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  • Human superpowers: Telekinesis, Levitation, Telepathy. people with telekinesis people with telekinesis

    Human superpowers: Telekinesis, Levitation, Telepathy.  people with telekinesis people with telekinesis

    The phenomenon of telekinesis has been haunting the human mind since ancient times. And although official science does not recognize this phenomenon, enthusiastic researchers around the world are sure that if the mechanism of telekinesis is discovered, then it may be possible to find new non-traditional energy sources that humanity needs so much.

    How to master telekinesis - this question has worried our ancestors since ancient times. Telekinesis (from the Greek "movement at a distance") is the ability of a person to act on physical objects without the direct application of muscle effort. For the first time this term was used in 1890 by the Russian paranormal researcher Alexander Aksakov. Interestingly, the ability to move objects is only one side of the phenomenon, the so-called macrotelekinesis. Another, no less intriguing variety of the phenomenon is microtelekinesis, which includes exposure to electronic devices, heating water, destroying a solid surface, creating images on photographic plates, lighting fluorescent lamps with a glance, and much more.

    Telekinesis has been known since ancient times. Supporters of the phenomenon believe that many of our ancestors knew how to master telekinesis, and used unusual abilities for practical purposes. For example, during a sea voyage, by an effort of will, they “increased” the speed of the ship in order to quickly reach the other shore and not die in a storm. Mass interest in the phenomenon arose in the 19th century - during the heyday of mediumship and spiritualism. But by the beginning of the 20th century, attention to telekinesis had noticeably decreased, since no significant evidence of its reality was found. However, in the 60s, telekinesis again became a favorite in our country - thanks to the "phenomenon of Ninel Kulagina."

    A simple housewife from Leningrad could effortlessly move small objects (for example, a sugar cube or a matchbox), cause the compass needle to rotate, scatter a laser beam with her hands, change the acidity (pH) of water, and much more. This attracted the attention of many Soviet and foreign scientists.

    A few years ago, the name of the head of the Department of Life Safety at the YSPU named after Ushinsky in Yaroslavl, Alexei Gushchin, was mentioned, who knows firsthand how to master telekinesis. Thanks to his achievements, he was listed in the Guinness Book of Records, having received in 2010 the title of "The only professor in the world, doctor of medical sciences, capable of lowering the pain sensitivity of living organisms and causing the movement of light objects with the power of his gaze." Aleksey Gushchin demonstrated his achievements during the international seminar “Reserve Human Capabilities” (Yaroslavl, May 2010).

    The record holder's abilities are impressive. Professor Gushchin manages with a single glance to set in motion an arrow made of foil, which is located on the tip of a vertically mounted injection needle and is closed with a transparent glass cap from air puffs. He can also affect the foil arrow by looking at her photo. Alexei Gennadievich says that during non-contact interaction with objects, he plunges into a kind of trance and in this state begins to feel his inner world and the surrounding space more acutely. Further, mentally influencing the environment between himself and the object, he makes it move.

    The inheritance of the elect or the gift of each?

    Among those studying the phenomenon, there is an opinion that not everyone has the ability to telekinesis. “In telekinesis, it’s the same as in gymnastics: if a person is naturally endowed with flexibility, training will have a great effect. If there are no deposits, the effect will be close to zero, says researcher and writer Igor Isaev. “A person with the ability to telekinesis can achieve the first results after a year and a half of daily practice.”

    You can check if you have the prerequisites for mastering telekinesis. To do this, it is enough to make an electroencephalogram of the brain, however, when you are in a special, altered state of consciousness.

    According to psychiatrist Dr. Andrew Li, MD, there are clear neurophysiological characteristics according to which the activity of the brain must be organized in order for the phenomenon to manifest itself in a person. In everyday life, the activity of neurons is concentrated in those areas of the brain that are responsible for our normal activities.

    But when we are engaged in certain practices, the activity of neurons can be concentrated in other, previously unused areas of the cerebral cortex. If such a concentration is visible on the electroencephalogram, then the person has the makings. They can show up after injuries, infectious diseases, clinical death, or become the result of targeted training. If the activity of neurons is distributed in a standard way, then there are no inclinations, and no efforts will lead to the desired effect.

    According to a number of other experts, all people have the necessary data to create such miracles. “Telekinesis is a natural ability of absolutely every person,” experts from the Institute of Biosensory Psychology in St. Petersburg are sure. “Anyone can master basic telekinesis skills within 20 minutes and show noticeable results.”

    Let's check!

    Nadezhda Timokhina, a specialist of the institute, becomes my guide to the world of the unknown. For 15 minutes, I perform a special practice - "power breathing", which helps to activate the body's internal resources and prepare for a direct impact on the object. Then I sit down on the edge of the chair, keep my back straight, put my feet firmly on the floor, put my hands on my knees with my palms up. It is important to take such a position so that the tension in the body does not distract you from the process. A comfortable, comfortable body position is one of the important factors for achieving the result.

    I focus my attention on a paper spiral suspended from a thread and placed in a glass flask that is on the table in front of me. In less than five seconds, the spiral begins to spin slowly. "Congratulations. You quickly achieved success, ”Nadezhda notes.

    But can telekinesis be harmful? According to Andrew Li, if you overdo it with training, there is a chance that a person will get sick or even die. It was numerous experiments that led to the deterioration of Ninel Kulagina's health. During the experiments, she was always very overloaded, the pressure changed dramatically, all this provoked a stroke and Kulagina's premature departure from life. And another Russian woman, Elvira Shevchik, who became famous for her ability to “suspend” objects in the air and hold them for quite a long time, stopped seeing during the demonstration of her talents.

    To show "miracles", both women had to prepare for several hours and even whole days. And after - the same amount of recovery.

    “If you overdo it, then energy losses during telekinesis can become a threat to life,” warns Igor Isaev. “Therefore, such resources should be used for other purposes, and not to show tricks to the public.”

    Just physics

    It is no wonder that a phenomenon that causes so much talk is attracting the attention of scientists. It began to be actively explored in the second half of the last century. In recent years, the direction has been actively explored by physicists in Germany, England, the USA, Japan, setting as their main goal the understanding of the mechanism of telekinesis. If this succeeds, then, in their opinion, the knowledge gained can be applied to the search for new non-traditional energy sources. Currently, the European Union is investing heavily in the development of this area.

    Telekinesis is not officially researched in Russia now, although in the 1960s and 1980s, many Soviet specialists paid serious attention to it. Large-scale studies were carried out at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (IRE) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. “We didn’t see miracles or any violations of the laws of physics then,” says Alexander Taratorin, a former employee of the laboratory for the study of extrasensory abilities of a person at the IRE Academy of Sciences of the USSR. - None of the people moved large objects at a distance, everything else could be explained by simple electrostatics. Several decades have passed since then, and there has been no evidence that anyone can actually work miracles.”

    As for Ninel Kulagina, the IRE AN researchers came to the conclusion that the woman really had unusual physiological abilities. When she concentrated and strained, from her hands (apparently from the sweat glands) she sprayed the thinnest trickles of liquid (apparently, sweat mixed with histamine). These trickles created a difference in electrical potentials between the body and the object. Scientists have recognized that Kulagina's abilities are a very interesting physiological phenomenon, a vivid example of the existence of scientific mysteries related to the functioning of the human body.

    Supporters of telekinesis, however, have a different point of view on this matter. Many of the objects that Kulagina acted on were made of dielectrics and conductive materials, so their movement cannot be explained by electrostatics alone. In addition, the movement of objects often took place under the hood. It is also important that the objects moved towards Kulagina, and not away from her.

    In the same 1980s, other observations were made. In Moscow, the Foundation for Parapsychology. L.L. Vasiliev, 80 volunteers were collected, of which several groups were formed. Each group was faced with the task of setting in motion a “pinwheel” (a rotating element made of aluminum foil, fixed on a needle standing on cotton wool or plasticine) by “power of thought” while being at a distance of several meters from it and closing their eyes (simply imagining the object).

    “We took the experiments very seriously,” says Professor Andrey Li. “The spinner was installed under a glass dome with a carbon film sprayed inside it to remove the electrostatic charge and prevent heat fluxes from entering from the outside.” Groups were also formed according to predetermined schemes: people were united based on their psychological compatibility. Foundation studies have shown that these parameters play a decisive role in the success of the test subjects.

    And the result really was. True, the turntable "spun" only in five groups out of twelve. It is interesting that individually, the participants in the experiments did not show the ability to telekinesis at all. The researchers concluded that people who do not have the necessary inclinations can, by joining forces, influence the subject. On the electroencephalograms of the participants in the experiment, it was clear that in the process of distant interaction, they gradually synchronized the rhythms of brain activity.

    In search of origins...

    According to many scientists, telekinesis is impossible, since it does not fit into the system of four active forces in classical physics (gravity, electromagnetism, weak and strong interactions). However, a number of supporters of the phenomenon believe that there is another component in addition to those that are already known to science.

    “With the development of telekinesis abilities, a person manifests a number of qualities that are clearly of a psychic origin: far-sightedness, “X-ray vision”, parahealing, the ability to suggest, hypnosis, and so on, says Professor Vladimir Tonkov, president of the Institute of Biosensory Psychology. – At the same time, the central nervous system of a person continues to work within the boundaries of normal indicators. It follows from this that it is the psyche that is the real environment that causes these abilities.

    Another hypothesis says that telekinesis is one of the manifestations of the highly developed capabilities of the human energy structure, which consists of a large number of large and small energy channels and a system of energy centers. If this system is not developed, then there is little vital energy in the body and therefore the person is weak, passive, often sick; if well developed, then you are healthy and active.

    Long-term energy practices, such as yoga and qigong, allow you to manage your energy. And its excess can be spent on small "miracles" - spiritual (energy) healing, the development of paranormal abilities, including the ability to move objects without touching them.

    A lot of hypotheses about the reasons for such a movement of objects have appeared by now. Among physicists who support the phenomenon, there is still no consensus on how telekinesis occurs. Many of them explain it using a quantum mechanical approach.

    Supporters of the phenomenon argue that it is impossible to attribute the ability to telekinesis only to humans. According to them, our smaller brothers also succeeded in this field. For example, when hungry, rabbits are able to bring a robot with food closer to them. During the experiments, a hungry rabbit was launched into the room where the robot was located. If before the appearance of the animal it moved along a chaotic route (due to the random number sensor installed inside it), then after that it began to spin around the animal.

    Interesting research was conducted in the USA in 1997. Near the forest near the laboratory, a feeder was installed, the shutter of which was controlled by a random number generator. When a hungry raccoon dog that came running out of the forest approached the feeder, it began to work more often than it should be according to random number theory. As soon as the forest dweller was satisfied and left, the feeder again began to throw out portions of food occasionally and randomly. All these changes were recorded on a special device.

    Adherents of the phenomenon are convinced that a person can influence the surrounding space in the same way as our smaller brothers, however, unlike those who are consciously and controlled. At the moment, one thing is clear: until researchers unravel the secret nature of telekinesis and learn how to reproduce it, the phenomenon cannot be spoken of as a scientifically proven fact.

    Expert column

    Andrey Li - professor, psychiatrist, doctor of medical sciences, candidate of technical sciences, president of the national public organization "Health":

    - The fact that the phenomenon of telekinesis exists has already been proven by numerous studies in Russia and abroad. But not always what looks like telekinesis is it. Often people are honestly mistaken about their abilities. A person can sincerely believe that he has unusual inclinations. And indeed, in the general public, he moves the object without touching it, but only does it due to electromagnetic forces. To avoid such an imitation and make sure that you have achieved the manifestation of telekinesis, you need to observe simple conditions during the experiments:

    1. The object you are going to act on is best placed inside a Faraday cage, which is made of a highly conductive material and protects the object from external electromagnetic fields.

    2. If you place an object under a glass cap, then paper and other materials subject to electrostatics should not be taken as an object of influence. It is better to use non-magnetic materials, such as aluminum (chocolate foil is perfect). The glass dome will also protect against air and heat flows.

    3. For greater purity of the experiment, it is better for a person to be at a distance of several meters from the object on which he acts, and not near it.

    Dangerous telekinesis

    A poltergeist is a case of telekinesis, spontaneous and uncontrollable, and therefore dangerous. It occurs most often in dysfunctional families, in places of detention, in the army, where people live with a physiological predisposition to telekinesis, but do not know about it. If there is a strong quarrel or fight in the room, then things can spontaneously start moving, objects fall from the shelves, curtains, wallpaper ignite. Why? Due to strong conflicts, changes occur in the internal state of consciousness and the activity of the human brain. That is, the intensity, nature and localization of nervous, mental and electrochemical processes change, as a result of which the manifestation of the effects of telekinesis is possible.

    Can humans actually move objects with their minds? Here you will find real facts about telekinesis and you can test them in practice!

    1. How and where did telekinesis “appear”? The history of telekinesis!
    2. What do scientists say about telekinesis?
    3. Real facts about telekinesis!
    4. A million dollars for the confirmation of the ability of telekinesis!
    5. How to test the reality of telekinesis on your own experience?
    6. What is important to know when learning telekinesis?

    How and where did telekinesis "appear"? The history of telekinesis!

    Research in the field of telekinesis began during the heyday of spiritualism², which was based on the belief that everything in the world is either spirit or matter. That is, if an object moved without the participation of physical force, it was considered a manifestation of the power of spirits or ghosts.

    From the late 18th century to the early 19th century, many psychics and mediums exhibited cases of telekinesis during séances, though most of them were outright frauds. At that time, science was not sufficiently developed, and therefore it was not possible to testify or disprove the fact of telekinesis.

    Today, telekinesis is considered one of the aspects of extrasensory perception.

    In 1958, parapsychologist William G. Roll coined the term "recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis" to refer to the spontaneous movement of objects in the presence of a psychic. This phenomenon is also called poltergeist.

    And history knows people who have demonstrated such abilities. One of them -

    Also, William G. Roll suggested that telekinesis, as a mental phenomenon, is a combination of quantum mechanics and neuroscience, and that all people have a psi-field through which they can influence the surrounding reality.

    What do scientists say about telekinesis?

    From the point of view of official science, telekinesis is not possible, since it contradicts the basic laws of the universe: the law of conservation of momentum, the laws of thermodynamics, the inverse square law, and Einstein's theory of relativity.

    In other words, science says...

    ... that any object can be set in motion by acting on it with the help of a certain force (physical, gravitational or using an electromagnetic field).

    To prove or disprove the presence of telekinesis abilities, scientists use specially designed laboratory tests. The subject is offered to influence the movement of microparticles or molecules (microkinesis), change the course of a game of chance, project a mental image on a photographic plate or digital memory card, etc. by means of thought.

    So far, the facts of telekinesis have not been officially confirmed.

    Nevertheless, science stands only at the very beginning of the study of the psychic abilities of the human brain. Therefore, to say that telekinesis is impossible would be wrong.

    Many yogis and practicing psychics claim that every person is capable of mastering the ability to telekinesis, only practice is needed.

    The real facts about telekinesis!

    People with the ability to telekinesis have been noted at all times.

    So at the beginning of the 20th century, the ability to telekinesis was recorded in the Pole Stanislava Tomzik, which manifested itself in a state of hypnotic trance.

    The researchers noticed that during telekinesis, Stanislava's fingers emanated like transparent rays, which probably affected objects. After Tomzik was repeatedly tested in scientific laboratories in Warsaw, and numerous experiments confirmed that she had an amazing superpower.

    Another person who claimed to have paranormal powers was Uri Geller³.

    He has repeatedly demonstrated in public his ability to bend spoons and start broken clocks, but most of these performances are considered only tricks and sleight of hand, although many are still convinced of his mental strength.

    A million dollars to prove the ability of telekinesis!

    Renowned psychic whistleblower James Randi⁴ challenged those who claim to have the ability to telekinesis to test their gift. He announced that he would give a million dollars to anyone who could prove their abilities in the laboratory.

    How to test the reality of telekinesis on your own experience?

    If, nevertheless, we consider the theory of psychic strength and the psychic field of a person, then according to it, the ability to telekinesis can be developed.

    You can test your abilities and confirm or disprove the facts about telekinesis with the help of this experience!

    Telekinesis experience

    * It will take time and regular practice to objectively evaluate the results. Duration depends on efforts and individual abilities.

    For experience you will need:

    • feather,
    • a thread,
    • transparent vessel (jar, bottle),
    • pencil or stick.

    1. They take a thread and tie one end to a pencil, and the other to a feather.

    2. The pencil is placed on the neck of the jar so that the pen on the thread is inside the transparent container (the walls of the vessel will protect the pen from drafts and breathing).

    3. Then they close their eyes for a while and try to relax as much as possible, get rid of extraneous thoughts.

    4. Then they open their eyes and try to influence the feather with the effort of consciousness. At the same time, all thoughts, sensations, desires and will should be directed to making the pen move.

    * Do not think that the material of the vessel can become an obstacle to the flow of energy!

    I'll reveal a secret!

    The movement of the feather must be imagined within yourself. It is important to feel internally that it is moving!

    If the experiment is carried out correctly, then after it severe fatigue will be felt, because. this practice takes a lot of energy.

    What is important to know when learning telekinesis?

    When learning telekinesis, it is important to realize the following:

    1. Everything in the Universe is interconnected.

    2. Mentally merging with an object, consciousness becomes a part of this object.

    3. Two objects connected with each other are able to influence each other.

    4. A sufficient level of energy is required for the impact.

    Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

    ¹ Alexander Nikolaevich Aksakov - Russian publicist, translator, publisher from the Aksakov family, famous for inventing the term "telekinesis" (Wikipedia).

    ² Spiritism is a religious and philosophical doctrine developed in France in the middle of the 19th century by Allan Kardec (Wikipedia).

    ³ Uri Geller is an Israeli magician, illusionist, mentalist, hoaxer. He became famous all over the world thanks to the bending of metal spoons (Wikipedia).

    ⁴ James Randi - Canadian-American illusionist and scientific skeptic, famous debunker of the paranormal and pseudoscientific theories (

    Objects begin to move without assistance, books rise to the ceiling, the spoon bends at a glance. Poltergeist, tricks of otherworldly forces or hallucinations? No, we are talking about telekinesis - the ability to move objects at a distance with the power of thought. Without touching them, without fraud and tricks. Let's find out when and where it came from what is telekinesis and can it be taught?

    Where did it all start?

    The concept of "telekinesis" first appeared in 1890, for which we should thank the Russian researcher Alexander Aksakov. One of his hobbies was the study of the human psyche.

    Note that the mention of telekinesis appeared even earlier.

    Street yogis in India put on a real show for the public - they lifted stones, jewelry and other objects into the air with the power of thought. However, it is not worth associating the phenomenon of telekinesis exclusively with yoga. For all the time of studying this phenomenon, experts came to the conclusion that the ability to move objects at a distance manifested itself in people who had nothing to do with spiritual practices.

    Interesting fact- telekinesis was possessed by those who survived a strong electric shock or lightning. Therefore, scientists put forward the theory that a strong electrical impulse is able to “turn on” hidden opportunities in every person.

    Telekinesis and real life examples

    Ninel Kulagina is a woman who repeatedly proved her telekinesis abilities to Soviet academics. She moved objects without touching them. She performed a similar trick with light rings, heavy decanters, and even sports weights.

    Scientists who were present at the experiment noted that barely noticeable thin and shiny lines appeared around Ninel's fingers.

    The subject claimed that it was her internal bio-energy that allowed her to move objects. Despite numerous experiments, the nature of this phenomenon still does not have an exact scientific explanation. Modern experts question the reliability of experiments with Ninel and consider her a scammer.

    Angelique Cotten is another lady who amazed others with her amazing abilities. It happened in 1846, when she was engaged in needlework with her friends. The girl accidentally pricked her finger, screamed, and at the same second the kerosene lamp flew off into the far corner of the room. The devilry is that no one touched the lamp ...

    If you study in detail telekinesis interesting facts from real life it won't be hard to find. Strange situations happened to different people and in different countries.

    Is training the key to supernatural powers?

    There is an opinion that everyone can master telekinesis. To do this, you do not need to stick your fingers into the socket or wait for a lightning strike, just believe in yourself and exercise regularly. The key to success is patience and the ability to abstract from everything that surrounds us and distracts us. There are many ways to help acquire unusual abilities. Consider a few popular options.

    Moving the void

    This exercise is considered the easiest, therefore it is recommended for beginners. Relax, take a deep breath, concentrate on one point in space and try to move the void (air) with the power of thought. Constant practice is the key to success. Do the exercise a couple of times a day for 10-15 minutes and do not despair if at first there is no result.

    Work with a sheet of paper

    Having trained on an imaginary point in space, we move on to real objects. Take a small piece of paper, place it perpendicular to your eyes, focus and try to turn it over.

    A lot has been said about telekinesis. Someone completely denies even the very possibility that special abilities can awaken in a person. Someone is skeptical about this issue, but leaves room for him to be convinced if there is quite weighty evidence.

    Someone certainly believes that people can have special psychic abilities that allow them to do things that most people cannot do. One way or another, there were talks about telekinesis and other unusual abilities ten, and a hundred, and a thousand years ago.
    But what is generally known about this skill? What it is? Telekinesis can be perceived as a fiction or as a reality, but it is definitely worth knowing about it. That is why you should read this article. Here you will learn the main points regarding telekinesis, what it is, and also how you can try to learn it.

    What it is?

    The first question that should be answered in case one of the readers has no idea about such a phenomenon is: what is it? Telekinesis is a supernatural ability that supposedly can awaken in certain people. It represents the ability to move objects in space through the power of thought alone. This means that no muscles of the body are involved in the process, that is, you cannot physically contact the object that you are trying to move.
    A lot of books have been written about telekinesis, scientists talk about it, it appears especially often in science fiction books, films and TV shows, so you hardly ever heard of it at all. However, there are some details that are rarely spoken openly. Now that you know what it is, telekinesis is a more interesting subject for you and deserves further research, isn't it?

    Where does telekinesis come from?

    As you already understood, telekinesis is the ability to move objects solely through the power of thought. However, this definition is extremely superficial, because it is not clear what the power of thought is. Scientists have been trying for years to explain what actually moves objects that are affected by people with telekinesis. Someone believes that the powerful physical fields that some people can emit allow them to lift objects into the air or move them on a plane. Other scientists claim electromagnetic pulse fields are the cause. Still others claim that the secret lies in acoustic signals, the duration of which is calculated in hundredths of a second.

    But the most popular, of course, is the theory of the existence of psychokinetic energy, which allows people to influence objects directly, without using any physical fields or impulses. Everyone has such energy, but it lies dormant in the depths of the subconscious, and if you want to wake it up, you will have to practice a lot. This is what will be discussed next. You will learn how to learn telekinesis, what exercises are needed for this, and also how long this process will take.

    Capabilities of the human brain

    Of course, this unusual theory also has opponents who believe that nothing of the kind exists and cannot exist. They say that the human brain has been studied in detail, so there is no point in trying to attribute to it something that is not really there. However, it is worth noting that the same thing was said about the same scientists a few decades ago. People believed that it was impossible to take a detailed picture of the brain, they did not know that it was possible to study the electronic signals in the brain and see it all on the pictures or directly on the computer. Now this is the norm, and no one questions that an MRI will really allow you to get all the information about your brain. The same goes for many still unproven abilities, such as telekinesis.
    It is quite possible that in a couple of decades the current period will be remembered as a time of distrust of the telekinesis common throughout the world. The bottom line is that the human brain is an incredible device that can hide amazing secrets. And you just need to create the right conditions to get the most out of it. Thus, if you want to learn how to learn telekinesis, you will first need to open your mind. If you do not believe in the existence of telekinesis, you will definitely not be able to succeed. The development of telekinesis will require a lot of time and effort from you, but if you purposefully go towards your goal, then you will have a good chance of success.

    Preparing the Body and Mind

    Before specific exercises for telekinesis are discussed here, you need to undergo training that will allow you to tune your body to the desired wave. Naturally, the most important thing in this matter is complete inner harmony and absolute peace. To achieve this state, it is recommended to use several simple and popular techniques. First, it is meditation. Every day you need to spend at least half an hour meditating, as this will allow you to tune your brain waves to the desired frequency, calm down, put aside all your problems and focus on your main task.
    Secondly, it is visualization. You need to visualize various mental images and objects, concentrate on them and hold them in your attention for a long period of time. This will allow you to develop your "mental muscles" which you can then use to move objects with your mind.
    Thirdly, it is self-confidence and a positive attitude. Remember that this is a very difficult task, so you will have to face setbacks and failures every day. Only if you believe in success and keep moving forward will you have a chance at gaining incredible abilities. The extraordinary power of telekinesis is so great that it's really worth what you plan to go through to get it.

    Moving the void

    So, now you already understand that you need to leave behind questions about whether telekinesis is possible. If you are still in doubt, it is better for you not to start the exercises, because you will only waste your time. If you are fully committed to success, then you can start with the basic exercise, which is moving the void. To do this, you need to completely relax and look at one point. Don't focus on specific items as they can be distracting and you definitely won't be able to move any item right away. Concentrate on empty space, or on air if the idea of ​​emptiness doesn't impress you. And then begin to imagine a certain area of ​​emptiness that you want to mentally drag from one place to another. You need to do this while in a completely relaxed state. Moreover, you need to do this every day in order to gradually accumulate skills and the total effect.

    Moving a sheet of paper

    However, you understand that telekinesis is the ability to move objects without contact, not air, so you need to do more than just basic exercises to accelerate progress. For example, you can tear off a small piece of paper and put it in front of your eyes. The smaller this sheet, the better, because at first your telekinetic abilities will not be impressive enough to cope with such a large object as a whole sheet of paper. Gather all your mental energy and direct it to a piece of paper, trying to turn it over with the power of your mind. You need to fully focus on this task and spend at least half an hour a day on it. Experts on the special abilities of people say that it is best to do this at night, when the number of distractions tends to zero.

    Hands up

    This is a rather unusual exercise that you can use to diversify the leaflet task. His goal will be a simple raising of hands. It would seem, what could be easier? However, there is one condition, which is that you cannot use your own muscles while doing this. Usually you think about raising your arms, your brain sends a signal to the necessary muscles, which carry out this process. You need to do the same, but only exclude muscles from this process. That is, you need to think about how to raise your hands, and do it without using your muscles. It will also allow you to make good progress in developing your telekinesis.

    paper cone rotation

    There are also higher order exercises that are much more difficult, but also much more effective. For example, you can hang a paper cone on a thread, and then stand at a short distance from it, starting to concentrate your psi energy in the solar plexus. When you feel the energy where you directed it, it's time to move it into the fingers of your outstretched hand. When you feel it in your hand, transfer it to the other hand, then repeat several times and bring it back to the solar plexus. Repeat this exercise several times, and then for the last time send energy to the fingers of the hand, with which you need to try to turn the paper cone in the direction you have chosen.

    Heavy artillery

    Paper is the simplest material for the work of a person who wants to learn telekinesis. Therefore, you should not focus only on this material, because there are more complex things that you need to master in order to fully train this ability. For example, you can use those items that have spinning elements. An excellent example is the compass needle, which is much more difficult to influence than paper. Accordingly, this exercise is already for advanced specialists, and not for beginners.

    Changing the shape of an object

    If you are already at a very high level of telekinesis, then you can start working on the strength of your unusual abilities, focusing on changing the shape of any objects. Of course, you should also start with lighter materials, but gradually move on to heavier and denser ones. One way or another, you need to concentrate not on the subject itself, but on its molecular structure, sending mental signals that you are able to change this structure. If you repeat such a large number of times in a row, then your psi-energy will gradually pass into the object you have chosen, changing its shape, thanks to which you will reach the pinnacle of perfection. You will quickly realize that telekinesis after such hard exercises will be much easier for you.


    So is it possible to move objects with the power of thought? No one can give you a clear answer to this question, but if you want to learn telekinesis, then you will definitely have to believe in it, and then you can proceed to the exercises described above.

    Angelique Cotten

    A case of spontaneous telekinesis happened to a French girl, Angelique Cotten, when she was 14 years old. On the evening of January 15, 1846, she and three village girls were embroidering. Suddenly, the needlework fell from their hands, and the lamp was thrown into a corner. Her friends blamed Angelica for everything, in whose presence strange things always happened: furniture was pushed back, chairs began to fly around the room.

    Her parents, hoping to make some money, organized a show in Mortana. The girl attracted the attention of the Parisian scientist Francois Arago.

    When the girl was in an "electrified" state, almost everything that touched her clothes bounced to the side. When Argo tried to touch the girl at the moment of her paroxysm, he experienced a shock, as from touching a source of electric current. If a magnet was placed next to her, even when she did not know about it, Angelica would begin to shake violently. The compass needles, however, did not respond to her presence. Most of the objects that moved with her were wooden.

    Angelica is not the only one with this ability. In 1888, Dr. Ercole Chiaya from Naples described the amazing medium Eusapia Palladino as follows: “This woman attracts the objects surrounding her and lifts them into the air. She plays musical instruments - organs, bells, tambourines, without touching them with her hands.

    She was shown to the famous psychiatrist, Professor Cesare Lombroso, who was shocked by what she was doing. Her ability to leave fingerprints in a cup of mastic was especially striking. She forced, even aggressively, the furniture to move towards the audience, and the hands materialized by her in the air, devoid of a corporeal shell, looked real.

    What is telekinesis

    Telekinesis is the ability to affect inanimate objects by force of will.- turn the compass needle, hang objects in the air, bend metal products, extinguish the flame of a candle at a distance. Among psychophysical phenomena: clairvoyance, telepathy, proscopia and others, the phenomenon of telekinesis is one of the most intriguing.

    These paranormal abilities have long haunted the human mind. They were known even to mystic yogis of antiquity, who, it is believed, could materialize objects from the air, move them, lift them into the air. In the twentieth century, such abilities began to be observed among representatives of younger civilizations who had never heard of yoga or any psycho-spiritual practices. What are these hidden psychic forces that allow people to influence objects without direct physical impact?

    How does telekinesis work?

    Some researchers argue that the impact occurs due to the formation of powerful physical fields (for example, it is noted that telekinesis generates strong pulsed fields of electromagnetic origin and acoustic signals with a duration of 0.1-0.01 s). Other researchers believe that the impact can occur due to mental effort (psychokinesis). At the same time, thought is considered as an intangible substance that influences intangible entities.

    The difficulty of studying the phenomenon of telekinesis is primarily due to the fact that it is extremely rare and manifests itself in a pronounced form in units. The results of experiments on telekinesis are poorly reproducible. This makes it difficult to study it by conventional methods in modern natural science. Often, the subjects themselves cannot explain how this happens, they cannot control this state at will, and it is difficult to reproduce it in subsequent experiments.

    How does telekinesis affect health?

    Experiments on telekinesis, even with outstanding phenomena, cannot be carried out endlessly, since its manifestation is associated with an extreme strain of physical and mental forces, which can significantly damage health. During the demonstration of telekinesis, there is a sharp activation of mental processes, an increase in blood pressure, heart rate. Even after the end of the experiment, the subject cannot return to normal for a long time.

    It has been noticed that telekinesis, like other parapsychological abilities, sometimes appears as a result of injuries, illnesses, stresses, electric shocks ... This confirms the idea of ​​the hidden reserves of the human body, especially the brain. There are cases in history when people, at a distance, bent, moved, hung forks, spoons and other objects in the air, as well as turned the compass needle, changed the course of the clock, dispersed the clouds, extinguished the flame of a candle.

    For example, one Western researcher has learned how to influence the ciliates-shoes observed in a microscope with a thought. With the effort of thought, one can also act on the growth of plants, the development of pathogenic fungi, on the metabolic process in a living organism, the treatment of wounds ...

    The ability to move large objects with the mind

    All this sounds so incredible that it would be easier to consider talking about telekinesis as fairy tales, but there are living phenomenal people who demonstrate unique abilities - they can move large objects with the “power of thought” (N.S. Kulagina), hang them in the air and hold them on weight for a long time (E.D. Shevchik). And such incidents are not uncommon.

    Scientists have long been interested in the question, what is the nature of such phenomena: the result of the actions of spirits or the power of the human mind? In 1854, the comte de Rasparin reported on successful experiments in moving a table in Switzerland, during which several people sitting around the table moved it by force of will. He believed that this phenomenon is due to some invisible force produced by the participants in the experiment themselves.

    Psychokinesis can occur with or without conscious effort. In 1912-1914. Everard Fielding, a member of the Society for the Study of Psychic Phenomena, studied the ability of the Polish medium Stanislawa Tomczuk. In a state of hypnosis, she controlled her abilities, making spoons and matchboxes move around without touching them.

    Austrians Willy and Rudi Schneider

    Austrians Willy and Rudi Schneider, who became world famous, could make a handkerchief rise from the floor, and it changed shape as if there was a hand inside it, and the knuckles of the fingers were clearly visible. Objects during their sessions moved around the room, although no one touched them. In the presence of both brothers, the German writer Thomas Mann watched as a bell standing on the floor rang vigorously by itself. Many scientists began to come to Braunau to see for themselves their abilities. Among them was Albert Freiherr, a physician and parapsychologist who, from the end of 1921, conducted a total of 124 experiments over the course of several years to study the abilities of the brothers.

    Another person who demonstrates telekinesis is B. V. Ermolaev, a specialist in the field of cinema. He picked up various objects (lighters, cigarettes, cigarette boxes, glasses, etc.), held these objects in his hands, and then let them go. The objects hung in the air at a distance of up to 5 cm from the hands. There are photographs showing hanging a cigarette, a box of matches. But the most curious thing is that he could hang matches in the air that fell out of the box.

    Uri Geller

    The so-called "Geller effect" became known to scientists who observed Uri Geller, who was born in Tel Aviv in 1946. Already at the age of four, his ability to bend metal spoons with an effort of thought was manifested. In 1972, American paranormal researcher Andria Pukharik brought him to the attention of physicists Russell Targ and Harold Putoff of the Stanford Research Institute in California. Geller's ability to clairvoyance made a special impression on them. It was said that he could read minds, bend keys and other metal objects with a simple touch or even a glance, start mechanisms and stop them.

    The British psychologist Kenneth Batcheldor, after 20 years of studying the phenomena of telekinesis, published in 1966 several reports containing the conclusion that psychokinesis was possible. However, the question of how psychokinetic effects are achieved with the help of the mind is still to be resolved.

    In recent years, telekinesis has been most actively studied by employees of Princeton University (USA) under the guidance of Dr. Robert Jahn, who is in charge of the laboratory of anomalous research. They were able to prove that a person can influence material objects with his psyche. According to a strictly verified methodology, thousands of experiments were conducted there, in which hundreds of people participated - men and women of different ages and professions. One of the groups was faced with the task of mentally influencing the oscillation of a pendulum placed under a transparent plastic cap. Five subjects managed to do this at any time of the day at a considerable distance, the rest only in isolated cases.

    The effect of telekinesis on technology

    Scientists have found that the power of the mind can influence a variety of devices and liquid media. These are ultra-precise chronometers, lasers, electrical circuits, generators of electromagnetic radiation, emulsions, colloidal solutions, water... The fact that thought is able to influence physical bodies is no longer a secret to anyone. If scientists accept this fact, it can change the entire scientific picture of the world.

    Some researchers suggest that each of us is endowed with similar "paranormal" abilities that were once natural to humans, they are just in a latent state. Future experiments may help unravel the nature of telekinesis more. So far, one can only state the fact of the existence of a special psi-energy that controls telekinesis.