934, died from the explosion , Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor KuAI.
    Due to the fact that Berezhnoy was a candidate member of the Kuibyshev city committee of the CPSU, a deputy of the city council and the head of the KKBAS, engaged in the development of important defense topics, a criminal case into his death was initiated on February 5, 1981 by the Investigative Department of the KGB of the USSR. Taking into account the identity of the deceased and the circumstances of his death, several investigative versions have been put forward and are being worked out.”
    Nothing like this has ever happened either in Kuibyshev, or in Moscow, or in the USSR in general in all the years of Soviet power. To physically eliminate a "secret" scientist in our country, and even in such an exotic way - the KGB could not imagine such a thing even in a nightmare.

    but on the other hand
    However, in those years, almost no one knew about the other side of the life of Igor Berezhny, carefully hidden from the public eye - about his participation in fraud under the guise of a KKBAS sign. It is possible that no one would have known about this if the aforementioned emergency had not happened. After the explosion in the car and the death of the designer, the State Security Committee came to grips with the affairs of the KKBAS. Upon the fact of the state of emergency, criminal case No. 59 was opened here, which the Chekists themselves called "Kapkan".
    And the results of the first checks shocked even the leadership of the KGB. During the subsequent audit, numerous abuses surfaced in the financial and economic activities of the bureau. As a result, on August 25, 1981, the USSR Prosecutor's Office opened another criminal case - first under Art. 170 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (abuse of official position), and then under Art. 93-1 (theft of state property on an especially large scale).
    It turned out that the management of KKBAS simply wrote off inventory items acquired at the expense of the budget. The head of the technical department of the design bureau, 47-year-old Gennady Nerozya, his deputy, 28-year-old Vladimir Nekhoroshev, the photographer of the same department, 32-year-old Mikhail Tsygankov, and the head of the special technical bureau of KKBAS in Moscow, 58-year-old Solomon Berenstein, were involved in this.
    All of the above scammers were supposed to be arrested on the same day, but Tsygankov drank a lethal dose of dichloroethane before being arrested. During the arrest, Nerozya also tried to commit suicide, stabbing himself in the stomach in front of the investigator, but he was immediately taken to the hospital, where doctors saved his life. Nekhoroshev was soon released from the pre-trial detention center on bail, since the investigation considered that the total amount of abuses committed by him was not too large.
    It turned out that on a special scale from all Nerozi, who, being a financially responsible person, wrote off and then sold at a good price literally everything that came to his hand: large batches of imported Kodak film, photographic film " Orvo-Chrome" And " Orvo-Color”, imported color photographic paper and chemicals, and so on. At the same time, Tsygankov helped him sell the write-off deficit.
    In addition, by mutual agreement, the thieves converted into cash and other material assets regularly purchased by KKBAS - televisions, projectors, furniture, ethyl alcohol, spare parts, fabric, etc. In total, during 1976-1981, fraudsters were able to steal state property for a total of 21,266 rubles. Huge money for those times, considering that the average salary of an engineer did not exceed 120 rubles a month.
    As for the role of Igor Berezhny himself, Nikolai Antipov, an investigator for especially important cases of the USSR Prosecutor's Office, issued the following decision: “... Berezhny's actions ... contain signs of a crime under Art. 92 part 2 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. However, here the investigator decided: “The criminal case against Igor Alexandrovich Berezhnoy should be terminated by further proceedings in connection with the death of the latter.”

    Prosecutor's decision
    But, of course, the investigation was most interested in another question: who exactly and, most importantly, why did it take to eliminate Igor Berezhny? From the materials available in the case, it can be seen that the KGB of the USSR almost immediately ruled out the possible participation of foreign special services in the case. Therefore, they began to look for the cause of the emergency in Kuibyshev, inside the KKBAS.
    But the first perpetrators of the incident were named only three years after the death of Berezhny. In the resolution of the Investigation Department of the KGB of the USSR of January 30, 1984, this is stated as follows: “... it was established that Nerozya handed over the improvised explosive device to Berezhny ... through other persons, who admitted that he had committed a crime on domestic grounds. In this regard, he was charged under paragraph "e" of Art. 102 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR ”(premeditated murder under aggravating circumstances. - V.E.). After that, all materials about the explosion were separated from the general criminal case and transferred for further action from the KGB of the USSR to the USSR Prosecutor's Office.
    It would seem that the investigation of the state of emergency is almost completed. The main culprit has been identified, and now it is only necessary to settle some formalities and take the case to court. However, on November 12, 1984, the USSR Prosecutor's Office issued a decision ... on the termination of this criminal case due to "the lack of evidence against Neroza's accusation."
    The author of these lines could not find any information about whether the federal prosecutor's office continued to search for those responsible for the murder of the head of the secret Kuibyshev Design Bureau after that. However, it is obvious that even if the investigation continued, it did not lead to the capture of any other criminals.

    Killer unknown
    In the spring of 1985, the criminal case against Nerozzi, Nekhoroshev and Berenshtein on the embezzlement of state property on an especially large scale was transferred to the Kuibyshev Special Court. So in Soviet times, special divisions were called in the structure of all regional courts of the USSR, where criminal cases were heard, in which secret enterprises appeared in one way or another. Proceedings in this case were taken over by judge Alexander Shchupakov, who at that time held the position of chairman of the special court. But despite the fact that at that time he considered only materials about theft, Shchupakov had his own version of the murder of Igor Berezhny.
    - There is no doubt that Berezhnoy was aware of most of the abuses happening at KKBAS, - says Alexander Anatolyevich. - After all, it was he who endorsed many acts for the write-off of material values. At the same time, I believe that the main organizer of the theft was not Nerozya at all, but Berenstein, whose role during the investigation turned out to be very blurred.
    One day, the head of the KKBAS received information that the regional department of the KGB was very interested in his department. And this meant that these actions received a sanction from Moscow. Local initiative in such cases was completely excluded. Then Berezhnoy ordered to stop stealing at least for a while. However, his henchmen balked. But Berezhnoy insisted, and the thieves decided that in order not to be interfered with, the chief should be eliminated physically. Which was done on February 4, 1981.
    Here a reasonable question arises: why was his murder never solved? After all, this case was not dealt with by anyone, but by the all-powerful KGB. My opinion on this matter is this. As can be seen from the case, in 1984 the investigation into the murder was taken away from the hands of the KGB and handed over to the prosecutor's office, whose leadership was then instructed from above not to identify the customer. It's just that someone really did not want the investigation to come to the "big people" from Moscow involved in the theft in KKBAS.
    It remains to be added that in August 1985, by the verdict of the Kuibyshev Special Court, Gennady Nerozya received 10 years, and Solomon Berenstein - 8 years in prison. Vladimir Nekhoroshev got off with three years probation. And a year later, the Supreme Court of the USSR reduced the sentence for Berenstein to 6 years.

    Berezhnoy Igor Alexandrovich was born on April 21, 1934 in Samara. From 1951 to 1957 he studied at the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute, then worked here at various departments. Already at that time, Berezhnoy proved himself to be a talented experimenter. In 1966 he defended his thesis, and soon, with the assistance of Tupolev, Antonov, Myasishchev and others, the Design Bureau " Chassis of aircraft and helicopters"- specially" under Berezhnoy. In 1971, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, and in 1972, on the basis of the design bureau named above, KKBAS was formed. This bureau Berezhnoy and headed until his death. He was the author of more than 200 scientific papers, many inventions and scientific and technical developments, the most famous of which was the laser landing system for aircraft "

    Fell into a "trap"
    Here is what the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Yuri Andropov reported to General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev about the high-profile state of emergency in the capital: “February 4, 1981, at about 19 hours 30 minutes on the street. Kirov in Moscow in his official car, when opening an explosive device of the "trap" type, disguised as a box of medicines and transferred through employees, the chief designer of the Kuibyshev Design Bureau of Automatic Systems (KKBAS) of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR Berezhnoy Igor Aleksandrovich, born in 1934, died from the explosion , Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor KuAI.
    Due to the fact that Berezhnoy was a candidate member of the Kuibyshev city committee of the CPSU, a deputy of the city council and the head of the KKBAS, engaged in the development of important defense topics, a criminal case into his death was initiated on February 5, 1981 by the Investigative Department of the KGB of the USSR. Taking into account the identity of the deceased and the circumstances of his death, several investigative versions have been put forward and are being worked out.”
    Nothing like this has ever happened either in Kuibyshev, or in Moscow, or in the USSR in general in all the years of Soviet power. To physically eliminate a "secret" scientist in our country, and even in such an exotic way - the KGB could not imagine such a thing even in a nightmare.

    but on the other hand
    However, in those years, almost no one knew about the other side of the life of Igor Berezhny, carefully hidden from the public eye - about his participation in fraud under the guise of a KKBAS sign. It is possible that no one would have known about this if the aforementioned emergency had not happened. After the explosion in the car and the death of the designer, the State Security Committee came to grips with the affairs of the KKBAS. On the fact of the state of emergency, a criminal case No. 59 was opened here, which the Chekists themselves called "Kapkan".
    And the results of the first checks shocked even the leadership of the KGB. During the subsequent audit, numerous abuses surfaced in the financial and economic activities of the bureau. As a result, on August 25, 1981, the USSR Prosecutor's Office opened another criminal case - first under Art. 170 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (abuse of official position), and then under Art. 93-1 (theft of state property on an especially large scale).
    It turned out that the management of KKBAS simply wrote off inventory items acquired at the expense of the budget. The head of the technical department of the design bureau, 47-year-old Gennady Nerozya, his deputy, 28-year-old Vladimir Nekhoroshev, the photographer of the same department, 32-year-old Mikhail Tsygankov, and the head of the special technical bureau of KKBAS in Moscow, 58-year-old Solomon Berenstein, were involved in this.
    All of the above scammers were supposed to be arrested on the same day, but Tsygankov drank a lethal dose of dichloroethane before being arrested. During the arrest, Nerozya also tried to commit suicide, stabbing himself in the stomach in front of the investigator, but he was immediately taken to the hospital, where doctors saved his life. Nekhoroshev was soon released from the pre-trial detention center on bail, since the investigation considered that the total amount of abuses committed by him was not too large.
    It turned out that on a special scale from all Nerozy, who, being a financially responsible person, wrote off and then sold at a good price literally everything that came to his hand: large batches of imported Kodak film, Orvo-Khrom film and Orvo- color", imported color photographic paper and chemicals, and so on. At the same time, Tsygankov helped him sell the write-off deficit.
    In addition, by mutual agreement, the thieves converted into cash and other material assets regularly purchased by KKBAS - televisions, projectors, furniture, ethyl alcohol, spare parts, fabric, etc. In total, during 1976-1981, fraudsters were able to steal state property for a total of 21,266 rubles. Huge money for those times, considering that the average salary of an engineer did not exceed 120 rubles a month.
    As for the role of Igor Berezhny himself, Nikolai Antipov, an investigator for especially important cases of the USSR Prosecutor's Office, issued the following decision: “... Berezhny's actions ... contain signs of a crime under Art. 92 part 2 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. However, here the investigator ruled: “The criminal case against Igor Alexandrovich Berezhnoy should be terminated by further proceedings in connection with the death of the latter.”

    Prosecutor's decision
    But, of course, the investigation was most interested in another question: who exactly and, most importantly, why did it take to eliminate Igor Berezhny? From the materials available in the case, it can be seen that the KGB of the USSR almost immediately ruled out the possible participation of foreign special services in the case. Therefore, they began to look for the cause of the emergency in Kuibyshev, inside the KKBAS.
    But the first perpetrators of the incident were named only three years after the death of Berezhny. In the resolution of the Investigation Department of the KGB of the USSR of January 30, 1984, this is stated as follows: “... it was established that Nerozya handed over the improvised explosive device to Berezhny ... through other persons, who admitted that he had committed a crime on domestic grounds. In this regard, he was charged under paragraph "e" of Art. 102 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR ”(premeditated murder under aggravating circumstances. - V.E.). After that, all materials about the explosion were separated from the general criminal case and transferred for further action from the KGB of the USSR to the USSR Prosecutor's Office.
    It would seem that the investigation of the state of emergency is almost completed. The main culprit has been identified, and now it is only necessary to settle some formalities and take the case to court. However, on November 12, 1984, the USSR Prosecutor's Office issued a decision ... on the termination of this criminal case due to "the lack of evidence against Neroza's accusation."
    The author of these lines could not find any information about whether the search for those responsible for the murder of the head of the secret Kuibyshev design bureau continued after that in the allied prosecutor's office. However, it is obvious that even if the investigation continued, it did not lead to the capture of any other criminals.

    Killer unknown
    In the spring of 1985, the criminal case against Nerozzi, Nekhoroshev and Berenshtein on the embezzlement of state property on an especially large scale was transferred to the Kuibyshev Special Court. So in Soviet times, special units were called in the structure of all regional courts of the USSR, where criminal cases were heard, in which secret enterprises somehow figured. Proceedings in this case were taken over by judge Alexander Shchupakov, who at that time held the position of chairman of the special court. But despite the fact that at that time he considered only materials about theft, Shchupakov had his own version of the murder of Igor Berezhny.
    - There is no doubt that Berezhnoy was aware of most of the abuses happening at KKBAS, - says Alexander Anatolyevich. - After all, it was he who endorsed many acts for the write-off of material values. At the same time, I believe that the main organizer of the theft was not Nerozya at all, but Berenstein, whose role during the investigation turned out to be very blurred.
    One day, the head of the KKBAS received information that the regional department of the KGB was very interested in his department. And this meant that these actions received a sanction from Moscow. Local initiative in such cases was completely excluded. Then Berezhnoy ordered to stop stealing at least for a while. However, his henchmen balked. But Berezhnoy insisted, and the thieves decided that in order not to be interfered with, the chief should be eliminated physically. Which was done on February 4, 1981.
    Here a reasonable question arises: why was his murder never solved? After all, this case was not dealt with by anyone, but by the all-powerful KGB. My opinion on this matter is this. As can be seen from the case, in 1984 the investigation into the murder was taken away from the hands of the KGB and handed over to the prosecutor's office, whose leadership was then instructed from above not to identify the customer. It's just that someone really did not want the investigation to come to the "big people" from Moscow involved in the theft in KKBAS.
    It remains to be added that in August 1985, by the verdict of the Kuibyshev Special Court, Gennady Nerozya received 10 years, and Solomon Berenstein - 8 years in prison. Vladimir Nekhoroshev got off with three years probation. And a year later, the Supreme Court of the USSR reduced the sentence for Berenstein to 6 years.

    Berezhnoy Igor Alexandrovich was born on April 21, 1934 in Samara. From 1951 to 1957 he studied at the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute, then worked here at various departments. Already at that time, Berezhnoy proved himself to be a talented experimenter. In 1966, he defended his Ph.D. thesis, and soon, with the assistance of Tupolev, Antonov, Myasishchev and others, the Design Bureau "Aircraft and Helicopter Chassis" was created as part of the Kuibyshev Aggregate Production Association - specifically "under Berezhnoy". In 1971, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, and in 1972, on the basis of the design bureau named above, KKBAS was formed. This bureau Berezhnoy and headed until his death. He was the author of more than 200 scientific papers, many inventions and scientific and technical developments, the most famous of which was the Glissada laser landing system.

    On March 28, 2018, cadets of the 21st year of the VI (IT) visited the museum of military history "Unknown unfinished war" in the temple of the Icon of the Mother of God of All Who Sorrow on Shpalernaya Street.

    A visit by cadets of VI (IT) to the military museum in the Church of Sorrows on Shpalernaya Street began in April 2017. Since that time, excursions to this museum of military history, organized by teachers of department No. 10 and carried out as part of the cultural studies course, while studying the topic “Military culture and the culture of the personality of servicemen”, have become a tradition of our institute. VI(IT) cadets took part in more than ten events (excursions and memorial events) held by the temple. Only in March 2018, the museum was visited by four groups of 21 courses and a group of officers from the faculty of retraining and advanced training.

    The Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" is located a three-minute walk from the VI (IT) buildings, at the intersection of Shpalernaya Street and Chernyshevsky Avenue. He has a lot to do with our institute. The building of the temple was designed by the architect Luigi Rusca, who created a complex of buildings of the barracks of the Cavalier Guard Corps, on the site of which our institute is now located. Another thing is also important: this is a temple in which the memory of the military history of Russia is carefully preserved, the memory of the soldiers who gave their lives for the Fatherland is honored.

    The rector of the temple, Archpriest Vyacheslav (Kharinov), sees his task in preserving the living memory of the fallen heroes and, most importantly, in the patriotic enlightenment of our contemporaries. “It was spirituality that made our soldiers stronger than the enemy, stronger than the well-armed German army,” Father Vyacheslav believes.

    At the temple, Father Vyacheslav created the military museum "Unknown Unfinished War", dedicated to the defense and blockade of Leningrad. The basis of this small museum is made up of objects that keep a living memory of the war. Here cadets can see authentic soldier's things, hold them in their hands. These are weapons, personal belongings and items of a soldier's life, letters from front-line soldiers.

    Most of the exhibits were found by members of the search teams in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, in places where the most difficult and bloody battles of the Great Patriotic War took place. Behind each of these exhibits is the fate of people, the history of their feat, heroic life and death.

    The tour of the temple and the museum "Unknown Unfinished War" traditionally ends in the refectory of the temple with a cup of tea. Here, Father Vyacheslav's conversation with the cadets continues about important issues relevant to young people: life and death, love and faith, the spiritual strength of a person, and service to the Motherland.

    Such excursions have an important educational value: patriotic education should be based on a careful and respectful attitude towards the memory of the soldiers who gave their lives for the Fatherland, on a sense of belonging to their life and feat.

    Eikhenbaum O.A.

    I first heard about this confusing and complex case 5 years ago. And most importantly - the explosion of a large director from Kuibyshev in the center of Moscow subordinate to the KGB of the USSR in the mid-80s was unheard of in those days. What role did our V.A. Nekhoroshev play in this, and for what the USSR Prosecutor’s Office marinated him until 89 or 90, if the film does not tell, Vladimir Alexandrovich himself will tell somehow.
    Original taken from analyzer_sam IN THE SHADOW OF THE PAST...

    And here is the long-awaited movie "Bomb for the Chief Designer"

    The filming process took about an hour and a half - I outlined my vision of those days, naturally, through the prism of the 35 years experienced ... Even my amateur films were interested in the film crew - the videos of 1976 and 1979 were taken for digitization, where the KBAS team went on field work and subbotnik. ..

    The date of the 30th anniversary of the tragic death of the Chief Designer of the Kuibyshev Design Bureau of Automatic Systems (KBAS), Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Igor Alexandrovich BEREZHNY was marked by a massive outburst in the electronic and printed media of Media Holding slanderous libel no one Valeria Erofeeva
    We dig and we recent Chronicles ...
    Newspaper "Volzhskaya Kommuna" supplement "Saturday" dated October 7, 1995, article "DISPUTED EDITOR DETAINED":
    “On September 25, operational officers of the Samara Central Internal Affairs Directorate in Simferopol detained the wanted editor of the Samara newspapers Vremya X and Mikhail Valery Erofeev. He was arrested on charges of brothel maintenance and pandering. Until the trial, V. Erofeev will stay in the pre-trial detention center”
    The wrong bazaar from the "cockerel" crows, not "according to concepts" - me and my "accomplices", "sharks from red huts", the owner of the "furry huts" calls "crooks" and "scammers" ... Media Holding godfathers should, at least , to break through the Yerofeevsky "oar" and "shlenka" ...
    Answered the spiteful critics in an interview Igor Kondratiev on the site "RegionSamara.Ru"

    The “Berezhny case” of those ancient years is one to one the “Khodorkovsky case” of our times ... at first, STATE CRIMES were charged under article 66 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR “Terrorist” ... when the Basic Case of the Cheksts was rotten - they decided to serve a “wormy dish” under the sauce of article 93/1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR “theft of socialist property on an especially large scale” ...
    I will describe my "accomplices" in the "Berezhnoy case"- investigative file of the General Prosecutor's Office of the USSR No. 19-55Sl under the heading "Top Secret" ...
    Igor Alexandrovich BEREZHNOY- an outstanding designer of aerospace technology, chief designer of the design bureau of automatic systems, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences ... a man from the Future ...
    Solomon Tovievich BERENSTEIN- a party member since October 1941, an order bearer, a member of the Moscow Defense, went to the German rear as a saboteur ... then a test engineer at the LII, an employee of the Minaviaprom ... the closest employee to the Chief in KBAS ...
    Gennady Afanasyevich NEROZYA- Berezhny's classmate, went through all the design bureaus and airfields with him, was responsible for testing the chassis of the Soviet super-bomber T-100 ...
    Mikhail Ivanovich TSYGANKOV- photographer-artist, laureate of all-Russian and republican competitions ... the Chief appreciated him very much - he personally invited him to work at KBAS, entrusted responsible tasks ...

    The "Berezhnoy case" was led by the Investigator for Particularly Important Cases under the USSR Prosecutor General, Senior Counselor of Justice Nikolai Alexandrovich ANTIPOV- the legendary raker of the millionth "Fishery" ...
    In fact, there could not be any “Trap” in the local KGB - only the captain of the 8th Department of Internal Affairs worked from Kuibyshev in the Special Investigation Brigade Vladimir Grigorievich TITARENKO... upon arrival from the “business trip”, I informally informed the head of the department, a KGB colonel Yuri Fedorovich GRUSHIN about the state of the "Berezhnoy case" ... for which he received scolding from Antipov - “You gave a“ subscription ”, and you divulge information ... you will sit down with your friends in Lefortovo again - they all remember how Berezhny and I played preference ... again you will paint the bullet, only without the Chief!”
    Colonel Grushin (the brother of that very bard Valery) oversaw the KBAS ... during flight tests, the attached KGB officer was sick and he vomited equipment - at the request of Yuri Fedorovich and the Chief, during the debriefing, I did not mention the incident ... I was detained in Moscow with a weapon that was not I was able to hand it over to the arsenal - the curator smeared ...