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  • Items and equipment. The oldest items discovered by archaeologists

    Items and equipment.  The oldest items discovered by archaeologists

    Items are scattered all over the place after the battle.

    As you play Diablo III, a wide variety of equipment will fall into your hands. Each killed monster with a certain probability will leave behind armor or weapons. Trophies can be stored in each chest and lie under each corpse.

    If you see an item on the ground, highlight it and pick it up. It will sparkle to get your attention and for a while you will be able to see its name. That way you know exactly what you're going to get.

    Equipment and items

    Weapon(swords, bows, magic wands, etc.) determines the damage you deal - a measure of how deadly your attacks are. The higher the damage value, the more likely you are to land a killing blow on your opponents. By upgrading your weapons, you will kill enemies faster and be able to deal more serious blows to even the most nightmarish creatures that invade Sanctuary. The damage indicator can be found in the characteristics section, in the character menu (on PC and Mac - the "C" key, on the Xbox 360 and Xbox One - "BACK", on the PlayStation®3 and PlayStation®4 - "SELECT").

    After replenishing your arsenal, you can compare new weapons with those already equipped. To do this, select a weapon in the character menu: a description of the changes that will occur if you equip this item will appear.

    Used armor(helmets, shields and armor sets) affects your armor value. Your resistance to impact depends on it. The higher this value, the less damage you will receive. By upgrading your armor, you will not only look more protected, but also almost forget about those attacks that could instantly destroy you before. The armor value can be found in the character menu.

    Dual and two-handed weapons

    When choosing skills to match gear (or vice versa), you often find yourself faced with a difficult choice - should you use a two-handed weapon, a one-handed weapon with an off-hand item, or (if you're playing a monk, barbarian, or demon hunter) dual wielding? It all comes down to your character development and preferred play style.

    Below is a list of what you need to consider when making a choice in favor of one or another option.

    • If you choose 2 weapons, your attack speed will increase by 15%. This setting increases your damage per second.
    • When using 2 weapons, you hit with each weapon in turn. Damage dealt will be based on the stat of the weapon being hit, not the arithmetic average of the stats of the weapons. Thus, the damage dealt per hit will be less than that of a two-handed weapon.
    • The bonuses from each equipped weapon are cumulative (for example, if one weapon gives an increase of +20 strength, and the other - +22 strength, then in total you will have +42 strength). Often, dual-wielding will give you more bonuses (and more gems to use) than two-handed weapons.
    • Weapons in each hand contribute to greater attack speed. Therefore, you will be able to replenish the resource faster than when using a two-handed weapon.
    • When using a two-handed weapon, you will be able to deliver much more powerful blows (compared to one-handed). Skills that deal significant weapon damage (such as 200% weapon damage) will deal more damage (including critical damage). Thus, you can destroy the enemy in a matter of blows.

    Generally, dual weapon contributes to high attack speed and fast resource replenishment, and also allows you to use more gems and get more bonuses to characteristics. Abilities that can proc on hit also proc more frequently when dual-wielding a weapon. Two-handed weapon Allows you to deal high damage and make powerful critical hits. It's also best used when using area of ​​effect skills frequently.

    Equipment - main indicators

    Not every weapon or armor suits every hero. Just as skills are reserved for certain classes (a sorcerer, for example, will never master a barbarian's sweeping strikes, and a barbarian will never learn to command the undead), so they use only the right equipment.

    Most of the equipment has restrictions on the level of heroes. If the level of your hero is not high enough, you simply will not be able to use certain weapons for the time being. For example, a level 3 barbarian cannot use an ax that requires level 8 experience.

    In addition, the use of some equipment is determined by the class of the hero. For example, certain types of ranged weapons are only suitable for demon hunters, while powerful heavy weapons can only be handled by barbarians. Each hero has a unique piece of equipment that is unique to their class. It is specially tailored to the owner and improves one or more of his skills.

    Each item of equipment has a certain stock strength, which shows how long it will last in battle before it finally breaks down and becomes unusable. From the use of equipment, the level of durability decreases slightly, from the damage received - more strongly, and when a character dies, the durability of all his belongings noticeably decreases.

    To find out the current and maximum value of an item's durability, select it in the inventory (displayed as: "Durability: 52/60").

    If an item's durability is 0, its use will no longer provide a buff. Town merchants can repair damaged items - but not for free, of course.

    Item quality

    There is another distinctive feature of items that can be noticed even before you pick them up from the ground or buy from a merchant. The name and type of the item are displayed with text of different colors, which indicates their quality.

    • Ordinary items - their names are written in white. It is generally the weakest piece of equipment with the lowest level requirement and few or no special properties.
    • magical items - their names are written in blue. They are rarer than usual and, as a rule, surpass them in characteristics. Magic items always have at least one special property.
    • Rare items - their names are written in yellow. Finding them is not easy, but the benefits from them are usually much greater. Rare items always have a few useful properties.
    • Items from sets- Their names are written in green. They are similar to rare ones, but each of them is part of a certain set of equipment (for example: sword + shield + helmet). Using multiple items from the same set further enhances the character. If you are playing on Torment I difficulty or higher, any of these items may be part of ancient kit- with incredibly strong performance. Ancient and common items for sets can be easily combined, that is, if you collect a set of items of different age, you will still receive a bonus from the set. In case of successful passage of the great portal primordial ancient item from the kit. Like other ancient items, these powerful pieces of equipment have higher stats, but their primary and secondary properties have been chosen in such a way as to unleash the full potential of the item.
    • Legendary- their names are written in orange. They have such great power and are so rare that some consider them a myth. So, if you are lucky enough to find such an item - rejoice! And if you're playing on Torment I difficulty or higher, any legendary item you drop may be ancient- with even stronger performance. If you successfully complete the level 70 Greater Rift alone, you will have a chance to get primal ancient legendary thing. Like other ancient legendary items, this mythic equipment has higher stats, while its primary and secondary properties are optimally matched. In general, such items are among the most coveted finds for the heroes of Sanctuary.

    Found legendary and set items must be recognized to unlock their additional modifiers. Those finds that you have not yet recognized are marked in the inventory with a question mark. On PC, to recognize an item, right-click on it or use the "Books of Cain" icon on the mini-map: all items in your inventory will be automatically recognized. On consoles, highlight the item in your inventory.

    In addition to additional bonuses to the main characteristics, equipment can also have other properties - the game has weapons that drain life from enemies, boots that increase running speed, armor that speeds up health recovery, and items with other mysterious properties.


    In addition to equipment that will serve you faithfully until you decide to change or sell it, you will find various consumable items in the game that will help you survive in Sanctuary. Some of these items are purchasable, while others are rare and can only be found on the battlefield. Here are some examples of consumable items:

    Potions are mystical liquids that instantly heal you, restoring a certain amount of health depending on their power. There are rumors about the existence of more powerful healing potions, which, in addition, have a positive effect on other indicators of the heroes.

    The magical nature of potions prevents you from using them one after the other. After you drink one potion, you must wait a bit (called "cooldown") before you can use the next one.

    Dyes used to change the color of your armor. One bottle of dye is consumed per piece of armor. Thus, in order to completely recolor your equipment, you will need several bottles.

    Finding Magic Items

    Magic items are essential to deal with monsters more effectively in Diablo III (especially on higher difficulty levels). Therefore, it is good when you find them often and in large numbers. Your search for magic items is shown in your inventory.

    What actually gives this parameter?

    High chance of finding magic items allows you to find things higher quality. Moreover, this applies only to items obtained after defeating the enemy (i.e., this parameter does not affect items obtained from chests, vases, weapon racks, etc.). He also does not affect the amount items. It is the likelihood that the item will be magical and more useful than with a lower parameter indicator that increases.

    When an item drops from a downed opponent, the game randomly determines the quality of the item by referring to a list with quality options and the number of affixes. In this case, a "draw" for each property occurs, and as a result you get a specific item. The probability of finding magic items just affects the result of these "pranks".

    For example, if a monster has a 4% chance to drop a rare item with six affixes, and your Magic Item Finder is set to 50%, then the item drop rate increases to 6%.

    Item quality changes as follows:

    • legendary item
    • rare item with 6 affixes
    • rare item with 5 affixes
    • rare item with 4 affixes
    • rare item with 2 affixes
    • rare item with 1 affix
    • magic item

    In accordance with the above example, if in the case of a “draw” an item of higher quality could not be obtained, then the item generator can create an item of lower quality (and so on in a chain). For example, if an item with 6 affixes could not be obtained, then an item with 5 affixes will be “played”, then with 4, etc. The probability of finding magic items affects each such draw. If the same monster has a 10% chance to drop an item with 5 affixes, and your Magic Item Finder is 50%, then the drop rate for that item is increased to 15%.


    What is an actuation? This the effect, which has a chance to trigger when you hit or use a certain skill. Certain weapon modifiers and passive skills can also trigger.

    For example, such effects include a weapon property that allows you to knock back enemies. Because this effect has a chance to proc, you won't be knocking enemies back with every hit.

    Operation coefficient determines how often the corresponding effect will trigger. Many effects trigger each time a skill is used, with a proc rate of 1. A skill with a lower rate with less likely will trigger.

    For example, if you equip this weapon, you will attack one enemy with the Magic Missile skill (its proc multiplier is 1). Compare this to the result of using Energy Whirlwind under the same conditions (its proc rate is much lower) and you will notice that knockback is triggered at a different frequency.

    Why reduce the actuation factor? Some skills, like Energy Whirlwind, hit multiple targets or continue to deal damage over a long period of time, so there are many opportunities to trigger effects. Skills of this type, designed to deal damage to many targets (AoE damage), usually have a lower proc rate so that other skills are not inferior to them in effectiveness and are no less interesting to use.

    According to some fundamentalists, Bible tells that God created Adam and Eve several thousand years ago. Science reports that this is just fiction, and that man is a few million years old, and civilizations are tens of thousands of years old. However, could it be that traditional science is as wrong as bible stories? There is a large amount of archaeological evidence that history of life on earth may not be at all like the one that we are told today by geological and anthropological texts.

    Corrugated Spheres

    For the past few decades, miners in South Africa have been digging up mysterious metal balls. These balls of unknown origin are about an inch in diameter, and some of them are engraved with three parallel lines running along the axis of the object. Two types of balls have been found: one consists of a hard bluish metal with white spots, while the other is emptied from the inside and filled with a white spongy substance. Interestingly, the stone in which they were found belongs to the Precambrian period and dates back 2.8 billion years! Who made these spheres and why remains a mystery.

    Oldowan tools

    The most primitive human tools are called Oldowan (Olduvian) due to the fact that they were first found in the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania.
    The most ancient tools were found in Ethiopia. During excavations in the Afar Desert (central Ethiopia) in the Hadar area, tools were found 2.5 million years old. At excavations in the Omo Valley in southern Ethiopia, archaeologists have found tools that are about 2.4 - 2.5 million years old. The sites of ancient people were also found here.
    Archaeologists consider the characteristic features of processing to be evidence of the non-randomness of the chips on the tools: stone upholstery from one or two edges, the presence of a percussive tubercle, as well as the concentration of tools in places where they could not be formed naturally.
    By the way, here, in Ethiopia, American archaeologists found a spearhead, the age of which was determined no less than 280,000 years. The tip is made of volcanic glass and is still very sharp.

    Spanish petroglyphs

    The most ancient rock paintings are petroglyphs found in Spain in the caves of El Castillo and Altamira. Among the most ancient images are handprints, animal figurines and dots. They are made with charcoal, hematite and ocher.
    Scientists managed to establish the exact age of one of the palm prints, and it turned out that the drawing is 37,300 years old. The age of the large red dot near this drawing is even older - 40,800 years.
    To determine the age of the drawings, scientists used calcite, which covered the images. The fact is that during the deposition of calcite on the drawings, radioactive uranium atoms fell into the mineral, which, during decay, form thorium. The scientists used the ratio of elements as a time clock, and calculated the time of the beginning of the formation of calcite.
    True, archaeologists are still arguing who exactly left the drawings - Homo Sapiens or whether they belong to Neanderthals.

    German ancient figurine

    The oldest image of a man was found in Germany by archaeologist Nicholas Conard. This tiny female figurine, carved from mammoth tusk, was discovered in the Hole Fels karst cave in the Swabian Alb, which is located just a kilometer from the city of Schelklingen.
    Figurine dimensions: 59.7mm X 31.3mm X 34.6mm. Weight - 33.3 grams. The figurine was originally split into six pieces and is still missing an arm and shoulder.
    The age of the figurine was determined using radiocarbon analysis, which was subjected to fragments of the remains of animals, next to which it was found. The scatter of the data was quite large. The age of the figurine is estimated at 44,000 years.
    Conrad, the author of the find, believes that the woman figurine belongs to the Aurignacian culture and determines its age as 40,000 years.

    Gyges stater

    The oldest coin in the world is the Lydian stater. The coin was gold and had a mass of 14 grams. Even the historian Herodotus wrote about the Lydians: "They were the first of the people who began to mint coins and engaged in petty trade."
    The stater was minted from 685 to 652 under the Lydian king Gyges, the ancestor of the Mermnad dynasty. On the reverse of the coin, a lion was depicted, personifying the capital of Lydia, Sardis, and on the obverse, incomprehensible rectangular symbols.
    Later, staters spread throughout the Mediterranean and became widespread in Persia. The image of a running fox appeared on the staters, which has a sacred meaning.

    Donetsk sundial

    Sundial dating from 13th-12th centuries BC were found in 2011
    in the burial ground "Popov Yar II", which is located northwest of Donetsk and belongs to the so-called Srubnaya culture, whose representatives were the ancestors of the Scythians.
    The clock is a carved slab measuring 100 by 70 centimeters, weighing 130 kilograms, with lines and circles on both sides. Unlike ordinary sundials, which use a fixed vertical gnomon, the Donetsk clock was supposed to use a movable gnomon, which took into account the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis. At the same time, the clock was made for use exactly at the latitude at which they were found. Most likely, they belonged to a young man who was buried in the mound.

    Antikythera mechanism

    The Antikythera mechanism was found in 1900 by the Greek diver Lycopantis among the wreckage of a sunken Greek ship in the Aegean Sea. The artifact consists of several bronze gears fixed inside pieces of limestone. Scientists using X-rays, and then a tomograph, managed to find out that this is a unique mechanical calculator, with which the ancient Greeks determined the day of the week, year, time, and also calculated the paths of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter . The reverse side of the mechanism was used to predict solar and lunar eclipses.
    Most likely, the ancient ship came from the island of Rhodes, where the Greek astronomer and mathematician Hipparchus of Nicaea once lived. From the coins found at the shipwreck by Jacques Cousteau, it was determined that the mechanism was created around 85 BC. It is believed that the mechanism was invented by Archimedes himself.

    Antediluvian Shigir idol

    The oldest wooden artifact was found in 1890 on the territory of the Shigir swamp in the Urals in Russia. At the second Kuryinsky mine, miners dug out fragments of a mysterious artifact from under a four-meter layer of peat, which went down in history under the name of the Big Shigir Idol. In addition to it, more than 3,000 other finds were found - from arrowheads to wooden spoons, and even the burial of a woman.
    The larch idol is well preserved thanks to peat. Unfortunately, later the lower part of it was lost. The artifact is covered with geometric patterns, which meant natural elements, faces are carved on wide planes. It is crowned with a three-dimensional image of the head.
    Now the idol is stored in the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. In 1997, it began to collapse, and urgent conservation was needed. The scientists decided to carry out a carbon analysis of the wood. The analysis was carried out at the Institute of the History of Material Culture in St. Petersburg. He showed that the artifact was 9,500 years old. That is, in accordance with the ideas of Christians, it can be created even before the Flood.

    If you think that some of your things have already served their time and dilapidated, then you should look at what scientists have managed to unearth from the depths of history. According to the results of studies conducted on lice, people began to wear clothes approximately 170,000 years ago. The oldest fibers used by humans are approximately 34,000 years old. Considering the fact that clothes are usually made from organic materials such as leather and cloth (which wear out quickly), there are very few ancient pieces of clothing and accessories in the world.

    10. The oldest jewelry in the world (130,000 years old)

    In 2015, scientists announced that they had found the oldest piece of jewelry in the world - eight eagle claws were found at the site of a Neanderthal settlement in Croatia. The eagle's claws were from three different birds. Several holes were made in them for stringing. In addition, they had cuts and evidence of polishing, which led scientists to believe that these claws were part of a necklace or bracelet.

    This find supports the claim that Neanderthals were not stupid cavemen, but part of a complex, intelligent society that included religion and art. The researchers say that in all likelihood the claws were chosen for ceremonial purposes, demonstrating the fact that Neanderthals understood the notion of symbolism. Given the fact that this decoration dates back to about 80,000 years before modern humans, Neanderthals simply couldn't steal or copy this design.

    Prior to this discovery, the oldest jewelry in history were shells found in Israel and Africa, which are approximately 100,000 years old. Shells were found far from the coast and bore evidence of their use as beads strung on some kind of thread.

    9. The most ancient shoes (9300 years)

    The oldest pair of shoes in the world was discovered in the Fort Rock Basin in Oregon in 1938 and both shoes were found together. Fort Roca's sandals were made from the twisted bark of sagebrush, they had no soles and closed toes. Several specimens have been discovered, the oldest of which was between 9,300 and 10,000 years old. Scholars believe that the straps on the sandals were tied around the ankle and then tied in a knot.

    Well, the oldest leather shoe was discovered in the Areni-1 cave in the southeast of Armenia in 2010. The shoe, estimated to be about 5,500 years old, is a brown leather lace-up boot for a small right foot (approximately 37 or 38 sizes). This suggests that this shoe is for women. Researchers say that the shoe was cut from a single piece of leather tanned with vegetable oil and fitted to the foot that was supposed to wear it. In addition, the shoe was stuffed with grass, either as insulation or to keep it from losing its shape while not being worn.

    The crown was discovered along with the Nahal Mishar Hoard Treasure. There were more than 400 items in this hoard. The treasure was found in the Judean Desert, near the Dead Sea in 1961. The crown, dating back to the Copper Age (4000-3300 BC), is made of blackened copper and is about 18 centimeters in diameter (the "New Yorker" described it as a "little man's hat" in terms of circumference). The top edge of the crown is adorned with five figurines, including two long-necked birds (believed to be vultures), a pair of stylized doors or gates, and a "T"-shaped object that could possibly be a sword hilt. It was discovered along with a scepter decorated with images of horned animals, a copper wicker basket, and many clay bowls and vessels.

    However, scientists do not think that the real ruler of this area wore the crown. They suggest that the crown was used for public ceremonies and during funeral rites for important people. It is also completely incomprehensible how the crown and other treasures remained in a cave in the desert for so many centuries.

    The Armenian cave has been turned into an ancient clothing store for archaeologists, providing them not only with the oldest surviving skirt in the world, but also with the aforementioned leather shoe. The skirt was discovered in the Areni-1 cave in the southeast of Armenia. Only fragments remain of it, but this is enough to determine that the fabric is made of woven cane with a ribbon woven in the opposite direction along the edge of the hem. It is impossible to say exactly what the skirt looked like when it was first finished and whether it was worn by a woman or a man. However, scientists believe that it represents the world's oldest example of a garment made from woven cane.

    Scientists were delighted to find in Areni-1, in addition to the skirt and shoe, a mummified goat, which belongs to the same period as the skirt. If the calculations of scientists are correct, then the mummy of the Armenian goat is about a thousand years older than most of the mummified animals found in Egypt.

    6. The most ancient dress (5000 years)

    The Tarkhan dress, often considered the oldest piece of clothing in the world, was discovered in an ancient Egyptian cemetery, about 48 kilometers from Cairo. Dating back to the First Dynasty of Egypt or the Old Kingdom, this dress is made from linen (and is the oldest piece of clothing made from textiles). The sleeves of the dress are ruffled, and a yoke is attached to the hem. The researchers say that this piece of clothing was clearly worn, as it clearly shows the folds in the elbows and armpits. It has also been found inside out, although some believe it was deliberately placed in the grave to add to its funerary significance.

    The dress was originally found in 1913, but the significance of the find was not understood until 1977. The tunic was part of a pile of linen that was removed from the grave, but was not properly cleaned or examined for 60 years. The curators at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London attached the gown to a fine silk base so it could be displayed as it was worn in real life.

    5. The most ancient pants (3000 years)

    The oldest pants in the world were discovered in the Yanghai Necropolis in China in 2014. Despite their obvious use they are still in very good condition. The researchers believe that the pants were made to order by sewing together three pieces of fabric - the legs and the crotch area, which were sewn with threads of the appropriate color. The pants also feature an intricate geometric pattern that has been woven directly into the fabric, resulting in a comfortable pair of pants. The researchers believe that pants most likely originated among the horse-using tribes that lived in the region around 4,000 years ago. They were used for protection and comfort when riding horses.

    The desert surrounding the Yanghai necropolis has helped to preserve a huge amount of fine textiles and fabrics. Items such as colored sheepskin boots, feathered hats, a fringed skirt, and a tiny loincloth were also found there.

    This bag can be called the first bag with a decoration in the form of a dog's tooth. In 2012, archaeologists unearthed the world's oldest bag from a tomb near Leipzig, Germany. The bag was made from leather or cloth that had since decomposed and was covered in over a hundred teeth from dozens of animals. Scientists say that what is left of the bag is very similar to an ordinary modern bag with a hinged lid with all the teeth pointing in the same direction. Dog teeth have also been found in hair ornaments and necklaces, leading scientists to speculate that they "were quite fashionable at the time."

    At the excavation site, a huge number of artifacts from the settlements of the Stone and Bronze Ages were discovered. Among them were stone chairs, bone buttons and an amber necklace. The researchers also found a later burial of a woman (about 50 BC) with about 450 grams of gold jewelry.

    3. The oldest sweater (1700 years old)

    The world's oldest sweater was found on a Norwegian glacier in 2013. A greenish-brown boat-neck sweater made of lambswool with a diamond pattern interlaced diagonally was knitted for a man who was approximately 175 centimeters tall. This design may well have been fashionable in Iron Age Europe. The neckline and size of the sweater are very reminiscent of another piece of clothing found in a swamp more than 150 years ago.

    The sweater appears well-preserved and has obviously been well looked after as it has been sewn up twice. It may also be one of the oldest examples of reuse - some scholars suggest that it was originally a tank top, with sleeves added during a second repair. More than 50 textile fragments were found in the glacier, many of which are still undergoing age determination and analysis. Researchers believe that global warming will lead to the discovery of more ancient clothing and accessories in the coming years.

    2. The oldest socks in the world (1600 years old)

    Less old than the rest of the items on this list, the world's oldest socks are still quite old, dating back to between 250 and 420 BC. These socks, of Romano-Egyptian origin, were discovered in the necropolis of an ancient Greek colony in central Egypt in the late 1800s.

    Some observers have called them "alien socks" or "lobster socks". These are knitted woolen socks of bright red color with a separate thumb, which, according to scientists, was made for comfortable socks with sandals. They are considered to be a very rare example of knitting known as "Nålbindning" or knitting with one needle - which is described as a very slow technique, more like embroidery than modern knitting. It starts with tying the thumb and ends at the ankle.

    1. The oldest bra and panties (600 years old)

    They are practically new compared to the rest of the list. The world's oldest underwear was discovered under a floorboard in an Austrian castle in 2008. Four linen bras with lace were found in a pile of more than 2,700 different textile fragments under the floor covering at Lengberg Castle. Researchers believe the bras date back to between 1390 and 1485 (when they were charmingly called "breast bags"). All four had distinctive cups and straps, while two of them appeared to be more of a bra/short shirt combo, including a row of eyelets on the left side for lacing.

    The mountain of clothing also contained several pairs of surprisingly modern-looking underpants worn by men rather than women. If you are wondering how the world's oldest bra would look on you, then you can sew your own version by looking at its patterns on the Internet.