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  • What is introspection and what is its role. Emotional Introspection

    What is introspection and what is its role.  Emotional Introspection

    29.05.2014 -


    In the article I tell what self-analysis of a person means to me, why it is needed, and when it is needed. Self-analysis is an analysis of oneself as a person, therefore it is individual, but below I will describe the basic principles, and give personal examples.

    Introspection is tracking the processes occurring inside our psyche. In other words, this is an analysis of all your aspirations, habits, views and other programs. This is the first necessary cycle of personality.

    The article is purely practical, and if you were looking for this information for personal use, then get ready for a lot of material, and be sure to bookmark the necessary pages to return to them at any time convenient for you.

    Self-analysis is the observation of oneself and one's life, with an emphasis on tracing cause-and-effect relationships. It is needed for a deeper understanding of ourselves, but in general, it passes in a completely natural way in the course of our lives.

    Sometimes we need to thoroughly and purposefully engage in artificial introspection, allocating certain time and conditions for this, so that it would be deeper, and therefore of higher quality. But why and when it is necessary, we will consider further.

    When to Use Practical Introspection

    Self-analysis must be used:

    • began to experience fears and uncertainty about the future
    • something is bothering you, but you can't figure out what it is

    Why do you need self-analysis of personality

    With the help of introspection, we can find out the true causes of our life feelings, and this will give us certainty of what needs to be done next, and how to get rid of unpleasant feelings. It will also allow us to determine what we specifically want, and what steps we need to take to achieve this.

    Practicing Qualitative Introspection

    Look at your schedule, set aside a few hours of free time during the week, ideally let it be a whole evening, a whole day or half a day. An hour of time may not be enough, and if the practice is interrupted unfinished, then it simply will not make sense, so allocate time with a margin. Finish early, there will be plenty of free time and inspiration to start action.

    Next, determine a place where you can be completely alone so that no one bothers you at this time. Take a notepad and pen with you. Turn off your phone, social media, internet, computer, TV, etc. Nothing should distract you at this moment, no external interference with your thoughts.

    Put your brain in alpha state. To do this, calm down, try to turn off the internal dialogue, relax, and just try to feel the state of joy, remember the happiest moments in your life. Next, intensify this state of joy and calmness, and then turn off the internal dialogue and memories again. Just allow physical and mental peace to flow over your entire body. Then move on to questions.

    Questions for introspection

    Ask yourself questions, and think carefully about each one, and then write down the final answer to each question in a notebook. Try to find the deepest reasons for your desires. Sample questions:

    • Am I a happy person? (how much, why, and can I be happier)
    • What makes me happy?
    • What's stopping me from being happy?
    • What do I really want and why do I need it? Why do I want it?
    • What brings me the most joy?
    • What needs to happen to make me happier?
    • What are my strengths and weaknesses? Advantages, disadvantages.
    • What would I like to get rid of in my life?
    • What inner personality traits would I like to develop in myself?
    • What prevents me from changing my life, my views, my habits?
    • What am I kidding myself about?
    • How am I being honest with myself?

    I can recommend following the following pattern. You ask yourself a question, and when you get an answer, you ask what it will give me and why do I need it? Further, having received the answer, you ask again, why is this so? And so on until the very end, until you can determine your true, natural aspirations.

    Example from my life

    During my school years, I went in for sports, often watched sports stars on TV, and I wanted to become the same. I was also attracted by the way famous musicians and actors are greeted, many recognize them, they want to be photographed as a keepsake and are often asked to leave an autograph. Then it seemed to me that striving for fame was my personal desire, and therefore it did not leave me for a long time even after school. I wanted to become a rich and famous person, but fame attracted me more.

    Over time, I noticed that the desire to become rich has grown, and the thirst for fame has become less. But later I understood why it happened.

    As I later realized, I was attracted not by fame itself, but by the opportunities that it brings. Later, I was attracted to the idea of ​​becoming rich, but my true desire was to get the opportunities that wealth brings. It is comfort, safety, a sense of calm.


    When I got older, I began to analyze my desires and identify their true causes. It turned out that the desire to be famous is just an external program that has infiltrated my teenage psyche with the help of television screens. In fact, fame and wealth are not my true desires, the real aspirations are completely different. I also noticed that the desire to become rich is not only the desire for a more comfortable life (reducing the stressful situations associated with providing housing and food), but also the same thirst for fame, but on a more local level, on a smaller scale. Why? I will touch on this below.

    What I asked myself, and what I came to. Questions - answers. Introspection.

    • Why do I need a lot of money? (more than just housing, food, clothing)

    This will allow me to buy the biggest luxury houses, the most beautiful cars, football clubs and more.

    • Why do I need houses, cars and stuff?

    It turns out that this is also a desire for fame, as this would allow me to attract attention with the help of things that most people cannot. It was my inner desire to stand out from the background of others. Okay, I understand that this is a veiled desire for fame, expressed in an attempt to buy other people's attention with money, but why do I need this?

    • Why do I need fame?

    What I understood was a real discovery for me. It turned out that I always wanted something that in fact was not my true desire, I just moved by inertia and was led by other forces, because I absolutely do not need fame itself in its pure form, it does not interest me. It turned out that fame was indifferent to me, but I wanted to get it? I just knew that she would give me what really interests me. But then what interests me?

    • Why did I need it?

    It turned out that subconscious aspirations played. Since childhood, I could watch on television how many girls react to the stars, and among these girls I liked many, the conclusion is obvious. After such incidents, gaining fame became my seemingly natural aspiration. But really, I needed something else. When childhood ended and adolescence began, my first attempts to start relationships with girls began. Most of the first attempts, due to inexperience, ended unsuccessfully, but over time I was rescued by observation and a penchant for introspection. Then I began to study the psychology of girls, I wanted to understand what they need from men so that I could give it to them. Further, I began to constantly develop the necessary internal qualities in myself, as well as correct myself and my behavior towards girls, and due to this I was able to enter adulthood. But even then I noticed that I can’t interest some girls, no matter what strategies I use. And when I saw how these same girls were almost in love with various famous musicians, who did not even do anything, then of course I had a subconscious desire to become as famous as these stars. In my student years, I noticed that many girls preferred to date only rich guys and men.

    • Why did I want to interest women?

    When I got older, I was able to gain enough experience, and I already wanted to have more girls. But as I understood, this was not my true desire. These were excuses like it's okay for a man to have more than one girl, but I was kidding myself. This is also not a true desire, but just an attempt to be no worse than someone else, just a way to assert oneself for oneself. Only after knowing myself and my true desires, I realized that one girl who really suits me would be enough.

    I perfectly see and understand that many people live the same way out of inertia as I did before. Therefore, whatever the woman I like would consider a worthy man in her understanding, I still continue to set high goals in order to meet the relevant requests. Obviously, achieving better results will help to be interesting to any circle of people, regardless of their beliefs and their perception filters. The rules of the game are such that in our world your importance is determined by what you have, how much you earn, how famous you are, and everything like that. Of course, I had girls who completely suited me, and with whom I was not opposed to starting a family life, but in the end I could not give them the life they dreamed of. And we always talked about it in plain text, because it was something like business communication.

    • Why do I need to be interesting to any circles of people?

    From the above, I realized that my main goal is to create a family with a woman that I really like. I realized that I am a person of traditional values, and I like it. In this case, I do not deceive myself and live in harmony with myself, my true values ​​and desires. The girl I like may be in any circles, have certain beliefs, attitudes, or be influenced by certain forces, laws or circumstances. In order to be able to influence circumstances, I must have a sufficient number of external forces, that is, be a more influential person. And as I said before, very specific things affect people. I often had to refuse a girl despite the fact that I liked her, only because I could not give her the life she wants. Moreover, even more often it happened that I could not even start a relationship with the girl I liked, only because my standard of living was much lower than hers. At such moments, I felt like a real asshole, and I realized that in order for me to be able to build a family with any girl I like, I must build my life so that not a single girl feels discomfort next to me. It doesn’t matter what lifestyle she has been used to since childhood, I must live such a life in order to be able to fulfill absolutely any requests within reason.

    Life has deprived us of choice, it has put before us certain laws by which we must live. Roughly speaking, the relationship between men and women is a market, but I'm not saying that many people think so, on the contrary, many people think that this is not so.

    Social life

    I still have to lead an active social life, but the difference between conscious and unconscious life is obvious. Now I am absolutely indifferent to fame, and if I try to be more visible in society, then this is in order to get more returns from my activities, you get the point? If this allows me to raise my income level, then I will have to be more social (get attention), and this works in most areas. The more a musician, for example, becomes famous, the more he will earn, and the higher his status will be in the eyes of other people. And it's not just talent, as many people think. Most of us know very obscure musicians who make higher quality material than 90% of the popular exponents in his genre. I'll give you an example. Let's say you wrote a book, it can be interesting and useful to many people, and others also tell you about it. If the book has already been written, you have put your work and your soul into it, then why not do it in such a way that you get a great return from it, and especially if you consider that it really carries great value or it is very interesting. If you do not show social activity and do not promote this book, then no one will read it, or several people will read it. If you spent a whole year on it, then this is not the return you want. Of course, I will try to make more people have the opportunity to read it, as it can be recommended to friends, and I will be able to be in demand as an author. In general, everything is clear here.

    Rules of the game

    From all this, it turns out that I have the main goal of life, and all the rest of the desire for social significance can be considered not from the position of what I want, but from the position of what I should. The main goal in my case is the creation of a family, and everything else is just creating conditions for the realization of my life goal. I also quite clearly defined the main mission of my activity, from which people who in one way or another use the results of my activity will benefit. I realized long ago that if I manage to have the necessary standard of living, then I can benefit more people, I can do charity work, and I am more likely to realize my dream, that is, create a family.

    If I do not need to shine, then it is more profitable for me to remain in the shadows, but to promote my products (for example, there are many rich investors and businessmen whom few people know, they are interested in making their companies more in demand).

    It turned out that all I really want is what you can feel with your heart, feel, that is, be happy, in the process of this movement. In general, I'm certainly happy, there is just a feeling of incompleteness. This is normal, we will have some unfinished business all our lives, and in no case should this deprive us of the state of happiness at the moment. When the work is done, we will have even more joy and pleasure, but if you become attached to your goals and dreams, you take away your happiness. Just take the steps and experience happiness on your way to your dream.

    To each his own

    Everyone has their own life and their own views on this world. From the above introspection, it becomes clear that our life consists of programs, and in my case, I returned to the program that I absorbed from childhood, and this is just the realization of my own right to choose. For most normal people, choosing family values ​​for themselves is a completely natural phenomenon, especially since it correlates with the innate instincts for self-preservation, reproduction, and procreation. But all this does not mean at all that everyone should be supposedly normal, and not have the right to manage their own lives at their own discretion. You can fulfill your personal mission on this earth as you see fit, but the question is whether you will be truly happy in doing so, and whether this choice is a choice of your heart and soul.

    • Article

    Self-analysis in different situations

    I analyze each phenomenon in my life, and I conduct the thorough and deep analysis that is given above as I have time for this, but I try to allocate time for this if possible. With a thorough introspection, it is enough to determine your desires, goals, all your movements in life, and simply understand yourself. There are no clear patterns here, everyone does it in their own way, remember the main goal of introspection is to determine the causes of what is bothering you and deal with it all.

    • Article

    Once you've done your introspection, you'll know what to do. If there is an understanding, then proceed to, and introduce new necessary habits into your life that correspond to your priorities and desires.

    If you feel a lack of strength, then you need to do it first and restore

    Finally, I will add that, despite the name, for high-quality introspection it is necessary to be able not only to analyze, but also to feel. How to learn it? You already know how to do this, but the quality of these skills is developed differently for everyone. How to develop these skills? Very simple, practice. Doing this constantly, you gain experience, you learn to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, as you begin to understand yourself and understand this world.

    That is why I put personality introspection in the first place, since the direction of your movement will depend on its quality and depth.

    Introspection of personality, source - blog Xche.

    Today I came across one of the available options for conducting introspection. I didn't stumble upon it by chance. There are no coincidences, especially since not long ago Mikhail Anatolyevich Tsvetkov advised self-analysis at his seminar on business. At first glance, this method is quite simple and straightforward. Of course, taking introspection as a universal key to self-knowledge is not worth it. This method has its limitations and disadvantages. But the method is quite capable of helping those who wish to dig deeper and see themselves and their hidden subconscious insides in a different light.

    In the following posts I plan to answer the questions presented here in parts, but honestly to myself in the first place.

    In this option, it is proposed to stock up on a thick notebook, a pair of pens that write well, some time daily or weekly, which can be devoted to one's own introspection. And, of course, a fair amount of interest and enthusiasm that you are ready to devote to this exciting process. By tacit agreement, my thick notebook and other bunch of junk will be replaced by my LiveJournal. So let's go!

    Where to begin?

    Each of you will have your own, unique and inimitable experience that you will gain as a result of this lesson. It's not just fun, it's addictive. This does not mean that you only need to engage in introspection and engage in it, and with every free time that appears, go into it with your head, but you need to approach this seriously, responsibly and be ready to spend your free time. This can be very interesting, but it doesn't have to be. Therefore, your introspection may take you much less or more time.

    To say that you will analyze yourself and understand everything is to say nothing. Much, much later, when your notes and notebooks are left behind, you will make discoveries and learn something new for yourself. Therefore, now, I cannot tell you, I cannot promise that you will analyze yourself once, you will understand everything and you will feel good. Nothing like that will happen. But something else, more important, might happen.

    And this is important because you can look at hundreds of things and phenomena in a completely different way. Many of your actions may appear in a completely different light. Why and how does this happen? Why can our opinion of us change so much? The reason is really very simple: when we do things, when our life changes, we evaluate it, we define it, we somehow relate to it. But we rarely give such an assessment to the whole cycle of events, to all our steps taken. And when someone is late for a meeting, it doesn’t seem like something special, with whom it doesn’t happen, but when, analyzing yourself, you realize that you have a chronic reason for being late, and the same chronic system for making excuses, you ask yourself the question: and why, exactly?

    After all, introspection is not, or not so much in interpreting some event in our life, but in looking at the most significant cycles of events, the chain of our steps and the orderly rows of rakes made over the years. A separate situation may not characterize you in any way, but here is a separate pattern inherent in a particular cycle, a pattern of any property - this is already some kind of diagnosis. Without a medical connotation, of course.

    Since your life strategies are unique and inimitable, I can hardly say what you will get as a result, and what useful discoveries you can make if you analyze them. But it is mono to use the tips in which directions it is best to focus all your attention. It's easy.

    Notebook for introspection and writing in it

    Any notebook will do, preferably one with more pages. The order of the entries is completely arbitrary. If it is more convenient for someone to arrange it, somehow decorate it with different pastes and underline important words and phrases, then there is no problem. As you like. But here is a request: do not try to be smart, perpetuate your words, polish phrases or think for a long time about the beauty of statements. In our business, the main thing is spontaneity, lightness and arbitrariness. Do not be lazy to write notes on scraps of paper if the notebook is not at hand, but something important is remembered. Then you can either rewrite or put these notes in a notebook. I just invested, and, as a result, the notebook did not look like a diary in any way, but more like a piggy bank of all sorts of leaves and notes. However, sometimes I sorted through all these notes, grouped them, and rewrote some of them together if they were united by some common meaning. In general, no categorical and rigor. For your taste and color.

    Friends and pals.

    Throughout our lives, we make friends. Some of them stay with you for the rest of your life, some we leave for various reasons. It seems that we all remember them well, there is no point in arguing. However, it is extremely valuable and useful to rewrite them all on paper. Try to give a brief portrait for each of them. Try to highlight something special that is common to all your friends. Thus, you can find some traits and qualities that determine your liking. When remembering and studying your friends, there are several very important parameters that should be remembered and recorded. Here attention! As a rule, people who write diaries try to present reality in such a way that everyone is a villain, but they are good. This happens mostly unconsciously, and it happens because any diary always contains a secret feeling of its author that this diary will be read by someone else one day. But since you are doing introspection and not writing a diary for future generations, try to be frank and explain events in a way that deserves it, and not in a way that will make you look decent and noble. It makes sense to remember and describe (or mark, or draw, but it should appear on paper in one form or another) the following things.

    First.If those people whom you used to call friends, and now you can do it only in the past tense, ceased to be such, then why did this happen? Who acted as an explicit or implicit initiator of the separation? On what occasions did you lose interest in this friendship, and on what occasions was interest lost on you? Separately, it is worth highlighting cases when friendship, for some reason, was transformed into hostility, into irreconcilable hatred. What happened? Do these situations have something in common that is typical for all of them.

    Second. Try to define and write down for yourself the fundamental difference between a friend and a friend, between a friend and a good acquaintance. Find the shades of gradation of your relationships that exist for you and try to define each of them, as well as highlight the most characteristic differences between these concepts. When would you never call a friend a friend? When would you never call a friend a friend? What is the most important thing for you to be able to call a person a friend and your relationship - friendship, friendly?

    Third. The life span of a relationship. How durable are they? How long are you able to maintain and develop friendship? Do your friendships have a critical timeline?

    Fourth. Have you ever been in a situation where two of your close friends begin to fiercely feud with each other? What are your actions in such a situation? What results does this lead to? Can you say that you are satisfied with your strategy? If not, how can it be improved, already knowing from experience that it is ineffective? Have you yourself found yourself in a situation where you had to be at enmity, and at the same time there was someone else who remained neutral and maintained relations, both with you and with the side hostile to you? What will you do, already having experience in a similar situation, if it happens again with other people close to you now? What lesson did you learn from these situations?

    Who would you call the antithesis of a friend? What qualities doom a person to the hopelessness of trying to become your friend? What do you never accept under any sauce? Here it is very useful not only to give abstract examples, but to remember real people and real cases from your life.

    What traits and qualities in you most often spoil relationships with other people? Which one is the most common? What do your friends most often blame you for? In what cases did you compromise, and in what cases did you not lift a finger to change the situation? And how is the first different from the other?

    Love and marriage relationships Each of you has a very different background of experience on this testing ground, and therefore it is very difficult to offer universal templates for analysis. However, I will try to do this, and you can use only those that clearly suit you, or supplement with some of your own that are not shown here. In general, the list of possible aspects is easily and simply scaled, expanded and refined, and you can supplement and modify it.

    First. Remember and write down all the people throughout your life, to whom you experienced love feelings, to whom you were drawn, whom you dreamed about as a potential partner, with whom you had a real connection, regardless of its duration. Try to remember everyone who was interesting to you, who attracted you, with whom you were in love, with whom you experienced strong emotional and sexual feelings.

    Second. Recall and write down all the people who had an increased interest in you, and you knew about it. Perhaps someone sought your love and appreciation? Persistently invited to spend time? Define here all those whose claims did not arouse your response and interest. Briefly describe each of these cases. Remember how you make it clear to a person that his interest will not be justified? What is the reason for your refusal in each case? Do all these cases have something in common? You can also record here about such cases when the opposite side began to behave atypically: threats, persecution, change of favor to hostility, revenge, and so on. Clarify all these cases and try to determine what your mistake is, and how you can get out of such situations with the least loss - both for you and for other people.

    Third. Sex appeal. Highlight the most important traits of your partner's sexual attractiveness, regardless of specific examples. There is nothing to be ashamed of here, all the same, no one but you will read and see it. Write down the most important qualities and rank them in order of importance. And only then try this list on your partners, how much it matches in each case. Isn't there some pattern from the fact that the duration of a relationship, for example, can be directly dependent on the completeness of this list?

    Fourth. Write down the reasons for the breakup and destruction of your love relationship. What are these reasons, do they have something in common? In what cases did you not break off relations completely, but transferred them into a different direction, for example, into friendship or into the category of good friends? When do you hate your partner and avoid him? On what occasion did he do the same? Who more often turned out to be the initiator of divorce and separation? Who more often offers to transfer relationships to friendships? Who gets on the warpath more often? What useful experiences have you made, what lessons have you learned, what will you do next time if the situation repeats itself?

    Fifth. Attitude towards children. How many children will you have? Why exactly this number? Does the child's name matter? What associations do you have with this name, if any? Does the gender of the child matter? What role do you want to play in parenting? How do you feel about corporal punishment and why? Is there a parallel between your answer and how your parents treated you as a child?

    Sixth. Mark somewhere your three strongest feelings when you, so to speak, lost your head from the desire to be near these people. What do these people have in common? Be extremely careful. Body constitution, eye color, voice, height, mannerisms, character traits, gestures, hair color, and so on. What can be added to this list to each of these people that would make them even more beautiful? What will destroy their image and all their attractiveness, if some element is removed from the compiled list. You can try to carefully remove this or that trait or quality in your imagination, and at the same time carefully listen to your own feelings. Write down any ideas.

    Profession and work

    Think about the jobs you dreamed of as you grew up. How big is the list of these professions? Why did you dream about this in each specific case, what led you to this thought, to this dream? What is the reason that over time it has lost its relevance.

    Influence of parents, relatives on your professional choice. Did they have specific theories about who you should be and what you should strive for? Are you making choices under someone else's influence, or your own? Have you been pressured? Have you been threatened or blackmailed by anyone? Were your interests and attempts to realize yourself the way you want to be thwarted?

    Place of work. Write down all the jobs that you have worked on. Write privately, in any order, without excluding anything. If the list ends up being large, then it can be re-sorted in a convenient order. What brought you to this job? Make a comment for each of them. What did you like most about this job? What have you learned most usefully from this job? What was the reason you left this job. In each case, highlight the most important, central. Is there any regularity, something in common, any property in the list of your reasons? Maybe you are chronically laid off? Or do you get frustrated with this job after a while? Perhaps some third-party reasons that have nothing to do with work always act as a hindrance? Sort the list of abandoned works by reason, combine the most frequent ones. What conclusion can you draw? What adjustments can you make to your future career, given the information you received?

    Relationships with colleagues and superiors. Make a list of all the most conflicting cases in your entire professional life. Quarrels, betrayal, intrigue, pressure from someone, demotion, reduction in wages, deceit, and so on. Highlight the most typical situations that recur. What conclusion can you draw in this situation, having received such a "track record"? Are there opportunities to improve this situation, to protect ourselves from the recurrence of such situations?

    Especially highlight the relationship with superiors. Make a brief description of all of them, what is the reason for the conflict or strained relationship with them in each case? Remember and describe the cases of "good" bosses, if any. What steps have you taken to, if possible, smooth out or nullify conflicts and mutual discontent?

    Are you a magical person? If you worked in small teams, how did the life of this team and the position of the firm (organization) itself develop over the entire period of your stay in it? If possible, highlight all the cases when during your work the company either strengthened its position, or, on the contrary, its position worsened. Write it all down and compare your results. Can any conclusions be drawn from this?

    Personal qualities and features

    Remember all your brightest successes, the best achievements. Write them down and define the reason you think caused this success. What is your merit in each of these cases? What qualities played the first violin in these events. You can write out without regard, without reference to a particular area. A brilliant speech, an excellent dissertation defense, a sporting achievement, any result in a particular field that you admire, are satisfied with, and that you are proud of, or that you were admired in the distant or recent past (even if emotions are now dulled, cooled down). Write down everything that comes to mind.

    Describe your best qualities of any property. Include all your skills and abilities in it. Imagine how you can enhance this, how can you make these qualities even more effective and useful? Summarize your ideas.

    Make a list of your biggest weaknesses. It is best if it consists of two columns. The first list is based on the theory of the people around you. The second is only according to your own theory. The lists can coincide, or differ very much: for example, in my list of shortcomings that I singled out, there were those that others did not notice (at one time there was a theory that you need to be taller - who needs it, why it is not clear), and The list of third-party shortcomings also included those that I even considered advantages (for example, dislike to talk about my problems). Think about whether these lists can be shortened? If a deficiency cannot be corrected, then how and with what can it be compensated? If you are unable to give up something that other people see as a disadvantage, then what compromise solutions could you offer them so that these disadvantages affect them to a lesser extent?

    Remember and write down all your interests throughout your life. What interested you in this or that period? Was it not such that you lost interest in this or that business, and after a while returned to it again? Try to clarify the time interval for each area of ​​​​your interests, your hobbies: it can be a hobby, sports, immersion in a particular scientific or applied topic, flower breeding, and so on. This can also include plans that you did not implement, but hatched for some time.

    Parents and upbringing

    Remember and write down all the cases when the help and support of your parents (relatives) turned out to be very valuable for you at that moment in time. Make a list of thanks you can give to your parents as an excuse. What useful and valuable things they have done for you, in which their role is unconditional and unambiguous. Leave all hurt feelings and misunderstandings for other introspection pages. Only objectivity, only a statement of facts and recognition of positive aspects.

    Remember and write down the most insatiable grievances, the most violent claims against your parents. Try, in addition to writing, to express them in the form of a picture for each such situation. Detail what really hurts, what does not wash off with time and does not subside. Divide this list into the one where your resentment was expressed and not expressed. What cases are more? What do you think would happen if this list were reversed? Would it be better or worse? What will you do in the future: leave everything as it is, or will you try to somehow break this situation? Write down also the conclusions that you have drawn from your unpleasant childhood experience, which you will extend to your children?

    How confident are you that you will not repeat these mistakes of your parents? Will you use the positive experiences you brought up in the first part of the introspection? Come up with some global, universal advice that you have learned from your relationship with your parents that will benefit all other parents.

    Were you punished as a child? Remember all the most severe punishments, if any? How will you be strict with your own children? Do you have an opinion on this matter? Can this opinion be called a continuation of the line of upbringing that your parents adhered to regarding you? Or is it, on the contrary, the antithesis of their approach?

    Think about and write down your ideal father and ideal mother. What should they be? Determine the true qualities of your parents, and compare the list of the ideal and the list of what really was. Compare the ideal image of the opposite sex with a list of your hobbies, your most important qualities in the person you can love or love. What qualities match? Do you find something in your love affairs that is similar to your ideas about the ideal parent?

    Matching Items

    Often we unconsciously make a choice in the direction of something that has some kind of overvalued attribute, some special property. It could be number matches, or color matches, or choice of name, orientation to some external information that you choose as a guide to action, and so on.

    Names. You can try to write down all the names of the closest and most significant people to you in your entire life. Does one name appear more often than all the others?

    Numbers and critical dates. In the process of introspection, you can find numbers that tend to repeat. For example, two years of marriage is the ceiling for you. Or you don't tend to stay at any job for more than a quarter. Do not be too lazy to remember the numbers of apartments and floors of your loved ones, your friends. Specify some numbers if they are especially sunk in memory. There may also be critical months (for example, in December everything improves, or vice versa), typical recurrences of diseases, and so on.

    Attitude towards animals. What animals have you had (have), who do you like and why, who do you dislike and why? What role have animals played in your life? What value did your communication with them give?

    Color preferences. What colors do you love the most? What are your strongest memories? What color clothes do you like the most? Hair color? Eye color? If you can remember, list all your favorites and cutest ones by color choice. Are there any matches? Mentally repaint them in a different color and listen to your own feelings. If something has changed, try to articulate it somehow.


    Here is a very rough list of the most important cycles in your life. It can be refined and supplemented, as necessary and due to the specifics of the content of your biography. The most important result that you can get is that relationships with the world will become much more transparent, clearer, you will look at them in a completely different way, and many problems will disappear forever. The attitude towards oneself can change a lot: it may seem strange, but you will learn to understand and accept yourself not just an order of magnitude, but many times better and more harmonious. You will reconsider a lot of your past and just laugh at some things: my God, but it happened to me, and how worried!

    Emotional introspection is the ability to recognize your feelings, distinguish them, know why you feel one way and not another, and understand the impact that your feelings have on others (Reuven Bar-Ona definition). Emotional introspection is a component and cornerstone of emotional intelligence.

    It would seem that noticing and understanding your feelings is a very simple thing. And everyone seems to be going through the same thing. But the nuances of experiences in different people in similar situations are often very different.

    Comes to mind an example from family counseling.

    The husband cheated on his wife, the wife cheated on her husband in retaliation, they decided to make peace. The wife very quickly calmed down and forgave her husband. The husband couldn't help himself. As soon as he heard some song about love, or someone's random words on a sore subject, or the thought of what had happened came to mind - and he began to start conversations with his wife, which always ended in a violent quarrel.

    It is not known how long all this could have lasted and what it would have led to if, during the consultation, he had not realized exactly what feelings he was experiencing about what had happened and for what purpose he started conversations leading to conflict again and again.

    The betrayal of his wife caused him a lot of feelings, and he just tried to explain to his wife how he suffered, but did not realize this. When he started talking, his wife, for her part, perceived them as a reproach, which led to a scandal.

    After he became aware of his feelings and expressed them, he very quickly managed to regain his former confidence in the well-being of his family life.

    In this example, two sides of emotional introspection are clearly visible. First, the husband did not realize that in this situation he was most shocked by his own experiences (misunderstanding of his feelings). Secondly, he could not take into account the effect his emotions had on the people around him, in this case, his wife.

    Surprisingly, people often do not think that the same situation for one person means something one thing, and for another something completely different.

    Cheating can hurt a partner, for example, by being deceived; if he had known about everything from the very beginning, he would have been hurt, but he would not have been so hurt.

    For someone, cheating may mean they've been rejected because they're not good enough. Etc. For each specific person, this situation will mean something different and cause corresponding experiences.

    In everyday life, emotions often control us, our actions. Under the influence of emotions, we enter into conflicts, make or do not make choices, attach great importance to some moments of our lives and ignore others.

    At the same time, we are not always aware of exactly what feelings and meanings motivate our actions. Awareness of our feelings that arise in a particular life situation, and understanding how important the situation that causes these feelings is for us, according to emotional intelligence researchers, can be crucial in matters of building relationships, career, success, etc. .

    Emotional Introspection Training

    One way to train emotional introspection is the ABCDE technique developed by Albert Ellis.

    According to this technique, a person must describe the destructive feelings (C) that arise in him in a certain situation (A), and then try to become aware of those automatic thoughts-beliefs (B) that mediated his emotional reaction in this situation. Next, you need to question these beliefs (D), and reinforce a new perception of the old situation (E).

    There is an easier way, without any formalized methods. If at some point in your life you have experienced strong emotions, ask yourself the question: what exactly hurt me in this situation?

    This is not a question for logical analysis. Scroll through the situation again mentally, listen to your feelings and sensations. Do not hurry.

    After a while, sometimes very quickly, you realize what happened that caused you an emotional reaction: maybe it was some kind of phrase or intonation, a mention of some events or facts, etc.

    Now ask yourself the following question: what meaning, what meaning does this phrase, this intonation, this fact have for me? Here again no logical analysis needed. The main thing is to listen to your feelings and sensations. And after a while you will have an answer.

    The ability to understand the meaning and significance of one's emotional reactions in many cases can in itself bring great relief, and can be a starting point in further work on oneself.

    If you encounter repetitive situations in your life that cause you strong feelings, affect your mood or actions, you too can resort to emotional introspection: it may also benefit you.

    Personal self-analysis is tracking the processes occurring inside our psyche. In other words, this is an analysis of all your aspirations, habits, views and other things. This is the first part with which personality begins

    Self-analysis is self-observation, it is necessary for a deeper understanding of ourselves, but in general, it takes place in a completely natural way in the course of our lives.

    Sometimes we need to thoroughly and purposefully engage in artificial introspection, allocating certain time and conditions for this, so that it would be deeper, and therefore of higher quality. But why and when it is necessary, we will consider further.

    When to Use Practical Introspection

    Personal self-analysis must be used:

    If you suddenly stop feeling happy as before

    Began to experience fears and uncertainty about the future

    Are you on the threshold of a new life, but don't know where to start?

    Something is bothering you, but you can't figure out what it is

    Why do you need self-analysis of personality.

    With the help of introspection, we can find out the true causes of our life feelings, and this will give us certainty of what needs to be done next, and how to get rid of unpleasant feelings.

    Practicing Qualitative Introspection

    Look at your schedule, set aside a few hours of free time during the week, ideally let it be a whole evening, a whole day or half a day. An hour of time may not be enough, and if the practice is interrupted unfinished, then it simply will not make sense, so allocate time with a margin.

    Next, determine a place where you can be completely alone, so that no one bothers you at this time. Take a notepad and pen with you. Turn off your phone, social media, internet, computer, TV, etc. Nothing should distract you at this moment, no external interference with your thoughts.

    Ask yourself questions, and think deeply about each one, and then write down the final answer to each question in a notebook. Try to find the deepest reasons for your desires. Sample questions:

    Am I a happy person? (how much and why)

    What makes me happy?

    What's stopping me from being happy?

    What do I really want and why do I need it? Why do I want it?

    What brings me the most joy?

    What needs to happen to make me happier?

    What are my strengths and weaknesses? Advantages, disadvantages.

    What would I like to get rid of in my life?

    What inner personality traits would I like to develop in myself?

    What prevents me from changing my life, my views, my habits?

    I can recommend following the following pattern. You ask yourself a question, and when you get an answer, you ask what it will give me and why do I need it? Further, having received the answer, you ask again, why is this so? And so on until the very end, until you can determine your true, natural aspirations.

    Example from my life

    During my school years, I went in for sports, often watched sports stars on TV, and I wanted to become the same. I was also attracted by the way famous musicians and actors are greeted, many recognize them, they want to be photographed as a keepsake and are often asked to leave an autograph. Then it seemed to me that striving for fame was my personal desire, and therefore it did not leave me for a long time even after school. I wanted to become a rich and famous person, but fame attracted me more.

    Over time, I noticed that the desire to become rich has grown, and the thirst for fame has become less. But later I understood why it happened.


    When I got older, I began to analyze my desires and identify their true causes. It turned out that the desire to be famous is just an external program that has infiltrated my teenage psyche with the help of television screens. In fact, fame and wealth are not my true desires, the real aspirations are completely different. I also noticed that the desire to become rich is essentially the same thirst for fame, but on a more local level, on a smaller scale. Why? I will touch on this below.

    What I asked myself, and what I came to. Questions - answers. Introspection.

    Why do I need a lot of money?

    This will allow me to buy the biggest luxury houses, the most beautiful cars, football clubs and more.

    Why do I need houses, cars and stuff?

    It turns out that this is also a desire for fame, since it would allow me to unfurl the peacock's tail, in the form of chic things that most people cannot. It was my inner desire to stand out from the background of others. Okay, I understand that this is a veiled desire for fame, expressed in an attempt to buy other people's attention with money, but why do I need this?

    Why do I need fame?

    What I understood was a real discovery for me. It turned out that I always wanted something that in fact is not my true desire, I just moved by inertia and was led by other forces, because I absolutely do not need fame itself in its pure form, it does not interest me. But then what interests me?

    Why did I want fame then?

    It turned out that subconscious instincts played. I saw how many girls react to the stars, and among these girls I liked many, the conclusion is obvious. After such incidents, gaining fame became my seemingly natural aspiration.

    Why do I want to interest women?

    As I got older and more experienced, sometimes I had more than one girl, but as I understood, this was not my true desire. These were excuses like it's okay for a man to have more than one girl, but I was kidding myself. This is also not a true desire, but just an attempt to be no worse than someone else, just a way to assert oneself. Only after knowing myself and my true desires, I realized that one girl who really suits me would be enough.

    I perfectly see and understand that many people live the same way out of inertia as I did before. Therefore, whatever the woman I like does not consider me not a worthy enough man, I still continue to set high goals. Obviously, achieving better results will help to be interesting to any circle of people, regardless of their beliefs and their perception filters.

    Why do I need to be interesting to any circles of people?

    From the above, I realized that my main goal is to create a family with a woman that I really like. I realized that I am a person of traditional values, and I like it. In this case, I do not deceive myself and live in harmony with myself, my true values ​​and desires. If I am perceived as in any circles, then this will help me in taking two steps towards my main goal. Firstly, it will help me to realize my professional activities as efficiently as possible, and this will allow me to have a sufficiently high income and create safer conditions for a healthy life for my family. Secondly, the girl I might like may be in certain circles, have certain beliefs, attitudes, or be under the influence of certain forces, laws, or circumstances. In order to be able to influence circumstances, I must have a sufficient number of external forces, that is, be a more influential person.

    It turns out that I still have to lead an active social life, but the difference between conscious and unconscious life is obvious. Now I am absolutely indifferent to fame, and if I try to be more visible in society, then this is in order to get more returns from my activities, you get the point? I'll give you an example. Let's say I wrote a book, and I know that it can be interesting and useful to many people and others also tell me about it. If the book has already been written, I have put my work and my soul into it, then why shouldn’t I do it in such a way that I would get more return from it, and especially considering that it really carries great value or is very interesting.

    At such moments, I will certainly try to make it possible for more people to read it, as it can be recommended to friends.

    Of course, it would be great if the subject matter allowed readers to recommend it to friends, but this site raises too personal topics, and few people are willing to share what is inside with their friends.

    From all this, it turns out that I have the main goal of life, and all the rest of the desire for social significance can be considered not from the position of what I want, but from the position of what I should. Yes exactly. That is, all I really want is something that can be felt and felt with all the senses and even with the heart. And everything else is just work that will allow me to feel and feel what I want, but my true desire is to feel joy, that is, to be happy, realizing my mission.

    To each his own

    Everyone has their own life and their own views on this world. From the above introspection, it becomes clear that our life consists of programs, and in my case, I returned to the program that I absorbed from childhood, and this is just the realization of my own right to choose. For most normal people, choosing family values ​​for themselves is a completely natural phenomenon, especially since it correlates with the innate instincts for self-preservation, reproduction, and procreation. But all this does not mean at all that everyone should be supposedly normal, and not have the right to manage their own lives at their own discretion. You can fulfill your personal mission on this earth as you see fit, but the question is whether you will be truly happy in doing so, and whether this choice is a choice of your heart and soul.

    Self-analysis in different situations

    I carry out the analysis regarding each phenomenon in my life, but I carry out a thorough and very deep analysis, which is given above, as far as I have time for this, but I try to allocate time for this if possible. With a thorough introspection, it is enough to determine your desires, goals, all your movements in life, and simply understand yourself. There are no clear patterns here, everyone does it in their own way, remember the main goal of introspection is to determine the reasons for what is bothering you.

    Once you've done your introspection, you'll know what to do. If there is an understanding, then proceed to, and introduce new necessary habits into your life that correspond to your priorities and desires.

    If you feel a lack of strength, then you need to do mental cleansing first, and restore

    Finally, I will add that, despite the name, for high-quality introspection it is necessary to be able not only to analyze, but also to feel. How to learn it? You already know how to do this, but the quality of these skills is developed differently for everyone. How to develop these skills? Very easy, practice! Doing this constantly, you gain experience, you learn to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, as you begin to understand yourself and understand this world.

    That is why I put personality introspection in the first place, since the direction of your movement, success on the way will depend on its quality and depth.

    Marina Komkova
    How to write a self-analysis. Self-analysis of my activities for the 2014-2015 academic year

    Exemplary introspection. Published by me in the form of a booklet for educators.















    Introspection based on data self-observation and



    MY SELF-ANALYSIS FOR 2014-2015 academic year

    In 2014-2015 educational year artistic and aesthetic development - the area of ​​​​music was held twice a week in the following age groups groups: 2 junior, two middle groups and preparatory, according to the program "Birth to School" edited by Veraksa, which complies with GEF DO. educational activity corresponded to the age of the children, was sustained in time. I tried to build the pedagogical process on the principle of integration of educational areas. With the main work program of our kindergarten, I used elements of modern programs and technologies: "Synthesis" O. Kurevina, "Hi" M. Lazareva, techniques from the methodology of Karl Orff, elements of Kartushina's health-saving technologies, studies "Psycho-gymnastics" V. Chistyakova, "Rhythmic Mosaic" A. Burenina.

    the main goal: to teach children to love and understand music. The following helped to achieve the goal tasks:

    Developing children's interest in different types of music activities;

    Support for the initiative;

    Development of creative abilities;

    Artistic and dance skills;

    Expanding musical horizons;

    Enrichment of the emotional sphere of children;

    Formation of elementary musical skills.

    The set annual tasks were solved both at music lessons and at holidays, entertainment, theatrical activities, in everyday life, together with educators and parents of pupils through singing, perception of music, playing children's musical instruments, theatrical sketches, dramatization games, dance creativity.

    Educators also took part in the implementation of annual tasks:

    At music lessons, they actively participated in all types of musical activities;

    Took part in holidays and entertainment as hosts of the program and characters;

    Helped in the manufacture of attributes and props, decorating the music hall for the holidays;

    They worked in groups to consolidate songs, poems, theatrical plots of events.

    Parents of children also take active participation: both festive events of the preschool educational institution, and in competitive entertainment programs, they make the attributes necessary for the holidays, costumes for children.

    I place information on the topics of children's musical development in the parent's corner. A new form of cooperation with parents has been introduced - the participation of parents with children in a music lesson (circle "Musical Fantasy").

    During educational the following Events:

    7 socially significant holiday: Mother's Day (3, Family Day (2, Victory Day (2), New Year's holidays (4, March 8 (4, National Unity Day (2, Day knowledge: total 18.

    4 holidays: Open Day, Autumn Festival (4, Old New Year (3, April Fool's Day, Graduation ball: total 10.

    Entertainment: 12 for children of the 2nd junior group, 7 for children of the preparatory and middle groups.

    Children of the preparatory group during educational years, twice became participants in regional cultural activities: "Song Festival" and theater festival "March drops".

    Together with kindergarten teachers, an action was held on the street for Family Day "Dance good!" attended by children and parents.

    Children's interest in listening to music increases, their musical horizons expand. Children sing, dance, play music with pleasure, they can express their impressions and the mood of music in drawings, in movements, in improvisation.

    Within the framework of the regional methodological association, in November I held an open event in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard DO - OD Artistic and aesthetic development "Autumn Kaleidoscope" with the children of the preparatory group. There were no comments.

    I have developed and the program is written"Musical Fantasy", which is in the process of implementation - in the form of a circle with parents and children of the preparatory group. Children and parents embody their vision of the mood of music, their feelings from what they heard in the lesson in joint creative work.

    In February 2015, I took part in the regional competition "Family is the foundation of all foundations". Presented to the jury two programs developed by me, "Spring of love for Russia" on moral and patriotic education of preschool children and "Musical Fantasy" on the development of musical and creative abilities of children. Result: was awarded by the Department of Education with a III degree Diploma in the nomination “Pedagogical project with the participation of parents. For her active work in the aesthetic education of children, she received a letter of thanks from the United Russia political party.

    I have developed and written two programs for the development of dance and rhythmic movements "Rainbow" And "Heel" which are implemented in circle work with girls of the preparatory and 1 middle groups.

    With great desire I use the opportunity to improve my self-education, using Internet resources, studying innovative technologies, creating slides, booklets, printing material on the DOW website.

    Theme of my self-education"Continuity of kindergarten and family in the musical education of preschoolers". The result of the work on the topic is small, but it is presented in an open lesson "Mood of Man and Music", design activities, competitive work "Family is the foundation of all foundations", presented creative family work to the kindergarten exhibition "70 Years of Victory" .

    I actively participate in the life of the kindergarten, involve in the concert activities of preschool teachers. Organized work with the society of veterans on the Day of the 70th anniversary of the Victory. There are two theatrical concert programs for veterans of the city and grandparents, parents of our pupils.

    My future plans for 2015-2016 academic year.

    the main goal: updating the musical - educational activities in accordance with GEF DO.


    1. Working with caregivers:

    increase the activity of teachers in the musical education of children, use music in OD and regime moments, conduct consultations "The role of the educator in introducing children to music", "The Healing Power of Music". Master class on art therapy.

    Conduct seminars - workshops "Psycho-gymnastics", "Music Therapy", training on the emotional well-being of teachers and open educational activity with children of the middle group on innovative health-saving technologies.

    2. Working with children:

    continue to create a favorable atmosphere in music classes, enrich the emotional world of each child through musical works, continue to form the confidence of each child in their own abilities, continue to develop independence, initiative, creativity, continue to promote the development of cognitive activity of children in the musical activities, continue to develop musical ability.

    3. Working with parents:

    continue to involve parents in educational activities with children, to participate in festive events, continue to involve in the manufacture of attributes, decorations, tailoring of costumes.

    4. Use of innovative technologies:

    Study ID and IP, and use in educational activities with children to reveal the musical and creative potential of each child, personal development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;

    Use health-saving in OD technology: breathing and articulatory gymnastics, logorhythm, art therapy, music therapy, relaxation.

    Musical director M. V. Komkova