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  • Physicist-ufologist, comprehended the principle of operation of the UFO engine. How is a UFO arranged? The impact of unidentified flying objects on equipment and people

    Physicist-ufologist, comprehended the principle of operation of the UFO engine.  How is a UFO arranged?  The impact of unidentified flying objects on equipment and people

    The material was prepared by ufologist Gennady Komov

    According to another assumption, UFOs are a special form of life. It is clear that if unidentified flying objects represent an atmospheric paradox or a living being, it is not necessary to talk about its structure from the standpoint of technical analysis. Only in the event that UFOs are products of the highest civilization, we can talk about its structure.

    In March 1959, an unknown object was observed in Warsaw hovering over the Palace of Culture and Science.

    The object looked like two spheres of different diameters connected by a cylinder. Later, he reincarnated into a disk and retired towards Mlocin, but soon returned back and assumed his former form.

    There are a huge number of hypotheses about the nature of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). For example, it is alleged that outsiders mistake a form of ball lightning for a UFO. According to another assumption, UFOs are a special form of life. It is clear that if unidentified flying objects represent an atmospheric paradox or a living being, it is not necessary to talk about its structure from the standpoint of technical analysis. Only in the event that UFOs are products of the highest civilization, we can talk about its structure.

    Appearance, size and shape

    Unidentified flying objects, as before, remain "black boxes" for us. We can only guess how they are arranged and what purpose these or other elements of their design have. With all this, any conclusions can only be based on an analogy with the standards of terrestrial technology, since we have no other examples from the corresponding field before our eyes. It is clear that a similar approach is fraught with misinterpretation, but until such time as the invaders themselves want to tell us about the structure and principles of their own aircraft, we have no choice but to trust our emotional organs and our (limited) ideas about the laws of science development and technology.

    Let's start, as expected, with the shape and size of the UFO. And the size and shape of flying saucers can be very different. With all this, in fact, "plates" do not occupy the most significant place in the rating of observations. According to French ufologists, 30% of all unidentified objects are spheroids, disks (that is, "plates") - 16%, cylinders - 14%, egg-shaped objects - 14%, various triangles, cubes, comets, dumbbells, crosses - 14%, point UFOs - 9%, dome-shaped - 3%. The size of objects with all this varies from a few cm to 10 km, in the main - from 2 to 70 meters (usually there are numbers 5 - 10 meters).

    Russian ufologist German Kolchin divides UFOs in shape and size into four main groups.

    1st group - very small objects, which are balls or disks with a diameter of 20 to 100 cm, which fly at low altitudes, from time to time fly out of larger objects and return to them.

    There is a well-known case that took place in October 1948 near the Fargo airbase (North Dakota), when the pilot Gormon unsuccessfully pursued a round luminous object with a diameter of 30 cm, which very skillfully maneuvered, evading the chase, and from time to time he himself quickly moved to the plane , forcing Gormone to move away from the collision.

    2nd group - small UFOs, having an egg-shaped and disc-shaped shape and a diameter of 2 to 3 meters. These usually fly at low altitude and in most cases make landings.

    Small UFOs have also been seen more than once separating from the main objects and returning to them.

    "3rd group - "main" UFOs

    4th group - huge UFOs in the form of cigars or cylinders with a length of 100 to 800 or more meters. They arise mainly in the upper layers of the atmosphere, do not perform complex maneuvers, and from time to time hang at high altitude. No cases of their landing on the ground were recorded, but more than once it was observed how small objects and “main” UFOs separated from them. There is an assumption that huge UFOs can only fly in space. There are also isolated cases of observation of cyclopean disks with a diameter of 100 to 200 meters above the towns.

    A similar object was observed over the Republic of Chad during a test flight of the French Concorde aircraft at an altitude of 17,000 meters during the solar eclipse of June 30, 1973. The crew and a team of scientists on the plane filmed and took a series of color photographs of a luminous mushroom-cap-shaped object 200 meters across and 80 meters high, which followed an intersecting course. With all this, the contours of the object were fuzzy, because it was apparently surrounded by a cloud of plasma.

    Common forms of UFOs have their own varieties. So, for example, discs with one or two convex sides, balls with or without rings encircling them, and also oblate and elongated spheres were observed. Rectangular and triangular objects are even rarer.

    A parallelepiped-shaped UFO was observed in July 1977 in the Mongolian Strait by members of the crew of the Nikolai Ostrovsky ship. This object flew for 30 minutes next to the ship at an altitude of 300 - 400 meters, and later disappeared.

    Triangular UFOs from the end of 1989 began to systematically appear over Belgium. According to the description of many witnesses, their dimensions were approximately 30 by 40 meters, while three or four luminous circles were placed on their lower part. Objects moved quite silently, hovering and taking off at high speeds.

    On March 31, 1990, southeast of Brussels, three witnesses watched as such a triangular object 6 times larger than the visible disk of the moon flew silently over their heads at an altitude of 300 - 400 meters. Four glowing circles were correctly visible on the underside of the object. On the same day, engineer Alferlan filmed such an object flying over Brussels for 2 minutes. In Alferlan's eyes, the object made a turn and three luminous circles and a reddish light between them became visible on its lower part. On the upper part of the object, Alferlan saw a luminous grid dome.

    It should also be taken into account that in almost all cases, the testimony of observers may not reflect the real shape of the objects, because a disk-shaped object looks like a ball from below, like an ellipse from the bottom-side, and like a spindle or a mushroom cap from the side. An object that has the shape of a cigar or an elongated sphere can look like a ball in front and behind. A cylindrical object can look like a parallelepiped from below and from the side, and like a ball in front and behind. In turn, the object in the form of a parallelepiped in front and behind can look like a cube.

    The data on the linear dimensions and dimensions of the UFO, reported by witnesses, in a number of possible cases are very relative, because with visual observation, only the angular dimensions of the object can be found with sufficient accuracy. Linear dimensions can only be determined in this case if the distance from the observer to the object is clear. But determining the distance is problematic in itself, since the human eye, due to stereoscopic vision, can correctly determine the distance only within the limits of up to 100 meters.

    Usually UFOs look like iron bodies of silver-aluminum or light pearl color. From time to time they are wrapped in a cloud, as a result of which their contours seem to be blurred. The surface of the UFO is shiny, as if polished, and no seams or rivets are visible on it. The top side of an object is usually light, while the bottom side is black. Some UFOs have domes that are transparent from time to time.

    In the center of objects, in a number of possible cases, one or two rows of rectangular "windows" or round "portholes" were visible. On some UFOs, rods were seen that looked like antennas or periscopes. So, in February 1963, in the state of Victoria (Australia), at a height of 300 meters above a tree, a disk 8 meters in diameter hung with a rod similar to an antenna. And in July 1978, crew members of the Yargora ship, sailing along the Mediterranean Sea, watched a spherical object flying over North Africa, in the lower part of which three structures similar to antennas were visible.

    Cases were also recorded when these rods moved or rotated. In August 1976, Muscovite Troitsky and 6 other eyewitnesses saw a silvery iron object over the Pirogov reservoir, 8 times the size of the lunar disk, slowly moving at a height of several 10 meters. Two swirling stripes were visible on its side surface. When the object was above the eyewitnesses, a dark hatch opened in its lower part, from which a narrow cylinder protruded. The lower part of this cylinder began to draw circles, while the upper part remained attached to the object.

    In July 1978, passengers of the Sevastopol - Leningrad train near Kharkov watched for several minutes how a certain rod with 3 brightly luminous "points" advanced from the upper part of a motionlessly hanging elliptical UFO. This rod was deviated three times to the right and returned to its initial position.

    From time to time, three or four landing legs are placed inside the lower part of the UFO, which extend during landing and retract inward during takeoff.

    At night, UFOs usually shine, from time to time their colors and intensity of the glow change with the speed configuration. When flying fast, they have a color similar to that arising in the process of arc welding, when more leisurely - a bluish color. When falling or braking, they get a reddish or orange color. But it happens that hovering motionless objects shine with bright light.

    From time to time, some kind of (signal?) lights are visible on UFOs: on objects of an elongated shape - on the bow and stern, and on disks - on the periphery and on the bottom. There are also reports about the rotation of objects with reddish, snow-white or greenish lights. From time to time, such lights light up and fade in a certain sequence.

    In September 1965, two police officers in Exeter, New York, watched a UFO flight about 27 meters across, on which there were 5 reddish lights that lit up and went out in the sequence: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4 th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st. The duration of each cycle was 2 seconds.

    A similar incident occurred in July 1967 in Newton, New Hampshire, where two former radar operators watched through a telescope a luminous object with a series of lights that flashed and went out in the same sequence as at the object in Exeter.

    In this way, despite the abundance of shapes and sizes, UFOs remind us of aircraft - the absence of wings with all this suggests that UFOs were created based on the widest range of speeds, including those speeds at which any plumage only harms the flow around the object. Indeed, there are many examples that indicate that UFOs are able to fly in space and in the atmosphere at high speeds completely silently, without disturbing the environment, while more reliable data are recorded using radar.

    In the archives of ufologists, one can find a case when, in December 1952, the airborne radars of the B-29 bomber, flying at an altitude of 6000 meters, recorded several unknown objects flying past the aircraft at a speed of about 8000 km / h. After that, the crew members themselves saw eight more cyclopean UFOs that crossed the course of the aircraft at a speed that was later estimated at 14,000 km / h, and disappeared into the stratosphere. These objects were fixed and ground-based radar.

    UFO flights with high speeds were also recorded: in 1949 over the White Sands test site (New Mexico) - a speed of 40,000 km / h, in 1952 over Terre Hout Airport (Indiana) - a speed of 67,000 km / h (7) and in 1953 over South Africa - a speed of 160,000 km / h (!).

    Any aerodynamicist will confirm: wings are not necessary at such speeds, a sphere or a disk ("plate") is a good form of the device. It remains, however, a mystery what kind of engine is needed to accelerate the aircraft to similar speeds. But even this mystery fades against the backdrop of the mind-blowing ability of UFOs to transform.

    UFO Transformations

    A number of cases are known when observers created a memory, as if a UFO in flight changed its shape more than once.

    In March 1959, an unknown object was observed in Warsaw hovering over the Palace of Culture and Science. The object looked like two spheres of different diameters connected by a cylinder. Later, he reincarnated into a disk and retired towards Mlocin, but soon returned back and assumed his former form.

    A rather strange incident occurred in December 1969 near the village of Lyzovo, Perm Region, where two luminous ellipses appeared above the edge of the forest near the drilling rig. Later, they increased in size and turned into one ball, on both sides of which two balls of the smallest sizes appeared. Soon a spark flashed in the middle ball, which turned into a disk, slightly smaller than the moon, but much brighter than it. Later, instead of 3 balls of the correct form, only one ball of a rather loose structure with a disk in the center became visible, and after a few seconds the disk disappeared, and the incomprehensible ball disappeared beyond the horizon.

    A multiple change in shape was recorded in a UFO flying over Estonia in June 1975. Appearing over Tallinn, it first had the shape of a silvery triangle, but later turned into a ball and flew to the east. Above Kehra it already looked like a triangular pyramid, and above Aigvidu it had a T-shape and seemed transparent. Flying over Rakvere, it had a cylindrical shape, and over Kohtla-Järve - the shape of a testicle in a vertical position. Then he flew to Narva and, with the advent of darkness, lit up brightly. The height of the UFO flight was about 18 km. The object was moving against or perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

    It is clear that there are many cases when individual objects, in the eyes of witnesses, seemed to be divided into two or more parts, which later scattered in different directions.

    In September 1980, 200 miles southwest of Gibraltar, members of the crew of the research vessel Viktor Bugaev watched a snow-white cigar-shaped object hovering over the stern of the vessel with a dark stripe, from the 1st end of which two yellowish beams emanated. In the eyes of witnesses, this object was divided into two parts, of which one flew to the northeast, and the other to the northwest. The entire observation lasted 4 minutes and was recorded in the logbook.

    The newspaper "Izvestia" dated March 23, 1988 described how on March 18, 1988, the crew and passengers of a Chinese plane flying from Beijing to Urumqi were watching an unknown object, similar to a basketball, which first moved towards the plane. Before their eyes, this object changed the direction of the flight, and later split into two parts, which rapidly moved away.

    At the same time, there are cases when two similar objects merged into one.

    In February 1974, in Valeni Munte (Romania), 10 pupils of an orphanage watched as two luminous orange spheres slowly approached each other and merged into an ellipsoidal object with a diameter of about 7 meters, which increased speed and disappeared.

    In February 1979, under the city of Gorkovaty, one could watch how two luminous objects, leaving silver trails behind them, merged into one, which began to move away.

    It happened that such separations alternated with connections, while this happened with objects several times in order.

    In August 1968, the crew and passengers of an aircraft flying from Adelaide to Perth (Australia) watched a large UFO approaching the aircraft, to the right and left of which there were three small objects. In the eyes of witnesses, a large object was divided into two parts, after which groups of small objects began to fly around each of these halves. And the two halves of a huge UFO connected a couple of times and shared again.

    In July 1977, in Baku, astrologer Tikhonov saw through a telescope a yellow-green object moving at a high altitude, which was divided into two halves, which diverged in different directions. After a few seconds, one of these halves also split into two parts, with each division accompanied by an explosion. Soon one of the small units joined the whole half, and later withdrew to its former position. Then all three parts approached (without connecting), and after a while they parted again and disappeared from sight.

    It is not possible to find any satisfactory explanation for such transformations of UFOs. Our own development of the creation of air carriers so far assumes only the possibility of separating and launching a lighter aircraft from a more languid one - with all this, the shape of the carrier remains constant. It is hard to say what role UFO metamorphoses play for their functioning. Maybe the answer to this question should be found inside the UFO. In general, we will talk about this next time ...

    Toa To make a flying saucer- the presented question arises in many. In fact, the presented apparatus is arranged quite simply. Many people have already seen objects allegedly created by aliens. They resemble cigars, triangles, saucers and are able to fly. Their size is very large, and they move almost silently.

    Let's say right away that the presented devices are flying saucers performed do it yourself . According to the "Rose of the World", in addition to human civilization, daimons and igvas live on Earth. It is they who create the so-called UFOs. It is known that creatures live in another dimension, but sometimes they penetrate into our world. But they are not aliens. So far, only one thing is clear, these creatures have knowledge that is not yet subject to us, and this gives them the opportunity to create unique aircraft.

    How to make a flying saucer ? They say that the world will soon be testing an apparatus similar to the LT. Its speed will be high, but the technician will not have any jet engines and propellers. But in order to create something like this, you need people with out-of-the-box thinking, not the old school.

    The main task facing DIY flying saucer is the ability to move in space. Accordingly, physicists must thoroughly study this very space. Scientists suggest that it is possible to create supportless engines, but for this it is worth understanding what the structure of space is.

    What else is important to know? There are many options for creating LT, but there are general characteristics that are closest to reality. So, the optimal weight is 2.5 tons, and the diameter is 10 meters. On a device with such parameters, 2 people can fly.

    They will sit in the cabin, which is shaped like a flattened ball. It will house the power source and the pilots.

    The engine will be in the form of a ring, and the material for its creation can be carbon fiber circulating in a special vacuum casing. The ring itself is suspended in a magnetic field. There it is accelerated to huge revolutions per second due to linear electric motors.

    Those who understand physics will understand that we are talking about super flywheels. Their qualities have long been studied by an academician from Russia, N. Gulia. The presented flywheel can be an ideal means for obtaining energy. So a compact flywheel can become a source of so much energy that it is enough for 10 years of operation of a passenger car.

    Because of these unique properties, special flywheels are called superflywheels. And they get the properties they need to create LT during spin-up due to the fact that the ring material in the plane of rotation is affected by force. And after pumping the flywheel with energy, the inertia of the substance is overcome.

    So far, we have not discovered any new laws. Each design bureau has the opportunity to assemble the presented model. But there is a shortage of out-of-the-box thinking people willing to take on the project.

    What needs to be done to make the device fly? If space is curved in part of the perimeter of the unit, the centrifugal force will have one more component. She will direct the plate either down, and then she will be pressed to the ground, or up, and she will take off. For the vector to be up, the curvature of space is required as a well. The curvature of space can be achieved using a magnetic field. Modern technologies make it possible to manufacture compact field generators. Passengers inside the LT must be protected from magnetic fields by a cabin lined with steel sheets. And the plate should start away from people.

    Perhaps earthlings are given a hint about a new kind of vision energy of the M-zone.
    Dmitry Ilyich Eremin is now 52 years old, we have known him since our youth as a tourist, but perhaps we got to know each other best during an expedition to the so-called M-sky triangle, an anomalous zone near the village of Molebka in the Perm region. It was in the summer of 1991, when a large detachment of Volgograd researchers and television people arrived in two powerful Urals rented from the military to draw their own conclusions about extraterrestrial activity in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bdeaf taiga. I remember that there were a lot of visiting people there, and, probably, that's why nothing special happened in the "zone". True, two of our team at first saw the famous "cartoons" - color images that someone broadcast directly to the brain of people, but this method of transmitting information did not receive encouraging development at that time. One of the "experimental" was Eremin.

    He reminded me that M-sky visited the zone twice. Once at the beginning of May, and the second - with us and the TV people already in July. In May, four of their group were shown exactly the same story at once.

    We saw a dark blue sea, a gigantic wall more than a hundred meters high, made of large stone blocks, which played the role of a protective pier from the water element, recalled Dmitry Ilyich. - Three large white ships of an unusual design were sailing across the sea. According to them, we guessed that they were showing us, most likely, another planet. The ships were egg-shaped with a gently rising deck ahead and sheer to the stern. Judging by the portholes, the ships had five or six decks. The vision lasted no more than three minutes. Vss, on this the impact of the "zone" is over.

    And then there was our summer trip. And there, on the very first evening, a new "cartoon" went to Eremin. He prudently kept silent about him, but after a week and a half, he nevertheless told about an unsuccessful contact with a certain alien.
    - Then I was embarrassed that the alien was black, - said Dmitry Ilyich. - The proportions of the face and body are normal, the nose and lips are not like those of the Negroid race, but the skin is dark, shiny. The man sat on something and looked straight at me. He was completely bald, dressed in something like a jumpsuit, when he blinked, it was clear that his eyelids were translucent. And we were warned before the trip that if the visions go on a dark background, then this, apparently, is a contact from dark civilizations. It's not worth it, they say, to develop it. Such then was the level of our knowledge. Naturally, a black man evoked fear in me, and I mentally began to reject him. He sat, waited, waited for me to come to my senses, and then disappeared along with the picture. Then, although I tried to call the vision again, the result was zero.

    And now, about ten years have passed ... Eremin lived at that time already in Ukraine, in one of the villages of the Donetsk region. Obscure changes in our countries have hit their families hard as well. Due to unemployment, two years ago, first the wife, and then her daughter, not Dmitry's own, went to work in Italy. Dmitry Ilyich also enlisted in some construction company in Moscow and was waiting for a call to work. The family was considered the cell of society only conditionally. Hence the corresponding mood. Bad, in a word.

    Meeting with aliens. The end of April 2002, before May Day, turned out to be warm, and for Dmitry it was also stupidly free from all sorts of worries. There is no family, a call from Moscow too, although the mood is already quite suitcase. In the morning, having nothing to do, I went to a huge beam on the edge of the village, taking two cans of Pepsi-Cola for the road. Not to say that it was too drawn there, it was just that at least something was to take time.

    He walked along the stream, helping with a twig an empty jar, sometimes stuck on stones and in the meanders of the current.

    Suddenly I raise my head - two people are sitting on stone boulders in front of me, - Dmitry recalled his first impressions of an unexpected meeting. - About ten meters from them..., - Dima looks at me inquisitively, anticipating the reaction, - you, perhaps, are more prepared than others... In general, there is an egg-shaped apparatus on two, with wide ribbed nickels, supports. The other two supports are not visible to me due to the low landing of the apparatus. A third person is standing in the open semi-oval door. And all are black! I immediately remembered the Perm zone ... I even tried to determine which of them I saw there, in "cartoons", but they all seemed to have the same face. My first reaction: "Well, damn it! So we waited ..." But the fact is that once I was told that I would never meet UFOs. "Here's some fortune-telling for you..."

    According to Eremin's description, the device was a typical "flying saucer" eight to nine meters in diameter and three and a half meters high. The color is silvery, along the edge there is a wide dark strip, which, as it turned out, covered rectangular windows with rounded edges.

    The alien standing in the doorway was dressed in tight steel-colored overalls with a smooth, stiff blue-tinted collar around the neck. There were no other details of clothing, only a bulge in the form of an elongated pocket could be seen on the side of the trousers. "The proportions of the body are normal, the height is slightly less than mine - about 170 centimeters," my guest specified.

    Those sitting on the stones were dressed just like earthlings: blue trousers, loose, not fitting the body, blue jackets without collars, like turtlenecks, high boots with heels. All are completely bald and without any sign of stubble on their faces.

    “Apparently, they were waiting for me,” Dmitry said, “but they looked quite benevolently, and I suppressed my fear. Immediately, an image of the door of the apparatus appeared in the brain and, as it were, a sentence: there or there, to choose from. Remembering the Molebka, I decided to go inside. He climbed a ladder of six steps, the basis of which was the door of the "plate". The ladder sagged slightly under the weight of my body.

    Having risen almost to the edge of the "plate", Eremin saw a frosted wall in front of him and a narrow corridor in both directions. Along the top of the wall were strips that gave light. Two steps down and a step to the right, and Dmitry found himself in a small room with remote controls and four chairs. Two chairs stood in front of rectangular screens and rows of buttons on a small table top, two in the back, sort of for passengers. There were windows in front of the chairs, starting from the knees and going up to the ceiling: two wide, more than one and a half meters high, two narrow, on the side. The chairs themselves were egg-shaped with a cutout, smooth but not metallic, coffee-colored, with low armrests. When the pilots sat in the front row of seats, two devices moved out of the armrests right under the arms, each with four buttons, like joysticks. In the room, colors and design in general are made in the best, according to human standards, traditions - nothing sticky, everything is comfortable and pleasing to the eye. The rounded wall at the back indicated that the propulsion system was most likely located there. Eremin's guess was soon confirmed.

    Alien planet. - We sat down in armchairs, and immediately the conversation began, - Dmitry continued his story. - Well, not really a conversation, since it was not conducted verbally, but with the help of images that arose in my head. Although they communicated with each other in some language. I memorized some of the words. For example, "sai" - something rude, militant - "solvercar" and also "hotelstan" or "hotelstan". I don't know the meaning of the words.

    At first, the conversation concerned Eremin's technical readiness. He was shown how he repairs televisions, tape recorders... The thought was clearly expressed: "If we show you this and that, can you do it?" Dima expressed interest in the proposal and in turn asked: "Why me?" The answer was in the sense that it does not matter, but simply - it's time! You, they say, have technical knowledge, you are a practitioner, and perhaps you will be able to guess the principles of operation of the engine that we will show you. People will need it very soon.

    Dmitry could not help asking: "Were you near Perm?" The answer followed: "Yes!" - and after them the question: "What is your attitude to the M-zone?" Eremin explained that he was convinced that it worked, but he could not understand exactly how. He spoke aloud, in short sentences. Apparently, they read something from his head, because as soon as he began to mentally construct something, he showed in the images of a rushing little man and arose phrase: "You are wandering, confused. It is better to speak in words."
    I must say that Eremin, without a higher education, was really well versed in various kinds of equipment and was a jack of all trades. At the Volga Synthetic Fiber Plant, he once worked in the instrumentation and automation workshop, dealt with the finest instruments, could machine any part on the machine, was in good standing as an innovator, developed an interesting design of a tourist catamaran for rafting on rivers and even tried to patent it. Businessmen from abroad showed interest in the design. In a word, it was a kind of craftsman-nugget.

    But before he was shown the propulsion system, there was a long and interesting display of an unfamiliar planet. Perhaps, with this, the aliens removed fear and tension from their guest or captive.

    I realized that they are well aware of our planet and its problems, - said Dmitry. - That's probably why they showed theirs in detail. They have it consists of the ocean, land makes up only 4.5 percent of the entire surface. True, their planet, apparently, is much larger than the Earth, so the land area is not so small, it is located in the form of islands. Previously, there was more land, but in prehistoric times there was some kind of cataclysm, and almost all land went under water. Few were saved - only those who lived in elevated areas, and those who sailed at that time on ships. The new civilization dates back several tens or even hundreds of thousands of years, but they do not consider themselves super-civilization, but consider themselves to be a highly developed community. They did not give the name of their planet and its coordinates in the Universe. I also didn't think to ask them about the population.

    Aliens compensate for the lack of land by building underwater cities of various designs. There are those that are located on the shelves, covered with caps, with buildings inside, and there are in the form of floating islands, with multi-storey structures. The depths in the oceans are such that not all are fully explored. They are forced to protect the land islands with huge stone walls in order to protect them from terrible raging storms, which have no barriers. That's where the stone walls come from in those first visions in the M-triangle!

    In terms of its atmosphere and composition of water, the planet is apparently close to Earth. The sky is blue, clouds over the sea, the sun, however, was not shown to him. However, they have less oxygen, and the aliens said this. At the same time, during the conversation, they often brought small boxes with a mouthpiece to their faces and breathed through it for a minute and a half.

    I realized that they had learned to control earthquakes, - said Dmitry Ilyich. - With the help of vibrations, they can shift the epicenter of the earthquake to safe places, away from the land. Nature on their land is scarce, I saw little greenery. But in the ocean - an abundance of algae and all kinds of thickets. They have more cephalopods in the sea - to slaves, octopuses, which have the rudiments of the mind and cooperate with people.

    I saw women there, - said Dmitry Ilyich. - They are very beautiful. Yes, the skin color is black, but everyone is beautifully built, graceful ...

    He was told that they are raising children in families, for the first six months they are fed with mother's milk. "We believe that a child should have attachment to parents, although, of course, we could raise children in incubation conditions. But it's worse."

    Their civilization explores not only near, but also deep space. “As far as I understand, ordinary apparatuses are used for this, similar to the one in which our conversation took place,” Eremin noted. “I was shown how a gravitational field is created around the ship, like a capsule. This separates the apparatus from the material world, and then the ship can move at any acceleration anywhere. The main thing in flights is the gravitational engine."

    "Why did you choose the shape of a dish for the apparatus?" Eremin asked at some point.

    "Any device that works on gravity should be similar to a natural gravitational system," came the answer. "A natural one is a planetary system. That's why the planets are shaped like flattened balls." -

    Now I know that if something round flies, - Dmitry told me, - it means clearly: there is a gravitational engine. When I asked if the military was developing ground-based "flying saucers", there was a short answer: "Such work is underway, but there are no flights yet." I did not understand what kind of military they were talking about. Maybe about ours, or maybe about American.

    Propulsion system. And yet the main thing in this meeting was by no means information about a distant alien planet. It went along. The main one, I think, was a demonstration of the propulsion system. This happened at the very end of the conversation, which lasted about an hour and a half. Dmitry Ilyich was asked to get up from his chair and an oval hatch was opened behind the seats, into which, if desired, a person could crawl through.

    I saw part of a circle, an arc, and on this arc a knob, - Eremin said. - Guessed it was a coil winding. I realized that there should be three of these windings on the ring. If there were four of them, then in the sector that was visible to the eye, this coil would be visible. So, still three ... I wanted to examine the device in more detail, but they closed the hatch:

    And indeed - it lit up me like lightning, - Dmitry exhaled. - I guessed! Guessed what and how it can be arranged. Probably, I was just tested for quick wit, so the principle of movement was not given. They just showed figuratively how something is sucked into the ring - apparently, a gravitational field.

    But why do we need to know this? - I asked a natural question to my interlocutor. - Maybe it corresponds to some of their interests, and not ours?
    - No, I was convinced of their goodwill towards people, - Dmitry objected. - They are not afraid of our aggressiveness, our unpredictability. They've been through it all. I realized that they do not need our Earth, they love their home planet. Moreover, from their hints, I realized that the civilization of the "gray", from the Zeta Network, is much less humane in relation to earthlings. "We ask the consent of earthlings when we want to know or offer you something," the aliens explained, "and the" gray "put their experiments and experiments on you without notice. Like with guinea pigs." And that says it all... They also said that the "grays" are too self-confident. "They took on an excessive function: to influence the gene pool of mankind..." -

    Then why do we need an engine, why did the word "time" sound?

    I was shown a huge structure that floats in the sky. This is a multi-deck egg-shaped structure, and in the middle there is a gravitational installation, - Eremin explained. - This ship is not designed for long-range flights, it just needs to rise above the surface. You can save yourself on it. "Very soon, earthlings will need it," my mind was deposited. "It looks like some kind of cataclysm is coming on our planet."

    Yes, there are reports of a possible collision with a huge asteroid or the passage of a mysterious twelfth planet in the ecliptic of the solar system. There may be a change in the inclination of the Earth's axis of rotation... - I confirmed, - Increasing frequency of earthquakes and hurricanes is one of the signs of such a situation.

    No, it looks like it's not an asteroid or a planet, - objected Eremin. - The cataclysm that threatens us comes from within the Earth. Its core is warming up, glaciers will soon begin to melt ... Something is connected with this. We believe that the greenhouse effect develops due to an excess of carbon dioxide, but it turns out that the heating comes from within.
    - And what - we have to make such huge ships?

    No, we will not have time to create them for the entire population of the Earth. But we must and will be able to save some of the accumulated knowledge, literature, inventions, all kinds of information carriers, if we do not classify information about gravitational engines. They clearly showed that the mass media, technical laboratories, institutions should be involved - if only the work in the right direction would begin. Maybe I came to you for a reason: I ask you to help me get into the reputable engineering circles or serious press publications.
    - What happened next? I asked.

    The Earthman got up and went out onto the ladder. Nobody shook hands with him, there were no other emotions accepted at parting. "Step away, it's dangerous near" - he translated the last picture in his brain. His request to fly a little in the alien apparatus was met with a firm refusal. True, Dmitry later admitted that during the conversation, as if in reproach, they showed one ugly scene from his life: very drunk, he quarreled with his wife, shouted and swung at her. "Don't stoop so low," came the verbal translation.

    Ordeals of the Russian inventor. - I moved back to the same thirty meters where I was standing in front of it, - Eremin continued his story. - I looked at the dial: it took about an hour and a half. The oval door closed and I didn't even see any seam along the board. From the picture in my head, I realized that I needed to move even further.

    Carefully watched the ship. On the black, one and a half meter diameter, the bottom of the "plate" sparks ran, which then merged into a blue glow, like from a fluorescent lamp. The ship rose low, not leaving above the beam, as if not wanting to reveal itself. The apparatus was enveloped in yellow with blue in the middle of a spherical fog, and then - wow- for a second and a half disappeared high in the sky. No pop, no other sound, although the speed was clearly supersonic.
    - I walked back elated, - Eremin recalled. - It was generally clear with the engine, and I wanted to start modeling right away. I wanted to tell my friends about this incident. But then I suddenly thought: who to tell here? Who will believe? Everyone is busy with their own, barely survive, embittered, drinking from hopelessness... Who needs all this? Well, in the eyes of the majority, I will remain a local idiot, although I have repaired TVs for many here ...

    I assembled the model on a ferrite ring with a diameter of 12 centimeters. However, a generator was needed to alternately read all three windings with a high ripple frequency. Eremin, of course, did not have such a generator ... But for some reason, his confidence that the structure would take off got stronger. And then soon a call came from Moscow to work, and D.I. Eremin left for the capital. He enclosed his invention in hollow aluminum hemispheres, borrowing them from street lamps.
    - In Moscow, the idea to acquaint one of the specialists with the principles of engine operation, and most importantly, to test it using a generator, did not leave me for an hour, - Eremin said. - In the departmental hostel hotel where I lived, of course, there were no conditions, no acquaintances either ... In general, I went to the Ministry of Defense, there, on the embankment, not far from the Kremlin. First, I was advised to contact the department of inventions.
    It was in September last year. Major came out to Eremin. Probably, the sight of Dmitry Ilyich with an aluminum piece of iron in a plastic bag did not inspire confidence in the officer. Dima does not wear white shirts with a tie, he dresses very simply, unpresentably, and the ingrained blackness from metal and oils will probably never disappear from under his nails. Well, in a conversation he is not speechless, even unnecessarily simple. He knew that in no case should one talk about aliens here. Therefore, he adhered to the chosen version, they say, he himself thought of such a design. "Give me only a generator, bring it to the experts..." - he persuaded. And yet, at some point, Dmitry Ilyich let it slip - the alien ship was mentioned as an argument for a flying object. And that's it! The officer got bored, and apparently thought only about how to get rid of the visitor. True, he gave me the telephone number of the armaments department in Mytishchi. "They'll figure it out," he said in the end.

    Eremin called, arranged a meeting. About aliens, of course, no gu-gu. Communication with a certain captain named Volodya went no further than the checkpoint. True, he at least was imbued with interest to try the contraption in work. Together with Dmitry, they went somewhere to Pushkino, where the captain had a garage, and it contained a variety of equipment. The generator was not there. We agreed that Dmitry would call in three days, during which time the weapons department would come up with something. He gave his model to the officer.
    As agreed, Eremin called three days later. He was told with apologies that, they say, there was a discrepancy with the apparatus. The windings were powered by a three-phase current of 380 volts, and he ... took off, almost breaking through the ceiling, but at the same time everything burned down there. “No, never mind, they thought of it! Three-phase current!” Dmitry was indignant. “I told them about a pulsating current for a small voltage ...”
    “Are you sure they burned it?” I asked. - Have you been shown a burnt model?
    - N-no ... But Volodya, this captain, described it so colorfully, apologized ... It seems that people there are serious, they wear epaulettes, how can you not believe it? True, they are stupid, probably ... I tell them, give me ferrite, wires for the windings, I will assemble the installation for you in half a day, you don’t even need to solder anything there, you can do it on twists. The generator would be yes an intelligent specialist - and that's it! No, he says, we have nothing, the other day, they say, even the last vise was stolen. It can be seen that they have everything in the rubble ...
    But I don't believe that only dullards are left among the military. There are two options here: either Eremin's gravitational gun was really burned, or they decided to pocket his idea. Which, however, also says a lot about the level of officer honor in modern Russia.
    - Do you know their names, surnames, phone numbers? - I'm interested in Dmitry Ilyich.
    - Yes, the phones remained, there are some surnames, but I know someone, say, that last captain, only by name. Yes, and about myself, I spoke only the name and patronymic, but did not give the address, I do not have a phone at all. I thought that it would be better for everyone if we communicate without surnames. And then, you see, they will kill somewhere, - he joked. - Yes, I do not complain if they decided to pocket the idea. It is more important for me that it be tested, so that they begin to create industrial installations. We have little time, they said...
    - Why did you remember me? - I’m interested, although I’m already figuring out where Eremin should be sent, who to connect to the tests of the grav-flyer ...
    - So I was told: either use serious engineering structures, or through the media ... It turns out that the turn has come for journalists to connect, tell about everything, - Dmitry became serious. - But how will you describe the "flying saucer"? After all, they immediately suspect Shizu"... Maybe we can somehow manage without aliens? Although... I honestly told you, as if in spirit. Maybe others will believe?

    Eremin left me a day later, taking away the necessary addresses, surnames and telephone numbers in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Of course, I called my friends and recommended that they take a closer look at the inventor. Now I will observe the events, and if the hopes for the grav-flyer are justified, the readers will learn about the continuation of the story.

    Gennady Belimov, head of the Volga group for the study of AE, (404104, Volzhsky, PO box 193).

    But… Many thousands of people have already seen unsupported flying structures created by supposedly hypothetical "aliens". Outwardly, their devices look like plates, triangles, cigars, and from time to time flying devices of very impressive size appear. Sometimes they move in the air completely silently, and sometimes they chirp softly, resembling grasshoppers, or rumble like a car.

    Just to be clear, these are not aliens. From the information of the "Rose of the World" we know that in parallel with the machine civilization of mankind on Earth, there are two more similar civilizations living in four-dimensional spaces (igvas and daimons). The aircraft of one of these civilizations, called UFOs, periodically invade our three-dimensional physical world for unknown reasons. The following conclusion follows from the fact of the existence of UFOs: alien aircraft use principles that are still unknown to our science. In RM these principles are called metaphysical, that is, they exist above modern physics. In other words, today's pundits have not yet discovered these principles. It should be noted that it was the "Rose of the World" that gave impetus to think about the problem presented in this article, and we submit the results of reflections for discussion by our readers.

    Science is developing rapidly today. Perhaps in the near future in any country (it is desirable that this happens in Russia!), The first aircraft in our world will be tested - an analogue of the LT, which does not have propellers and jet engines, but is not inferior in speed and payload to modern aviation . However, the work here for the designers of tomorrow is no end. Why tomorrow? Because people with non-standard thinking are needed: the "old school" cannot offer anything fundamentally new. Question: What special qualities do the engineers of tomorrow need to build an LT?

    The answer is this. It is necessary to get out of the limits of the modern materialistic worldview, and to abandon a number of dogmas that dominate today in science. We need new bold theories that can become, figuratively speaking, breakthrough. With regard to LT, the specific request is as follows.

    Since the task is to move in space (not in the Earth's atmosphere, but in space, including interplanetary space), physicists need to do a thorough study of this very space. Until now, in modern science there is a taboo on this direction of scientific research. The statement about the impossibility of the existence of supportless engines is the fruit of this taboo. On the other hand, scientists guess that space has its own structure, that it is not empty at all, even if we consider such an aspect of it as physical vacuum. By the way, Albert Einstein, an active opponent of all dogmas No. 1, was the first to suggest that the structure of space can be curved, and even conducted experiments proving this postulate.

    Below we will give a description of the flying saucer design project - one of the options that have the right to life. We will not particularly decipher the technical points. Any reader who has mastered the school course of knowledge will be able to understand the technical intricacies.

    ...So, we are building a LT. Approximate technical characteristics of the prototype are as follows: weight 2.5 tons. Diameter 10 meters. Crew - 2 people.

    The basis is a salon in the form of a flattened ball, where the cockpit and an energy source are located - which one - about this a little later (see figure below).

    Engine is a heavy-duty carbon fiber ring that rotates in a vacuum casing around the perimeter of the LT. The ring is suspended in a tracking magnetic field, where it is accelerated with the help of linear electric motors up to several tens of thousands of revolutions per second (the limit is set by the strength of the ring).

    It becomes clear to any engineer who looks at the drawings that here we have one of the varieties of the so-called super flywheel. The properties of such flywheels have been studied by Russian academician Nurbey Gulia for many years - he has written several scientific papers on this topic. Details about this interesting person and his research can be found on his personal blog -

    Interestingly, a flywheel in the form of a carbon fiber cylinder rotating in a vacuum casing can serve as an almost ideal energy accumulator if it is untwisted to enormous values. Calculations show that so much energy can be stored in a compact flywheel that, for example, it will be enough for a passenger car for the entire period of operation - at least for 10 years easily.

    Ring flywheels are called superflywheels because of their unique properties. The processes that occur with the substance of the superflywheel during its spin-up are completely unknown to scientists. It is clear that in the plane of rotation, a powerful centrifugal force acts on the material of the ring, tending to break the ring. It is known that in the flywheel, when it is pumped with energy (spin), the inertia of the substance is overcome. But the nature of such a phenomenon as the inertia of a mass during its acceleration or deceleration remains a mystery for science with seven seals. A clear theory on this topic does not yet exist. Existing discoveries in the field of superflywheels are obtained by trial and error.

    However, back to our LT. Until now, we have not discovered any America, we have not used any new physical principles. The described apparatus today can be built in any aviation design bureau that has its own pilot production.

    Let's imagine: outside-the-box thinking people were found, and such an apparatus was built. We turn on linear electric motors that accelerate the ring. For overclocking, we use an external source of electricity. Soon, the instruments in the cockpit showed that the ring was overclocked to the limit. In a vacuum casing, it can rotate in this mode for many years - provided there is no energy extraction. Once again, we will clarify that a powerful centrifugal force acts on the ring, seeking to break it. However, it is not without reason that a variety of carbon fiber - supercarbon is recognized today as the most durable material in the world - its thread is thousands of times (!) Stronger than a steel thread of the same thickness. By the way, there is so much energy stored in our ring that if it is converted into gasoline, then the fuel will be enough to drive around the globe around the perimeter by car, and more than once.

    But ... Our device is not flying anywhere yet. Moreover, it firmly stands on the ground. True, the instruments show that the apparatus has lost about 20% of the weight that it had before the acceleration of our engine. The effect of partial weight loss by rotating flywheels has been known for a long time, and here we have not discovered America either. The nature of this phenomenon is also still unknown.

    What else do you need to do to fly, you ask?

    We argue further. In our engine, the centrifugal force uniformly stretches the ring in the horizontal plane (see pictures). The values ​​of this force are enormous, and can reach tens and even hundreds of tons (!) per kilogram of the mass of the accelerated ring. However, no impulse of movement is imparted to the apparatus, since in any arbitrary place taken by the opposite point of the ring, this force is completely balanced. Dead end? Not at all! We can make our engine fly!

    If we slightly curve space around the perimeter of the device, then our force will have one more component directed either up or down - the vector is determined by the nature of the space curvature (pit or bulge). In other words, the device will either strongly press its bottom to the ground, or ... it will fly! For the vector to be directed upwards, we need the curvature of space in the form of a hole (see figure).

    Question: how to bend space? Yes, very easy! using a powerful magnetic field. Super-powerful electromagnets were once tested by Albert Einstein, and it was proved that a strong magnetic field effectively deforms space (remember the Philadelphia experiment). With the help of modern technology, magnetic field generators today can be made quite compact.

    The use of strong magnetic fields will force us to resort to special protection methods - in order to preserve our own health. For the human body, strong magnetic fields are far from harmless. Firstly, the LT crew must be reliably protected by the steel body of the passenger compartment - this metal effectively shields the magnetic field. It is very important for pilots and passengers that the field strength inside the aircraft does not exceed the permissible sanitary values. Secondly, the launch of the apparatus must be somewhere in an open field - the presence of people nearby is unacceptable.

    ...So, all the technical conditions are finally met. Our device was delivered to the test site, there are no people within a radius of 300 meters. We take the seats of the pilots, carefully batten down the cabin. We turn on the generators, carefully and very smoothly increase the field strength. Instruments show that the weight of the apparatus began to fall. Soon, the ring engine balanced the mass of the apparatus, and we slowly rise up, hovering at a height of ten meters. We can hang in the air for as long as the magnetic field generators are turned on. They are powered by a powerful source of electricity, which is located below - under the floor of the cabin.

    Let's talk a little more about this energy source. This is also a super flywheel, which has two rings rotating in opposite directions. For what? In the process of extracting energy, the flywheels are braked, and if the ring is one, a torque will inevitably arise. When the device is on the ground, it does not really matter. But when the apparatus is in flight, the momentum of rotation must be somehow extinguished, otherwise our apparatus will begin to spin in the air around the vertical axis. Two rings in the super flywheel cope with this task perfectly - two opposite rotational impulses arise, which mutually cancel each other out. By the way, this is how a similar problem is solved on Kamov's helicopters: two main propellers are installed on them. Therefore, Kamov helicopters do not have a tail propeller that compensates for the rotational momentum generated on helicopters with a single main rotor.

    Now let's fantasize a little.

    … It turned out to be very easy to drive our car. Stick forward - we're flying straight ahead. Handle to the left - we lay the turn to the left. We move the generator power toggle switch - we gain altitude.

    The control mechanism is as follows: 28 solenoids (electric magnets that generate a field) are installed around the perimeter of the device. They are divided into 4 sectors of seven pieces: bow, starboard, port and stern. If we apply a somewhat excessive electrical voltage to the stern, it rises, and the thrust vector shifts forward: the device flies straight. The right and left sectors are used to change the direction of flight - to the right and left. The front sector allows you to give "reverse".

    Safety precautions are that we are forbidden to descend below 300 meters above settlements and roads. Otherwise, due to the high strength of the magnetic field below, cars stall, and people's health is at risk. Landing is allowed only in the deserted steppe, or at the training ground.

    We fly in almost complete silence - our engine does not make noise. All maneuvers LT performs smoothly - no jolts. We are not afraid of gusts of wind, even a hurricane, since the LT engine has an excellent gyroscopic effect - any external shock is effectively extinguished, providing the crew with comfort, unheard of in aviation before. If we have a supply of oxygen on board, we can even fly to the Moon - the device is perfectly controlled not only in the atmosphere, but also outside it. In interplanetary space, the apparatus easily accelerates to the second and third cosmic velocities. The external magnetic field effectively protects the crew from cosmic radiation. The force of acceleration (or deceleration when approaching the Moon) in this case can be set equal to the earth's gravity. In other words, we can experience weightlessness only when we want to. For the rest of the time, the journey for us will take place in a familiar environment, that is, with the usual force of gravity.

    ... This is how a breakthrough discovery in the history of aviation and space transport will be made. The safety and efficiency of new aircraft in comparison with existing ones will be increased by an order of magnitude. And if the windings of the solenoids are made of superconducting materials (physicists know what they are talking about), then the efficiency will increase even more.

    The design has several interesting points.

    In principle, it is possible to build a large anti-gravity platform that will hang in the air like an airship. However, unlike the latter, the platform will be a device heavier than air. Just like an airship, the platform will not consume energy to overcome gravity (if there are superconductive windings in the solenoids). The primary portion of energy for superflywheel acceleration will be filled into it at the factory, and the energy is very significant - it will be equivalent to several tanks of gasoline or diesel fuel (!). However, further transport costs will be miserable. Such a platform will pay off very quickly, and then it will begin to generate net profit.

    The only disadvantage of these platforms is that their launch and landing will be accompanied by exorbitant values ​​of the magnetic field. However, the field strength can be significantly reduced by increasing the energy intensity of the super flywheel of the engine, and pumping more energy into it. Take a look at the figure: if you increase the centrifugal force acting on the flywheel rim four times, you can reduce the magnetic field strength by the same factor in order to achieve a reduction in the total weight of the device to zero during the start. Of course, the strength of the ring material also needs to be quadrupled.

    Let's say a few more words about this very energy intensity. Today it is measured in kilowatt-hours per kilogram of the mass of the device itself, and in the best designs this value reaches 500. That is, one kilogram of the mass of a super flywheel is capable of accumulating and then delivering 500 kilowatts of electricity to the external network for one hour. For clarity, we translate this energy into gasoline - we get about 50 liters. This value significantly exceeds any modern chemical batteries as electric energy storage devices.

    The linear speeds of already operating ring superflywheels reach one kilometer per second, the energy accumulated by them is measured in thousands of kilowatt-hours, the energy output (if short-term consumption of high power is necessary) can reach several megawatts! In terms of energy intensity (the number of stored kilowatts per kg of mass), the latest generation super flywheels (with supercarbon fibers) have recently surpassed the most energy-intensive fuel on the planet - hydrogen.

    For a better understanding of the processes occurring in the super flywheel, we propose to introduce other quantities that characterize the strength of the super flywheel material: the ratio of the centrifugal (discontinuous) force per gram of the mass of the rotating ring. This force is enormous: several hundred kilograms! Recall that the linear speed of the ring in the superflywheels already built today is more than three times the speed of sound in the atmosphere! In tomorrow's designs, this speed will increase even more. Consequently, the values ​​of the centrifugal force will also increase and approach a ton per gram of the mass of the rotating ring.

    A topic for reflection on "high matters".
    There is an odd parallel here with Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. The great physicist in mathematical formulas calculated the behavior of the mass of a spaceship accelerated to the speed of light, and came to the conclusion that achieving this speed is impossible: the mass increases to enormous values. According to calculations, it turns out that when approaching the speed of light, the mass increases to infinity. Consequently, the force of the engines aimed at acceleration must also increase to infinity, and engines, as you know, consume considerable energy.

    The parallel is this. (Perhaps, from the point of view of a physicist, the above sounds frivolous, but we will nevertheless voice our thought). The super flywheel, like an energy accumulator, is limited only by the strength of the ring. If we imagine that the superflywheel ring has infinite strength, then it can be spun up to colossal linear speeds. An incredible amount of energy will be pumped into such a super flywheel during acceleration, however, we will not achieve a linear speed equal to the speed of light, since the amount of energy required will tend to infinity.

    It is not difficult to guess that super flywheels, charged with a huge amount of energy, can be quite dangerous in certain situations. For example, if an explosive device goes off on board an anti-gravity platform, or an artillery shell flies into the end of the platform.

    However, let's not strain the imagination, describing the possible troubles in the destruction of the platform. Let's say this: technological progress can bring great benefits in a society dominated by high moral principles. Anti-gravity platforms today, when there is terrorism in the world, it is simply impossible to build. First, human society needs to grow spiritually. When terrorism has completely disappeared as a relic of history, the Flying Saucer project can be launched.

    Nevertheless, let's hope that the current generation of young people will see the first experimental anti-gravity vehicles - they have such a chance.

    To date, there are more than 5 million UFO sightings, and thousands of pages of previously secret documents have been declassified confirming the reality of this phenomenon. But despite the fact that UFOs quite often visit our planet, most of the aspects associated with them remain a mystery to people. The situation is complicated by the fact that official science continues to ignore this problem and does not want to notice seemingly obvious things.

    But it is not at all necessary to accuse official science of being biased. If you analyze the situation from all sides, it becomes obvious that the roots of the problem go very deep and high. UFOs are very closely connected with the military and scientific and technical policies of leading states - this is eloquently evidenced by documents declassified in the United States under the Law "On Freedom of Information" from such government services as the CIA, the FBI, the National Security Agency (NSA), the Defense Intelligence Agency, NASA , NORAD (North American Joint Air Defense System). The facts indicate that the secret services know very well and in detail what a UFO is. And they not only know, but also try to create the same technology. And the silence of official science seems to have been created artificially so as not to attract public attention to this topic: it is more calm to conduct secret research.

    In addition to officially declassified documents, most of them continue to gather dust in top-secret government archives. Not all documents related to UFOs are subject to the Freedom of Information Act. The law has a special exception for documents whose disclosure could harm national security, and US agencies actively use this clause in lawsuits with ufologists. This once again confirms the direct connection of UFOs with the policies of individual states and global politics. And the fact that people associate ufology with "little green men" and madhouses - most likely, this is also artificially created in order to divert people's attention from the problem, which is taken more than seriously by military and government officials, more precisely, by those who are aware in this area.

    Obviously, the documents that remain classified contain the most valuable information about UFOs and their inhabitants. One of the documents applying for this role is proposed in this article. The document was obtained by renowned American ufologist Leonard Stringfield from a source he never met. The intermediary who passed on the document, whom Stringfield knows well, chose to remain anonymous for fear of government reprisals. The document dated July 16, 1947 is a preliminary report on the results of the inspection of the crashed "flying disk". The accompanying letter to the report was signed by the commander of the US Air Force in 1947, General Nathan Twining.

    "Preliminary" report on UFO incidents in 1947

    As stated in the Presidential Directive of July 9, 1947, a preliminary examination of the recovered "flying disc" and the wreckage of a possible second disc was conducted at Army Headquarters [Eighth Air Force Headquarters at Fort Worth, Texas. - approx. author]. The information for this report was provided by the staff technical staff of the 2nd technical department and the aviation laboratory of the 3rd technical department. Additional data is provided by the scientific staff of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Air Force Scientific Advisory Department, led by Dr. Theodor von Karman.

    Further analysis was carried out by the Science and Development Division.

    Regarding the object under study, there is a collective opinion that the aircraft, picked up by parts of the army and air force, does not belong to American production for the following reasons:

    The device and design of the UFO

    1. The circular, disc-shaped "platform" design is unlike any of the designs currently being developed by any project.

    2. The absence of any external propulsion system, power plant, ventilation and exhaust ducts, as well as propellers or a jet engine confirms this opinion.

    3. German scientists from Fort Bliss and White Sands Proving Grounds [secret objects of the US Army. - approx. author] cannot identify secret German weapons in these objects. True, the possibility remains that such a device was developed by the Russians. The absence of any markings, identification numbers or instructions in Cyrillic caused serious doubts among the majority that these objects were Russian-made.

    Examination of the interior of the apparatus revealed the presence of a compartment similar to an atomic engine. At least, this is the opinion expressed by Dr. Oppenheimer and Dr. von Karman. There is a possibility that a part of the apparatus itself constitutes a propulsion system that assigns the function of a heat exchanger to the reactor and plays the role of an energy storage device. This process is not like the release of energy in our atomic bombs.

    UFO power room device

    1. A donut-shaped tube, approximately thirty-five feet, made of plastic-like material, surrounds the central core. The tube turned out to be filled with a purified substance, possibly heavy water. The massive rod at the center of the tube is immersed in a coil of copper-like material that runs through the body of the tube. This may be a reactor control mechanism or a storage battery. No moving parts were found in the studied areas.

    2. The primary energy for the reactor apparently is the activation of the electric potential, although, at present, this is only an assumption. What remains unknown is how a heavy water reactor functions in such an environment.

    3. Under the power plant, a spherical turret, approximately 10 feet in diameter, was found. This turret is equipped with a number of devices with unusual characteristics unknown to any of our engineers. Inside the turret are four circular cavities covered with an unknown smooth material. These cavities are symmetrical to each other, but appear to be mobile. True, it is not known how. This movement is associated with a domed room above the power plant. It is believed that the main propulsion system is a bladeless turbine, similar to the current developments under the project "Magnat". Dr. August Steinhoff (Head of Research), Dr. Werner von Braun and Dr. Theodor von Karman put forward the following theory: flying through the atmosphere, the aircraft somehow absorbs hydrogen and in the process of induction generates an atomic fusion reaction. For the apparatus to move, the air around it must be ionized. Linked to the surrounding "air foil", the aircraft can supposedly have an unlimited range and flight speed. This may explain the reported absence of any noise.

    Living compartment device

    The living compartment of the UFO is located in the upper part. It is round with a domed top. The absence of a canopy, observation windows, portholes or any other optical projections confirms the opinion that the device is controlled remotely.

    1) Semicircular screen (possibly television).

    2) The living quarters were sealed with a special hardening compound.

    3) There are no traces of welding, riveting or soldering.

    4) The components of the apparatus are of impeccable shape and quality

    In conclusion, it remains to be noted that a fairly detailed description of the internal structure of the "flying saucer" and the principle of operation of the aircraft is of particular interest in this document. If the document is authentic, then the information contained in it can be a significant contribution to ufology and to the formation of knowledge about the technical aspects of UFOs.