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  • Funny headlines for the story wild and blueberries. Topic: Relations between a person and a dog (Yu. Koval "Dick and blueberries", A. Shibaev "Without dinner"). III. Reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson

    Funny headlines for the story wild and blueberries.  Topic: Relations between a person and a dog (Yu. Koval

    To the question Berry question 2. I picked blueberries today and could not remember anything about blueberries from the literature. Can you help? given by the author Nadezhda Antonova the best answer is R. Pogodin
    “... A distant forest, damp and shaggy. A flood floats here in the spring,
    fills the barrels with water that remains in them for the whole summer - this is a deadly forest,
    terrible for fish, because the fish comes here along with water and spawn here
    mosques and some, not having time to sail away, remains to die in the barrels. All June
    here you can fish right with a skirt. Now the rest of the fish are swimming in
    barrels belly up. Only in one bochaga, almost a lake, lives
    planted pike with a flat green skull. The pike comes to the shore and stands
    log, looking up, and in her eyes there is hunger.
    In the wild blueberry forest, there is darkness and gonobolism.
    They walked through blueberries. The husband spread the branches wide, trying to let them go.
    so that they whip the wife in the eyes.
    - What do you want? he said. - Do you want to kill me?
    “Kill,” she said.
    He turned sharply - rushed at her. She stopped him by firing.
    He fell to his knees and groaned:
    - By what right? You don't have the right to judge.
    - There is no one else! she called. - And you have. - She pointed to
    whip him.
    - Bitch! he shouted. - Give me some blueberries to eat!
    She waited - he was gathering handfuls of blueberries and stuffing them into his mouth. And face
    and his hands turned blue, his lips black, only there was no color in his eyes.
    - Let go, Claudia. I'll leave. I will hide. Claudia, blood is flowing, I have weakened ... -
    He was already mechanically and indiscriminately raking blueberries from the bushes and stuffing them into
    mouth along with leaves.
    The blueberries in the damp forest were grey. And blueberry greens were grey. And myself
    the forest was grey.
    - How to be, Claudia? he asked her. - What will happen, Claudia?
    Probably from this question, which she should have asked him, and
    he didn’t tell her, probably from the blood, a gray stain spread over his tunic,
    all the suddenly realized heaviness and all the responsibility fell upon her
    her future fate. The revolver clicked dryly, as if it had already broken
    cracked and already rotted branch.
    "I'm weak..." Klavdya said in an empty voice. - Weak...
    She went to the bocha where a planted pike lay like a wet log. Claudia
    she looked into the pike's eyes, and she leaned forward - into the water. To rest. Into oblivion.
    "I'm weak," she whispered again with suddenly bloody lips.
    The pike, wagging its tail, swam closer. Her muzzle was at the very
    Claudia's feet. Klavdya screamed and backed away in natural fear. Revolver
    fell out of her weakened fingers and steeply went to sink, waving near
    pike nose.
    The pike struck with its tail, and there were no more sounds.
    ... The forest turned crimson, then turned black - the night fell, as if closed
    before Claudius all the doors. She pushed into tree trunks, stumbled and
    fell, and there was no end to the forest.
    When the morning crept over her, when the sun lit up her eyes, Klavdya
    I saw myself standing at a fork in the road near my village. Four
    Red Army soldiers, tired and unshaven, camouflaged with alder branches a small
    cannon. Klavdya looked at them and did not move from her place until, alone, young,
    almost a boy, did not go up to her and say:
    - Go to the village. That night we kicked the German out of the village. Now
    not dangerous...
    Claudia felt that she was holding something in her hand. Looked -
    blueberries, typed in a scarf. When did you get it and why?
    "Blueberries," she told the soldier. - Eat ... My husband is also at the front
    is fighting.
    The soldier smiled at her, nodded in the affirmative: they say, of course, but how.
    This confidence of his illuminated Claudia from the inside, she imagined her husband walking
    along the road of war - moving away, he did not decrease, but, as it were, grew to
    the size of the great.
    “For my son,” she said. - For my Pashka.

    Answer from 22 answers[guru]

    Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Berry question 2. I picked blueberries today and could not remember anything about blueberries from the literature. Can you help?

    Answer from AK-47[guru]
    Actually, it’s lingonberries, if anything. I remember a story about lingonberries from Yuri Koval

    Answer from Conscientious[guru]
    The writer Yuri Yakovlev has a story, which is called: "Blueberry". Read here:
    The story is placed in the collection, so that the link opens the 22nd page, on which it begins approximately in the middle of it. And ends on the 23rd.

    Answer from European[guru]
    Russian contemporary artist Nikolai Fomin
    picture - BLUEBERRY
    from a series of paintings Berries of our forests

    Answer from Little Russian[guru]
    Dick is a kind dog, but a glutton. Filling his stomach with fish offal and burying his head under the tree so that mosquitoes do not bite - that's what he needs!
    Once in a swamp I found a blueberry field. He could not tear himself away from blueberries, he collected and ate handful after handful.
    Dick ran from one side to the other, looked into my mouth, not understanding what I was eating.
    - Yes, it's blueberries, Dick! I explained. - Look how many there are.
    I took a handful and handed it to him. He quickly removed the berries from his palm.
    "Now get on with it," I said.
    But Dick did not understand where the berries come from, ran around, pushed him in the side with his nose so that I would not forget about him.
    Then I decided to teach Dick a little mind-reason. I'm ashamed to tell you, but I got on all fours, winked at him and began to eat berries straight from the bush. Dick jumped in admiration, opened his mouth - and only the bushes crackled.
    Two days later, Dick gathered blueberries around the hut, and I was glad that I had not taught him to love currants and cloudberries. (Yu. Koval "Dick and blueberries")
    Kum Blueberry from Gianni Rodari's tale "The Adventures of Cipollino"
    ...Godfather Blueberry lived in last year's chestnut shell, thick, with thorns. It was a very cramped apartment, but godfather Chernika settled comfortably in it with all his possessions, which consisted of one half of scissors, a rusty razor, a needle and thread and a crust of cheese ...

    Answer from Valentina Frolova[guru]
    A. Smirnova "Blueberries - the keeper of millennia"
    And also blueberries, along with another berry, the stone fruit, are mentioned in a very beautiful film "The stone fruit. Time of summer"

    Maria Piven
    Summary of the lesson on literary reading in grade 1 “Yu. I. Koval "Dick and blueberries"

    Subject: Yu. I. Koval"Dick and blueberry» .



    Enrich students' vocabulary;

    To acquaint students with the biography of Yu.I. Koval and his work "Dick and blueberry»


    Cultivate a listener culture;

    Cultivate love for literature;


    Develop verbal-logical thinking, attention, memory, speech;

    Develop skills reading;

    Develop cognitive interest in the subject.


    For the teacher:

    Portrait of a writer, writer's books, tablets with words (glutton, offal, blueberry, handful, mouth, cloudberry, illustrations for the story, A4 sheets.

    For the student:

    Tutorial on reading, stand.

    1. Org. moment

    Hello. Sit down. My name is Maria Alexandrovna, and today I will give you a reading lesson.

    2. Checking homework

    Guys, what was your homework?

    Open your textbook to page 144, read to yourself, and prepare to read aloud expressively.

    Who is ready raise your hand. Read.

    Who is the main character? (puppy)

    What was the puppy like? (big head)

    Is this poem sad or funny?

    Why do you think so?

    What does this work teach?

    Well done guys, you did a great job at home.

    Questioning two or three students.

    3. Announcement of the topic. Introductory conversation.

    Today we will get acquainted with the story of Yuri Iosifovich Koval"Dick and blueberry» . But first, hear a little about the author himself.

    Yuri Koval was born in Moscow on February 9, 1938. He is a Russian children's writer, as well as a screenwriter of cartoons and children's films, an artist and sculptor, a songwriter and performer.

    Yuri Koval- one of the most famous and beloved children's writers in Russia, his books have been reprinted and reprinted many times. For his works, he was awarded the prize of the All-Union competition for the best work for children. Yuri's books Koval translated into several European languages, Chinese and Japanese. Based on many of his works, feature films and cartoons have been shot and continue to be shot, such as as: "The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov", "The lightest boat in the world", "Tiger in the Sunflower", "Elephants on the moon: Funny poems " and many others.

    Portrait on the blackboard

    4. Creative work

    5 Vocabulary work

    Before you and I read the story, open your textbook to page 142 and look at the illustration.

    Who do you think will be the main characters of our story? (Man and dog)

    Can you guess what the person is doing? (He picks berries)

    And the dog? (runs, plays, eats berries)

    Read the title of the story. ("Dick and blueberry".)

    What was the name of the dog in the picture? (Dick)

    What can you say about the dog in the illustration? Describe her. What is she? (kind, cheerful)

    What else will be discussed? (about blueberries)

    That's right, guys, it's just hard to determine from one picture what happened in the story. Therefore, we will be able to answer this question only when we read the story.

    Guys in the text you may come across difficult phrases, so let's look at the board and try to explain them.

    Read the first word. How do you understand word:

    Glutton (eats a lot)

    Read the next word. How do you understand the word tripe (fish inside)

    Read the next word. How do you understand the word blueberry(wild berry)

    Read the next word. How do you understand the word fistful (palms)

    Read the next word. How do you understand the word fall (mouth)

    Read the next word. How do you understand the word cloudberry (berry variety)

    Well done, right.

    Words on the board and illustrations for them

    6. Primary perception of the text and



    And now I will read you the story of Yuri Koval"Dick and blueberry» , and you listen carefully and answer the question, what did a man teach a dog?

    What did the man teach the dog? (picking berries)

    Where does the story take place? (in the forest)

    What did the characters eat? (blueberries)

    Do you think this story is funny or sad?

    Why do you think so?

    7. physical minute

    I see you are not much tired, let's get up from the desks.

    Repeat after me, hands raised up, stretched, and now the hands of the side, lowered, bent down, stretched. And one more time. Now they only looked with their eyes to the right corner, to the left, up, down. (2-3 times)

    Now the girls will sit quietly at their desks. And now the boys will sit just as quietly at their desks.

    8. Repeat reading with analysis Read the story to yourself and see what words you do not understand.

    Now we will read this story again in parts. Pay close attention to the text and be prepared to answer the questions.

    1) Read the first part.

    What was the dog's name? Prove it with words from the text. (The dog's name was Dick. "A dog lives with us in the hut, whose name is Dick")

    We have already described Dick from the picture, and now find it in the text, as the author describes it. ("Dick is a good dog, but a glutton")

    How do you understand the phrase to fill the stomach? (to eat a lot)

    How do you understand the phrase bury your head? (hide)

    2) Read the second part.

    How did he eat blueberries find it in the text and read it? ... "handful after handful")

    What was Dick doing at that time? Find it in the text and read. ("Dick ran from one side to the other, looked into my mouth, not understanding what I was eating."

    What did Dick do? (ate them)

    Did Dick understand where it came from blueberry find it in the text and read it. ... "He ran around, pushed in the side with his nose")

    How would you title this part?

    3) Read the third part.

    How do you understand the phrase "to teach mind-reason"? (Learn how to do it right)

    Why did the bushes crackle? (Because Dick was eating blueberries with twigs)

    How many days did it take Dick to eat all blueberries? (two)

    How would you title this part?

    9. Creative work. Guys, on the board you see 4 illustrations. What do you think they are for? Right they are to the story "Dick and blueberry» .

    You just need to put them in the correct order.

    That's right, well done.

    10. Bottom line lesson guys What story did we meet today? ( "Dick and blueberry» )

    Guys I really liked how you worked on lesson. You tried very hard and read with expression. thanks for lesson. Goodbye!

    11. Reserve Draw a scene for the story.

    "Adaptation of students in school" - Active beings. School of the young teacher. Methodical piggy bank. Real help. Test for schoolchildren. Advance children. positive points. First grader. physical breaks. Living in the position of a student. Get interested in your subject. Hidden instruction. Removal of fear. Compliance with the EOP. personal readiness.

    "Adaptation of freshmen in the university" - Principles of training. The main tasks and activities of the curator. Adaptation. The structure of the training. Adaptation of freshmen. hyperreflexion model. The process of active adaptation. Communication styles of the curator with the student group. Psychological features of adolescence. Socio-psychological training.

    "Adaptation to school" - Age characteristics: Pedagogical conditions: Lack of a mechanism for including the parent community in education management. Phases of development of adolescence. attending classes, supervising children. What is adaptation? "A feeling of adulthood" a tendency to fantasize the desire to experiment.

    "Psychological support of the adaptation process" - The number of adapted and maladjusted students. "The class teacher through the eyes of a pupil." Questionnaire for parents "My child and school". For first graders. Working with tenth graders. Target. A picture of the adaptation process from the position of students and parents. Working with parents. Preparatory stage.

    "Adaptation of tenth graders" - Parents. Main tasks. Intellectual lability. Motives of educational activity. Difficulties of the adaptation period. Motivation. Adaptation of tenth graders. Anxiety. The level of intellectual lability. High school student. The level of personal anxiety of tenth graders. Motivation to achieve success.

    "School maladjustment" - Conditions for the success of the child. Find out in the suggested photos of your child. Intolerance and intolerance in relations with children. Types of school maladaptation. Child at school. Signs of maladjustment. Don't expect your child to grow up the way you want. Egoism and selfishness. Unpreparedness for family life.

    There are 11 presentations in total in the topic

    Ι. Y. Koval "Dick and blueberries". 1 7 1 2 2 1

    - Open with. 142. Consider the illustration.

    Free statements of children, their assumptions.

    - What is the name of the story?

    - Let's read the key words (task in a notebook, p. 37, No. I.1). Try to refine your assumptions.

    – Did the keywords help you predict what the text will be about?

    - Shall we check?

    1)Children read the story to themselves.

    2)Read aloud.

    The teacher comments and conducts a “dialogue with the author”.


    A dog lives with us in the hut, whose name is Dick. Dick is a kind dog, but a glutton. Filling his stomach with fish offal and burying his head under the tree so that mosquitoes do not bite - that's what he needs! ( Fish offal is what? Fish entrails. Is it tasty? Why is Dick eating? (He is a glutton.) And he does not just eat, but “fills his stomach” - that is, he eats quickly, a lot and everything.)

    Once in a swamp I found a blueberry field. He could not tear himself away from blueberries, he collected and ate handful after handful. ( Show, how he ate handful after handful. Why couldn't he break away?) Dick ran from one side to the other, looked into my mouth, not understanding what I was eating. ( Why is Dick acting so restless?)

    - Yes, it's blueberries, Dick! I explained. - Look how many there are. I took a handful and handed it to him. He quickly removed the berries from his palm. ( “I instantly removed it” - licked off the whole handful: once - and no!)

    “Now by myself,” I said.

    But Dick did not understand where the berries come from, ran around and pushed him in the side with his nose. ( Why did you push with your nose?Probably more blueberries wanted.)

    Then I decided to teach Dick a little mind-reason. I'm ashamed to tell you, but I got on all fours, winked at him and began to eat berries straight from the bush. ( Have you submitted this picture? An adult, on all fours ... And what does it mean to “eat berries straight from the bush”? Guessed? You can show...) Dick jumped with admiration, opened his mouth, and only the bushes crackled. ( Dick understood what he needed to do, so he jumped with admiration: there is food! What does it mean "only the bushes crackled"?)

    Two days later, Dick picked blueberries around the hut ( Do you think there is at least one berry left?), and I was glad that I had not taught him to love currants and cloudberries. ( And if I taught?)

    3) Questions after reading:

    a) What is the dog in this story?

    b) What kind of person does the narrator appear to be?

    d) Re-reading with a title.

    Children complete the task on p. 143 - come up with funny headings for parts of the story (notebook, task 3, p. 37).

    3. Work with text after reading.

    1) Retelling in parts.

    - Remember and tell the content of parts 1, 2, 3 ( at the request of the children).

    2) Questions after retelling:

    What part did you like the most? Why?

    – Why do you think the artist ended up with. 143 such an illustration?

    In what mood is this story written?

    How do the characters in the story relate to each other?

    3) Determination of the theme of the story (notebook, task III.4, p. 38).

    ΙΙ. A. Shibaev "Without dinner". 1 2 3 6

    - Guys, the relationship between a person and a dog is not always so good.

    1. Working with text before reading.

    - Look at the illustration on p. 144.

    – What can you tell?

    The story of the children according to the illustration.

    - What do you think, did the artist accidentally place this illustration before the poem that we are going to read now?

    Can we tell in advance what mood the poem is written in? (Yes, it will be a sad poem.)

    What do you think the text will be about?

    Let's check our assumptions.

    2. Working with text while reading.

    1) Children read the poem to themselves.

    2) Questions after reading:

    - What is this poem about? (About the puppy, he is nobody.)

    Describe this puppy. (Wonderful, with a big head, cheerful ...)

    Why does this poem make us sad?

    What is it like for a little puppy alone on the street?

    - Why can't the puppy bark loudly, call someone?

    3. Repeated reading of the poem.

    What lines made the strongest impression on you?

    - Why do you think the poet Alexander Shibaev put an ellipsis at the end of the poem?

    Can this poem have a happy ending?

    – What did we do? (They read the text, answered questions on the text, expressed their attitude towards the characters.)

    - What skill did you develop?