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  • The true prophecies of Vanga about Russia
  • Vanga's predictions about Russia
  • Vanga's predictions to famous people. Vanga's predictions about Russia. Who is Vanga and why do we believe her words

    Vanga's predictions to famous people.  Vanga's predictions about Russia.  Who is Vanga and why do we believe her words

    Vanga's predictions over the years for all mankind were very popular, especially on the eve of the change of millennia, when they were published by all the newspapers on the planet. Most of what Vanga predicted surprisingly coincides with the events taking place in the world.

    In the article:

    Vanga's old predictions over the years

    All Vanga's sorted predictions over the years are not forgotten, they were carefully recorded by close people of the seer, and then opened to the public. Not all prophecies were told after the death of a healer and clairvoyant from Bulgaria. For example, not too long ago, her adopted daughter handed over to journalists, which for a long time was kept secret at the direction of Vanga herself.

    There are Vanga's prophecies for the years that have already passed. Not all of them came true, and before expecting the arrival of aliens and the onset of other events, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with them. Perhaps the point is the complexity of decoding, because Vanga rarely spoke about the future literally. Good example - .

    In 1989, Vanga made a prediction that came true in 2001. She spoke of terrible steel birds who are attacking America, and because of this event, a lot of blood of innocent people will be shed. It is known that on September 11, 2001, a tragedy occurred in America, when planes crashed into a shopping center, many people were injured.

    According to another prediction, in 2008 events were to occur that would cause the Third World War. Various attempts were promised on the lives of four presidents or kings. Perhaps this part of the prophecy came true, because there are many states in our world, and people who studied Vanga's prophecies could well have missed this news.

    Vanga foreshadowed the conflict in Hindustan in the same year. But several acquaintances of the seer announced that it was a conflict in a small state, perhaps South Ossetia or Georgia. Perhaps Vanga meant that the conflict between Russia and Georgia would become a prerequisite for the Third World War.

    According to the Bulgarian healer, in 2010 the beginning of the Third World War should have taken place. The seer predicted that it would last from autumn 2010 to autumn 2014. Various types of prohibited weapons were to be used, which would seriously affect the whole world. However, there was no war at that time. This prediction of Vanga about the war did not come true.

    The prophecy that in 2011, due to the use of dangerous weapons, there will be no animals and plants left in the Northern Hemisphere has not come true either. Europe will be practically empty, famine will begin. Muslims will wage war with the countries of Europe, using chemical weapons. Everyone knows that this did not happen, which, in general, can only be rejoiced at.

    In 2014, the war was supposed to end, and people - to reap its benefits. According to the clairvoyant, humanity had to suffer from numerous skin diseases and oncology. Diseases have always been human companions, and little has changed in 2014. The ecology of the planet is deteriorating, but clearly no one faced the consequences of chemical and nuclear weapons in 2014.

    Vanga's prophecies over the years - the future of the 21st century

    Further prophecies of the soothsayer Vanga over the years are based on the previous ones. There is always the possibility that the interpreters of her words made a mistake in the interpretation, since Vanga didn’t say anything directly. But after many failed predictions, faith in her ability to see the future has somewhat diminished among many fans of predictions.

    Vanga's predictions for the future over the years include the famous. This should happen in 2016, after the use of chemical and nuclear weapons, as well as the war of Europeans with Muslims. Since there was no war in 2010, we may not see a cold and empty Europe either. Some scientists who are engaged in the study of prophecies say that Vanga meant some kind of spiritual desert, and not the destruction of countries in the literal sense. This interpretation is much easier to believe.

    In 2018, China will become a world state, will gain power over the whole world. Those who have been oppressed for years will gain power, and the former exploiters will benefit humanity. Countries that previously did not have any opportunities will begin to develop. If we recall Vanga's prophecy about Russia, it turns out that, together with China and India, she will take her place among the world powers or will be in alliance with China.

    In 2023, the Earth's orbit will change. This will be a minor change. Most likely, this event will go unnoticed, because the earth's orbit is changing slightly even now, in our time.

    Europe will still be sparsely populated in 2025. As we remember, the reason for this is the war with Muslims that did not occur in 2010.

    In 2028, a new energy source will be created. Now we can only guess about the essence of the inventions that will be made by mankind. Perhaps this prophecy will indeed come true, because in our world, some innovations appear almost every year. Hunger will be overcome, people will live a little better than in the post-war years. A certain country will send a manned spacecraft to Venus.

    In 2033, sea levels will rise due to melting ice. It is not known whether this will be a sudden flooding of cities or simply an increase in the level of the World Ocean compared to what it was during the years of Vanga's life.

    In 2043, Muslims will rule Europe. But it will benefit, the economy of Europe and other countries will flourish. Good times are ahead of humanity.

    In 2046, doctors will learn to grow organs to replace damaged or diseased ones. Organ replacement will be the best treatment. Many diseases will be defeated by cloning organs and body parts. It is known that developments are underway in this direction, and recently scientists managed to grow a rat's hind paw. But the replacement of organs will not be the only invention, there will be new types of weapons and equipment.

    In 2066, America will be at war with the Muslims. Who will win, Vanga did not know. But America will use a new type of weapon that will greatly affect the climate of Europe, leading to a cold snap. Rome will freeze.

    In 2076, communism will be established throughout the world. There will be no castes, no classes, everyone will be the same. Humanity will be busy developing the restoration of nature, and in 2084 it will be successfully activated.

    In 2088, a new disease will appear on Earth. It will cause rapid aging. A sick person will age in just a few days. But in 2097, a cure for this disease will be found.

    Vanga's predictions for the future by years - 22nd century and after

    At the very beginning of the 22nd century, people will have the opportunity to create an artificial sun. They will illuminate the dark side of the planet.

    By 2111, most of the people will become cyborgs. The latest technical developments in medicine will allow people to improve their bodies and get rid of diseases and physical injuries. There will be no more disabled and sick people.

    In 2123 there will be wars between several small states. Major powers will not interfere in it, so there will be no large-scale military actions, there will be no consequences for the planet.

    In 2125 Hungary will play an important role in the life of mankind. It is in this country that someone will catch a message from aliens with whom contact will be made. The aliens will be friendly.

    In 2130, with the help of alien friends, humanity will be able to spread throughout the Earth, even under water. The ocean will be completely explored, people will live on its bottom the way they now live in houses on land. Aliens will help with advice in many areas of human life.

    In 2164, animals will become demi-human. It is not known what was meant - increasing the intelligence of animals or their appearance, or maybe all at once.

    In 2167, a new religion will arise from an old, but not forgotten, teaching. It is known from the prediction about Russia from Vanga that this teaching comes from Russia, it is known to man even now. Some researchers believe that we are talking about Agni Yoga or the Living Ethics of Helena Nikolaevna Roerich.

    In 2170, a drought will occur, the ocean will become shallow, many underwater houses will come to the surface. But this will not prevent humanity, which uses the advice of aliens. People will continue to go about their business, develop technology and medicine, and explore space. A colony of earthlings will appear on Mars.

    In 2183, people who have moved to live on Mars will receive powerful weapons. They will demand independence from Earth. This will not lead to military action, everything will be resolved peacefully.

    In 2187, several cities will be threatened by the eruption of two volcanoes. But technology will be at such a level that humanity will be able to prevent a catastrophe.

    2195 - underwater cities will be completely autonomous. Food will be produced and ingredients for it will be grown there, energy stations will be opened. Life under water can become as fulfilling as life on land.

    In 2196 Asians and Europeans will completely disappear. As a result of their mixing, a new race will appear.

    At the very beginning of the 23rd century, a cold snap will come. The processes that occur on the Sun will slow down. But artificial suns will already be familiar to mankind.

    In 2221, humanity will face something terrible during space exploration or contact with unknown aliens. This will not pose a threat of war with aliens, but it can greatly affect the lives of earthlings.

    In 2256, a serious disease will be brought to Earth from space, for which there will be no cure. The disease will enter our planet on one of the spaceships that will often fly into space, because Mars will become a colony, and the study of Venus will have already been completed by this time.

    By 2262, the orbits of the planets will change, and Mars will be in danger of disaster. Perhaps the Martian colony of people will suffer due to a collision with a cosmic body.

    In 2271, physical constants will have to be recalculated.

    In 2273, the consequences of the mixing of the races of the planet will become noticeable. New races will appear, and the old ones will be the source of their origin.

    As for 2279, Vanga talked about extracting energy from nowhere. Interpreters of her predictions believe that we are talking about a vacuum or black holes.

    In 2288, time travel becomes possible for the first time. People expect contacts with aliens, they will be perceived as tourists from other countries are perceived in our time. What now seems to be the plot of a science fiction film will not surprise the man of the future.

    By the end of the 23rd century, the Sun will cool more and more. Instead of supporting or strengthening the work of artificial suns, attempts will be made to restart the processes on the Sun that we see in the sky today. But this will not succeed. There will be powerful flares on the Sun, and the force of gravity on the Earth will change. A lot of space debris will fall on the surface of the planet until people solve this problem. An underground movement will appear in France, aimed at the destruction of the Muslims who rule in Europe.

    At the beginning of the 24th century, humanity learns some important secret of the universe. People will direct all their efforts to studying the laws of the Universe and the cosmos, the world around them and the currently unknown planets and celestial bodies.

    In 2304, the secret of the Moon, which is unknown now, will be discovered.

    In 2341, something terrible will move towards the Earth. It will be of cosmic origin and will cause a lot of trouble.

    In 2354, an accident will happen on one of the artificial suns. As a result, many countries will suffer from drought. Almost until the end of the century, people will suffer from hunger, as the consequences of the disaster will be serious. At the end of the century, a new race will appear on Earth, the number of which will grow rapidly.

    At the end of the 25th century, there will be an accident associated with artificial suns. The world will remain in twilight for a while until the functions of the suns are restored.

    At the very beginning of the fourth millennium, there will be war on Mars. It will lead to a violation of the trajectories of the planets and will cause the death of a large number of people. The Martian colonies will most likely fight with the Earth.

    In 3010, the cosmic body will crash into the moon. Instead of the night light that we see now, there will be a belt of dust and stones.

    By the end of the fourth millennium, all life on our planet is expected to die. But humanity will not be destroyed. The surviving people will move to a new planet. It will be in another star system. The new life will not be particularly easy. In the 39th century, there will be a war for resources that will last 10 years and take the lives of half the population of the new planet. The new climate will cause human mutations. The planet will be large, so it will be sparsely populated. There will be few contacts between the new states, people will live apart.

    In the 39th century, after moving to a new planet, the development of civilization will practically stop. But by its end, a new prophet will appear who will speak about the importance of religion, almost forgotten by people, moral and spiritual values. He can awaken humanity. The prophet will be popular among all segments of the population of the new planet of people. At the end of the 39th century, the first church will be built in the new home of mankind. Aliens will help. With their help, the Church will be able to teach people the sciences that were lost after the resettlement, and other important things.

    Already at the beginning of the 44th century, new cities will begin to grow on the planet. The Church will stimulate the development of science and technology. Despite the main role of religion in the development of mankind, there will be no obscurantism. The Church will play an exclusively creative role. Medicine will also develop, a person will be able to defeat all the new diseases that appeared after the resettlement from the Earth. Mutations will be beneficial, thanks to them, people will use their brains by more than 30 percent. Hatred, evil and violence will become unacceptable in the new society.

    In the 46th century people will learn to communicate with God. Most of the population will reach such a level of development of consciousness that it will become possible. Acquaintance with the Almighty will occur in 4509. In 4599 every person will become immortal, the secret of eternal life will be found.

    In the 47th century, the development of our civilization will reach its peak. People will have everything they need. By this time, people will create several colonies on neighboring planets. The total number of people will be more than 300 billion. Man will assimilate with aliens.

    In the fifth millennium, people will be able to find the border of the universe, but they will not know what lies beyond it. A decision will be made to go beyond this border. Almost half of the people will be against it, however, this will not play a role. This is how Vanga saw the end of the world, which should happen in 5079. Humanity will leave the limits of the Universe and find itself in a completely new place for it. However, even the great soothsayer did not know what awaits people after moving beyond the boundaries of the Universe.

    In general, the plot of many prophecies may seem like a fantastic story. But no one in the same way believed that Kursk could sink, and everyone knows how this tragic disbelief ended. In addition, such a high accuracy of clairvoyant predictions is striking. Of course, everyone should ask themselves the question of whether or not to believe these prophecies, but even the most inveterate skeptics recognize the amazing accuracy of Vanga's words.

    Perhaps the most famous half-blind soothsayer in the world managed to tell her relatives about all the cataclysms that she saw in her dreams. The famous and mysterious soothsayer Vanga managed to predict the future of more than one people and civilization in her life. She ordered her family to keep some of the prophecies a secret, because, as she expressed it, the time had not yet come to reveal to the world its future. Some of these mysterious global prophecies have already become well known and amazed the minds of the greats of this world.

    No one has yet solved the mystery of Vanga's life, and documentary evidence, including the video that has survived from her life, still puzzles researchers of Vanga's biography. Some believe that the prophetess was led and tormented by evil spirits, others speak of her divine gift. Be that as it may, Vanga influenced people's lives, and her predictions are believed more than other forecasts. Here you can find not only Vanga's predictions over the years, but also specific predictions regarding Russia and other countries.

    Vanga's predictions by year

    All Vanga's predictions over the years surprise with fantastic discoveries and mutations of the human body, the development of thought.

    2014 - most of the world's population will suffer from skin diseases, ulcers, skin cancer. This will be a consequence of chemical warfare.
    2016 – Europe will be practically deserted.
    2018 - China will become a powerful world power. The exploited and the exploiters will change places.
    2023 - Earth's orbit will change slightly.
    2025 – Europe is still sparsely populated.
    2028 - a new source of energy will appear, hunger will be overcome. A manned spacecraft is heading to Venus.
    2033 - the level of the world's oceans will rise, as a result of the melting of ice.
    2043 - Europe is ruled by Muslims, the world economy is at the stage of prosperity.
    2046 - people learn to grow any organs. Organ replacement will become the most popular and effective treatment option.
    2066 - The US uses climate weapons to attack Muslim Europe. This will lead to extreme cold.
    2076 - society will become classless, world communism will be established.
    2084 - nature will begin a full recovery.
    2088 - a terrible disease will appear, causing instant aging.
    2097 - found a cure for rapid aging.
    2100 - the dark side of the Earth will be illuminated by an artificial Sun.
    2111 - people will begin to become living robots (cyborgs).
    2123 - small states will start fighting among themselves. Powerful powers will not intervene.
    2125 - Signals from outer space will be recorded in Hungary.
    2130 - Colonies will be built underwater with the help of alien advice.
    2164 - Animals will be turned into demi-humans.
    2167 - a new religion will gain great popularity.
    2170 - there will come a time of great drought.
    2183 - The Martian colony will become a nuclear power and begin to demand independence from Earth, as the United States demanded freedom from England.
    2187 - people will be able to stop the eruption of two large volcanoes.
    2195 - Sea colonies will be fully provided with food and energy.
    2196 - the process of mixing Europeans and Asians is completed.
    2201 - the thermonuclear processes of the Sun slow down, which will cause a cooling.
    2221 - humanity, while searching for extraterrestrial civilizations, will come into contact with something terrible.
    2256 - a new terrible disease will be brought to Earth.
    2262 - The orbits of the planets begin to change gradually, Mars is threatened by a comet.
    2271 - changed physical constants will be recalculated.
    2273 - a mixture of all races occurs, new races appear.
    2279 - people learn to extract energy from nowhere.
    2288 - new contacts with aliens occur, time travel begins.
    2291 - The sun cools down completely. People are trying to light it up again.
    2296 - powerful solar flares occur, the force of gravity of the Earth changes. Satellites and space stations fall to Earth.
    2299 - In France, a partisan movement is gaining momentum, the goal of which is the fight against Islam.
    2302 - new important secrets and laws of the Universe are revealed.
    2304 - The secret of the moon is revealed.
    2341 - Something terrible is approaching the Earth.
    2354 - An accident occurs on one of the artificial Suns, which leads to a drought.
    2371 - the time of the great famine begins.
    2378 - a new race appears, which is growing very quickly.
    2480 - The Earth is in twilight due to the collision of two artificial Suns.
    3005 - War on Mars leads to a violation of the trajectories of the planets.
    3010 - The moon is rammed by a comet. The earth is surrounded by dust and stones.
    3797 - all living things died on Earth, humanity laid the foundations for life in another star system.
    3803 - the new planet is still sparsely populated by people. The climate causes mutations in the body.
    3805 - The great resource war begins. Most of humanity is dying.
    3815 - end of the great war.
    3854 - the development of civilization stops. People, like animals, live in packs.
    3871 - a new prophet appears who tells people about morality and spiritual values.
    3874 - A new church is organized, having the support of the entire population.
    3878 - a new church, together with aliens, begins to teach people the forgotten sciences.
    4302 - new cities grow on the planet. The new church leads the development of science and technology.
    4304 - a way to deal with any disease is open.
    4308 - Mutation leads to the fact that people learn to use the brain by more than 34%. The concepts of evil and hatred completely disappear.
    4509 - humanity reaches a level of development that allows communication with God.
    4599 - people become immortal.
    4674 - the development of civilization is at its peak. In total, 340 billion people live on different planets. Assimilation with aliens begins.
    5076 - The boundary of the Universe has been discovered, no one dares to look beyond it.
    5078 - a decision is made to leave the boundaries of the universe. Almost half of the population oppose it.

    5079 - the onset of the end of the world.

    Vanga's predictions about Russia by year:

    Vanga's predictions about Russia assign the northern state the main role in saving the world. In general, old Vanga spoke about Russia better than about other states. Perhaps this is due to the fact that she loved her very much. There are cases when the predictions of this seer did not come true. For example, World War III did not start in 2010. It remains to be hoped that Vanga was also mistaken in predicting the greatest troubles concerning Russia.

    2012 - the usual power will disappear. Russia will suffer. There will be a struggle for power. The greed of the people will go to cities and fields. As if the animals will begin to tear and throw, and this will be reflected in the future.
    2017 - as before, Vladimir will rule. People will be spiritually corrupted. There will be a threat of imminent wars, past betrayals will remind of themselves.
    2022 - part of the Russian population is very small. The state will be fragmented. Moscow will cease to be the center, it will separate itself. Everything from the Ural mountains to the left will cease to be Russia.
    2030 - Siberia will become a breadbasket. Big cities will flourish there. People do not feel need, live without strife. Europe and China want their own pieces, but are not getting involved yet. The borders are guarded by warriors.
    2045 - Panic will grip the world. Oil will run out, energy will be in short supply. Europe will perish for lack of water. Russia will live independently. Lots of people, lots of money, water and light.
    2060 - Russia is now a great country. She doesn't need anyone. The center is located beyond the Urals. Moscow and the north want to join back, but Russia doesn't need traitors. It is guarded by formidable weapons, no one dares to cross the borders. The population lives in the world.
    2100 - small towns unite into large centers. All of Russia is built up. There are no cars at all, they have been replaced by new vehicles. The youth are in good health. Happy time.
    2176 - envious people attack Russia from all sides. But strong-willed warriors are fighting against opponents outnumbered. Many will die in this war, but Russia will stand.
    2200 - the Russian people restored everything. Development has reached a high level. Knowledge comes from above.
    2300 - the Russians have time for everything. They build up the Moon and the red planet, live in metal houses, use solar energy. The cities are beautiful and small. No one can catch up with them in development.
    2450 - a global catastrophe occurs in Russia. The wind blows buildings, fields and forests are flooded. But the sky cities are fine.
    2600 - space is well studied. Lots of star cards. The best minds want to create a semblance of the Earth. But in vain.
    2890 - The red planet becomes similar to the Earth. There is now air, water and vegetation. The cities of ancestors were found on it. Help came from outer space from a good force.

    3000 - there is no more Russia, but there are Russian people. In the vast expanses of one language and one faith. Friendships are made with new, unusual friends. Together, construction is carried out, but not with hands, but with mechanisms.

    Vanga's predictions about the end of the world

    Vanga told about the end of the world more than once. But it is difficult to speak unequivocally about Vanga's prophecies about the disappearance of mankind, since she made several rather contradictory predictions. One of them is that 2012 will be the last year for mankind, and very few people will survive the global catastrophes of this year. And those who survive will suffer the consequences of chemical warfare and man-made disasters.

    Here you have the opportunity to get acquainted with Vanga's predictions, classified by year. Her most famous predictions regarding the coming years of mankind are in anticipation of the following events. In 2014, Vanga predicted the suffering of people from oncological diseases that would arise as a result of chemical warfare. A few years later, the seer predicted the extinction of the population of Europe, and by 2020 China will become the most powerful country. Countries that are developing intensively will become exploiters, and the Earth's orbit will begin to change. The year 2028 will be a significant release of a new source of energy. In addition, Vanga's predictions for the coming decades include a famine that humanity will be able to overcome, as well as the launch of a ship to Venus.

    Vanga's predictions over the years are the most truthful. It is impossible not to admire the development of the soothsayer's thoughts, because Vanga's prophecies are filled with absolutely amazing facts. It prescribes to mankind new discoveries, mutations of the human body, rapprochement with God, acquaintance with creatures of alien origin, as well as relocation to another star system. Vanga predicted the end of the world no earlier than the sixth millennium AD. This event will occur because of the humanity itself, who decided to leave the limits of the studied universe. Until that time, people will learn to use more than 35 percent of the brain, invent a cure for all diseases, and also discover the secret of immortality. Among the periods of great discoveries and scientific achievements, humanity will go through various cataclysms and changes. Further, you can find not only predictions by year, but also individual information related to certain countries.

    2014 - most of humanity will face skin diseases. Ulcers and skin cancer will be the payback for the war with chemical weapons.
    2016 - the territory of Europe will become almost deserted.
    2018 - China will become the most powerful country in the world. The exploited and the exploiters will change places.
    2023 - A slight change in the Earth's orbit will be noticed.
    2025 - The territories of European countries will remain sparsely populated.
    2028 - a new source of energy will be found. Humanity will overcome hunger and also send a manned spacecraft to Venus.
    2033 - melting ice will lead to rising sea levels.
    2043 - Muslims begin to rule Europe. The world economy will enter a stage of prosperity.
    2046 - the cultivation of any organs will become available to people.
    2066 - The US decides to attack Muslim Europe using climate weapons. The result will be a sharp cold snap.
    2076 - society will no longer be divided into classes. World communism will be established in the world.
    2084 - nature will begin to fully recover.
    2088 - A terrible disease will appear that causes incredibly rapid aging.
    2097 - Scientists find a way to cure rapid aging.
    2100 - on the dark side of the Earth, it will be possible to illuminate with the help of an artificial Sun.
    2111 - the transformation of living people into robots (cyborgs).
    2123 - the beginning of hostilities between small states. Detachment of strong powers.
    2125 - fixing signals from space in Hungary.
    2130 - Construction of underwater colonies with the help of councils of alien beings.
    2164 - the transformation of animals into demi-humans.
    2167 - the spread and growing popularity of a new religion.
    2170 - a great drought.
    2183 - a colony of Martians, having become a nuclear power, wants to become independent from the Earth.
    2187 - the eruption of two large volcanoes that can be stopped.
    2195 - Sea colonies will be provided with the necessary food and energy.
    2196 - completion of the process of mixing Europeans and Asians.
    2201 - the onset of cooling caused by the thermonuclear processes of the Sun.
    2221 - the search for extraterrestrial civilizations, a meeting with something creepy and frightening.
    2256 - the introduction to Earth of a new, terrible disease requiring study.
    2262 - the beginning of the mixing of the orbits of the planets, Mars is threatened by a collision with a comet.
    2271 - calculation of changed physical constants.
    2273 - the emergence of new races by mixing existing ones.
    2279 - energy extraction from nowhere.
    2288 - contacts with beings of alien origin. The beginning of time travel.
    2291 - death of the Sun. Humanity is working to re-ignite the cooled star.
    2296 - flashes on the sun of enormous force, which lead to a change in the force of gravity. The fall to earth of satellites and space stations.
    2299 - A French partisan movement appears, trying to overcome Islam.
    2302 - the discovery of new important secrets and laws of the universe.
    2304 - the study of the secrets of the moon.
    2341 - something terrible approaching the Earth.
    2354 - an accident on one of the artificial Suns, the result of which will be a severe drought.
    2371 - great famine.
    2378 - the emergence of a new, rapidly growing race.
    2480 - A collision of artificial Suns that plunges the planet into twilight.
    3005 - violation of the trajectories of the plan due to the war on Mars.
    3010 - A comet touches the moon, the Earth is immersed in a layer of dust.
    3797 - the death of all life on Earth. Laying the foundations for human life in another star system.
    3803 - settlement of a new planet. Mutation of the human body caused by a new climate.
    3805 - the beginning of the great struggle for the possession of resources, in which most of humanity will perish.
    3815 - end of the great war.
    3854 - the last stage of the development of civilization. People, like animals, live in packs.
    3871 - the emergence of a new prophet who will tell people about morality and spiritual values.
    3874 - the emergence of a new church, which will be supported by the entire population.
    3878 - a new church together with creatures of alien origin will help people restore forgotten skills and remember the necessary sciences.
    4302 - the emergence of cities. The development of science and technology under the leadership of the new church.
    4304 - humanity will find a way to treat any ailment.
    4308 - the result of the mutation will lead to the fact that a person will learn to use the brain by more than 34%. Such concepts as evil and hatred cease to exist.
    4509 - the level of development of mankind allows him to communicate with God.
    4599 - the immortality of people will become a reality.
    4674 - the pinnacle of the development of civilization. In total, about 340 billion people inhabited different planets. The beginning of the stage of assimilation with aliens.
    5076 - The boundary of the universe has been found, but no one dares to look beyond it.
    5078 - The decision to leave the Universe is supported by almost half of humanity.
    5079 - the end of the world. 5079 - the end of the world.

    To this day, great minds, politicians, and ordinary people listen to the predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. Her predictions come true with incredible accuracy, but people do not always interpret her words correctly, since Vanga, as she herself claimed, simply transmitted the information that came to her.

    After her death, Vanga left a large number of predictions. She painted the future of mankind by years. What awaits us in the coming years?

    year 2014 - the spread of skin diseases and skin cancer due to chemical warfare.

    2016- European countries are gradually dying out due to diseases and natural disasters. Beginning of migration to Siberia.

    2018- China is becoming the most powerful power in the world.

    2023- The Earth's orbit will begin to change, which will cause natural disasters and changes in climatic conditions.

    2028- Invention of a new source of energy. Earthlings will fly to Venus.

    2033- Active melting of glaciers, the level of the world sea rises.

    2043- Islam becomes the main religion of European countries.

    2046- Scientists have learned to grow human organs.

    2066- US attack on European countries. The use of a new type of weapon by the American army - climate control.

    2076- There will be no division into classes.

    2084- The state of ecology on Earth will return to normal.

    2088- The emergence of a new terrible disease - people will age in a few seconds.

    In 2100 Vanga predicted the invention of the artificial Sun.

    In 2164, according to Vanga's predictions for the future, animals will be turned into the likeness of people.

    2167- The emergence of a new religion.

    2221- Earthlings will actively search for life on other planets and will encounter something terrible.

    2273- Emergence of a new human race.

    2288- People will learn to travel in time.

    2480- The sun will go out, the Earth will plunge into darkness.

    3010- The moon will be rammed by a meteorite, a cloud of dust and stones will form around the Earth.

    3797- The earth will die out, but people will have time to lay the sprouts of a new civilization.

    Vanga's predictions for the future are full of incredible events that now seem to us on the verge of fantasy. But who knows what will actually happen to humanity in a few decades or centuries? Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    29.05.2014 09:15

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