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  • Harry Potter potions: types, classification, magical ingredients and potion rules, purpose and use. Delicious potion for a Harry Potter themed magical party. Both kids and adults will love it! Harry Potter Healing Potions

    Harry Potter potions: types, classification, magical ingredients and potion rules, purpose and use.  Delicious potion for a Harry Potter themed magical party.  Both kids and adults will love it!  Harry Potter Healing Potions
    List of Potions mentioned in all the Harry Potter books

    depreciation- love potion.
    Amortentia is a potion that causes the drinker to fall in love with an object whose particles (hair, for example) have been added to the potion. It smells for everyone with something of their own, evoking the most pleasant smells for a given person. Over time, the effect of amortensia wears off on its own, leaving the victim confused and bewildered.

    Pepper Potion
    something like an anti-cold medicine. Sharply warming potion. It has a slight side effect: light smoke comes out of the nose and ears of the patient for about three hours.

    Chatterbox for Silent People
    the action of the potion is clear from its name. Sometimes encourages the drunk to carry utter nonsense.

    Wolf antidote - anti-lycanthrope potion
    rather complicated in composition and preparation, the potion is designed to facilitate the days of transformation for werewolves. The werewolf takes the potion several days before and during the new moon, and after the transformation retains human consciousness, becoming just a calm, harmless wolf.
    Inventor: Damocles Belby.

    Hair Potion
    studied in the second year. Contains rat tails.

    Boil cure potion
    simple potion. With it, first-year students begin the Potions course.
    are composed of:
    * dried nettle leaves
    * crushed snake teeth
    *boiled horned slugs
    * porcupine quills

    hiccup potion - a potion that causes hiccups.
    It is studied no later than the sixth year. Such a potion was brewed by Draco Malfoy in Potions class in response to Professor Slughorn's task to create something "sort of". The fact is that only three students were present at the lesson: Draco, Harry Potter and Ernie Macmillan. The rest of the sixth-year students had reached the age of 17 and were taking the transgression exam that day. It made no sense to conduct a full-fledged survey, much less to give new material, so Professor Slughorn gave the guys such an unusual task.

    a potion-medicine that causes the disappeared bones to grow again, or simply accelerates the growth of bones. Very unpleasant taste. Possibly used to heal fractures.

    Dr. Letto's Lethean Elixir
    healing ointment for open wounds

    Liquor of Living Death\Drink of Living Death (Sleep Potion)(English) Draft of living death)
    A very powerful and complex sleep potion, reminiscent of the one that Juliet Capulet drank. A mistake in recipe or preparation can cause eternal sleep and even death.
    The recipe includes wormwood tincture and asphodel root.

    Polyjuice Potion - a rather complex composition and preparation of a potion
    a potion with which you can turn into a certain person for one hour. To do this, before use, you need to add particles of the person you want to turn into into the finished potion (hair, nails, etc.) The process of its preparation takes about a month. It contains an infusion of dried lacewings, algae collected during the full moon, leeches, knotweed, and in addition - grated bicorn horn and boomslang skin. The moment of transformation is very painful.

    With the help of Polyjuice Potion, you can keep someone else's appearance for an arbitrarily long time, you just need to drink a sip of the potion every hour. It is only important to make sure that the particle added before use really belongs to a person: if, for example, the hair was cat, after an hour you will not return your appearance, but will be forced to heal for a long time.

    An interesting feature. The potion, after adding particles of the one the wizard wants to turn into, changes its color, consistency and taste. These qualities directly depend on the nature of the person-"sample".

    Truth serum - a colorless, odorless drink that makes the drinker answer truthfully to all questions asked.
    Obviously, a drinker cannot even just keep silent about something. The preparation of this potion is apparently not too difficult, except that some ingredients are infused for a long time. However, the study of serum is not included in the school course for obvious reasons. It is also not clear whether special permission is needed to use this drug: in the novel, it is used only by persons endowed with certain powers (Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and Inspector General of Hogwarts Dolores Umbridge)

    Enhancing Potion- causes living objects to increase in volume
    Only some parts of the body can be enlarged

    Shrinking Potion - a decoction of green color, which reduces a certain object in size. Studied in the third year.
    An improperly brewed potion turns orange and is dangerous to consume.
    * finely chopped into equal parts roots of daisies;
    * dried fig;
    * shredded dead caterpillars;
    * rat spleen;
    * a drop of leech juice.

    Soothing balm - a calming potion, helps to fight anxiety and fear.

    Felix Felicis - good luck potion.
    highly complex drink in composition and preparation. Properly brewed, it brings the drinker good luck in all endeavors. The dose of admission is calculated depending on the weight of the drinker and on the time for which he wants to stock up on luck. The potion is forbidden for use during sports, exams and elections. The slightest deviation in the recipe or preparation can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

    Elixir of Joy- a potion that brings a person into a state of fun
    - a bright yellow potion that causes a joyful mood. Studied in the sixth year. In an unconventional approach, a sprig of mint can be added to relieve the consumer of unwanted effects such as loud singing or pinching the interlocutor's nose.

    Harry Potter and his friend Ron Weasley hated Potions lessons. And it's not about discipline, but about the person who taught Potions.

    This teacher's name was Severus Snape, and he could hardly bear the presence of Potter, Weasley and the upstart know-it-all Hermione Granger in his lessons. Why? It's hard to explain, it's actually a completely different story. Our task is to explore the potions in Harry Potter, understand their meaning and reveal the method of preparation.

    What is Potions?

    Potions are used regularly in the Harry Potter books. Properties, methods of preparation, ingredients of potion tinctures are studied at Hogwarts by a special discipline.

    Potions explains how useful, medicinal or dangerous drinks, powders or ointments can be created from plant, animal components and minerals.

    Potions was studied at Hogwarts from the first to the fifth year, and from the sixth year to the seventh, according to the results of the S.O.V exam, students with the best performance in Potions were selected to further study this subject.

    Potions as a subject has a number of subtleties. It is necessary to carefully select the ingredients, accurately use the right herbs and liquid substances, otherwise the elixirs will lead to unexpected, and sometimes disastrous results. In Potions, as in mathematics, correct, error-free calculations are needed. If you make a mistake of one milligram in the preparation of the potion, it can be fatal for the person who drinks the tincture or magic drink.

    The ingredients for potions in "Harry Potter" are selected with skill, they are mainly of animal and vegetable origin: skin, wings, flowers, etc.

    Famous Potions Masters

    The Harry Potter books don't give us many Potions teacher names. The most famous teachers are:

    • Vindictus Viridian;
    • Horace Slughorn;

    We know very little about Vindictus Viridian. He taught Potions at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries and was later elected Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

    Horace Slughorn. We first meet him in the sixth book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Wonderful, kind, funny person. Close friend of Dumbledore. Slughorn was a wizard of pure blood, descended from an old family of wizards. A great specialist in Potions, has great knowledge in the field of this subject. The most famous wizards were his students, including Harry Potter and the dark lord Voldemort.

    Severus Snape. Taught Potions during Slughorn's absence. A very smart and domineering teacher, students and individual teachers of Hogwarts were afraid of Snape. A talented compiler of spells and potent drinks, author of the Half-Blood Prince's diary, which was found and used by Harry Potter.

    Every Potions teacher at Hogwarts held the honorary title of "Potion Master".

    Required equipment for potion brewing

    To prepare a potion, you must have a set of required items that will be needed in potions lessons. Potions are used a lot in Harry Potter, so it's important to know what items are required to make them.

    Such necessary items are the following attributes of the potion master, such as:

    • scales;
    • boiler;
    • glass, crystal bottles;
    • Magic wand;
    • textbook, parchment and pen.

    Let's dwell on especially important items, without which the potion is almost impossible to make.

    Scales. These are two bowls on a suspension mechanism, with small weights to obtain error-free data when weighing the right materials. The simplest scales are made of brass. Harry bought the first scales in Diagon Alley, they were accurate and very attractive to look at.

    The cauldron is a vessel with a wide mouth, where not only porridge or soup is cooked, but also herbal tinctures and magic potions. Boilers have different sizes, there are even those that can fit a person. Made from stronger or less durable metals. The cauldron is the most important potion item. Hogwarts used the simplest cauldrons - copper, bronze or tin. The most expensive are a collapsible boiler and a boiler that can mix the ingredients itself.

    Glass bottles - vessels of various shapes with a narrow neck, where the finished potion was poured.

    The textbooks used at Hogwarts were by Zhig Myshyakoff. However, from the 6th year, students who wished to continue studying Potions studied according to Borago's book.

    Potion of Transformation

    The study of potions is worth starting with a drink that is regularly used in the Harry Potter books, and has the ability to change appearance. This is the name of the Polyjuice Potion in Harry Potter.

    Harry, Hermione and Ron regularly use Polyjuice Potion to find out the information they need.

    Polyjuice Potion gives you the opportunity to turn into the person you want for a short period of time. To do this, you must have the hair or nails of the desired magician or Muggle (not a wizard). The Harry Potter books mostly use human hair to make Polyjuice Potion.

    The recipe for the Harry Potter potion is very simple. The process usually takes a month. Polyjuice Potion consists of the following ingredients:

    • dried lacewings (insects, butterfly);
    • algae, leeches;
    • knotweed (buckwheat plant);
    • bicorn horn;
    • skin of a boomslang
    • human hair.

    Algae (three bunches), knotweed (two bunches) are first placed in the cauldron, this is all mixed up, then lacewing and leeches are used. We mix. We heat the boiler on medium heat. We add a special amount of boomslang skin, bicorn horn, pour the lacewing tincture. We pour the hair of the person we want to turn into into the cauldron. The potion is ready.

    love potion

    In Harry Potter, it is known as amortentia. There are other love potions, but it is Amortentia that is mentioned in the book.

    Ron Weasley ate the candy Harry was given and fell in love with Romilda Vane. According to Professor Slughorn, amortentia does not cause love, but only a terrible attraction to another person. Therein lies the danger of this potion.

    Depreciation is very difficult to calculate. It has a light mother-of-pearl color and a pleasant smell of what a particular person especially loves, capable of falling under the influence of this love drink.

    To prepare amortentia, you will need the following ingredients:

    • 250-300 grams of pink lemonade;
    • a glass of strawberries or raspberries;
    • juice or carbonated drink (0.3 l);
    • chocolate or whipped cream.

    Truth serum

    In the Harry Potter books, truth serum is used to find out information that a person would never say. In the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Dumbledore uses this potion to ask the captured Barty Crouch Jr. for information about Voldemort, and in The Order of the Phoenix, the new director of Hogwarts, Dolores Umbridge, extorts information from children about where he is hiding Dumbledore.

    Severus Snape admitted to Potter that he would gladly use this potion to find out all the secrets from Harry. But this was impossible. Serum was forbidden to apply to children. Official permission to use the potion must be issued by the Ministry of Magic. As seen in the book and film, the characters in Harry Potter used truth serum to bypass the Ministry of Magic. However, Snape did not risk using the potion for personal purposes.

    Truth serum is a colorless, odorless liquid, three drops of which can open the mouth of the most inveterate silent. The potion is easy to make. The main difficulty lies in the fact that the truth serum must be given time to infuse, and all because of the feathers of the chatterbox.

    liquid luck

    We meet with this potion in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The official name is Felix Felicis.

    Liquid Luck is a potion that brings success to the person who drinks it. However, making a potion is not so easy. If you make a mistake with the ingredients, the liquid can lead to dire consequences.

    In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Professor Slughorn revealed that he himself took liquid luck twice in his life:

    Twice in my life,” Slughorn replied. “Once when I was twenty-four, and again when I was fifty-seven. Two tablespoons for breakfast. Two perfect days.

    It is better to insist liquid luck for a few more months after preparation. The inventor of the potion is Zygmunt Budge, who left the recipe for his greatest creation:

    1. Mix the egg of the fire pit with the juice of the onion, horseradish, stir it all.
    2. Add eggshells, thyme, grated outgrowths of the Marshmallow.
    3. Then heat the cauldron, put the common rue, heat the cauldron.

    That's the whole recipe for making liquid luck.

    living death

    We encounter a potion called “living death” again in the book “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”. Harry Potter brews a potion using a textbook given to him by the Half-Blood Prince, wins the competition for the best drink of living death, and Felix Felicis receives the potion as a gift.

    Living death can put a person or any creature to sleep for a long period of time. In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, a three-headed dog guarded the entrance to the dungeon, but Professor Squirrell made a living death to steal the philosopher's stone and resurrect Voldemort. To do this, he came up with a plan according to which a living death was supposed to euthanize the animal so that it could pass by the dog unnoticed. But we know that he failed.

    The composition of the potion includes the root of valerian and asphodel, special beans (drowsy), tincture of wormwood.

    Other potions

    In the world of Harry Potter, many potions are used, some of them we easily remember, and some pass unnoticed before the reader's eyes.

    Here are the characteristics and names of potions from Harry Potter:

    • The pepper potion was used to treat colds, one of the main ingredients was dried and grated red pepper.
    • Potion of forgetfulness - erased the memory, and the person forgot what happened to him in the past. Harry Potter used it against Professor Lockons in Chamber of Secrets.
    • Potion of Aging - You can get old for a short time. The Weasley brothers in Goblet of Fire used this potion to compete, but it didn't work for them.
    • Star anise extract - wounds on the body quickly heal and heal.
    • Kissing potion - provokes a person to kiss.

    Here is an example of the brightest and most memorable potions in the Harry Potter universe.

    Quidditch, broomstick, butterbeer, dirty cupcakes, and of course, a love potion!

    On cool autumn days, when it often rains and the gray sky is dreary, sometimes you really want to have a magic wand at hand, at the wave of which everything could suddenly change ... But, by the way, why not become a little magicians yourself and arrange a holiday?

    I don't know about you, but when I think of magic, Harry Potter and Hogwarts immediately come to mind. Harry and his classmates regularly eat traditional English breakfasts (orange juice, oatmeal, scrambled eggs and bacon, sausages, tea, toast and marmalade), and also come to five o'clock tea with Hagrid.

    But if we really wanted a holiday, then how not to think of Mrs. Weasley with her fantastically delicious food and, of course, Madame Rosemerta's pub in Hogsmeade "Three Broomsticks" - the most popular meeting place for students and teachers of Hogwarts, famous for its butterbeer and mead.

    Despite the host of classic English dishes, it must be admitted that fish, vegetables and fruits are absent from the diet of Harry and his friends. However, the magic of everything else more than compensates for these shortcomings.

    1. Mrs. Weasley's Lemon Meringue Pie

    Mrs. Weasley's kitchen is full of delicious treats around the clock. Molly is always happy to give advice and treats, and feed all visitors to the Burrow. That is why we present this cake to you.


    1 pack of wholemeal crackers

    1 can of condensed milk

    1/2 cup lemon juice

    3 egg whites

    6 teaspoons white sugar

    3 egg yolks


    Step 1: Preheat oven to 260ºC

    Step 2: Take a medium bowl and whisk together the condensed milk, egg yolks and lemon juice. Then pour this mixture over the crackers, previously lined in a baking dish.

    Step 3: Whisk the egg whites in a glass or metal bowl with the sugar until very thick.

    Step 4: Spread egg whites evenly over cracker crust and place in preheated oven.

    Step 5: Once the meringue is golden, remove the cake. Cool down.

    Step 6: Enjoy!

    2 Quidditch Player Pie

    The Quidditch Player's Pie is a variant of the famous potato and meat casserole eaten in the Great Hall, especially before decisive Quidditch matches. This dish was chosen as the pre-game meal, apparently due to its high nutritional value. to be part of the pre-games dinner, In The Chamber of Secrets, Harry enjoys this delicious meal before being left after class with Professor Gilderoy Lockhart.


    450-650g lean ground beef

    1 bag of dry onion soup mix

    1-3/4 cups of water

    1 tablespoon flour

    1/2 cup milk

    300g frozen peas and carrots (optional)

    Enough mashed potatoes to put on top

    Enough shredded cheddar cheese to sprinkle on top


    Step 1: Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Fry the beef in a large skillet until browned.

    Step 2: Remove from heat, strain and set aside.

    Step 3: Using the same skillet, add water and stir in the onion soup, cover and cook for 5 minutes.

    Step 4: Whisk flour with milk in a small bowl, then add to skillet.

    Step 5: Cook this mixture until you have a sauce.

    Step 6: Add boiled beef and vegetables (optional), stirring until smooth.

    Step 7: Grease a baking dish and place this mixture on the bottom.

    Step 8: Spread an even layer on top of the minced meat.

    Step 9: Bake in the oven at 180C for about 20 minutes.

    Step 10: Sprinkle with cheddar cheese.

    Step 11: Place back in oven until cheese is melted.

    Step 12: Enjoy!

    3. Love Potion

    Ron Weasley, in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, declares to Harry Potter his feelings for Romilda Vane while under the influence of a love potion.

    Ron: "This is not a joke, I'm in love with her!".

    Harry: "Okay, okay, you're in love with her. But have you ever spoken to her at all?"

    Ron: "No. Can you imagine me?"

    A love potion makes a person fall in love with the one who offered him this drink. Attention: this potion cannot cause true love. However, you can try making it yourself with this recipe.


    300 g jar of pink lemonade concentrate

    1 cup raspberries or strawberry sherbet

    Whipped cream (optional)


    Step 1: In a pitcher, mix the pink lemonade concentrate with the recommended amount of water.

    Step 2: In a separate pitcher, mix sherbet with 1 cup lemonade mixture.

    Step 3: Add 7-Up and stir until smooth.

    Step 4: Top with whipped cream. (optional)

    Step 5: Enjoy!

    4 Dirty Cupcakes From Hagrid

    What Hagrid eats would terrify Mrs. Weasley. But one cannot help but pay tribute - Hagrid, although not so hot what a culinary specialist, always does everything from the heart!


    Semi-finished French Vanilla Cakes

    1 can of cream cheese for frosting

    1 pack of chocolate-coated round biscuits


    Step 1: Bake the Vanilla Mix according to package directions - you should have about 20 cupcakes.

    Step 2: While the cupcakes are baking, take the cookies out of the package and crumble them. Place it in a bowl and set aside. Step 3: After the cupcakes have cooled, spread a layer of frosting of the desired thickness on them.

    Step 4: Now it's time to get dirty. Sprinkle crumbled biscuits on top and refrigerate to set.

    Step 5: Enjoy!

    5 Nimbus broom

    Remember when Harry was given a Quidditch broom? Prepare this dish to the envy of all players!


    12 slices mozzarella cheese

    12 salty sticks

    12 green onions


    Step 1: Fold the cheese pieces in half. Then, using a knife, cut the cheese to make a broom.

    Step 2: Wrap a piece of cheese around the salt stick so that the "brush" is on the bottom.

    Step 3: Secure the cheese on the salted stick with the strength of the green onion, tying it around the cheese.

    Step 4: Enjoy!

    Amortentia is a love drink.
    Anti-Evil Lacquer - a varnish for covering wooden surfaces (as an option, a broom), reflecting curses.
    Pepper Potion is a kind of cold medicine. Sharply warming potion. It has a slight side effect: light smoke comes out of the nose and ears of the patient for about three hours.
    Chatterbox for silent people - the effect of the potion is clear from its name. Sometimes encourages the drunk to carry utter nonsense.
    Exploding Potion - A potion used as an enemy weapon in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II. Something like a Molotov Cocktail.
    Wolf Antidote is a potion intended for werewolves.
    Doxicide is a black, foul-smelling potion designed to remove doxies.
    Long-term elixirs - a group of potions with a long-term and inexhaustible effect.
    Smothering gas is a gas created as a result of improper preparation of a certain potion.
    Hairy Potion - studied in the second year. Contains rat tails.
    Gregory's Unctuous Lubricant is a potion invented by Gregory the Flatterer.
    Armadillo bile is a little-known potion. Most likely, it is a corrosive substance.
    Life-Giving Elixir - A potion that appears to boost the drinker's energy.
    Herbicide Potion - A potion that can destroy or damage plants. Cooked at the practical lessons of the Pottermore resource.
    Boil Cure Potion - The simplest potion. With it, first-year students begin the Potions course.
    Photo Developing Potion - A potion that allows ordinary images to come to life and move.
    Beauty potion - a potion that turns the appearance of the drunk into a beautiful and very attractive appearance.
    Potion for hiccups - the composition includes the plant lyre root.
    Cough Potion - A potion that helps to soothe and reduce coughing fits.
    Potion of Awakening - it is brewed at the practical lessons of the Pottermore resource.
    Magic Resistance Potion - A potion that contains the dried heads of mourners.
    Potion of Aging - A potion that temporarily ages the drinker.
    Potion of Rumbling in the Stomach - causes rumbling in the stomach. Invented in Cachambou, Brazil. Some samples of these potions were in the Help Room.
    Hiccup Potion - A potion that causes hiccups.
    A Quadpot Potion is a liquid that prevents the ball from exploding in the Quadpot game.
    Bone Growth is a healing potion that causes bones to grow back. Possibly also used to heal fractures.
    Bone, Flesh, and Blood is a rarely brewed potion for restoring the body to a deceased wizard whose soul piece has been left behind in this world. This potion is used exclusively by dark magicians.
    Blood Restoration Potion - A potion that increases the blood level of the drinker after loss due to injury or other damage.
    Rat Potion - A healing potion for rats.
    Dr. Letto's Lethean Elixir is a healing ointment. Ron Weasley smeared his scars with it to heal the wounds inflicted on him by the thoughts of the magical brain in the Ministry of Magic.
    Ointment for broomsticks - the composition of the potion includes aconite.
    Tooth Restoration Potion - This potion was used by Madam Pomfrey to cure Hermione of Draco's curse.
    Confounding Sourdough - A potion that causes a feeling of confusion in the drinker.
    The drink of living death is a complex potion, reminiscent of the one that Juliet Capulet drank. A mistake in recipe or preparation can cause eternal sleep and even death.
    The tincture of the spreader is an infusion of strained and pickled tentacles of the spreader.
    Polyjuice potion is quite complex in composition (for example, it includes a very rare ingredient - boomslang skin) and preparation of a potion. The drinker is transformed for one hour and looks like the one whose particles (hair, nails, etc.) were added to the potion. The moment of transformation is very painful. The effect of a Polyjuice Potion can be extended indefinitely by simply drinking a small amount of it in time.
    Weakening Potion - A potion that appears to reduce a person's energy.
    Guardian Potion - A potion that gives the mage extra stamina.
    Bruise Removal Paste is a thick yellow paste that will remove any bruise in as little as an hour. Invented by the Weasley brothers.
    Burn Ointment - A magical orange ointment that can heal burns of varying degrees. Used by Madam Pomfrey on Cedric Diggory.
    Antidote for Magical Poisons - A potion that cures doxies and other poisons of magical origin.
    Antidote for common poisons - the potion is brewed at the practical lessons of the Pottermore resource.
    Antidote according to the Third Law of Golpalott - indicated in the book for the 6th course of the Advanced Potions Course.
    Rowan decoction is a healing potion. She is in her second year at Hogwarts. The composition includes rowan bark (hence the name) and bookworm mucus. If you drink even one drop, you can heal almost any wound.
    Deflating Drink - A potion that reduces the size of a magically inflated object.
    Truth serum is a colorless, odorless drink that causes the drinker to answer truthfully to all questions asked. Obviously, a drinker cannot even just keep silent about something.
    Mandrake Tonic Sip - A potion that brings those who have been transfigured or cursed back to normal.
    Enlarging potion - causes living objects to increase in volume. It is possible to increase only some parts of the body. So, an exploding cauldron with a ready-made magnifying potion splashed Harry Potter's fellow students, and while Snape returned the swollen noses, hands and lips of the students to their original form, Hermione stole some boomslang skin from Snape's own stocks.
    Shrinking Potion - A potion that causes the drinker to become smaller or return to childhood. So, having dropped a potion brewed by Neville Longbottom on his toad Trevor to test, Severus Snape turned the toad into a tadpole for several minutes.
    Soothing Balm is a soothing potion that helps fight anxiety and fear.
    Mindfulness Potion is a potion that is brewed in the Potions class in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
    Mrs. Chistyx's All-Purpose Magic Stain Remover is a potion designed to remove stains.
    Dr. Pinguis' Slimming Elixir is a weight loss potion.
    Felix Felicis (liquid luck) - whoever drinks it for a certain time is lucky in all endeavors.
    Euphoric elixir - a potion that brings a person into a state of fun.
    Star anise extract - a potion that allows you to quickly heal wounds. depreciation("love potion", "love potion") (eng. Amortentia) - a potion that causes a feeling of falling in love with a drinker in an object whose particles (hair, for example) were added to the potion. It smells for everyone with something of their own, evoking the most pleasant smells for a given person. Over time, the effect of amortensia wears off on its own, leaving the victim confused and bewildered. If, under the influence of a love drink, a person has done a bunch of stupid things, he may have even more serious troubles.

    Pepper Potion/Pepper Potion- something like an anti-cold medicine. Sharply warming potion. It has a slight side effect: light smoke comes out of the nose and ears of the patient for about three hours.

    Chatterbox for Silent People- the action of the potion is clear from its name. Sometimes encourages the drunk to carry utter nonsense.

    Wolf antidote- a rather complicated potion in composition and preparation, designed to facilitate the days of transformation for werewolves. The werewolf takes the potion several days before and during the full moon, and after the transformation retains human consciousness, becoming just a calm, harmless wolf.

    Hair Potion- studied in the second year. Contains rat tails.

    Boil cure potion- the simplest potion. With it, first-year students begin the Potions course.

    hiccup potion- a potion that causes hiccups.

    Bonfire- A healing potion that causes bones to grow back. It may also be used to heal fractures. The side effect is terrible pain.

    Bone flesh and blood- a very dark potion. It returns the body to the one who lost it (Voldemort). The composition is unknown, but 4 components are known:
    Bone of the father given without consent, resurrect your son!
    The flesh of the servant given voluntarily revive your master!
    The enemy's blood taken by force, resurrect your enemy!
    and the fourth - the one who needs to revive the body. The potion is almost never used as everyone usually dies. Voldemort only used it because he had horcruxes and that's why he lost his body, not died.

    Dr. Letto's Lethean Elixir- healing ointment. Ron Weasley smeared his scars with it to heal the wounds inflicted on him by the thoughts of the magical brain in the Ministry of Magic.

    Drink of living death, Sip of living death(Eng. Draft of living death) - a very strong and complex sleep potion, reminiscent of the action of the one that Juliet Capulet drank. The recipe includes tincture of wormwood and asphodel root. A mistake in recipe or preparation can cause eternal sleep and even death.

    Polyjuice Potion, All Essence, Polyjuice Potion(Eng. Polyjuice potion) - a rather complex composition (for example, it includes a very rare ingredient - boomslang skin) and preparation of a potion. The drinker is transformed for one hour and looks like the one whose particles (hair, nails, etc.) were added to the potion. The moment of transformation is very painful. The effect of a Polyjuice Potion can be extended indefinitely by simply drinking a small amount of it in time.

    Enhancing Potion- causes living objects to increase in volume. It is possible to increase only some parts of the body.

    Shrinking Potion- a potion that causes the drinker to become smaller, or return to childhood.

    Soothing balm- a calming potion, helps to fight anxiety and fear.

    Felix Felicis(also called simply "Felix" or "Potion of Luck") (eng. Felix Felicis) - a drink that is extremely complex in composition and preparation. Properly brewed, it brings the drinker good luck in all endeavors. The dose of admission is calculated depending on the weight of the drinker and on the time for which he wants to stock up on luck. Overuse of the potion leads to a dangerous excess of self-confidence. The potion is forbidden for use during sports, exams and elections. The slightest deviation in the recipe or preparation can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

    Elixir of Joy- a bright yellow potion that causes a joyful mood. Studied in the sixth year. In an unconventional approach, a sprig of mint can be added to relieve the consumer of unwanted effects such as loud singing or pinching the interlocutor's nose.