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  • Monks' predictions for the year. Abel is a prophetic monk. Predictions of the monk Abel about Russia and its future. Biography of the monk Abel

    Monks' predictions for the year.  Abel is a prophetic monk.  Predictions of the monk Abel about Russia and its future.  Biography of the monk Abel

    Scientists-astrologers were valued at all times. They were especially held in high esteem among kings and other nobles. During their reign, the monarchs turned to these people for help in solving many state problems, listened to their horoscopes and sacredly believed every word.

    It is worth noting that many of the astrologers, studying the movements of the planets, made quite plausible forecasts. To date, Abel remains the most famous and talented soothsayer in the entire history of the Russian Empire. Throughout his life, he kept a book, which he called "Zero scary book." This document contains a lot of useful information, including prophecy of the monk Abel about Russia for 2017.

    Prophecies by the stars seem unrealistic, but Abel was able to read the movements of the planets so subtly and correctly interpret the information received that his words continue to come true to this day. Of the monk's predictions that came true, one can single out the war in 1917, the exact dates of the death of Russian emperors, as well as the beginning of World War II.

    There is an opinion that the well-known predictions of St. Basil the Blessed, Vasily Nemchinov and Grigory Rasputin are based precisely on the texts of the monk Abel. What did the monk see in the future of Russia? Should we be afraid of his words, or is it not necessary to attach great importance to them?

    The life of the Russian predictor, who drew his visions from the movement of the planets, began in the Tula region in the small village of Akulovo. The boy was named Vasily, and until the age of 28 he led a completely ordinary life: he plowed in the field, got married, and got kids. But one moment, Vasily decides to radically change his life - he goes to the Valaam Monastery and takes monastic vows.

    A year later, he retires to a remote island, where he becomes a hermit, fenced off from the bustle of the world. After Abel settles on the island, the spirit of a soothsayer wakes up in him, which does not fade away until his death.

    The monk explains his visions with a voice that spoke to him from heaven. This holy voice led him to the manuscript where all the secrets of our world were written. Abel delved into reading and discovered a lot of new things about the fate of Russia. After the knowledge gained, the monk heard an order to tell the people about everything. He wandered for a long time and came to the walls of the Nikolo-Babaevsky monastery, where he settled. The first book of Abel was written in these parts.

    It is noteworthy that the prophet saw the date of his death forty years before this sad event. His works were hidden from prying eyes for a long time, so as not to stir the soul of a simple man in the street.

    What happened to the ancient manuscripts

    For a long time, the authorities hid the writings of the prophet Abel under seven locks. Only after the collapse of the Soviet Union came to light a few books that were in government archives. Unfortunately, the manuscripts have not survived to this day, from which scientists were able to take only small sketches that were set forth in historical ancient writings.

    Until now, there are rumors among many experts that most of the knowledge about the future of Russia is in the archives of the Lubyanka and is guarded with all seriousness.

    Abel's predictions for Russia

    The clairvoyant confirmed his great gift during his lifetime, so you should not doubt his prophecies. It's already the 21st century, and his words continue to come true. The monk made many predictions for Russia.

    In particular, he noted that a man of small stature would lead the country three times. As you can see, this figure is very similar to the current President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. Abel called him the second Boris, only several times more powerful.

    Monk rather vaguely outlined the future of the Russian Federation, but modern scientists have been able to piece together a rough picture of what awaits us in 2017 and after it:

    • power will go to 10 kings (most likely, the Russian Federation will collapse into several separate states);
    • an unknown warrior will appear on the political arena, who will start a battle and shed a lot of blood;
    • at the helm of government will be another native of the swamp with the same green eyes;
    • society will hate a person with a long nose, but this will not prevent him from gathering around himself a multi-million army of defenders;
    • The Golden-haired Lady will drive three chariots;
    • all the perpetrators of human suffering will be punished at the moment when power passes to the “Great Potter”.

    The voiced predictions for Russia look like the plot of some old Russian fairy tale. However, there is one main difference that distinguishes Abel's words from a fairy tale story - sooner or later they come true.

    The interpreters saw in the prophecies of the monk a turning point that will happen in 2017. Many associate it with the end of the crisis in Russia, as well as the cessation of hostilities in the Donbass.

    Abel's End of the World

    Visions of the clairvoyant Abel reached the year 2892. Then, according to the prophet, the end of the world will come, which will be marked by the appearance of the Antichrist. For many, many years, humanity will plunge into pitch darkness, and a certain shepherd will rule the people.

    Only after 1050 years have passed will people be able to renew themselves, and the dead will rise from their graves. And it is not clear who will be destined to live eternal life, and who will face decay and imminent death.

    Many people who want to lift the veil of the future are interested in Abel's predictions and prophecies for 2017. In ancient times, every princely, royal or imperial court could not do without an astrologer. On his shoulders lay the study of the movement of the stars, the compilation of horoscopes, the prediction of a good time for marriage or military conquests. There were also many such people in the Russian state. One of the most mysterious and famous personalities is the monk Abel. In the manuscripts he traced the truths that had been revealed in his life. The main work was called "The Terrible Book". What was foreordained was not always positive. Due to the anger of the rulers, the seer had to sit in the walls of dungeons for more than 20 years.

    Archival documents show that many of his statements came true down to the last detail:

    • fighting in 1917;
    • military aggression of Napoleon;
    • the departure of Russian emperors from life;
    • the fall of the Romanov family;
    • World War II.

    It is believed that many of his works turned out to be successive for the works of V. Blessed. It is worth understanding what the monk predicted for the Russian Federation and other states in the coming years.

    Biographical facts about Abel

    People who express a desire to study the predictions of the monk Abel for 2017 also simultaneously examine all the known data about his life in order to understand what kind of person he was. The thorny path of the prophet began in 1757. He was born into an ordinary Tula family in the village of Akulovo. The boy was named Vasil. For the first 28 years, his life path was quite ordinary. He was a field worker, fell in love, had a wife and kids. Then events unfolded in an unpredictable way for others. The man went to live in the walls of the Valaam monastery, took the tonsure. A year later, he realized that he must remain in seclusion on the island wasteland. This step meant the final renunciation of worldly fuss. It was then that his gift as a seer was revealed.

    The revelations he received were like a voice calling from heaven. The monk followed him, and an invisible guide led him to the manuscript, which contained a description of the secrets of the universe. Abel got acquainted with the chapters concerning the fate of Russia, and heard the command of a voice to pass on the acquired knowledge to other people. After that, the seer began to travel around the cities and subsequently settled in the Nikolo-Babaevsky Monastery, where his first book was written.

    Many people are tempted to know Abel's predictions about the future in 2017 after reading his fulfilled prophecies. The monk claimed that Catherine would reign for 40 years (it was the 40th year of the reign of the mistress). Paul was to be the heir apparent. The ruler learned about the content of Abel's work and ordered him to be thrown into prison. He had to languish there until the prediction came true. When, after the departure from the life of Catherine, Paul came to power, who had a considerable interest in everything mystical and mysterious, the monk was ordered to be released. His works seemed curious to the emperor, and he wanted to study them.

    Abel set off on wanderings, again ended up on about. Balaam. There he wrote a second book, full of not the most rosy prophecies. The text of the work said that Paul would not be able to rule for a long time and that malefactors would destroy him. The emperor's sympathy quickly vanished, and he followed the example of his predecessor, sharpening the monk again. When the predestined came true at the time clearly determined by the seer, he was brought to the walls of the Solovetsky Monastery. They were afraid to give the monk absolute freedom, because his words could confuse and intimidate the people. Reading in historical chronicles about all these events, the accuracy of the words of the seer, people today still feel the desire to get acquainted with Abel's predictions for 2017.

    In prison, another work was written, which described in detail the upcoming battle with Napoleon. This was learned by Alexander the First, who ordered the monk to be placed in the prison walls until the destined to come true. As a result, French troops attacked Russia. The emperor demanded that Abel be brought to him. However, their conversation never took place. The approximate ruler, Prince Golitsyn, himself wanted to know what kind of threat hung over the ruling house and state.

    The conversation ended with the monk being sent on a pilgrimage to shrines. It was forbidden to spread about the seen visions. Only a few years later the world learned that the new emperor, Nicholas the First, would rule the state, as well as how and when he would die. Again, Abel was destined to be in the prison walls, where his life ended. The monk knew about the date of his death four decades before its immediate onset. His work was hidden from the eyes of ordinary people for many years.

    The fate of Abel's works

    The authorities did not want the townsfolk to touch the mysteries of the future. The seer during his lifetime was carefully hidden from contact with the masses. Today, wanting to know the predictions of Elder Abel for 2017, people are persistently looking for documentary evidence of his existence. Before the collapse of the USSR, few people even knew about this name. The books written by the prophet could not be saved. It is believed that the kings burned them mercilessly. However, fragmentary records, retold in the text of chronicles or letters, the researchers managed to find. Citizens of the Russian Federation even now have to wonder if the letters are hidden in one of the archives of the Lubyanka.

    Abel's predictions for the 21st century and 2017

    It is believed that the monk predicted the government of the country and the resignation of B. Yeltsin. In addition, he knew about the presidency of Putin, who personified the second such bright figure of a titan-giant, like Boris. It was assumed that at the time of their reign, the state would be in a state of deepest economic decline and would suffer from disasters. Boris will leave his post unexpectedly, the post of ruler will be "a man with a small stature." The soothsayer also spoke of a person who would lead the state three times. Abel argued that the Russian Federation was to become a great power and the center of Orthodox life.

    Researchers still think about many words of the prophet. For example, monk Abel's predictions about Putin for 2017 and previous years puzzled the public a lot, because he actually served as president three times. In the future, ten kings will be replaced on the throne. A faceless swordsman will also appear, shed blood and risk provoking the collapse of the country. Mention was made of a person with unclean skin (it is assumed that this is Zyuganov), "marked", in whose figure Gorbachev is seen.

    The prophet also describes a number of other figures in the political arena. For example, a certain Lame Man, who will make every possible effort not to lose power, the Golden Lady, who has three chariots, the “Great Potter”, who is able to gather the forces of the country together and punish the sowers of unrest.

    Although there was no term “crisis” in the speech of those times when the monk lived, he describes it as hard times that threaten the Russian Federation next year. In addition, military skirmishes in the Donbas region should end in 2017.

    Abel's words about the end of the world

    In the materials that have come down to us, you can find statements about the period up to 2892. Then the world will end. Researchers believe that in the last of his writings, Abel described how the Antichrist would appear on earth. For a millennium, the world will have to remain in darkness, and the human race will turn into one flock, headed by a shepherd. 1050 years later, the dead will rise from their graves, and the living will be renewed. People will be divided depending on their past deeds, good and evil. Some will live forever, while others will perish and turn into ashes.

    There is probably no such person who would not want to know what the future holds for him and the country in which he lives.

    In our very turbulent time, we so want to get confidence in the future, which will help us make plans for several years ahead.

    Of course, ordinary citizens are not able to reveal the secret of the future, and they just have to hope that everything will be fine. But there are people who have a unique gift of divination, and it is they who can predict with high accuracy what awaits behind the next turn of fate.

    One of the most famous soothsayers is the monk Abel. This elder was able to predict the greatest events in the history of mankind, including the dates of the beginning and end of wars and the time of death of the rulers of the powers.

    His prophecies are still of great interest, because their accuracy is simply amazing. At the same time, the monk Abel made curious statements that concerned the fate of our country and the whole world as a whole.

    A little about the monk Abel

    First you need to figure out what is so unusual about this man, which allowed him to become one of the greatest soothsayers of all time. He was born in the Tula region in a small village called Akulovo.

    From his birth to the age of 28, he led a normal life for those times, he had his own house, family and children. But then he suddenly decided to go to the Valaam Monastery and devote his life to serving God. This act came as a surprise to all his relatives, but no one could stop him.

    Soon he settled on the deserted island of Valaam, where he abandoned everything worldly and led the life of a hermit. It was there that Abel began to receive visions from above of things to come. According to legend, he, guided by a voice from heaven, found an ancient manuscript, which contained revelations concerning the whole world. Since then, Abel's mission has been to reveal the secrets of the future to mankind.

    The monk wrote down his prophecies in a book, which caused the elder to be sentenced several times to imprisonment in prison. The fact is that many powerful people felt horror at the gift of Abel and were afraid of his words. But at the same time, many princes and emperors listened to the prophecies, although they refused to fully believe them.

    The monk Abel also died in a dungeon, where he ended up on the orders of Nicholas the First. At the same time, the wise old man found out the date of his death 40 years before her.

    The monk's prophecies were kept in the strictest confidence for a long time, because it was believed that ordinary people should not have such knowledge. But now all the locks have been broken and everyone can find out what awaits us in the future.

    Prophecies for Russia

    According to our country, various hardships will continue to shake, although they will soon stop, and a long-awaited calm will come.

    A just person will help Russia enter a calmer time, who should become the head of the state and choose the right course for it. As a result, the country must again take the path of development from which it is constantly trying to push.

    The words of the soothsayer indicate that Russia has every opportunity to become a very developed and influential state, to which other countries will listen. But this requires an honest ruler who puts the interests of the state above all others.

    If the wrong person is at the helm, then relations between our state and other countries will worsen, which can lead to a large-scale conflict in which all parties will suffer.

    If a negative scenario develops, Russia will not be able to regain its former greatness for a long time and it will have to recover for many years.

    When will the world end?

    In his book, the wise old man left about the end of the world. The onset of this terrible event, according to Abel, humanity should expect in 2829. It is at this time that the Antichrist must come into the world, whose actions will doom all states to darkness and suffering.

    As a result, the human race will lose its will and become under the leadership of one person. Only after many centuries will humanity be able to renew itself and live happily again.

    It is likely that the soothsayer had in mind the coming to world power of a dictator who would provoke a large-scale war, after which it would not be possible to resume soon.

    At the same time, Abel did not indicate what exactly would happen for the renewal of mankind. But he mentioned that the good deeds of people and their sins will play a key role: those who acted correctly and in accordance with the law of God will have a peaceful and prosperous existence, and sinners will face a terrible punishment.

    In the end, I would like to add that, despite the amazing accuracy of many prophecies, one cannot fully rely on them. It should be remembered that it is we who create the future, and we also become the cause of positive and negative changes in our lives.

    If every person lives in good conscience and works for the good of the country, then the state will prosper and have a bright future, otherwise nothing but trouble should be expected.

    Therefore, the words of the soothsayers should be taken only as a hint that will help you choose the right path. But we will have to follow this path and make the most important decisions ourselves.

    Video rubric

    The article was written specifically for the site “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://website/

    Monk Abel (in the world Vasiliev Vasily) was born in 1757. He passed away in 1841, leaving behind many prophecies. He owns the predictions of the main events of the 19th and 20th centuries. Abel predicted the death of the Romanov family, the consequences of the October Revolution, the course of the Great Patriotic War. He was called Nostradamus of Russia. Not all handwritten documents have survived to this day, but there are prophecies about the fate of Russia in the 21st century.

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      Monk Abel

      Russian Orthodox monk Abel was born in the Tula province, in a large family. From a young age, he was engaged in carpentry. After a serious illness, he decided to go to the monastery, for which he did not receive a parental blessing. At the age of 28, he took the ransom from his master Lev Naryshkin and secretly left his native place. Leaving his wife and three children, he reached the Valaam Monastery, where he took tonsure.

        In the Nikolo-Babaevsky Monastery he wrote his first prophetic book, in which, among other events, he predicted the death of Catherine II in 8 months. This was followed by a prediction about the murder of Paul the First. For his prophecies, he was repeatedly persecuted and imprisoned. By order of Nicholas the First, monk Abel is detained and imprisoned in the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery in Suzdal. There he lived out his last years. The monk was buried behind the altar of St. Nicholas Church of this monastery.

        The books have not been preserved in the form they were during the life of the prophet. Numerous fragments remain. The deciphering of the surviving materials leaves many questions. Abel's prophecies have survived to this day regarding the October Revolution of 1917, the Great Patriotic War and modern Russia in the 21st century.

        book of prophecy

        At the imperial court at all times there were clairvoyants and soothsayers. Abel's main work was the Zelo Terrible Book. In it, he set forth observations, truths, and predictions. Due to the fact that the events on these pages were not always rosy, the monk spent almost 20 years of his life in the dungeons of prisons and many years in prison at monasteries.

        The tsarist authorities did their best to protect the people from communication with the seer. For the same reason, Abel's manuscripts were mercilessly burned. Only parts of the manuscripts have survived to this day., random snippets. There are prophecies concerning the end of the world. Abel predicted that in 2896 "the world will come to an end." According to the prophet, the Antichrist will appear on earth, who will plunge the world into a thousand-year darkness. "After 1050 years, the dead will rise from their graves, and renewal will come. Humanity will be divided into good and evil. The good are destined to live forever, and the evil will sink into oblivion, become dust," he writes in his book.

        Accurate predictions about the end of the world are lost. Historians have only small fragments of this manuscript.

        Until now, Abel's predictions have come true. In his handwritten writings, he not only indicated the dates of the death of the monarchs, but also outlined the cause of the sad events. The monk depicted his visions with the help of intricate pictures that contemporaries have to decipher.

        Whether the predictions about the apocalypse are true, it is not given to know. But the prophecies about Russia in the 21st century can be compared with current events. Recently it became known about another prophecy of Abel. He predicted the mass migration of people from their native lands, and assigned Russia the role of the center of the new world. The exact date of the events is not indicated, but the mass exodus of peoples from the territories of military conflicts is already taking place.

        Comparing historical events with prophecies, historians have found that Abel accurately predicted:

        • the military coup of 1917;
        • Russia's war with Napoleon and the burning of Moscow;
        • dates of death of monarchs;
        • the fall of the Romanov dynasty;
        • Great Patriotic War.

        Historians have not yet been able to decipher the exact meaning of the prophecy, which sounds like this: “The new Batu will raise his hand. But Russian power will rise, Batu will collapse, will not stand it.

        Russia in the 21st century

        The main theme of the prophecies about the events of our time was the saying "And people will leave their lands and go on the run, and the Russian State is destined to become the center of the new world." According to predictions, troubles in Russia will end when "God's chosen one" becomes the head of state, and the predictor prophesies a threefold reign for him.

        The great gift of the clairvoyant during his lifetime is confirmed by the events he predicted. Nobody doubts it now. The course of modern events can be interpreted with some differences. But the essence remains - the elder predicts a great future for Russia.

        According to the prophecy, the Russian Federation will be ruled three times by a ruler of small stature. Abel does not reveal his name prematurely "for the sake of fear of dark power", but calls him like this: "the second Boris, only much more powerful." Previously, predictions about Boris Yeltsin came true.

        Scientists had to collect information bit by bit in order to reveal Abel's predictions to the world. But many figures in the political arena in predictions remain not fully disclosed. Abel wrote about a "marked" ruler (M. Gorbachev), and a ruler with unclean skin (presumably Zyuganov). The seer mentions Chrome, who will try to maintain his power at any cost; about the Golden Lady and the Potter. Who these figures are is likely to be shown in the future.

        To date, the meaning of predictions about Russia in the 21st century has not been fully disclosed. Predictions of the monk Abel for the period from 2017:

        • division of power between 10 rulers (it is possible that the collapse of the state into separate subjects is predicted);
        • the appearance on the political arena of a faceless swordsman who will shed a lot of human blood (he will also provoke the collapse of the country);
        • the steering wheel of power will be in the hands of a green-eyed native of the swamp;
        • a long-nosed man, whom the people will hate, will gather an army of millions of defenders;
        • a maiden with golden hair will drive three chariots;
        • Chaos and troubles will be defeated by the "Potter" when the reins of government will belong to him.

        There is an opinion that 2017 will mark the beginning of cardinal changes in the history of the state.

        The manuscripts do not mention the word "crisis", but Abel writes that Russia is facing severe trials. The end of this period according to the prediction is the end of 2017. Many of the events are yet to come, and whether the prophecies will come true, the future will show.

    Scientists-astrologers were valued at all times. They were especially held in high esteem among kings and other nobles. During their reign, the monarchs turned to these people for help in solving many state problems, listened to their horoscopes and sacredly believed every word.

    It is worth noting that many of the astrologers, studying the movements of the planets, made quite plausible forecasts. To date, Abel remains the most famous and talented soothsayer in the entire history of the Russian Empire. Throughout his life, he kept a book, which he called "Zero scary book." This document contains a lot of useful information, including prophecy of the monk Abel about Russia for 2017.

    Prophecies by the stars seem unrealistic, but Abel was able to read the movements of the planets so subtly and correctly interpret the information received that his words continue to come true to this day. Of the monk's predictions that came true, one can single out the war in 1917, the exact dates of the death of Russian emperors, as well as the beginning of World War II.

    There is an opinion that the well-known predictions of St. Basil the Blessed, Vasily Nemchinov and Grigory Rasputin are based precisely on the texts of the monk Abel. What did the monk see in the future of Russia? Should we be afraid of his words, or is it not necessary to attach great importance to them?

    True prophet - monk Abel

    The life of the Russian predictor, who drew his visions from the movement of the planets, began in the Tula region in the small village of Akulovo. The boy was named Vasily, and until the age of 28 he led a completely ordinary life: he plowed in the field, got married, and got kids. But one moment, Vasily decides to radically change his life - he goes to the Valaam Monastery and takes monastic vows.

    A year later, he retires to a remote island, where he becomes a hermit, fenced off from the bustle of the world. After Abel settles on the island, the spirit of a soothsayer wakes up in him, which does not fade away until his death.

    The monk explains his visions with a voice that spoke to him from heaven. This holy voice led him to the manuscript where all the secrets of our world were written. Abel delved into reading and discovered a lot of new things about the fate of Russia. After the knowledge gained, the monk heard an order to tell the people about everything. He wandered for a long time and came to the walls of the Nikolo-Babaevsky monastery, where he settled. The first book of Abel was written in these parts.

    It is noteworthy that the prophet saw the date of his death forty years before this sad event. His works were hidden from prying eyes for a long time, so as not to stir the soul of a simple man in the street.

    What happened to the ancient manuscripts

    For a long time, the authorities hid the writings of the prophet Abel under seven locks. Only after the collapse of the Soviet Union came to light a few books that were in government archives. Unfortunately, the manuscripts have not survived to this day, from which scientists were able to take only small sketches that were set forth in historical ancient writings.

    Until now, there are rumors among many experts that most of the knowledge about the future of Russia is in the archives of the Lubyanka and is guarded with all seriousness.

    Abel's predictions for Russia

    The clairvoyant confirmed his great gift during his lifetime, so you should not doubt his prophecies. It's already the 21st century, and his words continue to come true. The monk made many predictions for Russia.

    In particular, he noted that a man of small stature would lead the country three times. As you can see, this figure is very similar to the current President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. Abel called him the second Boris, only several times more powerful.

    Monk rather vaguely outlined the future of the Russian Federation, but modern scientists have been able to piece together a rough picture of what awaits us in 2017 and after it:

    • power will go to 10 kings (most likely, the Russian Federation will collapse into several separate states);
    • an unknown warrior will appear on the political arena, who will start a battle and shed a lot of blood;
    • at the helm of government will be another native of the swamp with the same green eyes;
    • society will hate a person with a long nose, but this will not prevent him from gathering around himself a multi-million army of defenders;
    • The Golden-haired Lady will drive three chariots;
    • all the perpetrators of human suffering will be punished at the moment when power passes to the “Great Potter”.

    The voiced predictions for Russia look like the plot of some old Russian fairy tale. However, there is one main difference that distinguishes Abel's words from a fairy tale story - sooner or later they come true.

    The interpreters saw in the prophecies of the monk a turning point that will happen in 2017. Many associate it with the end of the crisis in Russia, as well as the cessation of hostilities in the Donbass.

    Abel's End of the World

    Visions of the clairvoyant Abel reached the year 2892. Then, according to the prophet, the end of the world will come, which will be marked by the appearance of the Antichrist. For many, many years, humanity will plunge into pitch darkness, and a certain shepherd will rule the people.

    Only after 1050 years have passed will people be able to renew themselves, and the dead will rise from their graves. And it is not clear who will be destined to live eternal life, and who will face decay and imminent death.

    Video rubric

    The article was written specifically for the site “2017 Year of the Rooster”: //


    Comments on the article:

    Good day to all.

    Abel had a prediction about the name of the savior of Russia:

    “His name is thrice destined for Russian history,” as I understand it, this means that his name is a multiple of three, i.e. consists of three parts. And what does the full name of a person in Russia sound like in our time? Correct: Surname Name Patronymic (full name). The patronymic is derived from the name of the father, and I suspect that the surname of the one about whom the prophecy is also derived from the name. Thus, the Full Name of the person about whom the prophecy consists of three different names. Now further: “Two namesakes were already on the throne, but not the royal one” - this means that in the history of Russia before the date of the prophecy made by Abel (until about 1796) there were two very eminent people, i.e. especially revered, saints who bore two of the three names. And of course they were not the rulers of Russia. The first thing that comes to mind is Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky in 1221 and Sergius of Radonezh in 1322. So part of the full name is Alexander Sergeyevich or Sergey Alexandrovich. I think Sergei Alexandrovich, because. Nevsky was born earlier than Sergius, and the name of the father in the patronymic is primary. So it will turn out, as an example, part of the name of the future tsar - Sergey Alexandrovich.

    Further, “He will sit on the royal one, like the third,” I think here we are talking about the fact that he will sit in the status of the third leader of Russia with the same, repeating name. Let's assume that this name is Vladimir. 1. Vladimir Svyatoslavich 2. Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh 3. Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) and 4. Vladimir Putin. If Lenin is not taken into account, then the future tsar will come in the status of the future president of Russia, but personally, I believe that accidents in our lives are not accidental. Then socialism in a new form awaits us. He will come under the sign of a new teaching (Fiery Bible) under the sign of Fire. Next year 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster. Again an accident? So think for yourself... Good luck to everyone, and may the Creator keep you.

    Alexander Daletsky

    After the revolution, for some time, the state archive was kept by an officer, my great-grandfather, Sergei Pashkov, hiding it on his estate. Among other things, there were two notebooks written by hand by Emperor Pavel. Grandmother, as a child, read this revelation of Abel, and in the seventies, when I was still a child, she quoted the list of all the rulers in Russia to the end as a keepsake. Now I’m already old, but I remember about the names that those who were in power during the Soviet period were called tsars, as my grandmother used to say. Who will be after Vladimir - I can’t remember, I only remember that it is a very common name of a saint, with whom they had not previously ruled in Russia. Andrei or Sergei - I don’t remember. Both copies were intact until the collapse of the USSR. One was kept in the special storage of Leninka, and the very existence of this storage unit was classified. Where the second one was kept is not difficult to guess. I can't believe that both of these notebooks have been lost! The thesis that this is a royal affair is simply being realized - and it is not supposed to know the mob what is coming.

    You need to drink less, my friend, and be simpler, it says that the 3rd will be on the royal throne, two of these have already been on the royal throne and two more but not on the royal throne.

    Prince (Tsar) Vladimir 1 (red sun)

    Tsar Vladimir 2 "Monomakh"

    3) That is, his name is Vladimir and in order to find one (you need to cut out all Vladimirs)

    Vladimir Lenin (not tsar)

    Vladimir Putin (not tsar)

    Yes, of course, they turned the bowler hat on you, everything is elementary simple, the point is to do abracadabra with prophecies if you don’t find that person in life!

    Very interesting)))) ... I would say fascinating!)))

    Abel was not an astrologer, do not PR. He wrote off ready-made words from heaven, as other prophets wrote the Bible. No need to mix flies and cutlets. Basil the Blessed lived under Ivan the Terrible and could not speak the words of Abel. But Nostradamus was an astrologer and was therefore rich.

    Orthodox Easter in 2018

    Day of Russia in 2018

    Palm Sunday in 2018

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