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  • Dosha test, concept and recommendations for the three types of doshas. Ayurvedic body type test Kapha dosha: manifestation in balance

    Dosha test, concept and recommendations for the three types of doshas.  Ayurvedic body type test Kapha dosha: manifestation in balance

    Vata is Air, Prana, Ether - that is, everything that moves and moves; Vata is the biological manifestation of the life force of the Cosmos.
    Vata-type people The distinguishing physical feature of Vata-type people is considered to be "thin bone". Such people have thin hands and a complete absence of body fat, and on the lower extremities, as a rule, a venous network appears.

    Such slender, graceful and flat-chested girls with neat hips and square shoulders can often be seen at fashion shows. For some reason, this type of Vata woman is chosen as the female standard in the fashion industry.

    Pitta is the fire and fiery energy of digestion, which is responsible for the life processes in the body. Everything that enters the body must be processed and assimilated, from food to sensory experiences, including what is seen or heard. This is the main task of Pitta - to maintain the viability of the body and the ability to adequately perceive both reality and appetite and thirst.

    Pitta has a tremendous store of solar energy, which is concentrated in the “Manipura Chakra” or “Sparkling Gem Realm” (Skt.), and this phrase perfectly describes the fiery energy of Pitta.

    The main features of Pitt type people are energy, ambition and aggressiveness.

    Kapha is a combination of earth and water, it is a powerful energy of attraction and charm. Kapha, unlike airy Vatas melting in the clouds and flaming Pittas, is the foundation and basis - stable and inert Kaphas have always been, are and will be, and this is an immutable law. The fact is that the planetary laws fit perfectly into the nature of Kapha - they themselves are earthly, therefore they are better adapted to life on our planet than others. Moreover, people like Kapha serve as the foundation on which all the other building blocks - doshas - are built.

    No two people are the same, each person is unique, and that is ayurvedic constitution makes each person unique. It is the unique ratio of Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas that determines the features of our appearance, physiology and character. That is, we are what our Ayurvedic constitution is.

    Clarifications for mixed constitutions:
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    physical characteristicsdominant Vata dosha:

    Vata-dominated people are usually either above or below average height. They have a fragile physique, and it is difficult for them to gain weight. They are bony, do not have well-developed muscles, their veins stand out strongly. The skin is dry, easily becomes rough, covered with cracks or wrinkles. Skin color - pale or swarthy, brown or black pigment spots are possible. The eyes are usually small, dry; possible tic or twitching of the eyelids. The hair is dry (like the scalp), split easily and prone to dandruff.

    The power of digestion in Vata type is unstable and uneven. At times, their appetite is high, and at times it decreases or disappears altogether. Emotional upset, stress or a conflict situation easily leads them to indigestion on a nervous basis. They sleep little and suffer from insomnia, which can become chronic. If you wake them up, then it is already difficult for them to fall asleep again. People of this type have restless dreams, sometimes nightmares.

    As far as waste products are concerned, Vata-type urine and sweat are not abundant. The stool is rather dry and scanty. Vata individuals often experience constipation, bloating and gas. They are prone to diseases that are accompanied by pain from a common headache to chronic diseases such as arthritis. Of the environmental factors, cold, wind and dryness cause them the greatest concern. However, any extremes are unpleasant to them, including excessive heat or sunshine. People of Vata constitution generally do not like anything rough and harsh. They generally thrive in warm, humid climates. They should follow a nutritious diet that is good for restoring strength. For normal well-being, they need an emotional atmosphere of care and support.

    Vata people are physically active and energetic. They love speed and movement and prefer aerobic sports. But they get tired quickly, they lack stamina and a steady supply of vitality. In their youth, these people are usually athletic, but physical data does not allow them to engage in strength exercises and contact sports. They have a tendency to muscle spasms and convulsions. In addition, they do not feel their body very well and can be somewhat clumsy. Vata types are more prone to injury and fracture than other types.

    dominant Vata dosha:

    People of Vata constitution have a quick lively mind, their interests and inclinations are changeable. They are talkative, educated and quick-witted, able to stand on someone else's point of view. However, their mental constructions often turn out to be artificial, and their conversations are empty. Their minds easily wander and can get out of control. And although they may be well informed in a variety of subjects, they sometimes lack deep knowledge. Their will is usually unstable. They are characterized by indecision, lack of determination, constancy and self-confidence. Often they tend to see themselves in a bad light.

    The Vata type suffers most from fear, which is their first reaction to everything new and unusual. Many people of this type are constantly restless, often suffering from overexcitation and lack of stability. They are scattered and at times become "not of this world." The memory of these people is short-term and often fails them. Common problems among them are overexertion and exhaustion, and at the same time, these people tend to put excessive effort into everything they do.

    A Vata-type person can become a good teacher or programmer, successfully work in the field of communications and mass media. Vata-type also has excellent intellectual abilities. He succeeds in everything related to the written expression of thought and the systematization of information. Such people can make good musicians, although they may be too sensitive to noise. In general, these are creative people, and most representatives of the arts belong to the Vata type.

    Many Vata individuals are very sociable and love to move in different circles of society. However, if Vata dosha is very strong, it gives rise to loners who are overly sensitive to contact with people. But this does not mean that they are naturally inclined to solitude. They just have too much to say, but they don't know how to express it. As a rule, people of vata constitution are rebels. They don't like to be either leaders or followers. However, they are the most mobile and flexible of all three types and are better than all others able to adapt to new circumstances, as soon as they understand what exactly needs to be done.


    physical characteristicsdominant pitta dosha:

    Pitta-dominated people are usually of medium weight, medium build, and well-muscled. Their skin is well supplied with fat and has a good color, but is prone to acne, rashes and other inflammatory processes. Their eyes are also easily reddened and inflamed. These people are sensitive to sunlight and often have to wear glasses. Their hair is sparse, usually they are prone to early graying or baldness.

    Representatives of the Pitta type, as a rule, have a good appetite, sometimes even excessive. They can eat almost anything and do not gain weight (until they are forty years old). However, they are prone to increased acidity of the gastric juice and heartburn, they may develop peptic ulcer or hypertension. Their sleep, as a rule, is average in duration, but can become restless, in particular, due to emotional conflicts. Dreams are moderately frequent, often vivid and dramatic, sometimes violent.

    Waste products - stool, urine and mucus - are usually copious in quantity and have a yellow color, because they are colored by bile (pitta), which is produced in their body in large quantities. Often these people have loose stools and are prone to diarrhea. They sweat profusely, and their sweat, like other secretions, can have an unpleasant odor. They have hot blood, bruising and bleeding easily. Most often, people of the fiery type suffer from fevers, infections, blood poisoning and inflammation. They struggle with heat, sunlight, fire, and chemicals and prefer cool, water, and shade.

    Pitta-type people are characterized by a competitive spirit, they enjoy sports and exercise. They prefer all kinds of sports games. They love to win and hate to lose. These people have average endurance, but quickly get tired in the sun and in the heat. Their joints are usually mobile, but prone to dislocations. Pitta type representatives have an average supply of energy and vitality, but they can easily collect themselves and decisively force themselves to move on, which can lead to overwork.

    Psychological characteristicsdominant pitta dosha:

    Pitta people are smart, receptive, and picky. They have a sharp mind and a clear, systematic perception of the world.

    But because their ideas take a clear form, they can be opinionated, critical, and willful. These people are angry, prone to aggression and pressure, and anger is their first reaction to new or unexpected events. They have a strong will and can be impulsive or stubborn. They make good leaders, but they can become bigoted or insensitive. They like to use energy and show strength, and are sometimes argumentative or violent.

    Pitta-type people make good scientists, researchers and inventors. They have an inquisitive mind, often showing good abilities in mechanics and mathematics. They enjoy working with tools, weapons, or chemicals. They penetrate deeply into the essence of things and can be good psychologists. Most military and police officers are of the Pitta type. They love law and order and understand the importance of punishment. Many lawyers and politicians also belong to the Pitta type: the fiery principle gives them a sharp mind and the ability to debate.

    Pitta type people are excellent speakers or preachers. They can very convincingly present their point of view. However, they do not always have compassion for others, and it is sometimes difficult for them to understand someone else's point of view. They prefer hierarchy and authority to consensus and democracy. A tough-tempered administrator who suddenly has a heart attack is a typical example of a pronounced Pitta dosha. But this same purposefulness can do a good job if it is directed to worthy goals.


    physical characteristicsdominant KAPHA dosha:

    People with a dominant Kapha dosha are usually below average height, have a somewhat overweight build and a well-developed chest. Sometimes they are tall, but always of a large build. They tend to be overweight or obese and tend to be overweight and prone to fluid retention. Their skin is thick, usually moist and oily. The eyes are large, attractive, with white squirrels and large eyelids. The hair is thick, oily and strong. Teeth large, white, attractive.

    Kapha people have a low but steady appetite and a slow metabolism. They eat little, but often, and prefer not to fill up, but always have something to eat on hand. However, it is usually difficult for them to lose weight, even if they eat little. They love sweets and can develop diabetes as they age. They fall asleep easily, often sleep for a long time, and usually find it difficult to force themselves to stay up late.

    Their urine, sweat and stools are not very copious. In the heat, they can sweat a lot, but not immediately. They accumulate and secrete a large amount of mucus, especially in the morning. Kapha-type people suffer the most from excess weight and accumulation of fluids in the body. Common illnesses are obesity, congestion, glandular enlargement, asthma, edema, and tumors (usually benign). Of particular concern to these people are cold, humidity and stale air. They prefer heat, light dry air and wind.

    Kapha-type people are prone to a sedentary lifestyle, but they have remarkable stamina and, once set to work, can work for a long time without a break and achieve a lot. They take more by perseverance and perseverance than by speed, skill or cunning. Physically, they suffer mainly from inactivity and lack of discipline.

    Psychological characteristicsdominant KAPHA dosha:

    Kapha people have a very emotional temperament. Their positive qualities are love, devotion and fidelity. The negative qualities of this type are excessive desire, attachment, possessiveness and greed. They are romantic, sentimental and shed tears easily.

    They learn more slowly than all other types, but they remember what they learned for a long time. In order to learn a new thing well, they need to repeat it several times. These people are not creative and inventive, but they bring things to mind and make them useful. They succeed more in finishing what they start than in working at the starting stage. They like to give things a finished shape and organize work.

    Kapha people are traditional and conservative in their behavior and beliefs. They enjoy being part of a group and rarely rebel. They are excellent followers and prefer to work in tandem. They are easily satisfied with what they have and accept things as they are. They are stable, but sometimes they are inert. They do not like change and change with difficulty, even if they themselves strive for it. They are friendly, especially with those they know well, and hold on tightly to their family. But in communicating with strangers or foreigners, they have difficulty. And although they do not like to cause trouble to others, sometimes they are insensitive to the needs of those who are outside their sphere of communication. Sometimes they can show their importance and try to suppress or corner others.

    As a rule, Kapha-type people are good parents and breadwinners of the family. Women of this type are good mothers and wives, they love to cook, bake and take care of the house. Men can also be fond of cooking and even work in a restaurant. A large chest, good lungs and a beautiful voice make people of this type good singers. They enjoy accumulating wealth and hold tightly to what they get. They are very successful in real estate and make good bankers. If they have an interest, they can be hard workers, but are firmly attached to the fruits of their labor.


    Refinements for mixedVata Pittaconstitutions

    People of this type are thin, mobile, friendly and talkative, like representatives of pure Vata-type, but more enterprising and have a sharper mind. They are not subject to the extremes typical of Vata; they are not so tense and unstable. Their digestion is more active, and they endure cold more easily than Vata-type people. They are also less sensitive to noise and physical discomfort. Pitta's powerful assertiveness is combined with Vata's rich imagination. But they easily acquire bad habits and need a stabilizing influence.

    Refinements for mixedPitta Vataconstitutions

    Pitta-Vata people are more of an average build and more muscular than Vata-Pitta people. They are just as mobile, but more hardy. Many of them are assertive and persistent, but their fanatical determination is softened in them by the lightness characteristic of Vata.

    These people have active digestion and more regular stools than Vata Pitta or pure Vata type people. Their reaction to stress takes the form of fear or anger, and is also expressed in feelings of insecurity and tension. This type of people love to eat. They have a good memory and smooth, confident speech. In hot weather, they feel uncomfortable.

    Refinements for mixedVata Kaphaconstitutions

    Many people of the Vata-Kapha type find it difficult to determine their constitution from questionnaires, since the abundance of opposite properties is combined in their character with the indecision of Vata. Often they are thin, like representatives of the Vata type, but calm, complaisant and good-natured, like people of the Kapha type.

    In normal situations, they are calm and balanced, but under stress they can lose their composure. As a rule, they are mobile and quick, but sometimes they succumb to the typical Kapha tendency to procrastinate and put off important things “for later”. They are frugal and have a craving for hoarding. They do not tolerate cold very well. Their digestion may be sluggish or uneven.

    Refinements for mixedKapha Vataconstitutions

    Representatives of the Kapha-Vata type are similar to people of the Vata-Kapha type, but differ in a denser physique and slowness in movements. They are even more calm and calm than Vata-Kapha people, but less enthusiastic. Among them, there are often people of a sports warehouse, hardy and with good body resistance.

    But they also have digestive problems. They also do not tolerate cold well and, in addition, may suffer from the accumulation of mucus in the body cavities.

    Refinements for mixedPitta Kaphaconstitutions

    In Pitta-Kapha people, the powerful purposefulness of Pitta is combined with the physical strength of Kapha. They are more muscular than pure Kapha types, but can be rather awkward. Kapha gives them firmness and stability, and Pitta - determination, but also a tendency to anger and criticism.

    People of this type make good athletes, as they have both strength and endurance. They have a great appetite: they never forget to eat on time. Their digestion is good, like that of Pitta people, and their resistance to disease is as powerful as that of pure Kapha types.

    Refinements for mixedKapha Pittaconstitutions

    Kapha-Pitta people have a Kapha physique but are more prone to be overweight than Pitta-Kapha types. Their face and body shapes are more rounded, their movements are slower, and their character is more calm than that of Pitta-Kapha people. Their strength is stable, and in terms of endurance they surpass representatives of both the pure Pitta type and the Pitta-Kapha type.

    Physical exercise gives them pleasure, but still they are less willing to play sports than people of the Pitta-Kapha type. Sometimes they are arrogant and immune to criticism.

    Refinements for mixedVatta-Pitta-Kaphaconstitutions

    It is most difficult to describe people of the Vatta-Pitta-Kapha type, since all three doshas are equally expressed in them. This is the most balanced of all types, and its representatives usually live long, while maintaining good health and immunity. But if such a person still gets out of balance, then it will be more difficult to treat him than people of other types.

    The Vata-Pitta-Kapha type is very rare. Most people who consider themselves to be of this type actually have a mixed constitution with two dominant doshas.


    The individual constitution of each person is determined at the time of conception by a unique combination of all three doshas ( , and ). This combination of the three doshas is called (the first creation). Ayurveda is based on an understanding of the individual constitution. This knowledge is necessary to ensure a healthy, harmonious and happy life.

    In Ayurveda, there are 7 types of constitution:

    • vata, pitta, kapha (monotypes);
    • vata-pitta, pitta-kapha, kapha-vata (dual types);
    • vata-pitta-kapha (triple type).

    Let us consider in more detail the main types of constitution classified in Ayurveda.

    Cotton wool type

    Vata people are usually physically underdeveloped. They have a flat chest, visible veins and tendons. They are swarthy, their skin is cold, rough, dry and cracked. She usually has several dark-colored moles.

    Vata personalities are usually either too tall or too short, with a thin build that shows predominance of the joints and bone structure due to poor muscular development. They have sparse curly hair, thin eyelashes and impassive eyes. The eyes may be sunken, small, dry, with cloudy and dry outer and inner shells. Legs are rough and brittle. The tip of the nose is curved and upturned.

    Physiologically, appetite and digestion can be different. Vata personalities love sweet, sour, and salty foods and love hot drinks. The production of urine is insufficient, the stool is dry, difficult and in small quantities. They tend to perspire more than other types of constitutions. Their sleep may be disturbed and they may sleep less than other types. Their hands and feet are often cold.

    These personalities are creative, active, alert and restless. They talk and walk quickly, but tire easily.

    Psychologically, they are characterized by a short memory, but quick perception. They may understand something instantly, but they may soon forget it. They have little will power with a tendency to psychological imbalance, little tolerance, confidence, courage. The strength of their mind is weak, they are nervous, timid, subject to many worries.

    Each constitutional type is also a typical pattern of interaction with the environment. Vata personalities tend to make money quickly and spend it just as quickly. Therefore, they remain poor.

    Main characteristics of vata constitution:

    • thin physique;
    • small body weight;
    • skin dry, rough, cold, brown, black;
    • black, dry, curly hair;
    • protruding, large, crooked teeth, thin gums;
    • eyes small, dull, dry, brown, black;
    • appetite changeable, insufficient;
    • taste tendencies: sweet, sour, salty;
    • thirst is fickle;
    • waste dry, coming out with difficulty, constipation;
    • very physically active;
    • the mind is restless, active;
    • temperament fearful, indecisive, unpredictable;
    • faith is changing;
    • a good memory of the recent, a bad memory of the past;
    • dream pictures fears, flying, jumping, running;
    • sleep is insufficient, intermittent;
    • speech is fast;
    • financially poor, quickly spend money on trifles;
    • pulse weak, thready, snake-like motion.

    Pitta type

    These people are of average height, slender, graceful physique. Their chests are usually not as narrow as those of Vata people, and they have moderately pronounced veins and muscular tendons. They have many moles or freckles that are bluish or brownish-red in color. Their backbone is not as clear as that of Vata personalities. Their muscular development is moderate.

    The complexion of Pitta individuals can be coppery, yellow, reddish, or fair. Their skin is soft, warm and less wrinkled than vata skin. The hair is thin, silky, reddish or brownish, with a tendency to early graying or falling out.

    The eyes can be grey, green or copper brown and sharp. Eyeballs are revealed moderately. Conjunctiva moist, reddish. The nails are soft, the shape of the nose is pointed, the tip of the nose tends to redden.

    Physiologically, these people have an active metabolism, a good intestine, and, as a result, an excellent appetite. Pitta personalities generally consume large amounts of food and drink, but are naturally sweet, bitter, and astringent in taste, and like cold drinks.

    Their sleep is of medium duration, but uninterrupted. They produce more urine, their feces are yellow, thin, and profuse. They are prone to excessive perspiration. Their body temperature is slightly elevated, their hands and feet are warm. Pitta personalities cannot stand sunlight, heat, and, moreover, hard work.

    Psychologically, Pitta individuals have a good will to understand, they are very intelligent, witty, and can be good speakers. Their emotional tendencies are directed towards hatred, anger and envy.

    They are ambitious individuals who like to lead. They value material prosperity. They like to be moderately successful financiers. They enjoy showing off their wealth and luxury.

    The main characteristics of the pitta constitution:

    • average build;
    • average body weight;
    • skin soft, oily, warm, light, red, yellow;
    • hair soft, oily, red or brown;
    • teeth are medium in size, yellowish in color, gums are soft;
    • eyes penetrating, sharp, green, gray, yellow;
    • good appetite, excessive, unbearable;
    • taste tendencies: sweet, bitter, astringent;
    • excessive thirst;
    • waste soft, oily, coming out freely;
    • moderate physical activity;
    • the mind is aggressive, intelligent;
    • temperament aggressive, irritable, envious;
    • fanatical faith;
    • sharp memory;
    • dream pictures of fire, anger, violence, war;
    • sleep is short but deep;
    • speech is sharp, caustic;
    • in financial terms, they have an average income, they spend on luxury;
    • pulse moderate, jumping like a frog.

    The five elements combine with each other to form the three basic energies or functional principles that are present everywhere in varying degrees. Ether and air constitute Vata. Fire and water form pitta. Water and earth are kapha.

    In our bodies, these three doshas govern the physiological functions of the body. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are present in every cell, tissue and organ. When in balance, they create health. Being taken out of balance, they become the cause of the disease.

    The doshas determine individual characteristics and preferences and influence everything we are and do, from our choice of food to the way we communicate with other people. They govern the biological and mental processes of the body, mind and consciousness. They regulate the creation, maintenance, and destruction of body tissues, as well as the removal of waste products. In addition, they control our emotions. Being in balance, they give rise to such noble qualities as understanding, compassion and love. When the balance is disturbed under the influence of stress, malnutrition, environmental conditions or other factors, they can give rise to negative emotions: anger, fear and greed.

    In Ayurveda, vata is considered as the bodily principle of air - the energy of movement. Pitta is the principle of fire, the energy of digestion and metabolism, while Kapha is the principle of water, the energy of lubrication and structure. All people have all three doshas, ​​but one of them is usually primary or predominant, another is secondary, and the third is the least pronounced.

    Thus, each person has his own energy pattern, an individual combination of physical, mental and emotional characteristics, which makes up his constitution (prakriti). Just as every person has their own individual pattern of skin on the pads of their fingers, by which they can be identified, they also have their own pattern of energy - a combination of vata, pitta and kapha, which no one else has.

    Health depends on keeping the doshas in balance. Balance is the natural order of things, while imbalance causes disease. There is a constant struggle between chaos and order in us, which determines the state of our health. Health is order, and disease is disorder or disorder.

    The internal environment of the body constantly reacts to the external environment, and disorder occurs when they are not in harmony with each other. Order is impossible without chaos, so a wise person learns to recognize the presence of disorder and strives to restore order.

    Doshas can be combined in an infinite number of combinations, just as three colors (and even just one) can draw an infinite number of pictures.

    cotton wool is the driving energy. Although it represents the principle of air, it is not considered to be literally like actual air in the external environment, but rather a subtle energy that governs biological movement. Vata is closely related to our fundamental life essence, prana. Prana is the pure essence of vata, the life force, the play of the mind.

    The mindstream is essential for communication between two cells and keeps both of them alive. At the cosmic level, prana is considered an attraction (or attraction) between Purusha and Prakriti. Being the principle of movement, vata regulates all activities in the body, both mental and physiological. It is responsible for breathing, blinking eyes, heartbeat and all movements in the cytoplasm and cell membranes. Nerve impulses in the extremely complex network of the nervous system are also controlled by vata.

    When vata is in balance, it promotes creativity and flexibility, causing a feeling of freshness, lightness, happiness and joy. Unbalanced vata gives rise to fear, nervousness, anxiety, and at the level of the body, tremors and spasms. Vata is dry, light, cold, thin, clear, mobile and dispersive.

    pitta. The word "pitta" is usually translated as "fire", but this should not be taken literally. Rather, it is the principle of fire, heat energy and metabolism. Pitta governs all biochemical changes in the body by regulating digestion, absorption, assimilation and body temperature.

    In terms of modern biology, pitta corresponds to enzymes and amino acids. Enzymes and amino acids play a crucial role in metabolism. Pitta regulates body temperature through the chemical transformation of food. It promotes appetite and vitality. We digest more than just food.

    Every impression coming from outside is also processed or "digested" and becomes part of ourselves. Thus, a balanced pitta promotes intelligence and understanding and is crucial in learning.

    Unbalanced pitta can cause fiery emotions such as anger, frustration, hatred, criticism, and jealousy. Pitta is hot, sharp, light, moist, burning, sour and spreading. These qualities are manifested in a certain way in people with a pitta constitution.

    TOapha combines the elements of water and earth. It is the energy that forms the structure of the body, the glue that holds the cells together. Kapha is also responsible for the fluid necessary for the life of the cells and organs of our body. It lubricates the joints, hydrates the skin, helps heal wounds, and supports the immune system. Kapha provides strength, vitality and stability.

    Psychically, excess kapha is responsible for the emotions of attachment, greed, lust and envy. When kapha is in balance, it manifests itself in tendencies towards love, equanimity and forgiveness. Kapha is heavy, slow, cold, watery, oily, smooth, soft, static, viscous and sweet. These qualities manifest themselves in a certain way in people with a kapha constitution.

    The three doshas jointly govern all metabolic processes in the body. kapha promotes anabolism - the process of building the body, growth, creation of new and repair of damaged cells. pitta regulates metabolism, processes of digestion and absorption. cotton wool controls catabolism - the process of decay, during which large molecules are broken down into smaller ones, which can then be used to synthesize the substances needed by the body.

    Vata, being the principle of movement, gives it motionless pitta and kapha. Thus, when vata is out of balance, it affects the other doshas, ​​disturbing them. Excited vata is the cause of the vast majority of diseases.

    The whole life path of a person is divided into three main segments. From birth to 16 years old is kapha, from 16 to 50 years old is pitta, and from 50 to 100 years old is vata. During childhood, kapha and the process of anabolism predominate, as this is the time of greatest physical growth and body formation. At this age, kapha-type disorders are common, such as congestion in the lungs, coughs, colds, and mucous discharge. In adulthood, during a period of vigorous activity and vital activity, pitta is most noticeable. In old age it is replaced by vata and decay processes, bringing with it vata-type disorders like tremors, exhaustion, shortness of breath, arthritis and memory loss.

    Dr. Vasant Lad