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  • Dialogues on the topic “In the store. How to start a conversation with a buyer? Examples of topics for dialogue Seller-buyer dialogue in the market

    Dialogues on the topic “In the store.  How to start a conversation with a buyer?  Examples of topics for dialogue Seller-buyer dialogue in the market

    " " " Purchases

    Shopping Dialogues in English

    Simple dialogues on the topic Shopping. To everyone dialogue in English is translated into Russian, in addition, the words with transcription and expressions Also, to construct your dialogues, you can use the topic and vocabulary that complements this topic.

    3. At a Shoe Department
    Salesman: What can I do for you?
    Customer: I'd like a pair of dress shoes size 8.
    Salesman: What color would you like?
    Customer: Black or light brown.
    Salesman: Do you want shoes in leather or suede?
    Customer: In leather.
    Salesman: Here is about your size. Would you like to try on these shoes, please?
    Customer: They are quite comfortable. What's the price?
    Salesman: 30 pounds.
    Customer: I guess I'll take them. Where do I pay?
    Salesman: Is it cash?
    Customer: Certainly.
    Salesman: You can pay right here. Here's your change and receipt. thank you. Come again.
    3. in the shoe department
    Seller: What can I serve?
    Customer: I'd like a pair of outdoor shoes.
    Seller: What color would you like?
    Buyer: Black or light brown.
    Salesperson: Do you want leather or suede shoes?
    Buyer: Leather.
    Seller: Here is about your size. Would you like to try on these shoes?
    Customer: They are quite comfortable. What's the price?
    Seller: 30 pounds.
    Customer: I guess I'll take them. Where to pay?
    Salesperson: Cash?
    Buyer: Of course.
    Seller: You can pay right here. Here is your change and check. Thank you. Come again.

    Words and expressions for dialogues

    • department - department
    • It's over there. - He's over there.
    • sportswear ["spɔːtsweə] - sportswear
    • elevator ["elɪveɪtə] (lift) - elevator
    • to take the elevator - take the elevator
    • salesman ["seɪlzmən] - seller
    • customer ["kʌstəmə] - buyer
    • What can I do for you? - How can I help you?
    • dress shoes - shoes for the street
    • size - size
    • leather ["leðə] - leather (dressed) shoes in leather - leather shoes
    • suede - suede
    • try on - try on
    • What's the price? - What price?
    • quite comfortable - quite comfortable
    • I guess... - I guess...
    • right here - right here
    • cash - cash
    • change - (zd.) surrender
    • receipt - sales receipt (receipt for receiving money)
    • look for - look for, look for something
    • gift - a gift
    • novel ["nɔv(ə)l] - novel
    • We have some very good ones. We have some very good ones. ( Ones substitutes for a noun here cameras.)
    • have a look at - look, look at smth.
    • cheaper - cheaper, cheaper
    • navy blue - dark blue
    • raincoat ["reɪnkəut] - raincoat
    • afraid - scared I am afraid (that)… - I'm afraid that…
    • buy (bought, bought) - buy, buy
    • What have you bought? - What did you buy? (the question is asked in grammatical tense Present Perfect)
    • quite a lot - quite a lot
    • change smth for smth - change something to something
    • smart - smart, elegant
    • in fashion - in fashion
    • trousers ["trauzəz] - trousers
    • out of fashion - out of fashion, out of fashion
    • advise [əd "vaɪz] - advise
    • advice [əd "vaɪs] - advice
    • blouse - blouse
    • It's very becoming. - She (to you) suits (she suits you very well).
    • smart - smart, elegant
    • in a sale - on sale
    • How nice of you to say it. - Thanks for the compliment. (How nice of you to say that.)
    • incredible [ɪn "kredɪbl] - incredible
    • The suit fits perfectly. - The suit fits you flawlessly (excellent).
    • style - style
    • stuff - material
    • cut - cut
    • cut (cut, cut) - cut
    • tight - tight, tight
    • lump - lump, piece
    • lump sugar - lump sugar
    • desk - desk, desk, counter, cash desk, counter
    • to pay at the desk - pay at the checkout
    The big book of the store director Krok Gulfir

    Seller-Buyer Dialogue Samples

    In conclusion, we want to give three examples of "seller-buyer" dialogues that we overheard in stores. We do not insist that in all three cases the seller worked perfectly, but in all cases the purchase was made.

    Porcelain and glass shop

    - Good afternoon.

    I am looking for a wedding present, something beautiful for the apartment.

    - Look at these floor vases, a lot of beautiful products, isn't it?

    - Yes, it's really beautiful.

    - This is a great gift. A beautiful vase can enliven the atmosphere of any home. Many people buy them as gifts on special occasions.

    “I would like to see others. I don't think this color matches very well.

    – Please, here are four more species.

    “I don't know if it's suitable for their apartment.

    - And in what colors is the apartment decorated?

    “They have just renovated, the walls are white and the furniture is light wood. And the apartment is sunny.

    - What do you think is the best color?

    – Probably, this blue vase is closer to what you need.

    - Yes, indeed, it will suit light walls well. And besides, you can be sure that each instance is unique. This is an original work, there is no copy.

    - Well, I do not know…

    – What causes your doubts?

    “To be honest, I think it’s a bit pricey.

    - Yes, I understand you. The collection has vases of various price categories, how much did you want to meet?

    “About six thousand.

    - Well, we can pick up a smaller vase - it will cost less. Let's look for something in blue tones ... Here, please, these two samples. Which one do you like better?

    - This.

    – Yes, this one is really more beautiful. And the price is less, only four and a half. We take?

    - Yes, let's do it. Can you pack a vase?

    - Of course, it comes in a branded beautiful package, and now we will decorate it with a ribbon.

    - Yes thank you. Let the ribbon be this one, pink.

    - Of course. Please, here is the receipt for payment at the cashier. In the meantime, we will pack your purchase.

    Bag shop

    - Good afternoon, what are you interested in?

    - Yes, I'm looking at the bags ...

    For yourself or as a gift?

    - For myself.

    - What kind of bag would you like?

    - To go to work, well, for every day.

    “Look at these two, they just joined us. Beautiful shape, isn't it?

    - Yes, not bad, just a little small. The umbrella will not fit, and all sorts of documents.

    - Yes, indeed, it is so compact that it does not look very roomy. But it is this form that allows you to fit any objects into it. Let's try putting your umbrella in it. And here are the papers. Convenient, isn't it?

    - Maybe.

    Let me write you a check.

    - I need to think...

    - What bothers you?

    – I am confused by the color, and the price too.

    - What color suits you best?

    – I would like something universal.

    – Black or brown?

    Still black would be better.

    Yes, black goes with everything. We have similar bags in black, and the price is even slightly lower. Take a look - two bags are slightly different from each other.

    – The quality is the same, genuine leather and many convenient compartments. Which one do you like best?

    “Probably this one. And you?

    - Let's see. Do you need a cell phone compartment?

    “Then this one is better.

    - Okay, do you accept cards?

    Yes, Visa and MasterCard.

    - Okay, write it out.

    - Thank you for your purchase.

    Men's clothing store

    - Good afternoon!

    - The jacket you are looking at is eider down. What jacket are you looking for?

    - I don't want a down jacket! I would like something light, but the jacket should not be too thin!

    - Good. We have such jackets, and the color is light or dark?

    - I would like it to be dark.

    – Yes, I agree with you: the dark color goes well with everything and is non-staining. Check out these jackets. There are blue and black.

    - Most likely black. Can I take a closer look?

    - Of course! Please note that this jacket is “2 in 1”: inside is a fleece lining - it is soft and warm, the body is pleasant and warm in a terrible cold. If you unfasten it, then you also get a windbreaker. It will protect you from the rain thanks to its dense upper material, it's very cool, isn't it?

    - Yes, great!

    “Moreover, you get two things at the same time. It's profitable! You like?

    - Yes, not bad.

    - Shall we try? Here is your size.

    In the dressing room:

    - How do you like the size, comfortable?

    – Yes, like nothing!

    - Is something bothering you?

    - Hood, dammit!

    - What exactly do you not like about the hood?

    - He's kinda big!

    - Yes, the hood is really voluminous, but pay attention, it can be unfastened, and at the same time the jacket will not lose its originality! Look!

    - Yes exactly! Yes, I don't need a hood.

    - Now everything is fine?

    - I like it, I'll take it!

    - Have you already looked at a hat for the winter?

    - I haven't thought about it yet!

    - You know, they say this year will be a very cold winter!

    Let's pick up a hat. Especially since they have a special offer right now!

    - Let's!

    “There are earflaps, and these are woolen ones. Which one do you like better?

    - This one.

    - Excellent! And the jacket is perfect!

    - Thank you for your purchase! I'm sure you won't freeze this winter! Have a good day! This text is an introductory piece.

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    One of the world's richest entrepreneurs, the founder of the global IKEA home goods chain, Ingvar Kamprad, once said: "If you don't win a man's sympathy,you can't sell him anything."

    To understand how to do it, you need to know how NOT to do it.

    Do this experiment...

    Go shopping, check out 10 boutiques and see what the salesperson is doing when you walk in. His subsequent reaction. What does he ask and ... very important ... facial expression :).

    More often than not, the seller who is supposed to serve the buyer is usually dissatisfied. He is talking on his cell phone, solving crossword puzzles, playing games on his cell phone, doing some other business.

    Even if all this does not happen, he usually does not establish contact with anyone. Good. We figured out a little about “how not to do it”, now let's analyze “how to do it”.

    4 Golden Rules for Building a Relationship with a Potential Buyer

    #one. "Meet by clothes, see off by mind"

    Remember this saying? And, unfortunately, or fortunately, it is true.

    Here it is important for you to make your salespeople at least smile and say “Good afternoon”. This is enough for the first step. Yes, just smile and say “Good afternoon”, thereby expressing a positive attitude towards the person who came in.

    No need to lash out, no need to follow the customer. One phrase and one smile is enough for each incoming person.

    How a smile helps increase sales I have described in more detail.

    So I won't go deep. So, the first contact with the client is established. What to do next?

    #2. "The first word is more valuable than the second"

    Visitors don't always like being "helped". Every person has their own thoughts about this. However, your new visitor needs to be approached somehow. Establish further contact, do something to help him in some way.

    And as a rule, here sellers make the main mistake ...

    He asks the dumbest and most common questions:

    • What are we looking for?
    • How can I help you?
    • Do you have something to suggest?
    • Looking for something specific?

    What phrases should not be spoken?

    What is the most likely answer to the question "What are we looking for?" - "Nothing, I'm just looking" or "Clothes", it's obvious. The same will happen if the question “How can I help you?” is asked. Questions like these will not lead to increased sales.

    #3. Well-Formed Questions Increase Conversions

    Use this effective tool at any stage of the sale. Speak open sentences. Questions such as:

    • Are you here for the first time?
    • If you need help, please contact.
    • What color do you like best?
    • Which style do you like best?
    • Would you like to choose light or fluffy?

    It is necessary to say phrases that do not repel, but bring together. They really work much better. Ask those questions that prompt your potential buyer to dialogue.

    By the way, if this article is useful for you -
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    And keep reading.

    Why ask the right questions?

    When a person came to your store for the first time, he still does not have confidence - neither in you, nor in the seller, nor in prices, nor in goods.

    You and your salespeople need to remove fears and get as close to the customer as possible. Therefore, you need to ask the right questions. Which bring together, not repulse. Questions, after which there will be a further logical continuation of the conversation, directed in the right direction.

    And it is highly desirable to write your own "Sales Script" for the work of sellers.

    #four. Advisory sales

    You must clearly understand: the seller must become an assistant to the buyer, thereby moving from simple sales to “consultative sales”.

    • This is great.
    • It's in trend.
    • It's not like everyone else.

    The seller must advise the client and do it right so that it is a pleasure to visit your store, again and again.

    When you start working on the 4 rules yourself, watch the reaction of your visitors. Notice positive and negative changes. Test all options and build your individual system of human relationships.

    I am often asked:

    “Valery, do you have a ready-made sales script? How to buy it?

    I always answer that ready-made scripts work extremely poorly. Although I know that there are consultants who sell scripts - I do not recommend buying ready-made ones.

    You need to write your own sales script. For each store, product and specifics.

    For example, we do this personally with each store owner. Writing a script takes 4 lessons, with analysis and explanation.

    Perhaps in one of the articles I will share the structure of writing scripts. But that's another story…

    Examples of dialogues between a client and a company representative

    Let's start with how most work. Caution: " NEVER DO THIS!!!»

    So, DIALOGUE #1:

    Representative of the company:- Good afternoon. My name is Mr. N. I represent the company "Apples of the Sunny Crimea". I see that you have a cool store, so I want to offer excellent Crimean apples.

    Client:(pauses, and a message appears on his face: “Again, another scammer wants to get into my pocket ...”)

    Representative of the company: - Great fresh apples.

    Client: - Thank you for the offer, I am sure that your product is of high quality, but we are dealing with our Russian apples and do not want to change anything. Besides, I don't have time right now.

    Representative of the company: - I understand that you have Russian apples, but I offer you a new product, it is cheaper and will give you the opportunity to expand your assortment and attract new customers.

    Client:(the client was not intrigued, so he continues to do his own thing)

    Representative of the company: - At the initial stage, I am ready to offer you the most favorable terms of cooperation.

    Client:(having made one call, she answers) - At the moment, my warehouse is littered with apples, come back in two weeks ...

    Representative of the company: No, well, listen. Etc.

    Many who are self-critical of themselves, of course, recognized themselves in this behavior. In this short dialogue, the representative of the company, flatly, did not want to listen to the client, his problem, he kept talking about his own: "I need to sell you apples." I'm sure that after coming to the client in two weeks, the picture will not change, and the representative of the company will leave with nothing, with a donut hole ...

    Professionals don't work like that! They work like this:

    DIALOGUE #2:(a representative of the company uses the “Adjust to the client” technique, therefore he speaks with the client in a measured, the same way: timbre, speed. And, most importantly, applies the “Art of Asking Questions” strategy)

    Representative of the company:- Good afternoon, Fedor Ivanovich.

    Client:- Good afternoon.

    Representative of the company:- Let me introduce myself. Viktor Vladimirovich, representative of the importing company "Apples of the Sunny Crimea"

    Representative of the company:- I read in H magazine that your store was awarded the "Best Customer Service 2011" award.

    Client:- Yes it's true. And you are observant.

    Representative of the company:- I can imagine how much effort you had to put in to win such a high award.

    Client:- Yes, this is a huge job, but it has always been important for us to see the happy faces of our customers (since this is news for the client, and he is interested, he continued his story ...)

    Representative of the company:(listens carefully).

    Client:- That's how it was. I digress, sorry.

    Representative of the company:- What do you. It is very interesting for me to listen to a person with such a rich life experience.

    Client:- There was a lot, ups and downs. But every time we came out with dignity from every situation.

    Representative of the company:- If I understand you correctly, do you ever stop studying the market and the needs of your customers?

    Client:- This is true.

    Representative of the company:- Tell me, please, what do you value most in suppliers?

    Client:- For me, first of all, these are quality indicators, an affordable price.

    Representative of the company:- Great. I saw you have gorgeously presented apples from a Russian supplier. I heard a lot of good reviews about this company and product.

    Client:- Thank you, I'm glad.

    Representative of the company:- I'm sure it's not a secret for you… attracting new customers has a positive effect on the store's profit level.

    Client:- I agree, but how does this concern you?

    Representative of the company:- In the Ukrainian market, our company has already managed to prove itself from the best side, numerous awards, winners of the competitions "Quality is the success of long-term relationships."

    Client:- Curious... The quality is good.

    Representative of the company:- If for you the quality of products and services provided is the main thing, are you sure that we could become excellent partners?

    Client:- Maybe you are right, but now my warehouse is littered with Russian apples.

    Representative of the company:- I understand correctly that you are ready to start cooperation, but do you currently have enough products in stock?

    Client:- May be!?

    Representative of the company:- In order for me to prepare an offer that fully meets your needs and expectations, I would like to receive some information!

    Client:- What are you interested in?

    Representative of the company:- Your commodity balance, for how many days will you have enough?

    Client:- Two weeks, no less.

    Representative of the company:- Tell me, are your customers completely satisfied with the quality and assortment of apples?

    Client:- To a greater extent, yes. True, some ask sweet and sour apples.

    Representative of the company:- I am sure that with the solution of this problem, I can help you. In our assortment there is a variety of apples that meets your requirements. By the way, our regular customers are simply delighted with it!!!

    Client:- Curious.

    Representative of the company:- If you don't mind, I want to show you samples of our products and voice a business proposal?

    Client:- Let's see.

    Client: Perhaps you have convinced me. The only thing I need to sell the rest of the warehouse.

    Representative of the company:- Understand. If I understand you correctly, it will take two weeks?

    Client:- Yes.

    Representative of the company:- Let's see, today we have March 3, so we can start our cooperation on March 17?

    Client:- Yes, that's right.

    Representative of the company:- In order to dot the i's, tell me, will it be more convenient for you to receive me on March 17 in the morning or in the afternoon?

    Client:- In the second

    Representative of the company:- At 14.00 or 16.00?

    Client:- Most likely, at 15.00.

    Representative of the company:- Deal. Nice to do business with professionals!

    Client:- Thank you, mutually.

    Representative of the company:- See you, good luck to you.

    Client: - See you.

    This is how the Art of Asking Questions strategy works. As you can see, the representative of the company expressed sincere interest in what the client had to say. By asking questions, I was able to get to the bottom of the truth, to the problems of the client (the warehouse was overstocked, not entirely satisfied customers). He was able to direct the client's questions to achieve the goal. Was able to win over the client. And in the end, I got the situation: "The wolves are full and the sheep are safe."

    At first glance, it is difficult, but no one promised that it would be easy to reach the pinnacle of success. Understand the essence of the last dialogue and apply this strategy in your practice. Be SUCCESSFUL!!! YOU DESERVE A BETTER LIFE!!!

    Situation - a potential buyer enters the store. The task of the seller is to start a dialogue. It is important to understand that not all buyers want to just “look” - a large part of potential buyers have completely decided on their goal, they know for sure that they are ready to buy something. They do not always know what to buy, but they are ready to buy. And dialogue with the seller is necessary for such buyers.

    The buyer is not always ready to start a dialogue himself, and in order not to miss the sale, it is important for the seller to start a dialogue with the buyer. And for this purpose, we offer a simple idea that will help establish contact with the buyer.

    The idea is simple. As a rule, the store always has goods that are sold on promotions that provide additional benefits. Or there is a product about which you can tell a little more than just listing the characteristics. For example, especially popular models or models whose ads are often shown on TV.

    So, why not direct the customer's attention to these product models? A simple phrase like:

    “And we have such and such a model for the action ...”

    You can find a reason to contact the buyer. And it doesn’t matter whether your counterpart will be interested in this particular product or not, the only important thing is that you have taken the first step. Next, the buyer will either start asking about the product you talked about. Or he will ask about the option that he is looking for in your storefronts.

    There is also an option that the visitor will voice the objection "I'm just looking." But this option is also an option, the main thing is that the contact has occurred. You can either start a sale, or understand that the visitor is not ready to buy.

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