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  • Syria prediction. Predictions about Syria and Russia from famous predictors. Wang about Syria and Russia

    Syria prediction.  Predictions about Syria and Russia from famous predictors.  Wang about Syria and Russia

    One of the most famous clairvoyants is Vanga, who has been helping people in need all her life. She became blind as a child, but received the gift of seeing things that the average person could not see. Many of Vanga's predictions are striking in their accuracy, which is why prophecies for the future are so popular among people.

    The well-known Bulgarian clairvoyant spoke about the events of the future, not only during the sessions, a large number of her notes have been preserved, which she dictated to the assistant. Vanga's prophecies concerned people who, in her words, "went off the righteous path."

    The anger that has settled in the souls will eventually lead to madness. Deception, disbelief in God, violence, all this will certainly come back to haunt humanity, and then people will think that they are living wrong. There are Vanga's predictions about the future, the implementation of which will still have to wait:

    1. At the beginning of the 21st century, doctors will be able to invent a drug that will defeat cancer. She spoke about the fact that the disease would be chained in "iron chains". Some people assume that the clairvoyant meant that the composition of the drug would include a lot of iron.
    2. A new source of energy will be created and this will happen in 2028. The seer also spoke about the fact that they would begin to actively use the energy of the sun, but oil production would completely stop.
    3. In 2033, as a result of the melting of ice, the sea level will rise. Vanga did not say anything about whether this would happen suddenly or simply the level of the World Ocean would increase in comparison with what it was during the life of a clairvoyant.
    4. Muslims will come to power in European countries, and this will happen in 2043. As a result, there will be positive changes in the economy.
    5. A breakthrough in medicine is expected, so in 2046 doctors will learn how to grow organs that can be transplanted into sick people.
    6. In 2088, a new tragedy awaits humanity - a disease that provokes rapid aging. In 11 years, doctors will find a cure for her.

    The clairvoyant said that the reserves of black gold would begin to run out and after a while it would completely run out, but no matter how strange it sounded, the Russian economy would not be seriously affected by this, but they would find areas for the development of the country. Vanga's predictions about Russia also relate to the fact that lucrative agreements will be signed with China and India, which will be the impetus for concluding a peace agreement with America. Relations with Ukraine are normalizing and people will understand that they are friendly people. Vanga's prophecies about Russia also concerned the fact that this country would contribute to the unification of other states.

    In the records of the seer, you can find a lot of information about different countries. Vanga's predictions about Ukraine concerned the political situation, and she said that sooner or later the people would get tired of the lies of the government and a coup would happen. As a result, a representative of the middle class will come to power, thanks to which the country will receive a new round upwards. Introducing the experience of Western countries, Ukraine will begin to develop rapidly. Vanga also noted the rise in the cultural development of the country.

    There are not so many records that dealt with America, but they still exist. For example, Vanga predicted that a black man would win the election, which happened. The seer spoke of the fact that the coastal states would be seriously affected by numerous tornadoes, tsunamis and floods. Vanga argued that America could “freeze”, but what this means and what environment it concerns is not clear, so it can refer to both nature and the economy. She also said that after some time the United States and Russia would improve relations and then everything would be stable in the world.

    Communicating with people, the seer repeatedly mentioned that Syria is a magical territory and great world events in the future will be associated with it. Vanga's predictions about the war emphasized that the fate of the whole world would be decided in this country. She said that superpowered states would clash on this territory. If a few decades ago these prophecies seemed strange, then judging by today's news, everything is not as vague as it seemed. Vanga described that the world would come out of the bloody slaughter in a completely different way and a new doctrine would unfold in Syria.

    The Bulgarian seer in her notes indicated that China would rise among other world powers, and if you look at the pace of development of this state, then the prediction could be quite real. The Republic of China every year occupies more and more niches in the world market for the production of various goods and services. Vanga's latest predictions indicated that the "mighty dragon" would conquer the world, people would use red money, and she also remembered the numbers 100, 5 and zeros. As you know, 100 yuan is red.

    In the records of the Bulgarian seer there is information that the third world war will begin and this will happen in the East. It is worth noting that many clairvoyants confirm this information. Vanga predicted everything vaguely and did not specifically mention the war, but spoke of serious trials for the entire planet. Problems will manifest themselves after Syria "falls." The first thing that will happen after this is a new faith will come, the so-called "White Brotherhood", which will come from Russia. To summarize, we can conclude that the cataclysms will begin due to religious contradictions.

    Like many other seers, Vanga agreed that the end of humanity would still happen. The terrible apocalypse will be related to water and, most likely, the global flood will repeat. Many are interested in when Vanga predicted the end of the world, for example, the Bulgarian seer pointed to the year 2378. She also talked about the fact that the Sun will go out for three years, and without it, all living things will die. Vanga's most terrible predictions are associated with an asteroid, due to which the heavenly body will go out and a flood will occur.

    Many prophecies made with the clairvoyant eventually became real, and among the most significant are the following:

    1. Death of Stalin. The soothsayer spoke about the death of the leader six months before the incident, and she named the exact date. It is worth noting that for what she said, she was sent to a Bulgarian prison.
    2. Death of Kennedy. Describing Vanga's predictions, which came true, one cannot lose sight of the fact that she knew about the assassination attempt on the American president four months before the tragedy.
    3. The collapse of the USSR. In 1979, the Bulgarian clairvoyant spoke about the changes that were coming and about the collapse of the great state.
    4. Disaster with the Kursk eyeliner. Many of Vanga's predictions seemed strange to people until they became a reality, and the tragedy that she spoke about back in 1980 can be attributed to them. She said that the Kursk would be under water in August 1999 or 2000, and then everyone thought it was about the city, not the submarine.
    5. Peace between America and Russia. Vanga said that she sees how the two leaders of the world shake hands, but will sign the final peace "Eighth". It is believed that the seer spoke about Gorbachev and Reagan, who shook hands, and the "Eighth" is Russia, which entered the "Big Seven".
    6. Attack in America. In 1989, the seer warned that a terrible tragedy would happen, and the American brothers would fall, pecked with iron birds. As a result, in September 2001, terrorists on planes flew into the twin towers, which collapsed, resulting in the death of a huge number of people.
    7. Own death. Vanga talked about her death 6 years before it became a reality.

    Not everything said by the clairvoyant became a reality, and the following prophecies can be attributed to them:

    1. Vanga's predictions for the future concerned the fact that in 1990 a tragedy was to occur - an explosion of an airplane carrying President Bush Sr. of America.
    2. The soothsayer also spoke about the fact that one of the Arab states would completely disappear.
    3. Vanga's good prediction did not become real either, according to which after 2000 there will be peace on earth and there will be no cataclysms and disasters.
    4. Wang prophesied for 2010 the beginning of the third world war, which will last four years.

    Vanga is known for her truthful predictions about the fate of powerful powers and their leaders. The blind clairvoyant described each upcoming event in such detail that there was no reason not to believe her. Recently, the whole world was struck by what Vanga said about Syria. The clairvoyant predicted the fall of the great republic. However, more about everything in our article.

    Before considering Vanga's predictions about Syria, we will briefly talk about the interesting and most striking facts from the life of the famous clairvoyant.

    The real name of the seer is Vangelia Gushterova Pandeva. Vanga was born in 1911, on October 3 in Yugoslavia (currently - Macedonia). It is known that the girl was born unhealthy - with undivided toes and hands. Vangelia was so weak that the doctors doubted her recovery. Her parents also believed in the bad, who did not even want to give a name to their daughter, so as not to rely on unrealizable hopes.

    Vanga's mother is dead. The girl was then only 3 years old. The father loved his daughter very much and always worried about her future. From early childhood, Vangelia began to show interest in medicine. All day long she treated her imaginary patients, acting as a qualified doctor.

    When the First World War began, Vanga's father went to the front, and after returning he married a kind and economic woman. Later, the father's land was taken away. The family had to leave the country and go to permanent residence in his father's native village.

    At the age of 12, Vangelia went for a walk with her comrades. Suddenly, a wind arose, which increased its power every second. Gradually, the bad weather turned into a huge funnel, which picked up the poor girl and began to spin her in her dark abode. As the seer herself later claimed, something touched her head that gave her the strength to survive.

    The girl woke up 2 km from the house. The eyes were covered with dust, the body was covered with foliage and branches, and the head ached terribly from a powerful fall. Later, the girl's eyes hurt badly. The family decided to see a doctor. The doctor advised to start the operation immediately. But, unfortunately, the father did not have time to raise funds. The girl was completely blind.

    In 1925, her father decided to send Vangelia to a shelter for the blind in Serbia, in the city of Zemun, where the girl received basic knowledge and skills. Here Vangelia knew love. Dimitar - that was the name of the girl's chosen one. Later, the young decided to get married, but fate decreed otherwise.

    After the death of her stepmother, her father asked the girl to return home and help with the housework. So Vangelia said goodbye to her lover forever.

    One day my father lost one of the sheep. He was very worried, because he could be driven away, thereby depriving him of his main income. But Vangelia said that Anastas had the animal. Then the parent was surprised at the words of his daughter, but later realized that the girl was right. When asked how she found out about this, Vangelia said that she saw everything in her dream.

    In 1942, the news that a real seer lives in one of the villages struck the whole of Bulgaria. Many people came to her to learn about their fate and recover from terrible diseases.

    It is also known that Vanga was visited by politicians and famous people. For Hitler, the seer predicted defeat in the war, and for Stalin, the exact date of death. For this, she was even imprisoned, but later released when the prediction came true.

    Vanga foresaw that, finally, there would be a cure for cancer, in 2018 there would be progress in energy, scientists would discover the secret of the origin of life, and the Soviet Union would be restored. The seer also asserted with confidence that the Russian state would gain great power and support. This great event will also have to be accepted by America.

    But at the moment, many are interested in the question of what Vanga said about Syria. There are many nuances here. We will talk about this further.

    As the seer herself said: "This republic has always seemed to me a mysterious and magical territory." A few decades ago, the great clairvoyant of the 20th century mentioned Syria in her prophecies. Then it surprised a lot of people, because at that time everything was calm in the country and there could be no talk of war.

    Later, Vanga wrote a note about Syria: “The fate of the world will be decided in this state.”

    Before her death, the seer left a prophecy, which became the true key to unraveling the bloody events taking place in this country today. She also pointed out that the war would decide the fate of many powers and put everything in its place, secret conspiracies and the true thoughts of many political leaders would be revealed.

    Back in the mid-90s, Vanga said about Syria that this country would be at the center of events that would bring a new war and global crisis to the whole world. The clairvoyant noted that it was this territory that would divide interests and bring several superpowerful states face to face.

    Members of NATO and the United States, distributing money and weapons to the rebels, will try to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. Russia and China will try to maintain peace and tranquility in this state, doing their best to resist the uprisings and the resulting chaos.

    And so it happens. Now weapons are being delivered to Syrian opponents, terrorist forces from Islamic states are being transferred to the occupied territory. It is easy to guess who is behind everything that is happening.

    Vanga said about Syria: “It will not be so easy to bring this state to its knees, as in the case of Libya. This war will drag everyone into its abode without exception. And the world will come out of this bloody slaughter in a completely different way. Soon a new teaching will come to Syria.”

    The seer also said that many asked her the question of whether the republic would soon fall, and would it fall at all? Vanga always spoke about the war in Syria in a mysterious way. “It will not happen soon, but she will fall and fall at the feet of the wrong winner” - these words became the final ones in the prophecy.

    Why the world is waiting for global changes after this war, Vanga did not answer. The seer referred only to the Bible, noting that the Holy Scriptures say that Syria will become a place that will change the fate of all mankind, because the very first murder once happened here (Cain killed his brother Abel).

    But Vanga spoke about Syria in a positive way. The seer claimed that the outcome of the war would be the victory of good over evil. Wars will finally stop, lies will be wiped off the face of the Earth, theft and lies will exhaust themselves.

    The Bulgarian healer and fortuneteller claimed that Russia would lose its positions, and then regain strength again for further victories and achievements. At the same time, an experienced and good-natured person will rule the country. Europe will remain the old, conservative territory, and will never be able to look younger.
    Vanga's prediction about Syria and Russia was only announced in the new century. So the seer herself wanted, telling her successor about it before her death.

    As for America, here the clairvoyant was firm. The United States will win the war, but this once-powerful state will have many enemies who will burn with the desire to avenge the invasion. America will not be able to completely eradicate Islamic fundamentalism. On this basis, the United States will recede into the background and will never interfere in the conflicts of other states.

    Here in the first place is the Russian state, which will grow stronger every day and take a leading position in world politics and economics. “Finally, goodness and justice will reign,” Vanga says of Syria and Russia.

    Vanga's predictions about the war in Syria are slowly coming true. It is difficult to say why it was just before her death that this mysterious woman had visions of the upcoming war.

    It should be noted that Vanga mentioned Syria and other countries too often. Perhaps the seer saw in her dreams terrible events from which, first of all, ordinary people suffered.

    The clairvoyant also predicted her own death. It is worth saying that Vanga suffered from an oncological disease, but refused to be treated by doctors. She spent her last days in a hospital room. The day before her death, she asked for water and bread, and to wash her body. After that, the seer said that she was ready to leave.

    On the morning of August 11, 1996, Vanga died. And so ended the path of the most famous soothsayer of the 20th century.

    Oddly enough, Vanga's prediction about Syria and Russia comes true. We hope that this war will be the last in the world.

    Media news

    Partner news

    The prediction of the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, where she mentions Syria: “When the field flower ceases to smell, when a person loses the ability to sympathize, when the river water becomes dangerous, then a general destructive war will break out”; "War will be everywhere, between all peoples..."; "The truth about the end of the world should be sought in old books"; “What is written in the Bible will come true. Apocalypse is coming!Not you, but your children will then live!

    “Mankind is destined for many more cataclysms and turbulent events. The consciousness of people will also change. Hard times are coming, people will be divided by their faith. The most ancient teaching will come into the world. They ask me when this will happen, soon? No, not soon. Syria has not yet fallen. Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will be the wrong one!”

    Venerable Bishop of Sissania and Siatitzi Father Anthonyabout future times and Syria: "... grief will begin with the events in Syria. When terrible events begin there, start praying, praying hard. From there, from Syria, everything will begin! After them, expect grief in our country, hunger and grief.

    In the last few days we have been asking him all the time - Vladyka, what will begin, how, tell us. He said what he would say, but he rested like that, but all the time he repeated these words about Syria. Then we did not understand everything, now it became clear to us ... ".

    The famous American "sleeping" prophetEdgar Caycepredicted the outbreak of World War III. He said that the feuds arising "... in Libya, in Egypt, in Ankara, and in Syria, in the straits above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf, will lead to the beginning of a world conflict."

    soothsayerJoanna Southcott(England), which foresaw the beginning of the French Revolution, the rise and fall of Napoleon, warned back in 1815: "When war breaks out in the East, know that the end is near."

    Apparition of the Virgin MaryAmerican clairvoyant Veronica Luken: “The Mother of God now looks sad. I see she points to what looks like a map. Oh my God! I look at the map. Oh, I see Jerusalem and Egypt, Arabia and French Morocco in Africa. Oh my god! These countries are currently in very thick darkness. Oh my God! The Mother of God says: "The beginning of the Third World War, my child." Now another card. I see Israel and neighboring countries. They were all on fire...

    The war must escalate, the carnage intensify. The living will envy the dead, so great will be the suffering of mankind.”

    There will be a big war in the future. It will coincide with the war in the Middle East.”

    “Syria will be the key to peace or World War III. It will be the destruction of three quarters of the globe. The world is on fire because of the orb of redemption."

    The Ball of Atonement - this is how Veronica Luken calls an unusual comet star that will appear in the sky of our planet in the near future.

    The Sibyl of Eritreathere is a prediction about the future fate of Syria.

    Now I am crying for you, unfortunate Syria.
    Reason has left you, Thebes; terrible sounds
    Loudly calling flutes, a formidable trumpet echoes them -
    So you will see your land cast into dust.
    Canto 7, 115-118.

    Thebes, in this case, is an ancient city in Upper Egypt, near modern Luxor.

    Isaiah's prediction about Syria.

    17.1 - Behold, Damascus is excluded from the number of cities and will be a heap of ruins.

    17:2 The cities of Aroer will be abandoned, they will be left for the flocks that will rest there, and there will be no one to frighten them.

    17:3 The stronghold of Ephraim and the kingdom of Damascus with the rest of Syria will not be; with them it will be the same as with the glory of the children of Israel, says the Lord of Hosts.

    Armageddon is the place of the last battle between good and evil (Antichrist), which will take place in the "end times", during the second coming of the Messiah.

    The texts of the prophecies about Armageddon also speak of people from the country "from the north" who will come along with Gog. From the predictions of the seers it follows that the Antichrist will be an American, respectively, the western country of Magog - North America.

    In the predictions about the “end times”, another northern people is mentioned who will fight the armies of the Antichrist in the land of Israel. According to the plans, this is a union of Slavic peoples from the north. Since two nations will take part in the battle of Armageddon, who will come from the north, it is necessary to distinguish between their role in this battle. One northern nation is the troops of the Antichrist from North America, the other nation is the Russians, who will come from the north of Eurasia and destroy Satan.

    Perhaps he mentioned the same period of timeMichel Nostradamus.

    5 - 26
    Slavic people thanks to military luck
    Rise to the highest level.
    They will change the prince, a provincial will appear.
    The army, having risen to the mountains, will pass by the sea.

    1-2. Victorious military operations of the Russian armies in the war with the Antichrist. The military-political rise of Russia ("the highest level").
    “And in the days of those kingdoms, the God of heaven will raise up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, and this kingdom will not be transferred to another people; it will crush and destroy all kingdoms, and itself will stand forever ... ". (Dan. 2:44).
    The prophet Danilo does not say about what kind of people the “eternal kingdom” will be given: “The kingdom and power and the majesty of the kingdom in all under heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will serve and obey Him (Dan. 7:27).
    3. The change of the former Russian ruler and the coming to power of a new head of state from the provinces.

    4. Obviously, the campaign of Russian troops through the Caucasus mountains and the Black Sea to destroy the Antichrist.

    from here

    I think that before September 10, volatility in the market should increase. In the event of a UWB attack on Syria before the G20 summit, most likely (especially if the Pindos crap) Obama will not fly to St. Petersburg. This will be a huge mistake for the West, because there will be two newsmakers at this summit - Russia and China. Agreements will be announced on the most important issues of interaction: military cooperation, energy (Gazprom will be affected, which will accelerate the growth of prices for its shares), geopolitical cooperation. Everyone will be shown that Pindostan is no longer a monopoly on super important news and that everything can be solved without UWB. Everyone will see that there is no Obama and ... nothing has changed (what is, what is not), that the Pindos, it seems, are not really needed to solve important issues of world civilization. If there is no strike before the summit and Obama arrives in Russia, then we will still see that Russia and China will become the center of attention. See above. Only journalists or someone else can start asking Obama uncomfortable questions and do not forget that our president is a graduate of not only Leningrad University, but also the higher school of the KGB of the USSR, and there people were taught to do very serious nasty things to opponents. Therefore, I expect that during the summit there may be news waves not in favor of our American "friends". If Obama fails to put pressure on Putin and he understands (or he is directly told) that the freebie is over and he will no longer look into his mouth and no longer lick his ass, then immediately after the summit, you can expect the start of air defense bombings in Syria. This is where the fun begins.
    You can not believe the first statements of the Pindos, and no matter how the bombing goes, they will still say that everything is buzzing and they destroyed the air defense of Syria. Therefore, on the first trading day after the impact, the dollar will rise, oil will rise, the American market will begin to grow, the last uncuts from our securities (Gazprom, Rosneft, Sberbank, Lukoil) may come out, like, and then all of you will also be fucked. But in a day or two, real information about Syrian losses will go out, or the Jews will try to probe the Syrian air defense, or simply decide to bomb Damascus a little (maybe we’ll hit Assad). And now, if the adversary’s aviation begins to suffer losses or more, if the Syrians suddenly manage to get at least one Pondos or Jewish ship with Onyx or similar missile systems, then a backlash will begin. The dollar will start a long-term downtrend. And in general, for the UWB, this war can be the beginning of the end, as the empire of the West and the stronghold of all satanic Western forces (with all their GMOs, the wedding of pederasts, juvenile justice, etc.). If the issue of Syria settles down and it becomes clear that the Pindos with all sorts of Qatars, Saudis and Bahrains does not shine, then you can safely buy our oil industry and Gazik. This will mean that no gas and oil pipelines from the aforementioned Wahhabis will be laid through Syria. At least for the next 15 years. This is my view on the upcoming events in the world, which are likely to become the main drivers of movements in the markets. The strength of technical analysis and generally economic conditions will be much reduced in the next 3 weeks.

    During her lifetime, the Bulgarian seer Vanga was famous for giving accurate predictions. She spoke about the fate of countries, peoples, about significant changes that will take place in the future. Vanga's prediction about Syria and the Third World War is especially relevant, because. military operations are taking place all over the world.

    Negative predictions about Syria

    Vanga's prediction about Syria is already coming true. According to the clairvoyant, 2020 will be the beginning of inevitable transformations. Even during her lifetime, the clairvoyant predicted conflicts that the country could not avoid. She talked a lot about Russia, because. For her, it was a second home. Contemporaries interpret the healer's predictions and associate them with the current situation. Now her words have a different meaning.

    Vanga spoke about Syria and Russia with sadness. To repeat verbatim, it became painful for her every time she looked into the future.

    Predictions for next year:

    • the future will be the result of past mistakes;
    • until Syria gets away from the conflict, does not find a way to resolve it, the entire world order will be under threat;
    • Syria, Russia, Ukraine will play a major role in the coming conflicts;
    • since 2020, a series of frustrated international negotiations begins; countries will begin to pursue a dual policy, and international relations will worsen.

    Syria will be just the beginning of a problem that will soon affect everyone. In order for the country not to fall, the Syrians will have to fight not only for justice, but also for peace. In 2020, there will be significant decisions to be made, problems to be solved within countries; events will occur that will not allow a quick resolution of the brewing conflict.

    World War III

    World War III is the most negative prediction for 2020. Many magicians, astrologers, elders talk about this conflict. The events of previous years only hastened its approach. 2018 was a test, and not all countries passed it.

    Vanga's predictions about the third world war are associated with a serious confrontation, the problem will begin with trifles. First, each country participating in the future conflict will hide behind noble motives. Different nations will fight for a just cause. True motives will be revealed later.

    The prediction is intertwined with the prediction of the beginning of the division of the world.

    The confrontation between Europe and the West with Russia and Asia will continue. The Third World War, according to the seer, will begin unnoticed - the countries will not even understand that they have already made fateful decisions. The prediction began to come true: a conflict arose in which there is neither right nor wrong. The clairvoyant said with regret that numerous deaths would be in vain.

    Background of the war

    Vanga's predictions about the war are not fully understood for the reason that the clairvoyant saw a whole picture of the future. She knew where certain events would lead. The Smolensk tragedy and the death of the Polish president were the first step on the road to war. The clairvoyant often spoke about them, but did not go into details. The next event that brought the war closer was the conflict in the Donbass, in which Russia was presented as the main culprit.

    According to the seer, for a great power to fall, weapons are not required. She foreshadowed attacks that undermined the country's economy. The policy of the last months of 2018 confirms the words of the seer. Sanctions and prohibitions also apply to war. The healer's latest predictions related to the events of early 2020: without giving exact dates, she spoke of wrong political decisions that would force countries to take drastic measures.

    The beginning of the conflict

    If we summarize all the predictions of the clairvoyant, it will be possible to understand that the Third World War has already begun. The fortuneteller says that the conflict between Russia and Georgia was decisive, and the situation with Syria accelerated the outbreak of hostilities.

    If the war starts later than the conflicting parties openly express their dislike, it will no longer be stopped. The exact date of the start of hostilities was not named. The seer was afraid that her words would be used against peaceful people. According to her, the conflict will begin by the end of 2020. The country that lies between Russia and the West will fall first. The clairvoyant did not go into details. According to her, a nuclear attack will happen a year later. She will indicate that World War 3 will not end soon.

    The soothsayer foretold Europe that at the beginning of 2020 she would have difficulties with resources. This will be one of the reasons why countries will start to compete. The economic crisis of 2020 will hardly harm ordinary people.

    Features of 2020

    Vanga's prediction about Syria and the world situation, the future is overshadowed by three significant events. The first will be that the European countries will be weakened even before the start of the world war. From the middle of 2020, the life of Europeans will change dramatically. The second reason for the start of the military conflict is related to the beginning of 2020. The seer said that Russia would enter into a confrontation with Turkey, and then with America. The winner of the conflict will take an ambiguous position, from that moment the conclusion of secret agreements and thinking over plans will begin.

    Predictions for 2020:

    • Russia will be affected by the economic crisis, which will cause riots;
    • the conflict on the territory of Ukraine will not stop;
    • the winner in the war with Syria will bring even more tension to international relations;
    • international organizations will try to influence the conflict, but they will fail to do so;
    • countries that are accustomed to stability will be forced to start fighting for resources.

    Inaccurate predictions

    Vanga's predictions were not always accurate. The world war, according to the seer, is the result of decisions made. The clairvoyant spoke of the reconciliation of warring peoples. Contemporaries associate this forecast with Russia and Ukraine.

    In Syria (Assyria) a real winner emerged, and not a ghostly one at whose feet most of the territories of present-day Iraq and Syria were laid before! Vanga's prediction that "Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the one" came true!

    Everyone was waiting for the moment when Syria would fall under the blows of ISIS. But no one, or almost no one, noticed how the ghostly winner changed to the real one. This event has happened. The date of this event is known to all - 09/30/15, when Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad personally wrote a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin asking him for military support. From what - such conclusions follow? Syria is almost captured by ISIS terrorists, 80% of its territory is under their control, this is exactly what indicates that Syria has fallen. Assad's troops are melting away and over the 4 years of the struggle they have been pretty exhausted and frayed. The United States and Western countries starved Syria, waited for the regime itself to fall ( that is, the United States and Western Europe should have become the winners of Syria). They created and fed ISIS. But what did they need it for? Through Syria, it was possible to lay a gas pipeline to Europe, as well as oil at lower prices. Complete energy independence from Russia. But what did Vanga say?

    "Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will be the wrong one!" That is, the winner was planned to be the United States with its brainchild of ISIS, but the winner will be different - Russia. Here is the secret meaning of her prediction.

    So what did Vanga say: it began with the fact that the Bulgarian seer back in 1978 started talking about the arrival in the world of a new ancient teaching of a certain "White Brotherhood" (we know only one ancient teaching associated with the concept of the White Brotherhood - this is the "Vedas"), which Vanga connected with the changes in Syria: “They ask me:“ Will this time come soon? No, not soon. Assyria has not yet fallen! Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will be the wrong one! After that, according to the fortuneteller, an update will begin in Russia, which will spread to the whole world. (that is, after our victory in Syria, her ancient faith, the Vedas, will revive in Russia).
    Vanga was not talking about Syria, but about Assyria - an ancient state in the Northern Mesopotamia, on the territory of modern Iraq. Assyria lay north of Babylonia along the upper Tigris and the basins of the Big Zab and Little Zab rivers; in our time, its borders would be the borders of Iran in the east, Turkey in the north and Syria in the west. In general, modern Iraq north of the Euphrates includes most of the ancient territory of Babylonia and Assyria. Now most of this territory is occupied by ISIS.
    If you believe the words of the seer, then the Third World War will begin with the fall of Syria and spread to Europe, in 2016 Europe will be empty and cold. Now it is 2015 and we see how the Syrian people are fleeing to Europe in an endless stream, and the people of the country, in part, are the country. That is, there is, in fact, the fall of Syria, at the feet of the winner (the United States and Western Europe). Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same, these are the words of Vanga.
    In this situation, Europe in part is that ghostly winner, because they helped the United States to bomb Syria, of course they are not quite winners, only in part, but still they can be considered as winners in this confrontation, Europe achieved those results, for the sake of which it was intended to rock the Middle East. Therefore, the countries of Europe are the winners, and the Syrian people are crumbling at his feet.
    But suddenly, on September 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin asked the Federation Council to allow the use of the contingent of the Russian Armed Forces outside the country, at the request of the legitimate authorities of Syria.

    Syria fell at the feet of the United States and Europe, but they were never able to completely conquer this country, Russia prevented. So it turns out from Vanga's prediction: Syria will collapse at the feet of the US and Europe, but the winner will be Russia! Russia will help destroy ISIS, liberate Syria and Iraq, along with Iran, Hezbollah, Syrians, Iraqis, etc.
    We are on the threshold of great changes that are taking place here and now. Get Ready: Appearance of the Virgin Mary to American clairvoyant Veronica Luken: “The Mother of God is now looking sad. I see she points to what looks like a map. Oh my God! I look at the map. Oh, I see Jerusalem and Egypt, Arabia and French Morocco in Africa. Oh my god! These countries are currently in very thick darkness. Oh my God! The Mother of God says: "The beginning of the Third World War, my child." Now another card. I see Israel and neighboring countries. They were all on fire...
    The war grows, the carnage intensifies. The living will envy the dead, so great will be the suffering of mankind.”
    There will be a big war in the future. It will coincide with the war in the Middle East.”
    « Syria will be the key to peace or World War III. It will be the destruction of three quarters of the globe. The world is on fire because of the orb of redemption."
    The Ball of Atonement - this is how Veronica Luken calls an unusual comet star that will appear in the sky of our planet in the near future.

    Why exactly after the fall of Syria, global changes await humanity, Vanga did not say. But the answer to this question can be found if you look in the Bible. Syria in antiquity once already became a place that changed the fate of the world: here the first ritual murder on Earth took place. In Damascus, pilgrims are shown the place where Cain, the eldest son of Adam and Eve, killed his brother Abel. It is called the Cave of First Blood. Local theologians, both Muslim and Christian, provide evidence that the tragedy occurred here:
    - Firstly, the crevice resembles a mouth with a tongue and teeth open in a scream - the mountain screamed in horror when the atrocity happened. Secondly, on the stone there is an imprint of the palm of the archangel Gabriel, whom the Lord sent to hold the rock, which was about to crush the murderer. God appointed another punishment for the villain - for forty years he carried the body of his brother with him everywhere, looking for death, but neither man nor beast dared to touch him. Abel is buried twenty kilometers from Damascus. And now there is blood again. It turns out that the mystical circle of murders, which began in Syria back in biblical times, is now closed - here again brother turned against brother!

    Many politicians now say that humanity is on the verge of a third world war and that the Syrian conflict could become the impetus for it. But the wise Vanga believed in the victory of good. Remember her words that after the fall of Syria, a new doctrine will come into the world. Here is Vanga's prophecy about him:
    “The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the Earth, there will be no violence and theft. Wars will stop, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it. The earth is entering a new period of time, which can be characterized as the time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us, it comes whether we like it or not. The new time will require new thinking, a different consciousness, qualitatively new people, so that the harmony in the Universe is not disturbed.”
    God grant that the conflict in Syria becomes the last war on Earth!

    Will the Western countries and the United States have enough reason and wisdom to establish peace or the energy moment has overshadowed their heads. Will they come to terms with a clear defeat in Syria, because Russia has done so much in half a month that the Westerners have not been able to do in years.

    But what about Russia?

    Vanga - about the future of Russia
    1 “Everything will melt like ice, and only one thing will remain - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. Nobody can stop Russia. She will sweep everything away from her path and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world.».
    2 "Russia will lose weight and take its place again."
    3 "In Russia, many new people will be born who will be able to change the world."
    4 "Life will be found in space, and it will become clear how life appeared on Earth."
    5 "A big city will be excavated in the ground, so people will learn more about their past."
    6 “In 2018, trains will fly on wires from the sun. Oil production will stop, the earth will rest.”

    All in our hands!