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  • Holy source of Platonides in the Urals. Ural does not let you get bored: Shunut, Platonida and the Old Man-Stone. Mount Shunut or Shunut-Stone

    Holy source of Platonides in the Urals.  Ural does not let you get bored: Shunut, Platonida and the Old Man-Stone.  Mount Shunut or Shunut-Stone

    I accidentally saw a repost in the ecovillage group with an invitation for everyone to go to an intuitive herb collection. It immediately clicked in my head that I needed to go, I contacted the organizers and booked a place. Who these people are, what they do, how many participants in the trip and where they will take us - I learned all this after the fact. Until that moment, only intuition led me, and it didn’t let me down, but more on that later. I worked all weekend to go on an early morning adventure on a weekday Tuesday (it is not known with whom, it is not known where).

    As it turned out, the trip was organized by a wonderful couple - Sergey and Mira. They founded the Siberian Way ( They take tourists on absolutely incredible trips, and Mira is engaged in herbalism, making teas of strength from wild plants.

    They took us to the absolutely incredible northern forest. Already at the entrance to it felt the incredible energy of this place. I was drawn forward, I wanted to go where, as it seemed to me, they were waiting for us.

    The path lay along the bed of the Maly Ik River, we had to go 5 km to our goal.

    Sergey immediately explained that it is better to go to the place of power on an empty stomach, so as not to ground yourself. We introduced ourselves to the forest and told about why we had come.

    Along the way, Mira shared her knowledge with us, taught us the correct collection of herbs, told and showed what wild plants you can eat and what they are called.
    Therefore, we didn’t get hungry stomachs. We chewed all kinds of herbs to satiety.

    And wild garlic grows in those places. The same grass with wide leaves and garlic taste. There are so many of them that the eyes are not enough)

    The forests there are deaf, deserted and alive. Now the woodpecker will scream, then the squeak of chicks is heard from the hollow in the tree. Caught on our way and poisonous snakes. Sergei found footprints that looked like foxes. The forest land flourishes without a person.

    A little about the source of Platonides

    In ancient times, there was an Old Believer skete here. Once this place was very revered by the Old Believers, and now both Old Believers and Orthodox, and various occultists, and just tourists are drawn here. To begin with, let's dive into the abyss of history and try to understand who this strange woman was, after whom the miraculous spring is named. There are many legends about the hermit Platonides (at least several dozen variations!).

    According to one of the legends, a long time ago an Old Believer family lived in these parts, in which there were two brothers and a sister, Platonida. A misfortune happened: father and mother died, and they did not leave a will. The brothers were seized by greed, and they decided to divide the poor property among themselves, and the younger sister was taken to a distant skete to certain death. 30-40 years passed and their conscience tortured them. The brothers decided to go to the skete, to pray for sin at the remains of their sister. But what was their surprise when they saw their sister alive, unharmed and very young, like many years ago. It turned out that “holy water” flowed in the source near the skete. Washing herself with that water, Platonida preserved her beauty and youth. The rumor about Platonides went far and pilgrims were drawn here ...

    Legends are legends, but there are no reliable facts about Platonides once or twice. It is not known for certain what her real name, surname was, when she was born and what kind she came from, etc. Many researchers, not without reason, assume that before her seclusion she lived in a peasant family in the village of Krasnoyar located here. The well-known local historian Vladimir Trusov, according to archival documents, was able to establish that Platonida lived in the distant 18th century and was buried at her hermitage around 1785. (

    On the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, eighty kilometers from Yekaterinburg, near Mount Shunut, there is a unique attraction - the Platonid radon spring, according to local legends, the water in the source has miraculous properties.

    On topographic maps, the toponym is designated as the St. Platonida Tract, it is located in the upper reaches of the Maly Ik River, in the vicinity of the city of Revda. This place can be called a cult, as it is an object of pilgrimage for believers who gather at the source during religious holidays. Every year, up to a thousand people visit the desired object: tourists and believers. Among other things, this source is classified as a hydrological natural monument of the Sverdlovsk region.

    The spring itself is quite well ennobled by the efforts of Orthodox activists who have established an internal infrastructure with a gazebo, a cross and benches. A trickle of water flows out of a stream lined with stones, along a specially installed gutter for easy collection of water.

    According to the results of the study of water samples from this spring, it turned out that the source is rich in radon. Water with a saturated content of this element has a positive effect on the state of the body and is used for therapeutic purposes in the prevention of many very serious diseases, such as diabetes, kidney and liver diseases, and also has a positive effect on wound healing and skin diseases. Apparently, in the old days, people paid attention to the unusual properties of this source, considering it endowed with miraculous power.

    During the settlement of the Old Believer communities in the Urals, one of the settlements was founded near the spring of Platonida. During the long years of the existence of the Old Believer community, the spring was popular both among representatives of a religious organization and residents of the surrounding villages. Over time, information about the miraculous source spread far beyond the neighboring settlements, so Platonida became a major religious center.

    As for the origin of the toponym itself, it is directly connected with the legends about the hermit who once lived here. For the most objective picture, I will give the two most popular.

    Legend #1

    The essence of the legend boils down to the fact that a girl lived in a Muslim family who decided to renounce her paternal faith and converted to Orthodoxy. Of course, this act was not appreciated at home, and Platonida, who was named at baptism, was forced to flee into the forest and equip the monastery. The brothers tracked down the girl and destroyed the relic. Later, on the site where the monastery was equipped, a spring filled with miraculous water.

    Legend #2

    Another legend says that a family of Old Believers lived in the vicinity of the spring. After the sudden death of their parents, the greedy brothers decided to divide the rich inheritance among themselves, and to get rid of their younger sister Platonida, so they decided to take her to the forest and leave her near the spring. A few years later, the brothers decided to visit the place, as they believed, the death of their sister. However, when they arrived at the skete, they found her alive and healthy, moreover, despite the years spent in the skete, she had not aged. To the astonished questions, the girl replied that she drank and washed herself with water from the source. Rumors of a unique incident instantly spread around the neighborhood and pilgrims were drawn to the spring.

    As it turned out, all these legends are not based on an empty place. Thanks to the research of Sverdlovsk local historians, it became known that in the area where the source was located, a hermit from among the Old Believers named Platonida really lived. Unfortunately, no documentary evidence of her life has been preserved, it was only possible to find information that Platonida died in 1785 and was buried somewhere near her home. According to the researchers, this woman was from the village of Krasnoyar, which has survived to this day, presumably from a family of peasants.

    By the way, according to the memoirs of the old-timers of the surrounding villages, until the mid-seventies of the last century, an Old Believer chapel stood in the area of ​​​​the source, twice a year, parishioners from all over the Sverdlovsk region gathered near the walls of the monastery, apparently, adherents of the Old Believer religion and performed their rites here. After the chapel burned down, representatives of religious communities stopped gathering at the holy spring. Again, this practice has gained popularity since the early 90s. It is to that period that the appearance of the cross and numerous religious paraphernalia is attributed.

    It is worth noting that today the source has become more of a tourist toponym than a religious and cult one. A trip to Platonida is an ideal option for a weekend hike in a group on foot or a car trip. However, it is worth considering that the path from the highway to the source is 6 kilometers, you can get there by car only on an SUV. By the way, there is a legend that on a separate section of the road there is a certain anomalous zone, once inside the perimeter of which some tourists go astray in an unimaginable way, although it is quite difficult to get lost there - follow the road and everything, however, periodically such emergencies happen. And some tourists say that in the evenings on the forest paths leading to the source, you can meet the ghost of a woman dressed in white. Of course, that such stories belong to the category of "tourist tales."

    Traveling to the source will allow you not only to get in touch with history, but also to walk through the legendary places and taste the healing water.

    LYUBUSHKIN Andrey // "Mysterious Ural"

    The radon source in the upper reaches of the small taiga river Malyi Ik (a tributary of the Revda River), bubbles up from the ground and after a few meters flows into Malyi Ik, is located in the dense forests of the Revdinsky district of the Sverdlovsk region, south of Revda, on the territory of the Mariinsky forestry, in 10 km from the villages of Mariinsk and Krasnoyar, on the territory of the reserve "Deer streams". The spring has the status of a hydrological and historical monument of nature. In ancient times, there was an Old Believer skete here. Many Old Believers gathered at the source and it was one of the largest religious centers in the Middle Urals.

    The spring is called the "Source of St. Platonis" - after the name of a hermit who lived in this place a long time ago, who spent all her free time in prayers and ate exclusively the gifts of the forest. There are few reliable facts about Platonides. It is not known for certain what her real name was, surname, when she was born and what kind she came from. Many researchers, not without reason, assume that before her seclusion she lived in a peasant family in a nearby village, now the village of Krasnoyar. Local historian Vladimir Trusov, according to archival documents, established that Platonida lived in the 18th century and was buried at her hermitage around 1785.

    Subsequently, the spring and the grave of Platonida became revered and here every year, many pilgrims from all over the country and the Urals flocked to worship and in the hope of healing from ailments. Moreover, Platonides got followers and some wanderers stayed here to live. In the vicinity of Krasnoyar in different years, several Old Believer sketes were formed from which the Old Believers came to the holy spring. From the source of St. Platonida along the river, downstream, there is a path. Walking along it, after a few meters you will see three wooden nameless crosses. The Old Believers-followers of Platonides are buried here. Who is buried here and when is unknown.

    According to the memoirs of an old-timer, in Soviet times there was a small chapel here in the taiga. In it, the priest conducted divine services. Even in times of obscurantism and theomachism, without fear of punishment, people from afar came here, prayed in the chapel, bowed to St. Platonides, bathed in the icy water of the healing spring, took with them as much water as they were able to carry. Until the late 1950s and early 1960s, hundreds of people came here from Upper Seryoga. Twice a year - on the ninth Friday after Easter and on the day of remembrance of the great martyr Panteleimon (August 9) - processions from different sides stretched here - from Upper Seryoga, Krasnoyarsk, Mariinsk, Polevskoy ... Now this tradition is being restored.

    The police dispersed the pilgrims from time to time, and the chapel was destroyed. Soon, only the Old Believer cross on a stone base remained in this place, which was also destroyed over time.

    Nowadays, in a small clearing under a canopy of poles, there is a stone tombstone, above which shelves for numerous candles and icons are arranged, next to it is a huge wooden cross, brought here, according to a carved inscription, by a procession. All year round, pilgrims and tourists go to the miraculous spring and to the tomb of St. Platonis. Platonides is sincerely revered and loved by both the Old Believers and the Orthodox. An iron dome with an Orthodox cross is installed at the source. A few years ago, he was not here, but there was a pretty gazebo. But in February 2005, unknown vandals managed to break it down and take it away for the sake of several kilograms of metal. On the trees (as they are called the "tree of desires"), colorful ribbons, scarves, underwear, socks, etc. hang near the source. people believe that if you bathe in linen in the waters of the source and leave them here, then all their diseases will remain with their clothes. But I would like to warn you that this is still more like pagan rites, but not Orthodox, and it is better not to do this. Pilgrims and volunteers clean the area from time to time.

    Every year, several times a year, pilgrimage trips on all-terrain vehicles and religious processions to Platonida are arranged by the Vvedensky Bishop's Metochion of the village of Upper Sergi.

    Numerous pilgrims believe that if you pray at the grave of Platonida and plunge into the icy water of the miraculous spring, you can be healed of all diseases. Many got rid of hard drinking, impotence, skin diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome. Spring water is very cold even in the summer heat, but very tasty and no unpleasant aftertastes are felt. It is said that the water collected here does not deteriorate for many months. In the outflowing stream there is a small depression in which, if you show skill, you can swim, because it is very shallow.

    Repeatedly, laboratory analysis of the source waters showed that the content of heavy metals here is completely negligible, hundreds of times less than the maximum allowable norms (MPC). And such dangerous trace elements as lead, cadmium, aluminum, etc. are not present at all. But the content of manganese is 3 times higher than the norm, and the concentration of radon is also increased - 40 Bq / l. This combination makes the water healing.

    The dissolved radon contained in this water is perhaps the most unusual gas that exists on Earth. Depending on the conditions, it can have both negative and healing effects on the human body. In the form of a radioactive gas, radon, even in a minimal amount, can lead to serious diseases, but dissolved in water it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, improves metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and reproductive systems, and normalizes sleep. Radon baths successfully treat skin and nervous diseases, gout, circulatory diseases. Taking radon water inside treats diseases of the digestive system.

    Nearby, just two kilometers away, there is another natural monument - Mount Starik-Kamen, with which a healing source is also associated with a legend.

    There are many legends about the hermit Platonides, at least about a dozen variations! The main four are presented below.

    One of them tells that many, many years ago, a young woman named Platonida left the village of Krasnoyar and doomed herself to seclusion and loneliness in the wild forest. She lived near a clean forest spring until the end of her days. For many years, Platonida managed to maintain strength and health. After the death of Platonida, a pilgrimage began to her grave. The spring began to be revered as miraculous.

    In another legend, a girl from a wealthy peasant family fell in love with a guy - handsome and poor. She herself was a Kirzhachka, and he was Orthodox. Only the father did not agree to give his daughter Platonida to a poor man in marriage, he decided to marry the son of a rich peasant. And the girl fled from her native places, with a convoy to the village of Krasnoyar, so as not to hang around all her life with the unlovable. The villagers greeted the wanderer incredulously, and she had to go to live in the forest. The forest is rich in food, made friends with the beast. The resentment towards people gradually faded away, Platonida began to secretly help people. Yes, she tried to find out if anyone had heard anything about her village, her mother's father, her fiancé. It is a pity that people did not know that all this time the beloved Platonides walked around the Urals in search of his bride. He visited more than once and near the place where Platonida lived. But her dugout was so noticeable that the young man always passed by. He grew old, turned gray in bitter wanderings. And one day, exhausted by the eternal way, he sat down to rest on the banks of the river Ik, but he could no longer rise, he turned to stone ... People called this fossil the Old Man-Stone. And Platonida lived for many years on the banks of the river Ik near the underground spring. Platonida has been gone for a long time, and the key keeps murmuring and murmuring, mourning her fate. It quenches the thirst of travelers, and people say that it has become healing.

    In another legend, a girl lived in a Tatar family who decided to renounce Islam and accept Orthodoxy. On the eve of the wedding with a Tatar fellow villager, the girl ran away from home and retired to the skete. After living for several years in a convent, she received the name Platonides and began to lead the life of a hermit. Thanks to her prayers, a healing spring gushed near the forest skete. From the embittered relatives who were looking for an opportunity to take revenge on Platonida, she was guarded by a bear. But when the bear was killed, Platonis was shot with a gun, as the Mohammedans were afraid to come close to her. The soul of the bear turned into a stone, now called the Old Man Stone, and in the place of the death of the hermit, a healing spring clogged and to this day the source and the immortal soul of Platonis are guarded by it.

    The main version of the legend says that a girl lived in an Old Believer family, in which there were two brothers and a sister of Plato. A misfortune happened - the father and mother died, but they did not leave a will. The brothers were seized by greed, and they decided to divide the poor property among themselves, and the younger sister was taken to a distant skete to certain death. 30 years have passed and their conscience has tortured them. The brothers decided to go to the skete, to pray for sin at the remains of their sister, considering their sister dead. But they were surprised when they found her in perfect health, unharmed and not at all aged. It turned out that in the spring near the skete, healing water was beaten out, washing with which, Platonides retained her beauty and youth. She forgave her brothers, but remained to live with her skete, where she died after many, many years, having buried her brothers who had obeyed not far from her dwelling.

    Here are the main legends that are transmitted in different variations from mouth to mouth. The rumor about Platonides and the source at which she lived her life went far and pilgrims were drawn here, they built a chapel in which services were held.

    If the river, into which the spring flows, crosses to the other side, then not far, a little upstream you will find a good-quality hut. It has a potbelly stove, near which you can warm yourself in cold weather. This is not the first building near the source, unfortunately, all the previous ones were burned down. Let's hope that this hut does not suffer such a sad fate.

    The Platonida tract continues to acquire incredible legends. It is said that Platonida helps local residents to find lost pets, and sometimes appears in white clothes to lost and completely desperate hunters and mushroom pickers, helps them get out of the forest. This was confirmed in 2001. In August of that year, four teenagers from Yekaterinburg decided to hike Mount Shunut. At the same time, the youngest - 10-year-old Lesha Leontiev - fought off his comrades and got lost. Only on the third day the boy was found - alive and unharmed. He was in a hut near the source of Platonides.

    Some claim that anomalous phenomena occur in these places. People often stray, as if they are "circled" by an unknown force. It seems that someone invisible is standing behind. And sometimes a strange fog appears here - in such a place and at such a time when it is not supposed to be, for example, on a sunny day over certain patches.

    But the most fantastic thing that was printed about these places, allegedly in ancient times, in Mount Shunut, not far from the source of Platonides, a whole cave monastery was dug. Allegedly in the mountain, a vertical mine shaft was pierced, from which numerous horizontal cave-cells radiated from the sides. Old Believer monks lived and prayed in them. According to this legend, later, fearing that the authorities would discover the monastery, the entrance to the monastery was covered up... (Newspaper "Siberian Trakt", No. 16).

    It can be noted that some rare plants listed in the Red Book of the Middle Urals grow in this area. Such as the Tatar korostavnik, Ural tsitserbita, victorious bow and others. You can spend the night here only in your own tent, the nearest hotels are only in Revda.

    How to get there: by public transport by train or bus Ekaterinburg - Revda No. 151, departs from the Northern bus station every 20 minutes, on the way 1 hour 15 minutes, get to the city of Revda, then from the railway station by shuttle bus No. 103 Revda-Krasnoyar, on the way 1 hour 10 minutes, drive to the village of Krasnoyar. In Krasnoyar, from the final stop, go a little further along the street, in the direction of the bus and turn right. After walking a little along the forest road, turn onto the marked path. In order not to go astray, carefully watch the trees marked with paint. You need to stick to the western direction. After 5-7 kilometers the trail comes to a well-trodden logging road. Turn left and follow this logging road. After 5-6 kilometers, the sign "Platonida" will appear. Turning left, you will find yourself at the legendary source.

    There is another, shorter path to the source, but it is very difficult to find it on your own, being the first time in these places.

    Be extremely careful, it's easy to get lost here! In the vicinity of Krasnoyar there are a lot of logging roads and trails, many forks. It is easy to take a wrong turn and lose your way. Even those who have been here more than once often stray. The terrain in these places is quite wild. The taiga stretches for many kilometers around. Sometimes you can find traces of moose, bears, wolves and other wild animals here.

    By personal transport after about 100 meters, after the bus station in Krasnoyarsk, there will be a turn onto the marked trail to Shunut. After about 6 km, there will be a dirt road along this trail. Turn left on it, and after 5 km there will be a sign "Platonida Natural Monument". In winter or in the dry season, you can get to the source by a normal cross-country vehicle, at other times the road is very washed out, and you can only get there by SUV.

    Three kilometers from Platonida there is another amazing place - Mount Shunut, the highest mountain in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg, 726 meters, a particularly beautiful view from its top. All of the above attractions in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg are excellent places for weekend itineraries.

    Coordinates: N56° 30.318" E59° 47.383"

    Probably, each of the Ural tourists was on Shunute And Platonides. I know a serious businessman from Yekaterinburg, which is regularly Platonides celebrates the New Year. I have even been there twice myself.

    The first time it was shooting some TV channel, and we talked on Shunute night about nature conservation. The second time was 7 years ago. As always organized the trip Aliya Sultanova, and everything was very serious: a specially sharpened machine, an experienced guide with different equipment. The funny thing was that our guide could not get to Shunuta close, as he did not let the tires down for better cross-country ability. But he professionally fed us dinner. We walked the rest of the mile and a half. And when they arrived, they saw right under Shunut 15 pieces of cars, and among them a little blue Goetz. A big surprise, like in a fairy tale about 12 Months. There are no roads, but everyone goes there.

    And below you will find beautiful photos and a short story from Vladislav Wooden. Enjoy and travel!

    Ural does not let you get bored

    Our new journey Ural with a small but proud club of Land Rover enthusiasts.

    This time we visited a holy and mysterious place, climbed Old Man Stone and conquered the summit.

    Moreover, they conquered in the truest sense of the word, the last 500 meters were overcome for 3 hours. Literally before the finish line, two legends collided: the legend of the domestic auto industry and the legend of the English. 4 UAZ vehicles and our column of Land Rovers met on a non-traversable track in the middle of the forest. I have never played in such tags.

    You drive the car into a snowdrift, one passes, the next one gets out of the snowdrift, until it gets it, it drives into the snowdrift itself and gets stuck there, and already the new crew gets it. Everything was decided by UAZ Bukhanka and Land Rover Discovery, which had no equal either in a meter-long snowdrift or in a half-meter track. I prudently did not torture my little Renjik, dug out a pocket between the trees and parked.

    What we did for 14 hours non-stop: pushing weight training, tags with UAZs, replacing a punctured wheel in a snowdrift with speed, navigating the terrain in the dark in search of missing autotourists in a Lexus, throwing snow with a shovel for a distance, overcoming meter-long waves along a logging road.

    The only thing we couldn't do was eat. 62 km one way, 14 hours of time, a sea of ​​drive, impressions, mutual assistance, laughter and only one inadequate person we met on the way.

    Thanks to all the members of our micro club, thanks to Jaguar Land Rover Autoplus, thanks to everyone who met us on the way!

    Source of Platonides

    — a legendary place in the dense forests of the Revdinsky district Sverdlovsk region, about 10-12 kilometers from the village Krasnoyar. Hydrological and historical monument of nature.

    In ancient times, there was an Old Believer skete here. Once this place was very revered by the Old Believers, and now both Old Believers and Orthodox, and various occultists, and just tourists are drawn here. There are many legends about the hermit Platonides whose name the source bears. Well-known local historian Vladimir Trusov according to archival documents, he was able to establish that she lived Platonides in the distant 18th century and was buried at her skete around 1785.

    Subsequently the grave Platonides became a cult place. Every year, many pilgrims from all over come to her to worship and in the hope of healing from ailments. Ural and countries. Moreover, at Platonides followers appeared and some wanderers stayed here to live. A clear confirmation of this is the nameless crosses near the grave. Platonides. Who is buried here, we will probably never know. Around Krasnoyarsk in different years, several Old Believer sketes operated.

    Now let's talk directly about the healing source itself. Holy Spring of Platonides located in the upper reaches of a small taiga Small Ik river(inflow Revda rivers). It springs up from under the ground and after a few meters it falls into Small Ik. Here, in the river, there is a small depression in which you can swim. True, for this you need to show skill, since the river is shallow. The water here is very cold even in the summer heat. The taste of water is pleasant, no taste smacks are felt.

    Mount Shunut or Shunut-Stone

    Mount Shunut(or another name - Shunut Stone) is the top of the ridge Konovalovsky Uval. The height of this one is 726 meters above sea level. In general, a lot for the low-mountainous Middle Urals.
    Mount Shunut is picturesque rocks.

    Their height is from 20 to 60 meters. The rocks are the highest and steepest on the east side. From the top there is an excellent view of the green sea of ​​the taiga.

    Not surprisingly, this beautiful attraction is very popular among tourists. There is a spring at the foot of the rocks. True, in dry weather it sometimes dries up.

    Where this name came from is unclear, let's try to refer to the book A.K. Matveev "Geographical names of the Sverdlovsk region":

    “In some reference books, the word Shunut is considered as a Mansi-Bashkir hybrid (Mansi shun - “creature”, Bashkir ut - “fire”). A fire was lit on this high mountain as a signal of approaching danger. It is really tempting to see the Türkic ut – “fire” in the element ut, but the addition “creature” + “fire” is a very strange construction for toponymy.

    In addition, shun in Mansi is by no means a creature, but “sleigh”, “sled”. Therefore, it is better to consider the oronym Shunut as purely Turkic, which is confirmed by the harmony of vowels (u-u) and the stress on the last syllable. However, if the word is divided into components shun and ut, its first part shun does not find a sufficiently convincing explanation in the Turkic languages. In general, there are some doubts that the word should be divided in this way.

    The fact is that in a number of geological works of the late XIX - early XX centuries. instead of the name Shunut-stone, the White Stone appears (perhaps due to the light color of the rocks). However, the Shunut stream, the Shunut mine and the small Shunut ridge south of the modern Shunut stone are indicated. At the same time, in other geological and geographical works of the same time, the names Shunut Mountains, Shunut Ridge, Shunut Ridge seem to be used in the modern sense, and the oronym White Stone is applied only to a rocky peak. In this case, there is clearly a lack of facts, but it can be assumed that the name of the river and the insignificant objects adjacent to it are primary, and then there can be no question of dividing into shun and ut.

    The rocks are composed of conglomerates of cemented pebbles and quartzite sandstone shales. According to the geographer N.P. Arkhipova, the age of the rocks is more than 600 million years. Surface rocks of Shunut picturesque and in places covered with lichens of white, gray, rusty-red colors.

    Rock Old Man-Stone

    Shunut is not the only rocky attraction in these places. A little to the south you can look at the curious rock Old Man-Stone, whose profile clearly resembles a human face. Old Man Stone everything applies to the same Konovalovsky ridge.

    Old Man Stone also refers to the ridge massif Konovalovsky ridge. The name of the ridge arose, according to the local historian Yu.A. dunaeva, from the village Konovalovo, which is located on its northern extension. Konovalovsky ridge